Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a new and old passport. Obtaining a foreign passport Foreign passport registration via the Internet official

Applying for a foreign passport is not the most complicated procedure. For this purpose, in many large cities of Russia there are special centers that simplify the submission of applications and documents. If you are interested in how to get a foreign passport in Moscow, then it is worth considering several options: a multifunctional center, a division of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the State Services website. Each of these methods has its own advantages.

How to apply for a foreign passport in Moscow

Where to apply

You can get a foreign passport in Moscow using three main methods:

  • contacting the multifunctional center “My Documents”;
  • contacting the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • filling out an application on the State Services website with sequential submission of originals to the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs without a queue.

Through a multifunctional center

The standard production time for an identity document abroad is up to 30 days, provided the application is submitted at the place of residence. A foreign passport without registration in Moscow for nonresidents, as well as when applying in other regions, is issued within up to four months. In addition, if you had/have your job in mind, consideration of an application submitted at your place of residence may be extended up to three months.

(3 working days) is possible only in case of emergency treatment abroad or serious illness or death of a close relative. If the applicant has no official reasons for urgent registration, then you can also contact one of the intermediary firms. By contacting such companies, you can also obtain a foreign passport without being present in Moscow.

How to check readiness

It is possible on the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Internet resource is updated daily in accordance with the lists of territorial authorities. To check, you need to enter the number and series of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as the code from the picture. In addition, an old-style foreign passport can be verified using the birth certificate number.


In Moscow, a foreign passport of any type can be made at a multifunctional center or department of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can submit original documents to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after filling out an application through the State Services website: in this case, your application is accepted without a queue.

You can also contact one of the intermediary companies, where for an additional fee they will issue a passport urgently (paper) or without the presence of the applicant.

Does obtaining a foreign passport seem like a complicated and painstaking process? We will tell you how to do this quickly, as cheaply as possible and not fall into the trap of scammers who promise quick and trouble-free execution of this document.

In order to fly on vacation or travel abroad, residents of the Russian Federation need international passport. We will consider the procedure for registering and obtaining such a document for residents of Russia in this article.

What documents are needed to obtain a foreign passport?

On the sites Federal Migration Service(FMS) the contact details and operating hours of the organization for issuing foreign passports are indicated in sufficient detail. In order to obtain such a passport, you first need to apply personally from the citizen who wishes to receive a passport, or from his representative, who must appear at the migration service with notarized power of attorney to submit such an application.

To obtain a foreign passport, you must contact the regional department of the Federal Migration Service.

It is not necessary to come in person and submit a paper application - this can be done in electronic version through the Internet.

Biometric passport with the most complete information about a person is a new sample of a foreign passport and is issued at the request of the citizen for 10 years. If a person does not want to change or receive such a passport, he can have an old-style international passport, but it is only issued for 5 years.

In the case when a citizen turned 18 years old, and he wishes to obtain a foreign passport, he needs to contact the Russian Embassy with the following documents (have the originals of all the documents listed below and copies of the completed pages):

  • An application of a certain form, it can be filled out legibly by hand or printed
  • Passport
  • 4 photos 35x45
  • If you changed your name or got married, you need to take a certificate from the registry office about any of such changes
  • Employment history
  • Military ticket (only for males)
  • Receipt for payment of state duty

The deadline for obtaining a foreign passport in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is within 1 month after you have submitted all the necessary documents. Therefore, plan all your trips in advance, because your vacation can be ruined if you do not yet have a passport on the planned date.

Where can I get a new international passport?

A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot cross the country's border without a passport. To obtain a new passport, you need to contact the Federal Migration Service of your city. Do not fall for advertising from travel agencies that offer quick processing of passports.

Firstly, this procedure will be much more expensive for you, since representatives of such offices They demand high fees for their services. In addition, such companies do not have the right to undertake the preparation of such documents and can only assist in filling out the application form for obtaining a passport.

A new international passport is a biometric document that can be obtained for a period of 10 years.

Biometric passports are issued in the Russian Federation since 2006, and since 2010 according to a simplified system - using the Internet. This undoubtedly simplifies the submission of documents and obtaining a passport - you do not waste time waiting in line near the FMS doors.

To obtain a biometric passport you will need:

  • Application in 2 copies
  • Passport
  • 2 color photographs
  • Work record book (to obtain a foreign passport you need information about work activity for 10 years)
  • For men - military ID

Obtaining a new passport not an obligation but is carried out only at the request of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It does not provide any benefits when passing control. A significant advantage is the validity period of such a document - 10 years, which is twice as much as for an old-style passport.

Video: New sample international passport

Online passport application: instructions for filling out

On the State Services website you have the opportunity to obtain a foreign passport by filling out an application electronically. This procedure requires no more than 30 minutes, which is a significant advantage compared to hour-long queues at the Federal Migration Service.

An application to the Federal Migration Service can also be submitted online through the Public Services form

First you need to register on the State Services website and log into your personal account. To obtain a foreign passport, after submitting an application electronically, you must provide a standard package of documents to the FMS.

On the site you will need select a migration service department, which corresponds to your region of residence. After this, you need to enter information about the recipient of the passport.

If you live in one place and are registered in another, then be prepared for the fact that it will take 2 or even 3 times longer– by law, for such citizens the registration period may be up to 4 months.

One of the last steps to complete your application is to upload a photo. The size of a color or black and white photograph must be 35x45 mm. Do not upload too large photos; their size should not exceed 500 kb, but it is necessary that the photo be of good quality - no less 200 kb.

The photo background must be monochromatic, not variegated. Don’t worry that the photo doesn’t turn out as beautiful as you would like – it will only be needed to fill out the form.

The procedure for submitting an application to the FMS online will speed up the receipt of a foreign passport

This was the final stage. After that You will see a window in which the system will collect all your data. Please check that you have filled it out correctly and apply.

After the application has been reviewed, it usually takes no more than 3 days— You will be invited to the FMS to submit documents. Within three weeks you will be able to receive a new passport and a note about this in your civil passport of the Russian Federation.

These are all the necessary nuances for obtaining a foreign passport in Russia. Read the explanations carefully on the State Services website, this way you will be able to complete this procedure much faster using the Internet.

Video: How to apply for a foreign passport through State Services?

How to make an old-style international passport?

Documents for obtaining a passport old and new sample similar. The only difference is in the application form, the amount of the fee and the number of photographs. You can include your child in your old passport. You do not have this option in a biometric passport.

Obtaining a biometric passport is voluntary; if you want an old-style document, you will be given one

To obtain an old-style international passport, you must submit the following documents to the FMS:

  • Questionnaire of a strictly defined sample
  • 4 photographs for an adult and 2 for a child (if you intend to include children in your passport)
  • Passport
  • Work record book (if available), certified by the HR department
  • Military ID
  • Receipt for payment of mandatory payment

The application form for obtaining a foreign passport has very detailed questions about the life of a citizen: information about work, marriage/divorce, criminal records, evading fines and other similar questions. Answer all questions in the questionnaire honestly.. Otherwise, you may be refused to receive the document.

Choose for yourself type of passport and prepare all the necessary documents to receive the treasured booklet as soon as possible.

Is it possible to get a foreign passport for free?

Be prepared for what you will have to spend money on getting a passport. Don't listen to people who say they got it for free. In any case, paying fees and photographs will hit your pocket.

If you are not in a hurry and do not want to overpay, then the entire amount you will need to pay will not exceed 2000 rub. for an old-style passport and 3500 rub.. for a biometric passport. Also consider the cost of the photo - approx. 150 – 200 rub. for 4 photos.

There are various agencies that offer their services for obtaining foreign passports. The cost of this service is about 5000 rub.(excluding state duty).

But there is no need to overpay a double amount, you yourself will be able to draw up all the necessary documents and, by providing receipts for payment of the fee, receive a foreign passport.

Is it possible to get a foreign passport without a residence permit?

Previously, a citizen of the Russian Federation did not have the right to live in one place and be registered in another - this was considered a violation of the law. Now the laws have improved a little and in order to obtain a passport in one corner of Russia, having a residence permit in another, no need to cross the entire country.

Such a document can be obtained any citizen of the country who will fill out the form correctly. In the application form you will need to write actual residential address. Accordingly, at your residence address you are looking for a regional migration service to contact.

It should be taken into account that for citizens who apply at their place of actual residence, the time for processing documents increases significantly - this procedure may drag on for a period of time up to 4 months.

Consider so big document processing time to obtain a foreign passport, so as not to ruin your mood in case of delay in paperwork and, as a result, a disrupted vacation or business trip.

How to get a passport in another city?

If you work or temporarily live in another city and you urgently need get a passport, then you shouldn’t go to your hometown. The regional migration service at the place of residence provides services for obtaining a foreign passport to all residents of Russia.

Don’t forget to provide your temporary registration certificate to the FMS employee

It is important to consider that when providing documents at the place of residence, and not registration, you will also need to attach to the standard set of documents confirmation of temporary registration.

For citizens who apply at their place of actual residence, the time for processing documents increases significantly - this procedure can drag on for a period of time up to 4 months. But usually the time for processing documents does not exceed 1.5 – 2 months.

Where is it cheaper to get a passport?

The easiest and cheapest way to obtain a passport in the Russian Federation is contact the FMS. Do not fall for convincing advertising from travel agencies or private companies. They only take money for what you can do yourself - fill out a form and submit documents to the Federal Migration Service.

The difference in cost is also visible depending on the type of passport - do you want to receive the document? old style or biometric type. Depending on the age of the citizen who wishes to obtain a passport, the price may also vary.

If a citizen whose age exceeds 14 years, wants to get an old-style international passport, it’s worth counting for the amount of about 2000 rubles., under 14 – 1000 rub.

To obtain a biometric passport, the FMS has determined the amount 3500 rub. per adult and 1800 rub. children under 14 years of age. The period for issuing a foreign passport in the usual mode of the old sample or biometric is no more than a month.

Cheaper make documents for these prices impossible. On the Internet, many scammers offer to obtain passports at reduced prices. Do not fall for these tricks - you will lose money and never receive a passport.

Where can I quickly get a passport?

If you do not have the opportunity to wait for the stated period of time - an urgent business trip or a last-minute tour package is planned, you can apply for an international passport in a shorter time.

The price of such passports depends on many conditions:

  • Document type (old or biometric)
  • Desired production time
  • Age
  • Residence (application based on actual residence or registration)

You can produce a biometric passport in a period of one month to 5 days. Accordingly, the price rises tenfold in the shortest possible time. When reducing days from a month, add for every 3-5 days 2000-5000 rubles each.

An old-style passport can also be obtained in a shorter time. Amount varies from 8000 rub. within 3 weeks of processing up to 19,000 rub. in 5 days registration

You can speed up the process of obtaining a passport by filling out an electronic application on the State Services website. Thus, you will already pass part of the check and will be invited to the FMS for the further stage of obtaining a foreign passport. You will be assigned a specific day and time.

Citizens who have registered electronic application, are served out of turn, which also reduces the time for receiving documents.

Thus, you can apply for a passport in a matter of days. But for this you will need to pay a significantly larger amount than when registering a document in the usual way.

How to make an international passport for a child and a baby under one year old?

If you want to go on vacation with your family to another country, then the first question that arises is what to do with the baby - does he need a passport. So, a child under one year old can receive a passport using the same procedure as an adult. There are several options in which a child can travel abroad:

  • Registration of a separate old-style international passport
  • Registration of a separate biometric passport
  • Recording data about a child in an old-style international passport from parents

The most budgetary option is the last option for processing documents. But in this case, the child will not be able to travel abroad. unaccompanied by parents.

An old-style international passport can be issued to a child up to 14 years old even without personal presence. For a biometric passport, presence is required, since the child will be personally photographed at the FMS.

To obtain a passport, your child will need the following documents:

  • Questionnaire completed by parents
  • Receipt for payment of the state fee (1000 rubles for the old sample, 1800 rubles for issuing a biometric passport)
  • Child's birth certificate

The child does not have to get a separate passport. His data can be entered in the passport of one of the parents

You can also apply for a child’s international passport apply via the Internet. The procedure for completing an electronic application is similar to the procedure for adults. The main difference is that for such an application you will need to provide data birth certificates, not passports.

There are enough options for obtaining a passport for a child. Parents just need to focus on the material costs they will incur during registration and the possibility of the child flying abroad unaccompanied by adults.

As you can see, apply for a passport not so difficult as it seems at first glance. To do this, you just need to collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the appropriate authority. reliable information about yourself. If you don’t have time to wait in line when submitting an application, then you can do it online, without leaving your home.

Video: How to get a passport?

Every day modern technologies are increasingly invading our daily lives. Civil services of the Russian Federation are also trying to keep up with progress and are gradually transferring bureaucratic procedures to electronic form. Thanks to this, Russians today can, using the Internet, without leaving home, carry out those actions that previously required mandatory visits to special government institutions. Not long ago they had the opportunity to apply for a passport online. Let's look at how this can be done in more detail.


Registration of documents often involves tedious queues. Residents of large Russian cities are especially familiar with this problem, when they can only get to the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service) by arriving long before it opens or after waiting several hours. But even in this case, the visit can be unsuccessful: if there is a mistake in the application form or some document is missing, you have to redo everything and bring it back the next day, going through the entire route again. Therefore, queuing up for a foreign passport via the Internet has become an excellent opportunity for many to avoid unnecessary hassle.

Unfortunately, government agencies are not yet ready to make the entire procedure automatic, and remote recording is only the first step towards this. So you will still have to visit the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at least in order to provide the original documents and receive a ready-made passport. It is worth noting that pre-registration has only one drawback - you must show up for your appointment at the exact appointed time, which may not always be convenient. At the same time, registering to receive a foreign passport online has clear advantages:

  • confidence that the package of documents has been prepared correctly - otherwise they will not be invited to the reception;
  • no queues.

It should be borne in mind that the procedure for obtaining a foreign passport through State Services is the only opportunity at the moment to submit an application via the Internet. If other sites offer similar services, then most likely they are fraudulent.

Below we will look in detail at how to use this service to obtain the desired document for Russians over 18 years of age.

Registration on the portal

Registration for a foreign passport via the Internet is carried out on the website This portal was created specifically to simplify communication between citizens and government agencies. With the help of State Services, you can use a whole list of different options - from paying for housing and communal services and making an appointment with a doctor to paying off tax debts. Therefore, having created a personal account on the portal, you will certainly use it more than once.

Accounts on the web portal differ in levels: simplified, standard and verified. To register for State Services to receive a foreign passport correctly, you need to have a verified account. In addition, you will need:

  • internal passport;
  • SNILS – insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • mobile phone and/or email.

To create an account on the portal, you need to click on the “Registration” button and enter your personal data: first name, last name, mobile phone number, email. Then, using the confirmation code sent to the specified details, you can proceed to the next step - entering the password that will be used to enter your personal account. This will complete the registration.

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

To upgrade your account level, you need to enter your passport details and SNILS number in a special form to which the system will automatically send you. They will be automatically checked by the Pension Fund of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation within a few minutes, which, if successful, will be notified to you via SMS or letter to your email address. After this, most of the services on the portal become available.

However, in order for it to be possible to issue a foreign passport through State Services, you must also confirm your identity. There are three ways to do this:

  1. Personally contact a specialized service center located at a Russian Post office, Rostelecom office or MFC, and present your internal passport (or other document specified during registration). A list of available centers with their addresses is available on the website.
  2. Through Sberbank Online, Tinkoff Bank or Pochta Bank, if you are a client of one of these organizations.
  3. Having received a registered letter by Russian Post from the official website of the State Services with a personal confirmation code and entering it on the website.

You can also confirm your identity using an electronic signature or a universal electronic card.

After confirming your identity and entering your personal code, your account is assigned a verified status. At this point, registration is completed, and all services that can be obtained on the portal become available.

Preparation of necessary documents

Before you start filling out the online application for a foreign passport, you should prepare a number of documents so that you do not have to interrupt the process halfway. At the first stage you will need:

  • (in the presence of);
  • digital photograph in JPEG format.

Find out more about what is required for its registration and how to prepare them.

The full list of documents includes:

  • internal passport;
  • old foreign passport;
  • two;
  • (for males);
  • (for military personnel);
  • a document certifying Russian citizenship (for persons under 14 years of age).

Registration of a new and old passport

Using the State Services portal, you can obtain a foreign passport of both a new and old type. These documents have the same legal force, although they differ significantly. In addition, the procedure for obtaining a new type of international passport through State Services is somewhat different than when requesting an old one. Therefore, it is important to decide from the very beginning which of these two documents you need.

A biometric passport is issued for 10 years, which is its obvious advantage. However, the duty that will have to be paid is quite high. Often this circumstance plays a decisive role not in favor of a document of this type.

Find out more about what it is and how to apply.

Registration of an old-style passport is cheaper, but its validity is only five years. Therefore, apparent savings are not really savings. At the same time, this document allows, and therefore eliminates the need to prepare personal documents for them.

A biometric passport is a new generation document that sooner or later all citizens will have to obtain in order to be able to travel around the world. At the same time, the old-style passport is valid on a par with it, and representatives of government agencies assure that it can be issued without any fears. However, there is still a possibility that this document will be withdrawn from circulation in the coming years.

First, before you start processing documents for traveling abroad, you need to find out if you have a travel ban. The proven service of our partners will help with this, which will provide you with information about the presence of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., and will also assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad.

So, how to apply for a 5-year international passport through State Services? Having entered your personal account on the portal, you should find the button “Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, where, by following the link, select the option to issue the required document - an old-style foreign passport. After this, you will be asked to select a department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where in the future you will have to receive the finished document. You should find a branch that corresponds to your place of registration, or any other with a convenient location for you.

The next stage involves filling out fields with personal data. Some of them will be filled in automatically, synchronizing with the data from your account. The electronic application for a foreign passport is compiled very conveniently and practically eliminates the possibility of error. You just need to be careful when rewriting information to avoid typos. In particular, you will need to provide passport information, residence address, and information about your work activity over the last 10 years.

In the remaining fields, you will need to select one of the answer options offered by the system, such as: the type of registration and purpose of obtaining the document, the presence of contractual obligations, as well as those related to military service. Next, the system will request a photo.

How to upload a photo to State Services for a foreign passport? To do this, you just need to select a JPEG file located in your computer's memory. It should be borne in mind that the image must meet all the requirements detailed in the same window. Since this image is only necessary for personal identification and will not be pasted into the passport, it is not necessary to use a professional photograph.

This completes the filling out of the form, and before final submission of the data you will be asked to check the correctness of the information entered.

In order to order a new international passport via the Internet, you should follow exactly the same procedure by selecting the appropriate document from the options offered in the menu.

After filling out all the points, the application receives the “Submitted” status. During the registration process, its status should change:

  • “Accepted” – documents have passed preliminary verification;
  • “Return” – the application was rejected due to some error;
  • “Registration” – the document is in the process of registration;
  • “Invitation” - the document is ready, it can be obtained at the department of the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Document requirements

An application form for a new international passport through State Services in 2019 or an application for a regular international passport are the main documents, since they contain all the most important information about the person, therefore any errors in these papers, as a rule, become the reason for refusal of registration. However, if the “Invitation” icon appears in your account, this means that the first stage has been completed and you should prepare a package of papers for a visit to the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Along with the invitation, the applicant must receive a list of required documents. Typically it includes:

– for a new document:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • (in the presence of);
  • 2 photos;
  • printed form;

– for an old-style document:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • foreign passport (if you have one);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • 4 photos;
  • printed application form in two copies;
  • papers confirming the existence of grounds for urgent registration (if necessary);
  • child's birth certificate or (if necessary).

In special cases you may need:

  • military ID / certificate from the military commissariat at the place of registration;
  • permission from the command - for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • petition from the organization sending the applicant abroad - when issuing a second passport.

All documents must be submitted in originals. If copies of any papers are required, an employee of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will make them directly at the department. If you encounter any difficulties in preparing papers, it is better to consult with a migration service employee or find the necessary information on the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or on the State Services portal.

Submission of documents

Since it is only possible to partially submit documents for a foreign passport through State Services, a personal visit to the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide the originals of the necessary papers is mandatory. You will need to appear at the department within 14 days, otherwise the electronic application will be cancelled.

The registration of old and new passports at this stage is significantly different. To issue a biometric document, the invitation should arrive within 2-3 days after submitting the application. Within the specified period, you must appear at the migration service with a package of required papers and undergo the photographic procedure directly at the department. Over the next two to three weeks, the information received will be processed and, if it does not contradict the law, a passport will be issued.

After filling out the application form to receive an old-style passport, you will have to wait up to two weeks for an invitation. During this time, not only the applicant’s personal data is processed, but the document itself is prepared. During a visit to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the originals of the brought papers are checked against the information specified in the electronic form, and, if there are no errors, a photograph is pasted into the foreign passport.

Take a sociological survey!

Thus, obtaining an old-style international passport through State Services requires only one visit to the office of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. After checking the information for correctness and pasting in the photograph, the passport is considered ready and can be collected. In general, the procedure takes only a few minutes.

Speaking about how to obtain a foreign passport through the government services portal, if a document of a new type is being drawn up, you should keep in mind that you will have to visit the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs twice. For the first time – to submit documents and take photographs; the second – to obtain a ready-made biometric foreign passport. The difference between visits is approximately 20 days; You will be notified about the readiness of the document via SMS or email.

To obtain a foreign identity card, you must present an internal passport. An employee of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also ask you to sign a number of documents. After this, he must put a stamp in the internal passport with information about the new passport and issue it to you.

Second passport through State Services

There may be situations when you may need not one, but two foreign passports. Note that since December 2015, all Russian citizens have the right to two foreign passports. Moreover, it is no longer necessary to somehow justify the need for two foreign documents (previously, a statement from the official employer about the business need for frequent trips abroad was required). You can apply for a second international passport through State Services in the same way as the first - the registration procedure is no different.

However, it should be borne in mind that the second passport can only be biometric, and its validity period - the standard 10 years - is in no way connected with the applicant’s first passport (previously, the second passport was valid only until the expiration of the first one).

Extension of a foreign passport through State Services

If your foreign passport has expired, the question arises whether it is possible to renew your foreign passport via the Internet. It should be noted that the procedure for renewing a document implies its complete replacement, that is, the issuance of a new passport. This can be done by following the instructions outlined above.

An invalid passport can be used as you wish. If it contains affixes that have not yet expired, they can keep the old passport, cutting out its number and putting a stamp on the cancellation of the document.

Replacement of a foreign passport through State Services

A passport replacement may be required for various reasons. In addition to the main one – the expiration of the document – ​​the following can be mentioned:

  • lack of free pages for pasting visas;
  • , mainly last name, first name, patronymic;
  • a change in appearance to such an extent that the person cannot be recognized in a photograph;
  • damage to a document;
  • loss.

In general, there should be no difficulties in changing your passport through State Services. It is necessary to go through the same procedure as in the case of drawing up a new document, however, in special boxes you should mark the points about the presence of the previous document, as well as indicate the reasons for its replacement.

Timing and cost

The price for a foreign passport through State Services depends, first of all, on its type.

To issue an old-style document valid for 5 years for adult citizens will cost 2,000 rubles. A biometric passport for 10 years will cost 5,000 rubles.

The amount of this state duty is fixed, so no one has the right to demand any additional payments. The fee is paid by bank transfer immediately before submitting the documents.

The time it takes to obtain a foreign passport through State Services is clearly stated in the regulations: the time is calculated from the date of submission of the application and ranges from one to four months. When applying to the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration, the document must be completed within 30 calendar days. Any delay must be due to compelling reasons.

A foreign passport not at the place of registration through State Services takes longer to issue - depending on the circumstances, it may take up to four months. Also, the procedure is likely to be delayed if the applicant has ever been granted access to classified information. As a rule, migration service employees need up to three months to verify the accuracy of the data provided by the applicant and make a decision on the possibility/impossibility of his leaving the Russian Federation.

The processing time may also depend on the workload of the migration service. So, in the high tourist season, the procedure may be delayed, and in the low season, on the contrary, it may be slightly shortened. Therefore, it is better to start preparing for obtaining a new passport in the fall or spring, so that the documents are already in your hands immediately before departure.

There are times when a document needs to be completed very quickly. Force majeure circumstances include the need for emergency treatment, serious illness or death of a close relative abroad. Unfortunately, the production time for an old-style international passport through State Services cannot be changed, as well as when issuing a biometric document. Therefore, in these circumstances, you should contact directly the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where you will be able to quickly get a paper passport - within three days.

It should be borne in mind that if you do not have the opportunity to pick up the finished document immediately after it is issued, this can be done at any time convenient for you - passports are stored in the department of the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the entire period of their validity.

Refusal to issue a passport

In some cases, the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may refuse to issue an applicant a foreign passport, thus prohibiting him from leaving the Russian Federation. This decision is always justified, so the applicant must receive a letter explaining the reasons for the refusal. These could be:

  • access to top secret information or information of special importance;
  • provision of knowingly false information;
  • failure to appear within the deadline specified in the email to submit documents;
  • conscription for military service or alternative civilian service;
  • work in the Federal Security Service;
  • conviction for a crime;
  • evasion of obligations imposed by the court;
  • suspicion of participation in a crime.

Today, multifunctional centers operate in all regions of the Russian Federation. Thanks to them, it is possible to quickly and efficiently resolve a large number of issues, and carry out procedures, the number of which increases every year.

One of the most popular activities is obtaining a foreign passport through the MFC. Now you can issue a document of a new or old type, for both adults and children.

Many regional centers maintain electronic appointments at the MFC. Therefore, before going there, you will need to make an appointment.

  1. If you were unable to make this entry for many reasons, you can come to the nearest center and take an electronic queue coupon.
  2. You can prepare an application in advance, or ask for a form at the department. After filling out, you can go to the administrator to check;
  3. Carefully monitor the electronic display when your number appears and you are heading to a specialist.
  4. If you filled out everything correctly and took all the necessary documents with you, the procedure itself will take no more than 10 minutes.

What documents are needed

It is worth making sure in advance that you have the entire package of documents on hand, this will save your time and make the procedure more efficient.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • two copies of the application (download the application form for, for)
  • receipt of payment of the state fee (2000 rubles for an old-style passport and 3500 rubles for a biometric passport, payment can be made on site at the MFC terminal)
  • a foreign passport that has not yet expired or has already expired;
  • three photographs (3.5*4.5), on matte paper, full face (if you receive an old-style passport).

The application can be filled out on a computer and then printed or by hand - it does not matter.

Duration and cost of registration

The production time for the finished document is 30 calendar days when applying to the MFC at the place of registration, and 120 days if you decide to issue a foreign passport to the department at the place of actual residence.

The state fee for an old-style passport is 2,000 rubles; for a new biometric passport you will have to pay 3,500.

How to apply for a foreign passport for a child at the MFC

At the MFC you can get a passport for children. To do this, take the following documents with you:

  • citizen’s passport if the child is fourteen years old;
  • Your passport, as a representative according to the law.

If you receive a child’s international passport, you will need to fill out an application for both the child’s representative and the child receiving the documents.

In what cases can a document be done urgently?

The timing for issuing a foreign passport was described earlier, but there are reasons why this document can be issued urgently.

This procedure takes place if you need urgent treatment abroad or you have seriously ill relatives there.

You can receive a ready-made passport only at the Federal Migration Service, however, the application and registration procedure is most comfortable and efficient at the MFC.

Advantages of registration through MFC

If you need to obtain or change your international passport, then there are several possible options for carrying out this procedure, in particular:

  1. You can apply for a foreign passport using State Services. This method is simple and comfortable, but requires a preliminary registration application on special portals, which takes some time;
  2. You can obtain a foreign passport with the help of the Federal Migration Service. This costs not only a colossal loss of your time and nerves, since there is a live queue;
  3. You can obtain a foreign passport through private companies. However, this method is associated with large financial costs. This technique is justified if you urgently need a document or you have absolutely no time to prepare it yourself;
  4. Going through the procedure at the “My Documents” centers is the best option for the ratio of cost, time spent and efficiency of the result.

If we compare it with the Federal Migration Service, which accepts only certain hours and days, the MFC works constantly, from early morning until late evening.

In addition, there is another advantage: if you need to make photocopies of documentation to submit an application or pay a state fee, you will not have to run around looking for terminals and a photocopier, because everything is already in the department.

A large number of offices allows you to choose the most convenient location option, saving your travel time.

We are used to the fact that the queue is a crush in a small and stuffy corridor, with seating only for pensioners and children.

The Multifunctional Centers have a comfortable and convenient environment, plenty of seating and tolerant employees who are always ready to help and listen to you.

Any resident of the Russian Federation understands that when it comes to interaction with government agencies, one cannot expect a pleasant pastime. Therefore, information on how to easily obtain a foreign passport and with maximum comfort (or better said, without discomfort) is relevant for many. It will help both those who are preparing a document for the first time and those who are already changing their first ID to travel abroad and probably know a couple of ways to get a foreign passport.

In 2019, in Russia you can get one of two types of foreign passports:

  • biometric (new type) – characterized by the presence of an electromagnetic microcircuit in the cover, capable of storing and allowing information to be read in digital form at a distance, a document is issued for 10 years;
  • old model – validity period up to 5 years.

The fundamental difference between generations of documents is the presence of a digital chip with biometric information about the owner of the document in the new one. However, no country has yet restricted entry for foreigners who do not have a biometric document. This means that a classical document is no less valid than its progressive counterpart. In Russia you can get any one you choose. The main thing is to fill out the appropriate application form and pay the required state fee.

Today there are several ways to obtain a foreign passport in Russia. This is very convenient, since the applicant himself can choose which one to use. This means that a citizen can plan his time and money costs for completing this procedure as efficiently as possible.

  1. Personal appeal of the applicant to the government agency on migration issues in the system of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service of Russia).
  2. Submission of documents through the multifunctional center.
  3. Obtaining a foreign passport via the Internet on the Unified Government Services Portal.
  4. Help from intermediaries.

When choosing one or another method of obtaining a foreign passport, you should understand that the only entity authorized to issue it is the government agency for migration issues. Wherever the applicant applies, the documents sooner or later end up there, and the main procedure takes place in the government agency. However, by contacting the MFC or intermediaries, you can avoid queues and save money.

You can apply for a new passport before the expiration date of the previous one, but it is not necessary to hand it in at all. The law allows Russians to hold two foreign passports at the same time.

Submitting documents to migration authorities

Classic application option. It consists of the fact that the applicant collects the necessary package of documents, fills out an application of the appropriate type, pays the state fee and submits this entire list to the migration authority. In this case, you can choose a government agency both at the place of registration of residence and at the place of actual location.

If a package of documents is submitted to the government agency at the place of registration, you can expect the issuance of a completed document within a period of up to one month. When submitting an application at a location other than your place of registration, you must be prepared to receive a foreign passport within up to four months.

After receiving the application and relevant papers, employees submit requests to a number of databases, the holders of which are various government agencies. It is these procedures that require the time that is set as the deadline for obtaining a foreign passport.

Based on the results of the requests, the employee makes a decision on the possibility of issuing the document to the applicant. If there are no grounds for refusal, the citizen receives a ready-made foreign passport.

Why is this method inconvenient? Its main disadvantage is such an atavism from the Soviet era as a queue. Not everyone wants to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves standing in the corridors. However, some territorial authorities have begun an experiment. You can visit them by making an appointment in advance. This way you won’t have to wait long and waste time.

Another drawback, which is also perceived as a national tradition, is the “warm welcome” by employees. Of course, this does not apply to all employees of government agencies, but the tradition is widely known and almost everyone who applied for administrative services has encountered it.

Multifunctional centers

An alternative way to submit documents to obtain a foreign passport in Russia is to contact multifunctional centers. These organizations help you obtain a large list of government services, including obtaining a foreign passport. The way to make a foreign a passport through the MFC is not much different from what was described above. The big difference is in the queue itself. In the centers it passes quite quickly. There are many employees who accept documents, and in 5-10 minutes they pass one person at a time. In addition, some multifunctional centers allow you to join an electronic queue. This way you can come to the center just before your turn.

Multifunctional centers are accredited to receive documents. And today many are already equipped with the necessary equipment for issuing biometric documents. The timing and procedure for completing the procedure through the centers do not differ from those described above.

So, the positive aspects of processing through the MFC are the high speed and availability of an electronic queue, as well as the territorial location - for some it is more convenient to contact them rather than get to their territorial migration office.

Public services on the Internet

It is quite convenient to apply for a foreign passport through the Unified Government Services Portal on the Internet. This method is very convenient for those who already have an account on the portal. Otherwise, you'll have to tinker. The procedure is long and requires more than just online actions. You will have to confirm your identity.

By the way, if you don’t have an account on the portal, it’s worth getting one. It will provide access to many useful services that can be easily ordered online without unnecessary red tape.

It is worth understanding that you will still have to go to a government agency. The advantage is that submitting an application is simplified and you do not need to stand in line to do so. When visiting migration authorities, you will need to present the entire package of documents, despite the scanned copies attached to the application.

The application itself is completed directly on the website by filling out an electronic form that corresponds to the approved forms.

It is also convenient that payment can also be made online. This, by the way, applies to any method of circulation. Paid state duty through government services is accepted both at the government agency and at the MFC. After making the payment, just print out the receipt from your personal account. Theoretically, an employee of the migration authority can check the fact of payment through the database, but having a receipt will not be superfluous.

Mediation assistance

On the Internet and offline, a huge number of companies offer their services for processing documents for traveling abroad from Russia. Their main advertising ploy is super-short processing times.

Theoretically, according to Russian legislation, the deadlines are maximum, that is, issuing a foreign passport even in one day will not be a violation. The only question is the interest of those in charge. Such interest is compensated financially. Therefore, the services of intermediaries are not cheap, but they allow you to obtain a foreign passport really quickly. This is very important for those who need a document quickly. Often people are willing to pay quite a lot of money to obtain a foreign passport urgently.

How much does the procedure cost?

The main payment when obtaining a foreign passport is the state duty. In 2019, the following state duty amounts have been established in Russia:

  • 2000 rubles – for obtaining an old-style international passport by a person over 14 years old;
  • 3500 – for issuing a biometric document for the same category;
  • 1000 – for a regular passport for children;
  • 1500 – fee for a biometric passport for minors.

The amount of remuneration for intermediaries is not regulated by the state, so it can be anything. It is recommended to find out the exact numbers before starting the procedure.

Documents for obtaining a passport

When applying for a foreign passport in Russia, you need to submit the following documents:

  1. Passport of a Russian citizen (for first-time applicants under 14 years of age - birth certificate).
  2. Evidence of payment of state duty.
  3. Military ID or certificate from the military commissariat for those liable for military service (men from 18 to 27 years old).
  4. Permission from the command of a military unit or institution - for persons undergoing military service, except for urgent ones.
  5. Previously issued foreign passport. which has not expired (it can be retained if necessary).

Those receiving biometric passports must be photographed and fingerprinted.

Thus, there are several ways to obtain a foreign passport in Russia. Fortunately, the procedure is becoming increasingly simple and friendly for ordinary citizens.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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