Passport FMS. Decoding the code of the department of the Guvm (Ufms) of Russia

In the citizen's passport Russian Federation there is a lot of information important for identifying a person. Among the information that is often required to be indicated in the “passport data” column, as a rule, the authority, or more precisely, the department that issued the document to the person, is entered. The name and coordinates of the relevant Federal Migration Service are included in the passport itself on the second page of the document. Next to them is the date of issue of the identity card and a certain “unit code”.

Many people are haunted by the meaning that goes into these numbers. Is it possible to decipher these numbers and is there a single directory by department indexes?

Decoding the code assigned to the Federal Migration Service authorities

The FMS department code in the passport consists of two parts of three digits each. In addition to the fact that the index is included in the passport, it is also displayed on the red seal placed on the signature.

The first half consists of three digits. Conventionally, it is divided into two parts: the first – two numbers indicating the region; second – last digit, which determines the level of subordination of the FMS department. Regarding the region, everything is simple. Double index is a code assigned to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It is very easy to determine. It corresponds to the region written above.

Thus, as shown in the image, the index “78” means that the passport was issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of St. Petersburg.

To find out which authority issued the document, check the third digit:

  • “0” – Federal Migration Service;
  • “1” – passport and visa service (PVS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate or Central Internal Affairs Directorate;
  • “2” – PVS of the city or district department of internal affairs;
  • “3” – PVS of a city or rural police department.

Obviously, this information is also included above in the full name of the division.

The second part of the code also includes three numbers, and they are even easier to decipher. They mean a number assigned to a specific department or branch of the Federal Migration Service. For example, code 233-013 is deciphered as follows: the passport was issued by one of the PVS of rural (or city) police departments in Krasnodar region. Which is assigned serial number 13.

In the image above you can see that “075” in the code column corresponds to department No. 75 of the Federal Migration Service.

A separate category of ciphers for territorial departments and branches are provided for Crimea. Thus, in new passports for those who have accepted citizenship of the Russian Federation, the FMS unit code is 900-xxx. The last three digits indicate, as described earlier, the serial number of the department. And 900 in this number means the main department of the Federal Migration Service. Today, passports are issued there with the code number 910. For example, 910-002 indicates that the identity card was issued by the FMS office in Sevastopol.


Coding of the Federal Migration Service of Russia

So, as we found out above, the entire decoding is provided directly above the department code on the same page of the passport. By the way, the seal also contains all the information described above. It is difficult to imagine that anyone would have to decipher this index without the corresponding information about the FMS body nearby. However, many continue to look for them and fall for the tricks of scammers. The fact is that the directory does not exist in principle.

Download all offers full list codes either do not contain real download links, or allow you to download an archive, which, when you try to open it, requires you to enter your phone number or send an SMS. It is highly not recommended to do this. At a minimum, annoying spam will begin to arrive, at a maximum, money will be written off. But in any case, no one will receive any reference book from the Russian Federal Migration Service.

There is no other way than described above to decipher the unit code. However, it is possible to quickly and easily find out all the necessary data about the relevant department by its name. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

Here select the “FMS of Russia” tab, and in it “Structure and Management”.

The page that opens contains a list of all territorial bodies FMS by region.

Select the appropriate region. After clicking on the arrow next to the name of the region, a menu will appear with a selection of regions and other administrative districts. From this list, select the desired area.

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In addition to identification information, passports of Russian citizens contain information about the authority that issued the passport. It’s easy to figure out how to find out the code of the department that issued the passport. Name, coordinates located on the 4th line from the top of 2 pages. The directory will allow you to determine the code of the FMS department.

Definition of Control

The information is encrypted. The code consists of 2 parts, the information is duplicated on the red seal certifying the signature. The unit code in the Russian passport is as follows.

1,2 digits - region of the Federation, 3 - level of subordination, 4,5,6 - codes of departments of passport offices in Moscow, other cities, regions.

The directory of numbers will tell you:

  • St. Petersburg - 78;
  • Moscow - 77;
  • Krasnoyarsk region - 24;
  • Perm region - 59;
  • branches of the Moscow region - 50;
  • management Murmansk region - 51;
  • Federal Migration Service of the Tver Region - 69;
  • Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Bashkortostan - 02.

The divisions of the Federal Migration Service of Russia are encrypted in 3 digits.

  • “0” - assigned by the Federal Migration Service,
  • “1” - for passport visa services of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • “2” - PVS of district and city departments of internal affairs;
  • “3” - PVS of police departments in villages and cities.

In Crimea, passport and visa offices issue certificates that indicate 900-ХХХ. Code 910 means that the certificate was issued in Sevastopol.

When you see code 009 (initial 3 digits) on the seal, you know that you have invalid passport.

In international passports, the codes are located in the lower right part of the page with basic information and a photograph.

Control ciphers

You can find out what department code is from the employees government agency. Second 3 digits are responsible for a specific passport issuing office in the Moscow region or another region.

The classifier will help you find out what the subdivision code is. The codes are indicated for each region of the Moscow region.

Codes ATS units Russians living in the Moscow region do not need to know. This official information. Passport office employees who know the codes of the Moscow region can tell whether the ID is valid.

Many people want to know what code 009 (2nd group of numbers) means. It’s worth taking a look at the classifier. The codes will tell you that the certificate was issued by the department of the Moscow region, which was assigned code 009.

  • The Federal Migration Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is assigned the number 240-001, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the specified region - 241-001, and the Krasnoyarsk Internal Affairs Directorate - 242-001.
  • Federal Migration Service of the Moscow Region - 500-001, Moscow - 771-001.
  • Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Bashkortostan - 020-001, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic of the same name - 021-001.

Specified information allow you to find out the department code of the Federal Migration Service. But the complete list contains the classifier Codes of departments of the Moscow region, regional cities, regions, republics.

The information is located in the departments, you can find out the data by contacting in person or writing a request.

Other data

The red seal on the Russian identity card contains other information. The stamp consists of 4 parts: outer, middle, inner, central.

The classifier will help you understand the information indicated on the seal. Branch codes are located in the lower third of the middle ring. The number is printed in black on the protective mesh. It is separated from the inscriptions by octagonal stars.

This code does not allow you to find out the region in which a Russian lives. The number indicates the region where the certificate was issued. Moscow registration when receiving a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation must be located on the appropriate page.

Code 50 indicates that the certificate was received in the Moscow region. The region of temporary (permanent) residence may not correspond. If there is a match permanent residence and accommodation, you can find your way around and find out the branch number at the address.

The number on the seal indicates the region where the certificate was issued. The 2nd part of the cipher contains information about specific management Moscow region. Number 500-017 says that the certificate was issued by the Federal Migration Service of Voskresensky municipal district Moscow region. 500-028 - Dubna, Moscow region.

Contains other classifier codes. Sergiev Posad municipal district The Moscow region was assigned the code 500-150, the Khimki district - 500-171, the city of Lyubertsy 503-043.

Russians do not need to know all the features of encryption. This information is necessary for passport officers involved in issuing certificates. It’s easier to check the authenticity of a certificate

A general passport is main document certifying the identity of the individual and confirming his citizenship. A modern passport contains a large number of personal identifying information from last name to registration. In addition to identifying data, the document contains information about when it was issued and by whom, and also contains certain details. Very often, when filling out various forms and forms where you need to indicate passport data, you have to enter information about the subject and the time the document was issued. The name of the government agency responsible for providing the person with an identity card must be included in it. In addition, a certain code of the unit of the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) of Russia is also indicated, in order to decipher it you need a reference book.

It is worth noting right away that this code is intended for internal use. All the information it contains is indicated in words.

This code has no practical application for the average person and secret information does not contain. However, citizens continue to look for (or even try to create on their own) a directory with divisions corresponding to their digital designations. What's the use of this? Doubtful. Some say there is some benefit to this personnel service. However, information about the government agency that issued the document is available without codes, and personnel officers can obtain it by reading the name of the agency here.

How to decrypt

Having opened the passport, you can see that the unit code of the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS) of Russia consists of two parts. Each has three numbers.

1st part: three digits before the line - XXX. The first two indicate the region where the territorial government agency is located. The third number indicates the subordination of the body in the structure of the Main Directorate for Migration and Migration (FMS).

The region is determined simply: the code displays the digital value of the region written above. This is a two-digit index assigned to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For example, 78 corresponds to the city of St. Petersburg. That is, the department code in the form 78Х-ХХХ means that the passport was issued by the department in St. Petersburg.

Read also Main nuances of the resettlement program from Moldova to Russia in 2019

There are four levels of subordination that code can contain. GUVM (FMS) – central authority and has no subordination in its own structure, therefore it bears code designation"0". The remaining three levels belong to passport and visa services:

  1. – Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Internal Affairs Directorate or Central Internal Affairs Directorate;
  2. – urban and district departments internal affairs bodies;
  3. – city or rural police department.

As can be seen in the picture or found in own passport, the meaning of the third digit is also written in words a little higher. As a rule, in official names government agencies contain information about their subordination and information about territorial affiliation. This means that the first part of the riddle is solved.

The 2nd part also consists of three digital characters. And they are even easier to decipher. This is simply a serial number assigned to each department of the authorities in the structure of internal affairs. As can be seen in the figure, the second part of the code “075” exactly matches the inscription “No. 75”, which determines the serial number of the structure.

After the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the authorities began to distribute local residents passports containing a department code starting with 900-ХХХ. This designation reads as GUVM (FMS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. That is, in the absence of their own units, Crimeans received passports directly from the FMS, and now from the Main Directorate for Migration Issues. In this case, the number may not be exactly 900, but, for example, 910.

About the directory

Many are trying to find a directory of codes for all divisions in the structure of government agencies on migration issues (GUVM, and previously the FMS) of Russia. The fact is that such a list is not officially provided. You can find out the decoding of a specific combination by searching the Internet. There are, however, lists compiled by enthusiastic Internet users. However, you should not rely on them as the primary source and absolute truth; errors and inaccuracies are possible in them.

Many people paid attention to the mysterious six numbers in Russian passport called "division code". And many wondered what they mean and what they are needed for. How it is deciphered, what it is needed for, and how to find out the code of a Russian subdivision using a directory, we will look at it yourself in this article.

Why do you need a department code?

Division code is a digital index of a specific structure of the passport and visa service that issued and issued the document. Using this code, you can find those responsible who violated the law when issuing a passport. It is often required to be indicated when filling out legally important documents. IN general passport it consists of six digits divided into two parts by a hyphen.

Decoding codes

The first 3 digits of the code in the first part are quite simple to decipher. The first two digits indicate the code of the region or subject of the Russian Federation, and the third indicates which division of the Federal Migration Service (GUVM) issued it.

Let's look at the codes of the departments of the Federal Migration Service, or rather their first digits, characteristic of certain subjects RF.

  1. Arkhangelsk region – the code starts with the number 29.
  2. Belgorodskaya - 31.
  3. Volgogradskaya - 34.
  4. Voronezhskaya - 36.
  5. Irkutsk - 38.
  6. Kaliningradskaya - 39.
  7. Kirovskaya 43.
  8. Kurskaya - 46.
  9. Leningradskaya -47.
  10. Moscow - 50.
  11. Nizhny Novgorod -52.
  12. Rostovskaya - 61.
  13. Samara -63.
  14. Sverdlovskaya - 66.
  15. Tambovskaya - 68.
  16. Tverskaya – 69.
  17. Tyumenskaya - 72.
  18. Chelyabinskaya – 74.
  19. Yaroslavskaya - 76.
  20. Moscow city – 77.
  21. City of St. Petersburg -78.
  22. Altai - 04.
  23. Bashkortostan - 02.
  24. Adygea - 01.
  25. Dagestan -05.
  26. Ingushetia -06.
  27. Kabardino-Balkaria – 07.
  28. Mari-El -12.
  29. Mordovia – 13.
  30. Udmurtia -18.
  31. Chuvashia – 21.
  32. Karelia – 10.
  33. Tatarstan – 16.
  34. Khabarovsk Territory – 27.
  35. Jewish Autonomous region – 79.
  36. Chukotka autonomous region – 87.
  37. Yamalo-Nenets – 89.

A separate category of codes is provided for citizens of Crimea. Most of the inhabitants of this region were accepted into Russian citizenship recently. Therefore, in their new passports the code begins with the number 900. This means that it was issued by the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A separate code - 910, is provided for those who receive an identity card Russian citizen in the Sevastopol .

The third digit of the first part can end in 0, 1, 2 and 3. They mean:

  • “0” passport was issued by the Federal Migration Service.
  • “1” - issued by the PVS at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate or Central Internal Affairs Directorate.
  • “2” - issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of a district or city.
  • "3" - by the police department.

For example, the first three digits of the code “522” mean that the passport was issued by the Department of Internal Affairs in Nizhny Novgorod region, "683" - by the police department in Tambov region, “381” - FMS in the Irkutsk region.

Thus, we now know what the first three digits of the code mean. How to decipher the other three numbers from the second part - you ask. They are deciphered even more simply and mean the serial number of the department or department of the PVS.

For example, department code 342-023 means that the passport was issued by the PVS of the Department of Internal Affairs No. 23 in Volgograd region, 391-001 – Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate or Central Internal Affairs Directorate Kaliningrad region, 463-005 - police department No. 5 in Kursk region, 213-001 – police department No. 1 in Chuvash Republic, 340-001 – department of the Federal Migration Service in the Volgograd region No. 1, 632-001 – Department of Internal Affairs for Samara region etc.

The decoding of the department code is presented in the line above in the passport itself in the “passport issued” section, as well as on official seal a little lower.

Code Directory

It is difficult to imagine that someone might need a directory with department codes of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. However, you should know that in principle it does not exist. At least on a separate paper medium.

If you urgently need to know the code, but you don’t have your passport at hand, you can ask this question at the passport office where the passport was issued. Police officers or passport office can find out the code at the registration address that was at the time the passport was issued.

On the website of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, select the name of the department, after which you will be taken to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. From what appeared on home page list, select “divisions in regions”. You will receive information with the address and telephone number of the desired unit in all federal districts.

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