Track money transfer by Russian Post to Ukraine. How to track money transfer mail

Every year, thousands of people use banking services to transfer their close money. After all, sometimes they are at a great distance and cannot be seen personally. The banking tool allows all citizens to provide unbearable assistance to their relatives and pay for legal entities to just one statement.

The concept of financial instruments

The monetary instrument is a special mechanism submitted in a credit institution that allows you to list any amount into any mill world. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances depending on the system.

But only a credit or financial institution has such actions, which has a license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Several species are common:

  1. banking, allowing to carry out a transfer in the branch of the credit institution;
  2. postal, which is sent by Russian Post;
  3. electronic, which is sent without leaving the house through an open personalized electronic wallet.

Postal are sent by the country's specialized service. Responsible for these actions of Russian Post. Cash can be sent both abroad and through the territory of Russia. To send, you only need to visit the department, fill out the application and provide an identity document.

For such a service, the institution takes the commission from the amount. Also provides additional services to notify the client about the arrival of money. This is for an additional charge.

The recipient must come to the office and requiring money by presenting a passport and informing the control information. If you returned to the sender, then the money is paid in the initial currency or you can get them in other currency.

Bank transfer is no different from paying services, such as the Internet and mobile communications. After all, this is the same listing to a legal entity. You can send a physical face similarly. A person will need to fill out a statement where to specify the name of the credit institution, the passport and the phone number.

You can enumerate both with the opening of the account, and without it. The latter occurs by making money to the cashier. For action, the credit institution will take a certain percentage depending on the amount.

The deadline for the fulfillment of obligations each bank establishes independently, based on the number of intermediaries.

Now the listing is more popular without opening an account. This is due to the minimum of documents and deadlines. There are also mixed type transfers and open accounts. It is carried out only in the case of opening an account in a specific credit institution.


In each financial institution, several monetary transfers are presented, which allows the sender to choose the best option for itself.

  • Western Union - Popular financial instrument system common abroad. It takes more than 200 countries. Western Union allows you to make money transfer only to individuals. From the most demanded credit institutions, it works with the Bank of Moscow and Gazprombank.
  • gold Crown - Also a popular financial instrument system, which is present in the territory of the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries. But in contrast to Western Union, it allows you to make a payment to other legal entities at the expense of the provider or telephony. Presented in the financial market in the military-industrial bank and URALSIB. It is possible to obtain a sender's map for further minimization of the Commission.
  • Forsazh Posted by Russian Post and is a claimed financial instrument system. It acts both within Russia and the departure of international type occurs. There is only for individuals. The advantage of such payment is speed, broad geography and low cost.
  • BLIZKO. - a system that allows us to make payments in Russia and the CIS countries. It is also possible to send money to countries of far abroad. Translation is carried out only between individuals. Such a mechanism is present in contact with the Bank and the military-industrial bank.
  • MoneyGram. Allows you to make a payment in Russia and the CIS countries. The appearance of such a tool is 1940. At the moment, the mechanism is carried out in 400 thousand service items. More than 200 countries are MoneyGram.
  • Contact It is a mechanism for transferring money to more than one hundred countries of the world, with the number of points for obtaining above 40 thousand. The mechanism is presented for both legal, so for individuals. But in the case of legal entities, it is necessary to act a payment rules. A system is presented in popular credit institutions, such as the European Commercial and the Military Industrial Bank.
  • Unistream. Another popular system that allows you to transfer to a hundred countries of the world. Such a mechanism is in demand among representatives of Azerbaijan and Eastern nationality in Russia. Allows you to transfer between individuals and legal entities. A system is available in credit institutions city and European worm.
  • Anelik Presented in Perchkommerts and a military-industrial bank. Such a mechanism is not particularly popular, but has several regular customers - individuals. Completed in more than 100 countries of the world.
  • Fast Mail - a subsidiary of Raiffeisenbank. This is the express sending money in the Russian Federation, as well as to the countries of the neighboring countries. Only Physs can take advantage. Persons. The monetary system is presented in the military-industrial bank, as well as in Avtogradbank.

Video: How to work systems

How to find out the addressee of money transfer

Many citizens by sending money transfer to their friends, are interested in the question, and how to find out a recipient of money transfer? There are quite a lot of ways, but not all of them can approach a specific case.

Bank card

If the translation is carried out on the Sberbank Card, then everything is simple here.

There are several ways to check the information about the receipt of money:

  1. the recipient must inform the sender himself if he has to inform about the receipt of funds;
  2. the recipient can view information in the Personal Account on the official website of the credit institution;
  3. the recipient can view information in a mobile application;
  4. the sender to trace can only write-off in the above methods or requested information by calling the hotline of the banking organization. There will tell about the location of money with the right provision of information;
  5. connect an additional service to the location of the funds for a fee.

Postal service

If the sender sends money by mail, then check the information becomes harder.

But there are several ways that guarantee the receipt of information:

  1. connect the service to inform the location of funds;
  2. by calling the company's hotline specified in the receipt;
  3. some financial institutions or systems allow you to get information on the Internet;
  4. learn from the recipient about acceptance and demand.

If it is not in demand for a month, they will hang and come to the sender's account.

Required documents

To send enough to come to the office and provide a document certifying the person. Basically, all employees claim a passport, but in exceptional cases will take a military ID or driver's license.

Upon receipt, the client must provide a passport and monetary translation information. To find out the last he can call the sender. Receives the sender information after paying the amount in the cashier.

How to send money

To send cash, you need:

  1. come to the branch of the banking organization, which has the technical possibility of sending;
  2. provide a passport;
  3. fill out a statement, writing the name, name and patronymic of the sender and recipient, phone number and address of the residence;
  4. deposit funds to the cashier's cash register;
  5. inform the recipient about the control information obtained in the receipt.

How to receive the money

For cash, you need to:

  1. come to the branch of the credit institution;
  2. provide a document certifying a person;
  3. call control information;
  4. get money.


The price for such a service in each case is individual. Depends on the specific financial institution, the monetary translation system and the transfer amount. Only after such factors can be said to the exact amount for obtaining in a particular region.

Each money transfer has its own nuances and features. Before making a listing, you must familiarize yourself with these factors and tariff. Of the disadvantages of each mechanism, high rates and commissions can be distinguished.

Of the advantages, experts allocate quick delivery of money and minimum of documents. Monetary enumeration is a beneficial mechanism with financial difficulties. Everyone may encounter such a task. But its ease of registration is available to any person.

Russian Post is the national state operator of the postal service of Russia, a full member of the World Postal Union, providing an internal and international postal communication. Adding, sending and receiving mailing: parcels, minor packages, books and correspondence; Provides financial and delivery services to both individuals and business.

Russian and foreign online stores often send orders to buyers just with this postal service or integrate with its delivery to provide high-quality and inexpensive services. For example, on the basis of post offices organized express delivery and orders for issuing orders, reducing the timing of issuing orders in Russia to 2-5 days. Some transport companies unite their facilities for the carriage of goods with huge resources of the National Postal Operator. So recently created a joint project "Rural Delivery" with Russian Post for delivery to remote points, regional and district centers of Russia, where there are no own branches.

According to the press center in the 1st quarter of 2018, Russian Post has processed 95.7 million international postal shipments, and more than 60% of Internet buyers took advantage of delivery services. In 2018, the second stage of the sorting center will be built in Vnukovo and for 3 years the network of logistics centers will be expanded throughout the country. According to forecasts of E-Commerce experts, the growth of international incoming shipments will continue mainly due to parcels from China.

Active promotion on the Russian-speaking market of such large Chinese shops, like, Banggood, and also rapidly gaining popularity of new players, and, significantly increased the flow of incoming mail. Nevertheless, Russian Post continues to fully provide services for the delivery of parcels, both international and internal.

Tracking parcels in Russia

When registering postage, the tracking number is assigned, with which you can track when it was sent, the steps of movement and the date of receipt in the post office. Tracking service allows you to control the receipt of departure and is especially useful in solving disputes with the seller in case of discrepancies detected. The name and address of the recipient will help make sure that the parcel is in purpose, and the weight of the departure is to approximate the contents of the attachment. The last status of a presentation will inform the sender about the successful delivery of goods.

In addition to ordinary letters, all other departures in Russia always go as registered. Incoming international letters and minor packages can be sent and as unregistered too. In these cases, it remains only to rely on the decency of the sender or seller and for the absence of various excesses. In case of loss or not sending the parcel without evidence of non-treatment, no postal services nor sellers reimburse funds for the goods and shipment.

Even the tracking data will help when drawing up claims for non-compliance with the control deadlines. The Russian Post site is directly referred to responsibility for the violation of these deadlines.

Tracking Parcel of Russian Post by Identification number

The barcode email identifier (spa) of the internal shipments of Russian Post consists of 14 digits, where:

  • the first six digits indicate the recipient's post office index,
  • the following two digits indicate a month of printing of a barcode identifier,
  • ninth-thirteenth digits - a unique departure number,
  • and the last digit is the control.

After payment, the cassier shipping services will give a fiscal check, in which, in addition to the standard cost and names, the number of the RPO (registered mail position) will be specified, this is the tracking number - the postal mail ID of Russia. In the RPO string, the last digit in the check is printed through a space, but you need to enter it without spaces.

He looks like a cash check like this:

Tracking an RPO instantant - when receiving, an employee of the Communication Department makes information to the database, and the first status "is accepted in the Communication Communications" will appear when tracking Russia's mail on the identifier immediately after sending. The mail identifier is a great tool for monitoring movement, delivery time and weight at each stage of the shipment delivered.

Tracking Russian Post by International Departure

For international postal shipments, the Unified Standard of the track code approved the regulations of the World Postal Union. The type of mail is defined by the two first Latin letters, the following nine digits in the track number consist of a unique eight-digit number and the last check digit. The two last latin letters in the tracking number indicate the country of departure. The country of destination by track number is impossible to determine.

Examples of departure numbers:

  • CQ --- US (CQ123456785US) - parcel from the USA,
  • RA --- CN (RA123456785CN) - small package from China,
  • RJ --- GB (RJ123456785GB) - Departure from the UK,
  • RA --- EN (RA123456785RU) - an internal number appointed by unregistered parcels upon admission to Russia.

How to track the package of Russian Post

Tracking Russian Post is available on the official website or.

After entering the track number in the departure search bar and pressing the "Track" button, a separate page opens with information about the passage, dates, status, address and recipient name.

To obtain more detailed information with all intermediate status and movement outside of Russia, track your track numbers on a simple parcel tracker Website:

Important features of the work of Russian Post

Compliance with the content requirements and its packaging is a prerequisite for successful shipment. In different countries, these rules may vary slightly. For example, in Switzerland it is impossible to send horoscopes by mail. In some African countries, it is impossible to send brushes for shaving of Japanese origin. And in the UK, a banner of landing with garbage is specifically specifically stipulated. But in general, below the above conditions are characteristic of all postal services, including for the Russian Post.

Goods prohibited for shipment:

  • gunshot arms, signal, pneumatic, gas, ammunition, cold (including throwing), electrostrophopic devices and spark dischargers, as well as the main parts of firearms
  • narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent, radioactive, explosives, caustic, flammable and other hazardous substances;
  • poisonous animals and plants;
  • cash marks and foreign currency
  • perishable food, drinks;
  • objects that in nature or packaging may be dangerous for postal workers, dump or spoil other mail and postal equipment.

There are also products prohibited to import from abroad. Therefore, when purchases in foreign online stores it is advisable to get acquainted with

What cash transfers of Russian Post can offer its customers the company "Post of Russia" (hereinafter referred to as PR) is the most popular and common postal service among Russian citizens. By providing a huge number of postal, financial and other services, it also makes money transfers at a qualitative level. With the help of post offices of the company, customers may issue such types of cash transfers: non-cash, from one plastic card to another; transmission of funds from the card, but obtaining them in the PR cash separation; urgent money transfer under the name "Foresa"; Transfer of cash using the payment card number; Transfer of money "Cyberdengi"; as well as money transfers Western Union; All listed species differ among themselves the conditions for their implementation, the deadline for enrollment of funds, as well as the procedure for design.

How to track money transfer by Russian Post by number

And finally, you can just go to the nearest post office of Russia and directly from the cashier to ask the fate of the sent money. Again, for this you need to present a passport, check and personally issued to you the control number. In addition, the employee will help you understand in other matters, in addition, what will tell you at what stage is your translation and how much more to wait for the recipient.
But any online service for this has not yet come up with. Although it would seem that it would be much more convenient, all the more trace on the Internet you can almost all: parcels, urgent letters, ordinary parcels, but not our case.

Russian Post to track money transfer by number

It can be used both for non-cash and cash transfers in Russia and in foreign countries. Delivery time is from 2 days. The upper and lower borders of the amount differ greatly depending on the country where money is sent. To send and get enough to present an identity card.

You can also connect the SMS service when sending money to the mail money transfer, then the sender will always know the translation status. Westernunion is a system that is valid independently of Russian Post. The cost of services is more than postal. But, thanks to the control code, a well-known sender and recipient, there are no problems with obtaining money.

You can track it on the official website Westernunion on the link below. It is only only to specify the track number and the name of the recipient (or the sender).

How to track money transfer through Russian Post


The third option is to visit the post office. Here, the cashier will check the list of enumerations, and will also answer other questions of interest. Such an operation requires the provision of a receipt with the Customer code and passport. Ability to trace the translation using the track number does not exist.

So you can only do when sending custom letters and parcels, i.e. almost for all types of mail, except for money. Possible problems and their solution in some regions of the state may act their tariffs for financial transactions. It mainly belongs to the most distant settlements, send to which money is much more expensive than in large cities.

How to track the transfer of money by Russian Post?

Delivery should not take more than seven days. Price service - ruble for one SMS message. The service is ordered directly in the post office during the filing of the form of a listing with an indication of receiving notification of the delivery of funds and the arrival of the departure to the post office at the address of the recipient's accommodation. SMS informing helps to learn about the movement of money within the state, because
If the addressee does not receive a departure, you can always apply either to the desired post office, or call the hotline, calling your last name and translation code. General information on translations The procedure for transferring money with the help of mail is similar to how the cash registers are operating in banking organizations. All that the client should do is to visit the post office, fill out the necessary documents and have a passport with you.

Instructions for tracking money transfer by Russian Post

From the name, you probably have already guessed that this is the most convenient way if someone needs to get them in the very near future. True, it is more expensive than the rest, but it is possible to receive funds not only in a particular branch, but also in any of those are located in the city of the addressee. However, in order for them to get the sender, report the most general data on the recipient, such as the name, name and patronymic.

And when receiving sent funds, a person needs to capture a passport with him to confirm his identity. Western Union. This option also has its own characteristics. It is noteworthy that it becomes the most effective in cases where you need to often cross cash flow to the CIS countries.

And then you will be issued a special number. By identifier, there is the possibility of tracking.

About postal money translating


Consider ways of tracking separately:

  1. Arrive in any branch of Russian Post and refer to the cashier with your problem. Cashier will ask for a check, identity card and control number. An employee will provide you with full information on your question.
  2. Visit the company's official website.

Tracking postal transfer by identifier is carried out here. Go to the tracking page and enter the requested data. Within a few seconds you will receive all available information: travel time, stopping letters and date of receipt.
  • There are many Internet resources that allow you to track the location of your money in various companies.
  • Today, almost every person has the opportunity to enter the Internet, so preference should be given to the last two ways.

    How to track the postal transfer of money by receipt number

    Westernunion is a specific service that is only available in Russian rubles to be sent to foreign countries. For sending and receiving, you need an identity card, as well as a control number known to the recipient and the sender. You should choose the most suitable way of cost and time.

    You can get more complete information about the methods of sending money on the official website of Russian Post or in any branch. Tracking Mail Translation Postal Translations of Russia Track the money transfer "Russian Post" by last name or identification number in several ways. As a rule, problems arise with postal translations. Western Union is a separate system that does not depend on Russian Post, and "Fast and Furious" is an instant way to send money carried out within one hour.

    How to track a money transfer, made through the "Russian Post"

    The recipient should appeal to the code to the sender, and then learn all the information on the receipt number;

    • this number is entered into the search string on the site, and then information about the location of the translation appears in the window;
    • all the necessary identification codes can be saved in the Personal Office on the portal. Subscribe to automatic alerts will allow you to receive a message on the phone every time you change the list of listing.

    In addition, using a variety of free services to establish the location of the departures of various postal operators, you can track the translation not only within Belarus, but also the money that was sent to the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the USA, the countries of Europe, etc.

    How to track money by Russian Post

    How to track money transfer by Russian Post? If the transfer of money is carried out using a regular mail transfer, it is impossible to track it on the site, since such forwarding is not assigned a unique track code. The only possibility to trace the movement of translation - when filling out the form to order an SMS-notification of the receipt of funds to the department and the presentation of money. When sending money, the sender receives information about the delivery time.

    This procedure takes no more than 6 days. In cases where the money did not arrive at the appointed date, the sender must contact the mail branch or call 8 800 2005 888. The sender will provide information only about the arrival time of funds. Fast and frost performs instant listing and track it does not have to track it.

    But this service is not available in each compartment.

    Transfers of money through the post are considered the oldest and one of the most common, at least among the inhabitants of the CIS countries. Convenience and availability are provided with a huge amount of departments and low services.

    Considering the fact that millions of people enjoy the service of Russian Post, the question remains relevant is it possible to track postal money transfer in online mode?

    In fact, the ability to track cash flow is missing. During sending funds, the client receives a receipt, which indicates the departure time, payment identifier and the reception date. On the official portal of the company also does not have information about the service. Therefore, the sender needs to be immediately updated, how long will the transaction take?

    Russian Post offers a wide range of services for sending letters, parcels and cash. Money can be translated in the following ways:

    • Western Union;
    • express transaction "Fast and Furious";
    • postal transfer.

    Given the fact that tracking Postal Translation Post Russia by number via the Internet is not available, the client is recommended to order a fund informing service.

    Transactions through Western Union Russian Post are intended exclusively for individuals. For business representatives, a separate QuickPay service has been developed. Money can be sent abroad or through the territory of Russia. You can get them almost anywhere in the globe. Restrictions on the transaction are 375 thousand rubles.

    No less popular "Fast and Furious" Money Transfer Tracking which online is also not provided. The service allows you to perform operational transactions that can address or nonsense. Only individuals can take advantage of the services (non-commercial purposes). The limit for financial transactions is half a million rubles (in the Russian Federation). Abroad can send no more than 150 thousand rubles.

    Mail financial operations are ideal for companies. Money can be sent directly to the recipient's current account. Financial operations are carried out with delivery to all regions of Russia, as well as a number of CIS countries, China, France and some EU states. The term is up to 2 days.

    Many are interested how to track postal transfer of Russian Post In countries abroad. The service is provided in the telephone mode, according to SMS, as well as when visiting the office.

    Delivery of money on the house is limited by the amount of 120 thousand rubles. Restrictions on operations in the Russian Federation - 500 thousand rubles, with non-cash - 250 thousand.

    On the company's official website, you can get comprehensive information:

    • about transaction limits;
    • commissions;
    • transfers to countries;
    • financial operations in the All-Russian and International Format.

    It is worth noting that only postal transfers via Western Union provide the ability to monitor cash flow in real time. To do this, you need to go to the Western Union website, so how can you track postal transfer Only on it.

    The sender can make money using the QIWI terminal device or perform an operation via the Internet. The sender will be able to receive money the next day in any of the Russian Post Offices. Also available on the house.

    The advantage of financial transactions through Kiwi is in the 24-hour operation of the service and efficiency. The disadvantage is a limit in the amount - up to 15 thousand rubles. The Commission ranges from 2% to 2.5% (via the Internet). Delivery of money to the house increases the cost of the service to 4.5% of the transaction amount. Also, the service additionally charges 110 rubles.

    But how to find postal transfer by last nameto avoid experiences? In fact, very simple. For this, Russian Post offers several ways:

    • messages to the phone number;
    • call to the contact center;
    • visiting the post office.

    The easiest way to control the receipt of the FASH means is. The service is provided for a fee, but eliminates the sender and the recipient from the hassle. You can order it during the sending of funds.

    If the sender forgot to order a notification service by phone, you can call the call center and clarify the data from the operator. Free Phone: 8 800 200 58 88. The 24-hour support service in the code specified in the receipt and passport data of the sender must provide topical information.

    Here how to trace money transfer by mail With the help of communication services. But there is a third option - a visit to the company's office. The sender is needed to provide an employee of the Russian post office and a check that confirms the fact of sending funds.

    To get the money, the client must visit the Russian Post Office and provide an identity card. If the recipient does not have the ability to pick up money, then this can make confused. As a confirmation, you need a power of attorney certified by a notary. At similar conditions, the recipient takes the money sent through the express translation of "Fast and Furious" and "Western Union". Abroad, money can be issued in any currency under the current internal system.

    Upon receipt of funds through the "Western Union", the client must call the control code, which is reported to the sender.

    Money can expect the recipient during one month, and then depart back. The exception is the translation of Western Union, which allows to store funds within 3 months.

    Unfortunately, track translation Online is not possible. But such a service is available for almost all types of other transfers, such as letters, parcels.

    Hello, dear readers. Many today use the services of translation finance. Someone prefers to do this using various payment systems, someone is enough to use bank cards. However, there is another option that residents of regions and neighboring countries are mainly used. I am talking about the services of Russian Post Office. And although it may seem in the past century, such a service has a couple of indisputable advantages compared to previous options. So, for example, using postal shipments, you can save much more from your own funds than with any other.

    How to track money transfer by Russian Post by number

    In general, you can take advantage of:

    • SMS notification;
    • Call operators;
    • Personally go to the post office.

    And now let's talk about every detail. The first option is the most convenient of all. It is enough to order this service after you sent money to the addressee. Of course, she is paid, but justice I want to calm you and report that it stands symbolically 1 ruble.
    On the other hand, if you are not satisfied with this option or you just forgot about it, that is, it is possible to contact the 24-hour support service at 8-800-200-58-88. The call on the territory of the whole country is free. You only need to report an employee who is sitting on the phone the passport details and the receipt number that you will definitely be issued when departure.

    How to track money by Russian Post

    Instructions for tracking Check the status of financial transfers sent by mail can be three methods:

    • SMS notification;
    • a call to the hotline;
    • visiting the department.

    The second and third options implies tracking by the transfer number and document that can confirm the identity of the client. SMS is the easiest way to track money sent by mail to Russia. Such notifications are ordered immediately during finance.
    The service is paid, however, the fee is not particularly large - one message is worth the ruble. What if you know where the money is, you need, and SMS alerts were not ordered immediately? You can make a call to the hotline of Russian Post, where the operator will be able to suggest the transfer stage, starting to track the recipient's name and the identification code issued during the design.

    Instructions for tracking money transfer by Russian Post

    You can translate from one bank card to another or transfer cash.

    • Funds can be obtained in the post office or with home delivery. If they are delivered to the house, the maximum amount is 120 thousand rubles. The maximum amount of cash payments for cash issuing is 500 thousand.
      r., non-cash - 250 thousand rubles. You can translate any currency. Means can be transferred to Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, France, other points of the world.
    • Instant payment. For example, cyber money, Western Union and Furious. If you need to deliver funds through the territory of Russia or in the near abroad, "Fast and Furious" will suit. The recipient can get money in the post office at its address or in any office of the Russian Federation.

      On Russian territory you can list a maximum of 300 thousand rubles, and abroad - 150 thousand rubles. Using Western Union, send payments only abroad.

    How to track money transfer through Russian Post

    The recipient should appeal to the code to the sender, and then learn all the information on the receipt number;

    • this number is entered into the search string on the site, and then information about the location of the translation appears in the window;
    • all the necessary identification codes can be saved in the Personal Office on the portal. Subscribe to automatic alerts will allow you to receive a message on the phone every time you change the list of listing.

    In addition, using a variety of free services to establish the location of the departures of various postal operators, you can track the translation not only within Belarus, but also the money that was sent to the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the USA, the countries of Europe, etc.

    The procedure for tracking a postal transfer of money by receipt number

    Choosing any separation, you should immediately clarify all the conditions for the operation. The company called "Russian Post" is a popular and demanded from Russian citizens service providing a large number of not only postal, but also financial services. Read also transfer tools from one 1xbet account to another: step-by-step instruction coming to the post office, Russian Post Customers may perform the following types of money transfer:

    • cashless card on map;
    • sending money from the map and getting them in the cash post office;
    • urgent departure "Fast and Furious";
    • list using the card number;
    • translation of "Cyberdengi";
    • translation Western Union.

    All translated types described are distinguished by the terms and conditions of money delivery and the features of the operation.

    How to track money by mail the recipient name

    First of all, you will need to contact any of the Russian Post Offices with a certain amount. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that you will definitely take some percent as a commission, so counting the money you want to send them in mind that on top it will be necessary to throw the percentage. After that, you must submit your passport employee, a complete special form, the data of the beneficiary and the money itself.

    At the same time, the addressee must be filled in the branch of the addressee receipt, where it indicates its passport data, as well as the address on registration. How to track Well, now let's talk about the most important way, how can you learn about the fate of our finances that are in hand to the recipient. I hurry to refress you that such options are three, and therefore you have something to choose from.

    How to track the translation of "Russian Post"

    In addition, the recipient, knowing the order of numbers in this issue, will be able to prove that it is finance that it is me. And as you have already guessed, with such a situation, no passport will not require you. Finally there is a normal option. He is known to be the most popular among the population of the Russian Federation due to its availability, relative cheapness and understanding.


    True, your money will reach the addressee not immediately on the same day. Usually it takes from two days and to an indefinite period. And that is why people who used this service are most often asked how to track their families sent by a friend or relative.

    Instructions for translation in most of its rule that you need to follow are standardized for each method and will not cause any difficulties or problems with you.

    How to track money transfer by Russian Post by the recipient's name

    Westernunion is a specific service that is only available in Russian rubles to be sent to foreign countries. For sending and receiving, you need an identity card, as well as a control number known to the recipient and the sender. You should choose the most suitable way of cost and time. You can get more complete information about the methods of sending money on the official website of Russian Post or in any branch. Tracking Mail Translation Postal Translations of Russia Track the money transfer "Russian Post" by last name or identification number in several ways. As a rule, problems arise with postal translations. Western Union is a separate system that does not depend on Russian Post, and "Fast and Furious" is an instant way to send money carried out within one hour.

    Russian Post to track money transfer by number

    How to track the transfer of "Russian Post" of Russian Post "regularly carries out a huge number of all kinds of shipments, including remittances. You can send funds with the help of "Russian Post" in two ways: send by registered mail or implement a special money transfer. But, regardless of the method of translating, people are very often interested in the question, is it possible to track the postal money transfer? In principle, this is possible, but it all depends on what way a person translates money, because by sending it using a payment transfer system, in tracking simply will simply be necessary. If a person sent money to a simple or registered letter, that posting postal money transfer in this case will be very simple. Have questions about Russian Post or Post Bank? Do not hesitate and ask them in the comments.

    How to track money

    And finally, you can just go to the nearest post office of Russia and directly from the cashier to ask the fate of the sent money. Again, for this you need to present a passport, check and personally issued to you the control number. In addition, the employee will help you understand in other matters, in addition, what will tell you at what stage is your translation and how much more to wait for the recipient. But any online service for this has not yet come up with. Although it would seem that it would be much more convenient, all the more trace on the Internet you can almost all: parcels, urgent letters, ordinary parcels, but not our case.


    Temporarily does not carry out a transfer to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. Also also transfer money from Belarus to Russia: Available methods

    1. The recipient should know the number of departure and delivery time. It is necessary to come with a passport to the post office and take the amount of money. It is important for the transfer of funds to the Commission: 1.8% of the amount of payment + 65 rubles per ruble transfer, 2.8% is a commission for enumerations in foreign currency. Commission size when using cyber money depends on what country is the recipient.

    How do the system of monetary transfers system work according to the law "On the National Payment System".

    How to track the transfer of money by Russian Post ATTENTION That is, cash reach the recipient almost instantly.
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