Congratulations from officials on Civil Defense Day. Congratulations on World Civil Defense Day

Dear colleagues, all those related to defense civilian population! I sincerely congratulate you on professional holiday World Day civil defense !

The civilian population needs protection at all times, both during hostilities and during emergency situations, and during disasters. Knowing this and trying to raise prestige national services salvation International organization civil defense In 1990 she established her own holiday. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which joined the International Organization later, in 1993, rightfully joined the celebration traditions.
Today employees rescue services our country and other countries are highly professionally eliminating the consequences man-made disasters, natural disasters, emergency situations, fight international terrorism and other negative manifestations against the civilian population, help preserve material values state and protect cultural heritage of your country. And also, and this is no less important, they engage in outreach work among the population, informing citizens about how to behave in various emergency situations.
Agree, rescue workers have to decide difficult tasks. It is no coincidence that on this day, addressed to the brave and brave people willing to take risks own life To save civilians, rightfully deserved words of gratitude and appreciation are heard.
Not everyone will endanger their life and health so that other people can sleep peacefully and remain confident and calm about the fact that under reliable protection rescuers are not in any danger.
On this holiday, I would like to emphasize that only brave and selfless people go to work in the rescue service. These are the main qualities of a rescuer. But even without professionalism in our complex and dangerous profession not enough. This means that in addition to courage, the rescuer must have a desire to learn and gain experience. Only this will help subsequently ensure effective protection civilian population and come to their aid in a timely manner.

Dear Colleagues! Please accept congratulations on World Civil Defense Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head and more calm days of service, health and happiness, a warm family hearth to which you would always return and confidence in tomorrow. May they always be with you loving people and reliable, loyal friends. I believe that you will continue to honestly and selflessly cope with the tasks entrusted to you. professional responsibilities for the benefit of their fellow citizens and the state as a whole. Congratulations!

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Let emergency situations
Desperate and scary and sad,
Your worries will be less
May people always appreciate your service.
Record-breaking arrival
And that means quickly helping out,
Always ready, strong and strong,
They are the hope and faith of the whole country.
Have a great career!
Decent work!
Good luck, capital salaries!

Eat important day on our calendar
And this is civil defense day.
And even on this day the workers are ready
To the elements, disaster or any time,
When everyone is grateful for their work,
Who has fallen into the clutches of disaster and deprivation,
Left homeless, without hope,
Who is given a chance for future life?
You are our guarantee, support and support,
And in your noblest work
May luck accompany you everywhere,
There is as little emergency as possible to work with a spore!

No matter what happens, you are on guard,
Keep our peace and our lives,
At night, during the day, in the heat and cold, even
In the midst of hectic events.
We say thank you for your service,
Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,
Joy, love and strong friendship
We wish you this autumn day!

This is a worldwide holiday and should be celebrated
It concerns everyone and everyone individually.
But the salvation of the country where our children grow up,
Where do civilians live and work?
It will still depend on the special service,
And from you, who worthily perform this service.
Well, we want to wish from the bottom of our hearts that
You managed to help everyone who needed it.
We wish you health and peaceful skies,
And let trouble pass you by.
And no matter how hard the working day is -
You always returned home with a smile!

We are behind civil defense
It’s like we’re behind a stone wall,
Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Great and big country
We exalt, we are proud of our defense.
And on this holiday, read congratulations
The honor went to one of many,
We want to congratulate you every day,
May your path be easy.

On the day of civil defense,
Everyone should remember:
How to hide from explosions
How to wear a gas mask.
Suddenly hearing a siren signal,
Where to look for shelter
But let this knowledge of ours
No need to apply.

Everyone involved in civil defense
Let them live happily and smile!
We hasten to congratulate you on your day,
And now we want to wish with all our hearts,
So that we need your work less often!
But still, we will say thank you,
Because you are always on the alert,
That you protect our peace and silence.

Happy Civil Defense Day,
I hasten to congratulate you,
You are not afraid of bastions,
All problems are within our reach.
Let the work proceed calmly,
There will be less fuss.
Live your life with dignity,
Well, “dreams come true”!

Congratulations to everyone today
Happy very important day.
Happy Civil Defense Day!
We live peacefully
But you always need to be ready
To be in any trouble
So that we can fight back together,
Anytime and anywhere.

Let's drink a hundred times in a row to the brave guys!
For the Ministry of Emergency Situations! We will get out of any emergency, in spite of fate!
You save people, you're a news hero,
You are everywhere, where there is trouble, where you are - there is happiness!
Let me shake your hand, let me hug you,
May a smile come to you often.

We are where there is danger and a cry for salvation,
Where they are running from, we need to go there urgently.
One excuse, rush to the disaster zone,
This is your calling, your job.
Always have your travel bag ready
Team for collection at any time.
The cars will rise, the engines will roar
The “white star” spotlights will flash.
At depth, at height - there is no reference point,
The elements challenge fate without choosing the moment.
A difficult case weighs on the hour and requires a counterweight.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations moves in latitude and longitude.

Happy Civil Defense Day
You, Good friends! -
Without her protective crown
You can't live in our world!
In the age of success and discoveries
We are afraid - without what?
No supplies, no shelters
And without GO bunkers!
We wish you a lot of light,
Stars, smiles and work!
It is important that this matter
It would never have happened!!!

Without civil defense
We will not save the country,
Should know this from the cradle
Modern citizen.
Emergency situations
There are too many on the planet
And without this important service
The future does not shine for us.
Helping and saving
Providing propaganda
They protect us
From floods and fires.
People of words, people of action,
Not used to standing
We wanted to congratulate you
And good luck.
And also - good nights
And more successful days,
To be replaced by a world of war,
For the benefit of future children.

To take refuge in a shelter in time,
To save people, and not to forget,
We need civilian defense,
She teaches how to behave correctly!
Congratulations on this day today to everyone,
We really believe that we will live without interference!
May there always be peace throughout the whole world,
And all people will be doubly happy!

Dear veterans and employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations!

This year is an anniversary year for the civil defense of our country. The system, which has become one of the guarantors of state security, celebrates its 85th anniversary. That is why 2017 has been declared by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations as the Year of Civil Defense.

At all stages of development, civil defense ensured the security of the state, increased the level of protection of the population, material and cultural values from dangers arising during military conflicts and emergency situations.

The history of civil defense contains many heroic pages. The most striking of them is the contribution to the victory of local fighters air defense during the Great Patriotic War. The MPVO forces neutralized aerial bombs, extinguished fires and ignitions, restored buildings, prevented accidents, provided health care to the victims. Thanks to this, it was possible to save millions of lives, save thousands strategically important objects economy and cultural monuments.

Over the years, the civil defense system has grown stronger, proving its importance and worth.

Today civil defense Russian Federation is a powerful system, including enormous material, technical and human potential, which is aimed at ensuring the security of the state and its citizens from the dangers arising from military conflicts and from threats of natural and technogenic nature.

IN modern conditions civil defense decides wide range tasks and plays an exceptional role in preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergencies, fires and man-made disasters, increasing the level of preparedness of the population to act in emergency situations and creating a culture of life safety.

The Civil Defense Forces are consistently increasing their potential and are actively developing modern technology and advanced technologies improve personnel training.

Improvement issues and further development Civil defense in the context of increasing global risks is more relevant today than ever. For the first time, the stages of its development are defined in the “Fundamentals public policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period until 2030,” which were approved by the President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, together we have to implement all the planned measures to ensure maximum protection of the population from all kinds of threats.

On this significant day, I express my deep gratitude to civil defense veterans who made an invaluable contribution to the development of civil defense of our country and devoted their lives to ensuring the safety of the population and territories from emergencies in peacetime and war. Your rich experience, wisdom, noble deeds and actions are an inspiring force for every employee
Russian Emergency Situations Ministry.

Dear Colleagues! I cordially congratulate everyone who contributed to improving the civil defense system on Civil Defense Day. I wish you good health, optimism, fortitude, vital energy, family well-being and peaceful skies above your head!

Let your professionalism, responsibility and dedication to your work continue to contribute to the development of civil defense and solving the problems of protecting the population from natural and man-made emergencies for the benefit of our Motherland.

V.A. Puchkov

The original purpose of civil defense was to protect civilians in hostilities. And now civil defense as a concept is perceived by ordinary citizens exclusively as a symbol of wartime. But, unfortunately, in Peaceful time There are quite a lot of emergency situations, often the consequences of man-made disasters, natural disasters, and international terrorism. The civil defense service has a rather difficult task - not only preventing and eliminating the consequences of these incidents, but also conducting explanatory work among the population on how to behave in similar situation.

More than 50 countries of the world decided to unite to create security zones in their countries, 20 countries joined them as observers. As a result joint efforts, On March 1, 1972, the International Civil Defense Organization was established, and the day of signing the document establishing the organization was celebrated as World Civil Defense Day.

Happy Civil Defense Day
Congratulations, friends,
With your safety
We cannot be neglected.

May they not touch us in life
Neither fires nor floods,
Let the elements not add
For rescuers work.

I wish the whole world
Live without troubles and disasters,
To civil defense
Everyone was always ready.

Civil Defense Day -
A very important day for us,
Security laws
Everyone should know now!

Suddenly a disaster, a flood
Or, God forbid, a fire,
Remember rescue methods -
This is your treasured gift!

I don't want to scare you people
Tense mood!
You never know what will happen in life,
Better to be warned!

Civil defense is a complex matter,
You definitely have to be brave,
You need to be inspired by your task,
And meet with new strength difficulties of days.

Let there be very few adversities,
Let there be as few worries as possible,
Health, success in any tasks,
And the forces are certainly very large.

Happy Civil Defense Day!
Let's start celebrating.
And barriers from various troubles
Very brave to create!

Let no tragedies happen
So that we don't have to save the world,
Let goodness sparkle in your eyes,
So that you never lose heart!

Happy Civil Defense Day
All those who are now involved in it,
We would like to congratulate and wish them
Love, patience, a lot of happiness,
Protect civilians
They are from troubles and disasters,
All our congratulations to them
And many kind, warm words!

Happy Civil Defense Day
I hasten to congratulate you,
I wish for protection
Each of us was ready.

Life safety will be
Let it not be an empty phrase for you,
Let fires and floods
They will never touch you.

Disasters, cataclysms
Let them pass by
Zorko service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
Let him watch the silence.

Happy Civil Defense Day
I congratulate you now
Troubles, even catastrophes
They will not touch you in life.

No more work
Let the rescuers
Disasters, terrorism
Today we will say: goodbye.

We put on gas masks -
We breathe proudly, deeply.
And Happy Civil Defense Day
We congratulate you all easily.

No effort was made
We wish you to live, love, create.
And let the spirit be strong, strong
So that you can change the world.

On Civil Defense Day, I congratulate you,
I want to be on the alert,
Don't lose your bearings
In a dangerous moment, a beep sounds.

Learn the rules honestly
May they not be useful
Strong and strong-willed
I wish you to stay.

Peace to all people, goodness and light,
Let the world be warmed with love!
People definitely need protection,
Defense must not be forgotten!

There are so many threats around today,
A fragile world can suddenly collapse,
So that this never happens,
Everyone must unite forever!

Congratulations: 33 in verse.

Congratulations on Civil Defense Day
(in Russia it is celebrated on October 4, in the world - on March 1)


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Since childhood, we have all been familiar with three cherished words,
That one must be prepared for work and defense.
What from nuclear explosion better to refuse
And you need to understand civil defense.
It is not by chance that people end up in this service.
They clearly know the subtleties of their work.
If emergency- be optimistic:
The specialists here are the best trained.
On Civil Defense Day, we congratulate you!
We wish you good luck and health from the bottom of our hearts,
So that less destruction happens on earth,
And the family received attention and time!

Without civil defense
We will not save the country,
Should know this from the cradle
Modern citizen.
Emergency situations
There are too many on the planet
And without this important service
The future does not shine for us.
Helping and saving
Providing propaganda
They protect us
From floods and fires.
People of words, people of action,
Not used to standing
We wanted to congratulate you
And good luck.
And also - good nights
And more successful days,
To be replaced by a world of war,
For the benefit of future children.

You stand in this important service day and night,
And value the lives of civilians with dignity.
We congratulate you on the holiday, and on this spring day
We wish you health, success and luck!

You can write a lot, making laws,
And then speak beautifully from the podium.
But for those who know how to defend themselves,
First of all, the job is to protect people:
From fires and rains and earthquakes,
From invasions, terrorist attacks, from any disasters,
When in complete despair and shock,
We only hope for help from them.
Those guys who will help in deed and word,
Although sometimes they themselves lack it.
People are ready for a lot in this service,
Risking your life to save civilians.
On this global holiday, we congratulate them
And we wish that laws are still made,
What will help with everything that is currently missing?
To support our civil defense.

Civil Defense Day
Was installed once
Both in civilian clothes and in uniform
This date is celebrated -
Those who are interested
Keep people safe.
This is a service where readiness is
The main one of all ideas.
Propaganda and defense
Civilians at any hour -
This is the main business card
This service is not easy.
And I need to say today
On this day and on this holiday -
Let work be a joy
And the efforts are not in vain.
And any tests
Your spirit is only strengthened,
But moments of emergency
They don’t add on the ground.

This is a worldwide holiday and should be celebrated
It concerns everyone and everyone individually.
But the salvation of the country where our children grow up,
Where do civilians live and work?
It will still depend on the special service,
And from you, who worthily perform this service.
Well, we want to wish from the bottom of our hearts that
You managed to help everyone who needed it.
We wish you health and peaceful skies,
And let trouble pass you by.
And no matter how hard the working day is -
You always returned home with a smile!

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