Severed foot. Voluntary disability

Why do you dream of cut off Legs in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed that someone kidnapped me, and they cut off my legs below the knees and cut out my kidneys, as if they were donor organs, and they released me and I walked home on my cut-off, wrapped legs, crying and screaming that I now have no legs and kidneys, how can I live now?

I realized that I scratched my right leg in the thigh, and the doctors considered it unnecessary to amputate my leg, and then I saw my leg standing in the corner of the room, I bore it all calmly, as I am calm in life)

Hello, Tatyana, I had a dream in which my ex-boyfriend (a couple of years ago he was diagnosed with schizophrenia), very cheerful, unhealthy inspired, jumped from a highway bridge onto the asphalt while I was supposed to take him to the hospital (to show him to psychiatrists), I’m scared I wanted to look at what happened to him from the blow, but I realized that he now needs my help much more, although he doesn’t realize it, it’s as if he’s still having fun and doesn’t hurt, despite the fact that the calves of his legs they were crushed (the fibers of flesh along the edges were like banana peels), and everything above and up to the chest was mutilated meat with skin and entrails torn off. I somehow brought him to the doctor, but I still can’t forget this picture, it’s creepy. What do you think this could mean? Thank you for your attention, I look forward to your reply to your email

Hello! I had a dream where I saw my cut off legs in a hole.. but this is a continuation of my dream... I dreamed of cut off legs earlier.. it was when some man sawed them off for me.. and then sewed on completely different legs for me.. and mine I buried my legs in a hole with my feet up... and today I saw my legs in the hole...

I dreamed that I was in a room, maybe in a morgue, there was a dead boy there, for some reason they were going to cut him up, then I saw a cut off leg, but, in my opinion, I didn’t touch it. But there was no fear, it was somehow calm

I dreamed that I was traveling with some guy on a tram. He told me that my mother had died. I didn’t believe it, but looking out the window of the tram I saw a terrible picture - my mother’s legs were cut off. I tried to shout to her, but I didn’t hear my voice

I cut off the legs of some mongrel dog, and then she lay and looked at me with pitiful eyes, I wanted to kill her, but I couldn’t, leaving the room where I cut off her legs, butts looked at me

leaving my apartment, closing the door, I felt that something was in the way, I opened it and saw that a kitten was lying on the threshold with its legs cut off by the door, he practically did not meow, everyone felt sorry for him, they cried, then I took him and took him to the bath to wash, while washing, he turned into a bald white little creature with a small head, which began to bite me and scratch me strongly

someone's severed leg or arm. I don’t see who is being cut off, I don’t see how it’s happening, I only see a leg already cut off, a hand in someone’s hands. my feelings in a dream, why, why, creepiness, fear,

About two years ago I dreamed that I was walking in some kind of enclosed space and I came in from the side of the door and some guy with a saw and I started fighting with a stick, he defeated me and started sawing my legs, for some reason it hurt me, that’s all

I vaguely remember, but in a dream they cut off my feet with a saw, and at the same time I did not experience any pain, I was lying on some kind of couch and was not very sad, but was only thinking about how to come up with a device so that I could walk, and this is for me It didn’t stop me from doing what I love.

I have a dream that I wake up in my bed and realize that my legs have become a little cold. I sit down, throw back the blanket and see that both legs are cut off in the middle of the thigh, but the most interesting thing is that I perceive this quite normally, take out the tape from the bedside table and begin to glue the legs, first pointwise across the cut, and then wrap it along it. But when I started working on the second leg, I realized that my toes were falling off. To the very root. What remains are just evenly trimmed stumps. And then I get wildly scared and I wake up in reality.

Hello! the dream was like this: on my right foot the nail on the big toe began to peel off, I began to tear it off and it completely fell off.....and a hole formed, into which I look and see that the leg is somehow dead or something....I went to the doctor, I they said it needs to be amputated

I dreamed that my mother got caught on the doors of the minibus and it drove off, dragging her behind her (it seemed like her finger was caught in the door)... when she pulled away from the door, the minibus ran over her legs.. then I ran up and saw that one foot was lying on the asphalt half of her foot was also torn off with protruding bones and blood everywhere.. Mom lay unconscious and then got up and started trying to go home (like a person in shock).. everyone stopped her but she didn’t calm down.. there was no ambulance for a long time and I I put her in the car (I decided to drive her myself)… we drove off and I woke up……. A terrible dream but very real, everything is like in life and not like in a dream.. I know that in dreams of blood it means a meeting with relatives and a car means fraud…. but the worst thing is that I dreamed about it from Thursday to Friday (they say dreams dreamed that night come true)….
And even later I fell asleep and had a second dream where my wife said that all the tenants decided to leave the apartment (we are renting out my four-room apartment and we live in my wife’s apartment)….
I would like to figure it out in advance, away from trouble... just don’t need to console with kind words like everything is fine, etc... if there is a real threat, then you need to warn it... it’s mom after all.

Tatyana, hello! These are the dreams of my son, he is an officer, serving in the Caucasus. Last week he dreamed that a tooth fell out without blood, he put it back in place, and today that he cut off his own leg above the knee and walked with it holding it by the heel, and then put it down it in the refrigerator. And earlier I dreamed that they were chasing him with a knife and cutting him, there were deep wounds on his stomach, his white shirt was covered in blood and was running down his jeans.

I just dreamed that I sawed off or cut off my own leg, or rather my ankle, I can’t remember what and how it happened and why, but there wasn’t a single drop of blood, everything was so normal and I felt very calm, as if everything was as it should be be after which I just put my ankle back to my leg and after a while everything was as if it never happened, I go and look oooh my nakedness has healed great something like that

Hello Tatiana!
Background. We haven’t met in real life, but we’ve known each other online for about five years. We live in different parts of the country. Friends. There are no intimate relationships and never have been.
The dream itself. We were in my house. It’s strange, but it seemed like there was sex. In the bathroom, his leg is torn off or cut off and blood is pouring out of it. At first I get scared and scream, but I immediately decide to stop the fountain of blood and wake up with a strong heartbeat.
What could such a dream mean?

I dreamed of a grandmother at my house (not known to me at all) and she was disabled. half of its part (that is, the legs) were simply attached to it. then she got off the sofa and her legs fell off, she also asked her to help her attach them to her. and at that moment I was still sitting on the chair and the dog was biting me (well, as if playing), I got scared and ran out to my mother in the kitchen and while I was running I tripped and fell, and these legs ran after me and I woke up! horror! Why could this be a dream?

I dreamed of my own limbs being cut off, I didn’t see blood, but I saw my legs in the form of knuckles, cut up without bones, I was always being taken somewhere, I was fleeing through the snow without arms and legs. A guy and a girl saved me, she left me in some kind of box where there were people who seemed to me to be butchers, and they brought me while still alive to kill me and make mince out of me. This girl tried to cover me with some kind of jacket with my head covered like a dead person. She cried and said that she would return soon, that she needed to see her parents. I do not know her. She returned with a pistol and when they wanted to cut off my head, she shot these two men and saved me. Then she took me somewhere...I no longer remember part of this dream.

I dreamed that I fell from a pole and broke my leg. In the hospital I saw protruding broken bones near my foot, and after that the doctor said that he couldn’t save my leg! and painlessly amputated it near the knee and I saw my leg and foot!

I dreamed that they brought military trucks with soldiers. They served in the army and the war began...they were unloaded on stretchers with their legs cut off. I helped them, collected their feet, boots and feet

The dream was short: I was near the railway track, somehow I fell onto it so that my legs were across the track, and then a train was coming. I want to remove my legs, but I don’t have time, and the train cuts both legs, and I see bloody stumps.

I dreamed of many dead people, among them my grandmother, but she was alive and seemed to be sick, we came to visit her, and then in someone’s garden I walked along a path and saw the feet of an old man.

In a dream, I wanted to chop either frozen meat or a piece of wood with an ax, and it bounced off after each blow of the ax as if it wasn’t being chopped at all. I pressed it between my feet to secure it, swung an ax and blew out the larger half of my left foot, I saw there was no vein in my fingers, I could still see the severed bones, but the blood didn’t flow and it didn’t even seem to hurt at all. I found some dirty rag and wrapped it up.

I dreamed about my father. He was sitting in the sink and his mother was washing him. The father moaned loudly because half of his leg was missing. And near the table there was a limb of a leg, a foot. Then they somehow came out of the shell. And I also dream that my father walks on crutches and half of his leg is missing and he moans. And someone told me that my father’s leg was rotting and so they cut it off.

The husband cut off one of his legs because it was shorter than the second and at the same time he walked normally without a leg (it is not clear how), he put this leg on the kitchen table, then there were already 2 legs on the kitchen table, but the husband walked just as well. And he cut off his son’s hand. Everyone was alive and well. There was no blood.

I dreamed that I was cutting off my legs, they were without blood. Who. then he said (I don’t remember) that they would grow back better. I leave one leg, my husband stood next to me and in the same dream I go to the doctor, he says spit. The excess and I look, a dark mass came out of me and turned into various insects. but I can’t show this to the doctor, he’s busy all the time. I don't remember anymore. husband woke me up

I dreamed that I was cutting off the leg of my little sleeping son, but at the same time he did not wake up but continued to sleep, and when I cut it off, I immediately put the leg in place so that it would grow back, and there was no blood

when I was sleeping, not understanding how I ended up in some hospital room, there were 2 women and 3 men, one was sitting and drinking tea with a man and they were talking about something, the other was sitting with me and holding my hand, and that guy who would then saw off me I stood and washed someone’s leg, which had been sawed off, and another one guarded it so that no one would enter the office. They asked me, have I ever broken them? I said yes, and he said we need to check and started sawing, but for some reason I almost didn’t feel any pain.
when he sawed it off, there weren’t normal bones there, he asked and I’m sure I won’t tell anyone, I said, but you’ll put it back, he looked so angrily and started sawing the second one, I cried and woke up, I look and I’m really crying

On the street, where there was a lot of snow, snow was being cleared with heavy machines like a tractor, with shovels and spinning screws that remove the snow like a meat grinder. I was forced to hide under a tall and wide bench, more like a table, at a stop without a booth. Two cars passed, and the third hit a bench and I flew out and under it, right into the screws with my feet. I woke up and there was a feeling on my legs below the knees. It all happened on the street along which I return by bus from work.

I dreamed that I was accused of using magic, but I excused myself. But then they still laid me on a wide board at an angle and tied my arms and legs. Then the legs were cut off. And I say: “Just cut off my arms completely then, and not in parts, otherwise it will hurt.” And such a feeling in a dream, as if this had already happened before.

In the dream, it was as if my legs were cut off, and it seemed like I did it myself. I saw them separately from the body. There was no blood. At the same time, I could somehow move around as usual. I went and asked everyone I saw to sew them back on me, I thought that without them it would still be bad. I asked everyone to sew it on quickly. At the same time, I didn’t cry, but simply found out who could help me. Someone seemed to say that they knew how to do it. but it didn’t come to fruition. What does my dream mean? ?

I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that my right foot was amputated. I didn’t feel much pain, but I felt tenderness and mild pain in my fingers. I fitted a comfortable prosthesis and did not feel any discomfort. Looking at his hands, he noted that fortunately he had not lost his hands.

I dreamed that after some events in the dream I needed to cut off my leg, not completely, but cut it deep in the thigh area. Then my co-workers at work helped me stitch it up and it seemed like everything was going to remain even without scars. The sleep itself was not restless, there was no fear or pain.

I am at a friend's place. I walk next to a man in the stable, there are 3 horses in it: they are being cleaned and I am afraid that they will kick me. one gray horse lies on the ground in its stall, it is alive but very bad: its skin seems to be torn, meat is visible, its legs are chopped off above the knee. I ask the person: what’s wrong with her? he says: she is my favorite, she is very old, I cannot leave her. he begins to look after her: feeds, waters, stretches the remains of her legs. the horse has learned to stand on stumps...

Good evening. I dreamed that they wanted to amputate my legs, both, from the knee and below. Allegedly, I am suitable as a donor for someone urgently. and they are already preparing me for amputation, I’m scared, I’m resisting. I don’t remember further, morning came, I woke up. I was already sweating a lot, especially my legs.

The bath... saw men's legs up to the knees... as if severed... but without blood... I shifted them.
besides this, I put something in the bathroom that looked like pieces of meat... but I don’t remember exactly

I dreamed that I didn’t have a left leg. It doesn’t hurt me and I can somehow move. But I’m very worried about what will happen next. The leg was removed below the knee, it doesn’t hurt, it just feels like it’s black or covered in iodine.

I was going to university. My classmate was walking towards me and she was hit by a huge car. I approached her and she was holding her two severed legs and asking to call an ambulance. I call an ambulance and explain where to come, but no one understands how to get there. I suggest that my classmate put her legs in a cold place so that later they can be sewn on. we went to the river and she wanted to wash her feet and fell into the river. By the way, there was no blood all this time. nothing flowed from her legs and all this time I carried her legs. they were very heavy. when she fell into the river, I tried to pull her out and fell towards her, we began to drown with her, as if we were being sucked into the river. then some two girls came up and helped pull my classmate out of the river. I don’t remember anything else

Everything is gray and dark. There is a toilet. there, standing on the hole in the toilet, was a teenage boy of about 15 years old. He was wearing jeans and a shirt. And they were sawing his legs and blood was splashed all over the walls, and next to him stood some teenage boy. He stood and watched as his legs were sawed. but I don’t know who saws him, but I remember inside the toilet, I think there were saws there.

I dreamed that my little daughter’s leg was cut off by a closet, I started applying it and tried to press it. and then she moved it away from the place and there the worms were already white. then for some reason she also had a wound on her neck and a lot of her blood was on my hands.

I do not remember exactly. They cut off my legs or my left leg for sure. then I sewed it back on some other leg. I put on my shoes and went to see my older brother. and then the ex-girlfriend. We were walking with a girl, a guy in a car accosted her, it almost came to a fight, but it turned out well with the help of friends

I had a dream as if I found out that my friend had both legs amputated. At the same time, I don’t see her, but it’s as if I know that I’m talking to her. In the dream, I reassure her that it’s possible to make prosthetics and walk, but I myself think how she will live (she has two children). She replies that her husband will not leave her.
At the same time, I know that she lost her legs after the accident.
What does this dream mean? In real life, my friend is healthy.

opened the door into the room...immediately the pungent smell of a corpse hit me...even in my sleep I felt the left of the door there were blue corpses cut off the right there was a bed...on it lay a dead dachshund half covered with a blanket.....and under the blanket lay a blue floor a half rotten corpse... dismembered...... everything was so real...

Hello! I dreamed that a man I know, as if at my request, cuts off my legs and just puts some stumps on me, I have no pain, no blood, and I seem to be sitting in a wheelchair, I drive up to my older brother and say, wow , I loved to run fast, but now I have no legs, I don’t understand why I did it, because they didn’t hurt me, and most importantly, they cut them off not in the hospital, but right somewhere in the room. An unpleasant dream, why would that be?

I’m sitting in a room, complete darkness, there was another man with me, he was trying to escape. I notice a silhouette and when he sees that I noticed him, he runs towards us, cuts off my legs, and kills the man right away. I’m sitting without legs, I feel as the blood flows and for some reason vomiting appears, I seem to be conscious. I wanted to take a knife and, so as not to suffer from killing myself by driving the blade into my heart, I was already aiming and suddenly changed my mind, I cut my hands (I realized that I was in a dream) and began to control everything, began to fight, found a phone, social networks, everything was the other way around. Then I I realized that it turns out I was at home in my room, they locked me in, I tried to walk, he comes back again when I notice him and wants to shoot at me, I begin to persuade him that let’s not right now, I want to see my mother and so similar, I didn’t even cry when he cut off my legs and apparently he didn’t understand my reaction. We went to my kitchen and he walked away, I tried in every way to write to my mother, nothing worked for me, as I understood from my wall I was lost a long time ago, everyone was looking for me, even though I was at home. And I wake up. I’ve already dreamed twice this week that I was being stabbed in some way, before that I was shot in the head because of some kind of drugs. And before I dreamed about this and I woke up in some kind of fear, but now I’m in a neutral state, without emotions at all.

It was as if I had been convinced that if I cut off my legs, it would help me in the future. I’m sawing them, the process is difficult, but I haven’t seen any blood or muscles. Everything was somehow bright... I sawed it off and went with surprise that I was walking without legs and for some reason it was not difficult for me to walk... I woke up - it was unpleasant... my email. address:

Hello! First I told someone the way, I saw a map of the area, then I dreamed of a river that looked like a mountain river, but it wasn’t a mountain, people were swimming in it, then I dreamed of a man with his legs cut off, then I saw who did it. Then some house, in it a man cuts off the head of another, the head is talking and covered in blood, they pour water over the head and wash off the blood. The man I thought was guilty turns out to be innocent and his legs are cut off in the fight.

I dreamed that I got into a fight with a girl and she stuck something in my legs, I couldn’t walk and they didn’t take me to the hospital, there they cut off my leg before my eyes, cut it open, started looking at the bones, and then sewed it back, and something came out of the second leg pumped out and sent to the ward

I dreamed about how my friend threw a knife at a girl and cut off her leg. I started to panic, as if you left a person disabled. Then I ran up to her, She stood silently And the bone was visible, but there was no blood, at the end of the lesson, it was school, we left sports and the leg was still there

Hello Tatiana!
I dreamed that my son (he is 16 years old) had his leg amputated. I washed him in the bathroom and saw him jumping on it to college in his uniform. He didn't feel any particular discomfort.

I dreamed that I was on some street, walking uphill along a wide road, on the side there were buildings, cafes, residential buildings and various shopping centers. It seems that at first I went with friends (there were two of them, but I don’t remember who exactly) into some smoky room, I didn’t like something there and I left there, but already alone. Then I found myself in a shopping center, walking around it and met a child about 9-12 years old, I don’t remember. It seems that first I met a girl, and then a boy of the same age. It seems that I helped the girl, and then the boy helped me with something. Everything seemed fine, there was a feeling of peace... And then complete chaos began. First, terrorists burst into the shopping center and started shooting at everyone. I somehow saved those two children I met earlier, they were evacuated, but they didn’t have time to do it and I stayed there. Then the terrorists disappeared, there was no one around, neither dead nor alive. Then the shopping center was blown up, and I found myself under the rubble, and when I started to get out, it turned out that I no longer had a foot. Whether it was cut off, or crushed and torn off, I don’t know, but it was terrible. Those children saw me and wanted to help, but when they saw my leg, they got scared and recoiled, and then I woke up.

Good afternoon I don’t remember all the events, but I remember that as a result I lost my right leg up to the knee, but stood firmly and confidently on my left, learning new skills on one leg. The mood was optimistic and I did not lose heart. Sports prevailed, the desire for something... Something like that)

I have a son, he is 9 months old. In a dream, I saw that I gave birth not only to him, but also to his legs. Just 2 legs. Without a body. These legs were running around the house and I also clearly thought that since birth I had not fed them and I should feed them, and there was also the thought that Ratmir had a twin. I have a strong feeling that this particular period of sleep is important. Please help me with decoding.

Hello. Today I dreamed that my leg was cut off. Moreover, I place it next to the remaining limb and put on heels, while walking on them normally. However, later I think that the leg should be sewn on, otherwise it won’t heal. there was no blood

I had a dream that I was walking with my husband near some kind of river... And I was carrying his wedding ring in my hand, and it fell out of my hands, into the river (a ditch near the river), he went to get it and there he found a huge flask and in In it, a human leg was cut off at the bone and wrapped in a transparent bag, but we didn’t pay attention to this and continued to look for an engagement ring!

I dreamed that I was riding on a bus and either a piece of reinforcement or something like that fell from the ceiling, and a simple cut was cut in the middle of my leg, but there was no blood, there was no pain, either, as they say, and then at some point I felt it myself I removed that it turned out to be cut off... something like that.

I dreamed of a guy I like... he came to me and accidentally tripped, his sneaker flew off and I (my friends and family were watching us through the window) saw his severed legs
I remember the ship, we are together and he has his legs cut off, he wants to kiss me, but I don’t want it

I saw in a dream that I cut off the lower part of my leg. There was no blood or pain. I replaced the missing part myself with a plastic prosthesis and was still surprised that I was comfortable and nothing hurt. It was my left leg.

I dreamed that I was in a passage in the subway, rushing to catch the train, I ran up, I saw a lot of people and a boy I didn’t know, about 10 years old, with a cut off leg near the knee, blood, fuss. . The train starts to drive away, I wave and knock for the train to stop. and woke up in horror

Today I was sleeping and I had such a dream.
That I am at my grandmother’s apartment with my brother and father, but my father has been gone for 3 years. We were doing all the renovations together and during this we decided to have lunch. In the end, we all sit down, but before asking me, pasta fell on floor. And I ask my late father, “Will he have pasta with eggs or not?” He answered me that he doesn’t eat it with eggs. And I cut something, and my brother suggests cutting off the legs. I start cutting and see that these are children's human legs, but at the same time I continue to cut. But then after a certain time I realize that something is wrong and decided to turn it over. Turning over, I saw a little boy of oriental appearance and after that I immediately woke up.

I dreamed that I was trying to cut off my leg with a scalpel. I ran the blade below the knee along the diameter. I did not cut deeply, but along the surface, as if in layers. I didn't feel any pain. After one turn of the hand, the dream ended, but I did not wake up, but slept without dreaming.
Why could I dream of THIS?

I dreamed that at first my right leg in the area of ​​the bone was very painful. And the nurse cut it off for me and sewed it back on. I still have a scar. Then I cut off my friend’s feet while she was sleeping. She woke up and didn’t even realize right away that she didn’t have a hundred of them. I told her that I cut off her feet and sent her to sew them on until 4 hours had passed.

In a dream I see my late father, he shows me where to chop off. I have an ax in my hands and I chopped off the feet of a living stranger. I took a piece of his leg and threw it in the refrigerator. At the same time, I don’t feel any fear, but only pity that he won’t be able to walk.

In a dream, 2 people walked across a field together (one was a black man, apparently a servant, I don’t remember the other, but he walked on stumps of legs (legs were cut off above the knee)); on the field lay the corpses of natives (a lot), whose legs were also cut off at the very top. groin, and the black man collected these legs. and there was a number like 3128.

Hello! I dreamed about my younger sister (she was 13 years old). Her left leg (below the knee) and right hand were cut off. But in my dream she had the ability to regenerate (recovery). I cried and calmed myself down, putting the cut off limbs back in their places and they gradually healed. My sister was unconscious almost the entire dream.
The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday.

Hello! Today, 02/05, I dreamed that my legs were cut off and reattached (at the ankles). At first I saw myself in some kind of box and my legs in front of me. One (the right one) is sewn, and the left one is turned out and the bone is visible in the wound. I didn't feel any pain. Then I see that I can hardly walk, leaning on objects, and at the same time I am attending some kind of celebration. I'm wearing a long skirt. Among the guests I saw many old and barely walking people (they are all alive at the moment). Somehow I felt uneasy. Everything seems to be fine in life. There were difficulties. We are running a farm and have lost two cows. Not critical. I don't think I'm worried. But it was alarming. Thanks in advance.

Hello!! We had some kind of game with relatives, we all started cutting each other, and they cut off my arms and legs, and sewed them back on, and when I woke up, it was like I felt everything on myself!

Today I had a terrible dream...I'm waiting for my beloved...the door opened and I see my father and my beloved is next to me...without a leg and the other is broken (they had a fight with my father) we are waiting for an ambulance, they took him to the bathroom and pus and mucus are flowing from the cut off why dream?

I dreamed of an accident involving a bus; I was driving behind it. As a result of the accident, there was a fire, my mother was traveling on the bus, her legs were torn off, but there was no blood and she was alive and more or less alert, my husband and I lifted her up.

Hello, I dreamed that my feet were cut off, but then they were sewn on (not mine), they were more beautiful than mine, I walked with crutches and my legs hurt a lot when I stood on my feet, so I had to walk on my toes

In a dream, a woman asked me to cut off my leg, thereby gaining her trust. A few minutes later I realized what I had done and was horrified, because I would soon be performing on stage, and the audience might be scared of me without a leg. After a few more seconds, I started sobbing. It's all a dream.

GOOD AFTERNOON. TODAY MONDAY I had a dream about how they cut off 2 of my legs, in 2 parts. I was scared and wanted to glue it. I was on some embankment and didn’t understand where I was. many people tourists looking at the sights. The area seemed unfamiliar, but I recognized some places. and there was the sea.

I sat and cut my legs into pieces. There was no blood or meat. It was as if they weren't real. Then I took one of the pieces and threw it away. She got up and started walking. During sleep, I felt cold and horror, but I couldn’t stop. The body did not listen to me.

Dream interpretation amputation

Why do you dream about amputation? Such a dream is unlikely to leave the sleeping person indifferent, but how to dispel his fears? Various dream books will come to his aid, in which the interpretation of the symbol seen is briefly and clearly described.

Who to believe?

As the dream book writes, amputation of a specific part of the body is not something you just dream about, and you will have to come to terms with it.

The dream promises problems

The human subconscious often helps the dreamer cope with the difficulties that arise, but in real life. The presented symbol, despite its disgusting nature, predicts the onset of not very good events.

Who saw it?

An amputated limb is an indicative sign for any person, and therefore it is so important to determine his role.


People who decide to connect their lives with conquering the water element must beware of a serious storm, which will entail big problems. If your intuition tells you something is wrong, then it is better to tell the commander about it.

In addition, sailors will experience loss of property. The dream should warn a person that a serious misfortune is still ahead, and he will have to prepare for it in advance.


The vision warns of a decline in business

For dreamers who have connected their lives with commerce in all its forms, an unusual dream will allow them to avoid large losses. We'll have to remember the plot and break it down into its components.

Creative professions

If your arms or legs are amputated in a dream, then in reality you can expect a decline in business. To prevent such a problem, you will have to determine the root cause, and only then act on it.

What will the dream books tell you?

It’s worth starting with the fact that a severed limb is a symbol of losses affecting various aspects of life. Completely losing limbs means a decline in trading activity. Your competitors will not want to play by your rules, and this cannot be tolerated.

Vanga's interpretation

The fortuneteller Vanga analyzes in detail a dream in which she happened to lose some parts of her body. In any case, a night dream predicts a not very successful future. What severity of losses did you dream about? There are several options:

Vision warns of failure in business

  • lose a finger - minor problems will not cause any harm;
  • lose a hand or leg - you will have to strain yourself to get out of trouble;
  • the loss of all limbs means complete failure in the business field.

If a similar plot was dreamed of by a person who had to endure a difficult trauma, then it should be considered as a harbinger of positive changes in life.

Miller's interpretation

According to the predictions of a popular dream interpreter, amputation of limbs foreshadows an imminent separation from a loved one or the loss of something important. If you really value your current relationship, then you will have to make every effort.

You dreamed that there were no more fingers on your hands, then your relatives and friends would turn away from you overnight. Your task is to analyze your own behavior, which led to such consequences. If a friend's arm is amputated, it means you will not be able to help him, and this will unsettle him.

Interpretation by Denise Lynn

Dreaming of a surgical procedure

The chosen dream book explored in detail the topic of a severed upper limb.

To see one's own hand lying separately from the body - the dreamer is in for a painful break with his loved one, and this will not be preventable.

Most likely, the partners began to be at different levels of development, and both did not like this discrepancy. I dreamed of a child without arms - an elderly admirer will appear I had a dream in which my fingers were amputated - to minor problems in matters that cannot affect the final result.

The main thing is to follow a pre-drawn plan, and not rely only on intuition.

The loss of a brush is a decline in the financial sphere, and therefore you will have to think through a plan for your retreat in case of collapse. At this stage, you will have to calm your appetites and not give in to momentary desires.

Longo version

If we talk about dreams in which the dreamer loses his limbs, then you should not immediately think about health problems. The subconscious tries to predict possible losses and prepare the sleeping person for this.

When you have dreams in which your entire arm or just your hand is cut off, you will remain powerless in the face of future problems. The dream interpreter is trying to tell you that it is time for a change.

Problems with legs that result in amputation in a dream reflect an unstable position in society, as well as difficulties in achieving a goal.

  • Longo paid great attention to each finger, and therefore this information should be considered in more detail:
  • Dream about problems with limbs
  • indicative - a symbol of insufficient will to carry out one’s plans;

large - your indecision will complicate life;

other fingers - in some matter external support may not come, and therefore it is better to prepare for this in advance.

Interpreter Semenova

If something wrong happened to your limbs in a dream and you had to cut them off, then in the foreseeable future you will become vulnerable to enemies. Information sent by the subconscious must be correctly interpreted and used for personal benefit. Ill-wishers, sensing weakness, can relax, and at this time they will be able to make the decisive blow. You do not know how to defend your own opinion, and this is reflected in your current state. Losing an arm means uncontrollable events will occur.

If you dreamed that all your limbs began to grow again - you are under the protection of higher powers, but it would be foolish to rely only on them. A night dream in which you had to amputate something for a relative or friend is a symbol of superiority over him.

Modern dream book

Losing a hand in a dream

Speaking about amputation, it reflects a conscious renunciation of some part of one’s personality. For example, if you lose your hand, you will not be able to hold on to what you have acquired through backbreaking labor. The interpreter advises being less attached to material values, since they play an indirect role in building a happy life. In addition, the operation to remove the hand reflects your craving for constant control, and you need to get rid of this character trait.

Gypsy dream book

Losing limbs in a dream means problems in all endeavors. If you saw such a story on the eve of signing an agreement or making an important decision, then it is better to move everything to another date.

Why did you dream about amputation if you looked at it from the outside? Such a dream is a reflection of unnecessary connections that the time has come to get rid of. If you happen to undergo surgery yourself, then taking the first step is not so easy. To expand on the plot he saw, the dreamer will have to remember the presence of blood:

  • without blood - unpleasant acquaintances will disappear by themselves;
  • copious discharge - you cannot imagine your life without a certain person, and therefore you will have to wait a little.

Opinions of other experts

The universal dream book says that the removal of a limb foreshadows a deterioration in relationships with loved ones. If you happened to see someone with amputated legs, then in real life you will have to give up any methods of dishonest earnings. The money you receive will only bring disappointment and condemnation from others.

Interpreter Hasse writes that the disgusting plot of the dream is associated with your incontinence, which manifests itself not only in speech, but also in actions.

Amputation of hands, according to the French dream book, promises private scandals and streams of profanity that undermine one’s state of mind.

Seeing your legs beautiful and slender in a dream means that good luck in business, a pleasant and successful road awaits you.

Looking at both legs in a dream means that you will think about your relationship with some person.

Wounds, ulcers or broken legs in a dream foreshadow misfortunes, obstacles in business and failure of plans.

Getting your feet dirty in a dream is a sign of a careless mistake that will end in shame for you, which will not be easy for you to survive.

Seeing the calves of your legs in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business. A dream in which you saw that the calves of your legs are hard predicts that you will stand firmly on your feet.

If you dream that you are scraping someone’s legs until they bleed, then bad news awaits you about the troubles of loved ones who need your support and consolation.

If you dream that your legs are on fire, then you should postpone your planned trip, even if it is very important to you. Sometimes such a dream predicts failure in business.

A dream in which you saw yourself putting your feet into a fire foretells you that only by intervening in some kind of squabble can you put an end to it.

Making any deft movements with your legs in a dream is a sign that your business will be successful thanks to your quick wits, ingenuity and ability to make the right contacts.

If you dream that you have become disabled and lost your legs, then expect great failures, hardships, and misfortunes. The same thing means a dream in which your legs do not obey you.

If you dream that one of your legs has been taken away, then you will be separated from a loved one or a partner whom you valued.

Spraining your leg in a dream is a sign that you will soon have so much trouble that headaches will begin.
Admiring children's feet in a dream is a sign of consolation and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts making a small profit.

Having many legs in a dream is a sign that profit in trade or a profitable trip awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts leg disease, colds or swelling.

Having a wooden leg in a dream is a harbinger of deception.

Seeing or having crooked legs in a dream is a sign of damage due to a risky business.

Seeing or having thin legs in a dream means that some business is too tough for you and you better give it up.

Seeing your feet dirty in a dream means trouble and shame.

Washing your feet in a dream is a sign that you are about to travel. Washing your feet in a pond with clean and clear water is a sign of happiness and good luck. Sometimes such a dream predicts a slight cold (especially if the water was cold).

If you dream that someone is washing your feet and rubbing them with aromatic substances, then great success, pleasure and prosperity await you.

Washing someone's feet or kissing them in a dream means that you will have to repent of what you have done and come to terms with the circumstances.

Having hard calluses on your feet in a dream is a sign that, despite the obstacles, you will achieve your goal.

If you dream that someone bit your leg, then grief, disappointment and trouble await you. A dream in which you felt that someone was tickling your feet or heels warns you of cunning flatterers.

Limping in a dream is a sign of dishonor, loss and humiliation.

A dream in which you saw that a legless man is threatening you or chasing you portends great difficulties and obstacles in business.

If you dream that one leg is stuck and you cannot pull it out, then expect obstacles in business.

If in a dream you were able to free your leg and continue the work you started, then success awaits you, no matter what.

To dream that you have a hole in your heel means: expect trouble. The situation will become even worse if the wound on the heel bleeds or the leg hurts. However, if you pulled out some foreign object from it, then your affairs will improve.

If you dream that your legs hurt due to gout, then expect obstacles in getting money.

There is an opinion that if in a dream your right leg hurts from gout, then the dream portends good luck for you, and if it is your left leg, then the dream portends the opposite.

If in a dream you see your legs (feet) barefoot (naked), then a love adventure awaits you.

Seeing other people's feet naked in a dream is a harbinger of financial losses.

Wounded feet in a dream predict losses and failures.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Visions of severed limbs often visit modern people, but it does not bode well. If in a dream the cut off leg belongs to the owner of the vision, it means that in real life he should fear for his connections with loved ones. The severed leg here symbolizes the loss of a person, the general tension of his relationships with others.

If a person does not see the limb itself, but watches how blood flows from his mutilated leg, then in real life problems are already besieging the dreamer. Moreover, a series of troubles can result in serious material losses for him. Seeing in a dream a leg that was cut off long ago and a prosthesis in its place is a sign, oddly enough, a positive one. A person will have to go through a whole series of troubles, but they will not break him. Moreover, the dreamer will be able to cope with future problems, overcome them and strengthen himself in his own endeavors.

Watching someone cut off the dreamer's leg is a bad sign. It is likely that he is too trusting of complete strangers. As a result, those whom the dreamer has allowed close to him are trying to harm his interests by worsening the person’s financial situation and his reputation. Now it is important to bring such villains to light in order to prevent their further influence on their own destiny.

What if you dream about a severed leg?

Why do you dream of a severed leg that the owner of the vision holds in his hands and refuses to let go? Usually such a terrible dream means that very soon a person will have to come to terms with the loss of allies and loved ones. Perhaps the relationship will suffer due to the initiative of the dreamer himself, or it is possible that his comrades will want to leave his life. In any case, the dreamer will have a hard time experiencing what happened, which will affect his success.

Cutting off your leg yourself in a dream means depriving yourself of certain opportunities and prospects. Most likely, the dreamer could have recently counted on a decent promotion, but because of his personal fears he did not dare to take it. Now all that remains is to bite the bullet and avoid such offensive miscalculations in the future.

Seeing a medical operation to amputate a limb in a dream is a rather positive sign. In the near future, the dreamer will have to go through a series of upheavals related to his personal life and career. At first glance, these shocks will not turn out to be anything good, but in fact, they will save a person from unnecessary contacts and not very successful areas of business development. As a result, the owner of the vision will also be able to benefit from future problems.

If in a dream a person tries to cut off his leg, but fails, it means that in real life he is not ready to turn his life around. Perhaps the owner of the vision understands this need with his mind, but cannot act.

What does a severed leg portend?

Seeing yourself with two legs amputated is not only unpleasant, but also extremely disturbing. The fact is that such a dream indicates a person’s complete helplessness in the face of impending danger. Now the dreamer is simply not able to cope with the impending problems, and therefore he will have to endure their presence in his own life.

If the leg was amputated not from the dreamer himself, but from someone close to him, then the danger hangs over the relationship with this person. Perhaps quarrels have long become part of communication with a friend or relative, but in the coming weeks contacts with him will completely disappear. If in the vision the other half loses a leg, it means that in real life the couple will have to go through a serious crisis. Whether lovers can maintain a relationship will depend on their personal diligence.

Seeing a fight in a dream during which a person loses a leg is a bad sign. Most likely, his life will be filled with unnecessary quarrels and conflicts on financial grounds. Because of these endless scandals, the reputation of the owner of the vision will suffer, which will soon affect his business. If in a vision someone inflicts a serious wound on the leg, but manages to save it, then in real life the material well-being of the owner of the vision will suffer. There is no need to despair, because your life’s work will be preserved, which means that the financial side of the issue will gradually improve. Bleeding due to amputation is a sign of serious material loss.

Walking barefoot in the snow in a dream- symbolizes the dreamer’s burning desire to work actively, as well as his initiative and enterprise. However, he will have to face certain difficulties: his superiors will harass him with nagging, and unfriendly colleagues will “put a spoke in his wheels.”

If you had to walk through the snow barefoot because something was stolen, this indicates losses in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will become a victim of scammers and will lose a large amount of money.

However, maybe this dream is not so scary. It is possible that the person is simply thinking about starting to harden himself. Therefore, the dream should not be given much importance.

They're walking along the road

The interpretation of this dream depends on the details of the dream.

If you walk barefoot on the road next to your chosen one, means that success awaits you in real life. Moreover, the beloved will be a good assistant in solving problems, who will assist both in word and deed.

But if another person becomes your walking companion, who, moreover, will be wearing the dreamer’s shoes - a rival will appear in reality who will try to do everything to get the position of the sleeping person or take his place in the heart of a loved one.

Walking through the mud

Dream books clearly interpret this vision in a negative way. In real life, you will have to deal with intrigue and gossip, and people from your inner circle will try to do everything to humiliate the dreamer and destroy his positive reputation.

Another meaning of sleep predicts illness and problems in the family. Moreover, the sleeper himself will be the culprit of these troubles. It is necessary to listen to the interpretation of the dream and not succumb to provocations from spiteful critics. And increased attention and care for loved ones will be the key to good family relationships.


Seeing clean bare feet in a dream symbolizes favorable developments. There is a place for luck and joy in life, and pleasant acquaintances with new people will allow you to expand your circle of good friends.

At the dead man's

Many sources call this dream a harbinger of illness and deterioration in human health. But there is another version. The meaning of the dream can be interpreted as return to past events. Perhaps many years ago the dreamer received useful advice from someone he knew. Contact with this person has long been interrupted, but good advice, refreshed in memory, will really help at the most necessary and crucial moment.

In blood

Bloody marks on bare feet in a dream - they promise troubles and misfortunes in real life. Such a vision predicts the appearance of enemies, which the dreamer will be able to make through his own fault. It may also be that enemies will appear among your close circle or even among your relatives. And again, the culprit of damaged relationships and mutual hostility will be the sleeper himself, namely, his rash actions or harsh statements.

And yet you should not fall into despair, but rather try to prevent conflict. First of all, you need to treat your loved ones with respect and refrain from harsh words and actions. Goodwill and lack of aggression on both sides will help establish harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship.

Why do you dream about a severed leg?

The appearance of a severed leg in a dream foreshadows a period of failures and losses, and a possible illness in the near future. To the one who I saw a cut off leg in a dream, – you should be careful.

A person who dreamed of his leg being cut off may soon lose mutual understanding with his loved ones.

Why do you dream of a man without legs?

If dreamed of a legless man- this may indicate upcoming difficulties in life, serious obstacles on the way to achieving a goal, or that plans will not come true. The appearance of a man without legs in a dream may also indicate a lack of communication with loved ones who understand you well.

Why do you dream about cutting your leg?

Leg injuries during sleep- can talk about impending losses, failures, misfortunes, problems in business. If you cut your leg in a dream, you should be careful to avoid injuries, accidents and other accidents in real life. If you dreamed that you cut your leg and it was bleeding, it means that you will soon lose the trust of someone close to you.

Why do you dream about kissing feet?

If you dream that you kiss another person's feet- this speaks of a desire to obey someone. It is also possible that in the near future you will have to submit to someone against your will. When, on the contrary, someone kisses your feet in a dream, it means that in reality you will get over this person great power.

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