Periodicals. Miracles and adventures. Scientific notes of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship

Literary and artistic works of famous masters of domestic and foreign science fiction and aspiring writers in the genre of fiction of any genre - science and social fiction, cyberpunk, fantasy, science fiction detective, humor. Sections for criticism, journalism, news, bibliographic page.

Declaration of the Russian Federation:

Let's talk a little about the ideology and concept of our publication. To one degree or another, literary works reflect the aspirations, mindsets, desires, dreams, and aspirations of certain large groups of people. The power of the printed word is great, and not only in terms of reflecting reality, even fantastic, but also in terms of education. In this regard, fundamental questions come to the fore - “what is good and what is bad” for the editors.

At the inception of our magazine, its ideology was determined, which we adhere to to this day. Probably, after more than four years, more than fifty issues have been published, and at the end of 2007, it makes sense to remind our readers and young authors who are ready to collaborate with us about it. We strive to reflect the entire palette of the fantastic literary creativity. We often publish so-called “unformatted” works, which, from our point of view, are well written in all respects. What is not acceptable for the Russian Federation? These are works that promote violence, ethnic, racial, discord; Fascism, apartheid, xenophobia, terror, etc. are whitewashed and justified. deviations in social life, implying destruction, humiliation, oppression, unmotivated rejection, of one person by another (one creature, by another:)). Apologetics for totalitarian systems and imperial ambitions are also not acceptable to us, even under the pretext of caring for a “healthy society” and a “strong state.” At the same time, dystopias and horror find their place on the pages of our magazine, in which the negative is shown as negative, fear as fear, horror as horror. The conflict between normal and abnormal, between human and non-human is often terrible, and its consequences are truly terrible. But this fear protects us from falling into the abyss, from which there is no way back.

So what is important to us in science fiction? Good literary performance original ideas, a good plot and, of course, universal human values ​​and man himself (an alien, a universal mind :)). His desire to understand the world around him, including knowledge of himself and human society. Even simple everyday joys and sorrows, caring for one’s neighbor, love for family and friends are very important. Without them, any hero, any literary work, loses its attractiveness and charm, turning into some kind of biorobot or just a statistical unit. So, we sincerely welcome all those for whom the above is important, who are guided by the same principles as us and are ready to adhere to them in their lives. We are with you!

Editor-in-chief – Irakli Vakhtangishvili

“Memorandum - A certificate or memorandum that explains something or reminds of something”

Once, in correspondence with me, Maria Galina compared our magazine to a ship, and its editor-in-chief to the captain. The allegory is probably quite appropriate, and continuing in this spirit, I will try to explain the current situation with the “RF”.

There is practically no crew on the ship (the first mate, Sergei Paltsun, remains, and he is on a voluntary basis), everyone sailed on lifeboats. The supply of the ship is long gone. There is almost no fuel. The ship's owners provide moral support from the shore and provide technical assistance as possible under the given conditions. There was a leak on all sides and we were already more than half submerged under water.

However, we will fire one more shot, make another quarterly issue of “RF” in electronic version(April May June). I still have some obligations to both authors and subscribers. This time all manufacturing process, completely, intends to take control.

I want to be honest with the authors and with the fans. I don't want to make groundless promises. There will be no fees. There will be only author's copies of magazines on discs. I will also try to provide them to the members of the KLF “Portal” and several people outside the club. This is what I subscribe to. As before financial obligations, please contact SoftPress management for clarification, or contact me, if I am given the appropriate authority by management. Now it’s up to you (the authors) to decide whether to collaborate with us or not.

I would like to thank the members of the Kyiv KLF, everyone who helps with proofreading and supports the magazine as best they can. Today, we don’t yet have an alternative to “RF” in our country, and we need to stay afloat as long as possible. Over time, maybe we will build a new ship, or repair this one, but now, such a periodical does not exist in Ukraine. Also, I ask “sympathizers” - do not help me in hammering the last nail into the coffin of the “RF”. I will bury my dead myself, and if this ship is destined to finally sink, then I will be the last one to leave it.

On the subscription:


Around the world

was founded in St. Petersburg in 1861 and has been published for a century and a half. "Around the World" publishes new views on famous historical events, stories about famous people and their destinies, information about scientific and geographical discoveries and technical advances. Most materials consist of reports prepared specifically for the magazine.

Youth technology

Youth Technology Magazine - Monthly popular science and literary and artistic magazine.


Science and life

IN late XIX century, the combination of the concepts of science and life had a special meaning. Before the eyes of one generation, the telegraph became commonplace, the telephone appeared, and electric lighting came to the streets and houses. It was then, in 1890, that the journal “Science and Life” appeared. Now, in 2015, we are celebrating our 125th anniversary.


The magazine "Health" is a monthly Soviet and Russian magazine about human health and ways to preserve it.

Homestead farming

A full-fledged magazine for summer residents: dedicated to gardeners, gardeners, flower growers, livestock breeders. Monthly illustrated magazine

Nature and man XX! Century

We consider issues of ecology, health, religion, morality, responsibility not only for our country, but also for our soul.

Miracles and adventures

Published since 1991, it has been extremely popular for 15 years and is constantly expanding its circle of readers. The magazine publishes articles and notes about inexplicable, mysterious and mystical phenomena


An illustrated popular humanities magazine with a strong literary tradition. Founded in 1924, it was the most popular youth magazine in the Soviet Union


Youth technology

tells young people in an accessible language about the field of knowledge that currently is the most promising direction in technology development.


The magazine "Floriculture" is a popular scientific illustrated publication for amateur and professional flower growers. The magazine talks about the latest in Russian selection and the world market, advanced technologies for growing ornamental plants, recommendations on floristry and garden design.

Behind the wheel



"AvtoMir" is the only weekly automobile magazine in Russia. The most latest news from the world of cars. Comparative test drives of classmates. In each issue we present: car of the week - leader Russian sales. Concept cars - cars of the future. Russian and international automobile exhibitions and auto racing. Recommendations for choosing used foreign cars. Specifications and current prices in Moscow car dealerships.

Popular mechanics

(eng. Popular Mechanics) is an American popular science magazine published since 1902 on English language and since 2002 - in Russian. Contains science and technology news: new technologies, science, weapons, aviation, space...

Knitting: fashionable and simple

I know that I know nothing. Amateur

My favorite house

A magazine about creating comfort and coziness in an apartment and a private house. We build, repair, live!

My beautiful garden

“My Beautiful Garden” is the Russian edition of Europe’s most popular magazine on ornamental gardening. The magazine is intended for amateur gardeners, owners country houses, cottages and villas.
Its central themes are garden planning and design, optimal choice of plants and their care, seasonal practical advice gardeners. Much attention is paid to indoor plants, which are suitable for decorative design of winter gardens, terraces and balconies.
The magazine “My Beautiful Garden” is a professional and friendly advisor for those who strive to live in harmony with nature.

Family and school

Readers find in “Family and School” what they need to know about the development and upbringing of a child from infancy to adulthood - the modern child in modern society. On the pages of the magazine we're talking about about preparation for school, about school difficulties, about the problems of a teenager, about gifted children and difficult children, about danger zones and risk groups; Special attention- child's health.

Yes! Yes!

Yes magazine for a young, independent girl.

In the reading room:

  • Newspapers:
    Russian newspaper
    Russian disabled person
    Evening Moscow
    Arguments and Facts
    Your right: legal newspaper
    Leisure in Moscow
    Leisure at school
    Teachers' Council
    Last call
  • Magazines:
    Holidays in Russia"Rest in Russia" magazine - The country's first magazine about domestic tourism, leisure and entertainment.
    Let's read together“LET'S READ TOGETHER. Navigator in the world of books" to revive interest in reading and books, as a platform for promoting reading among adults and the younger generation. From the pages of our publication, readers will learn the latest information about new books, life and creativity famous writers, about the history of famous books, news from the book world in Russia and abroad, exhibitions and fairs, projects to support reading.
  • searching results

    Results found: 1467

    Free access

    Limited access


    Only the stars

    Interlocutor-Media: M.

    The magazine writes only about what makes the reader empathize and be surprised! Shows the character of the stars, their way of life, their luck and cruel blows of fate. No “sensations” from press releases, no static photos of stars posing! Only live interviews, only random emotional shots! The magazine pays equal attention to both modern stars and celebrities from the past, be it Soviet films or pop singers. The magazine has absolutely no borders or frames; every page is filled with life. fascinating story with your joys and sorrows.


    Your magazine for all holidays

    Interlocutor-Media: M.

    A fascinating educational magazine for children who have already learned to read! Favorite characters from animated films, together with young scholars, solve puzzles, wander through labyrinths, look for differences, and solve crossword puzzles. “Your journal for all holidays” is a colorful assistant in study and on vacation!


    Magic and amulets. Special issue

    Interlocutor-Media: M.

    A thematic collection of advice from astrologers, psychics, healers and psychologists on maintaining health, protecting family and home, attracting wealth and good luck, changing fate and much more. Age limit: 16+


    Magic and amulets

    Interlocutor-Media: M.

    The most mysterious issue monthly teaches fortune telling and dream reading; gives the most accurate astrological forecasts; conducts master classes with famous healers; gives unusual advice for Everyday life. “Magic and amulets” - on the side of the unknown!


    Big money. Cartoon and the world

    Interlocutor-Media: M.

    A fascinating educational magazine for children who have already learned to read! Favorite characters from animated films, together with young scholars, solve puzzles, wander through labyrinths, look for differences, and solve crossword puzzles. "Cartoon and World" - a colorful assistant in study and on vacation!


    Service in Russia and abroad

    The purpose of this scientific publication is to review theoretical problems and the formation of methodological approaches, generalization of best practices in the field of service and related industries. The magazine includes scientific reviews, expert opinions, and polemics. Individual issues of the magazine are thematic in nature and are dedicated to current problems humanities, economics, technology and information technologies in relation to the service sector.


    Service plus

    “Service plus” is the first in Russia and so far the only multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific publication specializing in service issues. The main goal of the magazine is to form integrated system knowledge in the field of providing services in development conditions modern market based on consumer behavior research. The magazine is published on a regular basis, 4 times a year, and has articles by foreign authors in its portfolio. The authors are well-known scientists from universities in Russia and abroad, specialists from various departments, research laboratories, as well as graduate students, applicants, and students.


    VGIK Bulletin

    The scientific information and analytical journal "Bulletin of VGIK" is the leading scientific periodical publication of the All-Russian state institute cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov. By decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Certification Commission Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Bulletin of VGIK" is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, meeting the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for scientific directions: “Art criticism”, “ Philosophical Sciences", "Economic Sciences". The journal publishes works of scientific and teaching staff, doctoral students, graduate students and students. The "Vestnik VGIK" also publishes information about scientific life faculties of VGIK, about conferences and discussions taking place at the institute, about books, textbooks and textbooks, the authors of which are VGIK employees. The magazine is designed for scientific workers, teachers of higher and high school, graduate students, students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the achievements Russian science in Screen Arts.


    Bulletin of the Association of Universities of Tourism and Service

    “Bulletin of the Association of Universities of Tourism and Service” is a leading scientific and practical publication in the sector of education, pedagogy and professionalization of tourism and hospitality. The magazine has been published since 2007. The mission of the journal is to activate, support and disseminate the results of current Russian and foreign scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical research in the field specialized education in the field of tourism and service in Russia. The magazine is designed to attract the attention of the scientific and pedagogical community to leading trends modern development global educational process.


    Modern problems of service and tourism

    Magazine " Contemporary issues service and tourism" (English "Service and Tourism: Current Challenges") is one of the authoritative and popular periodical scientific and practical publications in Russia devoted to the problems of service and tourism. The magazine specializes in publishing scientific, scientific and practical articles on tourism and recreation issues corresponding to areas of science (in accordance with the nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation)


    Criminal law

    Legal programs: M.

    Professional practical journal on criminal law and procedure. Comments from leading experts on new legislative acts and judicial practice. The editors publish works corresponding to the following scientific specialties: 12.00.08: Criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law 12.00.09: Criminal procedure 12.00.11: Judicial activities, prosecutorial activity, human rights and law enforcement activities 12.00.12: Forensics; forensic activity; operational investigative activities The magazine also publishes works devoted, among other things, to problems of lawmaking, criminology, legal history, scientific methodology, etc.


    National Psychological Journal

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov ( Publishing House): M.

    Published since 2006. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate knowledge about the achievements of Russian science both in the field of fundamental and applied research, so in the field of evaluating psychological programs and methods of work. The magazine reviews current social problems from the standpoint of psychological science.


    Scientific notes of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship

    The publication contains articles, scientific reviews, reviews of teaching staff, graduate students and applicants of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship and other universities, as well as Russian and foreign scientists collaborating with the Academy. Editor-in-chief - Akaev A.A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, foreign member RAS, chief researcher at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Institute for Mathematical Research of Complex Systems


    Entrepreneur's Guide. Scientific and practical collection of works

    Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship: M.

    Published since 2008 The pages of this publication present theoretical and scientific-practical materials, reviews, articles and reviews on topical issues and problems modern economy and entrepreneurship. Editor-in-Chief – Balabanov V.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist Russian Federation, President of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship



    Interlocutor-Media: M.

    All-Russian weekly newspaper. One of the authoritative socio-political publications in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries. Brand name throughout history remains an independent position. The newspaper was the pioneer of the principles and rules of the free press, which later began to be used by the new generation of media. "Interlocutor" is loved and read by the whole family, because the editors very accurately determine the interest of their readers and write not only about political events in Russia and the world, social and economic problems and issues, but also raises issues of human health, examines psychological aspects ordinary people, gives reviews of new releases in cinema, theater and the book market.


    Electronic components

    ID Electronics: M.

    published since 1995, and has been an authoritative source for more than 15 years professional information for electronics developers, industry technical management, purchasing directors and a reliable marketing partner for manufacturers and distributors of electronic components


    Microwave electronics

    ID Electronics: M.

    The magazine contains information on microwave components and materials, design and development of radio systems, devices and problems of electromagnetic compatibility. The magazine is primarily aimed at development engineers and technologists in the field of microwaves working in various fields science and production, such as: radio communications, navigation and information transmission systems, avionics, motor transport and traffic control, nuclear energy, transportation, space industry, including special applications.


    Russian technological magazine

    "Moscow Technological University". MIREA: M.

    Published since December 2013 (former name "Bulletin of MSTU MIREA"). An international journal designed to highlight the results of fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research, technological, organizational and economic developments aimed at developing and improving modern technological base, publishes original experimental and theoretical work in the form of full articles, short messages, as well as original reviews and forecasting and analytical articles on current issues in the high technology sector.


    Changing Societies & Personalities

    The publication presents theoretical and empirical research related to a wide range of disciplines in the context of value pluralism and social heterogeneity of (post)-modern society. The articles correspond to the following thematic blocks: value dimensions of the relationship between socio-political transformations and personal identity; changes in value orientations; gender and ageing ideologies as factors of political, moral, religious and social change; educational strategies as ways of teaching specific social competencies; post-secular religious individualism; social exclusion and inclusion, etc. The journal publishes original articles, discussions, reviews and reviews in English. Transformation of societies entails the replacement of existing socio-cultural values ​​with new ones and the development of new ideas applicable to new situations. These changes involve values ​​concerning political life, social order, religion, work motivation, gender roles, behavior patterns, social interactions, etc. Changes of values ​​do not occur in a uniform fashion in all domains and social settings. In many cases, values ​​gradually become personal concerns leading to individual choice of life-style. Rules and prescriptions imposed by political and non-political structures are no longer taken for granted. However there are defenders of so-called traditional values ​​representing hierarchical institutions, both religious and secular in many regions of the world.

    Medical academic journal

    The magazine has been published since 2001. It is official publication Russian Academy of Sciences in the North-West of the European part of the country. The journal publishes the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of medicine and biology


    Radiation diagnostics and therapy

    Baltic Medical Education Centre: St. Petersburg.

    The journal is the first and only regularly published periodic scientific and practical peer-reviewed publication officially registered in the Russian Federation, published in the Northwestern federal district RF and publishing information about the main issues in the field radiology diagnostics(X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and radiation therapy within large quantity scientific medical specialties (obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, cardiology, pediatrics, infectious diseases, nervous diseases, oncology, dentistry, traumatology and orthopedics, phthisiology, surgery, neurosurgery, urology, rheumatology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, public health and healthcare, human anatomy, pathological anatomy and etc.).


    Welding and Diagnostics

    NAKS Media: M.

    In the magazine "Welding and Diagnostics" readers receive information about inventions and new developments, acquire theoretical and practical experience directly using recognized experts in the field of welding. The “Welding and Diagnostics” magazine includes several sections: Information - news Certification systems welding production and the activities of the National Welding Control Agency, as well as reviews of specialized exhibitions, conferences, seminars, significant memorable dates and anniversaries. Scientific and technical - science articles and the main scientific results of dissertations for the competition scientific degree Doctor and Candidate of Sciences. Manufacturing - materials on the latest research and developments in the field of welding and related technologies in the most important production areas Russian economy: in the oil and gas complex, in

    nuclear energy

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