Search for patent documents in the database of the US Patent Office.

Nadezhda Reingand, patent lawyer from Washington (USA)

Patents are divided into three categories: so-called utility patents, design patents and plant patents. We mainly deal with utility patents.
So, by definition, a patent can be obtained for something new, useful and non-trivial. The first two are clear, but what is non-trivial? This means that something truly fundamentally new has been invented, and not a slight improvement of what already exists. If the body of a computer monitor is painted with daisies, then, despite the fact that it will be new, such an invention is essentially trivial.

A patent gives the right to exclude everyone else from making and selling a product. That is, a patent is not filed to show everyone that you were the first to invent, and a patent is not taken in order to produce something. It is taken to put others out of business.

Thus, they patent what is new, useful and non-trivial and on which they can make a business (read - money).
If we talk about what technologies/topics are most popular now, then, of course, high-tech, electronics, and many patents on mechanics and electrical appliances. Patenting a software product is difficult, and despite the fact that software has been patented for twenty years, there are still no standards in this area. Lately Many patents have appeared on so-called business methods.

Question: - How to patent a device that is new, but not unique? Example: There are many digital thermometers in the world, but I honestly developed mine i.e. I didn’t look into other people’s circuits, I designed everything from the scratch and I want to protect my circuit with a patent. How can I do it? In theory, any lawyer can tell me “what’s new, HP has been producing such devices for 15 years.” But on the other hand, everything is different inside. But how to understand this is unclear, because no one knows how it is inside HP...

Answer: - Let's start with concrete example digital thermometer. You can patent something that is new in the world. If such a device has already been invented by someone before, no matter in Australia or Brazil, it cannot be patented. Thus, the first thing you need to do is check whether this technical solution is new. To do this, you need to read other people's patents on the same topic. Articles, strictly speaking, are not a good source, since by definition, they do not necessarily describe a WORKING device, while a patent describes only working ones. A reference to the fact that Hewlett Packard or any other company produces a similar device, in in this case has no relevance to the matter, since we are comparing technical solutions (what’s inside), and not the function of the device (measures temperature).
So let's start by searching for similar patents. Fortunately, nowadays you don’t need to go to the patent library and read numerous volumes describing inventions. Information can be found on the Internet.
I was very pleased to discover that the Russian Patent Office has made a huge step in this direction in recent years.

Look for Russian patents here - the search is usually carried out using keywords:
Visit the European Patent Office website
in the Keyword(s) in title or abstract section
type a combination of keywords, for example,
digital thermometer body
At the same time, information about 157 patents popped up. In my opinion, half of them are really to the point. Read and formulate for yourself what is the difference and novelty of your approach. There is an option - copy the entire patent to pdf format, along with drawings, that is, all documents are available in their entirety and free of charge.
Another browser would also be good to look at, this is Google Patent Search
There I just typed digital thermometer - and got very good patents. Google's selection logic is excellent, always on point. The disadvantage of Google (for now) is that their database only contains US patents, which is approximately 80%, and the remaining 20%, that is, Europe and the rest of the world, are not yet available.
There is also a database of the American Patent Office
It makes sense to watch it, since many patent it in their homeland and at the same time in America.
There is no need to be alarmed by the number of selected patents. A professional patent analyst reads up to 1000 patents per day. This is not even reading, but viewing, as a result of which, as a rule, 10-20 remain truly relevant.

Thus, key points in filing a patent application is the belief that you invented it first in the world and your thermometer is not described in any other patents.

The developer certainly needs to know the available technical solutions. So that it doesn’t turn out like with a mathematician in one Hindu village, who not so long ago invented differential calculus himself - well done! But before that, Leibniz and Newton did it.
A patent lawyer can help you search for similar patents. As a rule, a lawyer knows better how to look, and an inventor knows what to look for. It's best if they work together. Another good option is when the inventor is familiar with the patent case, and the lawyer is well acquainted with technical side question.
If the invention is truly new, then, as a rule, no problems with patenting arise, it does not matter whether the whole invention or individual parts (assemblies) are patented.

Question: -Can a perpetual motion machine be patented?
Answer: - In America it is included in the legislation that patents for perpetual motion machines are not considered.
I can’t say when the legislation on perpetual motion machines was adopted. The libraries contain only latest editions law (now September 2007), the law is constantly updated.
I have a 1994 edition - it already contains about engines.
Who is interested in patents for perpetual motion machines - read this very interesting page
there are examples of patents, and physical principles, and also numbers of articles of American legislation, where it is mentioned that such patents are not considered

Question: - Why is a plant patent indicated separately? Those. on the new kind the animal or insect was not isolated, but the plant was isolated?
Answer: -You can only patent something that is created by man. Plants can only be patented if they are created asexually, that is, by budding, dividing roots, etc. Mostly flowers are patented. To create an animal, you usually need a dad and mom, so animals are not patentable. HOWEVER: by court decision in 1980, the first patent was issued for a microorganism created by man. Later, in the 90s, they allowed to patent a method for constructing DNA. That is the process is underway. No one has ever tried to patent cloning...
By the way, the law prohibits patenting plants from the potato family and the Jerusalem artichoke. Poor! :-) This is probably where we’ll finish the topic about plants, since there are probably no Michurinites in our audience :-)

Question: - How to protect yourself from not finding an exact copy of your Chinese-made device in a year?
Answer: -A patent has territory, that is, if you receive Russian patent, then he will exclude others from the production and sale of this product in Russia. Thus, starting to produce your product in China and selling it in America is not prohibited. In order to ban production in China, it is necessary to patent it in China. If your patent is Russian, then you cannot import into Russia your goods produced, say, in China. In short, important patents are patented in many countries at the same time. This is a bit expensive, but if the market is obvious and there are business prospects, then this is what should be done.

Question: - Please tell us about patent killers. Is it true that if, with my company of 5 people, I want to get into the sphere of interests of a large company, then no patent will help me and the maximum that they will offer me is a certain amount so that I get out of the market, otherwise this patent will be “killed” by the interested company ?

Answer: - Regarding attention big companies to patents. As far as I know, no one really buys patents or licenses for them. Basically, the business model in large companies is based on the following. Instead of doing R&D work in-house and spending money on work with unknown results, companies are considering proposals that are presented to them by numerous startups. They buy something that has a working prototype, that is, it has been tested in practice and works. Purchased together with a patent package. Patents are important. If a product is produced that is not protected by a patent, then any other company can copy this product and start producing it. The price of a company that produces a product and does not have a patent is significantly lower. It is worth investing in getting a patent and then selling your company for 10 times the value of the company without the patent.
The path from idea to implementation, as we all know, is not short. That's why big companies don't pay attention special attention for bare patents. They are not killed, they are simply not known about, they are ignored.
There is also a whole separate area of ​​“how to circumvent someone else’s patent,” that is, come up with a new technical solution to bypass the existing one. I gave a course of lectures on this topic, and I find it fascinating. My Russian friends commented that this is vile and should not be done this way. To me it seems like a battle of wits, like a game of chess, who is smarter than who. Why am I telling you - of course, companies use legal methods to circumvent patents, and there are many of them. On the other hand, they buy startups very quickly, especially those that produce necessary (there is a sales market) and proven devices.

Question: - What is the validity period of a patent?
Answer: -The lifespan of a patent is 20 years from the date of filing, there are details there, but something like this.
Almost all patents are now available on the Internet.

Question: - How much does it cost to apply for a patent yourself in the USA? through a patent attorney? How much does it cost to maintain a patent?

Answer: - As we have already discussed, a patent has a territory. Thus, US patenting is intended to exclude others from production and sale in the US. There are also international patent organizations covering many countries. The purpose of such organizations is to examine the patent (whether it is really new, useful, non-trivial) once, and then you still need to transfer the patent to a country or countries and pay separately for patenting in each country.
According to Russian law, a Russian inventor first files a patent application in Russia, then international application to the PCT organization (patent cooperation treaty), and from there it goes down to the USA and other countries. The path is long (many years) and very expensive. Price PCT applications(duty only) about $3 thousand. At this point, you need to hire a European patent attorney with an hourly wage of at least 300. And how many hours he will work depends on the complexity of the patent and how “new” the invention is. Then you have to pay for the examination in different countries, the fee is about $500 in each country, plus the work of a lawyer in that country.
In my life, I have encountered cases where Russian businessmen immediately patented in the USA, bypassing Russia. In this case, they had an international creative team and a co-inventor living in America. Patenting in America is necessary when the American sales market is primarily of interest. Already from America you can apply for a patent in Europe, including Russia. The fee for a US patent is about $500, for Europe - about $3000.
In theory, you can file a US patent yourself, meaning the entire patent will cost $500. This is quite difficult, since you need to know the rules, but it is possible. When the patent is allowed, you need to pay $1000 for its release, then after 3 years another $900 ($450 if the enterprise-inventor has up to 500 people), after 7 years $2300 ($1150) and after 11 years $3800 ($1900).
If done through a patent attorney, it is better to negotiate for a certain amount than to pay by the hour ( hourly payment from $100 to $800 per hour). I know cases from $3 thousand to $180 thousand for one patent. On average, in high-tech it is believed that a patent for $10 thousand is good. Well, you can patent a door handle much cheaper.
There is also an option when an attorney makes a patent for a certain percentage of further profits, and not for an advance payment.

Question: -You deal with a patent office in both the USA and Russia, are there any differences in the work?
Answer: - In the USA, everything is done online, I can easily look at ALL documents, all correspondence of all patents, not only those that I maintain, but in general any of anyone’s. Everything is transparent. I call examiners daily and discuss pressing issues - direct contact. I know the procedure accelerated receipt patent for 12 months, there is such a thing in the legislation and how it is actually done. Now I’m not talking about the law, but in general about the organization of the process of filing and issuing patents at the level of the country’s patent office.
I have very limited experience with the Russian patent office. I am pleased to observe positive changes in the organization of the website. However, many things still work the old fashioned way, with huge time delays (once I had to wait for a response to my request for six months - it is clear that when it arrived, it was no longer needed: we work not even by the day, but by the hour ). I would be happy to share my experience in organizing the process with my Russian colleagues.
I treat inventors in Russia with great warmth (I myself was a scientist for 15 years until I switched to the patent business), and I would really like them to have normal conditions for work.

Registration and patenting intellectual property in the USA it is gaining popularity from year to year; in the first half of 2017 alone, the US Patent and Trademark Off. (USPTO) issued more than 180 thousand protection documents. California is traditionally considered a leader in this issue, it accounts for the fifth part of all patents in the country.

Patents for inventions in the United States have gained significant popularity due to the economic component and scientific and technological progress: this country has one of the most powerful markets; the presence of intellectual property in the USA opens up new opportunities for finding investors. In addition, it is in the USA that it is possible to register business methods, algorithms and software.

Patenting in America: stages and features

Stage 1: US Patent Application

As in other countries, you must submit an application to your local office (USPTO) to have your intellectual property reviewed and verified for compliance. There are several application forms:

A provisional application is a unique method of “getting in line” and achieving priority by filing date over competitors. Such an application is submitted in a reduced volume and cannot be changed during the process, but is not verified by the relevant authorities, and is automatically considered “rejected” after 12 month period. This powerful method of “pre-patenting” has gained considerable popularity among startups and open-funded projects (Kickstarter, etc.) when they need to occupy a certain niche, but are not sure how it will all develop further.

A full (Non-Provisional) application is a full-fledged application for a title of protection, all US patents, without exception, are passed this stage. During the 12 month period of the Provisional application, it is possible to transform it into this category, send to undergo all necessary examinations.

A Continuation application is an opportunity to supplement your inventions or applications if you have improved the formula, made the methods more advanced, etc. The advantages of such an application are that it real opportunity change the first two varieties, maintaining the original filing date. Moreover, situations cannot be ruled out when new opportunities for your invention will open up after the Provisional or even complete application.

So, the best algorithm for registering a patent in the USA will be the Provisional – Non-Provisional chain. In this case you fill out simple form, you can specify an individual or legal entity, carefully prepare to submit a full application, evaluate market attractiveness (or even try to find additional investors).

The second stage is transforming your application into a complete and official uniform. Much more is presented for her serious demands, and the cost of registration is much higher. Most forms can be submitted online and work with electronic versions drawings and documents, preferably English language.

What is the price?

It should be noted that total cost A US patent consists of a set of separate procedures, from how much material needs to be checked by the patent office, what fees need to be paid. Everything here is very individual, and, alas, there is no universal recipe or price list. Although, it can be noted that a Provisional application will cost in the range from $130 to $200.

Stage 2: requirements and examination

One of key features registration in the USA is special shape carrying out examination of inventive or technical level. By law, in order to obtain a patent in the United States, you must disclose in the application best way implementation of your invention.

In addition, as part of checking the general technical level of your invention, it will be necessary to submit the so-called. IDS (Information Disclosure Declaration). This is a document that reveals everything necessary information about the invention, it is used to clearly understand the “prior art”, the technical “background” of your intellectual property.

This is required to be done by all applicants for a document of protection in accordance with the instructions for checking patentability (MPEP, Manual of Patent Examining Procedure) and federal law(US Code: title 35, 37 section CSFR). If you are registering in the US only and file an IDS before the first notice from the US Patent Office within the 3 month period, you do not pay any additional fee.

The rest of the examination is carried out in a fairly similar way to domestic inspections. At each stage of the process, you will be provided with an official response from the bureau, with the opportunity to make certain adjustments to the application. Registration of patents in the US takes from one and a half to 3 years, during which it is highly advisable to constantly monitor official letters from the USPTO. Stage 3: Issuance and maintenance of a patent

If you and your application have passed all necessary checks, congratulations, you are at the finish line. Now, to get a US patent, you need to pay the appropriate fee... and keep it valid.

Maintaining a US patent is effectively a deferred fee. During the 20 years of validity of the document of protection, the applicant pays the established fee after 3 and a half years, seven and a half and eleven and a half years. This compares favorably with the annual practice for most countries of the world, but these deadlines should not be forgotten.

In addition, sometimes it may be necessary additional protection your rights. The fact is that the United States provides for the possibility of conducting a re-examination, at the request of a third party. As a result of such a review, details may be changed: changes to the application and scope legal protection. Such a procedure can be initiated by the copyright holder himself if new details become known, technical details or even the intention of competitors to file a related complaint.

Krivtsov and Partners: we will help you patent your invention in the USA

The company "Krivtsov and Partners" offers its clients broad and comprehensive assistance in obtaining patents in the USA. We have extensive experience working with our overseas partners; our staff includes specialized specialists who are familiar with all the intricacies of the American legal system in the field of intellectual property and patenting. We undertake to represent your interests and assist in registering your intellectual property at all stages. We offer:

Assistance in drafting and filing an application with the USPTO (Provisional and Non-Provisional).
Technical translation of all materials and maintenance business correspondence with the patent office.
Patent maintenance, additional legal protection.
Assistance in anticipating all risks, drawing up a clear strategy and all necessary legal advice.
Representation of interests at all levels.

07/07/2015 0 comments

A special role in the American economy was played by the emergence patent law. National Patent Office - Bureau of Patents and Trademarks USA - USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) is under the Department of Commerce and performs three main functions:

  • providing advice government agencies and officials;
  • regulation of laws on patent law;
  • consultation with business representatives on intellectual property issues.

In addition to the above, the department provides advice on issues.

The US Patent Office is also responsible for the actual granting and production of patents. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the administrative apparatus is completely self-sufficient - this was made possible thanks to the fee charged for registration.

History of the bureau Originally, the governor of each state had the power to issue patents. The Federal Patent Act changed everything - its essence was reduced to maximum assistance state apparatus

USA to inventors, artists, writers and businessmen. However, the patent office was not formed immediately. It took about 20 years for the corresponding administrative structure . Essentially, this is an agency of the US Department of Commerce that conducts activities with both individuals and legal entities

. His responsibilities include registration of new trademarks and intellectual property.

American Patent Office USPTO: facts and mission

  • Interesting facts about the bureau:
  • The first patent was issued on July 31, 1790.
  • Certificates issued from 1790 to 1836 were burned in a fire. About 3,000 were restored.

Throughout its history, the USPTO has issued approximately eight million patents. Since 2006, the US Patent Office has been located in Alexandria. It cooperates effectively with the European Patent Office and others international institutions

in the licensing industry. This means that, having received a patent in America, the inventor will announce his development to the whole world. And in case of plagiarism in any other country, the case will be sent to an international court. The mission of the USPTO in the 21st century is to maximize the advancement of intellectual, technical, industrial and information development

states. The National Patent Office operates on the basis of work and legal ethics.

Open department database To simplify the process of issuing and checking patents, the office created open base data, which contains all data starting from 1790. On the website anyone can find required document

for any year.

A resource user can find out the history of a particular patent using attached links to past analogues. Unfortunately, certificates issued before 1976 are not available in text format, but clear photographs of all documents are available. To download, you will need to install a special plugin, which can be downloaded on the website.

In terms of the number of applications submitted for obtaining documents of protection for intellectual property, the United States occupies a leading position from year to year. So, according to statistical data patent office In the United States, more than 185,000 protection documents were issued in the first half of 2017.

Great interest in obtaining US patents from both domestic and foreign applicants is evident. In addition, US legislation defining intellectual property rights effectively protects the interests of holders of protection documents obtained in this country.

The official body in the United States that regulates the registration and protection of intellectual property is the United States Patent and Trademark Office - USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). It is important to note that on September 16, 2011, the US government approved the Patent Reform 2011 (America Invents Act - AIA), the purpose of which is to harmonize US patent legislation along with most countries of the world.

Features of patenting in the USA

US patents and the procedure for obtaining them have a number of differences from the generally accepted patenting system, the main ones:

1. In the United States, it is the applicant's responsibility to notify the Office of any information regarding the prior art disclosed in the application that becomes known throughout the proceedings and to file an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS). Willful non-compliance this requirement may entail recognition of the patent as not having legal force. If the IDS is filed within 3 months of the U.S. filing date or before the first Office request is received, there is no official filing fee for the IDS. If any information contained in the IDS declaration was first mentioned in correspondence with a foreign patent office regarding a parallel application earlier than 3 months before the filing of this declaration, an additional official fee is provided.
2. The USA is one of the few countries in the world where it is possible to patent an invention computer programs, algorithms and business methods.
3. Available in the USA Grace period duration of one year from the date of public disclosure of the invention until filing patent application. In many other countries, a patent application must be filed before the invention is publicly disclosed.
4. US law requires that the application disclose the best method for carrying out the invention;

Also a feature of American patent law is the possibility of filing provisional application. When filing a provisional application, you are not required to provide claims and an inventor's declaration. A substantive examination of preliminary applications is not carried out and information about them is not published. A provisional application is valid for 12 months, after which it must be converted into a patent application. Submitting a preliminary application can be very helpful in negotiations with potential partners, customers or licensees. In addition, pre-applications are often necessary when seeking funding.

Advantages of pre-application:

1) The cost of filing a provisional application is three to four times lower than for a patent application;
2) The ability to use a preliminary application to establish a priority date for it, which prevents competitors from obtaining patents for identical inventions.
3) A preliminary application allows you to assess the market potential of an invention for a small fee and decide within 12 months whether it is worth investing in the invention.

Stages of obtaining a patent in the USA

1. Preliminary patent search
A preliminary patent search is necessary to determine the patentability of an invention - whether the invention is subject to patenting in the United States, and if not, then for what reasons. Such a search is carried out before filing an application, as a result of which it is possible to make appropriate changes to the application for an invention before the examination stage and reduce the likelihood of inquiries at this stage.

2. Preparation and filing of a patent application
An application for a patent in the United States is drawn up in English and consists of a package of documents (application of the author, drawings and diagrams, description and claims, declaration of the author, etc.), which must comply with all USPTO requirements. When filing a patent application, you must describe the best way to use the invention. A fee must be paid to submit an application.

3. Expertise
The average examination period by the US Patent Office ranges from 1.5 to 3 years. At this stage every official letter, obtained from the US Patent Office will generally require certain amendments to be made to the application.
Based on the results of the examination, the USPTO sends a notice of grant of a patent or refusal to grant a patent.

4. Issuance of a patent
Once the applicant has paid the patent application fee, the USPTO will issue document of protection to the owner.

5. Maintaining a Patent
The term of a US patent begins on the date the application is filed with the US Patent Office and ends 20 years later. Once a patent is issued, maintenance fees must be paid, as required by the UPSTO, such fees are paid after 3.5, 7.5 and 11.5 years, and not annually, as is customary in many other countries around the world.

6. It is also important to note that in the US there is the possibility of reexamination, which can be applied for at any time during the life of the patent. During the re-examination, a third party can express its objections to the patent office, and in case of the expert’s comments, the patent holder can make appropriate changes and narrow the scope of legal protection. A re-examination may also be requested at the initiative of the copyright holder. This is advisable if relevant references to the prior art become directly known to him. of this invention. Thus, re-examination provides the patent holder with the opportunity to avoid objections from third parties and strengthen the scope of legal protection.

Patenting in the USA is also possible on the basis of, provided that it is transferred to the national phase before the expiration of 30 months from the priority date.

The company is pleased to offer you its services for patenting your invention in the USA.

The application is filed directly with the USPTO on behalf of the inventor, without cooperation with patent attorneys USA, which significantly reduces the cost of patenting. Our many years of experience in filing applications in the USA allows us to successfully represent your interests in this territory.

"Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat and Partners" guarantees the confidentiality of all information obtained during the proceedings to obtain and maintain a patent in force.

Official medicine declares numerous (since 2001) complaints from patients about painful sensations and more than strange manifestations of the so-called “Morgellons disease” to be dermatozoal delirium. Apart from allergic dermatitis and sensations of a “psychogenic nature,” according to corporate scientists, there are no other symptoms or causative agents of the disease, and therefore, Morgellons disease itself does not exist.

However, in November 2014 on the network page Global March Against Geoengineering the following accusation was made: “Fact - Morgellons is US Patent 6245531, it is not a disease, but a US patented military biological weapons with insect DNA ecdysone in the human body."

Morgellon's patent is called "Polynucleotide,

encoding insect ecdysone receptor."

Polynucleotides are DNA and RNA

(biopolymers composed of 13 or more

nucleotide monomers in the chain).

To understand the difficult question of what is hidden behind these “inventions,” a video text prepared by Skizit Gesture and entitled “Patented Morgellons Disease” will help. The insect hormone ecdysone starts and stops the disease":

This is the most important information, which you will ever learn about Morgellons disease: how the insect hormone ecdysone causes genetic abnormalities (Skizit Gesture - 2013).

Do you have slow-healing ulcers? These lesions can be caused by microscopic arthropods, too small to be seen by the naked eye. The doctor who examined you said that this was a hallucination, since he did not see these insects? Are there insects or worms, bacteria or plants in your skin? The gene therapy that makes this possible uses the insect hormone ecdysone and its receptor EcR. The insect hormone receptor from the Drosophila fruit fly or other species is included among your own skin hormone receptors. Geneticists have developed a system for use in transgenic animals, where the insect hormone receptor molecule ecdysone is able to be continuously synthesized in the glandular cells of the body. "Transgenic" means an organism whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering. Gene therapy is when DNA encoding a therapeutic protein is placed into a “vector” that is used to produce the DNA inside cells. Cells use new DNA to make proteins that can help or harm you.

Morgellon's patent is titled "Polynucleotide encoding an insect ecdysone receptor." US 6245531 B1. Polynucleotides are deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and ribonucleic acids (RNA) (biopolymers formed by 13 or more nucleotide monomers in one chain). Inventors: David Hogness, Michael Kelle and William Seagraves. The original patentee is the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Registered on September 30, 1992. Published May 7, 1996.

This patent describes adding a molecular switch by using the ecdysone hormone receptor molecule, which is genetically engineered into insects, worms, bacteria and mammals, allowing all of these entities to exist in your skin. In insects, ecdysone induces reproduction, growth, molting and development through activation of the ecdysone receptor. This receptor is called EcR and is attached to a molecule called USP (retinoid X in humans). The ecdysone receptor recognizes and responds to the presence of ecdysone, triggering a cascade of molecular events that control development, homeostasis, and metabolism of the body. In insects, the presence of ecdysone triggers the ecdysone receptor. In the absence of ecdysone, nothing happens. This molecular on/off switch is called the inducible expression system. Ecdysone is used in biochemical studies as an inducer in transgenic animals when it is introduced into the animal's body new gene. Adding or removing ecdysteroids from an animal's diet turns the inserted gene on or off. Ecdysone has no effect on animals that do not have the extra genes inserted, so its presence indicates the effect of the transgene. Insects and worms in the skin provide the supply of ecdysone, which triggers transgenes. The triggered genes can be invisible viruses or any other pathogenic combinations. The ecdysone switch can be used to launch inactive viruses. This system uses reporter molecules such as luciferases. When skin is remade using transgenes, luciferases can change the skin so that it appears yellow. This system uses enhancers and promoters derived from viruses such as SV40, adenovirus, bovine papillomavirus, polyoma virus, cytomegalovirus and retroviruses such as leukemia virus, Rous sarcoma virus and HIV. The ecdysone system affects certain types of blood cells, such as lymphocytes and neutrophils, and may act as an immunomodulator. If you have been inoculated with an inducible ecdysone expression system, you may have ecdysone or other arthropod hormones and receptors in your blood.

Human skin

“Human skin. Independent peripheral endocrine organ" - Christos Ts. Tsouboulis - Berlin, Germany.

Human skin is an independent peripheral endocrine organ that produces hormones and is capable of metabolizing hormones, as well as activating and deactivating them. Human skin produces hormones that are released into the blood circulation and are important for the functions of the entire body. Therefore, it is a target for gene therapy using the ecdysone receptor. Human skin produces insulin-like growth stimulants and binding proteins, proopiomelanocortin derivatives, catecholamines, steroid hormones, vitamin D, retinoids and eicosanoids. Hormones exert their biological effects on the skin through interaction with high-affinity receptors, such as receptors for peptide hormones, neurotransmitters, steroid hormones and thyroid hormones.

Gene therapy

Gene therapy can cause disease or cure it. The purpose of gene therapy as a weapon is to effect a permanent, debilitating change in the genetic structure of the victim. This weapon is not intended to be lethal. Gene therapy is used to change a person's genetic structure without their knowledge or consent, using an insect vector. Insects pass on genes through their saliva and reproductive or excretory systems. These genes must enter the cells and be stably expressed at the proper levels. Genetic control must be extremely precise so that a potentially fatal disease does not manifest itself prematurely, but only in response to a trigger impulse. Invisible viruses can persist for long periods of time without causing detectable harm. They can be contagious, spread undetected throughout the target population for a long time, and then go off.

It's time for responsible parties take responsibility for this entomological terrorism!

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