Increased brain performance. How to increase efficiency? Means and products that increase performance and activity

Hello, dear blog readers! Brain performance decreases due to various factors, such as frequent stress, alcohol, smoking, excessive stress, both mental and physical, poor quality, poor nutrition, etc. And if changing your diet is more or less simple, then what to do with the stress that causes to modern man neither hide nor hide? And today I will tell you about the most effective methods to keep your head clear.

Top ways

1. Cleansing blood vessels

Unfortunately, the surrounding reality, unless, of course, you live in the taiga, leaves much to be desired regarding cleanliness and ecology. In this regard, the vessels become so contaminated that they become clogged, forming so-called plaques. In general, in connection with this, the brain receives an insufficient amount blood, as the circulatory process is disrupted.

Therefore, it is recommended to use a large number of liquids, freshly squeezed juices, preferably from carrots and apples. It is also beneficial to eat garlic, onions, cabbage and parsley. In addition to the fact that you will get the vitamins your body needs, you will also cleanse your blood vessels. You can look at the usefulness and necessity of water.

2. Oxygen

I think you are aware that oxygenated blood nourishes the hemispheres, which, in turn, increases their performance. Not only walks on fresh air, but also exercise.

For example, holding your breath. This technique helps to absorb more oxygen, as the lungs open more fully. You just have to pause your breathing as you exhale. Take a short pause and breathe again. If you feel tired, use it immediately.

6. Workouts

To be in good shape, you need to constantly train. IN in this case, mentally. When you're thinking hard about something, blood circulation increases, causing more oxygen to enter your cells. So, to keep your head clear, give yourself exercise, every day.

The choice today is wide, you can get carried away with crossword puzzles, or just read books, solve puzzles, think, discuss about life and its frailty, put together a puzzle and teach foreign language. I also recommend this online service for brain development, there you will find many interesting exercises in a playful way.

The main thing is that you think, otherwise the cells will begin to atrophy over time if you don’t use them. The body will simply begin to get rid of them. And this threatens mental retardation, memory loss and other diseases. Be sure to look at the article “The most effective exercises for recharging the brain.”

7. Vitamins

In a comprehensive manner, that is, adhering to the above methods, you can use drugs that activate the activity of the hemispheres themselves. For example, popular and effective on this moment considered a headbuster. It not only speeds up the thinking process, but even helps cope with anxiety, fears and headaches. You can read about it in more detail, and even purchase it, by going to link.

8. Physical activity

It is necessary because during exercise, substances are produced that make neurons healthier and stronger, and this significantly increases the effectiveness of mental activity.

If you are not used to training, you should start gradually, without giving yourself an increased load, everything should be in moderation so that it is beneficial. Ideally, even beginners can do a headstand with the support and insurance of loved ones, leaning against the wall. But before doing the stand, prepare your body by bending. At first you will feel dizzy, but when you get used to it and the special changes in sensations no longer bother you, feel free to roll over.

Even doctors emphasize the usefulness of this exercise, noting that it virtually eliminates the risk of stroke and other diseases associated with circulatory disorders. Therefore, you shouldn’t come up with excuses that you don’t have enough money or time to visit the gym; you can take care of your health and your future without even leaving home.

9. Daily routine

If you do not follow it, then no pills or energy drinks will help you become more alert and active, and, accordingly, make your head work. When biorhythms are disrupted, that is, if a person goes to bed very late, sleeps very little, etc., this significantly affects his condition and well-being.

10. Dependencies

Declare a fight against addictions if you have them. For example, smoking negatively affects not only the lungs, increasing the risk of cancer, but also causes inflammation of the walls of blood vessels in the brain, and this, as you understand, significantly affects mental activity and performance.

About the consequences of drinking alcohol and narcotic substances, I think you yourself know very well. So take your willpower and come up with a worthwhile motivation to lead healthy image life, enlist the support of loved ones and go ahead, quit addiction. This, by the way, will also raise your level of self-esteem; self-respect for some achievements has not been canceled.

11. Music

Music also helps, as it increases mental activity. There is even a “Mozart effect”; in the course of research, it was found that subjects show the highest performance results when Mozart’s compositions are played to them. Moreover, when listening to other melodies and styles of music, there are no significant changes was not observed.

It’s not for nothing that pregnant women are recommended to listen to Bach and other classics; this has a positive effect on the development of the baby. What can we say, even if plants die faster when they play rock music, and cows give more milk if they listen to the sounds of a harp.

So for the background, turn on any classical music, maybe even the same favorite melody, and get to work. But experts recommend Sonata K.488 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The result will not be long in coming, try it.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I would like to draw your attention to the fact that memory development is also important if there is a need to increase the efficiency of the hemispheres. How to increase its volume so that you have free access You will find out a lot of information by following the link. Strength and inspiration to you!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

In a dynamic era of fierce competition and abundant information, the success of an individual in all spheres of life directly depends on the size of intellectual capital. However, constant overloads and chronic stress do not contribute to clarity of thinking and high brain performance.
Inability to concentrate, muscle weakness, indifference to current events, loss of interest in exciting activities are clear symptoms of deteriorating brain function. You may not pay close attention to such signals if these signs occur in the evening hours after a busy day at work or they appear during a viral illness.

However, if such symptoms begin to overcome after a full night's rest and constantly interfere with usual activities, it is necessary to take measures to activate the brain.

The human brain is an amazing organ, the secrets of which are still not fully understood. Despite the fact that the work of a person’s “main computer” is influenced by a certain proportion of genetic factors, brain functions need to be improved daily: develop memory, improve concentration abilities, polish logic and analysis.
If an individual neglects his body, the first signs of a decrease in brain performance will appear without waiting for old age. It has been confirmed by numerous studies that in people over 40 years of age, cognitive and mnestic functions gradually deteriorate.
Some mature people find it increasingly difficult to concentrate on one task. It's getting harder and harder for them to keep it in their heads. important details tasks. A more labor-intensive task becomes clearly expressing your thoughts, conducting necessary analysis, drawing up a logical conclusion.

Deterioration in the performance of the main computer cannot be considered the norm. It has been established that you can maintain clarity of mind and excellent memory into old age if you do not let the process of biological withering take its course, lead a healthy lifestyle and train your brain daily.

Causes of decreased brain performance
The reason for the decline in brain performance is not always natural age-related changes body. There are a huge number of factors influencing brain activity that are relevant both for people of working age and for children. Let us describe the main reasons for the decline in brain performance.

Factor 1. Chronic stress or one-time mental stress
Long lasting negative external factors or a one-time strong nervous shock, a feeling of irrational anxiety or sudden fear causes the destruction of cells of the nervous system and prevents the formation of new neural connections. The consequence of this is a deterioration in the quality of all cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination, perception and sensations.

Factor 2. Lack of sleep
Sleep deprivation reduces a person's ability to concentrate, causes memory loss, causes unclear speech, and initiates a slowdown in all reactions. It can be argued that depriving a person of sleep - terrible torture, insidious with serious consequences in somatic health and mental health.

Factor 3. Depressive states
With depression, there is a significant decrease in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which not only causes a depressed state, but also “rewards” the person with cognitive impairment and interferes with quality intellectual activity. A drop in the level of another neurotransmitter, dopamine, initiates a significant deficit of attention, a decrease in working memory, and depression of executive functions.

Factor 4. Impaired functioning of the thyroid gland
Insufficient production of thyroid hormones leads to mental and mental retardation. physical development in children, causes a significant deterioration in intellectual abilities in adults. The entire brain, including the parts responsible for attention and memory, suffers from a deficiency of such hormones.

Factor 5. Lack or excess of estrogen
Increased or insufficient production of the female hormone estrogen can cause enormous disruptions in the functioning of the brain. An inappropriate level of this hormone causes a sharp deterioration in memory and a decrease in the ability to concentrate.

Factor 6. Alcohol abuse
Excessive alcohol consumption has far-reaching consequences Negative consequences for the state of the brain. Alcoholism is memory loss, clouding of consciousness, organic changes in brain cells, compression of the brain and, as a consequence, Korsakov’s psychosis and complete collapse of personality.

Factor 7. Traumatic brain injuries
The dire consequences of head injuries can appear either instantly or over a long period of time. Common complications of traumatic brain injury: slurred speech, severe decline in intelligence.

Factor 8. Vascular pathologies
Chronic vascular disorders or acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of the “main computer”. Problems with blood vessels cause a deterioration in the integrative activity of the brain, interfere with memory consolidation, and complicate learning processes.

How to Increase Brain Performance: Mind Training
To have a toned, athletic figure, you need to train regularly, providing your muscles with a reasonable amount of stress. This statement is also true for a high level of higher nervous activity, for excellent indicators of intellectual abilities, for the absence of problems with cognitive functions and memory: you should regularly train your brain.

Rule 1. Do mental exercises every day

  • We try to remember as much as possible new information To do this, we memorize poems, jokes, and excerpts from fiction.
  • Let's start learning a new foreign language.
  • We solve puzzles and crosswords.
  • We solve logical and mathematical problems.
  • Let's play Board games, the conditions of which require logic and analysis.
  • Instead of using a calculator, we do arithmetic calculations in our heads.
  • We mentally plot the route to our destination, without using a navigator.
  • We are trying to remember the required phone number without looking at the contact list on your phone.
  • We remember and write down the birthdays of relatives and friends on a piece of paper.
  • After watching the movie, we retell the plot and name the actors.
  • We write down and memorize unusual sayings and witty quotes.
  • In the evening, we restore the sequence of events of the day and analyze the events that occurred.
  • We list the names famous writers, poets, artists.
  • We are trying to name as much as possible more concepts from one area, for example: we list all known species of animals.
  • We play computer games that require attention, for example: searching for hidden things.

  • Rule 2. Include brain food in your diet
    Adjusting your diet can improve the quality of brain activity. Scientists have determined which foods promote maximum brain activity and increase intellectual potential person. Among the components essential for the brain are the following products.
  • Muscat grapes contain anthocyanins - substances that ensure metabolic processes in the body.
  • Apples can eliminate defects in the nervous system. They are a powerful blood purifier and prevent the deformation of vascular walls, which has a beneficial effect on the productivity of brain activity.
  • Choline, also called vitamin B4, has a pronounced anti-atherosclerotic and nootropic effect, improves metabolic processes in nervous tissue. The most generous product in terms of choline is egg yolk.
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in seafood and sea fish, such as salmon, can improve brain performance.
  • A valuable product for the high-quality functioning of the “main computer” is folic acid, which is rich in leafy greens, for example: spinach.
  • A powerful antioxidant, tocopherol, can prevent natural age-related changes. Valuable products containing vitamin E are olive, sunflower, and corn oil.
  • The source of energy for brain tissue is taurine. The maximum content of this amino acid is found in turkey, chicken, tuna, raw red fish and oysters.
  • Regular consumption of green tea can protect neurons from destruction.
  • Walnuts will prevent the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.

  • Rule 3. Get rid of bad habits
    Many treatises have been written about the damage that smoking and alcohol abuse cause to health. However, there are people who are sincerely convinced that alcohol and cigarettes help them think better and faster. The fallacy of this point of view has been proven as a result of numerous scientific studies.
    Tobacco and ethanol are false activators of brain activity, which for a short period of time create the illusion that the brain has begun to function more productively. In fact these bad habits lead to the destruction of existing neural connections, due to which the cognitive and mnestic functions of the psyche deteriorate. The conclusion is simple: to improve brain performance, you need to say goodbye to addictions once and for all.

    Rule 4. Move energetically
    Vigorous physical exercise, brisk walking, swimming, cycling activate the work of all body systems. Thanks to daily half-hour exercise, it is possible to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, increase blood circulation and lymph circulation, naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Physical exercise stimulate the restoration of nervous tissue, promote the emergence of new neural connections, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on brain performance.

    Rule 5. Perform a head massage
    Daily massage of the head and collar area increases blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and promotes venous outflow. Perfect option– once a season, visit the salon of a professional massage therapist, and the rest of the time, perform the massage yourself. You can perform the procedure in the classic way - with your hands, or using a special device - a massager. Simply brushing your hair with a brush for 10 minutes can improve blood circulation.

    Rule 6. Use color therapy and essential oils
    It has been established that each specific color has specific action on the functioning of the body. Some shades excite the nervous system and activate the brain, others calm and pacify. A picture made in bright yellow tones can improve brain performance - this color significantly improves intellectual abilities personality. The rich orange color will be an effective stimulant for achieving new heights and self-affirmation.

    You can achieve progress in brain performance with the help of aromatherapy. Natural essential oils with a citrus aroma and woody scent have a tonic effect on the body, promoting the development of cognitive functions.

    Rule 7. Developing our abilities
    To discover your hidden talents, we use a proven technique: for a short time we block one of the channels of perception. We can eat with our eyes closed, brush our teeth or comb our hair with our left hand. We try, with our eyes closed, to identify the object by touch and recognize the product by smell. We also develop the ability for ambidexterity - we train the functions of both hands, for example: drawing geometric figures with both hands at the same time.


    Establish a stable daily routine. Experts say that this is the simplest and most effective remedy raising your own. It is the most underestimated and unloved by us (it’s so boring to organize every day). However, it is a stable daily rhythm, based on the natural cycles of all life on earth, that is the most important condition for maintaining high performance. The correct daily routine is a full sleep (for some it is 5-6, for others 9-10), a light morning awakening, an energetic daytime wakefulness, evening rest and sleep again.

    Get rid of clutter in your workplace. If you are an office worker, the easiest way to do this is to remove every last piece of paper on your desk. Sit down at a clean table, drink water, breathe and get to work. Get what you need as needed. In any case, you will make sure that more than half of what you remove will not end up back on the table.

    Take care of fresh air. If there is no air conditioning, ventilate the room often and regularly. Lack of oxygen significantly affects the degree of performance, sharply reducing it.

    Try changing something in your workplace. For example, rearrange the table, cabinet, change the lighting (for example, replace the deathly cold light of an office desk lamp with a lamp with a lampshade that gives warm light). By the way, experts say that the color yellow invigorates and activates brain activity. Place an object on your table or hang it on the wall where your gaze falls yellow color(shade, tone). Occasionally take a break from the process and just contemplate it. To avoid overstimulation from rich yellow, experts recommend edging/shading it with green.

    Do a little warm-up from time to time. This is a great way to revitalize stiff muscles and joints. Particular attention should be paid to warming up the muscles of the neck, hands, and feet. It is these parts of our body that have maximum amount mechanoreceptors, the influence of which stimulates brain function.

    Include foods that increase... in your diet. First of all, these are nuts, carrots, ginger, fatty fish, dried apricots, and shrimp. But from use confectionery It’s better to abstain, because Digesting them consumes a lot of B vitamins, which are necessary for an active brain. Dark chocolate can be an acceptable source of fast carbohydrates.

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    Helpful advice

    Don't forget about proper rest after work. Don't join the ranks of workaholics whose incredible work capacity and fantastic productivity sooner or later burst like bubble, leaving behind such “gifts” as neurasthenia, breakdown or something worse.

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    • how to increase efficiency

    Performance- this is a person’s ability to perform for the required time certain work, without omitting quality and quantitative indicators. The Internet is currently full of instructions that teach how to survive in the office. They often mention how to maintain and improve your performance.


    To improve your performance, you need to know and take into account the factors that influence it the most. Interest It will be much easier for you to complete the task in which you show interest. In such cases, we do not notice fatigue until it reaches its highest peak. Work that is not interesting to us is difficult for us, we suffer while doing it.

    121 tips to unlock your brain's capabilities

    You can start doing them right from today.

    Of these tips I personally follow in varying degrees 87. Try to count how much you have.

    1. Solve riddles and puzzles.
    2. Develop ambidexterity (two-handedness, the ability to use the right and left hands equally well). Try to brush your teeth, comb your hair, and manipulate the computer mouse with your non-dominant hand. Write with both hands at the same time. Change hands when eating when using a knife and fork.
    3. Work with ambiguity, uncertainty. Learn to enjoy things like paradoxes.
    4. Study mind maps.
    5. Block one or . Eat blindfolded, temporarily plug your ears with tampons, take a shower with your eyes closed.
    6. Develop comparative tastes. Learn to fully feel, savor wine, chocolate, beer, cheese and anything else.
    7. Look for areas of intersection between seemingly unrelated things.
    8. Here's a way to increase brain performance - learn to use keyboards with different key layouts (learn to touch-type).
    9. Come up with new uses for ordinary items. How many different ways can you think of one for a nail, for example? Ten? One hundred?
    10. Change your usual ideas to the opposite ones.
    11. Learn techniques for developing creativity.
    12. Don’t stop at the obvious, mentally rush beyond the first, “correct” answer to the question.
    13. Change established order of things. Ask yourself the question “What if...”
    14. RUN, FROZL!
    15. Turn paintings and photographs upside down.
    16. Here's more way to increase brain performance— Develop critical thinking. Challenge common misconceptions.
    17. Study logic. Solve logical problems.
    18. Learn the scientific way of thinking.
    19. Draw, draw automatically. You don't need to be an artist for this.
    20. Think positively.
    21. Take up some form of art - sculpture, painting, music - or test yourself in some other creative activity.
    22. Learn the art of performing tricks, develop sleight of hand.
    23. Eat foods that are good for your brain.
    24. Strive to constantly feel a slight feeling of hunger.
    25. Exercise!
    26. Sit up straight.
    27. Drink plenty of water.
    28. Breathe deeply.
    29. Laugh!
    30. Diversify your activities. Choose a hobby for yourself.
    31. Here is a sure way to increase brain performance, take care of good sleep.
    32. Practice short naps.
    33. Listen to music (no matter what, mind you!).
    34. Declare war on your tendency to procrastinate.
    35. Limit yourself in the use of technology.
    36. Study materials on brain science.
    37. Change your clothes. Walk barefoot.
    38. Improve your self-talk.
    39. Keep it simple!
    40. Play chess or other board games.
    41. Play mind games – Sudoku, crosswords and countless other games are at your disposal.
    42. Be spontaneous, like children!
    43. Play video games.
    44. Develop a sense of humor! Write or make up jokes.
    45. Make a List of 100 (note: a technique for generating ideas, discovering hidden problems or making decisions).
    46. ​​Use the Idea Quota method (note: a method of compiling a preliminary list of ideas throughout the day).
    47. Consider every idea that comes to you. Create a bank of ideas.
    48. Let your ideas develop. Return to each of them at certain intervals.
    49. So that increase brain performance conduct “thematic observation”. Try, for example, to mark red objects as often as possible throughout the day. Tag cars of a specific brand. Pick a topic and focus on it.
    50. Keep a diary.
    51. Learn foreign languages.
    52. Eat in different restaurants – preference for national restaurants.
    53. Learn computer programming.
    54. Read long words backwards. !einejuborP
    55. Change your environment - change the location of objects, furniture, move somewhere.
    56. Write! Write stories, poetry, start a blog.
    57. Learn symbolic language.
    58. Learn the art of playing musical instruments.
    59. Visit museums.
    60. Study the functioning of the brain.
    61. Learn dynamic reading techniques.
    62. Determine your learning style.
    63. Learn a method to determine the days of the week for any date!
    64. Try to estimate time intervals by your feelings.
    65. “Approximate calculation.” What is more abundant - leaves in the Amazon forests or neural connections in the brain? (answer)
    66. Make friends with math. Fight “inability to count.”
    67. Build Memory Palaces.
    68. Study the system of figurative thinking to develop memory.
    69. Engage in building relationships (Sorry, no comments here!).
    70. Remember people's names.
    71. A way to increase brain performance is through meditation. Train your concentration and complete absence thoughts.
    72. Watch films of different genres.
    73. Give up TV.
    74. Learn to concentrate.
    75. Stay in touch with nature.
    76. Solve math problems mentally.
    77. Stop rushing.
    78. Change your usual speed various types activities.
    79. Do only one thing at a time.
    80. Cultivate curiosity.
    81. Method how to increase brain performance by trying on someone else's consciousness. How do you think other people would think in your place and solve your problems? How would a fool behave if he were in your place?
    82. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world.
    83. Find time for solitude and relaxation.
    84. Commit to continuous learning throughout your life.
    85. Travel abroad. Get to know the lifestyle of people from other countries.
    86. Study geniuses (Leonardo is great company for you!)
    87. Create a circle of trusted friends.
    88. Look for competition.
    89. You shouldn’t communicate only with like-minded people. Surround yourself with people whose worldviews are different from yours.
    90. Participate in brainstorming sessions!
    91. Change the way you plan for the future: short-term/long-term, collective/individual.
    92. Look for the roots of all problems.
    93. Collect quotes from famous people.
    94. Change your medium of communication: use paper instead of computer, voice recording instead of writing.
    95. Read the classics.
    96. Improve the art of reading. Effective reading is an art, develop it.
    97. Make up summary books.
    98. A way to increase brain performance by developing self-awareness.
    99. Voice your problems out loud.
    100. Describe your feelings in the smallest detail.
    101. Use the Braille method. Start by counting the floors as you take the elevator.
    102. Buy a piece of art that will shake you up. Stimulate, provoke sensations and thoughts.
    103. Use different perfume scents.
    104. Mix sensations. How much does it weigh pink color? What does lavender smell like?
    105. Argue! Defend your arguments. Try to also accept your opponent's point of view.
    106. Use the time boxing method (note: a method of fixing a certain period of time to complete a task or group of tasks).
    107. Take time ways to develop the brain.
    108. Create a mental sanctuary (note: a place that exists only in your imagination).
    109. Be curious!
    110. Challenge yourself.
    111. Develop the art of visualization. Spend at least 5 minutes a day on this.
    112. Write down your dreams. Keep a notebook and first thing in the morning, or when you wake up, write down your dreams.
    113. Learn to lucid dream.
    114. Get a dictionary interesting words. Create your own words.
    115. Look for metaphors. Connect abstract and concrete concepts.
    116. Manage stress.
    117. Master the method of random information entry. Write down random words from a journal. Read randomly selected sites.
    118. Take a different route every day. Change the streets you take to work, jog, or get home.
    119. Install different OS to your PC.
    120. Develop your vocabulary.
    121. Achieve more than you thought possible. &1

    How to make your brain work? Focus on execution intellectual work It can be difficult, and the problem is not only natural laziness - the brain needs to be trained and kept in good shape. Simple rules And special exercises help maintain efficiency.

    It's sad but true: most people only use a small percentage of their brain's processing power every day. This is partly caused by “mental impotence” due to lifestyle, partly due to nutritional deficiencies.

    Can it be improved? mental capacity relatively easy and simple? Answer: yes!

    Do mental aerobics

    Brain aerobic exercise (such as playing Sudoku) slows down the onset of symptoms of the aging mind and also helps keep the mind functioning at peak capacity.

    For an exercise to be good it must meet 3 criteria: novelty, variety and challenge. For example, playing the same difficult game computer game ultimately fails to call. But playing tennis, golf or other sports that force you to think ahead and solve problems almost instantly is very useful.

    Drink good coffee

    100 mg of caffeine (about the amount found in a cup of black coffee) improves memory. Caffeine blocks a receptor in the central nervous system, responsible for binding a compound called adenosine. At the same time, the activity of dopamine (a stimulating neurotransmitter) and glutamate (participates in the regulation of memory processes) increases.

    This does not mean that you need to drink coffee from morning to evening. Higher doses of caffeine can reduce blood flow to the brain and you may get a headache.

    In addition, three caffeine-induced disorders have been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association: caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-induced anxiety disorder. And keep in mind that you need to drink fresh coffee from Arabica beans, and not instant coffee or coffee substitutes.

    What about fish oil?

    Unsaturated fatty acids (this is fish oil) strengthen the membranes of the body's cells, and thus protect them from the penetration of free radicals.

    Fish oil is used to prevent Alzheimer's disease, as well as for brain atrophy and cognitive decline, while simultaneously increasing mental function. It can reduce the severity of dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

    Tip: Don't waste your money on the cheap, ethyl ester forms of fish oil that you find in most supplements. It is much healthier to eat fish that live in cold waters, such as mackerel, herring, sardines or anchovies. This natural springs unsaturated fatty acids.

    Music for the brain

    Music helps with “dopaminergic neurotransmission.” Simply put, it can trigger the release of dopamine and make you smarter. Exposure to music also helps lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain.

    However, music can also be a distraction, so don't constantly pump your ears with it.

    Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Alpha lipoic acid (also known as ALA) is a fatty acid that may have beneficial effects on age-related deterioration memory, and is also used as a treatment for diabetic neuropathy.

    Alpha lipoic acid can easily cross the blood-brain barrier (the wall of tiny vessels and structural cells that protect the brain) and easily enter the brain to have neuroprotective effects.

    Sun, air and water... The main thing is the sun!

    Excess sunlight can be harmful to the skin and lack of sunlight can also be harmful to your head. Middle-aged and older people performed better in tests if they had high levels of vitamin D in their bodies.

    This vitamin is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays on sebum. Researchers believe that more high levels vitamin D may slow the effects of aging on the brain.

    In this case, you do not have to be directly under sun rays, you can simply take vitamin D in dietary supplements. It is important to note that, like all good things, supplements should be taken with caution.

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