Outline of the training session "Constitution Day". A selection of opinions on the constitution and the constitutional court (its analogues abroad)

To make it even worse, the constitution must be constantly improved (Mieczyslaw Shargan)

Every constitution maker hides a utopian (Frank Manuel)

Where laws can be broken under the pretext of common salvation, there is no constitution (Nicola Malebranche)

Just yesterday, every second person did not know the Constitution, but today every second person no longer remembers it. (Mikhail Mamchich)

We do what is illegal immediately, what is unconstitutional takes a little longer. (Henry Kissinger)

The best constitution for a people is the one to which they are accustomed (Jeremiah Bentham)

good constitution much better than the best despot (Thomas Macaulay)

You can change the constitution with a blow of your fist (Don Aminado)

We should not change the foundation of the Constitution as the core (Egor Stroev)

It is dangerous to grab the Constitution with your hands during the election race (Boris Yeltsin)

The people of my country have the right and shall have the opportunity, under the operation of the Constitution, of free elections by secret ballot to choose or change the form of government under which they live... (Winston Churchill)

Having the most humane constitution in the country, everyone can live under the threat of execution (Georgy Alexandrov)

If we have sinned, then let’s take the constitutional course (Nikolai Ryzhkov)

Keep it short and unclear (Napoleon I to the drafters of the constitution)

Clinton whole year fucked for his Monica. We have one of these. We will still applaud them. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don't know how. And we will live! I mean the Constitution! (V.S. Chernomyrdin)

Have you seen the constitutions of countries around the world? They are funny and scandalous. Some people wrote a book and are imposing it on society. And then they easily change it many times according to the needs of the rulers. (M. Gaddafi)

From the point of view of legal justice or fairness of law, what is the constitutionality of the Constitution? (B.N. Yeltsin)

A constitution made for all nations is suitable for none (Joseph de Maistre)

Constitution means a collection of regulations that define the scope and duties of government power, its division and main form elections. In determining these subjects, of course, the main starting point must be a fair recognition of the general inviolable human rights (Francis Rodolphe Weiss, " Moral Foundations life", 1881)

Every human right, directly or indirectly, comes down to ensuring that he has the opportunity to fulfill his duties. (S. Frank)

Civil rights are those that belong to a person as a member of society (Thomas Paine)

Freedom is dependence on laws (Cicero)

Freedom of spirit is expressed most of all and most worthily in freedom of speech. Therefore, freedom of speech is inalienable right person. (K.S. Aksakov)

The more the sacred and inviolable right to security is ensured, the more reliable the guarantee of freedom of citizens by the state, the more just the punishment (Cesare Beccaria)

I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend to the last drop of my blood your right to express your own point of view (Voltaire)

Utopianism as a personality quality - the tendency to build unrealistic, unrealizable plans, cherish illusory hopes for changing circumstances, want to fulfill unfulfillable desires, have chimerical views on life, put forward theories and proposals that are impossible to implement; a tendency to think and reason utopianly.

Utopianism is an irresistible craving for the fantastic, unreal and impossible. If you hear a strong roar in your head, it means that your utopian, grandiose plans have begun to collapse. In your youth you make utopian plans for your whole life, in maturity you make more realistic plans for a maximum of a year or two, in old age you make absolutely realistic plans for a day.

The hen laid an egg weighing 5 (five) kg. Reporters came running and asked the chicken: “How did you do it?” - Secret. — What are your plans for the future? — Lay an egg weighing 7 kg! Please note that these plans are not at all utopian. Reporters go to the rooster: - How did you do it? - Secret! - What are your plans for the future? - Punch an ostrich in the face!

Utopia is something fantastic, a pipe dream, an unrealizable dream, based on the title of the work of the 16th century English writer Thomas More, who described an imaginary ideal social order future.

The girl makes utopian plans for a long time together, happy life with a guy, imagines how they will get married, raise children and die on the same day. Utopian dreams are interrupted by the voice of a loved one: “Come on, honey, let’s make an agreement - at first you will live with me, and in the morning you will go home.” In a word: - Desired! I wish it was morning soon!

The utopian mind works in the direction of illusions, fantasies, dreams and idealizations. The utopian idealizes something in a person or in society as a whole, not paying attention to the opinion of skeptics that all this is unrealistic nonsense, that the utopian is divorced from the realities of life and wants to achieve the impossible.

There has never been and never will be an ideal life. To create an ideal life where everything is temporary, where everything gets sick, ages, collapses and inevitably dies - a pure utopia from the very beginning. It is utopian to impose on the temporary something that is eternal. Isn’t it a utopia to fill the spiritual, that is, the eternal, with something material, that is, the temporary? It is not correct. It’s the same as adding kilometers with kilograms and seconds. The emptiness of the heart cannot be filled with clothes, money, material benefits. The spiritual is filled only with the spiritual. Any material idea is utopian, because it does not meet the requirements of eternity.

IN material world any idea is utopian, because it cannot answer and correspond to a contradictory picture of the world. In the world of egoism and self-interest, any idea is doomed to death, to the label “Utopia” and to inferiority. Life is richer than any idea. Goethe was right: “Theory is dry, my friend, but the tree of life grows lushly green.”

The Utopian, under the influence of the energy of passion, sincerely wishes that Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood would triumph on Earth, that justice, kindness, honor and compassion would reign everywhere. But this is a complete utopia. In a material society, where selfishness, pride, selfishness, envy, lust and greed are manifested in full force, it will be utopian to talk about some kind of equality and social justice.

A woman, for example, by nature worries, worries, worries and cares about others all the time. And at the same time, she has a utopian desire that no one bother her. But the nature of a man is active and proactive, he cannot help but bother. He needs to constantly prove to the outside world, that he greatly underpaid him, deprived him and owed him money. He constantly strives, strives, analyzes, checks and controls. A man by nature should pester and disturb everyone. If he doesn’t bother anyone, it means he’s sick and needs to be called ambulance. To want a man who won't bother you is to be in a utopian mood.

At the same time, it is utopian to be inattentive to a woman and think that she, while remaining unwanted, will be a good, faithful wife.

— My husband gets so tired at work that he can’t feel his arms, legs, or horns.

The wife comes up to her husband and says: “Darling, you are an incorrigible lazy person.” Our light bulb is burnt out, fix it! Her husband: “It’s utopian to think that I can fix the chandelier.” Am I an electrician or what? The wife comes up again: “Darling, why are you such an incorrigible lazy person?” Our door doesn't close well, look! Her husband: “Am I, a carpenter or something?” I’m not a utopian, so I know for sure that I won’t be able to fix the door. Wife to husband: - Dear, the tap is leaking, fix it! He told her: “Am I like a plumber, or what?”

The next day, the husband comes home from work, looks, the light is on, the faucet is not flowing, the door closes normally, and asks his wife: “Who fixed it all?” The wife answers: “Yes, I asked my neighbor, and he fixed it.” Husband: - And how did you pay him? Wife: - And he said: - Either come on, or sing. Husband: - Well, what did you sing to him? Wife: - Well, you are a utopian. What do you mean, am I a singer?

Utopianism is friends with great-heartedness. Beautiful soul is life in a country called Utopia, that is, in a world of illusions and dreams, where idealism and sentimentality rule the roost. A beautiful woman watches a porn film to the end only to see a wedding with a utopian gaze.

A cellmate asks a comrade who is being released: “Your head is probably filled with utopian, beautiful-hearted plans?” - Certainly! I have plans for two banks and one jewelry store.

It has happened more than once in history that a seemingly utopian idea turned into a great discovery and an outstanding result. But at first she was labeled as utopian and extravagant. Let us remember what people of the past considered utopian ideas and how wrong they were!

- No one should have a need to have a computer in their home. (Ken Olson - founder and president of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977);

— A device such as a telephone has too many shortcomings to consider it as a means of communication. Therefore, I think that this invention has no value. (From discussions at Western Union in 1876);

— Flying cars that are heavier than air are impossible! (Lord Kelvin - President of the Royal Society - Royal Society - 1895);

— Drilling the earth in search of oil? Do you mean you have to drill into the ground to find oil? You are crazy. (Response to Edwin L. Drake's project in 1859);

— Airplanes are interesting toys, but they have no military value. (Marechal Ferdinand Foch, professor, Ecole Superieure de Guerre).

Petr Kovalev 2016

Formally, the Constitutional Court is omnipotent, but in fact it exists only as long as society needs.
Valery Zorkin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Constitution of the Russian Federation-this is not what is written in it, but what the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation thinks about it.

The Constitution always guarantees a person what the state cannot provide.
V. Shimanovsky

Just yesterday, every second person did not know the Constitution, but today every second person no longer remembers it.
M. Mamchich, Russian journalist

Some of our citizens are for the Constitution, others are against it, but the majority have never read it.

We will not allow the Constitution to be changed!
R. Aleev

What the Constitution says and how it is interpreted-often different things.

We should not change the foundation of the Constitution as the core.
Egor Stroev, Chairman of the Federation Council

The more depraved the country, the more elegant its Constitution.

The Constitution is material, but materialists do not believe in it.
Vladimir Borisov

Constitution-It's me.
Resurrected Louis XIV

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation often guarantees what neither the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation nor the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation can provide.

At the sight of serviceable ammunition, how contemptible are all constitutions!
Kozma Prutkov

Our Constitution protects aliens, drunkards, and United States Senators.
Will Rogers, American actor and journalist

An appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is the last legal argument for business in Russia.

Our Constitution is universal: it is suitable for both democracy and dictatorship.
Arkady Davidovich, writer

A constitution made for all nations is suitable for none.
Joseph de Maistre, French publicist, politician and philosopher

A good constitution is incomparably better than the best despot.
Thomas Macaulay, English politician

The Constitution is a list of things the government cannot do.
Gordon John Humphrey, US Senator

Revolution is a war of freedom against its enemies; the constitution is a regime of victorious and peaceful freedom.
Maximilien Robespierre, French politician

Every constitution maker hides a utopian.
Frank Manuel, American sociologist

Keep it short and unclear.
Napoleon I - to the drafters of the constitution

To make it even worse, the constitution should be constantly improved.
Mieczyslaw Szargan, Polish writer

Our constitution is the mutual love of the Monarch for the people and the people for the Monarch.
Fedor Dostoevsky

The will of the Fuhrer is our constitution.
Hans Frank, jurist, one of the highest officials of Nazi Germany

The constitution of the state must be such as not to violate the constitution of the citizen.
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Polish writer

He [Yeltsin] is always as healthy as required of him by the Constitution.
Oleg Sysuev, deputy. Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

We do what is illegal immediately, what is unconstitutional takes a little longer.
Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State, on Watergate

If we have sinned, then let’s take the constitutional course.
Nikolai Ryzhkov, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

What is permitted to Jupiter will be confirmed by the Constitution.
Arkady Davidovich, writer

What kind of constitution can there be between friends?
American Congressman Timothy Campbell - to US President S. Cleveland, who refused to support a bill that was contrary to the Constitution

Where laws can be broken under the pretext of common salvation, there is no constitution.
Nicolas Malebranche, French philosopher

“I know you can afford any lawyer, but I want to say: You have gone far, even for people involved in similar business. I'm interested in your business. I know this problem best.
- What are you, a porn expert?
- No. I don't really like your business. I am a human rights specialist."
(The People vs. Larry Flynt is a biography film by Milos Forman about Larry Flynt (1996, USA). Larry Flynt lost his cases in all US courts, but won in the Supreme Court, citing the freedom of speech provision of the US Constitution).

IN complex matters often there is nothing more practical than theoretical knowledge of the Constitution and practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

The Supreme Court may be called the cornerstone of our political factory.
George Washington, US President

Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court remains.
William Howard Gaft, US President

The Supreme Court serves as the last bulwark against encroachment by the Democratic majority.
Max Lerner, American publisher and journalist

The Supreme Court is a group of lawyers who correct the mistakes of other courts and perpetuate their own.

The Supreme Court's job is to protect the Constitution, not to rewrite it.
Barry Goldwater, American politician

We are not the highest legislative chamber, weighing the wisdom of legislation.

Once you make a person a member of the Supreme Court, he is no longer your friend.
Harry Truman, US President

Conflicts causing divisions in Supreme Court, is always a reflection of conflicts that split society as a whole.
Robert Jackson, US Supreme Court Justice

If some cases are decided by a five-to-four majority, then it's a five-to-four case. Judges are normal people; they strive for unanimity, not division.
William O. Douglas, Associate Justice of the United States

The Supreme Court's decision does not make what was previously legal illegal; it establishes definitively and unconditionally whether the act was lawful when it was committed.
Arthur Goldberg, American politician, diplomat, Supreme Court Justice

[In response to the question of what was the main principle that guided him when deciding cases in the Supreme Court]: For seven years, I became convinced again and again that I was not the Lord God.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., American lawyer

“And a bunch of lawyers and professors, undoubtedly educated people, assure the whole country: “Be patient, fight, the time will come, we will give you the English Constitution and even much better.” They don’t know Russia, these professors. They read Russian history poorly. The Russian people are not some kind of speculative contraption. The Russian people are passionate, talented, strong people. No wonder the Russian man reached the Pacific Ocean in his bast shoes. The German will sit still, strive for his goal for a hundred years, and endure. And this one is impatient. This can captivate the universe with a dream. And he will go - in long trousers, in bast shoes, with a hatchet in his belt. And the professors want to clothe the stormy ocean of the people in a decent constitution.”
A.N. Tolstoy, “Walking through Torment”

“The seven deadly sins are not your Constitution. There will be no amendments."
From the series “Dirty Sexy Money”

“Clinton was bullied for a whole year for his Monica. We have one of these. We will still applaud them. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don't know how. And we will live! I mean the Constitution!
V. Chernomyrdin

“For it to be even worse, the constitution must be constantly improved.”
Mieczyslaw Shargan

“The most poignant thing I heard was the reading of our Constitution on the radio. It excites me terribly and makes me human. This is stronger than Chekhov and Dostoevsky. This is not something to follow as an example. You can demand this for yourself. Personally. Whether they will give it or not, I won’t say. But we must demand.”
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

“There is no Constitution in the morgue! Although, perhaps, there is a Charter!
Vladimir Borisov

- If the constitution is signed, there will be a free press, women driving, civil rights!
- What kind of civil rights?
- Then I’ll explain... You’ll laugh!
From the comedy “The Dictator”

"Constitution? So that the Russian Tsar would swear allegiance to some brutes?”
Attributed to Alexander III

“It is a persistent myth that we have a French constitution. A terrible lie! We most The constitutions were written together with Alekseev from scratch, from my head. We wanted to move away from classical division authorities to the judicial, executive, legislative, they wanted to separately place the Prosecutor General’s Office, Accounts Chamber, the Central Election Commission, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Central Bank. And, most importantly, the president. Alekseev and I jokingly called this model “ Russian version British Queen." The idea was for the president to be involved mainly in conflict situations. There are no conflicts - the president can sit on the stove.”
Sergey Shakhrai

Our council worked for four months. It was for this period in 1787 that the founding fathers of the United States gathered in Philadelphia - four months was enough for them to write the constitution of their country from scratch. But we did not spend the first few days drinking, as Benjamin Franklin and company did in their time, but immediately got to work - we split into three groups, each receiving about a third of all the important topics that needed to be covered in the constitution. Twice a week we all got together, and these general meetings were open to journalists and the public. From the very beginning they were broadcast in live. They are still available on YouTube.
Thorvaldur Gylfason, member constitutional council Iceland

Another example is the Dred Scott case, which went through the courts many years ago. It has been said that the Constitution allows slavery because... because... well, there is a right to personal property. This is a personal opinion. That's not what the Constitution says. The US Constitution says - we all... we... Well, you know, it doesn't say anything like that. The Constitution does not speak about equality in America.
George Walker Bush

The best constitution for a people is the one to which they are accustomed.
Jeremy Bentham

- There is no such law! - Mr. Calvin said decisively. - There is no trace of such a law. You said here that the troops national guard you can almost drive it to the Philippines. But this is contrary to the constitution. Special point The constitution states that territorial troops cannot be sent outside the country.
“Stop referring to the constitution,” Ernest objected. - As you know, the interpretation of the constitution is carried out by the courts, and our judges, as Mr. Asmunsen rightly remarked, are slaves of the trusts.
Jack London, "The Iron Heel"

All the talk about getting into the Constitution and changing it is from the devil.
From the speech of N. Nazarbayev on August 27, 2003.

We have a constitution similar to the French one: those who prepared this document are responsible for the acts of the president. That's why I didn't do it...
From an interview with N. Nazarabaev to the Vedomosti newspaper, 04/17/2002

The Shah impaled the Persians before the constitution, but he impaled them during the constitution, therefore, he will impale them after the abolition of the constitution.
Sasha Cherny

The Constitution is the Bible for atheists.
Andrey Knyshev

- I insist on my own constitutional rights, namely on the First and Fifth Amendments,” said Joenis, “and with all due respect to you, I decline to answer.
Pelops smiled ominously:
“This number will not work for you, Mr. Joanis, because the Constitution to which you now cling so much has been revised, or, more precisely, updated by those of us who value its immutability and protect it from emasculation.
Robert Sheckley, "The Walking of Joanis"

Have you seen the constitutions of countries around the world? They are funny and scandalous. Some people wrote a book and are imposing it on society. And then they easily change it many times according to the needs of the rulers.
Muammar al-Gaddafi

- This guy swung at the most sacred thing we have. To the Constitution!
From the movie "Beware of the Car"

From birth, she was a sedate roach, she didn’t stick her nose into things that weren’t her business, she didn’t chase after “extras,” she didn’t hover in the empyrean and avoided unreliable companies. where else would he hear the minnows chatting about constitutions - now he’ll turn around to the left and hide under the burdock.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “Dried vobla”

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