Why a driver should not exceed the speed limit. Permissible speeding in Russia

You can find out what the consequences of various accidents are by looking at http://avtostuk.ru/video/. Accidents involving pedestrians, driving into ditches, head-on collisions - according to statistics, a huge part of this is related to high speeds. It’s no secret that every year in the spring there is a surge in road accidents.

The consequences of a speeding accident are truly terrifying. Often, you can figure out what happened only by watching the video captured on the DVR. An incorrectly selected speed limit is the main factor in accidents. Why is this happening? The fact is that in the event of an emergency, the driver driving the car simply does not have the physical ability to take the necessary measures to avoid a collision or run-over. Of course, as long as the car remains stationary, it does not pose any danger. However, just starting to move, with every minute, as the speed increases, the danger that comes from it increases. Of course, you can also watch videos of accidents in which a stationary vehicle is involved. But the accident is no longer his fault. In some cases, even speeding is not the cause of the accident.

Every person who gets behind the wheel of his vehicle should understand well that not only the safety of his car depends on his actions. But also life itself, as well as the lives of many other people. According to sad information, more than thirteen percent of the total number of road accidents is associated with reckless driving. Moreover, more than thirty percent of all accidents are fatal. If we consider the characteristics of driver behavior on Russian roads, the situation is even more terrifying. According to data, more than half of drivers regularly exceed the speed limit.

Today, on the World Wide Web you can find many videos about road accidents, for example on the website http://avtostuk.ru/, viewing which could significantly influence drivers’ ideas about how to behave on the highways. However, despite this, the number of accidents associated with incorrectly chosen speed limits is not only not decreasing. But it continues to grow. We can talk endlessly about what the consequences of speeding may be. It’s only worth noting that they can really be anything. This can lead to the death of the driver himself, and to the death of his passengers, and to fatal injuries to pedestrians, and to any other very sad consequences. Before exceeding the speed limit, the driver must realize what he is risking in this case!

Compliance with the speed limit on the road is an important action, since the life and health of road users depends on it. However, domestic drivers are still interested in how much they can exceed the speed limit without a fine. This is due to the peculiarities of the current traffic rules in Russia, in particular Chapter 10 and the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The established limits depend on various external circumstances. These factors include:

  • technical characteristics of the vehicle and its type, for example, a car, motorcycle or bus, etc.;
  • the area where roads are located, whether it will be in a populated area or outside it, and their category determined by law;
  • providing certain transport functions, which may include the movement of dangerous goods, towing or the transport of large numbers of passengers.

To avoid mistakes, you need to adhere to a certain speed limit. It is established by the current Traffic Rules:

  • the permitted speed in the city in courtyards and residential areas is a maximum of 20 km/h;
  • the maximum speed in the city or within any settlement is limited to 60 km/h;
  • trucks transporting people outside cities and vehicles transporting children on any type of road must not exceed 60 km/h;
  • violation of the speed limit will be a bus or car, which, when towed outside the city, will travel faster than 70 km/h;
  • motorcycles outside cities, buses on the roads, cars and trucks can travel up to 90 km/h;
  • The tracks related to highways allow cars and trucks under 3.5 tons to accelerate to 110 km/h.

It is important to know that in the constituent entities of the Federation, regional executive bodies have the right to independently establish a higher threshold for the maximum speed limit in certain areas, designating them with appropriate infrastructure, when this will not have a negative impact on the traffic situation.

The highest speed limit that any car in Russia can travel at is 130 km/h. This parameter must be observed for all public roads.

Established punishment

The legislation differentiates penalties, which depend on the degree of excess. The further the speedometer needle deviates, the more the driver will end up having to pay. Correlations between violation and punishment:

  • if the car was driving on a section of road with a speed deviation of more than 20 and less than 40 km/h, then the penalty is 500 rubles;
  • when the interval was 40-60 km/h, then the sanctions in accordance with Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Violations will amount to 1000-1500 rubles;
  • if you exceed 60-80 km per hour, you will have to part with 2-2.5 thousand rubles. and rights for 4-6 months;
  • if the car was moving even faster, then the driver’s license will be taken away for six months along with 5 thousand rubles.

A driver for a repeated violation that occurred within a year from the moment of the first incident and was personally identified by a traffic police officer will be punished with an additional 2-2.5 thousand rubles. and will lose your license for a year. If the recording was carried out using cameras or automatic recording devices, then the payment amount will reach 5,000 rubles, but they do not have the right to deprive the driver’s license.

There is no permissible speed limit in Russia, since any excess of the speed limit is a violation. The driver is obliged to comply with traffic rules. Permitted speeding is most often perceived by drivers as an interval of 20 km/h or less above the limit. This is due to the fact that such a speed segment is not penalized.

Methods for recording traffic offenses

Traffic police officers in Russia use restraint devices to identify unacceptable speeding. They are radars and are divided into the following groups:

  • portable;
  • stationary;
  • mobile.

The difference between portable and mobile is that the former work from the hand of the inspector, and the latter are based on the car body for clear fixation. After detecting a violation, the traffic police officer is required to take a number of actions:

  • show the driver the readings on the device;
  • provide evidence that the data relates to a specific vehicle if the flow of vehicles is visible;
  • if necessary, demonstrate a certificate for the device, which will show the date of the last metrological verification and indicate the error of this equipment.

If the culprit agrees with the violation, then the inspector issues him a corresponding order and gives him a copy. When there is no consent from the driver, the event is documented in the form of an administrative protocol and sent to the court or territorial traffic police authorities.

Stationary devices for recording offenses are mounted on special structures and placed on the most intense sections of roads, where high accident rates have recently been recorded. Records are kept using state license plates.

Automatically collected data is sent to a single information center, where decisions are formed on its basis. Next, everything is printed and sent by registered mail to the vehicle owners. This process takes about 3 days. The amount of the fine is taken at the lower threshold of the fork established by law.

It is important to know that the owner of the car will receive the protocol, regardless of who was driving at the time.

The driver has the legal right to save on paying the fine issued by the inspector. It is enough to pay the established amount no later than 20 days after the penalty is imposed. You can also challenge the actions of security guards in court.

If we are talking about an automatic method of recording, then you need to challenge it through the traffic police department by writing them a complaint drawn up with the help of professional lawyers.

It is also worth knowing that if speeding was accompanied by an accident, then this fact does not fall under the insured event, so you should not expect financial compensation in this case.

You can read only one paragraph of clause 10.1 of the Traffic Rules and the answer will be found immediately. It is clearly written there that speed limits should not be violated. In addition, due to certain situations on the road, sometimes it is even necessary to reduce the speed in order to better control the car in bad weather conditions or when the road surface is in poor condition.

This is not an empty phrase at all. There are many cases in the courts on this topic. It will be very easy to confirm such a violation. An automotive technical examination is carried out - it will very accurately show the actual speed of the vehicle. There were situations when the driver exceeded the speed limit by only 10 km/h, but he was found guilty. A traffic violation was officially confirmed, after which the car got into an accident.

Such checks are mandatory in the event of a collision with a pedestrian. And this is very reasonable. Because if the driver had not exceeded the speed limit, he would have been able to prevent a traffic accident and the pedestrian would have been safe. And no one will care that the person tried to cross the road in the wrong place. Because it is the person who exceeded the permissible speed limit on a given section of the road who is found guilty.


You can reassure yourself that there is no danger in exceeding the speed limit by 20 kilometers per hour, as long as it does not lead to a serious accident.
If such a situation arises, the driver’s guilt will be proven very quickly. In this way, you can go to prison, or, at best, compensate the losses to the injured party, and then restore your car.

Most often, going over the speed limit by twenty kilometers per hour does not provide significant privileges. In the best case, the driver will arrive a few minutes earlier. It is logical that because of these minutes you should not risk your own and other people’s lives.

How much can you exceed without fear of a fine? You will not be required to pay a fine if you exceed the speed limit by no more than 20 km/h. Perhaps they will stop you after assessing the readings on the radar, but the maximum that will happen for exceeding the speed limit is that they will have a conversation with the violator and issue a warning. For example, driving at a speed of 18 km/h higher than the speed limit on a section is not punishable, since the excess is within the limit that is not subject to punishment.

Reference. If the speed is exceeded by at least 21 km/h, in accordance with Art. 12.9 of the Administrative Code, the motorist will be fined.

Now you know how much speeding is permissible, and you won’t be fined for it.

Types of punishment

According to Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offences, fines are established for driving too fast. In accordance with it there are these:

We talked more about liability for speeding by 20, 40, 60 km/h in.

If we refer to Art. 4.6 of the Code of Administrative Offences, if a driver who has received an administrative punishment for an offense commits it again within a period not exceeding a year from the date of entry into force of the court decision.

4.6 article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The period during which a person is considered subject to administrative punishment

A person who has been imposed an administrative penalty for committing an administrative offense is considered subject to this punishment from the date the decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty enters into legal force until the expiration of one year from the date of completion of the execution of this decision.

What does the traffic regulations say?

When driving on roads, setting the maximum speed is influenced by several factors, including the location where the road is located and its type. On the same site, different speed limits may be set for different vehicles. Detailed information is contained in paragraphs 10.2-10.4 of Article 10 of the Traffic Regulations.

  1. Driving in populated areas. In populated areas, the default maximum speed is 60 km/h. If there are signs establishing a special speed limit, traffic is carried out in accordance with the information contained on them.
  2. Optimal speed for driving in residential areas. In pedestrian and residential areas you cannot drive at a speed of more than 20 km/h.
  3. Speed ​​limits outside populated areas. Outside the city, there is permission to drive at a speed not exceeding 110 km/h. The concept of a route means a road that begins at the exit from a village, town, or city. Its beginning is counted from the established road element, marking the end of the urban zone, designated in the traffic rules as 5.24.1, 5.24.2.
  4. On the motorway. On a highway marked with a motorway sign, the speed can be up to 130 km/h. This speed limit is accepted as acceptable only on roads where there is a motorway sign numbered 5.1.

Sign 5.24.1 “End of a populated area”:

Sign 5.24.2 “End of a populated area”:

Sign 5.1 “Motorway”:

As you can see, speeding is allowed, but this indicator depends on the location of the movement. Now you know how much it is permissible to exceed mph while driving.

How can it be recorded?

A traffic police inspector is able to determine the speed at which a vehicle is traveling with an accuracy of 2 km. Most modern devices allow you to do this. If the fines are absolutely justified and are assigned automatically.

In addition to stationary devices that monitor compliance with the permitted speed, Traffic police officers often use manual and mobile fixation devices. Hand-held devices can be used simply by holding them in your hands; mobile devices must be secured with a tripod in the employee’s car.

Attention! If it is detected that the speed limit is exceeded, the culprit will be stopped, and a protocol will be drawn up regarding the offense committed.

If the driver exceeds the maximum permitted limits

The concept characterized as “maximum permissible speeding”, in numerical terms, is 20 km/h. But it is worth keeping in mind that this indicator is only formal.

In practice, any speeding can result in quite serious consequences.. A minimum fine of 500 rubles rarely stops violators, but their actions are unfair primarily in relation to other road users.

Video on the topic

Is it possible to drive above the speed limit of 20 km/h:


Compliance with the rules, including the requirements of road signs, will help reduce the likelihood of accidents and save your budget. Now you know what excess is not subject to a fine and is considered acceptable. But remember: this kind of permission should not be abused: sooner or later it will play a cruel joke on you.

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Yuri, by scoreboard do you mean signs with variable images?

If yes, please attach a diagram of the location of the boards and road signs (speed limits) along your route.

Unfortunately I don't have a diagram. These are information boards above the ring road, which indicate the speed and various notifications such as road repairs, slippery roads.

Yuri, do the values ​​on the board contradict regular road signs?

Of course they contradict - according to the Ring Road, the permitted speed is 110 km/h.

Yuri, after each "110" sign you can drive at a speed of 110 km/h. You can be fined at 130 km/h.

After each "70" sign you can drive at a speed of 70 km/h. You can be fined at 90 km/h.

The scoreboard is essentially the same signs. Each subsequent sign (board) cancels the action of the previous one.

Good luck on the roads!

Thank you, but there are no 110 km/h signs on the Ring Road. However, I doubt that electronic signs over the ring road have legal force. I think that these are still informational values ​​and recommend a given speed, but do not oblige.

Thank you, but there are no 110 km/h signs on the Ring Road.

Why then do you think that it is possible to move there at this speed?


Good luck on the roads!

Yuri, in this case the maximum speed is set by the board. I don’t think these signs are fake; traffic police officers wouldn’t mess with them.

Those. the board is similar to sign 3.24 and sets the maximum speed. If you exceed it by 20 km/h or more, you can get a fine.

Good luck on the roads!

wowick, in this case the following logical chain is used.

1. Images are not used in the text of the traffic rules. The text of the document is simply text with numbers and descriptions of characters. Published texts of the rules contain signs to make the rules easier for drivers to understand.

2. At the beginning of Appendix 1 there is the following sentence:

The numbering of road signs corresponds to GOST R 52290-2004.

Those. a description of the images of signs can be found in this GOST.

3. GOST itself contains the following paragraph:

5.2.1. Signs are made using reflective materials, with internal lighting, with external lighting. Elements of the image of black and gray colors of signs should not have a retroreflective effect.

It is allowed to produce signs with light indication with inscriptions and symbols in matrix form. In this case, it is allowed to replace black inscriptions and symbols with white or yellow, and the white background of signs with black in cases where this does not lead to their erroneous perception. Replacing the red color of the background, symbol and border of signs and the size of their images is not allowed.

So the board signs are also road signs.

Good luck on the roads!

Based on all of the above, I propose the other extreme: - so that people on the roads do not violate the speed limit, make cars moving at a speed of 60 km/h and the problem of speeding will be solved. All other higher speed vehicles will be banned forever in the country. In this way we will solve the problem with speed on the roads. But then there will be no reason to rob people? yes gentlemen those in power)

This already happened many years ago (in the last century). Everything worked. And in this century, the speed limit has increased, and the roads have become worse than in the last century.

I think it's better to do it completely differently. Cars whose speed exceeds 60 km/h are prohibited from driving on roads, but only on sports tracks.


What relevant signs are mentioned in the note to clause 10.2? If we are talking about sign 3.24, which is used as an example at the beginning of your article, then in my subjective opinion this is not correct, because sign 3.24 is prohibitive, here is an example: on a section of the road we see sign 3.24 (90), this sign prohibits exceeding the speed indicated on the sign, which means a speed higher than that indicated on sign 3.24 was previously permitted. After all, you must agree that you cannot prohibit what is not permitted.

We need a new sign, used separately or in conjunction with signs 5.1 and 5.3, and put the 10th section in order, otherwise it turns out that: The speed on the highway is regulated by the clause on the speed of movement OUTSIDE the populated area, and the note in clause 10.2 regulates the speed IN THE BUNDLED AREA at the speed set for the highway, but this speed is allowed on the highway OUTSIDE the populated area.

I rented a car for 5 days and returned it shortly after. 3 days after delivery, the owner of the car asked me to pay a fine for speeding, which was recorded by technical means (photo taken by the camera). I decided to act according to my conscience and was going to pay. And again a complaint was received that another fine had been received, in it the amount was already 2000 rubles for a repeated offense. I looked at the fines and it turned out that before the first fine I received, the owner of the car had 2 more unpaid fines also for speeding, and the fine given to “me” for repeating it was already the fourth in a week. But the previous 2 are not mine! What to do in this situation???

Ruslan, fines for violations that you committed must be paid. Fines for other periods should not be paid; let the car owner deal with them.

Good luck on the roads!

I have a question. The car is registered to me. The first time my wife was speeding, and the second time (within a year) it was me, so what should I do? What should I do?

and what to do? What should I do?

Obey traffic rules. Or don't get caught.

Ildar, the fine is imposed on the owner of the vehicle. If, after the first violation, the wife did not contact the traffic police to “rewrite” the fine on herself, then both fines were imposed on you. In the second case, punishment will be imposed for repeated violation of the rules.

Good luck on the roads!


Question: I exceeded the speed limit in the city by 20-40 km. After 4 months, the bailiff deducted 500 rubles from my card and savings book. The most interesting thing is that I didn’t receive the letter and didn’t know anything at all. The violation was recorded on camera (tripod). It is probably beneficial for you to take 100 percent payment

Eugene, I am not going to collect fines from car owners, so this is absolutely not profitable for me.

Better yet, just follow the rules of the road. As practice shows, this is not at all difficult.

Good luck on the roads!


Maxim, hello!

2 days ago I received 2 speeding fines at once (I was driving within the city at a speed of 88-90 km/h), and it turned out that the cameras (tripods) recorded me on the same day and in almost the same place (time difference in the photo is 1.5 minutes).

The question is: is it legal to demand 2 fines from me for the same violation, if the Code of Administrative Offenses in Article 4.1 states that “No one can bear administrative responsibility twice for the same administrative offense.”

The Code of Administrative Offenses in Article 4.1 states that “No one can bear administrative responsibility twice for the same administrative offense.”

Evgenia-24, why do you think that speeding at intervals of 1.5 minutes is one violation?

Evgenia, Hello.

Please clarify, did the fines come from the same camera or from different ones? Have you passed them once or twice?

I increased the speed within the city by 40 km/h, but the owner of the car is my father. He received an SMS saying this and that, pay. There are no questions, I’ll pay, because it’s my fault. BUT! If during this week that I drove and didn’t know about the fine, I got more fines, then what will the consequences be for my father? Let’s say (roughly speaking) I increased the speed there 2 more times by the same 40 km/h. Repeated fines (2000-2500)? Or is it already deprivation?

Let’s say (roughly speaking) I increased the speed there 2 more times by the same 40 km/h.

To avoid being deprived of it the second time, do not exceed more than 60 km/h (if the camera records it, only a fine of 5 tr). A repeat from 40 to 60 costs 2 - 2.5 tr.

Pauline, if at least one of the violations is speeding by 60 km/h or more, then warn your father about it. The fact is that if he repeatedly exceeds the speed limit by 60 km/h or more and the violation is recorded by employees (not cameras), then he will be deprived of his license.

Good luck on the roads!

I received 2 fines for speeding in the city (84 km/h) from cameras (tripods) within 1 minute with a time difference of seconds... Is the 2nd fine with a difference of 20 seconds legal?

Elena, if fines are recorded by different cameras in different places and at different times, then everything is within the framework of the law.

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