Filing an RVP notice. RVP confirmation if there is no official work

Opening a residence permit in the Russian Federation provides foreign citizens with many opportunities and practically equates their rights with the rights of Russian citizens. However, they also come with certain responsibilities. One of them is a periodic confirmation of residence.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit is due to the need to take into account the number of the population located on the territory of the state, control migrants and collect information about foreign persons who intend to live in Russia.

Annual Notice of Residence with Temporary Residence Permit

Residents of other countries temporarily staying in Russia and having the right to temporary residence are required to notify the Federal authorities for the control of migration processes about their place of residence once a year. This rule is provided for in Art. 6 of Federal Law No. 115, it is brought to the knowledge of every foreigner upon

Procedure and notice period

Citizens who do not have a permanent place of residence must inform the territorial authority, which is assigned the control of migration processes. This body is the Ministry of the Interior.

Attention! Many foreigners mistakenly believe that a notice must be submitted to the migration service. This is wrong, since 2016 the procedure has been changed, at the moment documents are being submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Migrants need to contact the authority where they received their temporary residence certificate. The main information that is indicated in the notification is information about the sources and amounts of income. The procedure is not complicated and does not take much time.

Data must be submitted within 12 months of obtaining the permit. 2 months are given for the preparation of documents and their submission to a specialized service. However, in some cases this period may be extended up to six months. Reasons for extension are:

  • health problems;
  • travel to another country;
  • other valid circumstances.

Required documents

The list of documents is indicated on the back of the form. It includes:

  • passport and its notarized translation;
  • confirmation of the availability of funds and sources of their earnings;
  • residence permit, its copy.

Reference! Confirmation of the amount of disposable funds and the source of their earnings may be a certificate of income, a tax return, an extract from a deposit or current account, and other official documents.

How to fill out a notice

The notification is filled in Russian both through electronic media and by hand. When filling out by hand, you need to write legibly, in clear handwriting. When writing, it is not allowed:

  • dictionary abbreviations;
  • corrections;
  • erasures;
  • abbreviations;
  • errors;
  • blots.

RVP confirmation form sample

The form of the form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2007 No. 21. Samples of its filling are presented in the relevant bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or on their official websites.

As confirmed by RVP in a year

Article 6 of Federal Law No. 115 provides that a foreign citizen must confirm it within 2 months from the end of the next year from the date of registration. This can be done in person, with the help of postal or courier services, using the Internet. In addition, you can use the service of a single portal of state and municipal services.

Attention! If the subject has changed his place of permanent residence during the year, then the notice should be submitted at the place of last registration, or, in its absence, at the address of actual residence.

Liability for failure to notify

For failure to fulfill this obligation, a foreigner may be held administratively liable with the imposition of penalties, as well as deportation from the country. In addition, sanctions such as cancellation of registration of temporary residence and prohibition of entry into the country may be applied.

The fine is imposed based on the results of the consideration of the case of an administrative violation. For foreign citizens This is provided for in Part 1.1 of Art. 32.2. Code of Administrative Violations. If a fine is imposed on a foreigner simultaneously with the requirement to leave the borders of the Russian Federation, then it should be paid no later than the next day after the entry into force of the decision on the administrative violation. The amount of the fine is up to 7000 rubles.

The violator has the right to challenge the decision. You can file a complaint within 10 days from the date of receipt of the decision.


A permit document for temporary residence of foreigners is issued for a period of 3 years. Temporary registration of non-residents provides them with additional rights and guarantees, for example:

  • seeking medical help;
  • use of banking services;
  • official employment;
  • placement of children in schools and preschool institutions;
  • use of public services, etc.

However, the permit itself is not enough, citizens of foreign countries need to confirm it once a year with a special document.

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RVP is a temporary residence permit in Russia. It is a kind of intermediate link connecting the initial time of a foreign citizen's stay in the territory of the Russian Federation and obtaining a residence permit. Thus, RVP is required for citizens who do not live permanently in the territory of the Russian Federation, who have arrived recently or who wish to apply for a residence permit.

It is not required to issue a quota for citizens of Belarus and foreign highly qualified specialists. For the rest, it is required to issue a RWP separately. To obtain it, you will need to submit the following documents to the FMS:

  • Application (you can take it right on the spot);
  • Two photos 3 by 4. In some departments of the FMS, photos can be taken on the spot, but it is better to prepare photos in advance;
  • Medical certificates: one standard and one certificate stating that a foreign citizen is not sick with HIV;
  • Foreigner's identity card;
  • A document confirming the right of a foreigner to live abroad.

All foreign documents must be translated by a notary. You also need to pay a state fee of 1600 rubles.

If a citizen has received a TRP, then many different obligations are imposed on him as a foreigner living in Russia. And one of the main duties is to send a notice of confirmation of residence to the FMS. It is necessary to send a notification of confirmation of residence once a year, and the procedure itself is prescribed in Article 6 of Federal Law No. 115. The article itself, like the law, is quite long, confusing and complex. Without the help of a lawyer, it is quite difficult to figure it out. Therefore, we will consider the main points regarding the notice of residence and how to send it to the FMS.

When do I need to submit a notice of RWP residence?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a notice of residence under the RVP should be sent annually. At the same time, it is sent two months after the expiration of the annual period. That is, the maximum filing period is fourteen months from the date of sending the last notification. In exceptional cases, the period may be extended by up to six months.

Where can I get a proof of residence form?

You can download it yourself below and print it out. If you do not have such an opportunity, then contact the nearest branch of the FMS - there you will be required to provide one of the forms.

What needs to be entered on the form?

The blank is double-sided. On the front side there is a main and detachable additional part. The following data is entered in the main part in order:

  • Place of notification;
  • Place of residence;
  • Place and time of work;
  • Countries to which the citizen traveled during the year, and the total period of departure;
  • Income information;
  • Information about the identity card, TRP, residence permit, document confirming the source of income.

What documents are needed to confirm the RVP?

You do not need any special papers to confirm the TRP. All that is needed is to attach a certificate of income for the last year when submitting the notification. In this case, you will need a certificate of any income: salary, alimony, inheritance, and others.

The following foreign citizens do not confirm income:

  • pensioners;
  • students;
  • Disabled persons of any category.

Where are the forms and documents submitted?

Once the form is completed, take it to the FMS office. At the same time, you can submit it only at the department of the Federal Migration Service where you applied for the temporary residence permit.

What threatens the lack of notice of residence?

If a foreign citizen forgets about the confirmation of residence notice, the consequences can be very different. Delay in filing a notice is not allowed under any circumstances and threatens the violator with the following penalties:

  • Administrative fine up to seven thousand rubles;
  • Expulsion from the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Deportation (in case of refusal to voluntarily leave the country);
  • Adding a citizen to the black list of the FMS.

It is worth noting that all points, except for the first, can be appealed in court. You will need the help of a citizenship lawyer.

The only exception where a notice of residence can be sent later than two months is if the citizen has a valid reason that prevented him from filing a notice of residence on time. Documentary evidence of the reason will be required without fail.

Alexander Eremeev

Experience as a lawyer - since 2005. Graduated from the Moscow State Open University with honors. Private practice, specialization - migration and civil law.

A migrant who has issued a residence permit needs to know for sure that a TRP confirmation is required in 2019. What documents are needed, where to submit? This is a standard notification 2019, the form can be downloaded on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, printed on a home printer and attached with a package of necessary documentation. Everything must be submitted to the migration service in person, mail does not deal with these issues.

Although the residence permit is temporary, on Russian territory it is immediately issued for a three-year period, but the law on migration obliges to confirm in writing the reliability and address of residence. You can apply to the unit where the registration was made, since residence must be registered only at this address.

Confirmation for RVP should be submitted twice: one year after receipt, then two, observing the deadlines for submission - 2 months before the control date.

During the initial registration of a permit, a migrant specifies the address of residence, his income, which is spent on living. This information requires confirmation, so the migration service submits an annual report, a kind of confirmation, it must contain a temporary address, as well as a financial statement with bank details and a bank account, with tracking the movement of funds.

By these actions, a foreign citizen actually informs the migration service about the location and the state of profitability.

Documents to confirm RVP

During a personal visit to the migration service, you should have the following list of documentation with you:

  1. Civil passport of a migrant with a mark on the place of registration.
  2. A bank statement confirming that you have a positive debit account with enough money to live on. But the required amount must be at least 12 times the subsistence minimum in the region of registration. For an adult, it is approximately 11 thousand rubles, a pensioner must be provided with funds for 8.5 thousand rubles a month, a child about 10 thousand rubles. Or it can be a financial document from the employer, that is, the migrant must officially work, which indicates the receipt of monthly earnings, and the amount must exceed the minimum wage.
  3. Original paid receipt of state duty.

If a marriage is registered, the husband or wife also submits a certificate of income.

Confirmation of other income items:

  • child support,
  • insurance payments,
  • bank dividends,
  • income from shares and securities,
  • receiving an inheritance
  • renting out one's own movable or immovable property, etc.

If the wife indicated a dependent as the basis for the TRP, then its owner should present a certificate of marriage. The same requirements apply to children - they also need to provide certificates.

Attention! If you are registered with the tax authorities, you can simply indicate your TIN in the income line, and the employee will independently send a request for an income declaration and the amount of earnings received. This option is the most optimal: you do not need to additionally collect certificates about other income items.


It is allowed to fill out the notification, both by hand and using a computer, the sample looks like this:

  1. Personal details of the applicant, and write exactly as indicated in the national identity card.
  2. Postal address and index of the place of temporary registration and actual residence.
  3. Name and details of the place of work, but if the migrant is employed in several organizations, then information about all of them should be indicated.
  4. Information about the length of service for each place of work, if during the reporting period it was necessary to find a job several times.
  5. The number of trips outside of Russia during the permitted temporary stay, and the period of absence and the dates of departure and entry, the name of the state where the migrant departed should be indicated.

Be sure to meet the deadline for submitting the notification! It must be submitted after 10 months of stay in Russia, the countdown is from the moment the permit has already been received.

Adult citizens submit confirmation only in person at the reception of the migration service officer, for minor children who are not yet 14 years old, the notification is submitted by official representatives: parents or guardians.

Attention! If all the lines can be filled in advance at home in a leisurely atmosphere, then it is necessary to sign only in the presence of the inspector, otherwise the notification will be invalid!

The columns are filled in only in Russian transcription, except for personal information about the submitter of the document. Moreover, it should be filled out without grammatical, stylistic errors, blots, and also without strikethroughs and corrections of the written text.

At the end, you should indicate the list of attached documents, put your signature and the date of submission.

Where to confirm

You need to submit documents only in person, you can contact the migration service at the place of temporary registration. In the unit, you should get an electronic queue coupon, wait to be called. This may take up to several hours.

Recording algorithm:

  • Log in to the site with your username and password, go to the MIA section of the migration service.
  • A questionnaire form will open, fill it out carefully, then agree with the processing of personal data.
  • After checking the completed information, the system will prompt you to select the nearest division to the place of residence, the date and time of admission. Click on the numbers you need, confirm your intentions, complete the application for an appointment.

If the registration was successful, pay the fee here in real time, and pay 1.6 thousand rubles at a significant discount, print the payment receipt and attach it to other documents to confirm the RVP.

TRP confirmation for citizens of Ukraine

In case of arrival of citizens from Ukraine, they also need to issue and extend the RWP, like other citizens, with the exception of those who have close relatives in Russia. After three years, apply for a residence permit, and then citizenship, otherwise the confirmation procedure is similar to the procedure described above.

But if a Ukrainian was invited by any enterprise, since he is a narrow specialist in a certain field or a unique researcher, then the inviting party will deal with all questions about the extension, the resident of the neighboring country himself does not need to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for migration policy.

The situation is the same with those citizens who received a temporary residence permit by marriage: in addition to standard documents, a certificate of marriage and a certificate from the registry office stating that the record is valid and not liquidated at the time of the request should be attached.
The article is devoted to the topic "how is the confirmation of the RVP in 2019, what documents are needed, where to submit and in what time frame".

2017-12-25 content manager

Where is the annual RVP notification submitted?

Confirmation of residence under the TRP and delivery of the notification takes place in the district offices for migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, at the place of registration and residence.

How can I submit an annual RWP residence notice?

The RVP notification is handed over by the foreign citizen in person. A notification form is filled in and documents are attached confirming the means by which the foreign citizen lived in Russia during the past year. Documents confirming residence in Russia can be - certificates from work 2 personal income tax, or a certificate from a bank on the availability of funds. In both of these cases, the amounts indicated in the certificates must not be less than the minimum subsistence level. In each individual region, the minimum subsistence level is set independently, at the discretion of the authorities, so we do not indicate it, and besides, it changes periodically.

When are RWP notices due?

RWP notifications are submitted annually during the 13th and 14th months. Those. from the moment of receipt of the RWP after 12 months, the period of the next 2 months is just allotted for submitting notices of residence under the RWP.

What information is included in the RVP notice?

The Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs considers the annual notification as a source of information in order to identify violations that a foreign citizen could have committed during the year of his residence in Russia. Thanks to the notification, the migration service officer sets the period for the foreign citizen to stay outside the Russian Federation (no more than 6 months a year), and also reveals on what funds the foreign citizen lived during the year on the territory of Russia.

What threatens a foreign citizen who has not submitted a RVP notification on time?
Failure to submit a notice to the RWP within the prescribed time frame is a serious offense under Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This offense is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles and expulsion from Russia within 10 days. Depending on the region, administrative prosecution can be established in a milder form. The most stringent sanctions against violators are provided for in Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

If you find that you have not submitted your annual RVP notification within the prescribed time frame, we recommend that you do not take any action on your own, but seek the advice of specialists. Unexpected nuances that you do not know about may surface years later when applying for or for. Our specialists will be able to help you in such a delicate matter as not submitting a notice of residence under the TRP on time, and will try to resolve this situation as comfortably as possible at the legislative legal level, protecting your interests. You can contact the company "Gate of the City" pre-registered for a consultation with our specialist by phone +7 495 9723011

Obligation to confirm RVPlies with every migrant who has received this legal status in the Russian Federation. For its execution, it is necessary to comply with the deadlines specified in the law and submit a complete package of correctly completed documents. The material discusses the process of confirming the RVP, the list of necessary documentation, the procedure for filling out annual notification of confirmation of residence under the TRP and the consequences of failure to comply with the notification obligation. In addition, using the links in the article, you can download both the notification form and a sample of filling it out for free.

RVP confirmation in 2019 means the submission of a notice of residence of a migrant to the territorial body of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Ch. 9 Art. 6 of the law "On the legal status of foreign citizens ..." dated 25.07. 2002 No. 115-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 115-FZ) determined for each foreigner or stateless person residing on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of a TRP, the obligation to submit such a notification.

Even minors and incapacitated persons are not exempt from it. For them, this is done by their parents or other legal representatives.

The form of notification of the TRP was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2007 No. 21 (hereinafter - Decree No. 21). Despite the fact that the FMS was abolished in April 2016, the notification form has not undergone significant changes, and a form of the same type is submitted to the GUVM. The same act approved the rules for filing notifications.

The current Regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the issuance of a TRP, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated November 27, 2017 No. 891, obliges the inspector of the Main Department of Internal Affairs, when issuing a TRP, to inform its recipient about the obligation to carry out proof of residence.

What is proof of residence under RVP

The law does not contain the wording "confirmation of TRP", there is only the concept of "confirmation of residence on TRP", but since such an expression is well-established among foreigners, we also use it. In fact, we are talking about the appeal of a migrant who has lived in Russia for a year at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to inform this body that a foreigner or stateless person is still:

  • enjoy their status and legally reside in the country for at least six months a year;
  • carry out legal labor or business or other economic activity not prohibited by law;
  • receive income sufficient to live on the territory of the Russian Federation for both the migrant himself and his dependents (children, incompetent relatives, etc.).

RVP confirmation in 2019 is the submission of a package of documents established by law and a completed notification form, indicating all the information listed in it.

The annual confirmation of the TRP is a duty of the migrant, the failure to comply with which threatens to apply severe measures of administrative responsibility to him.

How and where to apply

As a general rule, documents to confirm the TRP are submitted to the territorial office of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place where the TRP was received, and therefore the place of residence of a foreigner or stateless person. Migrants must live strictly within the region where the TRP was issued, however, they can move within it, and in some other cases established by law, they can stay outside such a region.

At the same time, the department of the GUVM may also change. In this case, the TRP is confirmed at the department at the new place of residence. If a migrant does not have a place of residence by the time of confirmation of the TRP, then a notification of confirmation of residence is submitted at the place of registration for migration. The list of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on migration issues can be found on the website https://mvd.rf/contacts/sites/

The application process can be divided into 2 stages:

  • collection of documentation;
  • submission of documents.

After the package of documents is collected, the migrant must personally appear at the territorial department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and submit it. It is especially important to note that, unlike persons residing in the Russian Federation with a residence permit that gives the right to permanent residence, holders of a temporary residence permit cannot use the services of the Russian Post to submit a TRP notification. They will inevitably have to visit the GUVM.

An exception is made only for minor children. Parents or other legal representatives must notify for them according to the RWP. The presence of the child is not required.

It is also not allowed to transfer the notification by proxy. The rules approved by Decree No. 21 directly indicate the need for the personal presence of a migrant and the availability of an identity document.

What documents are needed to confirm the TRP in 2019

The law does not contain an exhaustive list of documents to confirm the TRP that a migrant must provide, but it can be formulated on the basis of Part 9 of Art. 6 of Law No. 115-FZ. When preparing to confirm their residence under the TRP, the migrant must provide a small list of documents.

One year after receiving the TRP, you will need:

  • identity document. For foreign citizens, this is a passport or other document that complies with international agreements of the Russian Federation. For stateless persons, this may be a residence permit in another country;

  • temporary residence permit. Usually, it is a stamp in the foreigner's passport. For stateless persons who do not have such a document, it can be issued in the form of a separate certificate, on a special form;

  • a fully completed form of notification of residence on the received TRP;

  • a document confirming the existence of a source of income (their numbers, names, series, date of issue, data on who issued it).

If the migrant did not have the opportunity to submit a notice of confirmation of residence on time, then documents confirming the impossibility of timely fulfillment of this obligation are attached.

Ch. 12 Art. 6 of Law No. 115-FZ expressly prohibits the requirement of additional documents, however, sometimes employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ask for a certificate from the place of work or an employment contract with the employer. This does not appear to be legitimate. A migrant has the right to engage in any permitted type of economic, creative activity, as well as enjoy passive income from property rentals, copyrights, etc. Therefore, the above list of documents is considered to be exhaustive.

How to verify financial status

The greatest difficulty for migrants is precisely the confirmation of financial security. The minimum threshold is determined by paragraph 8 of part 1 of Art. 7 of Law No. 115-FZ. It states that the RWP of a migrant can be canceled if he is not able to confirm the availability of means of subsistence in the amount below the subsistence level for each month of the past year (the total amount does not exceed 150,000 rubles on average). If the foreigner or stateless person is dependent on minors or other dependents, then the confirmed income must include them.

The amount of income is determined for each subject of the Russian Federation separately. It is the highest in the metropolitan area. When submitting an annual notice of residence under RVP, it is necessary to take into account the different sizes of the subsistence minimum for pensioners, minors and able-bodied persons. Although in practice the inspector usually calls the average amount for the region. In the provinces, it is somewhat lower, ranging from 10 to 13 thousand rubles. You can find it out from the regulations of the regional government.

Documents to confirm the availability of funds when living under the TRP

The law does not contain a closed list of documents that will confirm the financial situation of the applicant. This means that it is worth proceeding from the fact that a migrant can conduct any activity permitted by law and receive income from it. Most often they provide:

  • certificate 2-NDFL;

  • an extract from a bank account on the availability of funds;

  • tax return.

The 2-NDFL certificate is provided by applicants who are legally employed on the territory of the Russian Federation within the region that issued the TRP. To obtain it, it is enough to contact the accounting department of the employer.

The tax return is usually filed by persons conducting entrepreneurial activities. However, it is not necessary to provide it. It is enough to inform the inspector of the Main Department of Internal Affairs about the intention to confirm the income in this way, and he will independently request the necessary information from the territorial tax authority.

A migrant can receive funds from different sources, the main thing is that the total amount is sufficient.

Is it possible to confirm the TRP if you are not working

To do this, you must either provide documents on disability and a certificate of the amount of social benefits, such as pensions, or right from the bank on the availability of funds in the account. Some questions among migrants are caused by the possibility of providing a certificate. This is due to two aspects:

  1. Some inspectors refuse to accept a certificate as proof of livelihood.
  2. There is a discrepancy in understanding the size of the amount required in the account. Some inspectors argue that the amount of the contribution should be sufficient so that the amount of income from the contribution is equal to the living wage for the year. This does not seem to be true, since the law does not directly indicate the source of income, but only speaks of its presence.

Refusal to accept a certificate is illegal. Explanations on this matter can be found in the Appellate Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. APL14-489. The judges explained that a bank statement could serve as evidence of sufficient means of subsistence.

Where to get and how to fill out a notice

The notification form is approved by Decree No. 21. It is a form filled out on 2 sides. For notification of residence under the TRP, the form is divided into two parts. One of them is transferred to the GUVM at the place of residence of the migrant, and the second remains in the hands of a foreigner or a stateless person who uses the TRP. Only the part that remains for the GUVM inspector is filled in on both sides.

When filling out, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Full name of the head and name of the body where the RVP will be confirmed;
  • Name of the person submitting the notice of residence. Patronymic is indicated only if it is in the passport;
  • the full address of the place of residence of the migrant, indicating the index;
  • the name of all organizations - employers for the last year;
  • periods of employment for the last year;
  • the name of the countries to which the foreigner traveled;
  • periods of stay outside the country. At this point, you need to be careful, since the maximum period of departure should not exceed a total of six months throughout the year. Otherwise, there is a big risk of losing the RVP;
  • sources of income for the past year;
  • the amount of income for the year;
  • details of attached documents.

The tear-off part contains information about the applicant himself, as well as about the identity document. After the inspector signs the main and tear-off parts, the notice of residence is considered accepted.

You can receive a notification either directly at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or download a notification form on our website.

In addition, you can download a sample application (sample), with which you can correctly fill out the annual notice.

How to fill out the notification form correctly?

When filling out the confirmation of residence notification form, you need to follow these simple rules:

  1. The document is filled in Russian.
  2. All information can be entered on a computer or a simple ballpoint pen. If there is any doubt about what should be indicated, it is better to write with a pen and take it with you to the GUVM department. After consultation with the inspector there will be an opportunity to correct. When using a computer, something can no longer be corrected.
  3. The presence of errors and corrections in the notification, as well as the use of a stroke corrector is not allowed.
  4. All names are indicated in full without the use of abbreviations.
  5. All information must be reliable, as it can be verified, in case of deception, the violator is threatened with administrative liability, as well as in case of violation of the deadlines for confirming the residence of a foreign citizen under the TRP.

It is advisable to use the template for filling out a confirmation of residence notice.

Deadline for submitting a notice of residence under the TRP

The validity period of the RVP is 3 years. During this time, you will have to confirm it 2 times. After that, you must either apply for a residence permit or leave the country.

The general rule on the period for notifying residence under RVP is formulated in Part 9 of Art. 6 of Law No. 115-FZ. The migrant must submit an annual notification no later than 2 months from the expiration of the one-year period from the date of issuance of a temporary residence permit. This period is more severe than that established for persons who have the right to permanent residence in Russia. The day they set the possibility of annual confirmation of residence. This makes it possible to submit a notification on any day of the year following the one in which the residence permit was issued. Therefore, by confusing the deadlines, a migrant with a temporary residence permit may miss the required date.

If the date is missed for good reasons, then you can still submit a notification and avoid administrative punishment while meeting the following conditions:

  • the applicant attempts to submit a notification no more than six months after the expiration of a year from the date of receipt of the RVP. In fact, the deadline must be missed by no more than 4 months;
  • the applicant has documents confirming the validity of the reasons for which the filing of the notification on time was not possible, for example, certificates and extracts confirming the stay in hospital;
  • the applicant, although with a missed deadline, provides a full package of documents and follows the procedure for confirming residence.

Do I need to notify every year. What are the consequences of missing a notice?

It should be said right away that by ignoring the obligation to timely submit a notice of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation under the TRP, a migrant commits an administrative offense. Responsibility for it is provided for under Art. 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. part 1 of this article provides for punishment in the form of:

  • a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation.

Part 3 Art. 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for separate liability for persons who have committed such offenses in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as areas adjacent to them.

The fine for migrants in these regions has been increased to between 5,000 and 7,000 rubles. It also provides for administrative expulsion.

To date, the second type of punishment (expulsion) is alternative, that is, not mandatory, and the courts do not always decide on the expulsion of a migrant.

For example, according to Part 1.1 of Art. 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, expulsion is mandatory, but according to this rule, migrants who do not submit a notification of confirmation of residence are not attracted (this article is applied for more severe violations).

The fact that expulsion is not always applied should not be taken as an excuse to ignore the obligation to notify. In case of a secondary similar offense during the year, or other administrative offense related to:

  • violation of public order or encroachment on public safety;
  • violation of the rules for the stay of migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the procedure for the legal conduct of labor activity;
  • illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, as well as precursors.

migrants must be expelled from the country. In this case, he will not be able to come to Russia within 5 years after the expulsion.

So, for those who received RVP, an annual notification is an obligation that a migrant must fulfill twice during their residence in this status on the territory of the Russian Federation. Compared to the annual notice of residence for a residence permit, it has a number of features related to the timing and methods of submitting the notice. Ignoring the rules for filing a notification may lead to deportation from the Russian Federation.

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This is the name of an environmental campaign that has already been held 10 times. To connect, it was only necessary for 60 minutes to refuse ...
Chapter 1. General Provisions Article 1. Subject of Regulation and Purpose of this Federal Law 1. This Federal Law...