Plan of events: Day of Legal Assistance for Children of Russia. Plan of events for the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children

The date of World Children's Day was chosen to honor the UN adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child on this day in 1959. On the same day, but in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was also adopted. That's why the date 20 November is considered a day dedicated to all children of the world.

The following legal education events were timed to coincide with this date.

1. The official website of the educational institution contains information on the protection of children’s rights and contact information, including contact information of the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of participants in the educational process at school.

2. In elementary classes, legal lessons were conducted in a fun and playful way for children. A magical tree of children's rights grew on the school board, on which each right was designated with its own symbol. In addition, the children had to solve difficult problems in the quiz “Violation of rights in a fairy-tale kingdom”, in which the heroes of everyone’s favorite fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” faced violations of children’s rights. The classes were conducted by the school ombudsman together with class teachers.

4th grade students made an exciting journey to the country of children's rights, discussed important issues with the school ombudsman about what children's rights are, what they are, what they are for, in what cases they are violated and who can help restore them.

3. At the middle and senior levels, the authorized representatives conducted a survey “My rights and responsibilities”, aimed at concretizing legal knowledge and increasing interest in legal issues, after which the lesson continued with a discussion on the topic: “Do I know my rights?”

4. In high school, group discussions and debates were held on the topic “Is it possible to be free without responsibility.” The children were interested in issues of responsibility for violation of the right to education, enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and expansion of the rights of minors who have reached the age of 16 years.

5. In elementary, middle and high school classes, thematic classes dedicated to World Children’s Day were held, during which children’s rights, the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren, and cases of violation of children’s rights in the family, school, and society were discussed. The topics for conversations with the children were “Declaration of the Rights of the Child”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, “Russian Legislation on the Protection of Children’s Rights”, “Right to Education and Responsibilities of Schoolchildren”

During class hours in primary schools, teachers introduced children to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Discussions were held about the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren using posters “Declaration on the Protection of Children’s Rights”, “Rights and Responsibilities of Schoolchildren”. Children took an active part in the discussion, and a survey was conducted. Our kids are well versed in this issue, because... This is not the first time a class has been held on this topic; similar conversations are held at home. Over the weekend, children will draw pictures, and next week there will be an exhibition of drawings on this topic. "Just because it's interesting!" - children's words.

The youngest students were captivated by watching the entertaining “Smeshariki Lessons” dedicated to the topic of children’s rights.

In middle-level classes, creative groups of students themselves prepared information about World Children's Rights Day, depicted the emblem of this day: on a green background, symbolizing harmony, growth, fertility and freshness, the symbol of the Earth is depicted, around which there are stylized figures of people - yellow, red, white, blue and black. These colorful human figurines symbolize tolerance and diversity. The Earth symbol, located at the very center of the flag, is an iconic symbol of our common home.November 20 is a holiday that belongs to children all over the planet.

To attract students' interest in legal issues, modern multimedia tools were actively used: videos and presentations on children's rights were shown, as well as traditional forms of presenting visual information - stands, posters

6. Law enforcement officers held conversations with students in grade 5B, reminding the children how important it is to respect the rights of other people, what consequences minors can expect as a result of committing offenses. Topic of the conversation: "Administrative and criminal liability of minors"

7. During the legal week, during breaks in recreation, videos about children’s rights were broadcast, where legal issues were covered in an interesting, vibrant form, attracting the attention of the children.

The date of the: 18.11.2016

Form: conversation with elements of an interactive game.

Target: Introduce students to the basic rights of minors.


Increasing the level of legal culture of schoolchildren;

Development of legal literacy and legal awareness of students;

Prevention of student crime.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.



Theme of the event: All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children

Spent - social teacher, Trofina M.N.

The date of the: 18.11.2016

Form:conversation with elements of an interactive game.

Target: Introduce students to the basic rights of minors.


Increasing the level of legal culture of schoolchildren;

Development of legal literacy and legal awareness of students;

Prevention of student crime.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Hello! Today we have gathered on the eve of the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children, which is held on November 20, to discuss the problems of children around the world, as well as to draw attention to the relationship between the world of adults and the world of children, to discuss problems that probably concern everyone present here.

But before we start, I want you to look at the board (slide 2)

Look at the photographs shown on the screen. What do all these photographs have in common?

How do these photographs differ?

Our task is to figure out what needs to be done so that only positive photographs of children remain in the world.

In our country, the problem of child protection has almost always been particularly acute. Russian children, according to statistics, are in a difficult situation. About 2 million children under the age of 14 are subjected to domestic violence every year. Every year 50 thousand children run away from home. 60% of orphans who have reached three years of age end up in special boarding schools. 348 thousand families are registered with the KDN and ZP.

Therefore, it is clear that it is necessary for both children and parents to gain knowledge in the field of child rights. It is very important to be able to defend your rights.

Today you live with parents who take care of you, try to protect you from all sorts of troubles, treat you when you are sick, create conditions for study, and help you prepare for adult life. Of course, the family is the most important part of society: here they try to protect the child from everything that could harm him. But children are cared for not only in the family. There are various public and charitable organizations that consider the protection of children their main task. These organizations monitor how the rights to life, education, choice of future profession, etc. are respected.

Children are more defenseless and helpless than adults, and therefore very often become victims of injustice and violence. To reduce injustice against small members of society, the institution of the Commissioner for Children's Rights has appeared in Russia.

Who knows the name of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights (Anna Yurievna Kuznetsova)?

(Slides 3,4).

Who is the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Rostov region (Cherkassova Irina Aleksandrovna)?

(Slide 5).

Does our school have an Ombudsman for Children’s Rights?

What regulatory documents regulate the protection of children's rights? (Slide 6)

One ancient sage Juvenal said: “Childhood should be given the greatest respect.” The Convention on the Rights of the Child is entirely imbued with this idea. (Slide 7).

- What have you heard or know about this document? Why was there a need to create such a document?

(Students share their knowledge on this issue.)

Quiz “Do you know the Convention on the Rights of the Child?” (slide 8-19).

1. What is the significance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

a) in it the rights of the child become valid;

b) it is an obligation for the future;

c) she describes the rights of the child for the first time.

2. Where do children have the right to express their opinions?

a) in the family;

b) among your friends;

c) at school during lessons;

G) in all spheres of life and activity.

3. At what age is a child obliged to obey his parents?

a) from birth;

b) from 6 years old;

c) from 10 years old.

4. Who is responsible for caring for children without parents under the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

a) to charitable organizations;

b) to the state;

c) for foreign sponsors

5. There are five children in the family. Dad is away, mom is working. The two youngest children do not go to kindergarten; their older thirteen-year-old sister sits with them, for this reason she does not attend school.

6. There are five children in the family. Dad is away, mom is working. The two youngest children do not go to kindergarten; their older thirteen-year-old sister sits with them, for this reason she does not attend school.

What child right is violated?

In addition to rights and obligations, there is also responsibility for actions committed. (Slide 20)

There is responsibility - administrative and criminal - for what often seems to us a completely harmless prank. This is all spelled out in the civil and criminal code of our country.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, criminal liability for many offenses begins at the age of 14 (Article 20 of the Criminal Code); the law provides for various punishments, including fines. (slide 21).

False call

The guys fake crimes.

Without any warning, the first “offender” runs into the classroom:

- Now the bomb is going to explode, they called on the phone, we’re all running away from school...

False reporting of an impending terrorist act is an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation...

It turns out that this is not a joke at all, getting rid of another test, but an article of the Criminal Code, providing for a specific punishment!

The same can be said about false fire calls, false ambulance calls, and false calls to the police.


A student approaches the “reporter of a terrorist attack” and conventionally hits him on the head with a textbook, the “reporter” falls, stands up holding his head, groans, fights back, and a fight begins.

An ordinary fight may well be considered as Art. 116 of the Criminal Code - beatings. Battery or other violent actions that do not cause health problems are punishable by a fine of up to 100 minimum wages, or forced labor, or arrest of up to three months. (Slide 22)

– Is it us little ones?!! What is our fine?

In this case, the Civil Code applies, Art. 1074 paragraph 2 states: responsibility for harm caused to a minor lies with his parents or persons replacing them, who fully pay (both literally and figuratively) for the actions of their child. For example, payment for medical care - Art. 1087 Civil Code. (Slide 23)

Damage to someone else's property

At a break:

- Give me your phone, let me listen to music, otherwise I’ll get bored!

- I won’t give it to you, it’s new, we just bought it yesterday.

- Oh, you're sorry! Well, I haven't, and you won't.

Throws away the phone.

If we talk about harm, it can be caused not only to a citizen, but also to his property (Article 167 of the Criminal Code - intentional destruction or damage to someone else’s property is punishable by a fine of 50 to 100 minimum wages, or imprisonment for up to five years). A Art. 1064 of the Civil Code also prescribes compensation for material damage in full by the person who caused the harm.

Causing harm can also be unintentional (in our opinion, this is “I didn’t do it on purpose!”), but this is Art. 168 of the Criminal Code, a fine of up to 200 minimum wages, or imprisonment of up to two years.

(Slide 24)

Threat of "talk"

The guys enter the class, supposedly continuing the conversation:

-...If you catch me again, I’ll kill you. Do you know how many friends I have? All I have to do is complain to them, and you won’t live.

Art. 119 of the Criminal Code - Threat of murder or infliction of grievous bodily harm is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to two years.

(Slide 25)


Two girls enter the classroom, allegedly quarreling:

- And you...

- And you yourself...

Art. 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - insult - a fine of up to 100 minimum wages, or correctional labor for 6 - 12 months.

(Slide 26)

Desecration of buildings and vehicles

The boys run into the classroom:

– And Spartak won, but no one knows!

“Let’s write it on the wall so everyone can see it tomorrow morning!”

- Cool, people will be happy!

– Let’s put it on the wall with a marker so you can see it better!

They write.

Art. 214 of the Criminal Code - vandalism - desecration of buildings and structures, damage to property on public transport or in other public places - a fine of 50 to 100 minimum wages and compensation for damage.

(Slide 27)

And since children walk in groups, and therefore play pranks in groups (alone is scary), they should know that according to Art. 35 of the Criminal Code, the commission of crimes by a group of persons entails a more severe punishment.

We must always remember that we must be held accountable for our actions. And in many cases it was possible to find some other solution to the problem.

When defending your rights, do not forget that other people also have the same rights as yours.

(Slide 28)

Respect other people's rights!

Each of you guys has a little piece of kindness - like a little sun. A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. With such a person it’s good everywhere.

I don't envy other people's happiness

And, as best I can, I take care of my own.

And if friends have bad weather in their souls,

This grief is also mine!

I don’t set traps for friends,

I don't lock my heart

And I don’t look for flaws in their actions.

I love my friends without any loud words.

But someone is a master at hurting people.

We are accustomed to consider the main children's holiday, which arose on the recommendation of the UN in 1954. All countries were asked to introduce an important date into the calendar - Universal Children's Day - in order to think about the responsibility of adults towards the most vulnerable part of the population - minor children. But there is another day - November 20. 1959. Acceptance This event is celebrated as the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance for Children. What recommendations are possible for its implementation on the eve of an important date in 2016?

All-Russian event plan: Day of Legal Assistance for Children

The Government Commission has entrusted the coordination of efforts for Legal Aid Day to the Ministry of Justice and local territorial bodies. The Bar Association, charitable and non-profit organizations are involved in the work to provide free education and counseling to orphans and families in the THC. Legal assistance points and a hotline are being created for a number of issues:

  • protecting the interests of children left without parents;
  • providing assistance in the adoption or adoption of children into a family;
  • consultation with families facing difficult life circumstances;
  • assistance to disabled children and their legal representatives.

Regions formulate their own plan for Children's Legal Aid Day with the involvement of state and municipal institutions: public events, competitions, volunteer events. In educational schools and preschool educational institutions, the celebration is carried out with the participation of legal organizations: judges, bailiff services.

Secondary school: action plan

The day of legal assistance to children should include: education, identification of violations of the rights of the child, formation of an active position and organization of assistance to a child in a difficult situation.

ParticipantsEventSummaryWho conducts
All studentsCampaign "Report violation of rights"Installation of sealed mailboxes for anonymous messages to the Prosecutor's Office (Ombudsman for Children's Rights)Educational institution together with the Prosecutor's Office, the Commissioner for Children's Rights
All studentsUnited "Children's rights"Inclusion in the lesson schedule of a single class hour dedicated to acquaintance with (1989) taking into account age characteristicsClass teachers, parent committee, trained students - high school students, law students
Parents, teachersRound table: Regional legislation to help families with childrenDiscussion of local laws and their practical application for parents from families in THC

School administration, social security institutions, parent committee

Teenagers, parents from families in THCPromotion "Hot phone"Allocation of specially allotted time (1-2 hours) for dialogue with responsible specialists of legal institutions (passport department, bailiff service, guardianship and trusteeship, regional police department)School administration together with law enforcement agencies, parent committee
High school studentsLegal game "What? Where? When?"Conducting an event with the participation of teams from all classes on legal topicsOrganizer of extracurricular activities, class teachers, high school students, students
All parentsOnline dialogueOnline consultation of parents at a predetermined time on the laws of school lifeSchool administration, parent committee

Features of the holiday in a preschool institution

Young children may be subject to violence in families and experience emotional discomfort, so diagnostics and individual work by a psychologist should be included in the action plan. The Day of Legal Assistance for Children can be held with a competition of drawings, crafts, and poetry, where volunteers - students of law schools - can act as a jury. It is possible to organize discussions of works that talk about violations of children’s rights in understandable language. For example, the story “Vanka” by A.P. Chekhov.

The main work should be carried out with the parents of children, for whom dialogue with the administration and clarification of their rights and responsibilities are important.

What to consider when preparing a holiday

Common mistakes in holding holidays in educational institutions include:

  • autonomy of its implementation (without the participation of territorial organizations);
  • inclusion of only mass events (without thoughtful individual work);
  • insufficient coverage of student parents;
  • poor use of volunteer assistance.

Much preparation is required to include joint actions with all interested structures in the action plan. Children's Legal Aid Day is a holiday that has only a three-year history, but will certainly take an important place among others, solving the problem of providing real help to every child.

MBOU Popovskaya secondary school

Class hour “The ABCs of the rights of the child”

Panfilova I. S.

TARGET: introduce students to the basic rights of the child,

proclaimed by the UN Convention and methods of their implementation.

promote a sense of respect for the family.

FORM: lesson - presentation.

Progress of the event:

A long time ago, thousands of years ago, people appeared on Earth, and at the same time the main questions arose:

What can people do?

What are they required to do?

What are they entitled to and what are they not entitled to?

These issues took a very long time to be resolved, and when they were resolved, laws appeared that helped eliminate all the difficulties.

What are laws?

Laws- This rules, which are established by the state. All citizens of our country must comply with them. The main (fundamental) law of our country is called the Constitution. Our Constitution was adopted December 12, 1993.

Since then, this day has been a public holiday in our country.

The Constitution contains the rights of our citizens (the right to education, health care, rest, work, etc.). In addition to rights, Russian citizens also have responsibilities(preserve and protect nature, protect the Motherland, etc.)

What responsibilities should every student remember?

What is right?

(Slide 1) Right These are the rules by which people live. These rules are protected by the state and determine the relationships of people in society.

Child's rights- a set of children's rights recorded in international documents on children's rights.

(slide 2) Today Oksana brought an interesting book. How many of you will read its title?

Who knows the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio” by A. Tolstoy?

Listen to a fragment from this work (an excerpt about events in the puppet theater is read out).

How does Karabas Barabas handle dolls?

Children are also sometimes treated unfairly, sometimes even cruelly. To stop this, adults around the world decided to get together and think about what can be done to ensure that children have a happy childhood. A document was drawn up - the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which sets out the fundamental rights of children. The Convention was adopted unanimously by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989.

(slide 3) The Convention entered into force on September 15, 1990 in accordance with Article 49. It was ratified by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 13, 1990 and entered into force for the Russian Federation on September 15, 1990.

Convention- this is a law, an agreement on a special issue that is binding for those states that have joined (signed, ratified) it.

What rights do you think children have?

Let's all listen to Smesharikov's song together.

(View video clip. Slide 4 ) - What rights did you hear about in Smesharikov’s song?

(About the right to a name, to development, to equality, to care, to love).

In your opinion, until what age, according to the Convention, is a person considered a child (suggested answer options:

a) up to 14 years old b) up to 16 years old c) up to 18 years old d) up to 21 years old?)

(slide – 5) (Article 1 of the UN Convention states: every human being under the age of 18 is a child)

Because your age has not reached that age, you are still children and, in accordance with the UN Convention, have the right to special care and assistance from your state. Now our “lawyers” will tell you about your basic rights and ways to implement them.

(slide – 6) A child’s RIGHTS are not difficult!

And we need them so much!

(side – 7) Right to life

Every child has an inalienable right to life.

Every little child

Getting out of diapers

Must know your rules

(slide –8) The right to a name and leisure

You must be given a name:

Alena, Pasha or Dima.

It is given to you alone

But you know – it’s yours!

Walk forward with him proudly

Keep him and glorify him!

Eligibility to participate

In games and recreational activities,

In cultural life,

Engage in art, sports and technical creativity.

To exercise these rights, you just need to enroll in any of the circles of the “Children’s House of Creativity” or in the section of the sports club.

(slide – 9) The right to rest and family

Mom, dad, I are a friendly family.

If trouble suddenly strikes,

We will always help each other out.

(slide – 10) The right even to relatives

(slide – 11) We have the right to think freely

And study anywhere

The right to receive education, which should be aimed at developing the personality, talents, mental and physical abilities of the child to their fullest extent.

This means that you and I, having realized our right to receive a free secondary education, must become prudent members of society, capable of making this society even more humane and happy.

(slide – 12) The right to health protection and medical care

The child has the right to use the most advanced health care services.

To exercise your right to free medical care, you should not forget about health insurance.

(slide – 13) Protection from violence

A child has the right to protection from all forms of physical and psychological violence.

This means that if someone offends you, humiliates you, beats you or has a psychological impact on you, i.e. convinces you to do something that you consider unacceptable for yourself, please do not look for a way out of this difficult and sometimes humiliating situation on your own, but seek help from elders, for example, the class teacher. Believe me, they will find a way to help you in this trouble.

(slide 14-16) The right to protection from the illegal use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

All those who offer you narcotic or psychotropic drugs violate the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and are subject to criminal liability for their actions. And if one of the “friends” of your acquaintances, drug addicts, asks you to give the “friend” a check or pills, then keep in mind that by getting involved in this dirty business, you become an accomplice to the crime.

Teacher: (slide – 17) Guys, today you have become acquainted with only some articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Sometimes life situations are so difficult that a person simply gives up, and it begins to seem to him that he is driven into a corner and there is no way out. Believe me, everyone goes through similar trials.

And the main thing here is not to withdraw into yourself and not be left alone with your misfortune, but to go to people.

You're right, know all this

And remember more often.

It will be easier for you to live.

Serve your homeland.

Physical education minute

Every schoolchild has the right to rest and play sports. Let's

Let's do exercises and relax.

One, two - clap your hands,

And then on every count.

One two three four -

Arms higher, shoulders wider.

One two three four five,

We need to sit down and stand up.

Spread your arms wider.

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four,

And jump on the spot.

Game "Allowed - prohibited"

Now you and I will play the game “allowed-forbidden”, I will read you a poem and at the places where I stop, you will have to say in chorus either it is allowed or it is forbidden. So let's begin!

There's a little boy standing in the corner,

Crying, breaking down.

Beating or punishing a child... (strictly prohibited)

Listen to the child’s opinion... (allowed)

Children should live with their mother,

Always give her flowers (allowed)

This child is working

He has little strength,

Legs buckle.

Hard work in childhood... (prohibited)

Draw and sing, study,

If you are sick, get treatment... (allowed)

This weak one is hunched over,

He bows down to the strong.

Being a slave to a master... (strictly prohibited)

Living together in peace together,

Making friends with different children...(allowed)

Thank you. Well done everyone.

Teacher: The Convention takes into account the necessary rules relating to the rights of the child and provides their interpretation, taking into account that “the child, due to his physical and mental immaturity, needs special protection and care, including adequate legal protection both before and after birth ". A person was born, how his fate will turn out, what kind of life he will live, who he will become, depends on the people surrounding him from birth. Mom and dad choose a name for the baby from the first days of life. The complete development of a child, both spiritual and physical, occurs in the family. Only in the family do we feel safe, surrounded by love and care. Our family teaches us tolerance in relationships with people of different nationalities, respect for people of different nationalities.

What is family?

This word is clear to everyone, like the words “bread” and “water”.

Family for each of us is the most important, most necessary thing in life. And if mutual understanding, trust and warmth reign in a family, this is real happiness.

It sometimes happens that children do not have parents for various reasons. Then the state takes care of them. Just like a real family, it takes care of children and does everything so that children develop both spiritually and physically. The guys live in orphanages.

Recently, our state has taken a course to ensure that there are fewer such homes, and that children find families where they will be loved and cared for.

Student 1.

Family is the holy stronghold of people

She gives hope to live,

Gives space, gives warmth

To spite problems and misfortune.

Family gives us support

She can do anything with her, she can handle it,

Everything is within our control and according to fate -

Family, holy bow to you!

Student 2.

We are growing together as a family

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come into life from family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Student 3.

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Student 4.

Father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not at all bored,

And it’s interesting for five of us.

Student 5.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Student 6.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than her?

On this fabulous land

Student 7.

Dad washes the cups for tea.

We wipe them together,

And then we as a family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

Student 8.

And a song pours through the window,

I'm ready to sing myself,

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

Student 9.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, taking care of each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Student 10.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Student 11.

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Student 12.

Loved you for no special reason

Because you are a grandson,

Because you are a son,

Because baby

Because you are growing,

Because he looks like his dad and mom.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

(A map of Russia appears. Slide No. 18)

Teacher. Tell us about your families.

(We listen to students' speeches). After talking about his family, the child attaches a family photo to the map of Russia.

Children, look, our families form a large country - Russia, the stronger the family, the stronger and richer Russia. It is not for nothing that our government cares about the children and families in which the children grow up. After all, children are the future of our country.

Student 13.

If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

Student 14.

By the river there is a shy birch tree

And a chamomile hillock...

And others will probably remember

My native Verkhnedon region.

Student 15.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold...

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Teacher. - Yes, guys, the Motherland, like the mother, is one. Just as a mother takes care of her children, so does the Motherland take care of its citizens.

Journey through the country of Legal Studies

And now we will take a short trip through the country of Legal Studies.

1. - It will help us get acquainted with some rights and remember them

folk wisdom - fairy tales. Let's hit the road to find and find out which fairy tale characters violate rights

other heroes, destroy and offend them. The brochure “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child” will help us (students answer questions and find the corresponding article of the Convention):

1. In which fairy tale and who violated the right to freedom and free labor for

reward, kept dolls in slavery?

2. In which fairy tale the “bakery” hero was subjected to

Attempts to attack his life, threats to be eaten?

3. Which of the fairy-tale women enjoyed the right to free

moving on a broom?

4. In which fairy tales is the right to personal integrity violated?

5. In which fairy tale is the right to privacy of home violated?

6. In which fairy tale is the right to rest and leisure violated?

2. – In front of you are 3 posters with the inscriptions:

· Right to free education

· The right to free work, protection from unemployment

· Right to inviolability of home

Let's stop to visit the heroes of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.

Choose the correct answer.

1. When the police burst into Papa Carlo’s closet, what right did they

violated? (answer #3)

2. Papa Carlo lived very poorly, he did not have a permanent job,

because he didn't have what right? (answer #2)

3. Buratino sold his alphabet and did not take advantage of what right? (answer #1)

Discussion of the situation

Let's remember the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling". Is that all


poultry yard had the same rights?

Why did they offend the little duckling?

Do people have the right to treat this way to a person who is not like them in skin color, appearance, costume, speaks a different language, thinks differently?


What new did you learn today? What words were new?

What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?__

Convention on the Rights of the Child. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Convention entered into force on September 2, 1990.

What rights did you learn about?

Why should you know your rights?

Who helps you enforce your rights?

How should you treat your comrades so as not to violate their rights?

Well done, I think you will remember everything that was said. And at the next class hour we will talk about your responsibilities.


Show an emoticon that reflects your mood.

(Slide 19) Thank you for your cooperation today.

Editor's Choice
In May 2017, LEGO introduces its new series of minifigures, Season 17 (LEGO Minifigures Season 17). The new series was shown for the first time...

Hello, friends! I remember that as a child we really loved to eat delicious sweet dates. But they were not in our diet so often and did not become...

The most common dishes of India and much of South Asia are spicy rice with curry paste or powder and vegetables, often...

General information, purpose of the press Hydraulic assembly and pressing press 40 tf, model 2135-1M, is intended for pressing,...
From abdication to execution: the life of the Romanovs in exile through the eyes of the last empress On March 2, 1917, Nicholas II abdicated the throne....
Original taken from bolivar_s in The Six Jews of Dostoevsky Who made Dostoevsky an anti-Semite? The jeweler with whom he served hard labor, and...
February 17 / March 2 The Church honors the memory of the Venerable Elder Barnabas of Gethismane - confessor of the Gethsemane monastery of the Trinity-Sergius...
Everything about religion and faith - “the prayer of the Old Russian Mother of God” with a detailed description and photographs. Memory of the Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God...
All about religion and faith - “prayer to the Chernigov Mother of God” with a detailed description and photographs. Ilyinsko - Chernigov Icon of God...