The concept of goods. Classification, nomenclature and assortment

Question 49 Assortment and nomenclature of goods


To streamline the variety of goods manufactured by the company, from the standpoint of the similarity of the marketing tools used, the concepts of "commodity unit", "assortment group" and "commodity nomenclature" are used.

Trade item (assortment item)- a direct embodiment of the product, which has specific dimensions, design solution, price and other individual characteristics.

Range(synonyms: assortment group, assortment range, product line, product line) - a group of products combined according to one or more of the following principles:

functional purpose (for example, synthetic detergents);

Applications (household chemicals);

Target market (washing powders for baby clothes);

Method of implementation (retail store trade, personal sale);

price range ( expensive funds shoe care).

Range features:

Saturation - the total number of product units presented for each product variant offered by the firm.

Depth (length)- the number of options for the execution of goods (names) in assortment group.

A deep assortment contributes to meeting the needs of various market segments for one product.

Commodity nomenclature - a set of goods (assortment groups and commodity units) offered by the company to the market.

Thus, the concept of nomenclature is broader than the concept of assortment.

The commodity nomenclature is described by two quantitative and one qualitative characteristics.

Nomenclature characteristics:

1. Saturation - the number of commodity units in all assortment groups offered by the company to the market.

2. Latitude - the number of assortment groups in the nomenclature of goods offered by the company to the market. A wide range of products allows you to focus on the various requirements of consumers, diversifying products, and stimulates shopping in one place.

3. Harmony - the degree of proximity of goods included in various assortment groups, in terms of their purpose, consumer preferences, distribution channels, nature production process etc.

The inharmoniousness of the commodity nomenclature is not a disadvantage. However, it is believed that a harmonious nomenclature is easier to manage than an inharmonious one.

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The product range is understood as a set of related products, the combination of which, when sold, can bring an additional effect to the enterprise. So, if a trading enterprise has a large set of clothes designed for all consumer tastes and material possibilities, then the chances that a store visitor will make a purchase increase sharply.

Group various goods, each of which is presented in the assortment offered by a trading company to customers, constitutes a commodity nomenclature.

First, about the product range.

The goods that form the assortment can be combined according to the following criteria:

General or similar area of ​​use, e.g. beauty products, clothes, cars;

General distribution channels and points of sale, such as low-income stores, standard price stores, country-specific stores;

General buyers, for example, the wealthy part of the population, youth, representatives of a certain profession;

The same range of prices, such as stores where all products are sold at a certain price;

The general nature of demand, such as consumer goods, consumer goods;

The general nature of the assortment itself, e.g. wide range, narrow range products.

The sale of goods of each assortment group has its own specifics and requires a special approach. Therefore, as a rule, work with certain assortment groups is entrusted to specialists in these types of goods.

Working on the product range involves making decisions about the breadth of the range, its growth, as well as its saturation. The main criterion for deciding on the breadth of the assortment is its impact on the amount of profit: it is considered appropriate to supplement the assortment set or, conversely, exclude goods from it only if this leads to an increase in the profitability of sales. Such an approach leads to the fact that, in the end, the company, fighting for profit, establishes for itself a rather narrow range of the most profitable products.

This rule, however, does not apply to those enterprises that do business in the sale of goods. a certain kind range and have gained their commercial reputation on this. For example, trading firms known as mass-market stores may in some cases neglect profitability considerations in the interests of preserving the "face of the firm" and not narrow the range.

Strategically, the product range tends to expand. There are two ways to expand the range: build-up and saturation. Building assortment means the inclusion in it of those goods that were not previously offered by this enterprise. So, for example, along with jewelry from gold, silver and precious stones, the production and sale of costume jewelry is organized. The increase in the range, as a rule, is associated with a change in the cost and quality of goods and can be done in the following three ways:

By incorporating products at a lower price new group and, accordingly, of lower quality (the so-called build-up "down");

By including in the range of more expensive goods of higher quality (building "up");

Simultaneous expansion of the range "up" and "down".

Building "down" is used when it is necessary to conquer new promising market segments, when market conditions change, associated with a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, as well as in the course of competition. Building "up" may be appropriate when increasing the purchasing power of the population, when the company has enough resources and seeks to cover the entire possible range of wealthy buyers of this group of goods and provide them with the most complete choice. For example, when selling cars, durable goods and luxury goods.

This extension method product range requires great care: firstly, working with a wealthy buyer requires special skills and experience, which may not be available; secondly, the buyer of an expensive product will show legitimate distrust of a new, unverified supplier and seller; thirdly, the “upward” expansion, requiring high costs, can weaken the position of the enterprise "below" and attract dangerous competitors there.

Increasing the range at the same time "up" and "down" is typical when promoting a qualitatively new group of goods to the market. In our country, such goods that appeared in recent decades, steel food products long-term storage(vacuum packed), disposable razors, various cosmetics (deodorants, hair dyes, etc.).

Expansion of the product range through saturation market differs in that the added goods do not go beyond the prices characteristic of the existing assortment, they only fill in the gaps in the set of goods of a certain type and purpose. The appearance of ever new varieties of sausages, types of mayonnaise, books on the same subject can serve as examples of market saturation. The work to saturate the market is explained by the desire to get ahead of competitors, to use the production and trading capabilities of the enterprise more fully, to attract the attention of the widest possible strata of the population to their goods.

At the same time, while saturating the market, one should not turn a blind eye to the possible negative consequences of such activities, especially if additional goods do not have significant differences and advantages compared to existing ones. Ill-conceived market saturation makes it difficult for the consumer to choose, does not give the opportunity to stop at anything, and thereby delays the purchase.

Let us briefly dwell on the problems associated with the commodity nomenclature.

In fact, a commodity nomenclature is a list of goods that are sold by a given enterprise in certain period. The commodity nomenclature is characterized by the total number product names, the number of assortment groups, the variability in the choice of goods and the consistency of the assortment.

The first three characteristics of the product range are clear from their names. As for the consistency of the assortment, this means the possibility of using their products in the production process, movement and sale of goods. common properties in order to increase the company's profits. It's about about the possibility of manufacturing goods on the same equipment, from the same raw materials, movement through one distribution channel, offering the consumer complementary goods. For example, it is profitable for a furniture company to produce tennis rackets: similar raw materials and production process, trained personnel. Foodstuffs deep freezing is beneficial to combine for transportation in vehicles equipped with refrigeration units. Selling cases for glasses will do better where the glasses themselves are sold.

Topic 9. Assortment policy of an industrial enterprise

Commodity nomenclature- this is a set of all assortment groups of goods and commodity items offered to consumers by a particular manufacturer.

There are enlarged and detailed nomenclature.

Enlarged nomenclature- this is a list of all assortment groups of goods produced by a particular manufacturer.

detailed(specified or expanded) nomenclature- This is a list of all commodity items produced by the manufacturer.

Product range- a group of goods that are closely related to each other on any basis. Assortment groups can be created on the basis of the commonality of raw materials and materials, the technology used, the similarity of operation, the commonality of the consumer segment, the unity of the distribution network, and the similarity of prices within the same range. The assortment characterizes the nomenclature from various positions: production, sales, transportation, storage, consumption, etc.

Each assortment group consists of assortment positions.

According to the Boston Matrix consulting group, according to market shares and sales growth rates, four categories of products can be distinguished: "stars", "dogs", "cash cows" and "problem children".

Concept life cycle product is the basis for highlighting commodity groups at the stages of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

According to the degree of novelty, minor innovations, modifications and significant innovations are distinguished.

Depending on the segment of consumers, there are means of production and consumer goods. The latter, in turn, according to the nature of the behavior of buyers and the peculiarities of their consumption of goods, can be divided into groups of goods of daily demand, pre-selection, special and passive demand.

According to the terms of operation, goods of long-term and short-term use are distinguished.

Often, the produced commodity nomenclature is subdivided by industry into goods for industry, capital construction, Agriculture, non-production sphere, etc. This is especially typical for manufacturers of complex equipment. The commodity nomenclature of most enterprises is divided by markets into goods for the domestic market, goods for the near and far abroad. This division is due different requirements consumers, the nature of competition, the features of non-tariff regulation.

Depending on the customers, there are products manufactured according to state order, orders specific consumers and no pre-orders. The most protected enterprises are those that operate on pre-orders.

Knowledge of the ABC analysis method allows enterprises to use three main groups of product range: goods up to 20% of assortment positions, bringing up to 70% of sales; goods up to 30% of the range, giving 20% ​​of sales; goods up to 50% of the range, giving 10% of sales.

Above classification features are used for the purposes of marketing analysis of the product range of an industrial enterprise.

Along with the classification of the nomenclature, there is also a selection of varieties of the range, which is due to differences in microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis, in which the objects of study are the enterprise and industries.

For the purposes of microeconomic analysis, the concepts of commodity and trade assortments are distinguished.

Product range, as mentioned above, is a group of goods from the product range of an industrial enterprise, closely related to each other according to some characteristic, for example, according to functional purpose, distribution channels, production technology, etc.

Trade assortment is the variety of goods offered by a wholesaler or retailer, or by a Catering. At the micro level, when considering the trade assortment, an assortment is distinguished commercial enterprise or product group.

At the macro level, there are production, trade and consumer assortments.

Production range- this is the variety of products that are produced by industrial enterprises of a particular industry or several industries. If the industry is represented by a single enterprise, the production range coincides with its detailed product nomenclature.

Trade assortment- this is a variety of goods that are in the sphere of circulation in wholesale and retail trade, as well as in the field of public catering. The trade assortment is wider than the production assortment or the sum of the production assortments. This is due to the implementation of operations in the field of trade and catering production nature: cutting, packaging, packaging, etc. Along with the products of domestic producers, the trade assortment also includes imported goods.

Consumer assortment is the variety of goods needed by the consumer. Feature of the goods market industrial purpose is the excess of the consumer assortment over the trade, which is due to the performance by consumer enterprises of many production operations to bring the purchased goods of raw materials, materials, structures and equipment to the required state: cutting, cutting, etc. In the consumer goods market, the trade assortment conditionally corresponds to the consumer one, which follows from the basic market postulate “demand creates supply”. At the same time, in the process of market analysis, unsatisfied demand and market niches can be identified, as well as a part of the goods offered in trade that are not in demand.

The product range is, in simple terms, a list of names (types) of products created in various national economic sectors. Its development has a special practical value. Consider further what it can be.


The product range is one of the most important categories used in production. The list of types (names) of products is being developed:


In practice, an extended nomenclature. Example: "Cars - 10 thousand units." In this case specific quantity trucks, cars are not indicated. Enlarged product range is list approved under long-term plans. It is concretized in the current programs depending on the structural economic units. On state level an enlarged nomenclature of the most important species products. When developing programs within the framework of departmental and ministerial interaction, it is specified depending on the economic segment. The products manufactured by the enterprise must satisfy the demand of customers. In this regard, the formation of lists takes into account the needs potential clients. For this, an analysis of the market situation is carried out, competitors are studied. Based on the results obtained, our own production is being improved.

Assortment structure

In the activities of production associations, extended lists of goods of a certain name with special technical and economic characteristics are used. The latter, in particular, include power, performance, dimensions, quality, etc. The range is characterized by depth, breadth, level of renewal, completeness. The latter is determined by the ratio of the actual number of species products to the volume specified in the specification or price list. Assortment depth - the number of positions for each type of product. The update level shows the share of new products in the total volume put up for sale. The structure of the assortment is characterized by the specific weight of groups, subgroups, types, subtypes of goods in the amount of turnover.

Formation specifics

The product range is the whole range of manufactured products. It includes different kinds goods. They are divided into types (assortment groups) depending on functional features, cost, quality. In each of them, positions (brands, varieties) are distinguished. They form lowest level classification. Before compiling the assortment, the company develops a concept. It is a directed construction of the proposal. Consumer requests from specific market segments serve as the basis. At the same time, the assortment concept should ensure the most efficient use by the company of its raw materials, financial, technological and other resources to minimize production costs.


Management involves the coordination of interrelated areas of activity: design and scientific and technical, research, organizational, service, advertising, etc. The problem of management is the complexity of combining elements to achieve the main goal - optimizing the range in accordance with the market objectives of the enterprise. If it is not resolved, then the list of manufactured goods will include products that will be more convenient for company departments than for customers. Assortment policy is considered one of the key elements company strategy. Issues related to narrowing / expanding the list of manufactured / sold products may have different solutions. This is influenced by a whole range of factors. Among them are the features of the industry, the size of the company, the specifics of the product group, etc.


Art correct compilation range lies in the ability to implement existing or potential material and technical capabilities in goods that, while making a profit for the manufacturer, have a certain consumer value that satisfies the buyer. Simply put, the manufacturer is not just engaged in the creation of products. It also forms client base, satisfies the specific interests of buyers. Planning is a continuous process. It lasts throughout the product life cycle. A company cannot supply the market with the same products indefinitely.


A prerequisite for the survival of an enterprise in the market is considered to be constant innovation. The main types of strategies include the development of goods:

  1. Fundamentally different from competitors' products.
  2. With improved features.
  3. A new type using previously released products due to their modernization, equipment accessories and options.

Another way to update is to reduce the production or phase out of products that are not in demand.

The property of the assortment is a specific feature of the assortment, which manifests itself during its formation.

The assortment indicator is a quantitative expression of the properties of the assortment (the number of types and names of goods).

The following indicators are used to characterize the product range:


    The width (breadth) of the product range is characterized by the number of proposed product groups (product lines).

It is characterized by indicators:

    Actual latitude - the actual number of species, varieties of product names available.

    Base latitude - the latitude taken as the basis for comparison.

    Latitude coefficient - the ratio of the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to the base.

Latitude can serve as an indirect indicator of the saturation of the market with goods: the greater the breadth, the greater the saturation.

    The depth of the product range characterizes the number of positions (or product variations) in each assortment group (product line).

    The completeness of the assortment is characterized by the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs.

Completeness is characterized by the number of types, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group.

Completeness indicators:

    The actual indicator of completeness is the actual number of species, varieties and names of goods of a homogeneous group

    Basic indicator of completeness - determined by the regulated or planned quantity of goods

    Completeness coefficient - the ratio of the actual completeness indicator to the base one.

The increased completeness of the assortment is one of the means of stimulating sales and meeting various needs due to different tastes, habits and other factors.

An excessive increase in the completeness of the assortment can make it difficult for the buyer to choose, so the completeness should be rational.

Additional (for the trading range):

    Harmony - the degree of proximity of different lines in terms of the end use of the product to ensure rational distribution, sale and / or use.

The group assortment is distinguished by the greatest harmony, the mixed assortment is the least.

Harmony provides a qualitative characteristic of the assortment and is descriptive.

    Balance - a rational combination of product groups depending on market opportunities and in accordance with the direction of the retail offer

    Renewability - the ability of a set of goods to meet changing needs at the expense of new needs (the number of new goods in general list goods)

It is characterized by indicators:

    Valid update - the number of new products in the general list

    The degree of renewal is the ratio of the number of new products to total product names (or actual latitude).

The reasons that prompt the company to update the range are:

    replacement of obsolete goods

    replacement of goods that are not in demand

    development of new products of improved quality in order to stimulate demand

    design and development of new products that had no analogues before

    expanding the range by increasing the completeness to create competitive advantage organizations

New products can satisfy not so much physiological as psychological and social needs.

    Sustainability - ensuring the constant availability of a set of certain varieties of goods (the ability of a set of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods). A feature of such goods is the presence of a steady demand for them.

    Stability coefficient - the ratio of the number of types, varieties and names of goods that are in steady demand among consumers, to the total number of types, varieties and names of goods of the same homogeneous groups.

    The rationality of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the realistically justified needs of different market segments.

    Rationality coefficient - weighted average indicator of rationality, taking into account the real values ​​​​of the indicators of breadth, completeness, stability and novelty, multiplied by the corresponding weighting coefficients.

The probable error of the coefficient shows the difference between the needs assumed in the formation of the assortment (predicted assortment) and the real needs, supported by consumer demand.

Assortment structure - the share of each type and / or product name in the total set.

Assortment structure indicators are calculated as the ratio of the number of individual goods to the total number of all goods included in the assortment.

Assortment structure indicators can have the following types of expression:



The structure of the assortment, calculated in in kind, differs from the assortment structure in monetary terms. The choice of indicators of the assortment structure is determined by analytical goals. If you need to determine the need for storage space and space trading floors, then analyze the structure of the assortment in physical terms. When analyzing profitability certain types goods consider the structure of assortment in monetary terms.

Assortment minimum (list) - the minimum allowable number of types of goods that determine the trade profile of the company.

The assortment minimum is approved by local governments. Failure to comply with it is a violation of the rules of trade.

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