Traffic rules in winter for children presentation. Social and communicative development

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Know and follow the rules traffic!

You should always go around the tram only after getting off the tram, you need to go to the pedestrian crossing and only cross the road there. front.

Most often, the trolleybus and bus stop is located behind an intersection or pedestrian crossing. Therefore, you need to go to the pedestrian crossing and only cross the street there.

Cyclists are prohibited from letting go of the handlebars or clinging to moving cars. Remember that only those over 14 years old are allowed to ride bicycles on the city streets.

Even the most experienced driver will not be able to stop the car immediately. Especially on slippery roads. Never cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

Do not play snowballs or football on the sidewalks, roadways, or roads. It is very dangerous. Do not sled, ski or skate on the streets and roads. Allotted for games special places in courtyards, playgrounds, and parks.

The crossroads is the most dangerous place for pedestrians. You must cross the intersection using pedestrian crossings only.

This sign shows that there is a pedestrian crossing here

This sign indicates that the underground passage here is the safest for pedestrians

When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights

“Stop! Stop!” - a red signal commands a pedestrian

"Attention! Get ready! Now I’ll give you permission to cross the street!” - this is what the yellow signal means

"The path is clear. Go!" - this is a green traffic light command.

Guys! Follow the traffic rules!


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AUTOMOBILE. ROAD. A PEDESTRIAN. Discipline on the streets, roads and in transport is the key to safety

History of transport development. anemone First carriage chariot steam car crew First car

Crews and their similarities to the first cars

TASK: List the means of transportation. What other types of transport do you know?

Kinds Vehicle, their classification. Depending on the location of movement, all transport is divided into 5 large groups: air, land, underground, water, railway.


Ground transport cargo cars public transport Special transport ground type of rail transport

underground railway

Road users The pedestrian has the sidewalk, and the driver has the road.

EXERCISE. Find mistakes in pedestrian behavior...

Passenger! Behave with dignity. . Responsibilities of passengers. Wait for public transport only at stops. 2. Enter through the rear doors and exit from the front doors of the vehicle. 3. Before entering, let those exiting the vehicle out. 4. When unregulated crossing Trams go around the streets in front, and buses and trolleybuses go around behind. 5. In transport, behave with dignity: -do not make noise or push; -give seats to elderly and disabled people, women with heavy bags; - hold on to the handrails while the vehicle is moving; -don’t forget to pay for your travel or show it travel document; -never try to get into a vehicle while it is moving (you can slip down the steps and get run over by the wheels of the bus); - do not enter a crowded bus, trolleybus, tram; - items that are sharp and inconvenient for other passengers should be packed well and placed carefully so that they do not disturb anyone.

On the roadway you cannot: 1. Ride bicycles and scooters. 2. Play games. 3. Play with a ball. 4. Run across the road.

What could be the consequences? About 1.5 thousand children die on Russian roads every day. 24 thousand are injured.

If there is a problem on the road - Call urgently - 02 03


ENTRY PROHIBITED Pedestrian traffic prohibited Traffic trucks prohibited Motorcycles prohibited Bicycles prohibited Overtaking prohibited PROHIBITION

Right turn prohibited Left turn prohibited U-turn prohibited Restriction maximum speed Stopping is prohibited Parking is prohibited

Warning Signs Railroad crossing with barrier Crossing equivalent roads Traffic light regulation Dangerous turns Road narrowing

Two-way traffic Pedestrian crossing Children Wild animals Other hazards Turn direction

prescriptive Move straight Move right Move right Move right or left Move straight or right Move straight or left

Limitation minimum speed Pedestrian path Traffic passenger cars Bicycle path Avoiding obstacles on the right or left Circular traffic

Correct behavior on the roads is an indicator of a person’s culture. I wish everyone safe roads. Be educated. See you again!


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History of automobile development

Questions How did it all start? What cars were there before? How did the car develop? What should a car be like in the 21st century?

The Wheel It all started in ancient times. The invention of the wheel gave a very powerful impetus to the development of technology.

Cart A cart appeared. At first, the man himself dragged it, but soon began to involve his four-legged brothers in the hard work.

Wind-driven cart Soon man came up with the idea of ​​using the wind, but the wind did not always blow.

Self-propelled carriages The most interesting is the three-wheeled scooter of Ivan Kulibin, which he created in 1791.

Steam carriage Steam engines appeared. In 1763, the French engineer Cogneau built the first steam carriage. Such a car could drive for fifteen minutes

Crew with gasoline engine The advent of the internal combustion engine. In 1885, the first carriage with a gasoline engine was manufactured.

Modern car Since then, the car has undergone many changes. But the car is still on 4 wheels and it still has a gasoline engine.

Eco-car green apple Eco-car does not pollute environment, and as you move, using built-in filters, it purifies the air.

Conclusion The history of the car, like the history of man, is not yet over and many interesting things await us ahead. So glory to the first masters! So glory to those who build cars for us in our age!

Thank you for your attention!


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Compliance with safety measures when crossing the road in winter time

The main rule of behavior on the road in winter is double attention and increased caution!

The snowdrifts are narrowing roadway roads. Crossing snowdrifts becomes noticeably more difficult. In fact, they become another “trap” on the road. If the car is parked and it is covered with snow, this is also a “trap”. You have to be very careful and before you step out from behind a snowdrift onto the road, move out literally half a length and look at it in all directions.

Therefore, the usual (summer) safe distance to the car for crossing needs to be increased several times. In snowy or icy conditions, the likelihood of skidding and skidding increases, and, most importantly, the braking distance lengthens unpredictably.

On a slippery road, the car's braking distance increases significantly.

The safe distance to the car for crossing needs to be increased. Do not rush!

During short daylight hours, when crossing the road, you must follow the traffic lights and drivers. The bright sun is also a hindrance, together with white snow they create a glare effect, a person is blinded, and again you need to be extremely careful.

Narrow winter roads, snowdrifts on the roadside, skidding and stationary snow-covered cars all these are additional interference with the movement of vehicles and people.

Do not stand next to a skidding car! Don't try to push her! Pieces of ice and stones may fly out from under the wheels. And most importantly, the car can unexpectedly break out of the snow captivity and rush in any direction. Stay away from a running snowblower.

Where should you cross the street? Only at the pedestrian crossing

How should I board public transport? You have to wait until other passengers get off, then get in.

While a bus, trolleybus or tram is moving, you should not touch the doors with your hands. You need to wait until the driver opens them. You cannot distract the driver and talk to him, because he must watch the road You cannot lean out of the window while driving You cannot talk loudly - this disturbs the driver and other passengers Rules for passengers of public transport

How should you get around the tram? Front

How to get around buses and trolleybuses? Behind

Where can children under 14 years old ride a bike? Only in the yard

Thank you for your attention

Winter is not only frost and sun, but also a slippery road! The long-awaited winter has come, a time of vacation, relaxation,
skiing and sledding. Winter is not only dazzling
bright sun, blue sky, crunch of snow underfoot in frosty
day, but also snowfalls, drifts, slippery roads, thaws with
icy conditions, limited visibility on the road, short light
day. This is a very difficult period for both drivers and

It gets dark early and very quickly in winter. At dusk and in the dark
visibility deteriorates significantly, and it is easy to make a mistake in identifying
distances both to a moving car and to stationary ones
items. Often close objects seem far away, and distant ones -
loved ones. Visual illusions occur: a stationary object
can be mistaken for moving, and vice versa. Therefore, at dusk and
In the dark you need to be especially careful. Go to
the roadway is allowed only after making sure that
safety of the crossing, in the absence of approaching traffic.

During snowfalls, drifts noticeably appear, and
the movement of pedestrians and vehicles becomes difficult. Snow blinds your eyes
pedestrians and interferes with the view of the road. For the driver, visibility is
The road is also getting worse. In such a situation it is even more difficult for the driver
notice a pedestrian. Before crossing the road, remember that everyone
vehicles on slippery roads lengthen unpredictably
braking distance, and increases in snow or ice conditions
the likelihood of skidding or skidding of the car. Therefore, usual (summer)
the safe distance to the car for crossing must be increased by

Due to frequent snowfalls, snowdrifts form on the roadsides, which
prevent adults and children from seeing approaching vehicles.
Before you start crossing, you will have to look out from behind a snowdrift to
make sure there are no approaching cars. Narrow winter roads
snowdrifts on the roadside, snow-covered cars skidding and standing
all this is additional hindrance to the movement of transport and people.

The bright sun and white snow, oddly enough, also create a hindrance
the effect of glare, a person seems to be “blinded.”

Winter is the time for sledding and skiing, and very often you can find
children who drive straight along the roadway, and this is very dangerous. On
the road rolls up, and it is clear that the sleds and skis roll well and far, but
after all, the braking distance of vehicles increases, and in such
irreparable situations may happen. Do not allow children to play on
roadway, skiing on it. Don't build ice slides in
near the roadway.

To avoid falling on a slippery road, you should never run
across the roadway. You could slip and fall right under
car wheels.

Rolled ice paths can cause serious injury.
If a fall is unavoidable, bend your knees and elbows so that
will allow you to “land” more successfully.

So that drivers can see you in the headlights from afar, attach it to
clothing with reflective elements.

Do not carry your child across the road on a sled. During the transition it is necessary
remove it from the sled, take it in your hands, and only then continue moving.

Playing snowballs near the road is dangerous both for surrounding pedestrians and
and for drivers. Snowball caught in a car windshield
may lead to a traffic accident.

Therefore, the main rule of behavior in
road in winter - double attention and
increased caution!

Ekaterina Tsvetkova

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution

"Kindergarten No. 14 "Herringbone" combined type" Syasstroy



"Bright winter!"


Subject safe behavior children on the roads - an integral part of work on the social and communicative development of a preschool child. It sounds especially topical in winter, when daylight hours are short. Very soon the time will come when our pupils will walk at dusk both in the morning, on the way to kindergarten, and in the evening, on the way home. In this regard, our preschool educational institution annually organizes a joint short-term social and educational creative project"Bright winter!"

Realizing this project, we consolidate children's knowledge about the Rules of the Road and safe behavior on the roads. Also, we teach how to use reflectors as the main assistants when crossing streets in dark time days. During the implementation of the project, we enrich the vocabulary and intellectual reserve children, develop Creative skills in the manufacture of various crafts and design of drawings.

Project participants: children of middle, senior and preparatory groups for school, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions (teachers-speech pathologists, teachers-speech therapists, instructor physical culture, parents, traffic police inspector.

Problem: Why is it necessary to follow the traffic rules?

How to cross the roadway at night?

What is a reflector used for?

Objective of the project: formation of knowledge about correct behavior on roads and using reflectors at night.

Project objectives:

To develop children's knowledge about traffic rules;

Expand knowledge about reflective devices;

Enrich lexicon children on the topic of the project in various types children's activities;

Develop children's communication abilities when interacting with adults and peers;

To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in making various crafts based on the theme of the project.

Project stages:

1. Why is it necessary to follow the traffic rules? (introduction to the problem, give knowledge (consolidate) about the Rules of the Road, road signs, ways to cross the street)

2. What are reflective devices? (introduce children to reflective devices: bracelets, keychains, badges, vests; give knowledge about their purpose and use)

3. “School of traffic light sciences” (consolidate acquired knowledge in play activity; develop creative skills in various types of productive activities; promote the positive socialization of a preschool child).

Event plan(directions of development, forms of work, mini-presentations):

Social and communicative development:

S/r games: “Bus”, “Chauffeurs”, “Crossroads”, “City Street”

Safety: Excursions through the city streets; to the traffic light; to the crossroads; to the bus station.

Conversations on traffic rules; guessing riddles according to traffic rules; discussion of situations on the road (illustrations and pictures);

Labor: making attributes for games, designing the playing space.

Presentation “Traffic rules. We learn by playing"

Thematic photo album.

Cognitive development:

Thematic conversations: “Be an exemplary pedestrian”, “Road signs”, “My friend is a traffic light”, “Laws of streets and roads”.

Watching educational videos, cartoons, presentations about traffic rules, rules of behavior on the road, transport, road signs, the role and benefits of reflectors.

Thematic leisure time “Traffic rules are worthy of respect.”

Speech development:

Conversations - dialogues: “How to behave on city streets”, “We are passengers”, “What is a zebra crossing”, “Tips from a traffic light”.

Compiling stories based on pictures: “Children and the road”, “Safety on the road”.

Games: printed board games, lotto “Road Signs”, “Pedestrian ABC”, “ABC Safety”.

Reading books: “Traffic Light” by I. Leshkevich, “Naughty Pedestrian”, “Baby Traffic Light” by I. Gurina, “Why do we need a traffic light” by O. Tarutin, “The slacker Traffic light” by S. Mikhalkov, “Traffic light” by A. Garkovenko, “Traffic light” by S. Marshak.

Making a card index of poems and riddles according to traffic rules.

Presentation of thematic stands and children's literary works in book corners in groups on the topic of the project.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Drawing: “What road signs we know?" (crayons, colored pencils); “Crossroads” (collective panel: watercolor, gouache, crayons); “Traffic Light”, “Zebra” (watercolor on snow on the preschool site).

Modeling: “Traffic Light”, “Unusual Planets”, “Road Signs”

Design, application: “City Streets”, “Transport”, “Our Helper Traffic Light”, mobiles “Traffic Light” and “Indicator signs are our helpers”.

Decorating the interior of a preschool educational institution: an exhibition of children's works on traffic rules.

Physical development:

Health Day: “School of Young Traffic Inspectors” (visit to the mini-town of road signs in the sports hall of the preschool educational institution);

Sports-themed festival “School of Traffic Light Sciences” (on the kindergarten site)

Interaction with parents

Consultations on project implementation.

Production of attributes for games (road signs, steering wheels, baton, traffic lights, reflective vests).

Participation in the exhibition of joint drawings “On the Road”

Participation in themed leisure activities and excursions.

Design of materials for parent corners “Learning with children”

Placement of photographic materials in social group“vKontakte” - “MDOBU Kindergarten “Yolochka”

Final presentation:

Thematic leisure time “Meeting with an interesting person.”

Quiz “In the Land of Traffic Lights”. Questions and answers from a traffic police inspector. Presentation of reflectors.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD on traffic rules “Introducing Krosh to the rules of the road” Age group: middle. Goal: to form and expand children’s understanding of road safety rules. Objectives: To teach.

Relevance Ensuring the safety of children on the streets and roads, preventing child road traffic injuries Goal: preserve.

Traffic Rules Project Type of project: creative - informational. Project type: social. Implementation time: short-term Participants: children, group teachers, parents.

Introduction In conditions of heavy traffic of vehicles and pedestrians on the streets and roads, the number of traffic accidents increases.

Schoolchildren about traffic rules Road users

  • When you go outside, you unwittingly become a participant in traffic. And the traffic situation in the city depends on how you behave.
Responsibilities of pedestrians
  • The main responsibilities of pedestrians... They are quite simple, but very necessary. I am sure that they will be useful to you in life.
  • Remember:
  • Pedestrians must walk on sidewalks and pedestrian paths. If the sidewalk footpath, curb, Bike Lane are absent or movement on them is impossible, it is allowed to walk along the edge of the roadway in one row.
Outside settlements
  • Outside populated areas, pedestrians must walk towards vehicle traffic.
  • Remember: the roadway is where the driver works hard. Your appearance in the path of moving traffic makes it difficult for drivers and can create an emergency situation.
  • Pedestrians must cross the road underground passages, in places marked with markings or signs "Pedestrian crossing".
  • By entering the roadway where there is a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians receive an advantage over transport, that is, the right to priority movement, but this right cannot be abused.
Crossing the road
  • On sections of roads where there are no marked pedestrian crossings; It is allowed to cross the road at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides, and between them - at right angles in places where it is clearly visible.
  • It is dangerous to go out onto the roadway in places with limited visibility. Do not try to cross the roadway near stopped vehicles.
Traffic light
  • In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians are required to follow the signals of the traffic controller or traffic light. Before you start crossing, look at the traffic light. If the light is red, you need to stop regardless of whether there is oncoming traffic or not.
Safety island
  • You can only start crossing when the traffic light is green. After making sure that the drivers have stopped, you can start moving through the roadway. If you didn't have time to complete the transition on the enable signal, don't worry. Depending on the situation, you can complete the crossing or stop on a traffic island, or, if there is none, in the middle of the roadway.
Nearby transport
  • Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles, as they cannot be stopped instantly.
  • Do not stand waiting for transport on the roadway. This may end in disaster for you.
Follow traffic rules FOLLOW TRAFFIC RULES!

Dear parents!

We remind you that inwinter periodincreases sharply

the likelihood of road accidents.

In winter the days are shorter. It gets dark early and very quickly. At dusk and in the dark, visibility deteriorates significantly. In the dark, it is easy to make a mistake in determining the distance both to a moving car and to stationary objects. Often close objects seem far away, and distant objects seem close. Visual illusions occur: a stationary object can be mistaken for a moving one, and vice versa.

Therefore, be especially careful at dusk and darkness. Cross only underground, overground or adjustable crossings. And if they are absent, increase them during the transition safe distance to the car.

To avoid accidents on the road with you and your children, we remind you of:

Systematically repeating the basic Rules of the Road with your child.

Strengthening control over children's behavior on the street.

When using personal vehicles, wear seat belts, and also use seat belts and other devices when transporting children.

By personal example teach children to follow traffic rules and be careful on the street.


In snowfall:

At this time, visibility deteriorates noticeably, drifts appear, and the movement of pedestrians and vehicles is limited and hampered. Snow blinds pedestrians and interferes with their view of the road. For the driver, visibility on the road also deteriorates.

In frosty weather:

Car windows become covered with frost, making it very difficult for the driver to keep an eye on the road.

Crossing the street in front of a nearby car is always dangerous, and now even more so. And so that no trouble happens to you, take your time, wait until all the transport has passed. Only after this can you cross the street. Do not forget that pedestrian movement may be difficult due to ice on the roadway.

In cities, streets are sprinkled with special chemicals to prevent snow from forming. As a result, even in moderate frost, the roadway can be covered with snow and water slurry, which is lifted into the air in the form of a suspension by the wheels of passing vehicles. The suspension settles on car windshields, making it difficult for drivers to keep an eye on traffic conditions. In such a situation, it is even more difficult for the driver to notice the pedestrian!

In icy conditions:

After warm days the weather became colder. The road was covered with ice and became slippery. Under these conditions, appearing in front of nearby traffic is very dangerous: on a slippery road it is difficult to stop a car. So be especially careful on your way home. Do not rush, because you may unexpectedly fall and end up under the wheels.

Remember that you can only protect yourself from an accident by impeccably following the traffic rules.

In sunny weather:

The bright sun, oddly enough, is also a hindrance. The bright sun and white snow create a glare effect; a person seems to be “blinded.” Therefore you need to be extremely careful.

Mittens should be treated with caution: It is better not just to hold the child tightly by the hand dressed in a woolen house, but also to hold him by the wrist. Warm winter clothes prevent you from moving freely and hinder your movements. If you slip, it is more difficult to maintain your balance in such clothes. In addition, hoods, furry collars and winter hats also obstruct the view.

During the thaw:

At this time, treacherous puddles appear on the street, under which ice is hidden. The road becomes very slippery! Therefore, when crossing the roadway, it is better to wait until there are no passing cars. Under no circumstances should you run across the road, even at a crosswalk! Cross only in steps and be careful.


The number of places with obstructed views increases in winter. Prevents you from seeing approaching traffic:

  • snowdrifts on the side of the road;
  • narrowing of the road due to unremoved snow;
  • standing snowy car.

This means that you need to be extremely careful, be sure to stop first and, only after making sure that there is no traffic nearby, cross the roadway.

Always remember that knowledge and complianceTraffic rules- a guarantee of the safety of your life and the life of your child.

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