Obtaining plots of land in the Far East. “No one needs hectare workers”

On February 1, 2017, the final stage of implementation of the law on the Far Eastern hectare began. From this day on, every citizen of Russia, regardless of age and place of residence, can receive free land in the Far East at the rate of no more than 1 hectare per person. PrimaMedia news agency has prepared cards that will help you understand who, where and how much land is given in the Far East, and how it can be used.

To do this you need:

2. Activate your account in any multifunctional center (MFC) in your region;

2. Log in to your personal account on the website Na Far Vostok.rf using the login and password issued during registration;

3. Draw the boundaries of the future land plot on a public cadastral map using service tools;

4. Check the electronic application generated by FIS, print it, sign, scan and send it along with a copy of the passport (main page and registration page) through the website NaDalniyvostok.rf. Within a week, the authorized body will have to check whether there are grounds for refusing to provide the site. If they are not there, the plot you formed will be registered, they will issue an order to transfer it for free use and send you a contract to your personal account;

5. Sign an agreement for the free use of the land plot within 30 days after receiving the draft agreement.

Can I be denied land and why?

How can they? Moreover, as practice shows, consideration of approximately a third of all applications for land ends in refusals. The law defines a list of reasons (there are 25) why you may be denied land. Your application may be rejected if you provide false information about yourself, forget to attach supporting documents to your application, or choose land already occupied by individuals or legal entities, protected natural areas, municipalities, or the Ministry of Defense. They will not be given a plot on lands reserved for municipal and state needs, or areas where mining is carried out.


Can I count on government help in developing my hectare?

The law does not say anything directly about state assistance to hectare recipients. Nevertheless, it contains a norm that implies the possibility of support for settlers from regional and municipal authorities, as well as the creation of infrastructure for new settlements formed by recipients of hectares.

The government is actively developing a set of measures to support immigrants at the federal level.

This work is coordinated by the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East. It will help people who have the desire and opportunity to move to the Far East to adapt to the harsh living conditions of the region.

The authorities promise to use all available tools to support the displaced. Officials promise to provide assistance in employment, including at enterprises located in priority development areas. Entrepreneurs will be able to apply for subsidies, grants and preferential loans. Also, they will not need to conduct a state historical and cultural examination during excavation, construction, reclamation, economic or other work on the site.

The Ministry of Eastern Development, together with the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML), is developing a mechanism for preferential mortgages for recipients of hectares. Preferential consumer lending programs are also being developed.

Thus, in mid-2017, Pochta Bank will launch a special loan product for recipients of the “Far Eastern hectare”, which involves issuing consumer loans up to 300 thousand rubles at 8% per annum for up to five years.


If I fail to develop my hectare, can I take another one somewhere else?

According to the law, a Far Eastern hectare can be obtained only once. Even if the site you have chosen turns out to be unsuitable for development, it is unlikely that you will be able to return it or exchange it for another. You will not be able to get another plot if you do not master the previously issued one.

The development of the Far Eastern region has become a priority for the state, since most of the land remains undeveloped and unsuitable for life and business. To attract the flow of population to this area, the Far Eastern Hectare project was developed.

general information

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What the law says

According to the current law, land is allocated in favor of a citizen for use for 5 years.

However, the same law stipulates that after three years, the family and citizen are required to provide a declaration indicating the work performed. That is, no one receives ownership of the land completely free of charge and free of charge; it must be cultivated and developed in any legal way.

Moreover, if a permit is issued for private construction, registration as a peasant farm and the use of real estate for this purpose are not prohibited.

It’s just that this aspect will have to be clarified when filing a declaration after a year, three or five. The type of permitted use can be changed already in the first year of development, but not more than once a year.

Legal activity means any business activity that is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if a family receives a plot of land for personal use (for example, living and farming), then this is also permitted by law.

So, if a family took a plot for personal farming and built a house in less than five years, then ownership of the plot can be registered earlier.

Conditions of receipt

There are a number of conditions without which it is impossible to obtain a hectare for free use. These conditions include:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • development of the site during the first three years and the next two;
  • agreement to the terms of the program.

The main pitfall is the allocation of land for free use, and not for ownership.

After the expiration of the 5-year period, a citizen or family can independently decide on what conditions to use the site further - by registering ownership or leasing it. Both options remain at the discretion of the applicant; government officials have no right to oblige any type of registration. It is important that for the first five years the plot is not subject to tax; after registration of the plot as property, taxation will be on a general basis, depending on the permitted use of the plot.

Site map

There is also a “catch” in the law, which significantly deters many citizens from applying for land - the remoteness of the plots.

In fact, you can get a hectare in a remote area. If the nearest populated area does not exceed 50 thousand people, then land can be obtained 10 kilometers from this city. If more than 300 thousand people live in a city, then the distance should be 20 kilometers.

In fact, hectares are offered in the most remote and undeveloped areas, some of which are impossible to develop due to natural features - swampy or wooded areas.

The virtual map shows approximate borders and approximate terrain, which can cause difficulties in actually obtaining land.

You can select an approximate site on the official website of the project, at the same time assessing the general scale and terrain. The “pegs” will have to be driven in directly on the site, after visiting it after the application has been approved. Attention! The question of the possibility of providing plots in the Far East to our former compatriots living in foreign countries is currently being considered. The President of the Russian Federation instructed to expand the program so that it can be applied to participants in the State Voluntary Resettlement Program.

For such persons, a mandatory condition will be participation in the voluntary resettlement program and obtaining Russian citizenship. The plot is planned to be issued at the stage of registration of citizenship.

How to get land

Since 2017, the application procedure has been significantly simplified. On the official portal dedicated to the Far Eastern hectare, you can submit the application form electronically. However, for this you need to have an active personal account on the government services portal.

After the application is generated, it is sent for consideration. The review period is 20 calendar days. After this time, an official response is received confirming or refusing to provide the land.

The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  1. Authorization in your ESIA personal account.
  2. Filling out the application.
  3. Selecting a site on a virtual map.
  4. Submitting an application.
  5. Getting a response.

After receiving a response from the department that the citizen’s application has been approved, he will need to personally visit the selected site. Moreover, immediately after approval, an agreement is concluded for the free use of the site for a period of 5 years.

How is land development assessed?

There are no clear criteria yet.

Moreover, 2017 is more devoted to studying the issue of citizens’ interest in land development than their direct allocation. According to experts, the first areas will actually be developed and transferred no earlier than 2018. During this time, the law will receive several more improvements and changes, as well as auxiliary regulations.

In the process of gratuitous use, the recipient of the property does not have the right to dispose of it in full. The plots cannot be sold, donated, leased, only used and only within the legal framework. In the future, after registration of ownership, the real estate can be disposed of in full, unless otherwise stipulated by additional regulations.

The fact that the land was not even developed will be immediately clear to specialists. The state does not plan to give out land just like that, since it is interested in the development and settlement of the Far East.

How can you use the plots?

The area received from the state can be used in a variety of ways.

For example, for the development of agriculture. The legislative framework of the Russian Federation implies the issuance of grants to beginning farmers. That is why the main emphasis in the project is on those who are going to engage in peasant farming on the received lands.

It is not prohibited to use the site for individual housing construction and further residence. Moreover, within the framework of the program, the state can guarantee financial support when moving from other districts and regions. Today, each region is developing its own support system for immigrants and entrepreneurs. This includes both government subsidies and special loan offers from leading banks with reduced interest rates.

The main emphasis is on entrepreneurs who want to expand their business or move it to other areas. This applies primarily to medium-sized companies involved in agriculture and forestry.

One of the columns in the application is a line about how the site will be used. However, a year after receiving a hectare, it is necessary to additionally notify the authorized agency about the purpose of obtaining the land.

Legislative issues

In 2018, there were quite a few different programs to help and support citizens and medium and small businesses. However, not all of them are applicable within the framework of the Far Eastern hectare project.

That is why there is a legislative problem: people or entrepreneurs want to get a plot, but cannot, because they cannot provide it financially. Government officials are already developing several projects that will partially subsidize citizens in the process of developing land in the East.

Another problem is the experience of providing real estate to citizens, which, after registration, is put up for sale.

To prevent this from happening to the Far Eastern hectares, they are first provided for free use, and only then - into ownership. However, there are no guarantees that the property will not be sold in the future. And this poses some problem for the state.

The ambitious project “Far Eastern Hectare” is summing up its first results: hectare owners who took the first plots of land are filing reporting declarations. Hektar was designed to solve the problem of the outflow of people from the Far East - over the past 25 years, according to Vladimir Putin, almost 2 million residents have left it. But instead of the expected 30 million people, this initiative attracted only 73,000. “The Secret of the Firm” figured out why even significant benefits did not motivate Russians to take free land in the Far East and what difficulties hectare owners faced.

"Hectare": rules of the game

The Law on the Far Eastern Hectare was adopted in 2016 to develop almost a third of the land in this district - more than 170 million hectares. Since June 2016, it came into force for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, and since February 2017 - for all Russians.

The Far Eastern Hectare program started three years ago with “pilot” areas in the Far East itself. The first to take part in it were one municipality in each of the (at that time) nine regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. In October 2016, the second stage of the program began, when all Far Eastern residents had the opportunity to register land in their regions. On February 1, 2017, the program became available to all Russians. Before the law was adopted in Yakutia, there were a number of protests by local residents who were afraid that hectare owners would cut off access to the region’s natural resources. However, now Yakuts are in second place in the number of hectares issued in the country.

Soon after the launch of the project in the Far East, three northwestern regions of Russia: Kostroma in 2017, Leningrad and Vologda in 2018 - introduced their bills on the free distribution of unused land to families (Russian citizens) on the same conditions. From August 2019, Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory will join the program; from 2020, all residents of Russia can take a hectare in these regions.

How to get land

To receive a hectare, a simple application is enough. Then, during the first year, the hectare owner needs to decide on the type of use of the site, and after three years, he must declare the progress of development, although there are no clear criteria for development at the moment. After five years of use, the plot can be obtained as a property or long-term lease - 49 years.

*Data from the Agency for Human Capital Development in the Far East.

From mortgages to memes: how they tried to attract Russians to Hektar

The requirements for hectare owners are becoming softer every year: now it’s not only Russians. On March 28, 2019, a law came into force allowing participants in the program for the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation to receive a hectare. The same act allowed Russians to register Far Eastern hectares as their property ahead of schedule when building a house.

In September 2018, the Ministry of Eastern Development planned to amend the law on hectares, according to which a person, after successfully developing land, can apply for the next plot of land of the same size. On June 26, the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Trutnev, announced that owners of Far Eastern hectares will very soon be able to take advantage of a preferential mortgage at 2% per annum for building a house for 20 years. The document is still under development. It is also proposed to reduce the buffer zone in the Primorsky Territory: it is planned to issue land 10 km from Vladivostok instead of the previous 20 km and to “open” a “buffer” for a hectare of Nakhodka.

To attract attention to Hektar, advertising and memes were used over the years (for example, to popularize the program in Khabarovsk, they reshot video clip about Peter the Pig) and images of celebrities. Thus, mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter, now a member of the Krasnogorsk city council, Jeff Monson, who received Russian citizenship, announced his intention to take a hectare. The authorities of Primorye also reported that Steven Seagal will take part in the filming of a new television project for the Russia 1 channel, dedicated to Hektar. This was later denied by both the actor and the channel itself.

The project website reports 35 measures to help people who take a Far Eastern hectare (grants, microloans, loans). They also offer “ready-made” business plans for hectares with a specific purpose for the land. Many of them attract with initial investment amounts that are incomprehensible at first glance: for example, according to the website, you need to spend “7,180 thousand rubles” on organizing the collection of wild plants, and “5,718 thousand rubles” on creating a car service center.

“Yes, it seems that wild plants don’t need anything other than the container itself, where to collect them, but we must not forget that you must understand how to get to your wild plants, how is the infrastructure in this area, how are things going with the road and how you will export these wild plants,” says one of the hectare owners, Daria Pozdnyakova.

All by yourself

A resident of the Kamchatka Territory, Daria Pozdnyakova, took two hectares in 2017 with her husband. Later, another hectare was added to this land from my sister, who moved to St. Petersburg. Daria took the land for her old hobby, which became a business - for an equestrian club.

“Now we have 12 horses, seven dogs and three hectares,” says the girl. By the time the program was launched, the issue of placing animals became acute: the family moved from one rented site to another, and the animals suffered as a result. When they were choosing land, Daria and her husband themselves went to the hectare and inspected the site. They took it only the second or third time: refusals came because during the checks it turned out that the land was already owned.

“In the Far East, even within one kilometer, the landscape can change; the distance from a swamp to a hill can be 400–500 m,” says Daria. “We specifically went to our hectare in bad weather to see how the soil reacted and how windy it was.” She says that now there is not enough land for grazing horses and the family of hectare owners plans to rent additional space.

Investments in business on free land amounted to 4 million rubles, part of it was borrowed funds, part was a regular bank loan (to drill a water well). Daria and her husband did not receive any benefits. But they entered into an agreement with Kamchatka RAO to supply electricity, which, with a subsidy, will cost them 50,000 rubles instead of 2.5 million rubles. They do the filling of the road, its cleaning, the installation of septic tanks, and the construction themselves and with their own money.

Zinnur Zinnyatullin

Lawyer at Knyazev and Partners, specialist in land law

Hectare owners do not have legal mechanisms to seek the creation of infrastructure. Funds for this are allocated according to state programs from the budget and only if some kind of rural settlement has been formed, and not if you have a plot of land in a forest or field.

Hectare owners have not yet reached the break-even point. Daria says that the timing of the start of making a profit depends on what path of business development the family will ultimately take: whether it will be guest houses or just horse tourism. Now income greatly depends on the weather, the season, and the number of tourist groups. For example, in the summer the tourist season is at its peak, but in 2019 it rained throughout June and there were practically no tourists. Income, accordingly, too.

More profitable together

Mikhail Utrobin has one of the most beautiful success stories associated with the Far Eastern Hectare project. From a top manager in the Far Eastern department of the Sportmaster chain of stores, he turned into a modern exemplary farmer. He took a hectare in a convenient location - 50 km from Khabarovsk. Therefore, there was no need to spend money on infrastructure - roads, installing electricity from scratch. Mikhail won a grant for farmers, and since 2017 he was able to create his own brand of dairy products, “Morning on the Farm.” The Utrobins have no other sources of income other than the hectare.

Since December last year, it has become profitable (it took a year and two months from the start of business). The farmer sells his products by subscription via Instagram, bypassing all retail chains. To solve the problem of land shortage, Utrobin plans to create a cooperative, inviting friendly farmers and other entrepreneurs. This, in his opinion, is a much more profitable solution than developing a hectare alone.

Back in 2017, Yuri Trutnev also recognized the unprofitability of obtaining hectares individually, calling the most economically justified registration by a team of 20 people

Mikhail said that he is a member of the public organization “We are hectare owners” and every week he receives three or four requests from people who would like to take free land. For payment for gasoline, he is ready to help hectare owners check whether it is worth choosing the hectares they planned by looking at the map online. Mikhail goes to the specified hectare, looks at the condition of the roads and land and informs the potential hectare owner.

According to Utrobin, most of the requests come about the installation of light and water, but here the hectare owner is powerless. He advises future applicants for land to first decide on the type of activity (although by law this can be done a year after the hectare is taken) and to unite in agglomerations, since single appeals to officials are ineffective, but so far he has not seen any examples of such associations among hectare owners .

However, the Human Capital Development Agency reported that money is being allocated for infrastructure. True, not in all regions: in the Khabarovsk Territory - 319 million rubles. and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 82.1 million rubles. The planned completion date for work under the contracts is 2019.

The agency said that the possibility of providing infrastructure facilities to 25 priority agglomerations (more than 4,169 compactly located land plots with an area of ​​6,222 hectares) in the constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District - 230.5 km (181.7 km of roads, 48.8 km of power lines) is being considered. The volume of financing will be 4.7 billion rubles.

Successful project with recognizance not to leave

Three years ago, Sergei Kurechko created a winery on a Far Eastern hectare. Telling the background of his land development, he mentions that he received the hectare only a year and a half after submitting the application, after “all kinds of approvals and adjustments.”

“In 2016, the regional land committee was still in charge of issuing hectares. They forgot about us and lost our documents, they made fun of us as best they could with the hunting grounds,” recalls Kurechko (hunting lands do not fall within the scope of the hectare law, but only those that are protected by the owners who filed an application for this).

According to Kurechko, he did not receive any benefits or subsidies as part of the project. “The peasant is on the ground, and he has no time to run to offices hundreds of kilometers away. In addition, the attitude of officials responsible for the economic and social development of the territory discourages any desire to meet with them. None of them asked: “How can I help you?” They have other priorities: “Did you get permission? Have you paid the tax?" he said.

Later, two more hectares were added to the main plot, taken over by relatives. On one, Kurechko is creating a garden and vineyard, the other plans to develop it into a theme park for guests. Since its opening, the farm has been visited by hundreds of tourists every week. Local authorities called it “an interesting and popular holiday destination.” Two years later, Kurechko was accused of running a business without a license to produce alcohol. One of the most successful hectare owners in the eyes of the media and authorities became accused of illegal entrepreneurship. Kurechko himself believes that he was accused because of a conflict with local authorities.

According to the farmer-winemaker, he is now corresponding with Rosalkogolregulirovanie to clarify the requirements for obtaining a license, which he is accused of lacking. “We knew before that it was too early for us to apply for a permit. It all depends on the presence of a fruit-bearing vineyard. We are still working on this. Grapes don’t grow in a year.” This is a prerequisite for obtaining a winemaking license, and now Kurechko produces wines from local wild plants.

Kurechko hopes that the Duma will consider the proposal of winemakers to simplify the circulation of wine products. At the moment, the process of obtaining a winemaking license in Russia is one of the most difficult in the world. Now the farmer is creating a vineyard and building a premises for a winery. According to him, his passion for winemaking has not yet turned into a business and does not bring profit, despite the presence of guest houses on the site and conducting excursions.

Assessing the initiative to issue a hectare, even successful project participants (Utrobin, Pozdnyakova, Kurechko) agree that most people take it unconsciously, without understanding whether they can live and work on this land.

“I think this is a good help for those who already live in the Far East, although there are many dissatisfied,” says Daria Pozdnyakova. She refused to communicate with almost all hectare owners and applicants for a hectare, since people who wrote to her repeatedly accused the girl of having grabbed everything, bought it, and she came to “everything ready.”

Sergey Kurechko

Winery owner

People who want to buy a hectare write to me, and in their messages you can feel the desire to work on the land and a complete lack of understanding of the realities. City dwellers view life on a hectare as a trip to the supermarket: come, buy. On earth everything is different. Here you have to learn to live from scratch. The livelihood of the family, the income part - these are not idle questions. You can spend some time in the clearing, but nothing will appear on its own. I think that “DV-hectare” is still a good tool, and, oddly enough, it lacks the PR that it had at first. There is a feeling that they are forgetting about the initiative. I am not deprived of the attention of journalists, but I see how little attention is paid to this. My hectare is located in an agglomeration of a thousand hectares, but most hectare owners simply pointed their finger at the sky, taking plots there. On October 1, it will be three years since the hectare was received, and there is no progress in terms of infrastructure in the agglomeration.

Far Eastern tourism

But there are also those for whom the lack of infrastructure only helps. Narek Hovhannisyan took his hectares to organize “wild” tourism. He plans to use one of the hectares, which is an island, as a venue for “Robinsonade”, and to conduct entertaining quests on other hectares. The cost of such a vacation will not exceed 30,000 rubles - this is the amount, according to the hectare owner, that a vacationing Russian is ready to spend, taking into account the road to the Far East. Narek, who collaborates a lot with China, says that ecotourism is especially in demand among residents of China and Japan, where there are currently environmental problems. But there is also a demand for such entertainment among Russians: since the launch of the project’s website, more than 3,000 applications have been received. The first tourists will visit the island in August.

According to Narek, he did not ask the authorities for money to develop the hectare - both because he practically does not need the infrastructure, and because he himself wants to invest in the Far East. In the public organization “We are hectare workers,” Narek and his partners organized a committee for the development of tourism in the Far East, more than a hundred hectare workers became interested in his tourism initiative. They are also ready to provide their hectare for quests.

According to Oganesyan, the program is beneficial specifically for tourism activities, since it does not require costs: for example, camping can be organized for 100,000 rubles. According to the hectare owner, the project is able to draw the attention of Russians to the Far East, but later: people should see the results and examples of how the hectare began to bring real profit to its owners.

Success stories in the future tense

On the website of the project “To the Far East.rf” there is a section “Success Stories”, but most of these stories are about future projects: “Vladimir will build a farm”, “Svetlana plans to open a farm”.

It was not possible to find out any information about some projects that were written about in the media as successful. Also, media projects about Hektar were not successful: journalist, creator of the media “Takiye Dela” Mitya Aleshkovsky, founder of the eco-store LavkaLavka, together with Lentach, launched a series on YouTube, where they talked about how they are developing a Far Eastern hectare in the Jewish Autonomous Region. But after the end of the first season of the series, Aleshkovsky wrote on Facebook that a sponsor for the second season of the series about a hectare had not been found, and did not address this topic again. Aleshkovsky and Akimov did not answer the questions of the “Secret of the Firm” journalist.

For example, nothing is known about the construction of the only farm in Russia for growing shiitake mushrooms; its owner also does not report the development of the project and does not make contact. It was not possible to contact him with the help of the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East. It is difficult to find information about the winners of the competition for the best project to develop a hectare. One of them is a Japanese-style tourist base. The website booking.com reports that renting a room costs 63,000 per night, but the camp site is currently unavailable for rent.

According to the author of the project, Yulia Yanina, it was not possible to open a tourist base for visitors in 2017. Construction has now been completed, but everything depends on the lack of electricity. The base runs on a diesel generator, which, firstly, costs the owners of the tourist hectare hundreds of thousands of rubles, and secondly, its noise will scare away any tourist, especially those who came to the base to be in silence.

“The only support we wanted from the state was to help us with electricity. The Russian Railways company, which is involved in this, included us in the program in 2017; at the beginning of 2018, according to them, the entire budget had already been distributed. They promised to connect us in 2019, but nothing happened in six months,” says Yulia.

She does not believe in the prospects of the Far Eastern Hectare project. According to her, “nobody needs hectare owners.” For example, for winning the Star of the Far East competition with the best hectare development project, Yulia received only a framed diploma.

Vladimir Stolyarov, who is building a domed house on his hectare, has also repeatedly appeared on the pages of the media and jokes that journalists contact him much more often than investors. So far, there is only a residential building on the site, but it has not been possible to start a full-fledged farm: there is no electricity. Vladimir says that this year, after amendments were made to the law, supplying electricity has become cheaper: instead of 2 million, you only need to pay 20,000. However, the electricity promised from Far Eastern Distribution Grid Company JSC is still not there.

According to Stolyarov, none of his acquaintances with hectares managed to figure out the infrastructure. But the farmer is not inclined to criticize the Far Eastern Hectare project.

Interim results on land development will need to be reported three years after its receipt. And after five years, a citizen will be able to register the plot as ownership (this is done free of charge) or lease for up to 49 years. For forestry, only the second option is provided, with the possibility of subsequent exclusion of lands from the forest fund.

Sale, donation, exchange and use of the received plot as collateral is prohibited. In the event of the death of a citizen, the rights to free use of land are transferred to his heirs.

There are no sanctions for site downtime.

How to apply?

Applications for free hectares are accepted through the federal information system “To the Far East”. To authorize it, you will need to register on the government services portal.

To select a site, an interactive map is used, which automatically calculates its area. Having decided on the location of the requested lands, the user can fill out a form and submit it on the website. According to the project curators, it takes no more than 15 minutes to complete the application.

Also, an application for a free Far Eastern hectare can be submitted by mail or in person at the departments of Rosreestr or any other government agencies authorized to provide land plots. In the application, you must indicate your full name, place of residence and contact information, SNILS, the area of ​​the requested land, as well as the cadastral numbers of the corresponding plots, if they are not yet to be formed. In the latter case, in addition to a copy of the identification document, the application will need to be accompanied by a layout diagram of the land plot - an image of its boundaries on a public cadastral map or cadastral plan of the territory.

In addition, applications - both electronic and paper - are accepted at the MFC.

The preparation of collective applications is carried out in the same way. At the same time, the areas requested by citizens must border each other.

How long does it take to process applications?

Consideration of an application for Far Eastern hectares takes up to 30 days from the date of its receipt by the authorized body. The authorities are given seven days to prepare a scheme for placing a land plot on a public cadastral map and enter data about it into the system. The draft agreement with the applicant must be ready no later than 20 days after receipt of the application. If there is no information about the site in the state real estate cadastre, government agencies are given another 10 days to register the property.

Why can they refuse to receive land?

The consideration of approximately a third of all applications ends with a refusal to provide land. The application may be rejected if the applicant provides false information about himself, forgets to attach accompanying documents to the application, or chooses land already occupied by protected natural areas, municipalities or the Ministry of Defense.

What benefits are provided to program participants?

The government has provided a whole range of measures to support those moving to the Far East.

Officials promise to provide assistance in employment, including at enterprises located in priority development areas. At the same time, citizens working in the Far North will be able to receive additional days of vacation, and their salary after employment in a new place will be calculated taking into account the regional coefficient. The same applies to pensions.

Entrepreneurs will be able to apply for subsidies, grants and preferential loans. Also, they will not need to conduct a state historical and cultural examination during excavation, construction, reclamation, economic or other work on the site.

From February 1, 2017, absolutely any resident of Russia can receive land under the Far Eastern Hectare program. How and why this initiative appeared, as well as how to get a piece of land for your own use, is in the text of Izvestia.

The essence of the program

In 2015, the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President in the Far Eastern Federal District, Yuri Trutnev, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin, proposed “to create a mechanism for freely allocating one hectare of land to every resident of the Far East and every person who would like to come there.” The President approved the idea, and at the end of November of the same year the bill was submitted to the Duma. This is how the Far Eastern Hectare program was born.

The plan consists of several stages. On June 1, 2016, residents of nine districts could apply for land, while the choice of plots was limited. From October 1, “Far Eastern Hectare” was available to all residents of the region.

At the moment, more than 20 thousand applications have been submitted, and about 4.1 thousand plots have been given for use. Judging by polls, 14% of Russians show personal interest in the project, and more than 60% generally support this program.

Why is this necessary?

It’s worth making a reservation right away: this is not a simple charity. The plan was created with a specific goal - to promote the development and development of the region.

The fact is that in the Far East there are 140 million hectares of land available for development, and the population density is on average one person per square kilometer.

In addition, this initiative will not only attract new blood to the region, but will also open up new jobs for local residents. This could be construction, services or agriculture as the land can be used to run any legitimate businesses.

Rules for landowners

As already mentioned, any resident of Russia can get a plot. This applies not only to citizens, but also to foreigners participating in the “Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots” program. A hectare is given only once: even if it is unusable, it is unlikely to be returned, asked for a new one, or exchanged.

Only one family member can receive one plot. For example, a family of three will receive 3 hectares, and a family of six - 6 hectares. In some cases, several unrelated citizens will also be allowed to take possession of a hectare. These could be, for example, business partners, but there should not be more than ten people in total.

Terms and restrictions

There are a number of circumstances that need to be taken into account when submitting an application.

If the settlement closest to the site has a population of more than 50 thousand people, then the land received should be located 10 km from it, if it has more than 300 thousand inhabitants, then 20 km.

Specially protected areas, areas reserved for municipal use, or land where mining is carried out are not included in the program.

Timing and activities

Hectares are available for free use only for five years. During this period, the land cannot be sold, donated or leased to anyone.

You can engage in any type of activity on the site that does not contradict the laws: building a house to live in, raising livestock, growing vegetables and fruits, starting your own business. The main thing is that this territory be developed, otherwise after five years the state can return it back to itself.

The purpose must be recorded in the first year from the date of receipt of the land, and after three years a report on the use of the site must be submitted.

How to apply

First you need to log in to the NaDalniyVostok portal. This can be done through the government services website. Having logged in with your username and password, you need to select the area of ​​interest using the “Map” section, fill out an application and attach a scanned page of your identification document. After receiving the application, the land will be checked for third party rights within seven days. If there are any, the future landowner will be offered to change the boundaries of the site.

When the order for the provision of land is ready, the citizen will be sent an official confirmation and an agreement. It may take no more than 20 working days to prepare the document. You can find it in your personal account on the NaDalniyVostok website.

When the period provided by the state comes to an end, the land can be leased or owned for a period of up to 49 years. According to the Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East Sergei Kachaev, there will be no need to go through numerous commissions. Through your personal account, you will simply need to show how this site is used and developed, attaching the relevant documents.

An application for the provision of a plot of land for ownership or lease must be submitted no earlier than six months before the end of the contract. In it, in addition to filling out the standard items, you must indicate the pension insurance number, cadastral number of the plot and type of right (lease or ownership). In addition, you must remember to mention the method by which you plan to receive the rental or purchase agreement (for example, mail), and attach a copy of your identification document to the list.

The decision to refuse or provide a land plot will be made within ten working days.

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