The concepts of migration, emigration, immigration and the difference between them. Why do people leave? Results of data from foreign migration services

Emigration is the movement of people from one country to another. There may be different reasons for such a step - economic, political, personal. There are more and more people wanting to try their luck in a new place every year.

Emigration: concept and types

Many people are confused about this concept. So, did emigration benefit the people or leave them? The term “emigration” comes from the Latin emigro, which translates as “moving out.” It applies to the country from which they are leaving. There is also internal emigration - moving to another city or region.

The other two related concepts are migration and immigration. All of these are symbols of resettlement, but these concepts have a fundamental difference.

The purpose of emigration is to improve the quality of life and self-realization

Migration is a general name that refers to the movement of people within a country, crossing internal borders or across its borders. Immigration is entry into a country. That is, the same person who moved to another state can be called all these concepts.

The easiest way to understand with an example is what it is: emigration - departure or entry. If a person moved from Brazil to Chile, then for a resident of Russia he will be a migrant. If he moved from Russia to the USA, then in relation to the Russian Federation he will be an emigrant, and for the USA - an immigrant. Emigration is used with the preposition “iz” - to emigrate from Russia, immigration with the preposition “in” - to immigrate to the USA.

Note! Definition of emigration: this is moving to a permanent place of residence or for a long stay in another country - while working or studying. What does emigration mean on a global scale? Such a process, especially if it is widespread, causes damage to the economy of the country that people are leaving. It is losing part of its young and working-age population.

Who are emigrants and emigrants?

The International Organization for Migration classifies emigrants by reason of their resettlement into two categories:

  • Forced migrants. These are emigrants and emigrants who left their country due to war, genocide, terrorism, and political repression. Those people who are faced with a threat to their lives. They usually have refugee status in the host country.
  • Emigrants who made a free decision to move. It may be related to the search for better living conditions, opportunities to open a business, or obtain an education. This includes labor migration, as well as moving to create or reunite a family.

Many emigrants have professional education and are highly qualified specialists - it is easier for them to settle in a new country. It will not be difficult for entrepreneurs who are able to create new jobs or make investments to move - host countries are welcoming to migrants who have a beneficial effect on the economy.

Requirements for emigrants

Obtaining an immigrant visa is a complex and lengthy process.

Migration to the EU countries and the USA requires a visa and mandatory immigration control. The easiest way is to blame the paperwork on special companies - everything will be done quickly and efficiently, but for a fee.

Attention! The immigrant does not receive any benefits and is not provided with housing from the state. But if certain conditions are met, the migrant can receive a residence permit (permission to reside for a long period of time).

To do this he must have:

  • correctly executed documents;
  • work permit;
  • money in the account to support yourself and your family.

It is also important to comply with living conditions in a foreign country. At first, the residence permit is temporary; after a certain period, a permanent residence permit is issued. The next step after this is obtaining citizenship.

Attention! In case of violation of the laws of the country, the immigrant risks not only not receiving all these privileges, but also being deported back to his homeland.

Emigration programs

There are special programs for emigrants. Their use makes the process of moving to another country easier. The following programs are provided for many European countries:

  • Labor;
  • Business (business emigration);
  • Educational (student);
  • Emigration due to the purchase of real estate.

European Union countries are very popular among emigrants due to their high standard of living and the opportunity to realize themselves in the profession. They get the opportunity to travel throughout Europe without restrictions, and proximity to Russia also plays a big role for many - if necessary, they can quickly visit relatives or solve other problems.

EU countries are one of the most popular migration destinations

Each country may have its own nuances regarding the acceptance of foreign citizens:

  • Denmark – this country has one of the highest standards of living on the planet. There is a professional migration program here, as well as attracting young specialists, which is a good chance for university graduates with rare and valuable specialties.
  • Belgium is an economically prosperous country in Western Europe with fairly flexible immigration laws. To obtain citizenship of this country, you need to obtain a residence permit and then wait only 4 years.
  • Italy - the easiest way to move here is to use the business emigration program.
  • Germany is a country with a rich economy, developed mechanical engineering, technology and services. You can get here through the labor migration program. The same path can be chosen in the case of Spain, but there will still be additional advantages in the form of a mild climate and open, friendly people.
  • Immigration to the Czech Republic is also popular. A country with a stable economy, beautiful architecture and, most importantly, free education.

On a note! In addition to Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand are popular among emigrants - these are countries where there are more chances to immigrate.

Canada is a very liberal state towards immigrants. It is the second largest country in the world. Vast territories need to be populated by people, so the government promotes this by attracting foreigners. Every year it becomes a new home for hundreds of thousands of people.

Australia always welcomes new specialists. There are labor and business migration programs here. There will be a place for graduates of universities and secondary vocational institutions.

Population migration

New Zealand is an island country near Australia in a southeast direction. It is notable for its high standard of living, warm climate and social well-being. There is a labor immigration program with which you can find work and obtain a residence permit.

The United States receives hundreds of thousands of migrants every year. Current programs – educational, professional. Paid internships are available for university graduates and young professionals with at least one year of work experience.

Additional Information! The American government gives all potential emigrants a chance to test their luck. Once a year, green cards (work permits) are drawn in a lottery, following which 55 thousand lucky ones are randomly selected. In 2018, applications are accepted in October.

How to move without programs

In addition to immigration programs, there are other opportunities for emigration:

  • marry a person with foreign citizenship;
  • receive an invitation from an employer;
  • have parents or children abroad who have citizenship or residence permits;
  • achieve political asylum (unlikely option).

There is also the concept of re-emigration - the return of former immigrants back to their homeland, to the country of citizenship or origin. The term repatriation is also used - a return to origins, to the land of our ancestors. Usually this phenomenon is supported by the laws of the countries, and this kind of emigrants do not experience difficulties in moving.

Other attractive countries

The economic factor does not always play a decisive role when moving to another country. InterNations conducted a survey among immigrants - it involved 14 thousand people in almost 200 countries.

Based on the results, a list of countries that are not the most popular in the field of emigration was compiled. Such that, in many respects, are attractive to potential emigrants. Experts recommend unusual places that meet the requirements of a comfortable life:

  • Malta is an island state in Europe, in the central Mediterranean Sea. It is rich in attractions, including fortresses and temples. It is notable for its lenient tax system.
  • Taiwan is one of the cheapest among eastern countries, but this does not in any way affect the level of comfort for life - it is no worse than the West. For lovers of warm climates.
  • Ecuador – friendly people, cheap things, delicious and inexpensive cuisine, high-quality medicine. There is also a good selection of jobs here.
  • Mexico – low food prices, warm climate, friendly people.

The choice of a new country is based not only on the economy, but also on personal comfort

As for Russian emigrants, who are growing in number every year, the vast majority of them move to the USA and Canada. Europe is chosen by 30% of migrants. Still, for the Russian Federation, the main role is played by the opportunity to find a good job and gain material well-being.

What is labor emigration

Dissatisfaction with the economic situation at home forces a person to look for work in another country. In search of better living conditions, he decides to change his job with a low salary to a better paid one - abroad. This will require obtaining an appropriate work visa, collecting other necessary documents, and a call from the employer.

There are several types of labor migration:

  • Permanent – ​​irrevocable move to a new country for permanent residence.
  • Seasonal – moving for the duration of seasonal work.
  • Temporary – migration for a limited period, most often this is the period of signing a contract or the necessary period for the implementation of the project.
  • Pendulum - crossing the border on a daily basis.

The level of labor migration is growing every year, and along with it the level of illegal employment is increasing. The material factor is becoming increasingly important for emigrant workers. Among the migrants there are often scientists and technical specialists - if their work is undervalued in their home country, there are many developed countries where they will receive decent pay.

The bulk of these emigrants who travel for work are young people – 20–25 years old. Among them, the majority are from Africa, the Middle East, and the CIS. The most popular countries for finding work and moving are the United States and European countries - the reason for this is a stable, developed economy and a loyal attitude towards migrants.

Note! The country that the migrant worker leaves is called a donor. The term “recipient” is used to designate the receiving state.

Labor migration is the most popular type of relocation

Reasons for labor emigration

In addition to the main reason for labor migration, which is to obtain greater material benefits, there are secondary ones. These include:

  • career prospects;
  • prestige of the employer company;
  • opportunity for training and advanced training;
  • cultural and aesthetic needs.

Sometimes developing countries also become recipient countries, where highly qualified workers move from developed and prosperous countries. This is most often due to the specificity of the profession - teacher, doctor, engineer. An employee can move either at the invitation of the government or organization, or on his own initiative.

For those whose education, skills or talent are not in demand in their home country, emigration becomes a chance for self-realization, success and a decent life. But moving abroad is always associated with great difficulties - you need to be prepared for this. Large material costs, social adaptation, and combating the language barrier will be required.

Such consonant concepts as immigration, migration and emigration are fundamentally different. To understand what they are and what is their difference, we decided to create this material.

First, let's go over the concepts a little. Emigration is the relocation of a person to any country of his own free will. Immigration is moving to a state for permanent residence. In both cases, the concept is pronounced in relation to the country being spoken about. For example, one can immigrate “to” and emigrate “from” or “from”. Emigration and immigration are voluntary actions. In this case, migration can occur within the state. People from hot spots can migrate.

Considering what emigration and immigration are , It is also worth mentioning re-emigration. It represents a return to the point of original residence.

What is emigration

We have already figured out the meaning of the word emigration. In short, this is a process when a person leaves the country forever. People make this decision due to several factors:

  • Inability to provide for yourself in your homeland;
  • Difficult conditions of both material and moral life in the state;
  • Opportunity to receive a more qualified education;
  • Return of parents or ancestors to their homeland;
  • Realization of oneself as a specialist in a certain industry.

Types of emigration are as follows:

  1. work or school;
  2. business emigration;

There are also gray and black (semi-legal and illegal) emigration schemes. But it’s better not to think about them, otherwise you can lose not only a significant amount of money or real estate, but also freedom.
The problem of emigration depends on the country to which a person is moving. There may be completely different laws and mentality than in his native state. When moving from Russia to, for example, it is very difficult to get used to the German way of life. But, in any case, all possible problems must be considered strictly individually.

What is immigration

The meaning of the word immigration is to enter the country in question. There are several methods of relocation. But we recommend that you think carefully before putting your plans into practice. After all, it is necessary to choose a country that cares about immigrants and offers them favorable living conditions. In most cases, a person, having understood the definition of what immigration is, does not take into account many nuances. And, having arrived in the chosen country, he encounters many troubles.

Types of immigration are as follows:

  • Independent;
  • For business.

The pros and cons of immigration must be considered on a case-by-case basis. They depend on whether you have provided for all sorts of situations that you may encounter. For example:

  1. Opportunity to become a citizen in the future;
  2. Demand for your specialty;
  3. Standard of living.

Problems with emigration

We have already looked at the difference between emigration and immigration. Now let’s look at the possible problems that someone who decides to change their place of residence may encounter. Each state welcomes immigrants in its own way. European countries are not very friendly to specialists who can be found at home. Therefore, unless you are a well-known professional in your industry, do not expect friendliness.

Large companies will be happy to see you if they want:

  1. Increase your talent pool without wasting time on training;
  2. Hire labor at a lower cost;
  3. “Rejuvenate” the staff.

We hope you understand the difference between emigration and immigration and what problems a potential immigrant may encounter.


There are several types of population migration:

  • Internal;
  • External.

It often occurs within a halo of habitat and is a broad concept. Internal displacement is occurring throughout the country. A person can change their area of ​​residence while studying. The external one is more global. It is divided into emigration and immigration.

How does migration differ from emigration?

As you may already understand, emigration is a subtype of migration. It takes place at the moment when a person decides to change his country of residence on a permanent basis. Migration, by the way, has been known for a long time.

And a large number of people prefer to stay in their comfort zone. That is, in your own country. Only the territorial centers change. Migration is spurred by the development of trade, transport or industrial growth.

Why is it important to differentiate between concepts?

Most people, including, do not distinguish between the concepts of immigration and emigration, but want to change their place of residence and move to another country. In fact, it is necessary to distinguish them. After all, it depends on whether you will receive permanent residence in the chosen state.

Emigration from Russia

Russian emigration is historically divided into several mass flows. The last one was recorded in 2012. Statisticians explain this with political motives. The majority of free-thinking citizens realized that no significant changes would be expected. Economic sanctions from the West added to the tension. In other words, many citizens do not like the political situation in the country, the lack of opportunity to influence what is happening, rising prices, and low social security.

In our article, we talked in detail about all the methods of emigration and published ratings of popular countries.

Who are emigrants and immigrants

The concepts immigrant and emigrant are antonyms. An immigrant is a citizen of one state who has moved to another. An emigrant is a person who left his country of residence and moved permanently to another.

Reasons for today's emigration

The main reasons for emigration are the search for work, the desire to get an education and improve living conditions.

In our country, only a few manage to receive wages that correspond to their level of education and professional experience. Therefore, a qualified specialist is looking for a decent level of remuneration for his work.

Modern statistics of emigration of citizens from Russia

It is quite difficult to give an exact emigration schedule. After all, there are several services that keep records. Also, some leave the country for a while, not forever. Also, many do not come to the place of registration to cancel it, indicating the purpose of moving.
The number of emigrants should be monitored by government services. Often the figures are provided by Rosstat, which receives them from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The latter department obtains data from the migration service.

Results of data from foreign migration services

If we consider data on Russian emigrants for 2016, we can derive certain statistics. It is like this:

  • – 21,400 people;
  • Israel - 268,000 people;
  • – 201,000 people;
  • Bulgaria – 17,000 people;
  • Austria – 30,000 people.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of immigrants from Russia to European countries. There are many reasons for this, and the main one is the lack of a decent standard of living. After all, in Europe, the average student who works part-time in his free time can afford to buy a good car. For comparison, in our country purchasing a car is still a luxury.

Age and sex composition of migrants in the Russian Federation

76% of all migrants are young people under 30 years of age. The rest change states due to ethnicity. They move to the country of their ancestors. In recent years, it has become fashionable and promising to send children to study in Poland, Lithuania and. Therefore, most of the migrants are very young.

What is the difference between being in a country with permanent resident status and living in the country on a visa with a work permit?

In some European countries, you can live for a very long time with a temporary residence permit and a work permit. But such a document does not give anything other than the possibility of staying on the territory of the state. A person does not have the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of a certain country. He is considered a guest.

If you do not have a work permit, you cannot not only work, but also receive medical insurance. Moreover, there are criminal penalties for activities without an official document. In order to enjoy all the benefits offered by government agencies, as well as social or insurance benefits, you must receive. It is provided to people who have lived in the country for a certain period of time as a permanent resident.

Advantages and disadvantages

The possibility of relocation is often well thought out. But a person faces some difficulties after changing his country of residence. Problems begin after a couple of years.

A person must join the work team or the team surrounding him. He completely abandons his language, customary culture, and way of life. Some prefer to retain something of their roots and associate only with a small group of immigrants from their country. This creates certain problems.

The first 3 years are considered the most difficult for adaptation. Of course, at first, such advantages as a decent salary, decent working conditions and the opportunity to improve the standard of living cloud the eyes. But then a person realizes that everything is different abroad, from the air to the culture. If he successfully passes this stage, then the resettlement can be considered successful. Otherwise, he returns to his country.

Factors that make moving easier

Moving to another country requires more than just financial savings. If you don't know the language of the state, you will have a very difficult time. It is also important to have housing, work, and the provision of necessary medical care.

Therefore, in most developed countries, relocation must be supported by a certificate of language proficiency. Such a document opens up excellent prospects for visitors. Also, in Canada, for example, there are lists of in-demand professions. Translators and teachers are not honored there. But all doors are open to doctors, engineers or IT specialists. Please take this into account before moving and think it through carefully.

emigro- “moving out”) - relocation from one country to another due to economic, political, or personal circumstances. Indicated in relation to the country from which they emigrate.

Emigration is an independent decision to resettle a person or family, as opposed to forced relocation - eviction from the country or deportation. Reasons for emigration - war, famine, poverty, political repression, ethnic conflicts, interfaith contradictions, natural and environmental disasters, family reunification, discrimination (national, religious, social, etc.), inability to obtain an education, profession, work, difficulties in implementation of creative, professional, economic and other personal and family plans in the country of residence.

Unlike simply migration within a region or between regions of the country, emigration is associated with leaving the country, that is, it involves crossing the border. Emigration differs from short-term trips for personal and business purposes or tourist trips in that it is necessarily associated with a change of permanent residence.

Emigration does not necessarily imply the acquisition or change of citizenship or nationality. Russia, in particular, allows its citizens to have a second citizenship.

The opposite process to emigration is immigration, that is, coming to the country for permanent residence.

Re-emigration - the return of an emigrant to the country of original residence, return migration.

In France

The word "emigrant" (French. emigré) is of French origin.

In Russia

  • White emigration (first wave emigration)
  • from USSR:
    • emigration of the second wave (1941-1944);
    • emigration of the third wave (1948-1990);
    • emigration of the fourth wave (1990-present)

see also


  • L. Bugaeva. Mythology of emigration: geopolitics and poetics // Beyond. Intellectual emigration in Russian culture of the 20th century. Frankfurt am Main. - Peter Lang, 2006, p. 51-71pvyk42


  • Alexey Skutnev Flight from Russia

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    See what “Emigration” is in other dictionaries: emigration - and, f. emigration lat. emigratio eviction, departure. 1. Relocation from one’s homeland to another country for economic, political or other reasons. BAS 1. Of course, the Greeks will disappear, their situation will become even worse, but there are also a lot of Turks... ...

    - (lat. from emigrare to move out). Relocation, abandonment of the fatherland. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. EMIGRATION [Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Departure, relocation Dictionary of Russian synonyms. emigration noun, number of synonyms: 8 departure (13) abroad... Synonym dictionary

    This is a funeral, after which life moves on. Tadeusz Kotarbiński Emigration is a drop of the nation's blood taken for analysis. Maria Rozanova Where there are two emigrants, there are three parties. The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than the fire in a foreign land. Lucian of Samosata Where is better here... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    - (from the Latin emigre I am evicting), the mass eviction of a surplus population from an occupied territory. Usually associated with population density exceeding the carrying capacity of the environment. Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. Chisinau: Main editorial office of the Moldavian Soviet... ... Ecological dictionary

    EMIGRATION- EMIGRATION, the process of leaving the formed elements of blood from the bed of the vessel. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (mainly neutrophils) emigrate most often; however, E. is also observed in other elements: lymphocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes. In the latter case... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    - (from the Latin emigro I move out) the departure of citizens from their country to another country for permanent residence (or for a more or less long period) for political, economic and other reasons... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Lat. emigrare to leave) resettlement of citizens from one country to another. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    emigration, emigration, many. no, female (from Latin emigro I move). 1. Forced or voluntary relocation from one’s homeland to another country for one reason or another (political, economic, etc.). 2. Long-term or permanent… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    EMIGRA IA, and, w. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    In biology, the eviction of organisms from a certain area. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al. 1978 ... Geological encyclopedia

It would seem that these words are similar to each other, often found on the Internet and other media, but they have different meanings. Our article is intended for those who are still mistaken and do not know whether they are immigrating or emigrating.

So, emigration, what is it?

This definition is of Latin origin. It means relocation to another country on a voluntary or forced basis, for permanent residence (permanent residence) or temporary residence, sometimes you can read in the thematic article “temporary residence permit” (RP).

If emigration is forced, then the reasons can be both financial and economic, and political, also religious, environmental and, of course, personal.

Among emigrants, the most preferred type of emigration is, as they call it, a “white” or labor, that is, a work visa.

If we talk about territorial migrations (we mean various movements), they are divided into external - immigration and emigration to another country (outside the home country), and internal migrations (we are talking about movements within the state).

Whatever type of migration we are talking about, they can all be temporary (you can live in the country for several years and return to your homeland or go to some other city or country).

What is the difference between emigration and immigration - what do they call those who leave abroad forever?

Or you can leave forever, that is, irrevocably.

There are also so-called seasonal migrations. The move depends on the time of year (immigration is carried out for the purpose of obtaining seasonal work on fruit and berry farms, construction sites, etc.)

There is also pendulum (internal) migration. This could be migration related to place of residence or study. Such migration is more natural for large cities.

So what's the difference: emigrate or immigrate?

Emigrating means leaving the country for temporary or permanent residence in another country, and in the future - either changing citizenship or not.

To immigrate means to enter a specific state, with the goal of settling temporarily or permanently (for permanent residence).

And so, by emigration we mean leaving the country, and by immigration we mean entering a certain state.

Be that as it may, in order to either immigrate or emigrate, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need to go through some legal formalities: obtain a visa, pay off debts, if any, obtain a work visa, residence permit, declare income and prove that the level of solvency is not lower than the required level, etc.

The most important thing, as we believe, is that a person who decides to either emigrate or immigrate will need to endure a lot of moral suffering, endure a feeling of pain for what was lost, maybe not forever, but maybe exactly, but on the contrary, the past. Even if it’s difficult to call it perfect, it’s all personal, dear. The feeling of “nostalgia” will not go away for a long time, because the process of emigration and immigration always keeps pace with stress, with many difficulties and problems. In any case, you will need to go through a period of adaptation to such fascinating, but still alien, unfamiliar, unusual conditions...

The word immigration

The word immigration in English letters (transliterated) - immigratsiya

The word immigration consists of 10 letters: a g i i i m m r c i

Meanings of the word immigration. What is immigration?


Immigration (from Latin immigro - I move in) is the entry into a country of foreign citizens for the purpose of permanent residence or long-term stay and, as a rule, obtaining its citizenship.

Yudina T.N. Migration. — 2007

Immigration is the entry of foreigners into the country for permanent residence or for a long period. Immigration is regulated by the laws and other acts of each state. Immigrants are forced to leave their state due to various political reasons...

Counterintelligence Dictionary. — 1972

IMMIGRATION (from Latin Immigro - moving in), entry (moving in) into a country for permanent or temporary (usually long-term) residence of citizens of another country.

Demographic encyclopedic dictionary. — 1985

Immigration is the entry of citizens of one country into another country for temporary or permanent residence. Immigration is determined by economic, military, political, religious and other reasons.

Immigration of the population (from the Latin Immigro - “I move in”) is the entry of the population of one country into another for temporary or permanent residence, considered in relation to the country where migrants enter.

Immigration, i.e., settling into a cultural country (this is its difference from colonization), is carried out either by individuals or families or entire groups, masses (the so-called mass immigration; this was, for example, the resettlement of the Huguenots to Prussia, etc.).

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. — 1890-1907

IMMIGRATION (immigration) Relocation of citizens of one state to another country for permanent residence or for a long time. Short-term, business or tourist trips are not considered immigration.

Raizberg B.A. Modern economic dictionary. — 1999

Immigration to Greece

Immigration to Greece of citizens of other countries has several waves in its history. Illegal immigration has become a national problem for Greece in recent years.

Immigration to Canada

Immigration to Canada is the process of immigration by which people move to Canada for permanent residence. Many, but not all, become subjects of the state. Canada is a country of immigrants.

Immigration to Quebec

Immigration to Quebec is the process of foreign citizens entering for permanent residence in the Canadian province of Quebec. By agreement with the federal government, the province of Quebec has the right to independently select immigrants...

Immigration to Russia

Immigration to Russia (also resettlement to Russia) is the process of entry of foreign citizens for permanent residence into the territory of the Russian Federation. Immigration to Russia is regulated by law, and therefore can be considered legal...

Immigration to Sweden

Immigration to Sweden is the process by which people migrate to Sweden to live in the country. Many, but not all, become Swedish citizens. People have been migrating to the Swedish region for hundreds of years.

Immigration to France

According to official data, there were 5.1 million immigrants and 3.6 million foreigners in France in 2006. It should be noted that the official French definitions of the terms “immigrant” and “foreigner”: an immigrant is a person...By regions of the world, immigration is distributed as follows: 45% of immigrants come to...

Immigration control

Immigration control (immigration control) is a set of measures aimed at regulating the migration of foreign citizens and stateless persons to Russia...

Yudina T.N. Migration.

Emigration and immigration - what is the difference?

Immigration control is the implementation by authorized government bodies of a set of measures. compliance with the immigration legislation of the Republic of Belarus. (Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Immigration”).

Levonsky V. Law of Belarus. — 2002

Russian language

Immigration, -i (entry).

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004


Morphemic-spelling dictionary. - 2002

Examples of using the word immigration

Meanwhile, PASMI is figuring out what the forced immigration threatens Bilalov with, and what the return to his homeland means.

Meanwhile, large-scale immigration keeps the US population growing and comparatively young.

The state is facing new major challenges, such as immigration.

According to Söderling, immigration will reach its limit in 2050, when the number of people entering the country will reach one million.

In search of a better life, some people leave Russia, while others, on the contrary, come to it. This movement is called migration processes, which have a significant impact on the life of the entire society. What is the difference between the basic concepts and why is it so important to pay attention to this issue?


Emigration is the resettlement of persons to a foreign country for political, economic, and social reasons. It can be voluntary or forced, provoked by the behavior of the authorities.

Emigration and immigration - what is the difference

Relocation from Russia to the USA is emigration caused by differences in living standards.

Immigration- this is moving into the state due to certain circumstances, which can only be voluntary. There are many motives for changing the country of residence - from searching for a better life to saving one’s own life and health.


So, at first glance, the differences between the definitions are of a purely technical nature and, in fact, represent two sides of the same process. Emigrants leave the country, and immigrants move into it. It is very difficult to control these processes, since they are not always within the legal framework (illegal migrants).

In this case, emigration can be forced: certain persons will simply be “asked” or obliged to leave the state and made persona non grata. But it is impossible to force a person to forcibly move into the country, since such mechanisms do not exist. All developed countries introduce immigration quotas, setting certain limits, and sometimes even ban it. Almost all countries do not prohibit emigration (except for totalitarian regimes); quotas for it, as a rule, are not introduced.


  1. Direction. Emigration is directed outside the state, immigration is directed inside it.
  2. Right of residence. An emigrant acquires a residence permit or citizenship in a new country; an immigrant, on the contrary, loses ties with his homeland due to the establishment of a connection with the new land.
  3. Consent of the person. Emigration can be forced, while immigration can only be voluntary.
  4. Quotas. Emigration is almost impossible to control; no limits are set on the number of people leaving their homeland. Most states limit the number of immigrants and introduce special quotas.

In legislative terminology, there are several concepts that are very similar at first glance. This is migration, emigration, immigration. It is necessary to know what the difference between these definitions is so as not to get confused.

Differences between migration, immigration, emigration

Migration is any movement of a person or group of persons within a country or from state to state in order to seek an improvement in the quality of life. It refers to general concepts, has a broader meaning and includes many types of movement of people within their state and between different countries.

Migration is external, when a person moves from one state to another. And internal, when resettlement is carried out within one country (from region to region).

Important! External migration is divided into emigration and immigration. They have almost identical reasons, because the same person, when leaving his country, becomes an emigrant, and when arriving in another state for permanent residence, he becomes an immigrant. But his reasons for this process do not change.

The term "emigration" comes from the Latin word meaning "to move out" and means moving to another country for personal, political, economic, or religious reasons. Usually this is a one-time trip outside the country of which he has citizenship. At the same time, a citizen does not necessarily have to renounce his homeland and citizenship.

Immigration is the opposite concept, which comes from a Latin term meaning “to move in.” This is the process of entering the territory of another state for the purpose of permanent residence and employment.

Emigration: reasons and ways to leave your country

If we talk about emigration, then this is the process of a person moving to another country for permanent residence. The migrant makes this decision due to certain circumstances.

These include:

  • difficult political, economic, environmental situation in the country of residence;
  • return to the historical homeland of their ancestors;
  • inability to receive education, undergo treatment, or realize oneself in the country of residence.

Note! Emigration can be for work, education, business, or through the purchase of real estate.

The main reason for emigration is the search for better living conditions. This includes getting a good education, a well-paid job, and improving your living conditions. Accurate migrant statistics are quite difficult to pin down.

There are several services that keep such records. Also, people do not always leave for a while, and not forever. Some do not come to their place of registration to deregister. The number of people emigrating from Russia is taken into account by Rosstat, based on data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Migration Service.

Most people emigrate from Russia to European countries. This is due to the higher standard of living there. As an example, it can be noted that in developed countries in Europe and America, even the unemployed have at least one car, which they can afford with social benefits. While in Russia a car is considered a luxury item that not every working citizen can afford, especially in the provinces and villages.

Important information for expats

When emigrating, you should consider the difference between living in a country with a visa and work permit and living as a permanent resident. In many countries you can live quite a long time with a work visa. But at the same time, a migrant is not considered a citizen of the country, he is just a guest. Accordingly, the state does not provide him with any social guarantees. He cannot receive medical care through social insurance.

After emigration, a person faces many problems associated with adaptation to a new place. Therefore, such a decision is not made spontaneously; everything must be carefully considered. The citizen renounces his culture, language, and usual way of life. This is very difficult for especially sensitive people, especially for people of middle and old age. Social adaptation in another country

One of the most necessary skills for both emigrants and immigrants is knowledge of the language of the host country. In most countries, this must be confirmed by an appropriate certificate, which opens up good prospects for the visitor. Also, states often have lists of in-demand professions, which are also worth studying before leaving. For example, engineers and programmers are in demand in Canada and the USA. But finding a job as a translator or teacher is quite difficult.

Why do people leave?

Migration issues are different in every country. And depending on the state policy towards migrants, the comfort and well-being of the immigrant’s stay in the country will be envy. Most often, people move to countries with a higher standard of living, which includes the opportunity to receive a better quality consumer basket, social guarantees from the state, provision of living space, security, education and employment with good wages.

Emigration from Russia includes several historical streams. They were mainly associated with political motives. The Soviet government oppressed creative people (poets, writers, artists, artists) in every possible way, so they sought to go abroad, where they could create freely. Currently, people emigrate to other countries more to get education and good work, a higher standard of living, and a secure old age.

If we talk about the age of migrants, then almost 80% of the flow of moving citizens is young people under 30 years old. This is explained by the mobility of this population group, their desire to find a better place for themselves in life. People of retirement age are also emigrating from the country. But they have other reasons for this. Most often, older people move to other countries for ethnic reasons, trying to return to their historical homeland, or move to live with their children and grandchildren.


This is the process of entering another country. People also immigrate for various reasons. The grounds are:

  • stable economic and social situation in the host country;
  • benefits for low-income groups of the population;
  • the opportunity to work peacefully and receive decent pay for it;
  • no threat to life and health;
  • tolerant laws;
  • expenses on food, clothing, housing and communal services tariffs allow you to live with dignity.

All these factors are fundamental to entering a foreign country.

Important! Before entering somewhere, you need to carefully study the policy towards migrants in the chosen country, so as not to end up in an even worse situation than in your homeland.

Immigration can be independent and business. The pros and cons of the process depend on how much the person has considered all the possible nuances of his stay in the new country. This largely depends on the demand for the specialty that the immigrant has, the standard of living in the country of future residence, government policy towards migrants, and the possibility of obtaining citizenship in the future.

What kind of immigrants are needed?

Traditionally, people are attracted to countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany, where the standard of living is very high. But the dream may not always come true, and these countries welcome migrants with open arms.

Developed countries are interested in qualified personnel in certain areas for which they do not have enough of their own specialists. Therefore, before packing your things and entering the chosen country, you should find out which specialists are in demand in a given state. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to find work there and you can hardly count on friendliness.

Typically, foreign countries are happy to receive foreign guests in the following cases:

  • there is a need to increase the personnel reserve without wasting money and time on training our own young specialists;
  • obtain qualified personnel for lower wages than employees from their home country require;
  • “rejuvenate” your staff.

Migration contributes to economic development, but in some cases it causes a deterioration in the criminal situation. This happens when the receiving country allows too many migrants into its territory or when they themselves are staying illegally. The receiving state will not have enough jobs and economic resources to provide for all migrants. As a result, they are left without money, shelter and food. To get food for themselves, migrants are forced to commit crimes. Therefore, foreign states clearly state what kind of people they need.

It is necessary to distinguish between the similar statuses of immigrant and tourist. They are reflected in the table.


Migration, emigration, immigration are natural processes that began to occur in ancient times. After all, everyone wants to live well, get a good education, be socially protected, receive a good salary, qualified medical care, and not constantly worry about their safety. It is for these purposes that migrants cross the borders of other states.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, compensation for damages from insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.

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