Payment card "Beeline" Mastercard. Beeline payment cards: Standart, World, PayPass

The Beeline company, being one of the leaders in cellular communications not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but throughout Russia, has long been involved in more than just one industry. Today you can often meet a person who is connected to home Internet and television directly from Beeline. But the company went further, and as is now common among mobile corporations, it now takes its place in the banking niche.

And one of the accessible and popular banking products from Beeline is the “MasterCard World” plastic card, which we will pay attention to today in our article.

Beeline “MasterCard World”, what are the differences from the regular Mastercard

As part of the articles on our website, we have already paid attention to a detailed consideration of the regular Mastercard plastic card, which is available for receipt by Beeline subscribers.

As with a regular card, the “World” product offers subscribers the opportunity to use classic banking services: withdraw cash, make and receive money transfers, top up an account from the card and pay for purchases.

In addition, the personalized Beeline card “MasterCard World” is also distinguished by the presence of a contactless chip, thanks to which you can make payments using PayPass technology.

Advantages of the Beeline “MasterCard World” card

Among the main advantages of using this particular card, the following nuances should be noted:

  • The card holder’s name is present on the card, which makes it easier to complete the procedures for booking hotels, paying for trips, renting vehicles and much more;
  • The limit for paying for purchases on the card is limited to 600 thousand rubles, which will be quite enough for any shopping;
  • When making purchases, cashback is returned to the card in the form of bonuses, which you can ultimately spend on your needs or pay for cellular services;
  • Purchases with a value above 1 thousand rubles, as is known, are additionally confirmed by a PIN code, which increases the level of card security. However, the presence of a chip on it allows you not to constantly enter the access code, since all the necessary information is recorded on it;
  • The presence of a chip on the card guarantees a prompt payment procedure through the terminal, which may only take a couple of seconds.

How to get a Beeline “MasterCard World” card

If you are interested in the benefits of this card and are thinking about getting it, to do this, you must first answer the question of whether you have a regular bank card from Beeline. If it is not there, then first you need to get it. If you already have a card, you can apply for MasterCard World as follows:

  1. Log in to Beeline Internet banking.
  2. In the cards section, find the button to order a new card.
  3. Select the “MasterCard World” card.
  4. Please indicate how you would like your name to appear on the card.
  5. Select a delivery method for the finished product. Be prepared for the cost of 200 rubles for delivery by Russian Post.
  6. Receive a non-activated card using the previously selected method.
  7. Complete the activation procedure in the web banking system to receive a PIN code and start using the product.

How to activate a Beeline MasterCard World card

The Beeline “MasterCard World” card is activated in your personal account. You can access it using the following link. In addition, you can activate and receive a new PIN code via a phone call. You must make a call from your phone number specified in the contract when receiving the card to the number 88002345755 . The call is available completely free of charge, provided you are in the Russian Federation.

In this article I will talk about the capabilities of the free Beeline debit card. At a time when numerous banks are methodically worsening the conditions for their products, Beeline remains in operation all the time, thanks to favorable and stable conditions.

Many people also know that these are not the best times for the competing product, Kukuruza, due to its purchase by Svyaznoy. The future of the program is in question. In particular, this is why many customers switched their attention to the slightly younger yellow product from Beeline. Now I will dwell in detail on the capabilities of the Beeline debit payment card based on the tariffs for this plastic.

Plastic is produced by RNKO "Payment Center" (LLC) in the city of Novosibirsk, as well as for the project " Corn».

Receiving a card

Any Beeline debit payment card is issued and serviced completely free of charge. SMS notifications are also free here.

You need to start getting the product from unnamed plastic. This is done through the communication salon of the same name. Not all stores have free cards, so many people have to go to several stores before they find them. The goal is to get the simplest MasterCard Standard card, unnamed, without a chip. To receive it, just top up your account with 100 rubles. (or better yet, 200 at once). This money will not go anywhere, it will remain on your balance. It is not at all necessary to be a Beeline subscriber. On the contrary, they attract customers with this product. This will be discussed below.

To use all the features of the product, you need to have a MasterCard World PayPass card. You can immediately get an unnamed World in the salon, but for this you will need to deposit 300 rubles into your account. and buy it. But it’s more profitable to order a personalized card through your Beeline card account. The validity period of the personal name will be as much as 7 years! When ordering, you can choose the correct name and surname, indicate your home address and pay for the order. The release of plastic will be free, delivery by Russian post is estimated at 200 rubles. For this purpose, it was immediately advisable to top up the account with this amount.

You can store only 100,000 rubles on a non-name account, and 600,000 rubles on a registered account. Together with the “Interest on Balance” service, which is discussed below, it makes sense to order a personalized one.

Personally, I replenished my wallet with 200 rubles. and immediately ordered a personalized one.

It must be said that any Beeline card is formally prepaid, so if the “Interest on Balance” service is not activated, then the money on it is not insured by the state!

Interest on balance

From 01/01/2019, the interest on the balance became 0.01% per annum. I think further comments are unnecessary.

Card replenishment

You can top up your Beeline debit payment card in the following ways:

  1. In cash at any Beeline office (no fees, passport required).
  2. From another card via Internet banking (from 3,000 rubles without commissions, otherwise there will be a commission of 50 rubles).
  3. By bank transfer to the consolidated account of RNKO "Payment Center" (500,000 rubles per month). In the payment purpose you must indicate the recipient's full name and the number on the back of the card.
  4. Through numerous terminals of the Moscow Credit Bank.
  5. Transfer through Zolotaya Korona from any banks or points (passport required).
  6. By card number from another bank (as a rule, this is paid in the vast majority of banks).

When you activate the “Interest on Balance” service, you can make a regular transfer to the account number of the bank that services this service.

By bank transfers in my separate article credit institutions with free or cheap transfer rates are listed.

Withdrawing money from the card

You can withdraw money from a Beeline debit payment card in the following ways:

  1. Through ATMs. Look carefully at the plug:
  • from 5,000 rub. up to 50,000 rub. - no commission
  • less than 5,000 rub. — 149 rub. for the operation
  • more than 50,000 rub. - 2 minutes. 199 rub.

Balance request at any ATM 50 rub. in one operation.

  1. Card transfer to other cards:
  • to Beeline cards - no commission
  • to cards of Russian banks - 1.5%, min. 50 rub.
  • to cards of foreign banks - 1.5%, min. 100 rub.
  1. By bank transfer according to details - 1%, min. 50 rub.

With the “Interest on Balance” service activated, it becomes possible to make free transfers using bank details up to RUB 100,000. per month. If this limit is exceeded, the commission will be 0.5% (min. 20 rubles, max. 1000 rubles).

  1. You can transfer from this yellow debit card to another card. The withdrawal is free and is carried out through the Internet bank of another credit institution. For example, through the application " Rocket", via online banking " Tinkoff», « Corn», « RIB" and etc.
  2. Through cash points - 6% of the amount (min. 350 rubles per transaction) plus the commission of the acquiring bank.

Bonuses for purchases

The bonus program is valid only for MasterCard World cards. Let me remind you that the unnamed MasterCard World can be obtained at the salon (the issue costs 300 rubles) or ordered by Russian post (the issue is free, delivery costs 200 rubles).

How to accumulate bonuses

The essence of the bonus program is to select 3 categories from a choice of 9, for which there will be cashback in the form of 5% bonuses. Categories are selected immediately per quarter. Beeline slightly shuffles the categories and MCC codes in them from time to time. Current codes are highlighted when selecting categories.

- “Pleasures” (5% for taxis, 10% for cinema and 3% for restaurants without fast food);
- “Care” (10% for beauty salons, 5% for pet stores and 3% for pharmacies);
- “For every day” (10% in music stores, 5% on public transport, 3% on fast food);
- “Travel” (10% cashback on purchases abroad in the categories “Restaurants” (without fast food) and “Gifts and Souvenirs”, as well as Duty Free).

The “Promotions and Offers” section regularly contains numerous promotions for which you can get up to 15% cashback.

The bonus limit is 3000 rubles. to your passport, that is, regardless of the number of these cards you have.

How to spend bonuses

Here, as in Kukuruza, bonuses become available after 14 days. You can receive no more than 3,000 bonuses per month. The bonuses are valid for only 6 months, which, I must say, is not enough.

The main idea of ​​the product marketers is that customers spend the bonuses they receive as much as possible on paying for their own telematics services: cellular communications and the Internet under the Beeline brand. Here it just begs to be, top up Beeline with a payment card. You can use 99.9% of the available bonuses.

Up to 90% of points can be spent on purchases in Beeline’s own stores. You can buy smartphones, tablets and much, much more there. I must say that their prices for cellular gadgets are quite competitive.

Up to 99.9% of points can be spent with several partners:

  • – online pharmacy.
  • Tickets - service for purchasing air tickets
  • Kari and Kari Kids - a chain of stores of children's clothing, toys and other children's goods
  • Litres – sale of e-books

It’s a pity that they don’t have “Perekrestok” supermarkets as partners, which are included in the bonus program “ Corn».

Bonuses for friends

On September 4, 2018, Beeline launched a welcome program, within which 300 points are awarded for receiving a card using a friend’s promo code. Points can be spent at your discretion, but only on purchases from Beeline partners.

To receive the bonus, you need to apply for a Beeline World card for 300 rubles, install the mobile application and enter my promotional code in a special field within 7 days FR99Q6B0X(penultimate character is zero).

Currency conversion and purchases abroad

About currency conversion

In your personal account, you can open additional accounts - wallets in US Dollars and Euros. Then instantly convert funds between them. When converting, be sure to pay attention to the spread. The spread is the difference between the purchase price and sale price of a currency. Of course, the smaller the spread, the more profitable it is to buy currency.

The spread on the Beeline card (and on the Kukuruza card too) in quiet peacetime during business hours of the Moscow Exchange is 50-60 kopecks. For comparison in online bank "BCS" the spread is also 50-60 kopecks. In Tinkov it’s a little wider than 60-70 kopecks. But, in general, these conversion methods can be considered equally useful for ordinary clients, not millionaires. For large amounts, of course, there must be purchase and sale of currency on the exchange.

About shopping abroad

Purchases abroad are carried out with transactions recalculated at the Central Bank exchange rate on the date of the account transaction. As a rule, this takes up to 5 business days after purchase.

Technically, when purchasing, the transaction amount itself is blocked, plus an additional 5%. This is what many financial institutions do in case of a sharp change in the exchange rate during this time. After making a purchase on the account, the excess amount becomes available.

Credit limit

You can connect a credit limit to a Beeline debit payment card. The credit limit is provided by Tinkoff Bank (brewer). Credit conditions are standard for a brewer, they are similar to its top credit card Platinum. I will briefly summarize the main significant conditions from the tariff:

  • The amount of the revolving loan is up to RUB 300,000.
  • The first year of service is 500 rubles.
  • Grace period – up to 55 days.
  • The loan rate is up to 29% per annum for purchases in grace and the presence of a minimum payment.
  • The loan rate is up to 46% per annum on cashed funds.

Requirements for the borrower:

  • passport
  • age from 18 to 70 years
  • having a mobile phone

All management takes place through the personal account of the Beeline card; you will not be given access to the brewer’s Internet bank.

If you already have a brewer's credit card, this credit service will not be approved for you. It’s better to think carefully about whether to open a credit limit on a Beeline card or get a normal credit card from Tinkoff Bank.


Tariffs for the Beeline debit payment card convincingly show that it has become popular for good reason. Free issue and maintenance, good cashback by category, free withdrawals and transfers - all this answers the potential question “Is it worth opening?” I discovered plastic for myself to replace “Corn,” which may soon leave the market. Therefore, its replacement with a similar card is now really in demand.

As a fly in the ointment, it should be recognized that there are no significant retail networks for the purchase of bonuses in the product. And at the same time, marketers are pushing customers to switch to cellular communications or the Internet from Beeline in order to regularly monetize the bonuses they receive for purchases.

The Russian mobile market is constantly changing and transforming, and any successful company must develop in accordance with its requirements. The VimpelCom trademark, representing the services of the mobile operator Beeline, is not limited to the constant improvement of existing projects. In 2014, the company introduced a new product - the premium MasterCard World Beeline card. It is intended for non-cash payments on the Internet and in stores. In addition, the product offers a lot of advantages to users of the services of the mobile operator Beeline. Let's take a closer look at what makes this card different from others.

About the MasterCard World premium card

The product is analogous to a bank card: you can use it to make payments, and you can also use it to borrow money with a grace period. In general, this payment system can be described by the following points:

  1. It is issued and reissued absolutely free of charge.
  2. There is no additional fee for card servicing.
  3. You can get an interest-free loan for any purpose, without collateral.
  4. When registering, SMS notification is automatically connected to the product. Notifications are sent to your mobile phone number when performing any transactions.
  5. It is implemented on the international payment system Master Card, so you can pay with the card anywhere in the world. When paying in foreign stores, there is an automatic conversion into local currency at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia without additional commission.
  6. Opportunity to receive bonuses for purchases. The bonus amount is 1.5% per transaction.
  7. Availability of a smartphone application that allows you to track all transactions made from the card.

The premium MasterCard World Beeline card combines the best qualities of modern payment systems. This explains the popularity of the service in question.

Types of cards from Beeline

In addition to the premium card, VimpelCom is actively promoting its banking products. It is definitely worth noting here:

  1. MasterCard Standard– a regular payment card, the registration of which is available to subscribers of any operator. The bonus system assumes accrual of 1% of the transaction to the bonus account.
  2. Beeline personalized card Mastercard World provides for the presence of the full name on the front side, as well as the presence of the PayPass contactless payment system. The amount of bonuses awarded for purchases is 1.5%. Any citizen who has a Beeline MasterCard World or MasterCard Standard card can apply for such a card.

These products, in addition to the premium card, can also be issued for making purchases. They are also convenient for making non-cash payments.

Premium card features

Speaking about this product, it is impossible not to note its versatility. The Beeline premium card is intended for basic banking operations:

The company's developers are continuously improving banking services. Thanks to this, cardholders do not experience discomfort when using the product.

Credit funds

Among other things, the premium account has one more pleasant property: you can receive credit funds on it. The maximum loan amount is 300,000 rubles, but please note that The monetary limit is set for each user individually. Initially, the card is a debit card, that is, you can use it exclusively to use your own funds. But when providing a passport and identification code, company employees review the application for credit funds and set a certain limit, the size of which directly depends on the client’s income.

The grace period, during which no interest is charged for using credit funds, is up to 60 days. In the future, you must pay a minimum payment, the amount of which is 8% of the debt amount.

The Mastercard World Beeline payment system offers favorable lending conditions and a fairly large maximum loan amount. This state of affairs also suits many clients.

Bonus loyalty program

All Beeline brand accounts are connected to a loyalty program in which every card holder participates. The principle of accrual of bonuses: a person makes a purchase from the Beeline payment system, after which a certain percentage of the transaction amount is transferred to his bonus account. Thus, premium account holders receive 1.5% per spend. For example, a person makes a purchase for a total amount of 1000 rubles, while 15 rubles are bonuses.

What you need to know about this loyalty program:

  1. Bonuses are awarded for any purchases and payments for services, including those performed on the Internet. But when withdrawing funds from an ATM, the program does not work.
  2. Bonuses can be used to pay 90% of the amount of purchases and services in the Beeline chain of stores" For example, you have 100 rubles in your bonus account, you make a purchase at the company’s office in the amount of 100 rubles. You can pay only 90 rubles with bonuses, the remaining 10 are paid from your personal account.
  3. If no transactions have been made on the card for six months, previously accrued bonuses “burn out.”

The bonus system is very convenient for those who regularly use the services of the Beeline mobile operator, because you can easily accumulate bonus money and then pay with it in the branded chain of stores.


The card can be topped up without commission in the following ways:

  • at the Beeline office;
  • in the personal account of a mobile operator or in a mobile application;
  • money transfer system "Golden Crown".

In other cases, the commission for replenishing your account depends on the bank where you conduct the transaction. You can withdraw funds at the bank's cash desk or at an ATM that works with the MasterCard system. When withdrawing from an ATM, the commission is 1%, when receiving from a bank cash desk - 4%. Moreover, if credit funds are withdrawn, the commission will be 4.9% plus 500 rubles.

How to get a premium MasterCard World card

Any subscriber of the Beeline mobile operator can become the owner of such an account. To receive it, just go to any office of the company, present your passport and identification code (if you want to immediately set a credit limit). At the same time, to activate the account must be topped up with at least 3,000 rubles. Within 5-10 minutes after activation, an automatically generated PIN code, which is four random digits, is sent to the client’s mobile phone. After this, you can start using the card.

The premium MasterCard World Beeline card was created for the convenience of Beeline customers. In addition to the existing bonus loyalty program, new profitable promotions periodically appear for them.

The Beeline payment card is a product intended not only for Beeline subscribers; anyone can apply for a card. The card is issued and serviced by RNKO Payment Center, the credit limit is provided by Tinkoff Bank, and interest on the balance is charged by Okrytie Bank.

For what purposes should I get a Beeline card? The card includes the standard set of any payment card: payment for purchases online and offline, payments for loans and microloans, housing and communal services, telephone, Internet and others, as well as money transfers within Russia and the CIS.

In addition, the Beeline card is, it accrues interest on the balance, and there is also cashback in the form of bonuses, you can issue a credit limit

Types of cards

Beeline company issues three types of MasterCard cards:

  • Standard – issued for clients of any operator. To obtain it you only need a passport. This card does not participate in the bonus program; cashback is not awarded when paying with it.
  • World is a personalized card only for Beeline subscribers. To apply for it you need to top up your account with 500 rubles.
  • PayPass is a personalized card with an additional . Can be exchanged for one of the already issued Standard or World cards.

Beeline offers customers debit cards and credit cards.

Beeline credit card

Tinkoff Bank has established the following tariffs for Beeline credit cards:

    • The maximum loan amount is RUB 300,000;
    • interest-free period - up to 55 days;
  • the interest rate for timely repayment of the Minimum payment is 28.9-29.9%.
  • if the Minimum payment is not paid and for cash withdrawals - 36.9-49.9%.
  • The minimum payment is 8% of the debt, but not less than 600 rubles.

Interest on balance

To start accruing interest on your card balance, you will need to connect to the “Interest on Balance” service. If, upon receiving the card, you did not immediately register the connection, you will need to come back to the Beeline office with your passport and card and fill out an application to open a deposit. The deposit is opened by Otkritie Bank.

Paid service - 99 rubles. per month, the first two months after connection are free. If one of the conditions is met, no commission is charged:

  • non-reducible balance during the month 3,000 rubles;
  • payment for purchases by card in the amount of 3,000 rubles;
  • replenish the card with at least 3,000 rubles.

Otkritie Bank offers Beeline card holders the following interest rates:

  • 500 - 14,999 rub. — 3.5% per annum.
  • 15,000 - 249,999 rub. - 4.5%.
  • 250,000 rub. and above - 7.5%.

The minimum balance is 500 rubles.

The interest amount is calculated every day, depending on the balance. Interest is credited monthly. Money on the card is subject to a mandatory deposit insurance system in the amount of 1,400,000 rubles. You can find out the amount of accrued interest in Internet banking.

Bonuses or cashback

If you pay with a Beeline card, you will receive cashback in the form of bonuses in the amount of 1% of the amount of any purchase. In your favorite categories - 5%, up to 15% of purchases in Beeline partner stores. Cashback is not credited to Standard cards.

You can choose 3 favorite places to buy. The monthly limit is 3,000 bonuses, respectively for the year - 36,000. 1 bonus = 1 ruble.

You can spend bonuses:

  • for communication services;
  • in the Beeline communication store - purchase goods up to 90% of the purchase price.
  • from Beeline partners - also up to 90% of the purchase.

How to apply for a card

You can get a card at any Beeline store.

How to activate the card

The Beeline payment card does not require activation, you just need to receive and enter a pin code. To receive it, you need to call the mobile number specified during registration.

Terms of Service

The main advantages of the card are free annual maintenance, issue and reissue of the card. Free SMS notifications, internet banking and mobile application.

How to top up your card

Free refill:

  • in Beeline offices;
  • in MKB bank terminals;
  • By linking the card in your personal account, top up from it in the amount of more than 3 thousand rubles.

How to withdraw cash

Cash withdrawal from ATMs:

  • if the withdrawal amount is up to 5,000 rubles, then the commission is 149 rubles;
  • if the withdrawal amount is from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles, the commission is 0 (if the withdrawal did not exceed 50,000 rubles during the month);
  • if the monthly amount exceeds 50,000 rubles. , commission - 2%, but not less than 199 rubles.

Withdrawal from the bank's cash desk:

  • in any bank - commission 4%, but not less than 350 rubles.

Cash withdrawals from credit cards - 4.9% of the amount + 500 rubles.

Who benefits from the Beeline payment card?

It is quite logical that the Beeline company intends its card primarily to its clients. Bonuses accumulated on the card can only be spent on free communications or purchasing goods in the Beeline salon.

If neither one nor the other interests you, bonuses can be used from Beeline partners. But the list of them is not long at all. Cashback bonuses are better than nothing, but sometimes such bonuses are simply useless.

As for accruing interest on the balance, there are cards that are much more interesting with a higher income, for example, these ones.

The main advantage of the Beeline payment card is its free service.

Nina Polonskaya

A bank card is a very convenient means of payment. You can use it to pay in restaurants, shops and gas stations, and use it to make purchases in online stores. Today cards are issued not only by banking organizations, but also by many other enterprises, for example, mobile operators. A typical example of this is the Beeline payment card. Let's see what it is and how to use it.

Capabilities and features of the card

The Beeline payment card is issued at the offices of the operator of the same name. It is a full-fledged means of payment and allows you not to carry paper and metal money with you. Today the operator offers its clients two types of cards:

  • Debit – for everyday use and storing money;
  • Credit – with a credit limit of up to 300 thousand rubles.

Beeline debit payment cards cannot be used to obtain loans. But they are suitable for payments in stores, and up to 5% of the purchase price is returned back to the card in the form of pleasant bonuses(recently cashback has become very attractive and profitable). In addition, interest is accrued daily on the cash balance. The rate depends on the balance amount - 4% for balances up to 15 thousand rubles and 8% for balances over 15 thousand rubles.

A Beeline payment card can be topped up at any operator’s branded store, without interest. If you are too lazy to go to the nearest salon, transfer money from another card - if the top-up amount is more than 3,000 rubles, the operation will be carried out without commission. To withdraw cash, you can use any ATM - the commission will be zero if the withdrawal amount is from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. If you need to withdraw more, the commission will be 2%, if less - 149 rubles.

It is best to pay with a card in stores - in this case, all transactions will be carried out without any commission (and even with cashback).

Beeline credit payment card provides a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles. The credit line is opened by two banks - Alfa Bank or Tinkoff Bank. For cardholders there is a “tasty” bonus in the form of a 60-day interest-free period. It should also be noted that there is a high probability of loan approval.

Let's consider the advantages of payment cards from Beeline:

  • Free service;
  • Free transaction notifications via SMS;
  • Convenient mobile banking;
  • Possibility of use abroad;
  • Increased cashback in certain categories;
  • Ease of replenishment - Beeline offices are present in almost all regions.

Thus, the Beeline payment card is an interesting and very convenient means of payment for every person (not just the subscriber).

How to get a payment card and how to use it

In order to receive a debit card from Beeline, contact the nearest service office with your passport - the card is issued instantly. Pre-ordering via the Internet is also possible. If necessary, visit the online bank and order a personalized card there with the possibility of modern contactless payment. To receive a credit card, you need to fill out an application in the office or on the website - this is necessary to consider the possibility of opening a credit line.

Activation of a Beeline payment card is not required, but in order to In order to be able to carry out transactions on it, you must top up its account– we have already talked about how this is done. When issuing a card, do not forget to call 8-800-234-57-55 and receive a PIN code. If you received a Beeline payment card more than 14 days ago, but still have not received a PIN code, call 8-800-700-61-19 (using the same phone number you can change the code word).

Other instructions for using a Beeline payment card:

  • To obtain information about your current balance, send the word “balance” (without quotes) to the toll-free number 6119 or go to your mobile bank (there you will also see the number of accumulated bonuses);
  • If your payment card is damaged, contact the Beeline office with your passport;
  • In order to clarify the minimum payment on a credit card, call 8-800-700-61-19 or visit online banking.

Using a Beeline payment card is very easy - the main thing is to carefully read all the terms of service and not allow any peculiar interpretations of their meaning.

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