Obtaining regional maternal family capital. Regional maternity capital in the Russian Federation

Last update 05/11/2019

How to get

To apply for maternity capital, you need to contact the social security department. Documents can be submitted either to the MFC or through the government services portal.

Money is not issued in cash, it is transferred:

  • to the parent’s card if he wants to return part of the money spent on buying an apartment or renovation
  • developer, construction organization, bank, etc. - to a third party to pay off the debt
  • to the account of the educational organization.

Documents for registration

To obtain a certificate you will need the following documents:

  • parents' passports
  • confirmation of registration in the Moscow Region
  • birth/adoption certificates
  • child's citizenship document
  • marriage certificate
  • certificates of death, deprivation of rights, incapacity of the mother, if the documents were submitted by the father.

What can you spend it on?

Regional maternal family capital can be spent entirely on housing conditions or children’s education, or it can be divided into two parts.


The money issued can be used to pay for the education of your own or adopted child, but only if he is under 25 years old at the start of his college studies.

To pay for training, you need to provide the following documents:

  • agreement that the educational institution provides for the investment of maternity capital funds
  • license for educational activities
  • certificate of state accreditation.

Improving living conditions

The money can be spent if the family buys or builds housing in the Moscow region.


  • work agreement
  • certificates of completed work
  • ownership and building permit
  • registration of the house as common property after construction
  • receipts for construction materials.

You can use the money after your second child’s third birthday.

Many citizens in the regions are interested in the possibility of receiving additional financial assistance () at the birth of their second and subsequent first child.

How can you get it and what is needed for this.

Let's look at the procedure for obtaining regional maternity capital in more detail.

Legislative regulation

Regional maternity capital is financial assistance that is in addition to state assistance at the birth of a second and subsequent child (conditions may vary depending on the region of residence).

State maternity capital in the regions of the country, in particular in the Moscow region, is regulated by the following legislative norms:

  1. Federal Law No. 253, which provides for the allocation of maternity capital by regional authorities as additional financial support for certain categories of citizens;
  2. Moscow Law No. 1, in particular Articles 20.2 and 20.8, according to which: regional maternity capital in the capital can be received by a family in which a second and subsequent child was born.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation also guarantees the receipt of additional financial assistance by regional authorities.

Under what conditions and to whom is this assistance given in the Moscow region?

In order to receive regional maternity capital in the Moscow region, it is necessary to meet certain requirements, namely:

  • the second and subsequent newborn must be born between January 2011 and December 2016;
  • the recipient (applicant for a certificate) must have a residence permit in the Moscow region;
  • Mandatory presence of Russian citizenship for a born baby.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that obtaining a regional maternal certificate you can only do it once, re-registration is not acceptable.

Amount of government support

Until recently, in the capital the amount was fixed. If we talk about size, then it is is 100 thousand rubles.

But now everything is different, despite the fact that this amount is still the same in 2017 indexation is expected. This is due to the fact that the Moscow Government decided to link its regional mat. capital to the inflation rate.

It is unknown exactly when and to what extent the indexation will be carried out, but one thing is clear - this will happen in the first half of 2017.

Purposes of using funds

Funds from regional maternity capital can be used to implement one or several goals.

Wherein, can you direct them to meet the following needs:

  • (subject to some nuances);
  • or training one of their minor children.

In turn, under improvements in living conditions implied:

  • acquisition of real estate (it must be suitable for further life with minor children, otherwise refusal will immediately follow). There may be a purchase here: , apartments, ;
  • receiving funds from maternity capital for the reconstruction of existing residential premises;
  • receiving money for . Here you can use your own efforts or turn to construction companies for help.

When purchasing residential premises, it is necessary to take into account that the owner of the regional certificate must be signed obligation to grant property rights for purchased housing for minor children in equal shares.

Buy apartment or house you can:

  • with the help - regional mat. the capital will be used for the down payment or payment of the main body of the loan;
  • listing mat. capital to the bank details of the real estate seller.

As with federal maternity capital, regional capital is used to reconstruct the premises.

If it happens reconstruction or construction, then the payment is transferred in several stages:

  • 50% at the beginning of construction or reconstruction;
  • the remaining 50% after 6 months.

If we talk about consumption for education, then here you can train any of your adopted or born children for a regional certificate, even if it is not the fact that this financial assistance is provided.

In simple terms, you can educate any of your children for this money. The legislation does not limit certificate holders in this regard.

How long does it take to make a decision?

Currently, various programs to support young families are being introduced in Russia in order to encourage residents of our country to have more children and thus improve demographics. One of these programs is maternity capital. The bottom line is that after the second child is born or taken from the orphanage, families receive a certain amount of money for each baby. Many people wonder whether it is possible to use regional maternity capital and how to actually do this. This is exactly what this article will discuss. It is worth noting that in some republics, regions, territories and districts the amounts differ, but here we will talk about the Moscow region.

Basic data on regional maternity capital in the Moscow region

At the moment, the extension of the regional maternity capital program in the Moscow region has not been carried out for 2017. This means that this particular method of support can be received by families who had a second and subsequent children in the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016. That is, you still need to know how to use regional maternity capital in the Moscow region.

There are additional conditions for participation in this government support program. Firstly, the child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Secondly, the child’s parent must be registered (that is, have a residence permit) in the Moscow region. However, it is not necessary to have Russian citizenship.

Moreover, of course, to receive payment you also need some documents. These are parents’ passports and confirmation of registration in the Moscow region, birth or adoption certificates of all children, as well as a certificate of marriage or divorce. If the application is submitted by the father or adoptive parent, it is necessary to provide official confirmation of death, a document certifying the termination of parental rights, or a medical certificate of the mother's incapacity.

There are also some changes in the Moscow region, which are also due to the introduction of this program. In recent years, the birth rate in this region has increased, and, accordingly, the natural population decline is decreasing. This cannot be said that this is only the merit of maternal capital, but it is clearly an excellent incentive to give birth to a second or even third child, because most often people are afraid that there will not be enough money for children, that they will be cramped or simply have nowhere to live.

More information about the money itself and the amount

At the moment, the amount of this payment is one hundred thousand rubles. At the same time, regional maternity capital in the Moscow region can only be used in the form of non-cash payments, that is, it is impossible to receive money in your hands. During the existence of the program (since 2011), the amount has not changed, since such payments are not subject to indexation in Russia.

A certificate with an individual number is issued to the parent or legal representative. Then it is realistic to use regional maternity capital as compensation for the purchase or construction of housing, its reconstruction, as well as for the education of a child. This occurs by transferring funds to the cash account of the applicant himself or an organization (for example, a bank, university or construction company) to which the funds are due for goods or services.

Where and how do you get this type of support?

To obtain a certificate for subsequent payment, you must contact your local social security authority. You can do this through a multifunctional center (abbreviated as MFC), for example, “My Documents,” or online through the Unified Portal of Public Services of the Moscow Region. Then you need to write an application on the spot and wait for the result.

Also, a separate application is written for the use of the certificate. The decision to approve the application is made within fifteen days if the funds are allocated to education. If for housing, then within forty-five days.

Can only the child's mother claim funds?

In fact, not only the mother of the child can receive maternity capital. If the mother is absent for one reason or another (died, incapacitated, deprived of parental rights), then the father or the child’s adoptive parent receives the funds. However, now a man can receive money if the mother lives with the child and has all the rights to him, because the money is somehow intended for the whole family. In addition, even minor children can receive maternity capital if the mother and father have died or been deprived of parental rights, or declared incompetent, or simply their whereabouts cannot be determined. Children may wonder how to use regional maternal capital, do they have the right to do this? But there is definitely a right.

Where and how to legally spend maternity capital?

So, how to use regional maternity capital? Basically, these are two areas of spending: improving living conditions or educating a child. You can renovate your place of residence, that is, use funds for construction or reconstruction. Moreover, reconstruction is a new arrangement of living space and a mandatory increase in its area. If the construction is carried out on its own, then the funds for the costs are transferred to the applicant’s card, but not all at once: half will come after the application, and the second half - after six months.

You can also buy a share, an apartment or a house (or partially pay for the living space). There is a condition that the premises purchased with the funds received must be divided among all family members, that is, everyone must have a share in it. Also, accordingly, you can pay for a child’s education (basic or higher) if he is under twenty-five years old at the start of his studies. This information generally answers the question of where regional maternity capital can be used.

What under no circumstances should the allocated funds be spent on?

Many people wonder where regional maternity capital cannot be used. Actually, it is forbidden to spend maternity capital on all other goods and services. For example, you cannot buy a car (even for a child) or other things. It is also impossible to buy an apartment and register it for only one person (even for a child, again). You also cannot buy a smaller apartment or house, since a child needs additional space.

Is it possible to take out a mortgage or loan using maternity capital?

Many are afraid to use regional maternity capital for a mortgage, but in fact it is absolutely legal. Of course, a loan or mortgage should be taken out for cases that meet the conditions for spending capital. That is, they are issued to purchase housing or pay for a child’s education. More often this is housing, because in Russia the practice of assigning loans for education is rare. It is also worth noting that regional maternity capital can be used as a means of paying off a mortgage only after the third birthday of the child for whom the funds were allocated. However, if the loan needs to be repaid urgently because the deadline has already passed, it is realistic to do this before the child reaches the age of three. To do this, you need to contact the social security service where you received the certificate and provide them with all the necessary documents confirming that the loan must be repaid urgently, as well as that it can no longer be extended.

What are the pitfalls for participants in this program?

Today, almost every family has a second or even a third baby, because children are happiness, but, as you know, babies require not only a lot of attention, but also money. Our state has been thinking about this problem for a long time. This program is quite “clean”, meaning there are usually no problems. The most important thing is to collect all the necessary documents, which must be genuine, of course. If you comply with all the conditions for receipt and use, then no problems will arise. The only thing that can be called some difficulty is that many unofficial and not very honest organizations publish various advertisements about the supposedly legal cashing of the certificate or its use not for improving housing or paying for a child’s education. You cannot fall for this, even though the offer may seem tempting, because these organizations will also charge for their services. In addition, such use of maternity capital is punishable by law. And first of all, problems will arise with the owner of the certificate.

How to report to the state about your expenses?

The undoubted advantage of this program is that it does not require any additional reports on expenses, because the use of a certificate is such a report. That is, all information about use is already transferred to the state, because everything is carried out only officially, through the relevant social services, and only after all contracts have been concluded with those who supply the product or service for which the funds are allocated.

So, now it’s clear how to use regional maternity capital so that everything is in accordance with the law. As you can see, this is not difficult. It’s good that the country has such support programs that really help young families live better.

Hello, readers of the legal portal “site”! Everyone knows that with the birth of a child, additional significant costs begin. Parents who have a third child face special difficulties.

Usually such a large family is no longer able to cope with the financial burden. In such cases, government assistance is required. Therefore, we will devote the article to discussing the assistance that a large family can receive at the regional level. We will also find out what the governor's certificate for the 3rd child is.

Legislative basis

Governor's financial assistance, unlike other social programs, is regulated by local (regional) laws. Therefore, in each region it is set at a certain amount and has its own calculation characteristics.

Reasons for receiving

Parents, direct relatives and guardians can apply to local authorities for the accrual of the governor's official payment. Each region has its own requirements for calculating social benefits. In some areas, only those whose income per person is below the permissible subsistence level can apply for this type of payment.

In other areas, the governor's payment is provided either to single-parent families, or to parents who are students, or to parents of twins/triplets. Restrictions may apply to age (for example, they give payments up to 30 years). The existing conditions for calculating regional assistance must be clarified locally.

In what order is registration carried out?

The basic scheme for registering a regional benefit for a third child in all regions has a general procedure.
To begin with, a statement is written to the social security department, which notes the reasons for the request and the desired option for receiving money.

The following documents are attached to the application in the established form:

  • a document confirming the identity of the parent, with the place of registration marked (guardians will need a document on the right of guardianship);
  • certificate confirming the birth of the third child;
  • details of the bank account where the transfer should go;
  • marriage document.

Some areas may require additional paperwork. Such as:

  • a certificate confirming that the parent lives with the 3rd child;
  • registration paper at the employment center (this applies to unemployed persons);
  • a document confirming the child’s Russian citizenship;
  • a document confirming completion of studies (this requirement applies to student-parents);
  • evidence confirming the presence of two more children;
  • paper confirming that this type of payment has not been made previously.

In some regions, the provision of social assistance is limited to the period from the age of 6 months until the child reaches 3 years of age.

For your information! An application for a gubernatorial payment is reviewed within 10 days.

If a positive decision is made, the social benefit is credited to the account specified by the applicant. In case of refusal, the reason for this decision is explained to the applicant in writing.

What can the regional payments due at the birth of a child in 2019 be spent on?

After becoming eligible to receive benefits, all families usually have a question: how to cash out the governor’s certificate for a third child? Practice shows that when a third child is born in a family, the issue of expanding living space becomes especially relevant.

In addition to the acquisition (housing construction or reconstruction) of apartments and households, “governor’s” funds are spent on education, on the development of children and their training. In some regions, citizens are given the opportunity to purchase a car using regional family assets, buy furniture and even equipment for family use. Let's look at the five most common options for managing regional capital.

Option 1. Improving family living conditions

It is on improving living conditions that most families spend money. This point means the possibility of:

  • purchase an apartment, house or cottage;
  • build a home on your own or with the help of contractors;
  • carry out house reconstruction;
  • apply for a mortgage using capital to purchase housing in a new building (but it is also possible to purchase housing on the secondary market).

If it is decided to send government assistance to the construction and reconstruction of a residential building, then you need to:

  • transfer funds before the start of work;
  • cover the costs of constructing a building or reconstruction retroactively (but to avoid problems later, it is worth keeping all receipts indicating the purchase of building materials).

Option 2. Payment for educational services

Regional maternity capital money is accepted in both public and private institutions in Russia. An important condition is the age of the child (it should not exceed the 25-year-old threshold). You are allowed to pay not only for university education, but also for lessons in an art and music school. Even the services of non-state kindergartens and development organizations are allowed to be paid for with maternal capital (but it is important that such organizations have a special license).

Method 3. Acquisition of land

It will not be possible to pay for the purchase of land with federal capital, but with regional subsidies this will be possible. Unfortunately, not all regions of the Russian Federation offer such an interesting opportunity.

Attention! A regional subsidy can be invested in a structure being built on the territory of a land plot. At the same time, it must be a full-fledged facility with all amenities and communications.

Option 4. Treatment

The legislation provides for the use of federal funds only for the rehabilitation of disabled minors. Regional and regional funds are allowed to be used for other types of treatment, including treatment with high-tech methods in specialized medical centers.
It is worth remembering that assistance is provided in the presence of specific medical indications, which should be provided to employees of social protection authorities in the established official form.

Option 5. Purchasing a car

Legislative representatives allow purchasing a car with funds from the regional budget only in some regions. At the moment, only residents of the Kaliningrad and Novosibirsk regions have this opportunity.

A car from the domestic auto industry can be purchased with regional funds only to those families in which the third and subsequent child was born after January 2011. At the same time, the total family income should not exceed the regional subsistence level by more than 3.5 times.
In these areas, with money allocated from the regional budget, you can buy not only a car, but also furniture and even household appliances.

Amount of assistance

The size of the governor's social payment differs in different regions and ranges from 2,500 rubles to 173,000 rubles. This amount may be tied to the regional cost of living, or may be set at a specific amount.
Also, social assistance can be paid as a one-time payment, or it can be accrued monthly. Today it is presented in the form of a maternity capital certificate and is not issued in cash.

For clarity, here are examples of gubernatorial payments in different regions:

  • in Moscow, the payment amount is 173,000 rubles;
  • in the Altai Territory - 50,000 rubles;
  • in Vladimir – 6,600 rubles;
  • in Volgograd – 16,200 rubles;
  • in Voronezh – 20,000 rubles;
  • in the Republic of Dagestan – 80,000 rubles;
  • in the Kaluga region - 3,300 rubles;
  • in the Lipetsk region – 50,000 rubles;
  • in Novosibirsk, Pskov, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Orenburg, Chuvash Republic - 100,000 rubles;
  • in the Ryazan region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug – 5,000 rubles;
  • in Yaroslavl, Bryansk, Saratov – 2,000 rubles.

In 2019, payments in the regions may increase.

Governor's payments fraud

Despite the fact that this type of capital is presented in non-cash form, there are many scammers who want to “pocket” budget funds.
Most often, legal practice is faced with fictitious provision of mortgage loan services or cashing out regional assistance.
To avoid being deceived, lawyers advise following the following recommendations:

  • Carry out all actions related to maternal capital only with the participation of government agencies.
  • Do not cooperate with dubious companies that do not have a clear status.
  • Do not trust private individuals who promise to cash out social assistance for interest.

All fraudulent actions with federal and regional payments are classified as criminal offenses. In the best case, the fraudster returns the money to the budget and gets off with a fine. In the worst case, he is imprisoned for up to 5 years.

Questions and answers

  • Question No. 1: What should an applicant do if he is denied a regional payment?
  • Answer: In situations where an applicant is denied payment, there is always an explanation of the reasons for this. If the applicant believes that the refusal was unlawful, then the state gives the person the opportunity to appeal the decision through the court.
  • Question No. 2: In what instances can I receive the governor’s payment?
  • Answer: In different regions, different government agencies may be responsible for regional payments for the 3rd child. For example:
    • in the Altai Territory, Rostov-on-Don, and in the Mari El Republic, social protection organizations are responsible for payments;
    • in Adygea, Udmurdia, Kirov region, regional assistance is provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • in Kalmykia, gubernatorial assistance is provided by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development;
    • in the Republic of Tatarstan, social assistance for the 3rd child is awarded by the Ministry of Education.
  • Question #3: Is it possible to officially receive a governor's certificate in cash?
  • Answer: The rules for obtaining a certificate do not provide for the issuance of money in cash. At the same time, the law stipulates a list of needs where social assistance can be directed.

What is maternity capital? Who is eligible to receive it? The difference between regional and federal assistance. What can regional maternal family capital be spent on in 2019?

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The coming year 2019 is marked by the fact that most programs referred to as “maternity capital” will cease to operate. Therefore, the use of these benefits remains extremely important and relevant.

Basic moments

Over the 10 years of its existence, the “maternity capital” program has benefited millions of families.

Since 2011, at different times similar additional programs have been introduced in the regions, operating exclusively within the regions.

They may differ in terms of receipt, amount and other points. In general, they can be divided into three main types in comparison with the federal program:

According to a decree issued by the Russian government, the first type of program was closed as ineffective.

Required terms

For a more detailed coverage of the topic, we will consider a number of terms necessary for the analysis of this article.

This is financial social assistance to persons raising children and directly to the children themselves.
Federal assistance This provision of assistance is on the same terms and applies to all Russian citizens throughout the territory
Municipal assistance Provides for the limitation of the program to a certain region, under the conditions established by local legislative acts approved by the municipality
Certificate This is a document that is issued to confirm the family’s right to receive funds under the maternity capital program.
Certificate holder This is a family member in whose name the right to be a representative of the family in the matter of receiving maternity capital is registered
Young children These are persons whose age is within 18 years
Low-income These are families or individuals whose documentation records an income below the subsistence level
These are people who have gone through the process of adopting children in accordance with the procedure approved by law and have the appropriate documentary evidence
Orphans These are children who, for objective reasons, were left without parental care

Who can receive a certificate

The certificate as a payment tool is not used in all regions of the Russian Federation. Let us note that there are regions in Russia in which there are no municipal programs at all.

In certain regions, assistance is issued in cash, and in some, only a statement-order is used, using which the person notifies the relevant authorities about the direction in which he intends to use these funds and where they need to be transferred for this purpose.

The right to receive a certificate, if one is used within the framework of a municipal program for assistance to families with children, are citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of a certain municipal region.

In this case, the regional law determines:

  • the number of children, which is the basis for a family to become participants in the program;
  • duration of the program;
  • the area covered by the program;
  • form of assistance;
  • amount of payments;
  • etc.

Unlike the federal program, not only citizens of the Russian Federation, but also other persons registered in the region, as well as LBG, have the right to receive assistance.

As with receiving federal mat. capital, and regional, the person entitled to act as a certificate holder is one of the parents or children under the age of 18 (up to 23, provided they are in full-time education).

Legal regulation

The process of registration and payment of maternity capital is regulated by the following regulations:

  1. , providing for the amount of payments included in the state budget for 2019.

They also include the Rules approving the procedure for filing an application for a certificate, which were developed and introduced in 2011 and are valid in all regions of the Russian Federation.

In addition, each individual region or region has its own legislative framework regarding the provision of payments under the regional program.

How can you use MK

In order to take advantage of the right to maternity capital, you must contact the relevant authorities, which for federal assistance is the Pension Fund, and for municipalities - multifunctional centers.

At the first application, the procedure for obtaining a certificate is carried out, and at subsequent times, it is used.

To become a certificate holder, you must provide the above authorities with a package of documents that confirm your right to receive assistance.

These include the following papers:

  • a legally established application form completed by the applicant;
  • the applicant’s passport or other document (residence permit, LBG certificate);
  • or a housing and communal services certificate indicating the applicant’s place of residence;
  • a certificate from housing and communal services about the applicant’s residence together with children;

If necessary, additional papers may be included in this list in each region. The certificate process takes 10 days.

As a rule, the funds received can be used only after the child eligible for assistance turns 3 years old.

For this purpose, the certificate holder re-applies to the relevant authorities and provides a package of the following papers:

  • a certificate or other document confirming the right to dispose of funds;
  • passport for a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document for citizens of other states;
  • a contract with a counterparty to whom money needs to be sent;
  • counterparty account.

You can more accurately determine the list of required documents by reading your local legislation.

The amount of assistance provided remains a pressing issue. It must be within the limits of the federal benefit, which is four hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

The amount of regional assistance is approved by the local government, which develops this program. The amount provided for payment is fixed in the local budget.

You can find out directly when preparing documents or receiving consultation services at multifunctional centers at your place of registration.

Improving living conditions

This item is one of the priorities for maternity capital. Both federal and regional benefits can be directed in this direction.

Each region provides its own conditions for the implementation of this right. The creation of fairly comfortable living conditions is provided mainly in the form of payment for the following processes:

  • buying a home;
  • construction;
  • repair;
  • creation of communications;
  • etc.

In some regions, maternity capital is sold only in this direction. They budget for apartments that families can buy at a reduced price as part of the program.

Often, as part of the exercise of the right to maternity capital, it is used as a means of payment.

Payment for education

Another option for using maternity capital is to pay for education, which not all municipalities provide. This is primarily due to the fact that the programs should not duplicate the federal one.

Therefore, many choose only one direction, but in certain regions it is possible to use the funds to pay for the education of family members.

To do this, multifunctional regional centers, which, as a rule, are responsible for issuing assistance, must provide a certificate, an application in which this particular direction will be indicated, as well as the details of the educational center to which the funds must be sent.

This could be payment for a preschool institution or other levels of education.

Please note that the child may receive education outside the region in which assistance is provided.

Whether he still retains the right to benefits must be clarified in accordance with regional legislative acts.

Buying land

Maternity capital is intended to improve the family's standard of living, but not its financial situation.

Therefore, the possibility of purchasing land using these funds is a rather contestable concept.

If we consider lands that are classified as agricultural land, then there is no likelihood of purchasing them for these funds.

But at the same time, as part of improving housing conditions, the family has the right to build housing, as well as to purchase land, which is a personal territory and is intended for a private person to develop a garden or vegetable garden.

Treatment of a child

Another popular area for using products intended to improve the health of family members. Regional funds, as a rule, are designed to help children directly.

If they receive medical care through outpatient treatment or operations, the funds are transferred to the account of the institution in which the child was assigned.

Video: regional maternal family capital

If treatment was not provided, then as part of the child’s recovery, you can spend a therapeutic holiday by sending him to a sanatorium. The purchase of such vouchers can be paid for from funds.

Land acquisition

Purchasing land as part of agricultural land is impossible using funds from either regional or federal capital.

It can only be spent on implementing a program to improve living conditions and purchasing land for development.

What can you spend regional maternity capital on in St. Petersburg?

The municipality of St. Petersburg, as part of the “maternity capital” program, in order to increase the birth rate, provides its own type of assistance to families with children raising three or more children.

Like most programs of this type, it provides for the issuance of a certificate for a certain amount. In this case, it is 140,216.96 rubles.

According to the law, they can be implemented in the following directions:

  • improving the level of housing conditions through the purchase, construction or renovation of housing or repayment;
  • construction of country houses;
  • the child receives education in institutions of different levels of accreditation;
  • children undergoing sanatorium-resort or outpatient treatment.
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