Damage to death consequences for the customer. Rules to follow to protect yourself from damage

Pain and hatred fill the soul and revenge becomes the only goal. You are ready to do anything to punish your enemy. There is an exit. Damage to death from a photograph is used in black magic as one of the most effective and accessible ways to repay for the evil caused. Details of the ritual, algorithm of actions, list of things necessary for the ritual can be found in this article.

Why does photo damage work??

Photography is a powerful tool for influencing the biofield of any individual, especially when the eyes are clearly visible in it. There is a thin thread connecting the image and the person in real life.

Damage from a photo can cause powerful damage to the physical and psychological state of your enemy. The effect of a negative message occurs quickly, and recovery from it is unlikely.

Damage to death from photo always works. And if something did not go according to plan (the rules of the ritual were violated or your enemy has a strong defense), then the result of the procedure will be a severe illness for the offender, from which he will not be able to recover for a long time.

Act strictly according to the instructions, putting all your hatred into every step in order to doom the enemy to inevitable death. But remember that you need a really good reason to carry out fatal damage from a photo. After all, the ritual has an irreversible result: you cannot bring a person back from the other world.

How to cause fatal damage using a photo?

Let's talk in more detail about how to make a spell for death using a photograph. There are several options, each of which has been repeatedly tested in action and proven to be effective.

We put the photo in the coffin

The solution is popular among practicing magicians and ordinary people who want to take revenge for grievances. To do this, a photograph of the enemy is placed in the coffin of the deceased during the funeral. You can place it at the feet, under the pillow or near the heart of the deceased. The latter arrangement is considered the most reliable. At the same time, they imagine the hated person and mentally say:

“Take him with you!”

The power of the ritual is amazing. Soon the offender will become seriously ill and medicine will be unable to help him.

Photograph in the grave

If you can’t get to the funeral, bury your enemy’s photo in the ground on a fresh grave. It is important that no time passes from the moment of burial. more than 40 days, and the names of the deceased and the person you hated coincided.

To carry out you will need:

  • Pin;
  • Candle;
  • A piece of black fabric;
  • Iron money.

Collect soil from the grave mound and pour it into black cloth. Use a pin to pierce the prepared photo an odd number of times. Place it in a parcel of earth. Pour melted wax on top so that the earth and the photograph freeze, so your enemy will definitely not be able to get rid of the magic. Tie the fabric with the photo and the soil in a double knot and bury it on the grave.

When you leave, don't look back. Go the same way you came. After passing three intersections, throw away the iron coins with the words:

“I’m paying off.”

Damage to death in a cemetery rarely fails. After some time, the object of your hatred will have an accident or an incurable disease with a fatal outcome.

Damage to death using a telephone

The telephone allows us to hear the voice of a person located thousands of kilometers away. Which makes it possible to convey a negative message through this modern communication channel. Using a mobile or landline phone is no less effective than burying a photograph on a grave. But you can’t do without a visit to the cemetery either.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • Two church candles;
  • A photograph of the deceased from a fresh grave. The name of the deceased must match the name of the hater;
  • A handful of earth from a burial mound;
  • Telephone;
  • A few coins.

What do we have to do. Find a new grave. The name of the deceased must match the name of your enemy. Borrow a photo of the deceased by throwing a few coins in return and saying:

“What I took, I will return.”

Collect some grave soil.

Next, in the house, on an empty table, place two prepared candles on saucers, light them with one match. Place a photograph of the deceased between them and scatter earth around it. Say it several times:

“Call the spirit of the deceased to you whose voice you now hear” .

And dial your enemy's number. After connecting, place the handset with the speaker on the prepared photograph. Hold it like that until it's over They won't hang up at the end.

It is important to know for sure that the person at whom your evil thoughts are directed will pick up the phone, since the action orchi is irreversible.

After completing the ceremony, extinguish the candles with your hands (do not blow them out). Leave one of them on the grave of the deceased whose photo you borrowed. Take the second one to the church and place it for repose in the name of the enemy.

The soil should be scattered at any intersection, and the photo should be returned to the cemetery. Here again, coins will be used for ransom. Don't forget to say:

“What I took, I return.”

You can expect the result of spoilage within 2-4 weeks.

Photo on the doll and boiling water

Based on the magical rituals of Voodoo, there is an effective way to spoil death using a photo of an enemy. Sew the simplest rag doll. It should be filled with fabric cut from the clothes of the hater (it should not be after washing, otherwise the connection will be interrupted). On your head, stick a face cut out from a photo of your enemy.

“Let your blood boil, let the heat engulf your body. Die!

Afterwards, the ritual toy should be taken to the cemetery and buried in a fresh grave. Do this within 13 hours after the ceremony.

If the house has a stove, the doll can be burned rather than scalded in boiling water. This is an equally effective method that leads to the development of a fatal infection in a person with a high fever. It will be simply impossible to reduce the heat.

Sending pain through photography

Agree that damaging the death of a person based on a photo is an extreme measure. Sometimes it is enough to teach the enemy a lesson without death. We are talking about such a decision as sending physical pain.

Thus, toothache, muscle pain, severe migraine, back and joint pain can plague an enemy. The whole body can hurt at once, sometimes without an obvious reason.

To provide similar torment to your enemy, prepare:

  • A photograph and towel of this person;
  • Coarse salt, candle;
  • Hammer, awl.

During the waxing moon phase, choose a night when the sky is completely covered with clouds. By candlelight, take a photo, sprinkle with coarse salt, pour wax on top and wrap it in a towel (do not wash it before the ceremony to maintain contact with the aura of the hater).

Start hitting it with a hammer, trampling it with your feet, piercing it with an awl, saying:

“Let the pain come to you, as strong as I hate you!” .

Continue until you realize that you have taken out all the negative energy and anger towards this person. After this, you should cover the towel with the photo with heavy stones or burn it in a fire.

How else can you punish the offender??

There are four surefire ways to send a severe illness to an enemy without using a photo. To do this, use funeral paraphernalia:

Such methods of damage were in use in ancient Rus', as recorded in the manuscripts of hereditary sorcerers. Rituals incur physicalpain, fear, suffering. Subsequently, they lead to the fact that a person loses hope of getting rid of torment, stops fighting the disease and dies.


Damage to the death of a person from a photo , like other acts of retaliation, will have an effect only if you truly want it. It is equally important to observe all the nuances of witchcraft rituals without violating the order of actions.

To protect against the negative rollback, do not forget to leave a payoff for the deceased in the cemetery. It is also worth reading the Our Father three times and washing your hands and face with holy water after performing any of the rituals listed in the article.

The question of how to spoil death periodically interests many of us. It should be said that this is a very dark section of magic and many people are not able to perform such a ritual. In addition, do not forget that in the end you may experience a rollback of black magic, which will hit you as a performer. Therefore, we advise you to think carefully about whether you hate a person so much as to wish him death and yourself retribution for witchcraft.

Hatred rightfully ranks second among the most powerful human emotions, second only to love. A person is ready to do anything just to win the heart of a loved one or cause trouble for an enemy. Love spells are a relatively harmless thing, which cannot be said about damage to death.

Damage to death is the highest point of black magic; there is no witchcraft stronger than it. It is applied to an enemy for only one purpose - to kill a person, and this is equivalent to murder. Such rituals do not go unnoticed on your energy field, leaving an indelible mark on it. In addition, you may suffer from a backlash that overtakes you if all the conditions of the ritual were not followed or your death spell was successfully removed.

Types of damage

There are many ways to spell death on your enemy. Some of them are less painful, others involve death in agony. Many ancient rituals of such a curse have already been lost to our generation, but they are being replaced by conspiracies using modern technologies.

The most common types of damage to death include the following types of rituals:

  • Damage to death from a photo.
  • Damage using cemetery elements.
  • Damage to death over the phone.

Damage from a photograph

Damage to death using photography has long been considered the easiest ritual to perform, but at the same time the most effective. In addition, getting a photo of your enemy in the modern world is absolutely no problem, which makes the curse process much easier.

The simplest ritual for death, which does not require additional knowledge and skills from you, is considered to be a ritual during which a photograph of your enemy is placed in the coffin of the deceased, right during the burial ceremony. This method is most often used by beginners in magic.

Such a photograph can be placed anywhere in the coffin, but the greatest effectiveness is achieved if it is placed near the heart of the deceased. It will be quite difficult to remove such a curse.

Another way to create damage to death from a photo is to bury a photograph of an enemy in the ground at the grave.

To perform the ritual you will need the following items:

  • Black headscarf.
  • A photo of your enemy, preferably a recent one.
  • New needle.
  • Wax candle.
  • A few coins.

You will need to find a recent grave in the cemetery of a deceased person whose name matches the name of your enemy. Such a burial should not be older than one month, otherwise its power dries up significantly.

Take a handful of earth from the grave mound and pour it into the scarf you brought with you. Using a needle, make an odd number of punctures in the victim's photo. It is not necessary to accompany them with spoken words, but it is worth putting all your hatred for the person into each blow.

Now you need to fill the entire photo with melted wax, as if sealing the photo along with the soil in a scarf. Tie all the items in cloth and bury them on the same grave. Now you need to leave the cemetery without looking back and without talking to anyone. Choose a different road than the one you came here on.

Count three crosses along the way and at the last one, throw the prepared coins over your left shoulder and say one word:

“I paid myself off.”

Thus, you will inflict severe damage on your enemy with a fatal outcome, but at the same time protect yourself from a negative return blow.

Damage through the cemetery

All methods that involve the use of cemetery and burial elements have long been considered the most powerful in Rus'. Ribbons, water used to wash the deceased, or bread from a ritual burial can be used as such linings.

More experienced magicians use a more powerful ritual, during which an icon from the hands of a recently deceased person is placed in the enemy’s bed. The most important thing is to follow the rule so that the object of the conspiracy does not discover this lining.

The spirit of the dead man will haunt your enemy, driving him crazy and dragging him along with him. But if a person susceptible to damage manages to find this thing and return it to the deceased’s grave, then the damage will automatically transfer to the performer.

Such damage to death is most effective if the name of the deceased coincides with the name of your victim. After such a ritual, the destinies of the deceased and your enemy are closely connected and, if this connection is not broken, the person will rot alive along with the coffin.

Another ritual of causing damage to death through the grave can be the ritual with an abandoned burial, which is carried out over three weeks.

To do this, you need to go to the cemetery and notice a grave that no one has looked after for a long time. It is advisable that even the nameplate is not preserved on it. Now you will need to visit it again on Friday evening, bringing with you a wooden stake made of aspen.

Drive it into the very center of the grave and say these words:

“Friday-Friday, the guide to all unlucky affairs. This is her plan, and the nameless one. I drive a stake at the murderer, I drive death with a stake. Through a nameless suicide bomber, through an aspen stake, I bring trouble to the slave (name of the enemy). Everything is done. Amen".

The phrase is pronounced at least three times, after which the stake is left in the grave for a week. You will have to repeat similar rituals two more Fridays in a row, after which the same stake, cursed to death, is driven into the ground, as close as possible to the home of your enemy.

The effect will be achieved quickly and efficiently.

Modern methods

The technological progress of our time allows us to use previously inaccessible methods in magic. One of them was the mobile phone. With its help, you can easily achieve the same thing as with a photograph of a person: unity with his energetic essence. The availability of this approach to inducing damage provides new horizons in the magical sphere.

To carry out the ritual, you will have to prepare in advance. Buy two candles, it is better that they are made of black wax, but this is not important, any will do. In addition, before the ritual, you should go to the cemetery and find the grave of a deceased person whose name matches the name of the curse victim. This burial must include a photo of the deceased. You will need to borrow it for a while. To do this, you should leave a payoff (for example, money or food) at the grave itself, and say the following phrase for the deceased himself:

“I will soon return what I took from you.”

Now you can carefully remove the photo and take it with you. You will also need a lot of land in the same grave. Take a small handful. In order to take it without consequences, you must also leave the ransom and say the following words:

"Take this for yourself."

It should be noted that you should not skimp on the ransom: the deceased must like it, otherwise he will pester you, and getting rid of him is not so easy.

When you arrive home, you should prepare your work area. To do this, set up a table in an empty room and place both lit candles on it. Between them, place a photograph taken from the cemetery, and fill the soil from there. Place your phone next to the photo. Suitable for both mobile and landline. The main thing is that you know for sure that it is the victim of the ritual who will pick up the phone, and not a stranger. The telephone receiver must be directed so that the voice of the person cursed to death is heard directly at the photograph of the deceased.

Say the black words of the conspiracy:

“With mighty and secret forces, in the name of the Spirit of Death, I turn to the Soul (the name of the deceased whose photo is shown). Take to you the one whose voice you hear after mine. Call him over! End this life for him! Suppress his will! Carry out my Will! Let it be so!".

Immediately dial the phone number and, while the beeps are ringing, quickly swap the burning candles, saying the following phrase:

“I don’t send it, but you take it.”

You should not hang up the phone until the interlocutor hangs up the call. There is also no need to talk to him, just as there is no need to turn the phone away from the photo.

Now you need to correctly complete the damage to death. To do this, you need to extinguish the candles in any way other than blowing them out. Cemetery soil must be taken out of the house and scattered at any intersection. Actions should be accompanied by a mental image of the victim and the words:

The next step is to return the photograph of the deceased to its place. Securely attach it back in place; you shouldn’t spare any money for this either. When finished, say the words of redemption:

“I’m returning it!”

The candles that remain from the ritual must be divided: leave one of them on the grave of the deceased whose spirit was used in the ritual, and take the other to the church and place it in front of the corresponding icon for the repose of the victim’s soul. If black candles were used, then it is best to let them burn to the ground during the ritual of the death curse itself.

To eliminate possible consequences for yourself, order a magpie in the church in your name.

The negative impact on a person, which is carried out using a special ritual, is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative energy.

And the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous is considered to be black damage to death. This ritual involves death for the person at whom the ritual is directed.

Black envy and hatred are as strong feelings as love. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind his beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred or envy can push a person to perform such a ritual as damage to death or loneliness.

Depending on the area in which a person’s troubles should begin to occur, black influence can be of several types:

Black damage to death
The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends in death for the victim. However, it is dangerous not only for the “damaged” one, but also for the person performing the ritual. Performing such a ritual can be a black mark on the performer as well.
negative impact on health.

If a person does not wish death for another, but only major health problems, then this ritual is performed. Although it is believed that such exposure can also be fatal.

Runic corruption

This type of magical influence can destroy any area of ​​a person’s life. The right combination of runes will worsen health, make the house cursed, or lead a person to death. Runic damage can also be used as a ritual for loneliness.

This ritual allows you to destroy even the strongest families. Often such influence is done by a mistress with one single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
damage to loneliness.
This ritual is usually done out of revenge against an abandoned lover or lover.

Damage to business

Such an impact is exerted on business competitors or on more successful partners, whose successes can harm a person in the field of work.
ritual for good luck.
As a rule, such a ritual is done out of envy in order to destroy a happy coincidence of circumstances for a certain person.

Damage to money

It can be done as a damage to business, or simply for failure in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person’s life.

The most common types of negative impacts on humans are discussed above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic due to the possible consequences. Less commonly, rituals are performed for loss of beauty, madness, drunkenness or miscarriage. Runic damage can be considered separately as a type of negative impact.

Damage to poor health

Runic damage can be directed at a person who is very far away, affecting his well-being and causing an exacerbation of chronic diseases. For the ritual you will need 3 runes: Halagaz, Evaz and Laguz. In addition, you need a photo of the victim and a needle.

Write the names of the three runes on the picture and focus on the image, imagining the person as sick. For the ritual to work, we thread the needle through the photo in the very center and repeat the names of the runes three times.

After completing the ritual, the photograph is put away in a place inaccessible to strangers, and after nine days it is burned. Black runic damage is a very strong influence, the influence of which is difficult to prevent. Therefore, before performing such a ritual or love spell using runes, assess the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Lethal damage

Damage to death is considered the most dangerous ritual, the performance of which is tantamount to killing a person. Be very responsible when making a decision, because it will affect two lives: yours and the person on whom the ritual is being performed.

Any ritual has an impact, be it a love spell or a spell for loneliness, but a ritual for health or death is considered the most unpredictable.

If for you, damage to death is the only way out of this situation, then pay close attention to the execution process.

On Friday evening, go to the cemetery and find an abandoned grave with no one caring for it and no nameplate. A small aspen stake is driven into the center of the grave with the words:

“Friday-Friday, the guide to all unlucky affairs.
This is her plan, and the nameless one.
I drive a stake at the murderer, I drive death with a stake.
Through a nameless suicide bomber, through an aspen stake
I’m bringing trouble to the slave (enemy’s name).
Everything is done.

Black damage to death is read three times. After reading, you need to leave the stake in the grave for a week, and next Friday repeat the ritual with the same peg. The ritual must be repeated three Fridays in a row, after which the stake must be driven into the ground near the enemy’s house. Hexing an enemy to death is a strong and dangerous type of magic, the consequences of which can also affect the performer of the ritual.

This type of magical influence can destroy any area of ​​a person’s life. The right combination of runes will worsen health, make the house cursed, or lead a person to death. Runic damage can also be used as a ritual for loneliness.

If damage to business is done to worsen matters in the work sphere, then damage to relationships is done to destroy interpersonal connections between people. The most common ritual is on the needle. To complete it, you will need one new needle, on which the plot is read:

“I read strong words on the needle and speak to it.
The discord between the slaves (names of people) will be strong.
I entrust their lives to the dark forces,
So that they have no peace and quiet.
Let it be so.

The plot is read nine times. After reading, the needle needs to be driven into the doorframe where people live whose relationships need to be destroyed. This ritual is usually done to break up lovers: damage to a rival by a jealous wife or damage to a relationship by an abandoned lover.

The effectiveness of the igloo ritual is very high, which is evidence of the popularity of this ritual. However, remember black damage to relationships, like any other type of dark magic, can be dangerous for all participants in the ritual. Also keep in mind the following point - neither the igloo ritual nor any other spell for loneliness or discord guarantees love from a man. It will be possible to achieve reciprocal feelings only by using a love spell. The right combination of a black rite for a relationship and a love spell used will guarantee the desired result.

Black hair damage can be done in various directions: for problems in business, for loneliness, and so on. In addition, any love spell can be made using the victim’s genetic material; damage to death can also be done.

Hair damage involves using several hairs for the ritual and one candle. Late in the evening, sit at the table, light a candle and take the victim's hair. Hold for a couple of minutes, imagining the person. After this, set your hair on fire with a candle with the words:

“The love spell, the lapel doesn’t work on you now.
You will be alone forever and ever, and loneliness will be your eternal companion.
As your hairs burn out, my words will gain power.
No one can remove the conspiracy now.

The ashes from the hair are thrown away, after which the spell for loneliness is considered completed. If this ritual is done out of revenge against an unfaithful lover, then it is often better to first try to improve the relationship using love magic. A love spell can help solve your problem without using damage.

Black magic has a negative impact on a person, which can affect both a person’s loneliness and lead him to death. Different types of magical rituals of this type affect different areas.

Damage to hair or needles is quite often used; runic damage used requires some knowledge in the field of using runes. However, it is necessary to remember that by causing harm to another person, you are committing a sin and the mark of misfortune can fall on you too.

A negative impact on a person carried out through a special ritual is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative energy.

An offended, disappointed person, in a fit of emotion, often wonders how to damage a person. And not everyone understands the power of such a ritual and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and choosing a ritual, it is best to once again weigh the pros and cons of this ritual, because its consequences can affect all participants, and not just the victim.

Damage to death is considered the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous. This ritual involves the death of the person at whom the ritual is directed. However, you cannot do damage thoughtlessly, so as not to cause harm to yourself. Damage should be done with a cool head, so you will not confuse important words and actions in the ritual.

Methods of negative magical influence

In most cases, a person interested in the question of how to spoil death, impose a curse, or maybe even put the evil eye on a person, dreams of one thing - revenge. Moral harm, physical injuries, financial troubles - revenge is dictated by rather strong emotions, it is very difficult to fight them.

However, it should be remembered that damage must be carried out either by a professional magician, a person familiar with the esoteric sphere. Errors and inaccuracies in the ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes a ritual performed correctly is accompanied by side effects and consequences that manifest themselves in the performer.

The most common methods of inducing negativity on a person:

  1. Curse and damage from the photo.
    A fairly popular and very affordable way is to use photography. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the photograph, if taken no earlier than a year before the ritual, is a strong link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. It is not difficult to damage a photograph and, depending on your intentions, the impact is on various areas of a person’s life.
  2. Using genetic material.
    Among magicians, it is considered great luck to possess the genetic material of a person. In this case, managing the owner of hair and nails becomes a simple process. Using human body particles to induce a negative effect is an option that is highly effective. In addition, the curse can also be made using the hair and nails of the victim.
  3. Using needles, nails and other piercing objects.
    Damage can be carried out using piercing objects. A conspiracy is read on these items. Usually the last stage of the ritual is driving, threading a charmed nail or needle into the doorframe of the victim, burying it in a place where a person usually walks.
  4. Using water.
    Casting a spell on an unwanted person often involves the use of water. The water you will need is not ordinary. Most often, water is used after washing the deceased, as well as swamp liquid. The use of this composition is also used when a curse is made.
  5. Using cemetery items.
    Earth from the cemetery, elements of the grave and other similar attributes can be used by those wishing to cause damage or impose a curse.
  6. Damage to the figure.
    This ritual is similar to voodoo damage. A figurine identifying the victim will be required. Its creation, depending on the ritual, involves the use of photography and/or human genetic material.

Types of negative impact on humans

Black envy and hatred are strong feelings. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind his beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred and envy can push a person to perform a spell of death, loneliness.

Depending on the area where a person’s troubles should begin to occur, black influence is divided into several types:

  1. Damage to death.
    The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends in death. However, it is dangerous not only for the “corrupted” person, but also for the person performing the ritual. Performing this ritual may also become a black seal on the performer.
  2. Negative health effects.
    If a person does not wish death for another, but only major health problems, then this ritual is performed. Although it is believed that such exposure can also be fatal.
  3. Damage to relationships.
    This ritual allows you to destroy even the strongest families. Often this influence is done by a mistress with one single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
  4. Damage to loneliness.
    This ritual is usually done out of revenge against an abandoned lover.
  5. Damage to business.
    This influence is exerted on business competitors, on more successful partners, whose success can harm a person in the field of work.
  6. A ritual for good luck.
    A ritual is done out of envy, to destroy a happy coincidence of circumstances for a certain person.
  7. Negative impact on money.
    Damage is done both to business and simply to failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person’s life.

The most common types of negative impacts on humans are discussed above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic due to the possible consequences.

Let's imagine for a moment what any of us could wish for our most evil enemy? It is quite likely that it will not be pleasant. In most cases, it is thoughts like these that push us to rash actions, the consequences of which may be irreversible.

One of these moments is damage to death. It is difficult to send it on a person, since by nature each of us is given direct energy protection - an aura, which is quite difficult to break through. And not every sorcerer will undertake to remove damage to death. Such exposure can lead to rapid death within just a couple of weeks.

How to identify signs of damage to death

Oddly enough, nowadays on the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes according to which you can easily cause damage to death. Just don’t believe everything they write, since only an experienced sorcerer can perform a truly strong and effective ritual.

In truth, it is quite difficult to determine the signs of damage to a quick death since they will be intertwined with the characteristic features of other types of evil eye, for example, to celibacy, to a bad life or to health. But still, there is a small number of patterns inherent directly in damage to death. You should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • unexpected serious illnesses,
  • periodic thoughts of suicide,
  • constant fatigue and loss of strength,
  • nightmares,
  • drinking alcohol in large quantities,
  • diseases for which traditional types of medicine find it difficult to diagnose

Pets can also help you identify damage to death. This applies in particular to cats, since they sense changes and disruptions in the human energy field very well. Your pet's behavior towards you may change dramatically, which is something you should pay immediate attention to.

There is also another sure way to determine damage to death. Pour some spring water into a small saucer, salt it and place three burnt matches on the surface. If they all drowned, then perhaps it’s time to turn to specialists.

How to remove damage to death

If you do not have the opportunity to turn to professional magicians and sorcerers for help, then you can try to perform a ritual to remove damage to a quick death yourself.

First, you need to go to church first. There they will tell you what slander and prayers you can read on yourself in order to get rid of the influence of others.

If you find any strange and completely foreign object at home. Then before touching it, say: “Water, Air and Fire stand around me, they will protect my house and family. Key, lock, tongue. Amen". After which this item must be thrown away as far as possible from your home.

There is one effective ancient ritual for removing damage to death. It is held for seven days, during which it is necessary to fast and attend church every morning. The ritual should begin on Sunday. Rituals on the eve of Easter or during Holy Week will be especially effective.

For seven days, you need to drink church water spelled for health and before going to bed, read the following spell three times: “Natural power will intercede for me. She gave me life, and she should help me. Everything will return to the earth, only you will remain here with your evil. Take blackness into your home, let it ban you there. My thoughts are in your heart like a crystal knife. Amen".

In general, it is worth noting that the best helper, if you want to remove damage or the evil eye from yourself, will be church and prayer. Every more or less ancient temple was built on areas of accumulation of power, and it is through it that he will be able to patch up the holes in your energy field. It is not uncommon for people to feel ill in church, which also indicates that the power flows in such places are very strong. And so that luck always accompanies you, do not forget to press the buttons and

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Salads with cod liver always turn out very tasty and interesting, because this product goes well with many ingredients...
The popularity of canned squash for the winter is growing every day. Cute, elastic and juicy vegetables, reminiscent in appearance...
Not everyone likes milk in its pure form, although it is difficult to overestimate its nutritional value and usefulness. But a milkshake with...
In this lunar calendar for December 2016 you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When favorable...
Supporters of proper nutrition, strictly calorie counting, very often have to deny themselves small gastronomic joys in the form of...
Crispy puff pastry made from ready-made puff pastry is quick, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing you need is time to...