Procedure for working with a demand invoice: basic rules for registration and important nuances. The requirement of the invoice is

To move inventory items within an organization, mainly when handing over waste, rejects and leftovers, a requirement-invoice (form M-11). Filling example and download the form on this page.

Request invoice (form M-11): download form

Use our demand invoice form M-11 - it contains all the necessary columns and fields. Take it as a basis and add the columns you need.

The demand invoice (Form M-11) is issued only for internal movement of goods and materials. For example, to:

  • release raw materials into production,
  • move property between warehouses,
  • return unused inventory items and defects to the warehouse.

Complete Form M-11 immediately upon transfer of materials, not earlier. Otherwise, you may make a mistake - for example, some goods may remain in the warehouse.

You can also use the M-11 form as a tool issuance card. It is needed to monitor the turnover of household assets and their use, as well as monitor the condition of inventory.

The demand invoice (form M-11) is issued by the employee who submits the inventory items. Make at least two copies, each must have signatures. We have analyzed in detail who signs the demand invoice M-11

Requirement invoice M-11: sample filling

You can fill out the document by hand or on the computer. To avoid making mistakes in the form, download a ready-made sample of filling out the M-11 demand invoice and fill in your data.

Be sure to include:

  • standard form number M-11,
  • name of the organization and its OKPO code,
  • date,
  • information about the sender and recipient, for example, warehouse or packaging workshop,
  • who requested the materials and allowed them to be released,
  • names and units of measurement of inventory materials,
  • quantity of materials requested and issued.

Indicate only the actual date - materials must be transferred within one business day. If you didn’t have time, fill out a new demand form - invoice form M11.

Be careful: blots and corrections are not allowed in the document. If you make a mistake, you will have to compose the form again.

In the MoySklad service M-11 and other documents can be filled out online. This is very convenient: you will not make mistakes and save time, because the data will not need to be entered and checked manually.

Fill out M-11 online

If the numbers differ, for example, if the warehouse does not have the required amount of inventory items or it is impossible to issue everything at once, the employee must give written explanations.

Is it possible to use the M-11 form as a tool issuance card?

Yes. The invoice request contains all the information that a tool issuance card should contain. Form M-11 is possible

What document should I use to formalize the transfer of inventory items: M-11 or M-15, if the company's branches are located in different cities?

The standard interindustry form M-11 will not work in this case. It is in many ways similar to other forms for the movement of inventory items, but there is a fundamental difference. If the company's divisions are located at different addresses, an M-15 is issued. The demand invoice (Form M-11) is used only within the organization.

How does the standard intersectoral form M-11 differ from M-8?

Although the forms are similar, the demand invoice (form M-11) is used for unlimited transfer of materials, and according to the limit-fence card M-8 there is a limit on the issuance of inventory items. This is the main difference. In addition, using M-11 you can document the movement of several products in one document, but not using M-8. You can download the demand invoice for free. The M-11 form in Excel format is easy to change for specific tasks: this form is universal, it is convenient to enter the necessary columns and fields into it.

How long should I keep the M-11 form?

5 years is the maximum shelf life of form M-11. An example of filling out a request invoice with a specified date of issue -

What documents need to be completed with the M-11?

When goods and materials arrive at the warehouse, the storekeeper draws up a document reflecting the receipt of materials, for example, receipt order M-4. In addition, the data is reflected in the materials accounting card, form M-17. You may need other documents:

All forms and samples on the MySklad website can be downloaded for free.

Filling out the forms is carried out by the financially responsible person who delivers the inventory items. In the same way, forms are drawn up when performing operations of putting production balances of unused materials into a warehouse or when handing over defective materials and waste. Filling out When filling out the columns of the form, you must indicate the following: “Operation type code” is filled in if the company maintains automated accounting and has its own developed coding; in the column “Accounting unit of production” the name of the finished product for the production of which the released material is used is written, as well as its accounting unit (piece, liter, ton...); in the “Nomenclature number” column, you can indicate the material number using the All-Russian Product Classifier (OK 004-93), or use your own developed encodings.

Request-invoice (Standard interindustry form N M-11) (OKUD 0315006)

The requirement of the invoice is

The limitation is in those cases when restrictions are provided for the release of inventory items in the form of established limits. The demand invoice is issued in two copies for each warehouse by the person handing over the goods.

The person transferring the goods writes off, and the person receiving receives it. The form is filled out either by hand or using special computer programs. It is signed by financially responsible persons and transferred to the accounting department for further processing. When filling out the form, you must indicate the date the document was compiled, the structural divisions of the sender and recipient, the name of the materials and their nomenclature numbers in the appropriate columns.

How to correctly fill out a demand invoice in form M-11

In addition, it is necessary when registering the receipt of waste and defective products at the warehouse. Drawing up a document may also be necessary in these cases: Receipt of finished products at the company’s warehouses. Return of inventory items to the warehouse premises of the enterprise. Transfer of inventory equipment from warehouses.

Transfer of goods and materials from warehouses for repair and restoration activities. Use of inventory items that were obtained during the liquidation of production facilities. The standard industry form number M-11 was approved by the decision of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 1997.

Requirement - invoice form M-11

This form differs from a limit-fence card in that it is used to document the movement of several items of materials.

It is applied if the inventory items reflected in it do not have consumption (withdrawal) limits established. A demand invoice must be issued for each fact of movement of materials. This document is also filled out when recording the return of inventory items unused during production, when accepting defective products and waste into the warehouse, etc. Procedure for using the invoice The company can develop its own form or use a unified form that can be filled out by hand or using a computer.

The requirement-invoice is

- M. Book world. Lukash Yu.A. 2004. See what a “Demand-invoice” is in other dictionaries: Requirement to the pantry - (form No. OP 3) is used to determine the release of the required amount of products from the pantry; compiled in one copy, taking into account the need for raw materials (products) for the coming day and the balance of raw materials in production (kitchen) at the beginning of the day;... ... Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book of the head of the enterprise Consignment note - (Consignment) Definition of the term consignment note, commodity and transport invoices Information about definition of the term invoice, purpose and types of invoices Contents Contents Definition of the term invoice for goods in the lawyer's encyclopedia... ... Investor's Encyclopedia INVOICE (REQUIREMENT) - (f.

Procedure for filing a claim-invoice

I would like to clarify

If the employees receiving the materials are financially responsible and an agreement on financial responsibility has been concluded with them, then they can sign the demand invoice.

If not, then they do not have the right to accept and sign the document. A write-off act must be drawn up if the invoice request does not specify where they will be used. The rationale for this position is given below in the articles of the Glavbukh journals, which you can find in the Journals tab, in the document that you can find in the Legal Base tab of the Glavbukh System 1. RESOLUTION OF THE GOSCOMSTAT OF RUSSIA DATED 10.30.1997 No. 71A Applicable for accounting movement of material assets within the organization between structural divisions or financially responsible persons.

Many large companies include several divisions. Often there is a need to transfer one or another value or return unused material to another department. To have a clear idea of ​​where certain material assets are located, any movement of inventory items should be documented.

Form M-11 (request-invoice) is a document that is used to record the movement of inventory items within the company. The company has the right to develop this document independently, including the required details, and the requirement-invoice M-11 will be used as a sample for completion.

Standard interindustry form M-11approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a.

In what cases is the M-11 invoice requirement applied?

In addition to moving inventory items between departments or financially responsible persons, the invoice is also used in other cases. Using form M-11, you can arrange the release from the warehouse of various equipment or tools to perform work. For example, a company needs to give employees office supplies that are stored in a warehouse. Stationery supplies are transferred to a specific structural unit and then handed over to employees. In this case, the company can use Form M-11.

It can also be used to process the return to the warehouse of materials that were put into operation, but were not completely consumed. It is worth paying attention that if materials are returned by a division of an organization that is territorially separate from it, it is not the M-11 invoice that is issued, but the M-15 form.

The unified form M-11 is also used to transfer finished products or parts of products to the warehouse that will be used as material for another type of production.

In addition, form M-11 serves as the basis for reflecting the transfer of returnable waste to the warehouse from the organization’s production workshop. Waste that is generated during the production process in the organization's divisions is collected in the prescribed manner and delivered to warehouses. This transfer must be completed in the following way: download the claim form - invoice in form M-11 and fill out the form, indicating the names and quantities of waste.

What should you do if, during the production of products for sale by the company, a defect is discovered that cannot be eliminated? Defective goods that cannot be corrected can be sold or used in some way in your business. Therefore, the company has the right to receive them into the warehouse at the price of possible use (if a decision is made to use defective goods in business). To do this, it is necessary to issue an invoice for the internal movement of defective goods to the warehouse in the M-11 form.

Requirement: invoice form M-11. Filling example

The document is drawn up in two copies. One copy remains in the warehouse and serves as the basis for writing off valuables, and the second copy is sent to the receiving party and serves for the receipt of valuables.

In the header of the invoice request in form M-11, you must fill in the document number, company name, OKPO code. The following contains a table of 9 columns:

  • Date of preparation of the invoice request;
  • Operation type code;
  • Sender's structural unit;
  • Type of activity of the sender;
  • Recipient's department;
  • Type of activity of the recipient;
  • Corresponding account: account, sub-account;
  • Corresponding account: analytical accounting code;
  • Accounting unit of output of products (works or services).

Under the table in the invoice request, fields are provided for filling in the following information: through whom the valuables were sent, information about the person who requested the material assets, and the person who authorized the transfer of valuables.

  • Information about the corresponding account: account, subaccount;
  • Information about the corresponding account: analytical accounting code;
  • Names of material assets;
  • Nomenclature number of material assets;
  • Unit code;
  • Name of the unit of measurement;
  • The amount of material assets that was requested;
  • The amount of material assets that were actually released;
  • Price;
  • Price excluding VAT;
  • Serial number of inventory items according to the warehouse file cabinet.

Who signs the demand invoice on form M-11? The warehouse employee who released the inventory and the responsible person who received the inventory. Next, the standard interindustry form N M-11 is transferred to the accounting department.

Requirements invoice is an accounting document used for issuing and moving material assets within and between institutions. The procedure for processing and drawing up a document is established and regulated by law.

Why do you need a demand invoice?

Operations involving the movement, receipt, transfer, and use of material assets between institutions require documentation and certain regulations.

After signing, the document is transferred to the accounting department. This is necessary for further accounting of the transferred material value and regulation of relations between the parties to the agreement.

An example of filling is presented below:

Institutions that have switched to automated documentation management can use the option of electronically filling out the document. If one of the enterprises does not use an electronic accounting system for material goods, it is necessary to draw up a demand invoice in paper form, observing the registration requirements.

If both parties support electronic accounting and agree to automated registration, the corresponding agreement is drawn up and approved. The registration procedure and document requirements do not change.

If you want... how to do this and what is needed for this, you can find out by following the link.

The modern trend of transition to automated accounting (and other business) accounting is clearly visible.

Instructions for document preparation

  1. The name of the institutions that accept and issue material value.
  2. The exact date at the time of drawing up (not signing) the demand invoice.
  3. Operation code. Depends on the reason for the transfer of goods (described in the previous section) and the presence of codification of transactions by institutions. If codification is not accepted, the name and characteristics of the transfer process are written down.
  4. Account number. It is necessary to indicate the account number registered to the institution that accepts the material value.
  5. Full name of the responsible person who accepts/issues the goods. It is necessary to consistently indicate the personal data of persons who authorize and accept the transfer of material value.

If you are changing the activities of your LLC, this article will help you with this.

Nuances of filling out and details of the M-11 form in Excel format

The demand invoice contains 11 items (some items can be combined).

The accountant drawing up the document must verify the presence of the necessary items and the provision of reliable information about exchange/sale/return:

  • Account details. The account into which the material value will be accepted is indicated.
  • Nomenclature meaning, name, identification features of a material good.
  • Codification of a trade transaction.
  • The amount of material assets that were released and will be accepted.
  • An indicator of the cost of a unit of material good.
  • Cost indicator excluding value added tax.
  • The serial number of material value, established according to the internal codification of the institution.

Request invoice form M-11 is an accounting document used at enterprises to reflect the movement of commodity assets. Most organizations have several structural divisions, which makes accounting for inventories much more difficult. This type of document allows you to control the movement of inventory items within the enterprise.

Requirement-invoice form M-11 - purpose and design features

All organizations use an established scheme for competent and responsible accounting of the movement of inventory items. When transferring goods and materials to employees of an enterprise, the requirement-invoice form M-11 is used. This is the only way to exercise proper control over the movement of valuables handed over and handed over within the organization.

Most organizations, with the exception of small enterprises, include separate divisions in their core composition. Employees of each reporting structure bear full responsibility for the proper safety of inventory items. Without appropriate control and accounting, it is impossible to monitor the movement of valuables without documentary support.

Even in the absence of theft, it is impossible to identify exactly where a certain object is located and who should be responsible for its safety. It is for clear tracking of the movement of commodity assets within the enterprise, accounting for their receipt and consumption, that the M-11 form is used.

This document is applied if the enterprise does not have limits on the release of inventories from the warehouse. With the help of form M-11, the transfer of commodity assets within the company is formalized, that is:

  • release of material from the warehouse for production needs;
  • movement of inventory items between responsible persons, as well as warehouses of individual structural divisions;
  • return to storage of unused materials;
  • transfer of finished goods to the warehouse, return of inventories, waste remaining after the liquidation of fixed assets;
  • accounting for materials during economic repairs;
  • issuing special equipment to the responsible person.

What distinguishes this document from the similar M-8 form is the possibility of its use:

  • for unlimited transfer of goods and materials from the warehouse;
  • registration of the movement of several valuables in one document;
  • each individual fact of movement of goods.

When creating a document, it is necessary to ensure that the transferred amount of materials does not exceed the required amount. Form M-11 indicates the full name of commodity values, their identification numbers, as well as units of measurement.

Who draws up and approves the invoice - details

The demand invoice form M-11 is generated in several copies, one for each party. The warehouse transferring the relevant assets, on the basis of the received copy of the document, writes off inventory items, and the receiving warehouse receives the received materials for their further use.

The invoice requirement is generated by the person responsible in the enterprise department for the inventories. He writes out both copies. Documents are signed twice: by the person to whom the valuables were given, and by the employee who handed them over. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the signatures are in the column provided for these purposes, otherwise the M-11 form will not have legal force, since it was drawn up with violations.

The first invoice with the details of the receiving party is given to the official, and the second with the data of the releasing party remains with the warehouse employee receiving the material assets for storage. After the invoices have been generated, approved, and the operations have been completed, the documents are transferred to the accounting department of the enterprise for subsequent accounting. When issuing a request, you can include several names of commodity values.

Legal regulation of the issue

The requirement-invoice form M-11 was approved by the relevant Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of 1997 No. 71a. The main purpose of the document is to reflect operations regarding the movement of materials within the enterprise and between its reporting structures.

It should be noted that since January 2013, many forms of primary documentation are not mandatory for use, in addition to their individual types.

The only condition is the basic details, which must be contained in the accounting documentation of each enterprise. That is, an organization can independently develop primary forms and use them along with official papers. But since the M-11 requirement is universal, replacing it with another form is simply impractical.

The procedure for drawing up a demand invoice

This type of document is generated by the initiator of receiving materials from the warehouse or transferring them for storage to another official. With automated integrated accounting, form M-11 can be compiled by the storekeeper in a special program when releasing valuables from the warehouse or receiving them into it.

When creating a document, you must fill in all the lines, namely:

  • if the organization has its own encodings, then one of them is indicated;
  • number of commodity values;
  • the name of the enterprise where the invoice was drawn up and its OKPO;
  • date of formation of the relevant document;
  • the name of the delivery party and the recipient party of the goods, indicating the nature of their activities;
  • details (initials) of the responsible person who actually (transfers) receives the goods on behalf of the structural unit (deliver);
  • information (initials) of the official - the main initiator of obtaining inventory materials, and the employee who allowed this procedure to be carried out;
  • the name of the values ​​received or transferred, their units of measurement, quantity;
  • signatures of officials participating in the process.

Information about the nomenclature special number and the actual volume received (transferred) is entered during acceptance (respectively, release) of inventories at the warehouse. Data on the necessary accounting accounts and the accounting value of commodity materials is filled out in the accounting department according to the reporting information.

Issuance and accounting of workwear

The reporting structure, which has manufactured branded clothing for the needs of the organization, transfers the finished product upon request-invoice. It is drawn up in several copies for the following parties:

  • manufacturer;
  • accounting;
  • warehouse that accepts materials for storage (as accompanying documentation).

Form M-11 is drawn up by the responsible official of the manufacturing unit. The second financially responsible party signs for receipt of the goods and materials.

Some nuances in drawing up the M-11 form

In the invoice request, the values ​​of the lines “Amount requested” and “Amount issued” may differ slightly due to the lack of the required amount of inventory. You should always check that the quantity of materials issued does not exceed those requested, that is, goods allowed for issuance.

If the quantity of materials issued from the department's warehouse exceeds the possible limit, the employee responsible for issuing inventory materials must indicate the relevant information in the invoice request and affix a stamp. As a rule, the issuance of inventory items exceeding the permissible limit from the warehouse is not permissible, but there are exceptions that are discussed with management.

The issuance of materials in excess of the established limit is possible if this material is used to replace faulty or defective products. The defect must also be taken into account; it is delivered to the warehouse if there is a corresponding certificate.

Automated accounting allows you to significantly simplify the maintenance of the M-11 form, since when you enter the relevant data, the necessary information is displayed in the table. The user can only print it on a printer and then use it for its intended purpose.

Let's sum up the relevant results

The requirement-invoice provided for displaying the internal movements of commodity assets is quite important accounting documentation that reflects the reality of the movement of inventory items within the enterprise. When forming it, you need to follow simple rules, and each commercial organization can create the form itself by including the required details.

This type of invoice is indispensable in those organizations that do not have limits on the release of inventories from warehouses. Form M-11 also allows you to control the consumption of materials during repair work.

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