Industry road standards. Building codes and regulations for road construction

State Road Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

Moscow 2001

The document contains instructions for the design and calculation of flexible road pavements of highways of the general network. ODN are applicable for the design of newly constructed road pavements, new sections of reconstructed roads, the development of albums of standard structures, and can also be used in assessing the strength and in the design of strengthening pavements of existing roads.

Designed for workers of the road management system.

General editing was performed by Dr. Tech. Sci. V.D. Kazarnovsky and Cand. technical Sciences V.M. Yumashev. The list of participants in the development of ODN is given inAppendix 9 .

1. Developed FSUE "Soyuzdornii" with the participation of the St. Petersburg branch of "Soyuzdornii", Omsk branch of "Soyuzdornii", MADI (TU), State Enterprise "Rosdornii".

Submitted Department of Innovation and Technical Standardization in the Road Industry.

2. Approved and put into effect By order of the State Road Service (Rosavtodor) of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2000 No. OS-35-R.

3. In return“Instructions for the design of non-rigid pavements. VSN 46-83».

Industry road standards. Odn 218.046-01 Design of flexible road pavements

Date of introduction 2001.01-01

1. General Provisions

1.1. The document contains standards and guidelines for the design and calculation of flexible pavements for highways of the general network. It should be used when:

a) designing pavements on newly constructed roads, on new sections of reconstructed roads; b) development of catalogs and albums of standard solutions for road pavement designs on public roads.

1.2. Non-rigid road pavements include those with layers made of different types of asphalt concrete (tar concrete), materials and soils reinforced with bitumen, cement, lime, complex and other binders, as well as weakly cohesive granular materials (crushed stone, slag, gravel, etc. ).

1.3. The following elements of road pavement are distinguished:

Coating- the upper part of the road pavement, which absorbs forces from vehicle wheels and is directly exposed to atmospheric factors.

Layers of surface treatments for various purposes can be arranged on the surface of the coating (layers to increase roughness, protective layers, etc.).

Base- part of the road pavement structure located under the coating and, together with the coating, ensures the redistribution of stresses in the structure and the reduction of their magnitude in the soil of the working layer of the roadbed (underlying soil), as well as frost resistance and drainage of the structure.

It is necessary to distinguish between the load-bearing part of the base (load-bearing base) and additional layers of the base. The load-bearing part of the base must ensure the strength of the road pavement and be frost-resistant.

Additional base layers are layers between the load-bearing base and the underlying soil, provided in the presence of unfavorable weather-climatic and soil-hydrological conditions. These layers, together with the coating and base, must provide the necessary frost resistance and drainage of the structure and create conditions for reducing the thickness of the overlying layers of expensive materials. In accordance with the main function that the additional layer performs, it is called frost protection, heat insulation, drainage. Additional layers and interlayers also include hydro- and vapor barrier, capillary-breaking, anti-silting, etc. Additional layers are made from sand and other local materials in their natural state or strengthened with organic, mineral or complex binders, from local soils treated with binders, from strengthened mixtures with additives of porous fillers, etc., as well as from various kinds of special industrially produced materials (geotextiles, foam plastic, polymer film, etc.).

When using additional layers in a project, it is necessary to take into account the technological problems associated with the movement of construction vehicles over them.

The classification of road pavements and coatings is given in table 1.1.

Table 1.1

Types of pavements

Types of coatings, material and methods of installation

Improved coatings:


from hot mix asphalt concrete


a) from hot asphalt concrete mixtures

b) from cold asphalt concrete mixtures

c) from organomineral mixtures with liquid organic binders, with liquid organic binders together with mineral ones; with viscous, including emulsified organic binders; with emulsified organic binders together with mineral ones; from stone materials and soils treated with bitumen by mixing on the road or by impregnation methods; from stone materials treated with organic binders by impregnation; black crushed stone prepared in the installation and laid according to the wedging method; from porous and highly porous asphalt concrete mixture with surface treatment; made of durable crushed stone with double surface treatment

Transitional coatings


made of crushed stone of durable rocks, constructed using the wedging method without the use of binding materials; from pounds and low-strength stone materials reinforced with binders; cobblestones and crushed stones (pavements)

from crushed stone-gravel-sand mixtures;

low-strength stone materials and slags; soils strengthened or improved with various local materials; wood materials, etc. Working layer of the subgrade

(underlying soil) - the upper part of the roadbed ranging from the bottom of the pavement to 2/3 of the freezing depth, but not less than 1.5 m from the surface of the pavement.

1.4. Heavy-duty and lightweight road pavements with improved pavement are designed in such a way that during the period between repairs there will be no destruction or residual deformations that are unacceptable from the point of view of the requirements for evenness of the pavement provided for by current regulatory documents, and also that the influence of natural factors will not lead to unacceptable changes in its surface. elements.

Lightweight road pavement with an improved coating is designed to have a shorter service life between repairs than permanent pavement. This allows the use of less durable and expensive materials and a lighter design.

When designing road pavements of a transitional type, the leveling of which is not associated with significant costs (crushed stone, gravel and similar coatings), the possibility of a more significant accumulation of residual deformations under the influence of traffic is allowed.

In all cases, solutions from the theory of elasticity are used to assess the stress state of the structure.

1.6. The designed road pavement must not only be durable and reliable in operation, but economical and possibly less material-intensive, especially in terms of the consumption of scarce materials and energy, and must also meet environmental requirements. The cost-effectiveness of the design is determined by comparing the options with an assessment of the comparative economic efficiency of capital investments according to current regulatory documents. The choice of road pavement design and type of coating is justified by a technical and economic analysis of options.

1.7. When designing road pavements for specific objects and developing standard (unified) solutions for road pavement structures, along with the provisions of these ODN, data from regional scientific and practical experience should be taken into account (including in terms of the use of local materials, clarification of the calculated values ​​of characteristics, etc. ), reflected in the current regional technical conditions, norms, work rules and other technical documents approved in the prescribed manner.

When developing regional standard road pavement designs, one should also take into account the specialization of road construction organizations, the region's supply of road building materials, provide for maximum mechanization and industrialization of construction processes, and strive to reduce the labor intensity and costs of manual labor.

1.8. The estimated (design) service life of the designed road pavement and the required level of design reliability must be assigned on the basis of standards adopted by administrative bodies in agreement with regional road organizations.

1.9. These ODN do not apply to the design of road pavements in the permafrost zone, where the nature of permafrost soils, their temperature and water conditions, as well as the influence of the thickness of the active layer and permafrost soil (rigid base) on the strength of the road pavement must be additionally taken into account.

These factors are taken into account on the basis of special regional regulatory and technical documents.

Building codes and regulations for road construction

Design, construction, maintenance and repair of highways is a complex technological process that cannot be followed without studying special rules. Construction codes and regulations describe in detail the stages of road construction and further maintenance activities. The standards have been developed to ensure the required quality of departmental and general purpose roads.

Document structure

The rules governing the construction of road surfaces include a number of fundamental points:

  • general provisions;
  • recommendations on how to properly organize road construction work in compliance with current standards;

During the construction and reconstruction of highways, in addition to the requirements of the rules, the requirements contained in other documents must be observed.

  • instructions for carrying out preparatory activities;
  • the procedure for constructing the subgrade (preparing the base, developing excavations, strengthening, finishing);
  • arrangement of auxiliary layers (drainage, insulating, frost protection);
  • arrangement of coatings from mixtures of different compositions, reinforced with organic or inorganic binders;
  • step-by-step control of construction stages;
  • acceptance events.

General provisions

The requirements regulated by this document apply to the reconstruction of existing roads and the construction of new roads. Great importance is attached to the maximum preservation of the ecosystem of this region that has developed over centuries. When performing work, the following rules must be observed:

  • Stone, crushed stone and hard materials should be unloaded in designated areas.
  • The territories of asphalt and cement plants must be equipped with hard-surfaced areas and drainage systems must be arranged.

    Technological solutions must include preventing damage to the environment and maintaining a sustainable natural balance when performing work

  • Before starting activities, a preliminary study of the ground cover should be carried out. It should not have deformations or be waterlogged.
  • The construction of road layers is permitted before the onset of sub-zero temperatures.
  • If it is necessary to expand the road, you should monitor the tight and even connection of the new layer with the existing coating.
  • Stages of organizing road construction work

    The construction of road surfaces intended to serve enterprises and general roads has some nuances. Thus, when designing a road located next to existing industrial complexes, the location of previously connected communications (water, gas pipelines, electrical utility networks) should be taken into account. New construction should not adversely affect the normal economic activities of the enterprise. But there are a number of general requirements that do not depend on the purpose of the road:

    • when organizing work, it is necessary to use special-purpose road equipment;
    • for the convenience of builders, use change houses, which, if necessary, are quickly transported to the desired work site;
    • asphalt concrete and cement concrete plants should be located at distances that are economically justified during design;
    • the operation of equipment and special machine complexes must be organized in such a way that long downtime does not occur.

    Damage caused to the natural environment in the temporary allotment zone as a result of the construction of temporary structures and roads, passage of construction vehicles, parking of cars, storage of materials, etc. must be eliminated by the time the road is put into operation

    The clauses stipulating environmental protection measures must be strictly observed. The organization of road construction work in agricultural enterprises has some features. In this case, it is necessary to coordinate the timing of construction activities with the land owners. Road measures should not create an imbalance when cultivating crop areas and grazing livestock.

    Preparatory stage

    Before starting to lay the road surface, it is necessary, in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 3.06.03-85 “Highways” and approved project documentation, to develop and prepare the base. To do this, you must fulfill the following requirements:

    • Clear the road strip of vegetation in permafrost areas only in winter. Removing trees and shrubs that do not fall within the work area is strictly prohibited.
    • Waste generated after felling must be removed before work begins. Littering the roadsides with them is unacceptable. Garbage may be burned in compliance with fire safety requirements.
    • When work is carried out in areas with high humidity, it is necessary to equip drainage systems to ensure soil drying.
    • If the road runs on a site where communications are planned in the future, preliminary installation of structures should be carried out, which will then allow the necessary utility lines to be laid.

    Work on the installation of layers of road pavement should be carried out only on a ready-made, non-waterlogged and non-deformed subgrade that has been accepted in accordance with the established procedure.

    After completion of the work, a mandatory requirement is the reclamation of temporary use areas with subsequent handover to land users.

    Stages of work on the construction of the subgrade

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Usually the subgrade is erected in one go, with the exception of areas with specific soil conditions. When the route runs through marshy soil or rocks, special projects are developed that provide for technological breaks that allow the movement of special vehicles with limited load and speed. The construction of the roadbed is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • initial preparation of the base;
  • cutting of recesses, construction, directly, of embankments;
  • strengthening, finishing of side bevels;
  • control measures.

This section of the document also specifies the features and differences of work for different climatic zones (permafrost, deserts) and on different types of soil (rocky, swampy, salt marshes).

The selection of mixture compositions for the installation of bases and coatings should be made in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents for these materials

Organization of work on the construction of auxiliary layers

According to the requirements of SNiP, the road surface is equipped with special-purpose layers (drainage, frost protection, insulating), which are laid according to developed methods that regulate the following points:

  • The temperature of the concrete mixture, which includes light fillers, porous stone materials, mixtures containing slag, ash, during installation should not be lower than 5⁰ C.
  • Seams, both longitudinal and transverse, are formed by installing slats or cut directly into uncured concrete.
  • Tiled materials are laid, observing the maximum contact patch. If the fit is not tight, add sand.
  • To ensure complete drainage, synthetic materials are used, which are overlapped and overlapped, and then secured. The overlap is 10 cm.

Construction of coatings using various soils

This chapter of SNiP considers options for mixtures of coarse-grained, clayey, loamy soils with binding compositions of organic or inorganic origin, acceptable particle sizes that allow creating a high-quality fabric:

  • when using coarse soils, particles should not exceed 4 cm, their total amount should be less than 70% of the total mass;

The composition and volume of the geodetic alignment base, as well as actual deviations when performing geodetic work during the construction process must meet the requirements

  • in clay soils, particles should not exceed 0.5 cm, the percentage should be less than 25%;
  • When using loamy soils, the fact that they have increased fluidity is taken into account. Therefore, the rules necessarily require the addition of binders, soluble - in the form of aqueous solutions, insoluble - in the form of suspensions.

Upon completion of this stage, compaction and rolling are carried out. When using inorganic binders, it should be remembered that it is better to perform work at temperatures above 5⁰ C. Such additives are introduced using dispensers.

After the strengthening of the road base is completed, specialized equipment is allowed to move along it after 5 days.

Acceptance tests

Upon completion of road construction activities, acceptance tests are carried out, which include issuing certificates of inspection of the work performed. During acceptance control, actual indicators are checked for compliance with the requirements stipulated by the project. The following parameters are subject to control:

  • Flatness of the coating surface.
  • The value of the density of the layers being built.

  • The coefficient of adhesion of vehicle tires to the surface.
  • Strength characteristics of the coating composition, thickness.

Control of the coating plane parameters is carried out using a 3-meter long rod. The value of the gaps under the rail is controlled using 5 control points, which are located at the same distance. SNiP requirements provide for a set of measurements consisting of at least 20 control measurements. The methodology for performing calculations to control parameters is described in detail in the relevant section of building codes and regulations.

1.1. This Instruction is intended for engineering, technical and maintenance personnel engaged in the survey, design, construction and operation of ice crossings on the network of public roads of the Russian Federation, on temporary winter roads, etc.

1.3. Ice crossings are crossings laid on the ice cover of rivers and lakes. These crossings can be part of temporary winter roads (winter roads), temporarily replace an inactive bridge or, in winter, a ferry crossing of a permanent road.

1.4. The main objectives of the construction and maintenance of ice crossings are: organizing the crossing and the safe passage of vehicles along them, regulating traffic; monitoring the condition of the ice cover, wooden reinforcement structures and ramps onto the ice; restoration of crossings.

1.5. The status of ice crossings, their mode of operation, the procedure and issues of payment for the transportation of vehicles and passengers, as well as flammable, dangerous goods and special vehicles are determined by operating organizations and are agreed upon with regional (district) Administrations and territorial bodies of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in terms of safe traffic conditions for vehicles and pedestrians .

1.6. Ice crossings must have a capacity that ensures the design traffic intensity established for them, ensure the passage of design loads, safe conditions for vehicles and passengers (pedestrians) crossing the crossing, and the safety of vehicle traffic at crossings and approaches to them.

1.7. For each crossing, a crossing design must be developed and, taking into account its design features and local transportation conditions, rules for using the crossing, regulating the procedure for passing cars and transporting passengers, the behavior of drivers and passengers at the crossing, etc.

Sections of the project for the construction and operation of an ice crossing are developed (or adjusted) annually with clarification of traffic intensity, throughput and load-bearing capacity of the crossing.

1.8. The tasks of operating ice crossings include organizing the operation of the crossing with establishing an operating schedule during the day; staffing the crossing, training and improving their qualifications, resolving issues of remuneration and financial incentives; maintaining the established operating mode of road signs and engineering equipment of the crossing; organization and regulation of vehicle traffic at crossings and approaches to them; control over the weight parameters of loads passed along the crossing.

1.9. The main tasks of the current repair and maintenance of ice crossings are: monitor the thickness of the ice and its condition, the cleanliness of the roadway at the crossing and approaches, platforms for passengers, the good condition of ramps and reinforcement structures, carry out repairs and replacement of individual damaged and worn elements of these structures that are not demand that the crossing be stopped and that cracks in the ice cover be sealed

1.10. Maintenance personnel of ice crossings are obliged to ensure trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of the crossing in accordance with approved work schedules, their good technical condition, security and safety of property, equipment, tools and materials at the crossing, proper operation, timely maintenance, repair and maintenance of all structures, machines , crossing mechanisms and devices, first aid.

2.1. on highways is organized in cases where there are no bridge crossings, it is impossible to arrange a ferry crossing in winter, and when the required ice cover forms on water barriers.

The selection of the crossing route, assignment of the train, survey, design and construction of the crossing, its maintenance and operation are carried out based on the classification of ice crossings.

By duration of operation - regular (renewed on the same route every winter for a number of years), temporary (built for one winter), one-time (built for one passage of a convoy of cars or another unit);

According to the estimated traffic intensity - category I crossings with a traffic intensity of over 150 vehicles/day (reduced to a vehicle with a carrying capacity of 5 tons) and category II crossings with a traffic intensity of 150 vehicles/day or less;

2.4. Ice crossings are arranged in the form of two lanes with one-way traffic or in the form of one lane with alternate passage of vehicles.

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