Vehicle registration with the traffic police. Proper registration of cars in the traffic police

Among recent legislative changes, motorists were directly affected by the innovations that the registration of a car with the traffic police has undergone, the new rules in 2019 are designed to simplify this procedure as much as possible. Every Russian, once faced with a situation requiring registration of a car, has rather unpleasant associations in this regard: the need to stand in several queues and face paperwork.

Thanks to the constant work of state bodies to improve legislation, registering a car in 2019 will become easier in relation to the sequence of actions that needed to be done before.

Let us consider in more detail each aspect of the question of how to register a car with the traffic police, 2019 brought significant adjustments to the existing scheme.

General characteristics of innovations in how to register a car in Russia

Registration with the traffic police in the new year has undergone the following positive changes for drivers:

  • 20 minutes is given to the traffic police officer to accept and check the documentation for registering the car;
  • The law gives 20 minutes for a visual inspection of the car;
  • 10 minutes the official makes a decision: to register the car or refuse to register it;
  • 10 minutes can be spent on issuing documents, registering the car with the traffic police by entering it into the database;
  1. According to the new rules, in order to reduce the queues and the convenience of citizens, each traffic police department is issuing coupons, which indicate the time of appearance for submitting documents;
  2. The second group of changes affected the choice of the territorial division of the traffic police in which it is possible to register the car in 2019, among them two innovations:
  • Registration of a car is now carried out in any division of the inspection, regardless of the registration of a citizen;
  • Motor vehicle tax is paid at the place of registration of the owner of the car;
  1. Changes in the payment procedure also take place: the applicant pays only the fee for the act of registration, the fee for the rooms is not charged;
  2. Another important change affected those cases when the owner of the car was forced to buy back stolen numbers from scammers, for the reason that the procedure for their restoration was very costly. With the introduction of new rules, a duplicate number can be ordered from a commercial organization, saving time and money;
  3. The new rules do not provide for temporary accounting.

As of 2019, the procedure for registering a car purchased in the salon for a car owner is significantly simplified:

  • firstly, the passage of the procedure from beginning to end is ready to organize without the participation of the client any self-respecting car dealership (of course, for an additional fee);
  • Secondly, the procedure itself is automated as much as possible, and is also strictly regulated by the time frames established by law;
  • third, payment of state duties for the convenience of customers can be carried out through payment terminals located directly in the traffic police building (it should be remembered that the terminal does not give change - it is better to have banknotes of various denominations with you);
  • fourthly, some actions (recording, filing an application) can be performed remotely, through the public services portal.

A small infographic about registering a car

Cases when it is necessary to register a new car

Registration with the traffic police is provided by law in the following cases:

Consider step by step how to register a new car in 2019. As noted earlier, significantly reduced the duration of the procedure and simplified it.

Application form when registering a car

Modern technologies, in addition to the usual personal way of submitting documents, offer citizens access to government and commercial organizations via the Internet. Having wondered how to register a car, today a motorist can choose for himself the option of submitting an application through the electronic portal of public services.

The acceptance of the applicant by the traffic police inspector in the electronic form of the appeal is scheduled for a date that is within five working days.

Documents specified by law should be submitted for admission to the inspection, registering a car with the traffic police is much easier if you know the entire list in advance.

How to register a new car in 2019 - the necessary documents

The list of documents is different for those motorists who register a used car and those who register a car purchased in a showroom. Here is a combined list with explanations for both cases.

So, what should you take with you if you need to register the car, documents:

  1. An application filled out according to the traffic police form, in one copy, if it is submitted in person. As noted above, this document can also be submitted electronically;
  2. The passport;
  3. If another person appears for registration instead of the owner of the car, he/she shall provide a power of attorney;
  4. Sale and Purchase Agreement;
  5. Insurance documentation (policy);
  6. A document confirming the payment of the state duty;

The following points apply only to registration of used cars:

  1. Documents for existing license plates;
  2. Registration documents for the car from the previous owner.

An important point for the applicant, of course, is the cost of measures to register the car, the price in 2019 slightly exceeds the previously established rates and depends on the method of sale.

How much does it cost to register a car

It is always quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question, 2019 is no exception in this case. The cost will be individual for a specific case. Next, we list the list of procedures with their cost, the combination of which determines the total cost of registration:

  1. Registration of a new car with new state. signs - 2,000 rubles;
  2. Registration of a car with mileage leaving old signs - 850 rubles;
  3. Changing the data in the passport of the car - 350 rubles;
  4. Issuance of a certificate - 500 rubles;
  5. Transit numbers - 1,600 rubles;
  6. Registration of any kind of certificate - 350 rubles.

In conclusion, we recall that missing the deadline for setting up a car entails a penalty for the owner in the form of a fine (from five hundred to eight hundred rubles). And if an unregistered car is stopped again - five thousand or even the removal of the right to drive.

Car owners and citizens planning to purchase a car in 2019 should be aware of the legal consequences of evading registration. If for the buyer of a new car these are only administrative sanctions (their types and sizes are listed above), then the buyer of a used car may well face problems of a different nature. For example, cars can be confiscated on account of the debts of the previous owner. In addition, all violations involving the car can be attributed to an unrelated seller.

Registration plates- These are signs with special symbols that are printed on metal plates. They are used to account for vehicles, trailers, construction vehicles and weapons equipment. In Russia, there are mainly license plates that look according to GOST and were approved back in 1993.

Three numbers and three letters are applied to standard numbers. In this case, the letters indicate the series, and the numbers indicate the number itself. The right side of the license plate is separated and has its own designations. It contains the number of the region of the country in which the vehicle was registered. There is also the flag of Russia, and the inscription RUS.

Conditions for registering a car with simple numbers

The first thing that the owner of a new car faces is the need to obtain registration numbers. Moreover, there is very little time to start registering a vehicle - five days from the date of purchase.

To start the process of registering a car, you need to contact the traffic police registry at the place of registration, write a statement that you want to register the car with the state.

Documents required for writing an application:

  1. Passport or other ID, confirming the identity of the owner.
  2. OSAGO policy. This is mandatory insurance for all car owners. Moreover, without it, the driver does not have the right to drive a vehicle. You can insure yourself both in various state institutions and simply online. At the same time, it is imperative to enter into this policy all those who will drive the car. Otherwise, a fine will be issued according to the law.
  3. Vehicle purchase agreement or other documents confirming ownership.
  4. If the car was previously registered, then need to provide registration documents.
  5. If the vehicle has been cleared, then all customs clearance documents.

When you need to leave the numbers from the old car to the newly purchased one, another application is written. It indicates the decision to leave the old numbers, while you need to add copies of the documents for the new car.

The next step will be payment of all receipts and inspection of the vehicle, after which it remains a matter of time to get the numbers.

How much are the numbers for the car?

It should be borne in mind that from January 1, 2015, the state duty for registering a vehicle has risen.

State duty of traffic police:

  1. Change of the owner of a car with a change of numbers, as well as replacement of the PTS (vehicle passport) - 3300 rubles.
  2. The first registration of the car with the receipt of a certificate of registration and numbers - 2850 rubles.
  3. For obtaining state license plates - 2000 rubles.
  4. Issuance of "Transit" numbers for exporting a car abroad - 1600 rubles.
  5. Replacing the owner of the car while maintaining the previous numbers - 1300 rubles.
  6. Change of title with obtaining STS for cars - 1300 rubles.
  7. For changes in the vehicle passport - 350 rubles.
  8. Receipt of TCP in case of loss or wear - 800 rubles.
  9. Obtaining STS in case of loss or wear - 500 rubles.

After all services are calculated, they will issue a payment order that must be paid.

How much are nice rooms?

Many car owners consider it simply their duty to stand out from the general mass of drivers. Here they come to the aid of beautiful numbers. The presence of such a number may indicate the special status of the owner, or simply be his reliable talisman and amulet.

So how much do beautiful rooms cost? The cost of such rooms ranges from 50 thousand rubles to 1 million and even higher.

It depends on the combination of characters on the number itself, on who sells, etc. You can buy a beautiful number by contacting a company that sells rooms or just a private seller.

The so-called "criminal numbers" just can not be bought. They can be received as a gift from very influential figures in the country, or they can be purchased for a lot of money.

Series of "criminal numbers":

The price for such rooms ranges from 5 thousand to 50 thousand dollars. It depends on how much "thieves number" the buyer needs. This number remains with the owner forever.

True, this year the traffic police of the city of Moscow announced that it would no longer be possible to buy beautiful numbers. Thus began the fight against corruption in the ranks of employees. At the moment, a bill is being prepared on an auction for "beautiful" numbers.

How to buy a beautiful number in Russia?

beautiful number is auction.

A lot of beautiful and status special numbers are exhibited here. In order to buy the number you like, you just need to contact the seller and discuss all the details of the transaction.

Also exist There are a huge number of sites on the Internet dealing with the purchase and sale of beautiful numbers. Sites offer catalogs with numbers, looking through which you can decide on the desired number.

At the moment, numbers from 777 are insanely popular. You will have to pay a lot of money for them.

But formally, the license plate is the property of the state, so the whole procedure takes place through the replacement of the owner of the car.

There are three scenarios for the development of the situation:

  1. The owner sells his car along with the numbers by concluding an agreement. Further, an OSAGO agreement is concluded, the car is registered with the traffic police, the desired numbers are removed for storage, and others are issued in return. After that, in the same way, under the contract, the car returns to the hands of the previous owner.
  2. An old car is bought in a terrible state for literally 30-35 thousand rubles. In the traffic police, it is registered, on the number, which are stored by the seller of the numbers. And after all this, you buy the numbers you need along with the old car.
  3. Very often, sellers of numbers are already listed on such "junk". You just need to buy and arrange for yourself. Then you transfer the numbers to your car. The procedure is simple and does not take more than one day.

How not to fall into the hands of scammers when buying a number?

With a great demand for beautiful numbers, it is quite logical that there are a huge number of scammers who make money on this. In order not to fall for them, you must first find out everything about the company that sells or about the private seller.

Internet sites specializing in the sale of rooms are considered the most dubious..

After all, it is very difficult to collect truthful information about such sites. As a result of fraud, you can lose a lot of money for the number and be left without it. There are frequent cases when, as a result of fraud, the buyer was left not only without a license plate, but also without a car.

The second thing that can be advised when buying expensive beautiful numbers is don't give any assignments. Money should be given at the time of purchase and not earlier. After all, scammers earn a lot of money on prepayment.

It should be borne in mind that the buyer does not receive any documents and receipts for payment, because the sale of rooms is not stipulated by law. And in case of fraud, you will not be able to contact either law enforcement agencies or a lawyer.

One conclusion can be drawn - before buying a beautiful number, you should think about the possible consequences.

How to arrange the sale of car numbers?

If you decide to sell your beautiful room, it is enough to advertise on the Internet on certain sites, contact people who provide services for the sale of rooms.

The procedure for registering the purchase of numbers was described above, you also need to reissue the number. The sale takes place together with the car, which is then sold back to the owner.

The very procedure for selling numbers is not legalized, so there is no clear regulation. Many firms take care of all the hassle of selling your number. They find a buyer, and solve all paperwork, and you get only the money for the room.

Very often the intermediary car is used. At the same time, the amount of paperwork increases when re-registering vehicles. Accordingly, in monetary terms, it is also more expensive.

What problems are possible when buying a car number?

There may be various problems when registering a license plate seller's car.:

  • It must be taken into account that The vehicle must pass a technical inspection.. Otherwise, you will not be able to register the car. Therefore, a car with all documents is recommended for the transaction.
  • The sale and purchase agreement does not specify the transfer amount. The car becomes the property of the second party to the transaction. And there is a considerable chance that it will disappear along with the vehicle.
  • If you decide to buy numbers through an intermediary and his car, there are also some nuances here. The car should be inexpensive, but always serviceable, because it needs to be registered. Also, the car must have everything in order with the number on the body. It should be borne in mind that for cars with a small engine power, the smallest costs for OSAGO.
  • Cars for the deal on the sale of numbers must be from the same driving category otherwise you will have to pay for additional services, such as a power of attorney.
  • It should be remembered that that after the deal for the sale of numbers, it is necessary to make all the necessary changes to the OSAGO policies both seller and buyer. Your insurance company will take care of this.

So, the entire procedure for registering the purchase of numbers can cost around 10 thousand rubles .

The process is simple but consistent. Therefore, it should be taken quite seriously. If you collect all the necessary documents in advance, you can spend a minimum of time and effort on this.

If you decide to buy beautiful numbers, you should consider all of the above:

  1. Check sellers in every possible way.
  2. Consider processing costs shopping in different ways.
  3. Don't transfer money early getting numbers.
  4. Please read the renewal process carefully. to avoid paperwork.
  5. Do not buy numbers through corruption schemes because you become a criminal and can be prosecuted.
  6. Do not transfer your title deeds to the wrong hands, it could end badly.
  7. Compare the prices of all rooms offered to you may be able to save money.

Good luck with your transactions, beautiful numbers and neither a nail nor a wand!

State registration plates (GRZ) - the main identifier of the car and its owner. Operating a car without license plates or with license plates of inadequate quality is punishable by a fine or deprivation of a driver's license.

If the numbers are lost, stolen, or become unusable, they must be restored or replaced. Today, this procedure in the State traffic inspectorate is extremely simplified and takes no more than 2 hours.

When is it necessary to change numbers?

State registration plates (GRZ) of the vehicle must comply with the State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50577-93 and be clearly readable from at least 20 meters.

As a result of an accident, under the influence of the external environment and due to improper operation, they may become unusable. Non-conformities to be eliminated are:

  • mechanical damage, rust, paint peeling, etc.;
  • installation in the wrong places. According to the rules, the GRZ must be installed strictly along the central axis of the vehicle (VH), front and rear.

Also, the replacement procedure, i.e. numbers are issued with a new combination of letters and numbers, required when:

  • theft;
  • lost.

In these cases, in order to prevent further illegal manipulations with lost numbers, contacting the traffic police is mandatory. Otherwise, the numbers themselves can be installed by attackers on stolen cars, and fines for their violation will come to the former owner.

Restoration of numbers (duplicate)

If the GRZ have become unusable, lost or stolen, they can be restored by ordering a duplicate (the same combination of letters and numbers that was) in companies specially accredited for these works (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2013 No. 605 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them).

Then you do not need to re-register the vehicle. When ordering, it is enough for the owner to present a certificate of registration of the vehicle. Without providing a broken number. The cost of making duplicates can be set at the discretion of the manufacturer. But usually it is equal to the cost of replacing numbers in the traffic police - 2850 rubles.

The amount of the state fee for extradition, including in exchange for lost or worn out:

  • GRZ - 2000 rubles (for a motorcycle and a trailer - 1000 rubles);
  • PTS - 800 rubles;
  • Certificate of vehicle registration - 500 rubles;
  • For making changes to a previously issued vehicle passport - 350 rubles;
  • GRZ of vehicles "Transit"
    on a metal base, for cars - 1600 rubles;
    on a metal base, for motorcycles and trailers - 800 rubles;
    on a paper basis - 200 rubles.

Thus, the state duty for registration (with a change or issue of a number) will be:

  • for a car - 2850 rubles;
  • for a motorcycle, trailer -1850 rubles.

The state duty for re-registration of a vehicle with the preservation of the license from the previous owner will cost 850 rubles.

Punishment for driving with fake license plates

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, driving with fake numbers is punishable by deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

  • compulsory work up to 360 hours (for an organized group of persons - up to 480 hours);
  • correctional labor up to 1 year (for an organized group up to 2 years);
  • restriction or imprisonment or forced labor for up to 2 years (for an organized group - up to 3 years).

Obtaining a number for a car is a responsible matter. It's like with Captain Vrungel's yacht - it is important to give the correct name. Therefore, owners of new cars who are going to register vehicles are often looking for an opportunity to decorate their official registration number with a certain combination of numbers. Many people believe in numerologists and try to fit their favorite numbers into the number.

Other car owners do not care what the license plate will be, but they still need to know how much the plates cost per car and how they can get them today. Let's deal with all the questions about obtaining numbers and find out how you can get "thieves" numbers on the registration plate of your car.

Conditions for registering a car with simple numbers

We have repeatedly reminded motorists that in Russia, on October 15, 2013, new Laws regulating registration actions came into force. This resolution greatly facilitated the registration of vehicles, and also reduced the possibility of corruption, which clearly benefited the relationship between drivers and traffic police officers.

Today, there are only three possible items in the list of registration functions of the traffic police:

  • registration of a new car purchased in the salon, which has the necessary package of documents, and the issuance of registration numbers for initial registration - the cost is 2000 rubles;
  • re-registration of a used vehicle to a new owner with the preservation of the former license plates and assigning them to the car - the cost is 500 rubles;
  • deregistration and simultaneous registration of the car for a new owner with the issuance of new registration plates - the cost is 2000 rubles.

That is, when buying a new car, you have no choice - you need to pay for the production of a license plate. If you buy a used vehicle, you must either keep the old number or pay for a new one. Such opportunities have significantly reduced the cost of re-registration of the car and made the procedure an order of magnitude faster.

But what to do if, when registering a car, you are given a number that you don’t like at all? For example, the sum of all numbers is 13, or the number has the value "666". Let's say right away that the second option is impossible, since such license plates are not produced. You can rightly object, because having traveled around the city, you can meet more than one car with the number "666". Read more about this.

How to buy a "thieves" number in Russia?

Representatives of the traffic police claim that license plates are issued exclusively on a first-come, first-served basis. That is, the driver has no choice - he is simply forced to take the license plate that he will be given in the window of the department. The question arises why inexpensive cars have quite ordinary license plates, while cars from the elite segment almost always drive with numbers as a selection. Accident?

Of course, such an accident cannot be. When a series of license plates with the "777" region for Moscow was introduced into use, the traffic police assured that the first number "a001aa777" was put on a completely affordable car. The very next day it turned out that this affordable car was a Mercedes-Benz GL. You can buy a number in Russia, you just need to know where to buy it:

  • there are special companies on the black license plate market that buy beautiful license plates, hang them on 1980 Moskvich cars and sell them to those who wish;
  • there are people who do everything much cheaper, but are not any companies - they just have their own connections in the traffic police and the ability to slightly change the line;
  • in the traffic police, when submitting documents for registration, it is enough to hint to the inspector that you have a preference for the number - in this case, you will be issued the necessary numbers cheaper.

It takes courage to cooperate with our internal organs. It is the third option that turns out to be the most successful, since it costs the least money. But the choice of numbers in the first two possibilities will be much wider. The cost of a room in Moscow reaches 2-3 million rubles. That's how much they wanted for the license plate "a777aa777". A free combination of numbers that you want to put on your car will cost a little less.

If you used the first option to purchase a number, you need to deregister the old car for disposal, and leave the number for future registration of your car. The procedure is completely legal.

How not to fall into the hands of scammers when buying a number?

Given the dubious legality of the process of buying a number with certain numbers, this area is a black market and is filled with scammers who just want to take money from you. More than once, Duma deputies proposed the creation of a legislative framework that would allow the official sale of rooms and receive money from this for the budget, but for well-known reasons, such initiatives were not supported.

Therefore, you should be as careful as possible when buying a number. This process has several negative aspects that you need to remember:

  • in direct cooperation with a traffic police officer, you give a bribe to an official, so that you are part of an administrative crime;
  • buying an expensive number for several million, you will not receive any checks and guarantees, since it is impossible by law to sell the number;
  • no courts and human rights defenders will be able to prove your innocence in any dispute related to such a transaction;
  • you yourself will become a target for corruption fighters if the transaction is not carried out cleanly.

Therefore, you need to transfer money for the performance of the service only after you have been shown the corresponding number. You should forget about deposits and other forms of payment in advance. It is better to look for a person who can do everything without making a deposit, because there are a lot of dealers on this black market of numbers.

And it’s better to trust your luck and get just another number in the traffic police window, without spending a lot of money on it and without risking losing it when cooperating with scammers. We offer you to watch a report about buying a room in the shadow market:

Summing up

The sphere of selling numbers in Russia is so widespread that only departments designed to fight corruption do not know about it. But buying the license plate you want can be very expensive. Sometimes it’s easier to look for an old and cheap version of transport with a beautiful number in the secondary car market, buy it and re-register the license plate for yourself, giving the car for recycling.

The practice of selling numbers is not only in Russia. In neighboring Ukraine, for example, you can officially buy license plates with letters, that is, write any word on the signs. In the US, they also officially sell any number you need, and the cost of such a service is very democratic. Have you ever faced with the acquisition of a certain number plate on a car in Russia?

Many car owners would be happy to change their previous registration numbers for unique and special ones. Of course, each of them thought more than once about how to get beautiful numbers for a car?

License plates are provided to the owner of the car when registering it. It is worth noting that all state signs are selected randomly.

That is, the probability that you will get a beautiful combination when registering a car is zero, for the reason that, most likely, it is already occupied by someone. Some car owners buy beautiful numbers for a large amount, but will they decorate your car, and is such a purchase considered legal?

If you dream of beautiful signs for your car, then first of all you need to carefully study this issue.

There are several options to become the owner of not only a beautiful car, but also beautiful registration plates for it. At the same time, you should take into account that the cost of such signs can reach from several thousand to a million. So, where can you buy beautiful registration state signs in virtual spaces:

On the sites above, everyone has the ability to choose a beautiful combination for your car, as well as find out the price for it. In addition, there are special auctions where you can also purchase a thieves state sign.

How to buy numbers:

If you decide to buy registration plates for a car, on Internet sites, then you need to be very careful, since this method of acquiring is very doubtful. In the worst case, you will pay a large amount for nothing, while remaining without numbers.

Registration of thieves numbers on the car

So, you managed to get a beautiful number plate for your car, but here a new question arises: how can you get it legally?

In any case, you need to buy or sell a car, for the reason that legislation does not provide for the purchase or sale of license plates in. So, today there are three ways to get license plates officially, that is, legally.

Buying a car with registration plates. This method is one of the simplest. The seller sells his car with beautiful license plates. Then the buyer registers the purchased car and installs new signs. After that, the buyer transfers the car to the previous owner, and registers the thieves' numbers on his car. Before deciding to take this step, you should consider that the cost of such a purchase and sale procedure is very impressive, but most car owners are ready to go to great lengths just to get them.

The second way to get
is to transfer your car to the owner of the car with beautiful registration plates. Then the seller of beautiful numbers registers his car and receives new signs, and he transfers the old beautiful numbers along with the car back to its owner. In fact, this method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that in this case the seller does not risk his car.

The third way to get carried out with the help of a third car, which must be registered with the seller of beautiful numbers. The seller registers a car that he buys and receives new numbers, then he installs them on his car, and registers beautiful numbers on a new car, after which he sells it to the buyer. He, in turn, registers it and receives new numbers, after which he returns the car with the usual license plates to the owner.

All of the above methods are official, since the registration procedure takes place through the traffic police, but at the same time these methods are considered quite complicated because they require a lot of time and money to implement. The cost of beautiful numbers can be extremely high, but if this does not stop you, then use any of the above methods and purchase the desired signs.

Additional expenses

Now you need to pay attention to how much the additional costs will cost you. All of the above ways to acquire beautiful numbers will require significant costs from the buyer. First of all, they will be required to complete a sale and purchase transaction, re-registration, insurance, and so on. The cheapest ways to acquire a number include the first two methods, since their implementation will require minimal financial costs.

Can there be problems?

When purchasing numbers, there is a risk of running into scammers, which means that you can lose not only money, but also a car. To avoid being deceived, you need to check the seller or the company where the purchase is made. In the third case, it is better to refuse to use old cars, buses and trucks as 3 cars for the reason that you will have to pay extra for technical inspection, and if we are talking about a bus or trucks, then you cannot avoid problems with the category of rights.

To register a car, it must be on the move. Please note that the purchased numbers should not be too complicated or suspicious, and most importantly, they must be real. Otherwise, their employee can seize you along with the car.

More about concluding contracts

Purchase and sale of a car could cost you a pretty penny. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses for taxes and the contract, it is advisable to indicate in the contract the cost of the car not higher than 240,000 thousand rubles in order to avoid paying tax.


Actually you can buy such state marks, but, at the same time, you must remember that this process is long and costly. Although if you have enough money and a great desire, then why not get yourself such numbers. The main thing is not to fall for scammers and not to use illegal methods of acquiring them. Otherwise, you risk losing both money and the car.

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