Why was it canceled? EDV - what are these payments and to whom are they paid? Amount of monthly financial support

People with disabilities in Russia are entitled to monthly cash payments, briefly called EDV. Their size depends on the disability group and social status person, therefore, in each specific case, the amount of amounts paid may vary significantly.

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And the question of how to get EDV for disabled people of group 2 in 2019 is quite popular and a must-learn for those who are not yet familiar with the procedure for applying for benefits.

General aspects

First of all, you need to understand that they are awarded only to persons who can document their presence, that is, to those who have passed medical examination and got a group.

EDV has existed since 2005 and helps people with disabilities survive in an underdeveloped labor market for them and low level social security.

But since 2019, working pensioners have ceased.

Therefore, you should understand the procedure for receiving such payments, as well as the laws that protect citizens with limited legal capacity.

What it is

EDV is a monthly cash payment that certain categories of citizens can receive.

It exists as material payment, and in the form of a set for the disabled.

Get this payment can:

  • military operations;
  • people with disabilities and people with disabilities from birth;
  • citizens who passed concentration camps, being minors;
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • heroes and holders of the orders of labor and glory.

A similar payment can be issued for a third child who was born after 2012 and lives in a region with a difficult demographic situation.

Where to go for information

In order to obtain comprehensive information about receiving such benefits, you should contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In the territorial office of this government agency will help:

  • determine the possibility of receiving payment - the grounds for registration;
  • write an application for registration of EDV;
  • collect Required documents.

But you need to understand that all stages of the procedure will take place only in the Pension Fund department that is assigned to the place permanent residence disabled person

Legal grounds

The main legislative act in this area is the Federal Law.

Procedure for receiving payments

This type of benefit will be assigned based on the period for which the right to receive the payment is assigned.

But the start of the payment countdown is the day you apply for it. Before the right to such assistance arises, a disabled person cannot apply for its registration.

The day of application is the day when the Russian Pension Fund received all the necessary documents for processing a person’s data. In this case, the moment of submission of the last required document is considered.

For each recipient of such assistance, the Pension Fund opens a separate personal account. If the pensioner is already registered in this department Pension Fund, then he does not need to open another account - payments for the EDV will go to an already existing one, but in a separate section.

In the case when you contacted the Pension Fund incompetent citizen or a minor, then a representative of this person is entered into the recipient’s personal account.

In accordance with the law Russian Federation, EDV payments that were accrued and not withdrawn from the account may be inherited in the event of the death of a citizen.

What is included in the EDV of a group 2 disabled person?

First of all, EDV is financial assistance.

In addition to the basic amount, a disabled person has the right to receive additional services:

A disabled person may refuse to receive these services and receive monetary compensation. To do this, you must write a corresponding application and submit it to the Pension Fund before October 1.

In this case, you can refuse not all services, but one or several. Benefits can be waived once and they will be recalculated only after submitting a return application.

It is worth noting that starting from February 1, 2019, new value everyone social services for disabled people of the second group. It is 1048.97 rubles monthly.

Design algorithm

For registration of EDV You should contact the Russian Pension Fund and take the following actions:

  • submit an application for the appropriate payment;
  • provide full package documents;
  • receive a payment into your retirement account.

IN this algorithm There are several nuances. So, it is necessary to understand that pensioners are required to contact their Pension Fund branch.

And in most cases you need to go to the fund that is located at your place of residence. For those disabled people who are in a sanatorium on permanent basis, an appeal to the Pension Fund, which is attached to this institution, is provided.

Required documents

The main document in the preparation of EDV is the application. It should be filled out carefully and ensure that all data is correct. Otherwise you may get rejected.

IN this document leave the following set of information:

The text of the application itself should also indicate that the person undertakes to inform the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about his changes of residence.

Third parties can also submit such an application. But in order for the Pension Fund to accept the document, you need to issue a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Two documents must be attached to the application for EDV:

  • passport;
  • certificate of disability.

IN in this case You will need to provide photocopies of documents. There is no need to bring the originals of these papers to the Pension Fund.

All documents must be submitted by October 1. It's from this moment of the Pension Fund of Russia will begin to accrue amounts for EDV.

How is the amount calculated?

The calculation of the monthly cash payment amount is based on several factors. Thus, it is necessary to understand that the determination of the amount of payment is based on the category of disabled people the user belongs to.

The highest payment amount is 5 thousand rubles. And the smallest one is equal to 600 rubles.

It affects the amount of payment and under what laws a disabled person has the right to receive EDV:

The exception in this case will be those who received a radiation dose at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. For them, it is provided for the establishment of payments on two grounds for EDV.

The payment is also summed up for those who received the status of Hero of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation and full holder of the Order of Glory, Hero of the ST, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation and holders of the Order of the TC. In 2019, accruals are indexed starting from February 1.

Is it possible to refuse this service?

The law provides for the refusal of such a service. To register this procedure, you should write a corresponding application and submit it to the Russian Pension Fund.

There is no need to re-submit such applications every year. One statement is enough. If a disabled person wants to return the payment, he will need to contact the Pension Fund again and complete the necessary documents.

Is it possible to increase the payment?

An increase in EDV payments is possible.

This occurs due to several factors:

Only these two methods allow you to influence the size of the payment. Plus, at the registration stage, some citizens have the opportunity to choose one of several grounds for receiving EDV.

During this process and it is worth determining the most profitable and profitable option receiving funds.

Advantages and disadvantages

This social assistance has both positive and negative points. Anyone who wants to make a payment should know them. Since this will help to identify all the weak and strong points of the program.

How to calculate temporary disability benefits in 2019 (sample).

Disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, as well as disabled children and disabled children have the right to receive EDV and NSU in in the prescribed manner. In the article, we will analyze what amount of the monthly allowance and the National Social Security is established for persons with disabilities in 2018, and we will also find out how to process cash payments to disabled people and what documents are required for this.

What are EDV and NSU

EDV, or monthly cash payment, is financial aid, which is provided by the state to persons with physical and physical disabilities social opportunities(disabled), as well as veterans, military personnel, citizens affected by man-made disasters, victims of the Nazi regime, etc.

EDV is additional payment and is assigned regardless of the fact that the citizen receives a pension, as well as other compensation, additional payments, and benefits.

NSO, or a set of social services - assistance provided to EDV recipients in in kind– in the form of granting the right to free travel, vouchers to sanatoriums, medical service and medicines.

The NSI is assigned to all EDV recipients automatically at the time of issuing a monthly cash payment. The recipient of the EDV can refuse the NSO in kind by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund (the form can be downloaded here ⇒). In this case EDV size will be increased by the amount cash equivalent NSU.

Who can apply for EDV and NSU

Current legislation grants the right to receive EDV and NSU to the following categories of citizens:

  • disabled people, including disabled people with combat injuries;
  • WWII and combat veterans;
  • relatives of fallen servicemen;
  • persons who suffered radiation sickness, other citizens affected by the consequences of man-made disasters;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Glory.

A complete list of persons entitled to payment in the form of EDV is contained in the relevant legislative acts, as well as on the official website of the Pension Fund ⇒ http://www.pfrf.ru/knopki/zhizn~430.

Cash payments to disabled people: amounts in 2018

The size of EDV and NSU is fixed and is set to legislative level. From 02/01/2018, the size of the EDV was indexed for all categories of recipients by 2.5%.

The amount of monthly payments is determined based on the disability group and from 02/01/2018 is:

  • for disabled people of group 1 – 2,551.79 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 2 – 1,515.05 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 3 – 998.32 rubles/month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under 18 years of age) – 1,515.05 rubles/month.

The above amounts of EDV are assigned on the condition that the citizen receives NSO in kind.

NSO for disabled people in 2018

From 02/01/2018, the cash equivalent of NSO is 1,075.19 rubles/month, including:

  • compensation for the cost of medications – 828.14 rubles/month;
  • the right to receive vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions (if available) medical indications no more than once every 2 years) – 128.11 rubles/month;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport – 118.94 rubles.

The specified amount of NSO is valid both for disabled people and for other recipients of EDV.

Amount of EDV if a disabled person refuses NSU

The recipient of the EDV due to disability has the right to refuse to receive NSI in kind - in the form of medicines, free trips to the sanatorium and free travel suburban railway transport. In this case monthly amount payments to a disabled person will be increased by the cash equivalent of the NSO.

If the disabled person completely refuses the NSU, the size of the UD will be increased by 1,075.19 rubles/month. and will be:

  • for disabled people of group 1 – 3,626.98 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 2 – 2,590.24 rubles/month;
  • for disabled people of group 3 – 2,073.51 rubles/month;
  • for disabled children (persons with disabilities under 18 years of age) – 2,590.24 rubles/month.

The recipient of the EDV may waive the TSA in kind, either completely or partially. For example, a disabled person may refuse free vouchers to a sanatorium and free travel on railway transport, but retain the right to receive medications. In this case, the amount of EDV will be increased by 247.05 rubles/month.

The table below provides information on the amounts of UD in case of partial refusal of the disabled person from the NSO:

EDV recipients Disabled people of 1st group Disabled people of 2 groups, disabled children Disabled people of 3 groups
Amount of EDV if you refuse free railway travel RUB 2,670.73/monthRUB 1,633.99/monthRUB 1,117.26/month
The amount of EDV if you refuse free railway travel and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,798.84/monthRUB 1,762.10/monthRUB 1,245.37/month
Amount of EDV when refusing free medicines and travel in railway transport RUB 3,498.87/monthRUB 2,462.13/monthRUB 1,945.40/month
Amount of EDV upon refusal of vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 2,679.90/monthRUB 1,643.16/monthRUB 1,126.43/month
Amount of UDV if you refuse free medications RUB 3,379.93/monthRUB 2,343.19/monthRUB 1,826.46/month
The amount of EDV if you refuse free medications and vouchers to a sanatorium RUB 3,508.04/monthRUB 2,471.30/monthRUB 1,954.57/month

If you refuse the NSU, an additional payment to the EDV is assigned from the month following the month of submission of the corresponding application to the Pension Fund.

Cash payments to disabled combat veterans

The right to receive EDV and NSU is granted to citizens who have acquired a disability as a result of a combat injury. For this category of persons, the amount of EDV is set as follows:

The basis for assigning payment to disabled combatants is a document issued by a medical institution and confirming that the reason for assigning disability was an injury (wound, mutilation, concussion) or a disease acquired during the period of military service. military service or participation in hostilities.

Disabled people who participated in the Second World War also have the right to receive EDV in the specified amount, regardless of the reasons for the assignment of disability.

How to apply for EDV and NSU for disability: step-by-step instructions

Cash payments to disabled people are assigned based on the applicant’s application to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration. Below is detailed instructions, which will help the reader understand the features of registration of EDV for disabled people.

Step 1. Preparation of documents

Before contacting the Pension Fund, a citizen should prepare the following documents:

  • passport;
  • an extract from the ITU act confirming the assignment of a disability group;
  • application for the appointment of EDV and NSO (the form can be downloaded here ⇒).

If the EDV is issued by a disabled person who participated in the Second World War, then in addition to the above documents, the applicant should prepare an appropriate certificate.

When registering EDV for a combat disabled person, it should be taken into account that the MSE act must contain information that the cause of disability is a combat injury received while performing military duty.

Monthly cash payment (MAP)compensation payment, and certain type social support, which citizens of the Russian Federation belonging to the preferential category can count on. The money is paid from the state budget and does not depend on the size or frequency of payment basic pension. Funds are transferred to those citizens who refuse certain free services. People who receive EDV have the right to count on a number of social services provided by law. What are these payments? Who has the right to count on them, and in what amount? What should I consider when applying, and what documents will be required? These and other questions are discussed below.

Who can count on EDV?

In 2019, EDV payment is due to persons who belong to the following categories:

  1. Disabled people (regardless of group).
  2. People who were exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  3. Veterans who belong to separate categories.
  4. Persons who have certain merits in the form of state awards.
  5. Other groups of beneficiaries that are noted in regulations.

As for the EDV of pensioners, it is provided in the situation if a person (in addition to achieving retirement age) has one of social statuses. Let's take a closer look at the basic categories.

Disabled people from groups 1 to 3 (adults and children)

Federal Law No. 181 states that disabled people from the first to third groups (including disabled children) have the right to count on EDV. Until the next indexation, which will occur in 2019, the amount of payments for such citizens is 3,651.75, 2607.93, and 2087.67 rubles for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups, respectively. In the case when a person is entitled to receive EDV according to different types benefits, he has the right to choose the most profitable option for himself.

If assistance is provided in kind, disabled people (adults and children) have the right to count on health packages to the sanatorium and for free delivery to the place of recovery and back home. In the case where the EDV is assigned based on disability, a recalculation of the amount is required when the group is changed. The calculation work is assigned to employees of the local Pension Fund on the basis of an extract from the inspection report.

It is worth noting that ordinary or military pensioners do not need to come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a recount. The work is performed automatically, based on the inspection report sent from ITU.

BD and WWII veterans

Some categories of WWII veterans are entitled to receive EDV. If we give the figures for 2018, the payment amount is 5215.84 and 2,869 rubles for disabled war veterans and war participants, respectively. In addition, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, these categories of citizens have the right to count on cash security, which is paid in the amount of 0.5 and 1 thousand rubles (taking into account the category). If a person has the right to count on payment of EDV in different directions, he chooses the option that is most beneficial for him at a particular moment.

Based on Federal Law No. 5 (Article 23.1), a cash payment of 2869.72 rubles is provided for the following persons:

  • Those who took part in hostilities (those that took place on the territory of the Russian Federation or other countries).
  • Military personnel (including those transferred to the reserve), as well as persons who are classified as liable for military service.
  • Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Defense, regardless of rank.
  • Military personnel who were sent to serve in Afghanistan during the period of hostilities, as well as those participating in post-war operations carrying out mine clearance missions, including members of the combat fleet and so on.

Labor veterans

Regarding this title, it is worth considering that it is awarded on the basis regional solutions. This means that the EDV is formed taking into account the laws in force locally. As for the Pension Fund, it does not make payments to labor veterans.

Hero of the Russian Federation and the USSR

Information on the payment of EDV for this category of citizens is specified in the Federal Law under number 4301-I, issued back in 1993. Since 2018, the amount of payments for this category of citizens is 61,498.88 rubles. As for other heroes (Labor of the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor), as well as holders of the Order of Labor Glory, they have the right to count on a payment in the amount of 45,346.35 rubles. It is worth considering that, in addition to federal payments, certain premiums are also established in the regions of the Russian Federation.

For the considered category of persons, the amount of social benefits paid monthly does not depend on the presence or absence of the monthly allowance. In addition, payments are indexed every year (2019 was no exception). If a person has received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation or the cavalier mentioned above several times, he can count on only one payment. The rule of summing up for each award received does not work here.

If the recipient of the EDV dies, according to Federal Law 4301-I the right to receive payment (in equal shares) is due to relatives.

Minor prisoners of the fascist regime

If a citizen of the Russian Federation is classified as a prisoner of fascism, he receives EDV, which is accrued simultaneously with the pension, and its size depends on the presence of disability. So, in 2018, the payment is 5215.84 and 3911.87 rubles for persons with or without disabilities, respectively. In addition, such persons have the right to count on DEMO in the amount of 1000 rubles (like WWII veterans).

Citizens living in the Chernobyl zone

Citizens who have suffered from radiation have the right to count on EDV. The amount of payments depends on the duration of work or residence in the contaminated area. For 2018, the maximum amount of such payment is 2607.93 rubles. The payment applies to citizens who received disabilities due to a disaster at nuclear facilities, as well as children who have disabilities or received disabilities due to the accident at Mayak. If the territory where a person lives has a preferential economic status, the amount of payments is 521.91 rubles.

It is important to take into account that in relation to this category of beneficiaries, EDV may be paid on a different basis. In other words, a citizen of the Russian Federation who has suffered from radiation has the right to count on payments for other reasons.

What does the law say?

There is no general law on monthly wages in Russia, therefore the monthly payment is determined taking into account the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law No. 5 - regarding veterans of various categories.
  • Federal Law No. 181 - for disabled people of any group.
  • Law No. 1244-1 - for citizens who have the status of Chernobyl victims.
  • Federal Law No. 5, as well as Law No. 4301-1 - for citizens of the Russian Federation who have received state awards.

As noted, some individuals have the right to expect to receive payments on two grounds at the same time.

On what basis is the payment made?

To receive EDV in 2019 (as before), you need to come to the regional department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Employees of the latter assign social benefits taking into account existing payments. To receive EDV, the applicant must fulfill a number of requirements specific to pensioners. To exercise your right to a benefit, you must consider the following:

  1. If a person is entitled to receive payments simultaneously under a number of bills, he must personally make a choice in favor of one of the options (unless another way is provided).
  2. If a citizen has the opportunity to receive two or more payments under identical laws, a larger payment is established.
  3. An exception to the above rules is the option with Chernobyl victims. The latter have the right to count on social payments in 2 directions at once.

Subtleties of paying EDV to persons who are government beneficiaries

If a person is on the list of persons entitled to social benefits, he must come to local branch Pension Fund to resolve bureaucratic issues and apply for benefits. During the application process, you need to fill out an application and submit papers (the package depends on the category of the beneficiary):

  • EDV is assigned to disabled people if they present a certificate from MSEC confirming this fact. If we're talking about about a combat veteran, as well as other categories of veterans, a certificate is required to confirm the status of a beneficiary.
  • Citizens who lived in Leningrad during the siege have the right to count on social payments when submitting a certificate confirming the fact of residence in the besieged locality.
  • Payment of EDV in case of loss of a breadwinner is assigned by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in automatic mode in case the person has confirmed the right to social benefits.

Categories of beneficiaries who are forced to annually confirm their status must from time to time submit a certificate or certificate to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. For example, for disabled people who survived Chernobyl, the examination period is five years, and disabled people may require annual confirmation.

To receive EDV (except for the papers mentioned), you will need to submit a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as SNILS. According to the law, it is allowed to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation not directly, but with the involvement of a representative (if there is legal grounds). The latter must have a power of attorney notary body. EDV for pensioners is established simultaneously with state support.

EDV size in 2019

In 2018, the size of the EDV experienced another indexation - the size of monthly cash payments increased by 3.2%. At the same time, the amount of payments depends on many factors, so to clarify the amount, it is worth contacting the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and indicating the type of benefits used. In addition, the range of benefits provided in kind is also increasing.

After certain events, the price of social services reached 1075.19 rubles. This includes the transfer of medications (828.14 rubles), presentation of vouchers to a sanatorium (128.11 rubles), as well as free use public transport for travel to the place of treatment procedures (118.94 rubles).

If a person receives a pension and EDV, indexation is carried out together with the Pension Fund.

Subtleties of design

After receiving from the applicant the mentioned papers and an application for appointment of EDV from Pension Fund employees There are ten days to make a decision. During this period, they check the relevance of the application, and also study the submitted papers (for compliance with legal norms). Once the decision is made, the response is sent to the applicant within five days. According to the law, the EDV is accrued from the day the application is submitted to the Pension Fund, but not earlier than this benefit is provided by law.

The decision issued to the applicant specifies the deadline for payments or establishes the fact that payments will be made indefinitely. If payments are made once a month, the following nuances are taken into account:

  1. If a citizen receives one type of state pension, the EDV is accrued along with the mentioned payment.
  2. If a person is not entitled to this type of security, the choice of option for receiving EDV lies directly with the applicant.
  3. Mentioned social payment are transferred per calendar month.

If upon receipt social benefits a person loses a status that implies receiving a benefit (for example, disability is cancelled), the citizen must inform the Pension Fund about this. If this requirement is ignored, overspending is recorded. government money, which will have to be returned voluntarily or through the courts. The same requirements are established if the preferential status changes, affecting the amount of payment. The recipient must promptly inform about the changes local authority Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to avoid overpayment.

EDV size from April 1, 2018: table

Every year, new cash payments are indexed. In 2018, an increase of 3.2 percent is planned. This is exactly the figure announced by pension fund employees when planning the budget for 2018. Simultaneously with the increase in payments, the price of NSO also increases.

Depending on the category of state beneficiaries, the personal amount of the monthly allowance also changes. This means that after indexation, the amount of payments will vary. For convenience, we present a table with the size of the EDV from April 1, 2018. It is worth considering that when calculating the amounts paid regional odds are not taken into account.

As for the set of social services, its dimensions were mentioned above, and total amount is 1,082 thousand rubles. It is worth considering that replacing NSO with a financial equivalent is available both in in full, and partially.

For a better understanding, we will give an example of how the EDV is calculated for a person of retirement age. So, in 2016, Ivanov had the first disability group and received the EDV in full (he refused to receive the EDV in kind). In 2017, the doctor issued Ivanov a certificate according to which he could undergo treatment in a sanatorium, but only in 2018.

To use the acquired right, Ivanov came to the Pension Fund in early October 2017 and submitted an application refusing free travel to railway transport and from receiving medications. At the same time, he reserved the opportunity to undergo treatment in a sanatorium. Consequently, from the beginning of 2018, the amount of EDV paid was reduced by the price of the service (by 128.99 rubles). As a result, the pensioner is entitled to 3,432 rubles. In 2018, Ivanov received the mentioned amount and the right to free treatment in a sanatorium recommended by a doctor. Similarly, you can refuse other benefits to increase the amount of payments.


It is worth noting that the revision of the size of the EDV (indexation) has been taking place since 2010. Previously, amendments were made taking into account inflationary processes within the limits established by law about the state budget for next year. The procedure for revising the amount of EDV changed in 2016. Now the increase in payments is carried out taking into account real inflation for last year. Thus, in 2018, the amount of payments increased by 3.2 percent. At the same time, payments related to NSOs have also increased.

The monthly cash payment is material aid, provided by the state to certain categories of citizens to provide social support. Part of the EDV amount may be used to provide the recipient with a set of social services according to the law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On state social assistance.”

The list of federal beneficiaries is legally defined, who is entitled to EDV:

  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • combat veterans;
  • disabled people of all groups, including disabled children;
  • former juvenile prisoners fascism;
  • persons who were exposed to radiation during accidents and nuclear tests;
  • received the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or holder of the Order of Glory of three degrees (including members of their families);
  • received the titles of Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees, etc.

EDV for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 and for a disabled child

Right to receive social benefits cash assistance from the state in the form of a monthly cash payment is available to citizens who have received disabilities of groups 1, 2, 3 and to disabled children in accordance with the law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "ABOUT social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation".

The period for which EDV is assigned to this category of citizens depends on the period for which the disability is established, incl. and indefinitely.

Recalculation of the amount of EDV specified category federal beneficiaries is made in connection with change in disability group when undergoing re-examination in a medical and social examination (hereinafter referred to as MSE).

  • The establishment of a new amount of monthly payment when the disability group is increased occurs from the day the ITU of a higher group is established.
  • And the recalculation of the EDV towards a decrease when the disability group is lowered occurs from the 1st day of the month following the one in which the previous disability group was established.

At the same time, to recalculate the EDV, a citizen should contact the Pension Fund not required. Recalculation, as well as extension of monthly cash payments in connection with repeated passage disability groups will be made on the basis of an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled person, which will be received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the ITU body.

Please note that EDV is paid to disabled children upon reaching the age of 18, then stops. At the same time, the existing statement of refusal also ceases to be valid.

Further, if a citizen is diagnosed with disability before reaching the age of 19, the EDV is established without submitting an application based on the documents of the payment case and the extract received from the ITU institution. A new appointment is made from the date the disability group is established, but not earlier than the day following the day the person reaches the age of 18 years.

Payment to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations (VBD) and labor veterans

The right to receive EDV was granted to veterans of the Great Patriotic War(WWII), as well as combat veterans (abbreviated VBD) and members of their families in accordance with Art. 23.1 of the law of January 12, 1998 No. 5-FZ "About Veterans".

If a citizen from this category of beneficiaries has the right to a monthly payment simultaneously under two Federal laws, then he is given the choice of payment of one EDV according to this law, or according to another regulatory act.

Title "Veteran of Labor" assigned to regional level bodies of social protection of the population. Therefore, for this category of beneficiaries, measures of additional social support (including payment of the daily allowance) are established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 22 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ.

EDV to Chernobyl victims

Payment of EDV to persons who have been exposed to radiation is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 1244-1 of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”.

The size of the monthly payment for this category of beneficiaries depends on the level radioactive radiation in the area where they permanently resided or work.

Citizens affected by radiation may be assigned an EDV simultaneously and on two grounds.

The size of the monthly allowance in 2018 and the increase on April 1

According to current legislation, the size of the monthly cash payment increases once a year from April 1 based on the calculation of the inflation rate in the country for last year. The Government of the Russian Federation decided to index the EDV from February 1, 2017 by 5.4%.

It should be remembered that the amount of EDV includes a set of social services, which was also subject to indexation from February of this year and amounts to 1048.97 rub. per month:

  • RUR 807.94 - to pay for medications;
  • RUR 124.99 - to pay for vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions;
  • RUB 116.04 - to pay for trips on suburban and intercity railway transport.

Since the set of social services is part of a monthly cash payment, the EDV can be calculated taking into account the refusal of the NSO in full, one of the social services provided, or two services from the social package at the citizen's choice. In other words, when using a set of social services in in kind, his cost is withheld from the established monthly payment. If a citizen refuses to use social services (one or two of any kind) in favor of the cash equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of the EDV.

Establishing a monthly cash payment to the Pension Fund

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) as the operator performing the functions of establishing monthly cash payments. This body maintains a register of federal beneficiaries.

To assign a payment, a citizen must submit an application to the Pension Fund. at your place of residence(permanent or temporary), or actual residence.

  • If a citizen has already been assigned a pension through the Pension Fund, then he should submit an application for payment of EDV to the authority at the location of his pension file.
  • A citizen who is in inpatient facility social services, must contact the Pension Fund at the location of this institution.

The decision to assign or refuse a monthly cash payment Pension Fund bodies accept within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application. EDV payment is established from the date of application, not before the emergence of the right. On the day of application, all necessary documents are provided to the Pension Fund along with the application. The period for which the monthly payment is established is determined by the validity of the documents on the right to the EDV.

Citizens receiving EDV are required by law to: inform immediately to the Pension Fund about circumstances affecting the size of the EDV or its termination.

When EDV is assigned, the right to a set of social services in kind automatically arises. The exception is citizens from the “exposed to radiation” category. If desired, receive natural look NSO, they need to write an application for the provision of social services, which will take effect from the beginning next year(from January 1).

What documents are needed for registration?

When submitting an application to the Pension Fund, a citizen must provide following documents:

  1. identification document;
  2. document confirming the right to social assistance(ITU certificate of disability, certificate issued competent authority etc.);
  3. additional documents if necessary (confirming relationship, dependent status, documents legal representative(guardian, trustee), etc.).

Exists electronic submission statements through the Internet, for this you can use the “Citizen’s Personal Account” on the official website of the Pension Fund.

The procedure for paying EDV to federal beneficiaries

Monthly cash payment is delivered to its recipients for the current calendar month. If federal benefit recipient is a pensioner, then he will receive the EDV payment simultaneously (together with) the pension. carried out in the same way as for a pension at the choice of a citizen:

To change the EDV delivery method and pension provision You must contact the Pension Fund office with an application.

If a citizen is not a pensioner, then he must select a delivery organization for this social payment and submit an appropriate application for the delivery of EDV.

  • The size of the EDV depends on which group of federal beneficiaries the citizen belongs to. The EDV is established for the duration of the title document.
  • Indexation of the size is carried out annually depending on the amount of inflation in the country for the previous period.

By Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 22, 2015 No. 35n approved Procedure, which establishes the rules for paying EDV, including transferring EDV to another basis, recalculating the amount of payment and organizing delivery.

When establishing the EDV, the federal beneficiary automatically acquires the right to receive NSO.

The monthly cash payment is social benefit which is provided certain categories citizens, the list of which is established in a number of Federal laws. In order to be able to take advantage of such payments, there is a certain order their registration and receipt, which will be discussed below.

Process of registration and receipt of EDV

EDV is government payments, which rely on a certain list of beneficiaries. Persons who have the opportunity to receive such financial assistance are strictly stipulated in Federal legislation.

The general rules for calculating and receiving EDV are as follows:

  1. A citizen must fall under the list of persons entitled to receive EDV in accordance with Federal Law. To find out, you can carefully study legal norms, or apply in writing or orally to employees of the Pension Fund at the place of registration, residence or temporary stay of the citizen.
  2. The citizen must collect mandatory list documents and submit it to the PFR office at the place of registration, temporary stay or residence if it falls under the specified preferential category.
  3. A citizen must wait several days (the time frame for reviewing submitted documents will be discussed below) after submitting documents in order to receive positive decision about the start of payments and start receiving them.

Some nuances of registration and receipt of EDV

Despite the transparency and simplicity of this procedure, there are some nuances in registering and receiving EDV. There are situations when the same citizen has the right to receive EDV under two Federal regulations(for example, he is a combatant and liquidator of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). In this case, the legislation says that such a citizen has the right to independently choose in which preferential category he will receive an EDV (for example, liquidator of the Chernobyl accident).

The next nuance is that in some cases a citizen has the right to financial assistance from the state on two grounds at once, established by one Federal Law. In this case, he is assigned a payment according to the preferential category that provides greater financial assistance.

For example, a participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident received disability as a result, and continues to perform his duties job responsibilities in the exclusion zone. These are two reasons for which payments are due. Greater financial assistance for disability, which is why he will receive 5 thousand rubles, and not 2 thousand on the second basis.

The next nuance is to register such assistance if the person is entitled to it minor. Until the age of 14, documents are submitted by his parents or guardians. This occurs at the place of residence or registration of the minor, or the location of the parents and persons replacing them. From the age of 14, a child can begin the registration procedure himself, unless he is declared incompetent by the court.

The last nuance concerns those citizens who, at the time of registration, are in nursing homes or other similar institutions. EDV is accrued to them at their location. moment EDV accrual is the date of the citizen’s appeal, and not the time when the corresponding normative act giving such a right.

You need to remember that only the territorial branches of the Pension Fund are involved in the process of calculating and paying EDV

List of persons entitled to receive EDV

The list of citizens who have the opportunity to receive EDV is clearly regulated by several Federal laws. Such citizens include:

  1. Participants of the Second World War, the siege of Leningrad, who served in the Red Army and other formations (units) that were not part of its structure. This also includes disabled veterans of the Second World War and other participants in military operations in the military units of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  2. Former prisoners concentration camps, who received disabilities, as well as those who were in the ghetto;
  3. Disabled people, including those who received disabling diseases in childhood;
  4. Participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident who received disabilities and occupational diseases, those who were resettled and also continue to live in contaminated areas;
  5. Citizens affected by radioactive accident at the Mayak enterprise;
  6. Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation for exploits in military service and successes in socialist labor, full gentlemen Order of Glory.

A comprehensive list of citizens entitled to receive EDV in 2017 can be found in the article.

List of documents

In order to be able to receive EDV, citizens are required to collect required package documents and submit it to territorial office PF. The main required documents include:

  1. conclusion of the MSEC (medical and social examination) on the presence of disability. For those who receive EDV on such grounds;
  2. a copy of the ID card of a participant in combat operations, a veteran of the Second World War. For citizens falling under this preferential category;
  3. certificates confirming guardianship of a child by a disabled, incapacitated or partially capable person (for those who apply for EDV for children with disabilities, as well as those with limited legal capacity capable persons);
  4. birth certificate of a minor, where citizens are recorded as his parents (in the case of registration of EDV for a person under 14 years of age);
  5. a statement that will indicate by what criteria a person is eligible to receive cash assistance.

You need to remember that this list is an approximate list documents and territorial bodies Pension Funds have the right to demand additional information and documents confirming the status of the person

A detailed list of required documents for each of the grounds for receiving EDV can be found in the article.

Deadlines for issuing EDV

10 days are allotted for consideration of the application for the appointment of EDV. Weekends and holidays are included in this period. The Pension Fund authorities have a period of 5 days to respond. IN total, such applications, taking into account the decision and dispatch, should be considered no more than 15 days. At the same time, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have the right to accrue EDV or refuse to assign payment.

If the application is submitted through the official website of the Pension Fund (with the creation of a personal electronic office), the consideration period begins from the moment the application is registered. The period for consideration of an application sent by mail begins from the date indicated on the envelope (day of departure). For personal applications - from the moment of registration of documents in the office.

Note! The Pension Fund’s refusal to assign a payment can be challenged in judicial procedure. If the court finds the refusal unfounded, the Pension Fund will be obliged to pay the EDV from the moment the citizen submitted the application


Registration of monthly cash payments occurs only after all necessary documents have been submitted to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund. The law allows 15 days for consideration.

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