Layouts of country one-story houses. House layout: rules and tips for zoning space

Building a one-story house is a good choice in many respects. This solution provides sufficient freedom in design and the often necessary safety of the environment, but is not suitable for owners of small plots of land with a large family.

One-story houses are now in fashion - buildings are perceived as a single architectural project with the adjacent territory. But the layout of a single-story home depends on its size and the needs of the occupants and requires careful thought, so there are many reasonable options to consider before you decide to make a final decision.

  1. Cheaper foundation laying compared to multi-story buildings, because the load on the foundation of a one-story building is much lower.
  2. The ability to implement a single design concept throughout the house thanks to smooth transitions between rooms.
  3. Convenience in cleaning the house, because all rooms are located on the same level.
  4. The safety of a one-story building for families with children and people with disabilities who do not need to use stairs.
  5. The building heats up quickly and retains heat longer.
  6. Depending on the area of ​​the house, you can choose very interesting planning solutions by unusually using interior partitions.

A one-story house looks like a single whole with the landscape of the local area

How to increase the usable area of ​​a one-story house?

When choosing a one-story house, we already decide that it will not be so easy to increase its area, however, an additional couple of rooms is never superfluous, and they can be planned in several ways:

  • Equip the basement floor as a billiard room, drinks storage, sauna, gym or living space. Even the already fairly extensive layout of a 10 by 10 house (one-story), the photo of which can be seen below, will benefit significantly from this.
  • Installing an attic roof, which is not financially significantly more expensive than building a house with a gable roof, but the space created under the roof can be used to organize a bedroom, children's room or guest room.
  • Install a pitched roof, which allows you to organize a shed or attic room.
  • Use a flat roof as additional space for a flower garden or a place to relax.

A flat roof on a house is a way to get an additional recreation area

The mansard roof allows you to increase the area of ​​the house by one floor

An unusual design option for a small country house

Gable roof of a country cottage

Layout of small one-story houses

The layout of one-story houses made of wood or other materials depends on their parameters and shape. Square buildings are considered ideal in this regard, because the interior of rooms of this shape and sufficient size is balanced. This is probably why most often owners choose building designs with identical sides.

The layout of the house is 6 by 6 (one-story version) - a very small building in area, usually used as a country cottage. It will be much cheaper to build such a house than a two-story or wider one, and with the help of modern design tools it is easy to fit everything you need into it.

Square house layout

By saving on heating (it’s not difficult to get by with just one low-power boiler, a fireplace with radiators) and on arranging the inlet and outlet for water and drainage, you can finish such a house well.

A space of 36 square meters can be organized by planning a ten-meter living room, a nine-meter bedroom, a small bathroom of 3 square meters. m., kitchen-studio 8.5 sq. m., a small boiler room and a four-meter hallway.

It is not wise, however, to waste an already short distance on the vestibule, because you can make a kitchen or living area pass through by combining them with the hall. This is the main possible correct option for organizing space, no matter how the rest of its parts are conceived. Separating the kitchen and living room will seriously reduce the usable area.

You can completely sacrifice the hallway and living room by organizing a small workplace in their place, as this idea is reflected in the layout below. In this case, everything is focused on the convenience of the owners.

It will also be possible to plan two bedrooms in a small house. They will turn out small, but comfortable.

The kitchen corner can be made very small, as in the picture below. But the house will accommodate two places to sleep and a fairly large living room.

The choice of a slightly more elongated shape - a 6x9 house - is justified, because this way the owners have a few extra meters at their disposal and there is a corner for guests staying overnight.

An interesting option is to divide the house into 2 parts with a vestibule and a bathroom. unit, organizing two entrances from different sides: on one to place a sauna and a small utility room, on the other - a living room with a kitchen and a bedroom.

Lovers of modern interiors can simply abandon the idea of ​​dividing one large room with partitions - the current trends are to combine these two zones together.

Try to combine almost all areas of the house - now this is a current trend

Or, as in the illustration below, you can organize a full-fledged house with three slightly smaller rooms and a garage.

The layout of an 8x8 house, the one-story construction method of which is becoming increasingly popular, is a more convenient option than 6x6, although it is also more suitable for country housing where you do not plan to live all year round.

64 sq. m is the area on which the same number of rooms can be placed, but they will be much more spacious and comfortable. You can add storage rooms to some rooms (kitchen, bathroom) or plan a large niche with a sliding door in which you can store all the things you need in the house, and you won’t need more cabinets.

The layout of a 9 by 9 (one-story) house is also not very different from the layout of smaller square-shaped buildings, although due to the expansion of the area, the possibility of using decorative and design elements in such an interior also increases.

So in a house of 36 square meters. m. It is better to use interior doors in a sliding version, and in a 9x9 cottage you can afford their classic version.

The presence of an attic significantly solves the problems of small residential buildings. By placing a bedroom with a large bed on the second floor, you can provide enough space for a luxurious living room and kitchen on the first floor. However, in this case you will have to find a place for the stairs.

The layout of a house with an attic is much more practical than a simple one-story project

Layout of the first floor of a house with stairs

By placing utility rooms in the basement of the building, it will be possible to save space and not spend money on an additional floor, so this option is often preferred to the attic.

Layout of large one-story houses

A one-story 10x10 house, the layout of the rooms of which is almost ideal, is chosen by the owners of fairly large plots of land. It can comfortably accommodate several people, and all rooms can be square and quite spacious and comfortable in terms of lighting and furniture arrangement.

Such a house with an area of ​​79.8 sq. m. is suitable for living in comfort for a family of 4-6 people with children of different ages. The interior of such a home can be made similar to the decor of a medium-sized three-room apartment. When organizing space, it is better to avoid corridors of any length, and plan a common hall from which doors will diverge to all other rooms.

In addition to the necessary premises in a house with such an area, the owners can afford a work area - an office, and expand the bathroom. unit, installing there not a shower stall, but a wide bathtub or jacuzzi.

If you are thinking about building a house, be sure to weigh the pros and cons when choosing a project. The house requires special attention and approach: it is necessary to carefully think over the layout of the rooms, bathrooms, kitchens (or even kitchens, if the house is for two families). Once construction begins, there will no longer be the same opportunity to correct the project. All amendments require changes in calculations, which will lead to an increase in the cost of the project itself and the entire building as a whole. Some changes cannot be made during the construction phase. What is so special about one-story houses? Which project should I focus on? And how exactly to choose the main parameters of the house?

Advantages and disadvantages of one-story houses

What " pros»has a one-story house?

  1. beauty. The first question that arises before the owners of the site is the number of storeys of the house. Many people believe that only buildings of two or even three floors can rise proudly, striking with their beauty and grandeur. In fact, a one-story house will look unusual and beautiful if a good architect works on its design. You can choose any materials for exterior and interior decoration, which significantly affects the appearance of the house. Stone or brick, wood or plastic - the choice depends only on the budget and your preferences.
  2. Budgetary foundation. Since the load is much less, there will be fewer problems with the foundation. Everyone knows that the foundation is the most important part of the house. But for a two- or three-story mansion, a standard foundation will be too small; more money and time will have to be spent on creating a more solid foundation.
  3. Saving time and money- here is another clear advantage of a one-story house. It can be built in a season from the foundation to the roof itself. And material costs, of course, will be less. In addition, a one-story house allows you to rationally spend money during operation. You will need less energy to heat or cool it.
  4. Versatility. Not every soil is suitable for building a house, but a one-story building can be safely placed even on soil with low bearing capacity.
  5. Convenience. Another undeniable “plus” is the ease of repair and cleaning. To clean windows on both sides, you don’t need to risk your life while balancing on the windowsill. Safety of movement is also important. The absence of stairs guarantees convenience for children, the elderly, and the disabled.

In addition, during construction you can do without special equipment, which will preserve the landscape of the site.

What is “ minuses» one-story house?

  1. Dimensions. You can't have a big house without taking up a lot of space. If the plot size is small and a spacious building is required, then it is better to give preference to a two-story project.
  2. Insulation costs. Since the floor is located close to the ground everywhere, additional waterproofing will be required, as well.
  3. Features of construction. Dependence on the terrain is a noticeable drawback. It is simply impossible to place a spacious house on a plot with a large difference in elevation. And it’s not just about the strange appearance, but also about the convenience. Moreover, in this case, the cost of construction will increase significantly, because the help of highly qualified workers will be required.

Selecting the main parameters of the house

To make it easier for you to decide on a project, think in advance about the basic requirements for your dream home. This way you can choose the ideal project and not make a mistake.

First of all, decide on size of the plot. How much of it are you willing to sacrifice for your home? Do you want to leave room for a garden or vegetable garden or are you planning to build a large building?

The main parameter that you should think about before starting to select a project is house area. You can use approximate values. This parameter is the sum of all heated rooms. And it is very important for calculating heating costs.

The total area of ​​the house includes all buildings (heated and unheated); this parameter will help to approximately estimate the costs of building a house.

pay attention to condition of the site and its features. A large difference in height in a place that is intended for construction is a reason to consult with a specialist. It is also worth resolving the issue of groundwater. If the level is high, then take care of additional waterproofing.

Rate what you want number of rooms, also decide on the number of bathrooms and kitchens. If you need built-in garage, then this point also needs to be thought through in advance. It affects the layout of the house. You should pay special attention to those rooms whose arrangement requires the removal of sewerage, ventilation and water supply. Once construction begins, moving these rooms will require additional costs and will be associated with significant difficulties.

Ensuring your car is protected is the responsibility of every responsible car owner. It often happens that the owners start building a house, and only after that they realize that there is no space for a car. Placing it behind the gate is unsafe and impractical. The garage can be either heated or unheated, but it will protect the car from temperature changes, hail, branches and criminals.

For families with two children, projects with three separate bedrooms are ideal. This way, everyone will have their own space, and there will be no conflicts between children. In a separate room, everyone can do what they love. And parents will not have problems with the design of children's rooms.

Also, a three-bedroom project is suitable for those people who often have overnight guests. You can comfortably accommodate everyone who stays until late, and treat them to breakfast in the morning.

Don't want to spend money on the second floor? - this is an excellent way out of the situation. She will help increase usable area. In addition, it will give the house a stylish look and the interior decoration a special atmosphere. Bedrooms are usually located on the upper level. It is worth noting that the attic will increase the cost of the project and will require the installation of stairs.

This format will appeal to romantics who like to watch nature while enjoying tea or wine. The open area will allow you to comfortably sit in the fresh air. Depending on the size of the terrace, it can accommodate a couple of chairs or a small group of people.

The most popular material for building houses is durable, resistant to temperature changes and stylish in appearance. The only serious drawback is the high cost.

An excellent alternative to brick will not break your pocket. Foam block easy to install, suitable for laying on ground with low bearing capacity and has good heat and sound insulation properties. Additional exterior finishing will be required, but this will give the house a unique and unusual look.

Families with older people or small children usually want to buy a one-story house project. Often, for them, a staircase is not the most convenient solution in the house, therefore, if safety is the main priority for a family, a one-story house project is suitable for them.

Our specialists regularly create one-story houses (projects), photos, prices and characteristics of the completed work are presented on our website. When working on such a project, we try to rationally plan the interior space of the house in order to fully use its capabilities. We can create a project for a one-story house in which a large family will live quite comfortably. It should be noted that prices for one-story houses (projects) are lower than for larger buildings.

The low cost of such projects is explained by the reduction in the cost of calculating heating, water supply, other communications, stairs, etc. The fact that such buildings do not have a second floor greatly simplifies the work of architects and reduces the budget that can be spent on construction. Moreover, these savings will continue into the future, because while living in such a house, the family will pay less for utilities. The time frame for completing the work is also reduced if you use projects of one-story cottages.

The peculiarity of creating a one-story house is that it can take up a little more space on the site, and it requires a larger foundation, since all functional rooms will be located on the same level. This is not entirely convenient if the customer owns a small plot of land, or the soil in this place is relief.

All these nuances are carefully clarified by our specialists, who always visit the construction site before starting work on the project. They check not only the properties of the soil, but also the elevation changes, and find out what the groundwater situation is in this area. This information is necessary to determine the optimal solutions included in the designs of one-story houses and construction prices.

One-story houses (projects and prices for which are presented on our website) are much more convenient than buildings with a larger number of floors, but they have one minor drawback - the view from the window in such a house will be the same as the view from the porch. Despite the visual fusion with nature, you will not be able to admire the beautiful views of distant landscapes in such a house. Therefore, if you decide to order a project for a one-story house, carefully weigh the pros and cons again. Better yet, tell our specialists about your priorities and needs, and he will give you competent advice on the type of housing that will suit you perfectly.

Turnkey one-story houses: projects and prices

When choosing the number of floors of a house whose construction you are ready to begin, remember these truths:
1. The number of floors of a house is directly related to its functionality and zoning of premises;
2. The cost of construction and the amount of material costs for maintaining this building in the future depend on the number of floors.

The foundation in such a project is built larger in area, but not as powerful as in taller structures. It will have to withstand a relatively small load, so there is no point in spending money on a heavy-duty foundation. In this case, you can also save on the cost of the walls. They will be lower, and they also need less strength, since they will not have to withstand the upper floors and ceilings, but only the roof. All engineering communications included in the project of a one-story house will be less branched, and, therefore, simpler and less expensive.

If you decide to buy a one-story house project, then you should pay attention to a few more features. Firstly, when designing a one-story house, it is almost impossible to avoid walk-through rooms. If the area of ​​the building is rather large, it will definitely have several rooms that can be entered not only from the corridor, but also from other rooms. Secondly, the cost of the roof will be significant, since its area will be quite large. If the overall budget is acceptable to you and the advantages that single-story house projects have are more important, then choosing them will be quite justified. The main question, as always, is what is more important for the customer - the construction budget, a beautiful view from the window, luxurious stairs and separate rooms or, conversely, space and comfort on one level.

It should be noted that turnkey one-story houses, the projects and prices of which you can find in our portfolio, do not always have a low cost. The customer will be able to save money if the square footage of the building is not planned to be too large. If its area is, for example, 500 sq. m., then the project of a one-story house will make the construction cost significantly higher than a building with several floors.

One of the important positive aspects that a well-planned finished project of a one-story cottage can boast of is the psychological factor. Psychologists say that living in such houses has a positive effect on relationships between family members. They feel unity, equality and show more patience and respect for each other than those who live in a split-level house. Such unity is especially important in cases where there are children in the family.

Contact us, and our specialists will help you choose and buy a one-story house project, and find the best option for building your own home. If the implementation will take place with the involvement of our construction department, then in the design department, with the help of design engineers and architects, we can make changes based on the wishes of the customer (but in accordance with building codes and regulations). Thus, for many of our clients, we create truly the best and personally tailored one-story houses, designs and prices that fully meet their expectations.

When thinking about their own mansion, owners often spend a lot of time selecting materials, choosing technological features of construction, while forgetting about the project. After all, this is where any construction begins. Designing a house is a complex and painstaking job, combining the skills of a builder, designer, technologist and many other works. Therefore, it is much easier and more practical to look at ready-made projects of one-story houses to make sure that desires and possibilities match perfectly.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-story residential buildings

Why one-story? Because such houses combine many indicators:

  • Comfort;
  • Inexpensive cost;
  • The ability to create an economically viable home that requires minimal investment for maintenance;
  • Build a house even on a small piece of land.

It should be taken into account that private houses on one floor can be supplemented not only with a good basement, but also with a residential attic, a garage and a terrace, and this is a big plus for the usable area and an excellent opportunity to expand your own space. In addition, it is much easier to create your own type of one-story house than a two or more storey building; just look at the “tested” projects of one-story houses from development companies and choose the most aesthetic, practical and attractive one.

But one-story buildings have their own characteristics, the main of which is clear space planning. It is necessary to place rooms and premises “on paper” before the start of construction, since during the construction process it will no longer be possible to adjust the building. Even the slightest adjustments will lead to the fact that buildings that are beautiful on paper will end up unsightly, so take as a basis such indicators of the future home as:

  1. Cost-effectiveness in the construction and operation of the finished structure;
  2. Functionality, comfort of the future home.

Of course, one of the fundamental factors influencing the number of floors of a house is the size of the plot. For a one-story house, both small and medium-sized plots of land are equally ideal; on a large plot, such a structure may not look entirely ideal.

The advantages of one-story buildings include the following indicators:

  1. Aesthetics . Two or more storey buildings do not always rise “proudly”, striking others with their beauty. In fact, designs of one-story houses can be so unusual and attractive that no other building can compete with them. If a good architect worked on drawing up the plan, selected the right materials for finishing and embodied all the customer’s wishes in form and aesthetics, the building will truly turn out to be unique and incredibly beautiful. And, by the way, don’t forget about the exterior finishing; there is a wide choice of materials, so it all depends on the budget and preferences of the developer.
  2. Saving . Less load on the load-bearing foundation allows you to build an inexpensive foundation, which will help you invest in finishing and the most efficient design of your future home.
  3. Budgeting is not only about money, but also about time. Any one-story houses are built in one season. In addition, it will require less money to maintain a one-story building than to provide heat and comfort to a multi-story building.
  4. Versatility- another plus of the house. It can be built on any soil, used as a main house, and then, when expanding needs, as an insulated country house.
  5. Convenience. Ease of repair and cleaning - these are the main factors that concern every reasonable developer. Safety of movement ensures that your elderly relatives and people with disabilities will not experience inconvenience in front of stairs. In addition, the location of all rooms on the same level significantly reduces the risk of injury if there are small children in the family.
  6. Construction savings is also achieved by reducing funding for the arrangement of the second or more floors.
  7. Simplicity of engineering schemes and communications connections also play a role, as does the simplification of construction schemes.

Psychologists often say that each family member needs their own space, but they also argue that in one-story houses unity and a sense of cohesion, the so-called “family spirit,” are preserved. This is also why one-story buildings, even if supplemented with a terrace or a residential attic, are considered more cozy and comfortable for living.

Advice! To build a one-story house, you do not need special equipment, which means that the landscape of the site will retain its original shape.

Such houses also have disadvantages:

  • Limited sizes. If you need large rooms, but the plot is small, give preference to a two-story house or a project with a residential attic.
  • Sufficient insulation and insulation will be required, since the living quarters will be located close to the ground.
  • Dependence on relief. However, here you can beat the disadvantage by building a house on a pile foundation; with this technology, the soil, its bearing capacity, the presence of ups and downs do not matter.

Basic requirements for the parameters of a one-story house

To make it easier to decide on the design of your future home, it is better to think through the fundamental requirements for the house in advance. To do this, you need to determine points such as:

  1. House area. Everything is included here: the number of rooms, utility rooms, as well as how much of the site you are willing to sacrifice for construction.
  2. Significant changes in terrain will require additional waterproofing, especially if the ground aquifers are high enough.
  3. The desired number of rooms also requires sufficient sanitary areas.
  4. Extensions such as garages and outdoor storage areas will also require space.

If you encounter difficulties, photos of practical one-story houses will help. Such illustrations will clearly demonstrate all the possibilities of constructive placement and the aesthetics of finished buildings. And when all the requirements are taken into account, you can decide on the project.

Advice! If you plan to build by hiring the services of a developer, it makes sense to look at ready-made projects of one-story houses. In this case, construction will be cheaper, and there is also the possibility of making additions.

Interesting design and design solutions

Let's start with the fact that the developer has a car and needs a garage. Often a garage extension is not included in the main plan, and in vain. Parking a car outside the gate is not always convenient, but if you make a house with a garage, and even a heated one, you can be absolutely sure of the safety of the vehicle. Therefore, it is better to start building a country house for permanent residence right away by designing not only the main building, but also the garage.

By the way, the designers propose to make full use of the area: either a garage in the basement, or an additional superstructure above the garage - the room will not require large investments and is in no way inferior in its functionality to an ordinary living room.

Advice! The exit from the garage should be double: to the main house and to the street.

If there are children in the family, having a separate bedroom becomes a necessary condition. Three-bedroom solutions are also ideal for hospitable hosts who try to accommodate guests with comfort. The area of ​​a three-bedroom house may not exceed 64 m2, and it will comfortably accommodate both sleeping quarters and common recreation areas.

A very good option from designers is multi-level one-story houses. One of the options has already been considered - a superstructure over the garage. A small staircase will allow you to climb into the room and at the same time the one-story structure is maintained. The second option is a habitable attic. To equip the under-roof space, you do not need to invest money - all communications are started from the first floor, all you need is a “broken” roof and internal insulation. At the same time, the area of ​​the house increases by one and a half to two times.

Advice! A slight increase in the cost of the project is only due to the need to place stairs and insulate the attic wall panels.

One-story houses with a terrace are an ideal choice for owners who prefer to spend as much time as possible in nature. The variety of solutions in size, shape and area of ​​the terrace allows you to choose your own project. And, by the way, it is not at all necessary to make a terrace only at the entrance; let it be a surrounding extension along the entire perimeter of the house from the outside. Excellent ventilation in the summer heat, ease of movement, additional light are provided, as is an increased usable area of ​​the house. You will have to take care of insulating the terrace in winter, but only if you want to sit here with a cup of tea on frosty evenings.

A very good option for a one-story house with continuous glazing of one of the walls. Practical implementation will require investment, but the result is a house with natural light and heat from solar energy. In addition, a photograph of any of these houses clearly shows the aesthetics of the structure, its individuality and unusualness.

The designs of one-story houses are surprisingly varied; designers offer houses with outbuildings built on both sides of the entrance - this option will accommodate and accommodate even a very large family. A large plot area will be required, but the structure will be ideal in terms of living comfort. No less beautiful are houses with “broken” shapes with protruding bedrooms, kitchens or dining rooms. Such formats literally breathe rural pastoral and are indescribably cozy in their appearance.

Compact in shape, but not in area, houses with bay windows, multiple exits and extensions are distinguished not only by convenience, but also by increased efficiency. The building can practically accommodate any number of rooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms. For budget-conscious developers, private houses of simple shapes and standard sizes are offered.

As for the execution, see the photo; one-story houses are built from brick, aerated concrete, wood, stone and any other materials. Everything depends only on the wishes of the owners. Buildings made from combined materials look very impressive: stone-concrete, concrete-brick.

When planning to build, don’t be afraid to experiment! Even a tall tower equipped with many stairs is considered one-story - as long as the house has no interfloor ceilings, it is considered a one-story building, and this is a huge opportunity to implement the most exceptional and fantastic formats.

When the time comes to build your own house, the question of which project to choose is one of the first to arise. Naturally, the layout, number of floors, and living space depend on the characteristics of the site, personal preferences and how large the family will live or vacation there. But still, when choosing a project for your cottage, pay attention to one-story houses, which have many advantages.

The number of floors of the future house should be chosen based on the functionality and characteristics of the people living in it. An important factor is also the cost-effectiveness of construction, as well as the area of ​​the plot: on a large area, a one-story house will look most appropriate, but on medium-sized and even small plots it will be an excellent option if its design is chosen correctly.

One-story houses more economical both in terms of construction and in terms of operation. it does not require as much power as for multi-storey buildings, but, however, the larger the area of ​​the house, the greater the cost of the foundation. The construction of walls in such a house will cost much less, because they will not need to be further strengthened to withstand the load of the upper floor. Another aspect of savings is the installation of communications, the circuits of which in a one-story house are much simpler, which means that their implementation will take less time and require less financial costs, and heating a one-story house in winter is much easier and cheaper than a two-story house. But you can save not only at the construction stage, but also on operation, because repair work will be much cheaper. In addition, such houses are excellent for families with children and elderly people, because they do not have structures that can cause injuries. A one-story house or cottage also attracts attention from a purely psychological point of view, because it creates a feeling of unity, which is important, especially if it is a family with children.

When choosing a one-story house project for yourself, it is worth considering one of its features - a large roof area, which means that its installation should be approached carefully, and the costs here will be higher than in a two-story house of the same square footage.

The one-story project option will be most suitable if you need to build a house with an area of ​​about 100 m2, and at the same time use funds, time and effort as rationally and economically as possible. Often one of the disadvantages of one-story houses is the peculiarity of the layout, in which some rooms will necessarily be walk-through. But this can easily be avoided if you choose a suitable project, and we chose several of the best designs of one-story houses.

Classic one-story house

This is a 61 m2 house with a spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms and a storage room. It is ideal for a family of three or can be used as a home, as it combines such important qualities as efficiency and comfort.

The project attracts attention with a spacious living room, which is combined with a kitchen. There is not only a fireplace in the room - there is also a huge glazed exit to the terrace. If you want to have a small picnic or lunch outdoors, you can quickly and easily take everything you need right from the kitchen. The covered terrace will allow you to be there in any weather: both when the sun is blinding and when it rains. Two bright, spacious bedrooms will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable, and all the necessary things that you may need in the garden, house, etc. can be stored in the pantry.

The simple shape of the house itself and the gable roof make it possible to erect such a building in the shortest possible time, saving on construction and utility bills. The combination of all these advantages makes this project one of the most thoughtful, comfortable and economical.

Iris project

A luxurious huge house for a large family who are very demanding about their own coziness and comfort. The area is 160 m2, the project involves using laminated veneer lumber as a material for the construction of walls. Stunning appearance and spacious functional rooms are the main advantages of this one-story house. On its area there are three large bedrooms, a kitchen with a living room, an entrance hall, several bathrooms and other rooms.

Fairytale house

The project of a real fairy-tale house with an area of ​​110 m2 is optimal for a large family: there are three rooms, a couple of bathrooms and the trump card of the house - a living room combined with a kitchen. The walls of the house can be made of ceramic blocks, which will make construction not very expensive, and a strip or monolithic prefabricated foundation will make the building durable and reliable.

This house attracts attention with its clear division into day and night zones: and if the night zone is simply the most functional, then the day zone can attract the attention of anyone. The large living room here is equipped with a fireplace and is adjacent to the kitchen, which is decorated with a corner window. At first glance, it may seem that this is a trifle, but in fact such a window lets more sunlight into the room, makes the room visually more spacious, and, most importantly, unique and original. But that’s not all: huge glass doors lead from the living room to the courtyard. They, while remaining reliable protection for all residents, let light into the house, unite with nature, and on the adjacent terrace you can have a picnic at any time, because everything you need is at hand in the adjacent kitchen.

The night area of ​​the house contains three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a storage room, and spacious corridors allow you to place an additional built-in wardrobe: convenient if a large family lives in the house and there is really a lot of things.

House with front garage

A huge spacious house that provides comfort, convenience and coziness to each of its inhabitants. The total area here is 212 m2, the living area is 178 m2, there is a garage for two cars, three bedrooms, several bathrooms, many utility rooms where you can store tools, household items, install built-in wardrobes, etc.

Externally, a house built according to such a project cannot be called anything other than luxurious, but the triangular attic window gives it a zest. This project is unique, as it provides the opportunity to completely customize everything to your taste, even to the extent of equipping a full second floor, giving about another 90 m2 of space. Also amenable to “remodeling” is a large bathroom, which can be divided into two, bedrooms, which can turn into an office, library, etc.

The house can be visually divided into two zones: night and day. The day area has a spacious living room with plenty of natural light, helped by a huge covered doorway leading directly to the deck and backyard. This allows you not only to save electricity and make the most of natural light, but also creates comfort of movement, because you can go out into the yard quickly and easily, and grab ready-made food from the kitchen.

In the night area of ​​the house there are three bedrooms and two separate bathrooms, the entrance to which is not through the bedrooms, but from the common corridor. A huge hallway will allow you to conveniently arrange any system of cabinets and carefully store numerous things. In addition, the house has access to the garage, which is adjacent to the workshop. The garage can accommodate two cars. In this house, every detail has been thought out for the comfort of a large family.

Cozy house with a large covered terrace

This house, despite its miniature dimensions, can become comfortable both for permanent residence and for seasonal holidays. With an area of ​​65 m2, it accommodates everything you need, namely three bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen with a living room, and the terrace area is simply phenomenal - 30 m2, which makes the house ideal for a family holiday, especially since the terrace is equipped with an external fireplace: with its help You can fry kebabs and heat the house, since it is double.

The design of this one-story house with a wooden facade is striking in its thoughtfulness, because in a very small area there are three bedrooms and a spacious bathroom comfortably located here. In addition, in the common corridor there is enough space to put a closet, arrange shelves and other storage areas. The kitchen area is combined with the living room and has access to the terrace. All this is done for maximum comfort of the family who lives here permanently or comes to relax. The covered terrace can be arranged as you like, you can even organize several zones there: a dining area, a beach area, an area with comfortable chairs and a coffee table, because you don’t have to be afraid of precipitation and direct sunlight.

The peculiarity and main advantage of this project is the non-standard location of the entrances. Thus, the central entrance is located at the back of the house, and at the front the house welcomes guests with two entrances to the bedrooms and a swimming pool, which is accessed by a huge glazed door from the living room. The fact that you can immediately go out into the courtyard from two bedrooms and from the living room is the key difference between this project and a number of similar ones. The bright, spacious living room is equipped with a fireplace and smoothly flows into the casual kitchen area. The project assumes the presence of two bathrooms, which will be especially convenient for a large family. There are a number of rooms that can be equipped as storage rooms, dressing rooms, utility rooms, which will make life in such a house comfortable. Following the idea of ​​the project, you can install a strictly square-shaped swimming pool on the terrace, which emphasizes the minimalism and futurism of the whole house.

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