List of labor exchange services and free training courses. Labor exchange

Employment is not only one of the most important economic characteristics. This category can be used to judge the well-being of the people of any state. At the same time, the level of employment of the population is assessed, which is an important macroeconomic indicator.

Definition of the term

Employment is a socio-economic phenomenon. It is a socially useful activity of the population, the purpose of which is to satisfy social and personal needs, as well as to obtain earnings (income). This definition is given by the Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”. This important document was adopted on April 19, 1991 under No. 1032-1.

Employment is also an economic category. It is a set of relations that relate to the labor activities of citizens. This economic category expresses the degree of inclusion of the country's population in socially useful activities. It also indicates the extent to which enterprises need workers and the availability of vacancies necessary to generate income. All these positions allow us to consider employment as one of the most important characteristics of the labor market.

Some authors give another definition of this term. In their opinion, employment is the main parameter necessary for the functioning of the labor market. Moreover, it is a certain type of relationship between people of an economic and legal nature. And this is not surprising, because a person acquires a job by joining one or another labor cooperation. And until the moment the employee remains in his chosen subsystem of the business sector of the economy, these relationships continue to take place.

Categories of workers

The Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” provides an explanation of which citizens of the country can be considered included in socially useful activities.

These are the people:
- working under employment contracts, as well as having other service or work for which they receive remuneration;
- registered as an individual entrepreneur;
- engaged in auxiliary crafts and selling products under concluded contracts;
- elected, approved or appointed to paid positions;
- performing various types of work under civil or copyright contracts;
- members of artels (production cooperatives);
- those in military, civilian alternative service, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- full-time students of educational institutions;
- temporarily absent from their workplace due to illness, vacation, conscription, etc.;
- who are participants (founders) of organizations and have property rights in relation to the latter.

Requirements of a market economy

Since the nineties of the last century, Russia has abandoned the administrative-command type of management. Its economy began to move towards a market economy, which required various reforms. This did not escape the employment sector either. Numerous changes have also been made to it. The development of innovations was based on the experience already gained by developed countries. The result of the work done was the legislative act “On Employment of the Population of the Russian Federation,” which reflected the basic principles of the state on this issue. The first of them is enshrined in the Russian Constitution. It speaks of the voluntariness of labor and the existence of the right of citizens to freely dispose of their abilities for creative and productive work.

The second of the principles set out in the law concerns the responsibility of the state for creating the necessary conditions for employment and the free choice of jobs by citizens. The country also has the responsibility to ensure and take into account the long-term interests of the nation. This is the third principle of employment. Government authorities at all levels should make efforts to put into effect government regulation mechanisms, and also not interfere with market self-regulation in this area. At the same time, the financial capabilities of extra-budgetary funds, the budget, public associations, enterprises and citizens themselves must be used in order to achieve the social and economic efficiency of programs adopted by the government. This is the fourth principle of the state policy in the field of employment.

Methods and methods of employment

In any state, the employment policy of the population is determined, first of all, by the tasks and goals set by society. Moreover, each country can use its own ways to solve problems in this area. Thus, the American model is distinguished. It involves the creation of a large number of jobs where people are not required to be highly productive and the income they receive is low. Such a labor market suits a significant part of economically active citizens. Formally, unemployment is at a low level. However, the number of people with low incomes is increasing significantly.

When applying the Scandinavian model, almost the entire working-age population will have jobs with satisfactory payment conditions. This is possible when a large number of vacancies are created in the public sector of the economy. However, pursuing this policy is fraught with the emergence of inflationary pressure and depletion of the treasury.

When creating the European model, the number of employed people decreases with an increase in labor productivity and income of workers. Such a policy must be supported by an expensive system of benefits for the ever-increasing number of unemployed.

Types of employment policies

In the field of employment of its citizens, the state can carry out both active and passive activities. The first of them involves the adoption of a number of measures aimed at promoting employment of the population. An active policy includes measures aimed at preventing layoffs of workers and preserving jobs, improving the skills of the population and vocational training, organizing various public works, supporting private entrepreneurship, etc. All this helps reduce the unemployment rate in the country.

When pursuing a passive policy, the state does not take measures to promote employment. It only traces the negative consequences that occur when unemployment is high. At the same time, the state pays benefits to unemployed citizens and provides job selection services. For this purpose, an employment service is being organized in the country. In addition, when pursuing a passive policy, the state issues early retirement. It also provides material or non-monetary support to the unemployed.

Developed countries with a socially oriented market economy, as a rule, pursue an active policy in the field of employment of citizens. At the same time, the state strives to:
- there was work for everyone who was looking for it;
- work activity was at the most effective level;
- there was freedom to choose a workplace.

Achieving your goals

In order to outline effective measures in the implementation of policies in the field of employment of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the level and stage of economic development of the entire country. An important factor in solving employment problems will be the merging of this direction with the solution of various economic and social problems.

How should the level characterizing employment of the population rise? Work to improve this indicator is carried out using methods that are consistent with practice and national conditions.

Pre-developed methods must be constantly coordinated within the framework of social and economic policies. At the same time, all decisions in the field of employment require active action not only on the part of the state. Steps in this direction are needed from employers, as well as from employees.

Employment promotion bodies

In 1991, the Federal Employment Service was created in the Russian Federation. Today, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia is responsible for comprehensive regulation of the employment of citizens of the country. It was created in 1996, abolishing three social departments at once:

Ministry of Social protection of the population.
- Ministry of Labor.
- Federal Employment Service.

At the same time, the newly formed department became responsible for the development of In addition, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development manages the entire system of employment services through regional offices.

The main function of this governing body is to develop and further finance employment programs, standards and carry out tasks in close cooperation with regional offices. Such activities are aimed at protecting the population from unemployment.

Regional services are directly subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. They manage the work of the bodies of this department located directly on the ground. In this case, the responsibilities of regional services include:
- planning;
- instruction;
- financing;
- implementation of control.

Local employment services, which are managed by regional bodies in this area, carry out direct work with the population. This is their daily activity.

Tasks of the SZN

Citizens who want to find a suitable job for themselves should contact the Employment Center of their city or town. This is the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, which will provide advice and inform about available vacancies. In addition, the Employment Center will provide a number of other services. Among them:

Payment of unemployment benefits;
- providing material and psychological assistance to the unemployed, as well as their dependent family members.

SZN solve four main problems. This:
- social protection of unemployed citizens;
- training in professional skills;
- facilitating employment;
- about the availability of vacancies.

Areas of activity of SZN

The state of any country organizes and regulates the employment of its citizens. The Russian Federal Employment Service carries out activities aimed at:

Drawing up development forecasts and analyzing employment levels;
- development and further implementation of targeted programs at the federal and territorial levels, the purpose of which is to promote the employment of those citizens who are at risk of dismissal and have difficulty finding work;
- organization of vocational guidance, training and retraining of unemployed citizens.

This work is organized and carried out under the direct supervision of the relevant federal body, which is the Department of Employment. Within the framework of his powers, he creates and supervises territorial services.

The Employment Department is called upon to:
- analyze the situation in territorial labor markets and develop various measures aimed at preventing or reducing the negative consequences of mass layoffs of workers;
- organize work on registering the unemployed and assist them in further employment;
- assign and pay unemployment benefits to citizens registered by him;
- provide citizens with state guarantees;
- organize the work of any territorial body included in this system, such as the city employment department and the district ZN department;
- conclude agreements with educational institutions for vocational training of the unemployed;
- promote the development of small businesses.

Improving work with the population

Territorial employment service bodies work in accordance with the Federal program, which provides assistance in the employment of citizens. Their main task is to mitigate in the regions of the Russian Federation. This goal is achieved by developing a flexible labor market, bringing the supply of vacancies and unemployed workers to a balance, increasing the level of employment, etc. At the same time, there is a constant improvement in methods and forms of work with the population.

For example, they are trying to direct the employment of the population of Moscow and some other cities into the direction of intensifying the independent search for work by citizens who contact SZN Centers. To achieve this, employees of this service are introducing group consultation conversations into practice.

In addition, the employment of citizens is facilitated by “Job Fairs”, “Customer Resume Banks”, “Job Seekers Clubs” and many other programs.

The Employment Center or Labor Exchange is a government organization that keeps records of unemployed citizens and also helps with employment. In cases specified by law, the unemployed may receive cash benefits.

How to register with the labor exchange in 2019

Registering with the employment center is not difficult. To do this, you need to contact the central control center at your place of residence with a package of documents. At the same time, for previously employed citizens and those who have not previously worked anywhere, the documents will be slightly different.

Previously employed citizens

Those who have previously worked must provide the following documents when registering with the labor exchange:

  • work book;
  • certificate of average salary at the last place of work (for the last three months);
  • TIN (tax registration certificate);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • document on general secondary education;
  • document on professional education (secondary or higher);
  • an extract from the personal account of the insured person (issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).

When contacting the Central Employment Center, a citizen fills out an applicant application form. All original documents are returned on the day of registration.

Additionally, when applying for unemployment benefits, a citizen must provide a bank account number. Funds will be transferred to this account. The employment exchange is not only interested in paying benefits. The main task is to find jobs for citizens in accordance with their education or experience.

Before registering with the employment center, it is recommended to prepare all documents in advance. In this case, the assignment of unemployed status is significantly accelerated - there is no need to collect missing certificates and certificates or re-apply to the Employment Center.

For those who have not worked before

For those who have never been employed anywhere before, the list of documents is somewhat smaller. It includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document on education (both general secondary and vocational);
  • SNILS;
  • extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If the applicant does not have a SNILS or Taxpayer Identification Number (INN), then they must first be issued. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service or MFC. In the latter, both documents can be issued in one window, having only a passport with you.

Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1, Article 3, Clause 2:

The decision to recognize a citizen registered for the purpose of searching for a suitable job as unemployed is made by the employment service authorities at the citizen’s place of residence no later than 11 days from the date of presentation to the employment service authorities:

  • passports;
  • work book or documents replacing them;
  • documents certifying his qualifications;
  • certificates of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work.

For first-time job seekers (who have not previously worked) who do not have qualifications - a passport and a document on education and (or) qualifications.

Registration after layoff

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How to join the labor exchange in 2017-2018? How much do they pay at the labor exchange? What documents do I need to collect to register with the Central Tax Office? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

How to register with the employment service? What documents are needed for this?

If a person cannot find a job on his own, then sooner or later the question arises of how to register with the employment service (labor exchange). To join the labor exchange, you need to contact the employment center located in your region (city, district, settlement). The only prerequisite is that you do not have a job.

In accordance with Art. 3 of the Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1, able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, are registered with the Employment Center, are in search of work and are ready to start work can be recognized as unemployed. When registering such citizens, state guarantees are provided, consisting of payment of funds until they are employed. What documents are needed for the labor exchange? To register as unemployed, you need to collect and provide a certain set of them, such as:

  • work book and average salary for the last 3 months of work (it should be clarified that such documents are not required for people who are getting a job for the first time);
  • passport;
  • documents on the education and qualifications received (it is necessary to submit not only documents on professional education, but also on completed general education). It is in accordance with your existing professional training that a suitable job will be found for you.

In addition, to apply for benefits, an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person may be required.

More information about registering for unemployment

Speaking about the employment service, it is necessary to take into account that it is important to know not only how to join the labor exchange, but also what responsibilities such placement imposes on the citizen.

Don't know your rights?

Firstly, you must come to the employment center twice a month or less often - on the day and time appointed by the employment center employee. If a citizen does not show up for more than a month, his payments may be completely stopped, and refusal of 2 work options is grounds for reducing the amount of payments.

In addition, for every job that is offered and meets the qualifications of a citizen registered with the Central Employment Center, he must appear for an interview, doing this no later than 3 days from the date of receipt of information about the vacancy. If an unemployed person does not accept a single job offer within a year, then any vacancy that does not require special qualifications will be considered a suitable vacancy for him.

When considering the question of how to register for unemployment, it must also be said that the following categories of citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed:

  • under 16 years of age;
  • persons who have been granted an old-age or long-service pension;
  • those who twice refused to undergo training from the employment center (if they did not have qualifications and had not worked anywhere before);
  • those sentenced to correctional labor;
  • other citizens specified in Part 3 of Art. 3 and Art. 2 of the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”.

Is there an electronic labor exchange?

When considering the issue of registering with the Labor Center, one should also note the presence of regional electronic labor exchanges. They are created in cities (today they are not available everywhere, but in the largest such services are created) and are designed to provide citizens with work.

It is important to emphasize that it will not be possible to register as unemployed and receive benefits here, since for this you need to personally visit the employment service. But if you just need to find a job without applying for benefits, then you can view the available vacancies directly on the website of the electronic exchange.

In addition, such sites also contain information about ongoing training, education, and seminars conducted on the basis of city central centers, which are usually free for citizens or require minimal investment compared to those conducted on a general basis. By the way, in the same way (on the website) you can get information on how to register with the employment service and obtain other data that interests you.

Is it possible to join the labor exchange while pregnant?

Of course, a pregnant woman can join the labor exchange. In accordance with current legislation, pregnancy is not a basis for refusal of employment or registration as unemployed.

Within 10 days from the moment of contacting the employment service, a woman must be offered 2 job options that correspond to her qualifications.

If a job is not found within the specified period, she is registered as unemployed and a benefit is assigned.

Such a woman will be able to receive benefits up to 30 weeks of pregnancy (if she does not get a job). From 30 weeks she goes on maternity leave, benefit payments stop, and payments after the birth of the baby are made through social protection authorities.

Payments at the labor exchange in the Russian Federation, how much does the Moscow labor exchange pay?

Payments at the labor exchange are made on the basis of Government regulations. In 2017, the minimum and maximum benefit amounts remained similar to last year (they have not changed since 2009) and are: minimum - 850 rubles, maximum - 4900 rubles.

A more accurate answer to the question of how much labor exchanges pay in 2017-2018 will depend on your experience over the last year, whether you have ever worked, whether you have been fired for “bad” articles, etc.

The general rule for payments is: for the first 3 months, citizens receive 75% of their average earnings, the next 4 months - 60%, and in the next 5 months - 45%, while regional bonuses and coefficients are added to the payment. But in any case, the benefit cannot exceed its maximum amount established by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the regional coefficient.

As for the capital, in Moscow there is a decree of the Moscow Government No. 47-PP dated January 27, 2009, according to which residents of the metropolis receive an additional payment to the unemployment benefit in the amount of its minimum amount (currently - 850 rubles). The cost of travel on city public transport is also compensated in the amount of half the cost of a single monthly travel document.

In the conditions of the formation of market relations, state policy in the field of employment should be aimed at optimizing the labor market, promoting labor mobility, creating new jobs, training and retraining of personnel.

In general, state employment policy is represented by two main directions:

  • assistance in finding employment for the unemployed population and providing assistance in vocational training and retraining;
  • stimulating the formation of a flexible labor market.

The laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation provide for equal opportunities in the exercise of the right to work and its free choice to all citizens of Russia, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political beliefs, or attitude to religion.

The state, in accordance with the laws, must help implement the labor and entrepreneurial initiatives of citizens, promote the development of their abilities for productive and creative work, promote compliance with voluntary work, free will in choosing the type of employment, and provide social protection in the field of employment.

The state is called upon to pay special attention to those groups and segments of the population that, for one reason or another, do not fully or partially meet the requirements of the market: youth; women raising children of preschool age, children - and pials and up to 19, etc. The Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” and other regulations for such groups of the population provide for the creation of specialized enterprises, the organization of additional jobs, a special labor regime (part-time work week, shortened working hours, home work).

The state employment program also provides for the decentralization of industry, its transfer to rural areas and small towns, the creation of small enterprises, the expansion of the service sector and other measures.

« Employment, - according to this Law, - is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, brings them earnings (labor income).”

It seems socially important to recognize in legislation raising children, housekeeping, off-the-job studies, and social activities as necessary and useful types of employment along with labor in social production.

Employment services

In connection with the transition to market relations and the emergence of unemployment, employment services were opened.

The employment service is headed and organized by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. Employment services have been created in the regions, subordinate in their activities to higher-level employment service bodies and the relevant executive authorities. They are financed from the employment fund.

Employment services in their activities are guided by conventions and recommendations developed and adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), created in 1919, and the relevant laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.

Employment centers decide the following main tasks:

  • collection and dissemination of information about supply and demand in the local labor market;
  • consulting employees on vocational training and employment issues;
  • vocational guidance for all population groups;
  • payment of benefits for temporary unemployment;
  • consulting entrepreneurs on problems of employment and labor use;
  • providing assistance in personnel planning of enterprises;
  • organizing retraining of labor released from production;
  • socio-psychological work with clients.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on Employment, unemployed are citizens who are able to work, who do not have a job and no income, who are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job and who are ready to start it.

  • The law approves a number of provisions. Willingness to work means that the client accepts a job offer that corresponds to the profile of his education, taking into account his experience, skills, and seeks to undergo vocational training or retraining in order to take a specific job.

The law recognizes " suitable job» one that corresponds to the professional suitability of the employee, taking into account the level of his professional training, previous work experience, health status, and transport accessibility of the workplace. This work must be paid no less than the average salary at the last place of work.

The employment service is obliged to make a decision on recognizing a citizen as unemployed no later than 11 days from the moment he presents the relevant documents: passport, work book, document on professional qualifications, average earnings for the last two months at the last place of work.

The following categories of citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed by the employment service:

  • under 16 years of age;
  • persons who have been assigned a pension, excluding disabled people of group III;
  • refused two options for suitable work within 10 days from the date of contacting the employment service;
  • those seeking work for the first time, as well as those who do not have a profession in the case of two refusals to receive vocational training or an offered paid job (even temporary).

For those who have lost their jobs due to structural changes in the economy, closure or re-profiling of production, the law provides for the preservation of length of service and average earnings during the period of employment, but not more than three months.

Social and psychological work in the employment service system

Currently, the main goal of the career guidance work of the Employment Service of the Russian Federation is to assist citizens in obtaining a suitable job in the shortest possible time, taking into account their personal interests and the needs of the labor market through professional and informational counseling and psychological support. Both individual and group psychological support are provided.

Psychological support carried out as part of an individual consultation.

After consultations with the client, his specific life situation is discussed, his capabilities and inclinations for a particular activity are identified, and a plan for further job search is outlined. This is either a search for vacancies in the previous specialty, or acquisition of a related or new profession, within which comprehensive group support is provided, which helps participants expand information opportunities for employment, overcome complexes that have developed as a result of unsuccessful job searches, change the style of job search, skillfully present to the employer your professional skills, correctly prepare documents for employment.

Information consultation provides the client with detailed information about the availability of vacancies, about the enterprises where they are available, about the specialties corresponding to these vacancies, as well as information about where to undergo retraining and training.

Professional Consulting includes the study of professional interests, increasing motivation to work, identifying psychological and psychophysical characteristics of the individual, providing recommendations on the most acceptable areas of activity for clients, and the direction of vocational training.

The consultant helps to choose one of the areas of professional activity (“man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-artistic image”, “man-person”) that best suits his desires and inclinations. It is a direction, not a profession. Then there is a joint discussion of the list of professions included in the direction.

If the person being consulted was able to choose a new specialty and there is a vacancy for it, specialists from the retraining departments, together with the client, determine in which educational institution he can obtain it.

Professional counseling can be divided into individual and group.

Personal consultation carried out if the psychologist feels that something is preventing the client from making a decision. The obstacle can be both external factors that the person being consulted is silent about for some reason, as well as the characteristics of his character.

Professional selection carried out in order to identify individuals capable of successfully working in a particular specialty. With the help of testing on psychophysiological devices or a computer, as well as using blank psychological methods, the capabilities, personal qualities, and abilities of the unemployed are determined and correlated with the requirements imposed by the profession on a person. Analysis of the results according to certain criteria allows us to draw a conclusion about whether a person can successfully work in the given profession.

According to the latest data from Rosstat, the unemployment rate in Russia in March 2014 decreased by 0.2% and amounted to 5.4% of the economically active population. The total number of unemployed compatriots is 4.024 million people. In 2012-2013 The average unemployment rate in the Russian Federation was 5.5%, which is the lowest in the last thirteen years. For comparison: in the crisis year of 2009, 6 million citizens (8.3%) were considered unemployed. However, according to some experts, Rosstat data does not fully reflect the employment picture, and the overall unemployment rate may exceed official statistics by one and a half to two times.

What to do if you are unemployed? What benefits are available to the unemployed? How long can you stay at the labor exchange? asked these and other questions to the experts.

What to do if you are unemployed?

If you are left without work, first of all you need to register with the employment authorities (at the labor exchange) at your place of registration. There they will not only help you find a job, but will also send you to vocational training and advanced training courses, and completely free of charge.

Registration with employment authorities does not prohibit you from looking for work on your own: posting your resume on specialized websites or contacting recruitment agencies.

What documents are needed to register at the labor exchange?

To register as unemployed, you need to provide a passport (or a document replacing it) to the employment center. Citizens classified as disabled must be provided with an individual rehabilitation program.

“You will also need documents on education and professional qualifications (certificate, diploma), work book, certificate of average salary for three months from the last place of work, certificate of average salary for three months from the last place of work. It's worth noting that this is not . This certificate is filled out using a special form, a sample of which can be obtained from the Employment Center or downloaded from the website of the Department of Labor and Employment of the City of Moscow:,” explains editor-in-chief of the recruiting portal Andrey Eliseev.

Directly at the labor exchange you will need to fill out an application form.

What benefit is due to whom?

The amount of unemployment benefits depends on how long it has been since you were laid off and how long you worked full-time before leaving your job. You must register at the labor exchange within 14 calendar days from the date of dismissal.

In 2014, the minimum benefit amount was set at 850 rubles, the maximum - 4900 rubles.

“In theory, the amount of the benefit is calculated based on a percentage of the average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work. In the first year of being on the exchange, an unemployed applicant can claim: in the first three months - 75% of the average salary, in the next four - 60%, the remaining five months - 45% of the average salary. But since, in any case, his benefit must fit within the boundaries between the minimum and maximum, the candidate will not receive more than the allotted 4,900, even if at his last job his salary was under one hundred thousand rubles,” emphasizes Alexandra Gross.

Citizens who have not previously worked, as well as applicants who want to go back to work after more than a year's break from work, can count on the minimum amount of benefits. In addition, a benefit of 850 rubles is given to those dismissed for violation of labor discipline, dismissed for any reason within 12 months before the start of unemployment and who had paid work for less than 26 weeks.

“The amount of unemployment benefits may be reduced by 25 percent for up to one month in the following cases: failure to appear without good reason for employment negotiations with the employer within three days from the date of referral by the employment service; refusal without good reason to appear at the employment service to receive a referral to work (training),” emphasizes General Director of the Institute of Professional Personnel Management Valentina Mitrofanova.

How many months can you stay at the labor exchange?

According to Russian legislation, you can be registered with employment authorities as long as you like. Only the benefit payment period is limited. Each payment period cannot exceed 12 months in the aggregate over 18 calendar months.

An unemployed person is removed from the register in the following cases: upon employment; after completing vocational training or receiving additional vocational education (as directed by the employment service) with the payment of a scholarship; long-term absence (more than a month) from the labor exchange without good reason; moving to another region. If a citizen tries to obtain benefits fraudulently, he is also removed from the labor exchange. “In addition, deregistration is possible if a person receiving unemployment benefits is sentenced to correctional labor, as well as to punishment in the form of imprisonment. And also the appointment of a pension, including the early appointment of an old-age labor pension,” says Mitrofanova.

If you refuse a job offered by employment agencies twice, your benefits may be suspended for 3 months.

What should an unemployed person not do?

Certain actions of a citizen registered as unemployed may result in the payment of unemployment benefits being suspended for up to three months. If you are registered with the public entertainment authorities, you are not allowed to:

What privileges does official unemployed status provide?

In addition to assistance in finding a job and receiving benefits, an unemployed citizen has the right to:

  • free consultations,
  • free receipt of information and services related to professional guidance for the purpose of choosing a field of activity (profession), employment,
  • free assistance in relocation and resettlement to another area for employment,
  • psychological support,
  • vocational training and additional vocational education in the direction of the employment service authorities.
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