Differences between a consultant plus and a guarantor. Review and comparative characteristics of reference legal systems (consultant plus, guarantor)

The work of modern accountants, lawyers and other specialists who face issues of legislation and law in general in their daily work is unthinkable without legal reference systems. Keeping in mind the constantly changing rules of the game, risking at any moment not only other people's money, but, often, their freedom - few are capable of this. That is why the ATP market in Russia has only been growing in recent years due to the emergence of new players.

However, before turning your attention to newcomers, it is worth taking a closer look at the established players who have already reached their twenties, and at the reference and legal systems Garant and Consultant Plus. What are their disadvantages and advantages in comparison with each other?

A little history

Let's start from the beginning, or even from the very beginning. At the very beginning of their glorious journey, both leaders of the modern ATP market were one. To be completely precise, in the beginning there was “Garant”, which was developed by the organization that now produces Consultant Plus. Two years after the start of the activities of this organization, Garant spun off from it into a separate competing structure, and its place in the parent organization was taken by the software product Consultant Plus.

The split was caused by a conflict of interest between the company's founders. While the first advocated for manufacturability, expressing the interests of a team of programmers, the second saw the future of the product in greater openness to the client, affordable prices, and broad user support. Decades later, we can all observe with our own eyes the benefits of the second path. Currently, Consultant Plus is significantly ahead of Garant in terms of the number of installations, and, accordingly, users who use this ATP in their everyday work.

Guarantor and Consultant Plus. Comparison.

Why is Guarantor better than Consultant Plus? The advantages of the first ATP include the following features:

  • News system. Better search and the ability to build an individual list;
  • More regulations;
  • Lower cost (even if only slightly).

Why is Consultant Plus better than Guarantor? The following list is more significant both in the number of items and in their essence, because it is not for nothing that Consultant Plus occupies a leading position in the market:

  • Less load on the computer (due to partial duplication of the contents of information blocks in the Garant);
  • Significantly faster updating of databases (in Garant, some connections may remain without target documents for up to a month);
  • Significantly better structured judicial practice;
  • Larger volume of service and additional services, including free ones;
  • Significantly larger number of documents.

What choice should I make?

Of course, we will not unambiguously identify one of the options as the best in all cases. It is obvious that in some situation, the SPS, which is theoretically a leader, may yield to an outsider in the little things that will turn out to be most important right now. Moreover, we are talking not only about the systems considered. Consultant Plus, Code, Guarantor or other reference and legal systems - almost each has its own advantages that can play a decisive role in certain conditions.

Therefore, focus primarily on your needs and choose ATP carefully.

Every accountant is faced with the choice of a legal system, and many have probably had to wonder what to choose, ConsultantPlus or Guarantor? Let's analyze two systems in practice, namely for information retrieval.

The operation algorithm and interface of the “Basic Search” in Garant and the “Quick Search” in ConsultantPlus are very similar at first glance, especially the start pages, except that the colors are different.

Let's look at how searching systems for the same query works. One of the most relevant is VAT reporting. Let's compare the two systems.

“Basic search” works faster and is convenient. Let's look at the answer to the question.
The Garant system believes that we need to turn to Article 145.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It sounds like this: “Exemption from the duties of a taxpayer of an organization that has received the status of a participant in a project for the implementation of research, development and their commercialization”:

The article has nothing to do with my request. The search algorithm latched on to the word “report.”

The same can be observed in the analytical materials of the Encyclopedia; the search looks for matches in the query without analyzing the query.
We can conclude that the search is contextual; it does not allow you to analyze the request and find the answer to the question posed.
Let's compare what the ConsultantPlus system offers.

The system offers you to use the Tax Guide - an analytical material that provides step-by-step instructions for reporting, as well as the forms and procedure for filling out sections of the declaration. Conclusion: the search understands the request and analyzes it according to its meaning, the answer to the question has been found.

Another similar type of search in systems is “Search by situation” in Garant:

and “Legal Navigator” in ConsultantPlus:

These types of searches are convenient when certain keywords are known and when collections of documents on a topic of interest are needed. In the left column is the topic, and in the right is a list of documents on the specified topic.
As you can see, all that the Garant system can offer us are six derived concepts, but it is possible to select several situations at the same time. ConsultantPlus offers you to choose only one of the concepts, but there are many more, which allows you to find exactly your situation.

The following search tools differ the most at first glance, in
Guarantee this is “Search by details”:

and in ConsultantPlus “Search Card”:

Search by known source data and document details.
When sorting by document type, the Consultant makes it possible to get acquainted with the number of documents found, which is good; this function is not provided in the Guarantor. It is possible to change the “Search Card” depending on the selected section; additional fields appear, for example, “Author”, “Chart of Accounts”. In Guarantor, the fields are standard and do not change.

Conclusion: search tools in Garant are much faster, but they are searched by context; in ConsultantPlus, the search produces analyzed information, which allows you to find the exact answer to the question. Also, the search for possible situations is presented much more, the information is more structured and provides convenient additional options.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Legal system "Garant"
  • Conclusion


The basis for the successful work of a lawyer, financier, accountant or manager is the use of relevant, verified and timely information. In the course of their professional activities, specialists use regulations (for example, when preparing reports, an accountant must take into account and comply with current tax legislation, otherwise he or the organization may incur administrative or even criminal liability). Knowing all changes in legislation is the best way to protect yourself and your business from annoying mistakes.

Modern legal systems are constantly evolving, providing clients with new services and opportunities and a whole range of information and legal support. Users of such systems receive high quality service and comprehensive legal support from leading experts, based on an individual approach.

The purpose of the course work is to compare the capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages of the legal systems “Garant” and “Consultant Plus”, and conduct a comparative analysis of them.

1. Legal system "Garant"

The Company's mission is to provide comprehensive professional legal support using modern information technologies.

The main activities of the company:

production and support of the computer legal system "Garant";

information and legal support for enterprises, public associations and organizations.

The company "Garant" is one of the main information companies in Russia, it is the developer of the computer legal system "Garant" and a complex of information and legal support (IPO).

In the modern world, with the help of the Garant IPO, millions of citizens can have access to open information legal resources supported by the company. New solutions are also being introduced using the latest computer technologies, the Internet, mobile devices, interactive data presentation formats, satellite technologies, which allow everyone who needs legal information to quickly and accurately find it, while being anywhere in the country.

The activities of the company "Garant" are highly appreciated by users and experts - "Garant" has many patents and certificates, and is a laureate of various awards.

The company pays great attention to the development of future professionals - a program of support for educational institutions is being implemented in the country's leading universities.

"Garant" is constantly expanding the scope of legal assistance and provides comprehensive high-tech information and legal support for lawyers, accountants, managers and personnel workers.

1.1 Purpose and functions of the legal system "Garant"

The Garant system is a reference system that provides search and work with legal documents. The system includes regulatory documents, comments and explanations, judicial and arbitration practice, and explanatory dictionaries.

The legal system "Garant" is installed in two versions:

network (the program is installed on the “central” computer and several users work with it on other computers subordinate to the “central”);

local (installed on each computer separately, and only the user of this computer works with the system).

"Garant" is considered one of the best legal systems for working with Russian legislation.

The highest quality of the Garant system is provided by a large volume of information, effective search and analytical tools, as well as convenient service options.

The total number of documents in the Garant system information bank at the beginning of 2012 was more than 3 million copies, including regulations, analytical materials, judicial and arbitration practice, international treaties, draft laws, regulatory and technical reference books, dictionaries. There is also legislation from 84 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the practice of all 10 federal arbitration courts of districts. The number of documents added weekly exceeds thousands. But having a lot of information is not enough to work effectively. The Garant system contains search and analytical tools that allow each user to work more effectively and easily.

The user-friendly interface combines ease of use and a variety of capabilities, making the manager’s work as efficient and comfortable as possible.

The main advantages of the Garant system interface:

1. Large toolbar icons with explanatory captions that allow you to access the necessary system functions in a short time - this simplifies and speeds up your work.

2. The main menu is divided into four parts:

a list of all searches, allowing you to quickly select the tool needed to solve the manager’s current task;

a section that includes information about the latest changes in legislation and opportunities for their analysis;

a section that provides tools for working with the online Legal Support service;

quick access to business references - tax and production calendars, accounting and reporting forms in MS Word and MS Excel format, exchange rates, etc.).

3. The taskbar is part of the interface that reveals the professional capabilities of the system for working with any object (document, list, search). When clicked, a tab opens in the navigation panel, where basic commands are written that can be applied to the currently open object. For example, using the “Taskbar” you can refine, sort or filter a constructed list of documents, and when working with a single document, you can use the “Time Machine” to see the available editions and its graphical copy, and materials that are interconnected with the open document.

A general view of the interface of the "Garant" program is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Interface of the "Garant" program

The Garant system has a large number of improvements that help organize work with legal information as efficiently as possible.

Among them:

a new tool for analyzing the connections between a document and individual fragments with the remaining information bank, which allows you to build a list of court decisions or comments concerning the application of the material being studied;

new opportunities for working with document structure: quick search for any article or section in the table of contents of the document, printing and copying in MS Word;

a new “My Information” button, which provides quick access to all folders with the results of work (consultations from the “Legal Consulting” service, “Prime”, folders, bookmarks, comments, documents under control);

new convenient tools for quickly moving between documents in the list.

1.2 Advantages of the legal system "Garant"

Full updating of documents

The Garant system eliminates the use of outdated information, protecting the user from violations of the law and saving his time.

Hypertext links are located throughout the system and reflect explicit and indirect connections between documents. The total number is more than 6 million links. Full hypertext is free navigation within the legal reference system (LRS) across the entire body of legislation, allowing you to quickly find the required document.

The “Similar Documents” function helps you instantly get an idea of ​​the application of the same legal norm when resolving disputes in court, and find out the opinion of leading experts on a similar issue.

Filters and sorting of lists of documents allows you to sort lists by date of publication, by legal force, by the degree of compliance with the request and by the date of last change, set various filters - by belonging to the information block, by territory of validity, and also makes it possible to create your own parameter for the filter and save it.

Basic search is a unique type of search that allows the user to formulate their query in ordinary language in one line, just like in popular "Internet" search engines.

Search by classifier

When selecting the desired section at each classifier level, the search space is gradually narrowed. And at the last level, a selection opens from a list of documents containing the necessary information.

Search by situation

A two-level dictionary of key concepts (Encyclopedia of Situations) includes over 100,000 detailed terms. The search result is a list of several documents, upon opening which the user is taken to specific fragments corresponding to the request.

A large number of specialists can work with the Garant system. The simplicity of the interface and accessibility will allow any specialist to master working with the system in a matter of days. The Garant system can be obtained on a working CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, or you can call a specialist to install the system on the hard drive of your own computer.

The Garant system provides independent collection of the necessary information, which is divided into specialized blocks for all areas of legislation.

One of the important advantages of the Garant system technology is the ability to create a personal legal information bank for the individual needs of the client.

2. Legal reference system "Consultant Plus"

2.1 Purpose and functions of the reference and legal system "Consultant Plus"

"Consultant Plus" has been distributed since 1992. The network of the "Consultant Plus" company unites more than 300 regional information centers that supply ATP, service and transfer information to users. The reference and legal system "Consultant Plus" includes various types of legal information: from regulations, materials of judicial practice, comments, bills, financial consultations, schemes for reflecting transactions in accounting to reporting forms and highly specialized documents, the documents are contained in a single information array "Consultant Plus". Since documents of each type have their own specific features, they are included in the corresponding sections of the information array: legislation, judicial practice, financial advice, comments on legislation, document forms, bills, international legal acts, legal acts on healthcare.

The section names help you quickly navigate and understand the location of documents in the system. Each section, in turn, consists of information banks, which differ in the completeness of information and the nature of the documents they contain.

SPS carries out end-to-end and local search of documents, compilation of a selection of documents and work with a list of found documents, work with document text and convenient saving of work results.

To search for documents in the Consultant Plus SPS, several tools are used, the main one of which is the search card.

A search card is a table with a certain number of search fields. For each search field, the system provides a dictionary, which is automatically filled in and adjusted as documents are received in the information base (IB). When each document is entered into the system, its details are entered into the corresponding dictionary. The general view of the search card is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Search card in the "Consultant Plus" program

To search for a document, you need to indicate known information (for example, document number, title, type, subject, etc.) in the fields of the Search Card. Most often, to search for a document, it is enough to fill in only a few fields. The search becomes much easier if the exact details of the document are known, for example its number. In such a situation, you only need to indicate the document number. The search in "Consultant Plus" runs simultaneously through all sections of the information array, that is, in fact, it is end-to-end.

All databases of the ATP "Consultant Plus" are interconnected by hypertext links, allowing you to instantly move, for example, from the text of a consultation to the text of a regulatory document referred to by the author of the answer by pressing a key.

The main search tasks solved using the reference and legal system "Consultant Plus":

Search for a document, given its known details;

Searching for a document using approximate information, including context;

Compiling a list of documents;

Searching for information on a specific legal issue;

Search for reference information;

Reviews of legal information and legislative news.

2.2 Advantages of the reference and legal system "Consultant Plus"

The legal reference system "Consultant Plus" is a first-class tool for solving professional problems in the field of legislation and law, including millions of documents: federal and regional legislation, judicial practice, financial advice, comments on legislation, document forms, bills, international legal acts, legal acts on health care.

Fast and accurate updating of the document database in Consultant Plus is ensured by direct contracts with federal and regional authorities. Rigorous legal processing helps you easily and quickly find the required documents on demand and analyze the legal problem in detail.

The "Consultant Plus" technology meets all the requirements for modern software and meets international quality standards. The reliability of the technology is confirmed by certificates of compatibility with Microsoft operating systems.

The company's service is aimed at maximizing user satisfaction and quickly resolving issues related to the functioning of Consultant Plus systems.

"Consultant Plus" is a reliable system in terms of quality and volume of information, technological design, and service; it is convenient and understandable, allowing you to easily and quickly find the required document.

3. Comparison of legal reference systems "Garant" and "Consultant Plus"

Recently, legal reference systems have become firmly established in business as a necessary working condition. Their advantages are lightness, simplicity, accessibility, modernity and reliability.

Both legal systems are creating and implementing innovative capabilities for effectively working with legal information. Some functions are unique to a specific system. A comparative analysis of the chronological development of the legal systems under study is shown in Figure 1.

reference legal system guarantor

Figure 1. Chronology of the development of legal reference systems "Garant" and "Consultant Plus"

In the "Garant" and "Consultant Plus" systems, it is possible to search by details, thematic search, contextual search, and search by keywords.

The list of documents in legal reference systems (LRS) is primarily a search result. In SPS "Consultant Plus" the list documents are grouped into information databases, which are grouped into sections. In the ATP "Garant" the list has a hierarchical structure, because only a list of links to documents is displayed on the screen.

The extent to which documents are sorted varies widely within each SPS. Thus, “Consultant Plus” provides only complex sorting, sorting by date of adoption and by date of change. The "Garant" system, in addition to the last two, has the ability to sort by legal force.

Of the above described SPS "Garant" does not support saving the selected document to a file. Also, this system does not have the ability to insert user comments.

In Consultant Plus systems, a multi-window operating mode is possible. Documents received before being connected to the Garant system undergo deep legal processing: first, regulations are analyzed in a general manner, then the presence of direct and indirect connections between documents and legal norms is identified. As a result, documents in the ATP are linked by cross-references, and are not limited to situations where one document is mentioned in another. Comments that lawyers add to the texts of documents can explain in detail the scope of application of a given legal norm and greatly facilitate the work with documents that contain contradictory wording.


Information and legal support "Garant" is a community of analytics, news and consulting. Analytics means working with the information and legal set of the Garant system, which provides the user with access to a complete and up-to-date bank of legal information with effective search and analytical capabilities.

"Garant" is a progressive system of comprehensive information and legal support, which is constantly updated and tests innovative ways of working, for example, creating smart links, searching for documents by situation, a time machine, searching for documents with similar meaning, a dictionary of popular queries, an individual news feed by chosen topic and much, much more.

From the very beginning, the competitive advantages of the Garant system have been its quality and ease of use.

The legal reference system Consultant Plus is an effective program that provides access to legal data around the clock, allowing you to find answers to the user’s questions.

The Consultant Plus system helps in the correct execution of documents; here you can find any examples of how to fill them out correctly. The system includes step-by-step instructions, examples, explanations, as well as links to source documents, deadlines for drawing up primary accounting documents, information about mandatory and optional details of primary documents, their purpose, features of the preparation and execution of individual primary accounting documents.

The Consultant Plus system provides high reliability when using its own information, as well as technologies and services. This determines the leading position in the Russian market of legal reference systems.

Thus, thanks to their powerful technological capabilities, a large number of original developments, and their constant implementation, the reference and legal systems “Consultant Plus” and “Garant” occupy first places in the market of legal information systems in Russia.

List of sources used

1. Official website of the legal system Garant. http://www.garant.ru.

2. Official website of the reference and legal system "Consultant Plus". http://www.consultant.ru.

3. Elchaninova N.B. Using the legal reference system "Garant". Tutorial. /Publisher: TTI SFU. /2011.

4. Utkin V.B., Baldin K.V. Information systems in economics. / Publisher: INFRA-M, 2009.

5. Grinberg A.S., Gorbachev N.N., Bondarenko A.S. Management information technologies. /Publisher: UNITY-DANA, 2009.

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Comparison of SPS “Garant” and “Consultant Plus”

These two systems have no fundamental functional differences. I think users choose one of these systems based on purely aesthetic preferences. After all, they have different interfaces; different design.

Table - Comparison of SPS “Garant” and “Consultant Plus”

Consultant Plus

Normative base. It should be noted that the Guarantor does not separate laws (mandatory for application) from by-laws and enforcement acts, explanatory documents (which have lower legal force compared to federal laws), but in the Consultant such acts are collected in a separate block

The quality of the information provided (namely, legal processing of laws, speed of updating, errors)

Before inclusion in the system, laws undergo additional legal processing, which we can see in the form of notes about upcoming imminent changes, in the form of a certificate about the beginning and end of the edition, in the form of footnotes for additional information to any chapter, article, and even part of the article;

The update, despite the processing carried out, usually arrives 1-2 days earlier than in the Guarantor.

In order to quickly include a new document in the system, the Guarantor does not carry out initial legal processing, but only after some time, which can be calculated in both days and months.

You may come across an outdated or completely outdated law, which will be marked as valid. Accordingly, such an error may result not only in fines, but also in more serious sanctions, depending on the severity of the violation.


Contains GOSTs, SNIPs, FERRs and other regulatory and technical documentation, as well as documents regulating wages and labor protection for workers in construction organizations. Also presented here are documents regulating licensing, certification and management in the construction industry. In this information security you can find diagrams and drawings, but there will not be a single law here, because legislation comes as a separate block

In addition to regulatory and technical documentation, the block includes legislation related to construction issues. Thus, when purchasing a Russian legislation and construction block, you acquire the intersection of blocks according to construction legislation, i.e. pay for double information.

Regional legislation- in both systems it is approximately the same, broken down by region

Judicial practice is approximately similar in both systems

Medicine and pharmaceuticals - approximately the same in both systems

Document forms

In the Consultant, all standard forms of documents are collected in a separate block, and the unified forms in the Consultant are located in the legislative block and no fee is charged for them.

In Garant, the analog block contains half as many documents, the rest are distributed among other blocks (consultative)

Articles, periodicals, books- the material available in both systems is more or less comparable.

Free in Consultant

Garant makes up the majority of libraries for an accountant or lawyer, supplied for a fee. It is on these materials that most of the guarantor's encyclopedias are built, which are presented with an interactive table of contents and a bunch of links.

In addition to the usual analytical materials, consisting of various articles, monographs and comments, explanatory letters from authorities (Ministry of Finance, Federal Tax Service, Central Bank, etc.), consultations of various auditing and consulting agencies, the Consultant has special analytical materials (SAM, in the system they are called guides) , which provide detailed analysis of a wide range of topics, based on laws and regulations, explanations from authorities and a sample of judicial practice. CAM was created by a professional team of highly qualified ConsultantPlus analysts, presented in accessible language and constantly (weekly) updated - as new information, revisions of laws, and controversial situations appear. CAM for an accountant includes: Tax Guides, Transaction Guides,

Guides to personnel issues.

CAM for lawyers includes:

Guide to judicial practice,

Guide to corporate disputes,

Guide to contract work,

Guide to Corporate Procedures,

Guide to government services for legal entities.

The Consultant's guides, unlike takers, are not based on the opinion of a specific author, but consider the situation in detail and from all sides. You will see already worked out options, predicted risks, and independently determine which one is right for you

Garant also contains an approximately comparable volume of conventional analytical materials from various articles, monographs and commentaries, explanatory letters from authorities (Ministry of Finance, Federal Tax Service, Central Bank, etc.), consultations from various auditing and consulting agencies. As we have already found out, all this is included in blocks called “library”; by the way, they also come in two types - large and small. Those. small is 2 times more expensive than large.

From CAM in Garant we can mention the well-known Berators and the Practical Tax Encyclopedia. However, unlike guidebooks, both the encyclopedia and the berator are a work of authorship, written by one person, based only on his personal experience, knowledge and opinions. Of course, not all the material was written by one person; there are 8 of them in Garant, each responsible for their own topics. The berator is updated practically by rewriting, and since one author is responsible for a certain fragment, accordingly, imagine the speed of processing such a mass of information? Accordingly, the update frequency of berators ranges from 1.5 months to six months. Why do we face fines and sanctions? That's right, untimely information, for which you also pay money.

All other so-called encyclopedias are presented in the form of a colorful table of contents, but the questions themselves are not analyzed; when choosing a particular topic, you will only see a bunch of links that you have to go through on your own and draw a conclusion.

Additional functions Both systems have approximately similar functionality; for example, Garant calls the comparison of editions a “time machine.” However, this is more a matter of habit; however, it will be much easier to deal with a Consultant without prior training than with a Guarantor.

Cost and calculations

  • 1. The cost of information support for several Systems is determined as the sum of the costs of information support for individual Systems.
  • 2. The cost of installing the network single-user version is 125% of the cost of installing the local version.

The cost of installing the online multi-user version is 200% of the cost of the local version.

  • 2.1 The cost of monthly maintenance of a single-user network copy is 125% of the cost of monthly maintenance of a local copy.
  • 2.2 The cost of monthly maintenance of a network multi-user copy is 200% of the cost of monthly maintenance of a local copy.
  • 3. It is possible to combine the networkability of the kit, for example, you need a networked set of Legislation, a single-user networked version of Regional Legislation and local judicial practice, due to the needs of your organization, the number of users and financial capabilities - this version will be delivered to you without difficulty and will be calculated according to networkability.
  • 1. The cost of information services is determined by the cost of the kit. The volume of the smallest set is Classic+, which includes 1.5 large bases or 3 small ones. The price of this kit is comparable, for example, to the monthly service of SPS Consultant Plus: Russian legislation and SS Consultant Accountant: Questions and Answers or SPS Consultant Plus: Russian legislation and SPS Consultant Plus: Comments on legislation (Article-by-article comments and books, Legal press). Note that SS Consultant Accountant: Professional Version has no competitors, because the cost of monthly maintenance of this system is not comparable to the cost of the Garant Classic+ kit.
  • 2. The cost of installing a network single-user copy is 150% of the cost of installing a local copy.
  • 2.1 The cost of installing a network multi-user copy is 250% of the cost of a local copy.
  • 2.2 The cost of monthly maintenance of a single-user network copy is 150% of the cost of monthly maintenance of a local copy.
  • 2.3 The cost of monthly maintenance of a network multi-user copy is 250% of the cost of monthly maintenance of a local copy.
  • 3. You will not be able to choose mixed networking; if, for example, you need network legislation and local forms of documents, you will have to choose either everything networked or everything local.

In general, Garant often likes to say that theirs is cheaper, and according to the commercial proposals presented, the prices are indeed much lower. As a rule, this happens through their libraries and interactive encyclopedias. Having built various interactive tables of contents for their encyclopedias, they sell the quantity and titles of essentially one single block - the accountant's and lawyer's libraries.

What is the general conclusion? According to research by VTsIOM (All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion), Consultant is almost three times ahead of Garant in terms of the number of its users and supporters. However, disputes between representatives and even between users do not stop. Therefore, before deciding to choose one or another system, the best option is to arrange a comparison of the desired kits by representatives of both parties. Therefore, if it is difficult for you or you do not have time to understand the differences yourself, the best way is to invite both representatives to a comparative presentation of the kit you need. After all, both competing parties, with a competent approach, know by heart all the shortcomings of their competitor and will not allow their rival to pour noodles into your ears, and you, in turn, can see with your own eyes what they want to sell you and for what.

In addition to regulatory and technical documentation, the block includes legislation related to construction issues. Thus, when purchasing a Russian legislation and construction block, you acquire the intersection of blocks according to construction legislation, i.e. pay for double information.

Comparison of legal reference systems Garant and Consultant Plus

ConsultantPlus and Garant - comparison of search performance

The system offers you to use the Tax Guide - an analytical material that provides step-by-step instructions for reporting, as well as the forms and procedure for filling out sections of the declaration. Conclusion: the search understands the request and analyzes it according to its meaning, the answer to the question has been found.

Guarantor or Consultant Plus – which is better?

Advertising for a Consultant))) If you compare Paint and Photoshop, the processor will load Photoshop more, since there are more possibilities, and the same is true with Garant. We update the Guarantor and Consultant overnight, and by morning the databases of both programs are updated. The provision of services in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the same, only Ask a Question to an Expert at Guarantor works faster and the service is FREE. The volume of documents in the main blocks is the same (Legislation of the Russian Federation and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). In terms of price, Garant is cheaper.

Which is better: consultant plus or guarantor?

The work of modern accountants, lawyers and other specialists who face issues of legislation and law in general in their daily work is unthinkable without legal reference systems. Keeping in mind the constantly changing rules of the game, risking at any moment not only other people's money, but, often, their freedom - few are capable of this. That is why the ATP market in Russia has only been growing in recent years due to the emergence of new players.

Let's start from the beginning, or even from the very beginning. At the very beginning of their glorious journey, both leaders of the modern ATP market were one. To be completely precise, in the beginning there was “Garant”, which was developed by the organization that now produces Consultant Plus. Two years after the start of the activities of this organization, Garant spun off from it into a separate competing structure, and its place in the parent organization was taken by the Consultant Plus software product.

Law Club Conference

And, in fact, today technical problems no longer seem unsolvable as they did a few years ago. I have a 4-core processor with 4 hectares of memory and two monitors, and this is trivial. I would put three, but there is no room. And if one of my lawyers has something slowing down (whether it’s a printer or an office or something else), then we throw it out and install a new one, because a lawyer’s time is much more expensive than a 12.6-inch piece of hardware.

Consultant Plus or Guarantor

Let's start from the beginning, or even from the very beginning. At the very beginning of their glorious journey, both leaders of the modern ATP market were one. To be completely precise, in the beginning there was “Garant”, which was developed by the organization that now produces Consultant Plus. Two years after the start of the activities of this organization, Garant spun off from it into a separate competing structure, and its place in the parent organization was taken by the Consultant Plus software product.

Guarantor and consultant comparison

The list of documents in legal reference systems (LRS) is primarily a search result. In ATP “Consultant Plus” the list documents are grouped into information databases, which are grouped into sections. In the ATP "Garant" the list has a hierarchical structure, because only a list of links to documents is displayed on the screen.

Let's look at the answer to the question. The Garant system believes that we need to turn to Article 145.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It sounds like this: “Exemption from the duties of a taxpayer of an organization that has received the status of a participant in a project for the implementation of research, development and their commercialization”:

How much does it cost to write your paper?

If the user has several Consultant systems installed, then searching for documents is possible in several databases simultaneously. To conduct such a search, all standard methods and techniques of the Consultant technology are used, including complex text search. The system provides search results in a convenient structured form. Found documents are automatically distributed into lists compiled in accordance with the information arrays that were searched.

Legal reference systems Garant and Consultant Plus


  • 1. Legal system "Garant"
  • 1.1 Purpose and functions of the legal system "Garant"
  • 1.2 Advantages of the legal system "Garant"
  • 2. Legal reference system “Consultant Plus”
  • 2.1 Purpose and functions of the legal reference system “Consultant Plus”
  • 2.2 Advantages of the reference and legal system “Consultant Plus”
  • 3. Comparison of legal reference systems “Garant” and “Consultant Plus”
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used
  • Reader rating leaders

    In the block of economic legislation, the Garant system contains the databases “Legislation of Russia”, “Banking Legislation”, “Customs Legislation” and “Garant-Practik” (accounting, taxes). The “Code” system has adopted a different sorting of legal acts: “Russian Federation”, “Basic normative acts of the Russian Federation”, “Economic legislation”, “Banks and banking activities”, “Customs legislation” and “Accounting, taxes, finance”. The following databases have been created in the “Consultant Plus” system: “Prof Version”, “Expert Application”, “Russian Legislation”, “Consultant-Accountant” (section “Regulatory Documents”), “Taxes, Accounting” (Table 1) .

    Comparison of SPS "Garant" and SPS "ConsultantPlus"

    Organizational and technical methods ensuring information security of the Russian Federation are: creating and improving the system for ensuring information security of the Russian Federation; strengthening law enforcement activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the prevention and suppression of offenses in the information sphere.

    Cost of guarantor and consultant

    The same can be observed in the analytical materials of the Encyclopedia; the search looks for matches in the query without analyzing the query. We can conclude that the search is contextual; it does not allow you to analyze the request and find the answer to the question posed. Let's compare what the ConsultantPlus system offers.

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