Persons entitled to receive a one-time benefit. Order for a one-time benefit at the birth of a child

You will need

  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate, a certificate from the second parent’s place of work stating that benefits were not accrued or paid to him, a certificate from the registry office, a pen, employee documents, company documents, seal of the organization.


Write an application addressed to the head of your company, in the header of the document indicate the full name of the organization, surname, first name, patronymic of the first person of the company, position held by him in the dative case. Enter your last name, first name, patronymic, job title and structural unit in the genitive case.

After the name of the document, express your request for payment of a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child. Please sign and date the application. Attach to it a copy of your child’s birth certificate, a certificate in form 24 about the child’s birth for lump sum payment, issued to you at the registry office, as well as a certificate from your husband’s (wife’s) place of work, which states that benefits were not accrued or paid to him (her). Write the child's last name, first name, patronymic, and date of birth.

The director of the enterprise issues an order on personnel based on the application. In the header of the document, write the full and abbreviated name of the company in accordance with constituent documents or last name, first name, patronymic individual, if the company is individual entrepreneur. Assigns to an order Personnel Number and date of publication. The name of the document corresponds to the payment of benefits in connection with the birth of a child.

In the administrative part, you should indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee who is entitled to this payment, the position he holds, the name of the structural unit in which he is registered, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth of the child. Writes the benefit amount Arabic numerals. The head of the company assigns control to responsible person, indicating his last name, initials, position, usually this person is the chief accountant.

The basis for issuing the order will be your application for payment of a lump sum benefit and the documents attached to it. The director signs the order, certifies it with the seal of the organization, and also introduces you to it. Put your signature, date, last name and initials.

New order No. 1012n dated December 23, 2009, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia came into force on January 1, 2010. He streamlined the conditions for the appointment and payment of benefits to citizens with children. A one-time benefit for the birth of a child must be paid by employers and organizations to their employees. Persons with children and their legal representatives. Statement for receipt benefits and the documents required for this can also be sent by mail by registered mail with notification (so that the date and fact of departure can be confirmed).


Statement you can write by hand. In the application, you must indicate, in accordance with clause 6 of the Procedure for Assigning Benefits, the following information:
In the header of the application, write the full name of the organization where you are submitting the application, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic (without abbreviations) of the person entitled to receive benefits(father or mother, guardian), indicate passport details, actual residence address and registration address.

In the application itself, indicate the type benefits, which is applied for by a person entitled to receive benefits, indicate the method of receipt benefits and all details

So that a woman can regularly receive financial assistance finishing maternity leave, you need to contact the head of the enterprise with official statement. The director will have to issue an order to assign child care benefits up to 1.5 years old, a sample of which will be presented below, and begin paying the due amount. Funds are provided to such employees until the child turns one year and six months old.

Let's take a closer look at how to correctly draw up such an order in 2017, and what should be contained in the document. In addition, we will pay attention to the size of the payment and the list mandatory documentation, which must be presented when placing an order.

The order to provide payment is administrative in nature and is drawn up in relation to the employee of the enterprise who submitted the corresponding application. This right is specified in labor legislation and is established not only for the baby’s mother, but also for other relatives.

For example, together with mothers, a man who is the father of the child can apply at his place of employment. The child’s grandparents who are not pensioners have the same right. In other words, leave and benefits are received by the person who undertakes to provide care for a small child during this period.

How is the payment amount determined?

The amount of the benefit directly depends on the amount of earnings that the applicant received over the previous two years. A coefficient of 40% is used for calculation.

This is the indicator used in calculations required benefits and is considered one of the constituent elements of the general formula:

Amount of earnings for 2 years/731X40%X30.4. For example, let's make a calculation child benefit for citizen Petrova M.

  • 312,000 rubles – salary amount for 2015;
  • 421,000 rubles – the amount of earnings for 2016.
  • (312,000 + 421,000)/731 x 30.4 x 40% = 1,002.73 * 30.4 * 40% = 12,193.27 rubles - amount monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old.

The benefit is paid every month until the child turns 18 months old. Further cash cease to be paid, although the woman may be on maternity leave for another 1.5 years. It is important that the employer pays money from own funds, and then submits an application to the FSS, together with due calculation, and receives reimbursement of incurred expenses for insured events.

In what cases is an order required?

The order is not considered a mandatory and necessary document required to receive benefits, since this right assigned to a young mother on legislative level, and should be performed automatically in any enterprise without making any decisions additional solutions and drawing up orders.

At the same time, on many large enterprises This document is necessary and is drawn up in mandatory. Essentially, the paper confirms that the employee has grounds to receive monetary support and clearly establishes the timing of the provision of benefits. In the future, the document allows you to avoid confusion and conduct office work at the enterprise more efficiently.

Reasons for drawing up the order and who is involved in it?

Each document drawn up at the enterprise must have a basis certain reasons and also not to contradict legislative norms. In the case of receiving benefits, such a basis will be the package of documentation provided by the citizen when submitting the application. When forming an order, you must remember that all papers must be recorded as attachments.

The list of attached documentation includes:

  1. An application on behalf of a woman requesting benefits.
  2. A copy of the baby's birth certificate.
  3. A certificate from the place of employment of the employee’s husband that he did not apply for leave or benefits.

The document must be drawn up on behalf of the head of the company, however, the director himself is not required to draw up such an order. He can entrust this matter to his secretary or HR employee. It is important that the employee involved in the formation of the order has an idea of ​​how to correctly draw up similar documents. After preparation, the paper is submitted to the manager for signature.

Features of drawing up an order

To correctly draw up such an order, you need to read the tips below and get acquainted with a sample document. First of all, you need to pay attention to the essence of the order, since unified form does not exist today, and many employers draw up such an order in an arbitrary form.

A standard order is drawn up on a sheet of F4 paper, however, it is allowed to write the document by hand or print it on a computer. The paper should not contain errors or inaccuracies, and the order itself must be certified by the manager. Printing is required only if this condition is specified in statutory documents enterprises.

The text must contain: the name of the document, organization, as well as the date and place of drawing up the paper. The main part indicates the reason for issuing the form and the full details of the employee. At the end of the order, the attached documents are listed and the director’s signature is affixed.


IN large companies To obtain benefits up to 1.5 years, it is issued special document- order. The form is not considered mandatory, however, it can serve to streamline payments and monitor compliance with the employee’s rights prescribed in the current legislation.

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In the Russian Federation, the right of every parent to receive a lump sum payment for the birth of a child is enshrined at the legislative level. In order for this right to be exercised, a number of documents must be prepared. Some of them are provided by the employee, but some must be prepared by the employer himself. In today's article we will tell you how to correctly draw up an order for lump sum allowance at the birth of a child, what documents the employee must submit, as well as how this payment is calculated.

From this article you will learn:

  • what documents must be provided to receive a one-time benefit;
  • who is entitled to a lump sum payment;
  • how to draw up an order for a one-time benefit at the birth of a child.

The order represents administrative document, with the help of which the manager, director or other responsible person replacing the manager gives an order to carry out certain actions. IN in this case we will consider the order to pay the employee a one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child in his family.

This guide is not financial assistance provided by the organization. First of all, this is a payment that is enshrined at the legislative level and is the right of any citizen of the Russian Federation.

Benefit must be paid for each born child regardless of whether his parent has a job or not. The only limitation is that the payment is made to only one parent, so the second parent must bring a document that this payment was not made to him.

If official place If one parent has a job, and the other is unemployed, then documents for receiving a lump sum payment must be submitted by the working parent to his employer.

Payment of a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child

The submitted documents and application are the basis for issuing an order with an order to pay a lump sum benefit. The form of the order does not have a strictly regulated form; each organization can have its own forms and forms for issuing an order.

One-time benefit at the birth of a child assigned to the employee by this order, If everyone Required documents were submitted by the employee no later than 6 months from the date of birth of the child.

Date of application for lump sum benefit for the birth of a child is considered the date when the employer was provided with an application for the assignment of this benefit with all documents.

In addition, the amount of a one-time benefit was initially established in Article 12 of Law No. 81-FZ, however, according to Article 4.2 of this law, the amount of the benefit can be indexed in the manner prescribed by law.

An order for a one-time benefit is usually issued on letterhead organizations. This document has its own standards, it must include the date, number, title, title, text and signature of the manager.

The text in the order can be divided into two parts. The first part includes the reason for preparing the document, and the second - the manager’s order itself. The reason is defined as the justification for the need to accrue and pay a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child.

The manager's order is expressed in the form of a decree and contains the words “I order” and a list of orders. In this case, the list of orders could be as follows:

  • I order the payment of benefits for the birth of a child (accountants);
  • I order you to pay this manual(to cashiers).

Naturally, the order must indicate the full name of the employee, as well as his position and the division (department) where he works. The order contains a list of documents submitted to them, which are the basis for receiving this payment.

In the final part of the order, a responsible person is appointed who will monitor the execution of orders.

The order form must contain the approval signature of the director. The order is submitted for review and signing by all interested parties.

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