We pay 50 rubles for each article. Compensation for young mothers for less than a month

For example, if a woman who gave birth on April 12, 2016 submitted an application on October 13, 2016 (seven months later), she will receive benefits for only six months. The amount will be:

  • 6 months x 50 rub.

For reference: if an appeal was received, but no payments were made, then they can be claimed within three years. Application An application for compensation assistance is written in accordance with the rules personnel records management. Special shape V regulatory framework not registered. Adhere to the following rules:

  • for writing I use a blank, unlined sheet;
  • There should be no mistakes in the text;
  • Corrections and correction by special means are excluded;
  • The document is signed personally by the applicant.

Hint: HR officers usually have forms for everyone possible appeals. Example to CEO Voskhod LLC to Ivankov S.M. from manager Mikhailova I.S.

The period for payment of benefits from the employer is up to three years - from the first day of leave until the child reaches the age of three years. There is one exception: if the application was submitted after six months from the date of granting leave, then the benefit will be compensated past period, but no more than six months (p.

15 Order). So, for example, if you contact your employer nine months after the birth of your child, only six of them will be paid. Amount of compensation for mothers under 3 years old Fifty rubles are paid only for full months maternity leave (p.
11 Order). The procedure for determining compensation for less than a month next: fifty rubles must be divided by total number calendar days per month and multiply by the number of days of this month during which the employee is on parental leave.

Compensation for child care up to 3 years old


However, the labor safety inspectorate considers it a violation labor legislation, which includes Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1110. If a violation is detected, penalties are likely:

  • officials(manager or Chief Accountant) - from one to five thousand rubles;
  • entrepreneurs in the same amount;
  • organizations from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Help: when identified repeat violation fines increase:

  1. to officials are applied in the amount of 10 - 20 thousand.
  • to entrepreneurs up to 20 thousand rubles;
  • to organizations - up to 70 thousand rubles.
  • Payment terms Due to possible penalties, you should regularly transfer 50 rubles to the employee’s account. In accordance with the Procedure approved by Government Resolution No. 1206, this should be done on the day of payment of earnings to all other employees.

    Benefit at the expense of the employer up to 3 years

    Download for viewing and printing: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.08.2006 N 472 “On financing monthly compensation payments to unemployed women with children under 3 years of age, dismissed due to the liquidation of an enterprise” Actions of the administration Accounting does not have the right to make even minimal transfers from company accounts without administrative document. Therefore, it is necessary to create it. Based on the employee's application personnel service prepares an order.

    In particular, it specifies the need to calculate and pay compensation. Attention: it is unacceptable to transfer money to his account without the employee’s will.

    Monthly compensation in the amount of 50 rubles during parental leave

    For recipients this means the following:

    • You can write an application for each place of employment (part-time job);
    • and unlike vacation pay for up to one and a half years, this compensation payment will be provided by each enterprise.

    Note: if the company’s management decides to refuse payment, it is obliged to provide the applicant with a reasoned response in writing(period - five days). In addition, the message should contain recommendations for applying for benefits.
    About the timing of the application Ideally, the application is written along with a request for parental leave for up to three years. If for some reason the woman did not indicate on the paper her desire to receive compensation accruals, then she is given another six months. Important: the statute of limitations for these applications is 6 months.

    Compensation payment during parental leave in the amount of 50 rubles

    Women who give birth to a child are entitled to a number of benefits and compensation from the state. The main and most significant benefit is a childcare benefit for children up to one and a half years old, it is paid monthly from the Fund. social insurance, in which contributions were paid by the employer during the woman’s work.

    In addition, a woman has the right to a compensation payment in the amount of 50 rubles until the child is 3 years old. This benefit is paid directly by the company that employs the worker. The procedure for assigning and paying such benefits was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). Who has the right to a compensation payment? It is not entirely correct to say that such a payment is due only to mothers of children under three years of age. The fact is that the law allows for benefits to be received at the expense of the employer for up to 3 years by other persons, and their circle is quite wide.

    Allowance of 50 rubles on parental leave for a child up to 3 years old at the expense of the employer

    1. Employed mothers or other relatives who actually care for a minor;
    2. Women giving birth who went on maternity leave:
    3. Workers dismissed due to the liquidation of the company during maternity leave.

    The payment amount is only 50 rubles.

    There are a number of conditions for its appointment:

    • compensation of 50 rubles for child care is provided along with the corresponding leave;
    • paid from the moment the newborn is born (and not from one and a half years);
    • financed by the enterprise.

    Important: get this type help is possible only on an initiative basis.

    Money is not transferred automatically.

    How not to make a mistake when charging maternity workers a mandatory payment of 50 rubles

    When payments stop, assistance to the vacationer is accrued according to the following rules:

    • from the first day of vacation;
    • before the end of the month in which the baby turns three years old;
    • or until the day the employee returns to work prematurely.

    The following regulatory requirements are taken into account:

    1. For the first month, amounts are calculated proportional to the amount of it. For example, if a woman went on vacation on May 12. 2017, then for May she is entitled to: 50 rubles.

      / 31 days x 19 days = 30.65 rub.

    2. The same applies if the recipient is reinstated at work earlier than expected.
    3. For the month in which the child turns three years old, you will have to transfer the entire amount.

    Please note: interruption of vacation results in termination of payments.

    • How to get
    • Statement
    • Dismissed due to liquidation
    • When payments stop
    • Should I charge taxes and fees on 50 rubles?
    • Responsibility
    • Payment terms

    In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 1994 No. 1110, employed mothers and other relatives on parental leave receive federal benefit. Download for viewing and printing: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 1994 N 1110 (ed.
    dated 07/01/2014) “On the amount of compensation payments separate categories citizens" Sample application Who can receive The provisions of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation are deciphered in government decree No. 1206 dated November 3, 1994.

    Sample order for compensation payment in the amount of 50 rubles

    Thus, there are two criteria for providing compensation:

    • stay on care leave for up to three years;
    • baby's age.

    Additionally, preference is provided to adoptive parents and guardians of minors who are temporarily at home. The benefit is also paid to another adult relative who has taken care of leave.

    Hint: the legislation does not link the assignment of compensatory assistance to the degree of relationship. Download for viewing and printing: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 N 1206 “On approval of the Procedure for assigning and paying monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens” How to receive Women with children must apply for accruals to their direct employer. This must be done in writing on an application basis.

    In accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ “On insurance premiums in Pension Fund Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund mandatory health insurance And territorial funds compulsory health insurance" (Law No. 212-FZ), the base for calculating insurance premiums for organizations is determined as the amount of payments and other remunerations, provided for by part 1 of Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ, accrued by the organization for billing period in favor of individuals, with the exception of the amounts specified in Article 9 of Law No. 212-FZ.

    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 1994 No. 1110 “On the amount of compensation payments to certain categories of citizens” and paragraphs 11 and 20 of the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens, approved by resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 1994 No. 1206, monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 rubles are assigned and paid to mothers (or other relatives actually caring for the child) who are in labor relations with organizations on an employment basis and those on parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years, at the expense of the enterprise.

    Taking into account the above, this type cash payments in its own way legal nature in fact, it is a state benefit, and therefore, on the basis of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 9 of Law No. 212-FZ, it is not subject to insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.

    print version

    To the list of documents

    5. Compensation for child care up to three years old

    In addition to child care benefits for children up to one and a half years old, which is paid from the funds of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, employees with small children are also entitled to compensation for child care for children up to three years of age. This compensation is very small, and since January 1, 2008, the amount of the benefit has not changed.

    Employees of enterprises with small children under three summer age, during parental leave, a small compensation is due. The employer must pay compensation in the amount of 50 rubles per month at the expense of own funds, starting from the first day after graduation maternity leave and until the child turns three years old.

    The amount of compensation was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 No. 1206 “On approval of the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens”, this document has not lost its force, and continues to be in force in 2008. This compensation payment is paid simultaneously with child care benefits for children up to one and a half years old.

    This compensation payment is paid to: mothers (or other relatives actually caring for the child) who are in employment relationships with enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms, and female military personnel on maternity leave until they reach 3 years of age.

    The payment amount will not change in 2008, and will also be 50 rubles per month. Payment of compensation stops when the child reaches the age of 3 years or in the event of early return to work from parental leave.

    Thus, until the child reaches one and a half years old, an employee will receive a monthly child care allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years old and a compensation payment (50 rubles); and from 1.5 years to 3 years - only compensation payment (50 rubles).

    To assign this compensation, you must submit to the organization’s accounting department an application and a copy of the order for child care leave, and a copy of the child’s birth certificate. The employer must make a decision on awarding compensation within 10 days from the submission of documents, and payment is made within the deadlines established for payment monthly allowance during the period of parental leave. The monthly compensation payment is assigned from the date of granting parental leave, if the application for it was made no later than 6 months from the date of granting specified vacation. When applying for a monthly appointment compensation payment after 6 months from the date of granting parental leave, it is assigned and paid for the elapsed time, but not more than 6 months from the day of the month in which the application for this payment was submitted.

    This compensation based on Art. 165 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is mandatory for payment by the employer at his own expense.

    These payments are made at the expense of the employer's funds intended for remuneration. Within established standards they reduce the taxable base for income tax (Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The employer may decide to pay compensation in a larger amount than established by law, then compensation exceeding 50 rubles cannot be classified as expenses that reduce profit.

    Compensation payments within the limits of the norms are not subject to personal income tax, unified social tax, contributions to the Pension Fund and contributions to insurance against industrial accidents. If the employer pays compensation in a larger amount, then personal income tax and social insurance contributions are charged on the excess amount, but unified social tax and contributions to the Pension Fund are not, if this difference is not taken into account for profit tax purposes (clause 3 of Article 236 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    Employers using special modes taxation include this payment in labor costs.

    However, taxpayers using UTII and the simplified tax system with the object of taxation “income” do not reduce single tax for the amount of compensation payments. From amounts over 50 rubles. the employer must pay contributions for compulsory pension insurance.

    Compensation payment for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three is paid in the amount of 50 rubles at the expense of the employer. Consequently, if an employee decides to use her parental leave in full, then the employer is obliged to pay her 50 rubles until the child reaches the age of three years.

    Moreover, the organization must pay these amounts for the entire period of parental leave, that is, if the employee decided to go on leave until the child is three years old, then until that moment she has the right to receive 50 rubles. per month.

    To assign benefits, an application and a copy of the order for child care leave must be submitted. Compensation is awarded if the employee applies for it no later than six months from the date of granting parental leave. Pay Money terminates if the employee returns to work early or quits her job.

    In accounting, these amounts, accordingly, will be debited to “cost” accounts, and not to the debit of the 69th account, like all previous benefits.


    The employee has been granted maternity leave for up to three years. The company pays her an allowance of 50 rubles. at our own expense.

    State support for mothers who have given birth provides for the provision of three years benefit. Moreover, in the first year and a half, a woman receives 40% of her income every month. average salary, and secondly - only 50 rubles. This legislative norm remains unchanged for more than 20 years.

    Compensation of 50 rubles - for mothers for pins

    Benefit for caring for a newborn child - main article financial income women on maternity leave. Until her child turns 1.5 years old, the happy mother uses state aid in the amount of 40% of her earnings (average) that she received at her job before giving birth. This benefit is accrued at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). It is where the corresponding cash contributions in the form of taxes from employers are received. When the baby is 18 months old, the mother has every right rest with him for another 1.5 years, her workplace is retained by her. True, now the woman will only receive monthly compensation in an objectively small amount - 50 rubles. It is paid directly by the employer.

    It is clear that 50 rubles. There is not enough to provide the child with the basic necessities. In theory, it makes sense for a mother to go to work. But the lack nursery groups In many populated areas Russia makes such a step impossible. A child can be sent to kindergarten only when he is three years old. Who will look after the baby while the mother starts working? You can, of course, hire a nanny. But not everyone Russian family has financial means to pay for her services. So it turns out that the woman is forced to take care of the child on her own, receiving only a nominal material support in the specified sizes.

    A compensation payment of 50 rubles is issued by the employer until the child’s 3rd birthday, which is stipulated by decree No. 1110, signed by the President of the Russian Federation back in 1994. In 2014, this act was edited. But, unfortunately, no changes aimed at increasing real assistance to mothers appeared in it. It is worth noting that many regions and even cities of the Russian Federation are introducing their own measures of financial support for families with young children. For example, in Moscow, a woman caring for a child under 3 years old receives 2,000 rubles monthly. In a number of regions, mothers are paid compensation for the inability to provide their child with a place in kindergarten. Its size is determined solely financial capabilities local authorities. In case of unfavorable filling regional budget payments may not be made.

    In 2016, a draft of a necessary and important law was registered in the State Duma, proposing an increase in the duration of paid parental leave from 1.5 to 3 years. But today there is no progress on it. The federal budget is simply not able to ensure its implementation.

    To whom and how is the benefit calculated?

    According to the decree, the compensation we are interested in is paid within 18 months to women with children 1.5–3 years old who are in official labor relations with organizations and companies of any legal type. Also, a 50-ruble payment is due:

    • women serving in the army, working abroad as employees of military units;
    • guardians, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers and other relatives who actually care for the baby;
    • mothers who were fired while on maternity leave due to the liquidation of the enterprise (provided that they are not registered with the Employment Center and do not receive unemployment benefits);
    • women who work in maternity period reduced working hours or perform paid work from home.

    To apply for compensation, the mother should contact her place of work and write a statement expressing her desire to receive the funds due to her. If this is not done, the employer simply will not pay 50 rubles. Moreover, he will not be breaking the law. The FSS does not compensate enterprises for the payments we describe, since they are not included in insurance coverage and are not covered by insurance premiums. Organizations pay monthly 50 rubles to their maternity workers exclusively from their own funds.

    The management of the enterprise must approve the decision to allocate compensation within 10 days after receiving the application. If according to objective reasons Mommy is denied payment, she must be notified about this within 5 days. IN written refusal the employer indicates the circumstances of such a decision. The 50-ruble allowance is transferred to bank card(salary) workers. There is a small nuance here. Transfer of funds should not be made later in the day issuance of benefits for caring for a child until he reaches 18 months of age. In other words, compensation comes to the card at the same time as your salary.

    If a mother submitted an application to her organization with a delay, management can meet her halfway by accruing benefits for the past time, but not more than 6 months. In practice it looks like this. An employee of the organization went on maternity leave in January, and filed an application for the compensation in question only in August. The employer will give her the required funds, counting the amount not from January, but from March.

    A woman has the right to apply for compensation payments both at the place of her main job and at the company where she works part-time. This is completely legal. Labor Code in Art. 287 clearly states that social guarantees apply to all employees without exception, including part-time workers. If in the area where the 50-ruble payment is issued, special ones are used. salary coefficients, they must be multiplied by the basic amount of compensation and the increased amount must be transferred to mommy. Moreover increased size assistance is issued regardless of where exactly (for example, in another region or city) the maternity leaver and her child are located.

    A special case is payments to those dismissed from the enterprise

    If her company is liquidated while an employee is on maternity leave, she does not lose her right to compensation. The government issued Resolution No. 472, which describes the procedure for women in similar cases. She needs to contact the representative office of the social authority state protection population at the place of residence with a corresponding application. It is compiled in free form.By the way, submitting an application is possible in different ways:

    1. 1. Through the State Services portal.
    2. 2. Through Multifunctional Center municipal and state services.
    3. 3. By personal contact with the social security authority.

    All documents serving as the basis for calculating compensation must be attached to the application. We will talk about them in the next section. Within 10 days, Social Security will check the submitted papers and begin paying 50 rubles. As we have already noted, compensation is issued only when the mother did not apply for unemployment benefits. It is clear that it is much more profitable to receive it. The benefit from the Employment Center is significantly higher than the compensation described in the article. Note that the organs social protection take funds for payments to certain categories Russian citizens(in particular, mothers caring for children) from federal budget.

    Documents for receiving compensation and the procedure for assigning it

    Registration of subsidies and state benefits It can take a long time when a child is born. Therefore, all required papers are in various organs and services, it is advisable to collect during pregnancy (during sick leave before childbirth). After the baby is born, there may not be time to collect documents and write petitions. Although in most cases, women begin to run through authorities precisely after the birth of a child.

    To apply for compensation, a woman must:

    1. 1. Prepare documents.
    2. 2. Write a statement at your place of work or at the social security agency and attach it to it collected papers.
    3. 3. Wait for the payment to be scheduled.

    Few documents are needed. You will need a certificate stating that the child’s father is not on maternity leave (it is issued by the accounting department of the organization where the happy mother’s husband works), as well as a birth certificate (copy) of the baby. The application is written in any form. The main thing is that it contains the following data:

    1. 1. Full name of the employer, name of the organization where the woman works.
    2. 2. Request to assign monthly payments (preferably with reference to Decree No. 1110).
    3. 3. Date, full name of the applicant and signature.
    4. 4. List of attached documents.

    In cases where the application was not submitted on time, you will have to attach a number of additional documents to it. For example, wives of military personnel will have to provide their work record book, a certificate of cohabitation with their spouse and a marriage certificate (copy). Employees of the enterprise need to take an order stating that they were previously assigned leave to care for a newborn for up to three years. And dismissed workers must receive a certificate from the Employment Service indicating that unemployment assistance has not been accrued to them and provide a copy of their children's records.

    After the employer assigns compensation, the woman will receive 50 rubles every month on the day she is paid for child care. Payments are made for the current month. Let us highlight a few more features of providing the compensation we are interested in:

    • Transfers for children under 1.5 and under 3 years old are made to one person (mother, father, and so on).
    • The amount of compensation payment does not depend on the number of days in a month. Nuance. The employer can calculate it taking into account the number of vacation days in the current month (if the employee goes on vacation not at the beginning of the month).
    • It is allowed to submit one application for payments up to 3 and up to 1.5 years.
    • Compensation ceases to be provided after the child turns three years old, starting from next month after his birthday. So, if a child was born in May, in June the mother will no longer receive 50 rubles.

    Let us answer another question that interests many families, the volume financial expenses which increases after the birth of two children at once. Is double compensation awarded in such cases? No. You can't count on double payments. Compensation is given specifically to the mother for the fact that she takes care of the baby and cannot work. The 50-ruble assistance from the employer is not paid for a specific child.

    Early termination of payments - on what grounds is it possible?

    We said that compensation ceases to be transferred to the mother when her child reaches three years old. But, in addition, there are special cases, in which the described payments are completed earlier than this period. These include:

    1. 1. The mother submits a request to the Central Employment Service to provide her with unemployment benefits.
    2. 2. A woman’s early return to her workplace (usually 1.5 years after giving birth).
    3. 3. Dismissal of an employee on her own initiative.
    4. 4. Mother's deprivation parental rights.
    5. 5. Providing the child with full state provision (placement in a boarding school).

    About the fact of occurrence of any of mentioned cases the woman must inform her employer or social security authorities. And one last thing. If for some reason the mother was unable to receive the compensation that was accrued to her, she has the right to claim the money due to her within three years. If the employer did not accrue 50 rubles to the employee caring for the baby. in the current month, he is obliged to do this in the next billing period.

    The birth of a child is a very important and responsible step for any family. Parents cannot count all the worries and troubles. And it’s especially poignant financial issue, since raising a child takes a lot of time, and mothers rarely manage to send their child to kindergarten or leave her in the care of her grandparents and return to her workplace. The state provides financial support young parents. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to apply for assistance for the first or benefits for the second child under 3 years of age. Families lucky enough to have three or more children can also receive financial support from the state, and in a larger amount than in the first two cases.

    for children

    There may be more than one benefit for 1 child under 3 years of age; mothers have the right to receive financial assistance from the moment they are registered at the clinic. Let's look at everything possible types benefits:

    1. Payment upon registration for pregnancy up to 12 weeks. The amount of such benefit according to 2017 data is 613.14 rubles.
    2. Maternity pay in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. It is 100% of the daily average wages for two years of work or minimum allowance in the amount indicated in 1 point.
    3. One-time payment to the pregnant spouse of a military personnel stationed emergency service. The amount of this payment is quite large - 25,892.45 rubles.
    4. One-time allowance upon the birth of the baby. The amount of this benefit is 16,350.33 rubles.
    5. The payment for adopting a child or establishing guardianship over him is the same amount as in paragraph 4. The amount increases significantly if parents take responsibility for raising an adopted disabled child or a child who has already reached the age of 7, as well as two or three children who are siblings. In this case, one-time assistance will amount to RUB 124,929.83. for each child.
    6. Maternal capital, or family capital as it is also called, remains unchanged during indexation and amounts to 453,026 rubles.
    7. Payments for a child under 18 months of age. Calculated based on the average daily wage for 2 previous years on the spot official employment. 40% of this amount is paid. Or at least state established- RUB 3,065.69 for the firstborn and 6,131.37 rubles. for the birth of a second child.
    8. Allowance for children under 3 years old - 50 rubles plus regional coefficient. The amount does not change taking into account the birth or adoption of another child in the family.
    9. The payment to a child, one of whose parents is a conscript, is 11,096.76 rubles. The following is paid financial aid family monthly.
    10. up to 3 years and subsequent children in the family. Paid monthly and equals one living wage, depends on the region of registration of residence.
    11. The monthly allowance for the child of a deceased serviceman until he reaches the age of majority, that is, 18 years old, is 2,240.32 rubles. All these figures are indicated taking into account the indexation carried out at the beginning of February of this year.

    At the indicated amounts There is an indexation coefficient of 1.054 compared to last year.

    One-time allowance

    In addition to child care benefits for children under 3 years of age, young parents can receive a one-time subsidy payment. Any parent can apply for such compensation within six months from the date of birth. In 2017, one-time financial assistance amounted to RUB 16,352.33. To receive this type of compensation, if both parents are officially employed, one of them should submit the necessary documents and an application at the place of work. Accordingly, if only one of the parents in the family is officially employed, then he should submit the application and documents. And only if both are unemployed, you need to contact the social protection department of your region.

    Today, a trial project called “Direct Payments” has been launched on the territory of our state. The point of this experiment is that lump sum payment for the baby is issued by the Social Insurance Fund. That is, the employer sends an application and information about the insured employee to the Social Insurance Fund. And the applicant receives funds directly from the Insurance Fund. This speeds up the process of receiving funds and reduces the so-called paperwork when assigning a lump sum benefit.

    The project does not operate throughout the entire territory of the state, but only in several regions. Among the republics taking part: Tatarstan, Mordovia and Karachay-Cherkessia. 14 regions are included in the Direct Payments program. More precisely: Bryansk and Belgorod, Kurgan and Kaluga, Lipetsk and Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod and Novosibirsk, Ulyanovsk, Astrakhan, Tambov, Rostov and Samara In addition, the Khabarovsk Territory and the most remote corner of our homeland - Kaliningrad region also took part in the pilot launch of this new program. And the Republic of Crimea, which recently joined Russia, together with the city of Sevastopol, also participates in “Direct Payments”.

    Benefit for children under 18 months

    In Russia, leave due to pregnancy and childbirth lasts 1.5 years from the moment the baby is born. An officially working mother can apply for benefits for children under 3 years of age, but financial assistance will no longer be paid in in full. Until the baby reaches 18 months, mothers are paid a benefit in the amount of 40% of the average daily wage. This amount is determined based on the average for two years of work. If average income the mother is not above the subsistence level in the region where she is registered, or her work experience is less than six months, then in this case she is assigned the minimum monthly subsidy. In 2017, for the first child this amount is 3,065.59 rubles, and for the second, third and subsequent children - 6,131.37 rubles.

    Amount of assistance for child care up to 3 years old

    The monthly benefit for a child under 3 years of age was established back in 1994 by Presidential Decree No. 1110, which indicated the amount per month. Before today no one has changed it yet. Naturally, with modern level At a price this amount is simply ridiculous and is in no way enough to fully or at least partially support a child. According to the law, a regional coefficient is also added to this amount, but it does not significantly affect the amount of payments to the child’s parents. From time to time, officials and activists put forward bills to amend the 1994 law, but so far no changes have occurred.

    Benefit up to 3 years: who has the right to receive?

    In Russia, maternity leave, as is known, is established for a period of up to 1.5 years. After this time, citizens can apply for benefits for children from 1.5 to 3 years old. This type of financial assistance is permanent and only mothers can receive it, due to the fact that they do not have the opportunity to go to work.

    Civil servants, permanent and permanent military personnel can receive such a subsidy from the state. on a contract basis; women with disabilities of groups 1 and 2; undergoing higher education educational institution V by correspondence. Also mothers who are unemployed either due to the liquidation of the enterprise or due to undergoing retraining. If a woman is caring for a disabled child of group 1 or an elderly person over 80 years old, then she can also apply for benefits.

    In addition to the mother, adoptive parents and guardians can receive benefits. The father, grandmother, and grandfather can also care for a 3-year-old child if the mother has been deprived of parental rights. To do this, you need to assemble a package necessary documents and send it to the regional social security department or your employer.

    You can submit an application any day before the child reaches the age of 3 years, but there is one caveat. If the application is submitted immediately upon the child’s 18th month or within 6 months thereafter, the benefit is paid in full for all months. If six months have already passed since the child turned 18 months old, then the payment will be made only from the date of submission of the application.

    List of documents at the place of work

    Payment of benefits to children under 3 years of age is provided upon submission of such documents at the place of work as copies work book and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a copy of the order indicating the beginning and end of maternity leave to care for a child. You must provide the original birth certificate of the child and the application for financial assistance. The application is drawn up in the name of the head of the organization or enterprise.

    List of documents to social protection authorities

    To submit an application to self-government bodies or to social service assistance to the population must be provided official document, indicating that unemployment benefits are not paid to the applicant. As well as in previous case, you need an original birth certificate and a copy of your passport. And, of course, the application itself should indicate the method of receiving funds - mail or a bank account.

    All documents can be submitted in person, by mail or online at special portal for the provision of various government or municipal services. This can also do legal representative. After receiving documents for the purpose, a decision is made within 10 days. The decision is provided to the applicant indicating full amount benefits and payment period.

    Features of compensation calculation

    As mentioned above, child benefit for a child under 3 years old fixed amount and amounts to 50 rubles monthly, with a regional coefficient added to it. Most often, these payments are borne by the employer and are not taxed. If such compensation is not provided at the applicant’s place of work or has not previously been provided, then according to the law of the Russian Federation the employer is obliged to pay them.

    Suspension of benefits

    Suspended automatically from the date of the child’s third birthday or in the event of dismissal of the applicant from official place work. Also, the subsidy will no longer be paid if the parent returned to the workplace and began working as usual, that is, full-time. The exception is part-time work or work within the home. Another reason could be the deprivation of parental rights and the child becoming a full-time state provision. There are also a number of private circumstances that are not specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation. All these reasons to stop paying monthly compensation established by paragraph 17 of Presidential Order No. 1206 and Article No. 256 Labor Code(Article 3).

    Families raising 3 or more children

    For parents raising three or more natural or adopted children, additional subsidies from the state are provided. The benefit up to 3 years for the third child and each subsequent child corresponds to the minimum established in the region in which the family is registered. According to data for 2014, the most great benefit paid in the Kamchatka Territory - 16,253 rubles, and the lowest - in Belgorod region, here the amount of compensation was only 6,432 rubles.

    Conditions of receipt

    Receive benefits for a third child under 3 years old large family not so simple. In order to apply for such a financial grant, certain conditions must be met. Namely, the birth rate in the region where the family lives should be less than average. These statistics for each region are updated every year.

    Since the law on the possibility of receiving such benefits came into force only on the last calendar day of 2012, the child, accordingly, should also be born no earlier than this date. If a child is adopted starting from the first day of 2016, and is also the third child of his parents, he is entitled to financial assistance in the amount of the subsistence level.

    It must be officially confirmed that the family needs state help. That is, the average official income per person in a family should not exceed one subsistence level in the region where it is registered.

    List of documents

    Below is a list of documents that need to be provided along with official statement to apply for benefits for children under 3 years of age. Similar requests are accepted government agencies social protection of local government, as well as in a single Multifunctional Center.

    So, what is needed for this? Of the originals, you need the parents' passports, both of them are required, and the birth certificate of each child in the family or, accordingly, You also need to get a certificate from your place of work within three last month reporting period and a certificate of family composition. In addition, a certificate from the place of permanent or temporary registration. Must be provided Bank details card account or account individual where the funds will be paid.

    It is necessary to confirm every year the right to receive financial subsidies from the state. This happens by resubmission application with all accompanying list of documents.

    Due to the fact that the amount of benefit for a child under 3 years of age is critically small, and there is no way to support a child, mothers most often return to work when the child turns 18 months old. It is until this period that they can receive a full cash subsidy for child care. Data legislative acts are often revised, and it is quite possible that soon parental leave will be extended to 3 years in all regions of the Russian Federation.

    05/22/2018, Sashka Bukashka

    Strong married couples St. Petersburg is truly lucky. For them, the government has provided payments for Cohabitation married. True, this does not apply to everyone, but only to those who have been painted for half a century or more. Either this is a bonus for fidelity, or compensation for patience, but in any case, according to the Social Code of St. Petersburg, each couple will receive a cash gift for their golden, diamond and blessed wedding.

    About the program of payments to anniversaries of family life

    Families celebrating a significant wedding anniversary are entitled to a unique material aid. So living with your wife has become profitable!

    Important conditions: the husband and wife must be citizens of Russia, registered at their place of residence in St. Petersburg, and their anniversary must fall on a date after January 1, 2012.

    The one-time payments with which the state is ready to reward spouses for exemplary accommodation are impressive:

    • in connection with the 50th anniversary of marriage - 50 thousand rubles. per family;
    • in connection with the 60th anniversary of marriage - 60 thousand rubles. per family;
    • in connection with the 70th anniversary of marriage - 70 thousand rubles. per family.
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