Fire safety. Testing the knowledge of engineers

Details Other tests 23 January 2016 Views: 10586

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Question 1. What is meant by the term “fire safety regime”? (l.28, art.1)

Rules of behavior of people, the procedure for organizing production and (or) maintenance of territories, buildings, structures, premises of organizations and other objects in order to ensure fire safety requirements
Actions to ensure fire safety, including compliance with fire safety requirements
Special conditions of a social and technical nature established in order to ensure fire safety by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents or an authorized state body
The state of protection of individuals, property, society and the state from fires

Question 2. Which of the following is not a function of a fire safety system? (l.28, art.3)

Development and implementation of fire safety measures
Creation of the fire department and organization of its activities
Carrying out emergency restoration work after extinguishing fires
Conducting fire prevention propaganda and training the population in fire safety measures

Question 3. What is the purpose of creating a fire safety system for a protected facility? (l.29, art.5, paragraphs 1-4)

Fire Prevention
Ensuring the safety of people in case of fire
Property protection in case of fire
All of the above

Question 4. Who is personally responsible for compliance with fire safety requirements in the organization? (l.28, art.37)

Head of the organization
Organization fire safety engineer
Technical manager of the organization
Heads of departments of the organization

Question 5. To what class do fires of flammable substances and materials of electrical installations under voltage belong? (l.29, art.8)

To class B
To class C
To class D
To class E

Question 6. What types of electrical equipment are divided into depending on the degree of fire and explosion hazard and fire hazard? (l.29, art.21)

Electrical equipment without fire and explosion protection, fire-proof electrical equipment, explosion-proof electrical equipment
Electrical equipment without fire and explosion protection, fire and explosion proof electrical equipment
Electrical equipment without fire and explosion protection, fire-proof electrical equipment, explosion-proof electrical equipment, electrical equipment with increased explosion protection

Question 7. For how long should cables and wires of fire protection systems, warning systems and fire evacuation control systems remain operational in fire conditions? (l.29, art.82, paragraphs 1-9)

Within one hour
Time depends on the type of fire protection systems
During the time necessary to completely evacuate people to a safe area
No more than two hours

Question 8. What is the primary fire extinguishing agent? (l.29, art.43)

Portable and mobile fire extinguishers, fire blanket
A box of sand, a shovel, a bucket for water, blankets to isolate the source of fire
Portable and mobile fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and means for ensuring their use, fire equipment, blankets for isolating the source of fire
Fire extinguishers, a box with sand and a shovel, blankets to isolate the fire source

Question 9. Is it allowed to combine, store and transport substances and materials that, when interacting with each other, cause ignition, explosion or form flammable and toxic gases (mixtures)? (l.20, paragraph 192)

Not allowed
Allowed if provided for by technological regulations
Allowed if the necessary fire safety measures are provided and there is permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations
Allowed if the necessary fire safety measures are provided and there is permission from the site fire department

    An explosion is always accompanied by:

B) gasoline + air oxygen;

A) detonation wave zone;


FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS. Option I (shortened 8 tasks)

    The cause of a fire in residential buildings can be:

A) lack of primary fire extinguishing means;

B) careless handling of pyrotechnic products;

C) malfunction of internal fire hydrants.

    To activate the OHP-10 fire extinguisher you must:

A) bring the fire extinguisher to the source of fire, turn it upside down without touching the handle, shake it and direct the stream to the source of fire;

B) bring the fire extinguisher to the source of fire, raise the handle all the way to 180 0 without turning it upside down, shake it and direct the stream to the source of fire;

C) bring the fire extinguisher to the source of fire, clean the spray (hole), raise the handle 180 0 as far as it will go, turn it upside down, shake it and direct the stream to the source of fire.

    When working with a CO2 fire extinguisher, the following is not permitted:

A) when extinguishing electrical installations, bring the bell closer than five meters to the flame;

B) touch the fire extinguisher cylinder with rubber gloves;

C) touch the socket with hands without protective gloves.

    An explosion is always accompanied by:

A) a large amount of energy released;

B) a sharp increase in temperature;

B) slight crushing effect.

    The combustion process occurs subject to the presence of:

A) flammable substance and reducing agent;

B) opportunities for heat exchange;

B) a flammable substance, an oxidizer and a source of ignition.

    The damaging factors of a fire include:

A) intense radiation of gamma rays that affects people;
B) open fire, toxic combustion products;

C) destruction of buildings and structures, defeat of people.

    With an average degree of destruction of buildings:

A) cracks form in window openings, part of the internal partitions are destroyed;

B) there are significant deformations of load-bearing structures, most of the walls and ceilings are destroyed;

C) internal partitions, window and door openings are destroyed.

    The primary factors of explosions include:

A) air wave, fragmentation fields;

B) air waves, fires, building collapses;

C) contamination of the area, collapse of buildings and structures, fragmentation fields.


FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS. Option II (shortened 8 tasks)

    What is the correct sequence of actions in case of fire:

A) immediately leave the premises, tightly closing the door behind you, call adults for help, if they are not there, then call the fire department and report the fire;

B) try to put out the fire using primary fire extinguishing means, open the window to remove smoke, call the fire department and report the fire;

C) call your parents at work and report the fire, try to put out the fire using primary fire extinguishing equipment.

    To activate the fire extinguisher, you must:

A) break the seal and pull out the pin, point the bell at the flame and press the lever;

B) press the lever, grab the bell with your hand, point it at the flame and hold it until the burning stops;

C) clean the bell, press the lever and point it at the flame.

    While watching a TV show, the TV caught fire. Your next steps:

A) take a bucket of water and pour on the flame; if the TV explodes and the fire intensifies, open the window and try to put out the flame or report the fire to the fire department;

B) turn off the power to the TV or apartment, cover it with a thick cloth, if the fire intensifies, leave the room, closing the doors and windows, report the fire to the fire department;

C) report the fire to the fire department, if the fire intensifies, leave the premises by opening the doors and windows.

    The cause of explosions at industrial enterprises can be:

A) decreased pressure in process equipment, lack of special instruments indicating excess concentrations of chemical hazardous substances;

B) untimely repair work, increased temperature and pressure inside production equipment;

C) lack of special smoke removal devices.

    In which of the following examples can conditions be created for the combustion process to occur:

A) cloth soaked in kerosene + smoldering cigarette;

B) gasoline + air oxygen;

C) granite + air oxygen + heater flame.

    If your clothes caught fire, then you:

A) run and try to tear off your clothes;

B) stop, fall and roll, knocking out the flames;
C) wrap yourself in a blanket or wrap yourself in thick cloth.

    Explosion area located closer to the center:

A) detonation wave zone;

B) area of ​​effect of explosion products;

B) zone of action of the shock wave.

    To pass through a burning room you must:

A) wrapped in a blanket, stay close to the wall, move slowly, assessing the situation;

B) move by crawling or bending closer to the floor, cover yourself with a thick cloth, if possible moistened with water;

C) passing through a burning room is prohibited under any conditions.



General option

Option I

Option II


| Author Flaaim

I present to your attention fire safety tests designed to prepare for the fire-technical minimum exam.

Completing these tests will allow you to test your knowledge in the field of fire safety.

The materials comply with the Fire Regulations of the Russian Federation as amended on December 30, 2017.

Fire technical minimum tests

The file contains the following tests:
  1. Test for those responsible for fire safety
  2. Fire safety knowledge test for workers
  3. Fire safety knowledge test for workers of medical organizations
  4. Fire safety knowledge test for workers in the construction industry
  5. Fire safety knowledge test for employees of educational organizations
  6. Test of knowledge of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation for employees of oil and gas enterprises

Ready-made training programs on labor protection

Testing rules

1. Each question has only one correct answer.

2. When choosing an answer after clicking on the "Submit" button, it is indicated whether the answer is correct or incorrect. The submitted answer cannot be changed.

3. You can skip a question; you can return to it by selecting the question number in the upper left corner and clicking on it.

4. At the end of the test, the system will tell you whether you passed the test and how many points you scored.

5. You can view detailed results with correct answers to all questions.

6. You can print the test results.

  1. What is a fire?

c) danger of damaging vision

a) there are no such rules

b) should not run

a) fire extinguishers

c) water and sand

d) earth and blankets

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“TEST on the basics of fire safety “Fire Safety Rules” (knowledge test upon completion of basic school)”


on fire safety basics

"Fire Safety Rules"

(test of knowledge upon completion of basic school)

Carefully read the text of the task, familiarize yourself with all the options for the proposed answers, select one or more correct answers from the proposed options.

    What is a fire?

a) this is an organized combustion process

b) this is a controlled combustion process accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat

c) this is an uncontrolled combustion process, accompanied by the destruction of material assets and creating a danger to the life and health of people

d) this is a supported combustion process, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy

    What danger lurks for people in a fire?

a) high air temperature and smoke

b) high concentration of carbon monoxide and other harmful combustion products

c) danger of damaging vision

d) possible collapse of structures of buildings and structures

    What rules must a person follow if in order to save himself and help others he needs to go through a burning room?

a) there are no such rules

b) you should cover your head with a wet coat or raincoat

c) you should cover your head with a wet blanket

d) you should cover your head with a wet piece of thick fabric

    What should a person do if his clothes catch fire?

a) you should run as quickly as possible to put out the flames

b) should not run

c) you should scream and call for help

d) you should lie on the ground and, rolling over, try to put out the flames

    What is appropriate to use when extinguishing a fire?

a) fire extinguishers

b) available materials, for example, a broom and dustpan

c) water and sand

d) earth and blankets

    How should you extinguish burning liquids?

b) foaming compounds

c) by filling with sand or earth

d) by covering small lesions with a heavy blanket or clothing

    How to put out small fires in a house (apartment)?

a) trample underfoot

b) tightly covering the fire with a wet blanket

d) using a fire extinguisher

8. Determine from the following the main causes of fires in residential buildings:

a) violation of safety rules when using electrical household and electric heating devices
b) lack of primary fire extinguishing means
c) careless handling of fire
d) malfunction of internal fire hydrants

e) violation of the rules for storing and using flammable and flammable liquids
f) gas leak

g) carelessness and negligence when handling fire
h) telephone connection malfunction
i) careless handling of pyrotechnic products
j) malfunction of the water supply system
9.What should you do if your TV catches fire?

a) you should scream and call for help

b) you should fill the TV with soap suds or washing powder dissolved in water

c) you should unplug the TV and cover it with a thick cloth

d) nothing should be done until rescuers arrive

10. What is first aid for a burn?

a) you should urgently contact a surgeon

b) you should urgently call an ambulance

c) you should pour iodine or cover the affected area with brilliant green

d) the affected area should be washed with cold water and a clean bandage applied

11. What fire safety rules must a person follow to prevent fires in the home?

a) several powerful energy consumers should not be plugged into the outlet

b) you should not use gasoline to kindle the stove, and also do not refuel kerosene appliances (lamps) while they are operating

c) sparklers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics should not be used in apartments

d) the refrigerator should not be used for a long time.

12. What is especially important when fighting a fire?

a) availability of water

b) the presence of a large number of people in the apartment

c) quick response to extinguishing a fire in the first minutes of a fire

d) quick response to extinguishing a fire in the first hours of a fire

13. How should you leave a burning room?

b) at a calm pace

c) covering your head with a wet blanket or outerwear

d) breathing through a damp cloth

b) crouching

c) at a calm pace

d) crawling without losing direction

15. How should one evacuate from an apartment if it is impossible to use the stairs?

a) you should go out onto the balcony and shout to attract the attention of passers-by

b) you should use the elevator

c) you should use a balcony staircase

d) you should climb out the window

16. The front door to your apartment is on fire. The fire cut off the path to the exit. What are you going to do?

a) go to the back room, tightly closing all the doors behind you, close the front door with a wet blanket or other thick damp cloth, call the fire department

b) open the windows and start shouting and waving your arms, calling passers-by for help

c) start screaming and calling your neighbors for help

d) hide in the bathroom and turn on the water

17. While in the cabin of a moving elevator, you discovered signs of fire. What will you do?

a) immediately press the “stop” button

b) immediately press the “call” button and inform the dispatcher about this, exit the elevator on the nearest floor

c) raise a scream, noise, start calling for help

d) sit on the floor of the elevator car, where there is less smoke

18. What should first aid be for a burn victim?

a) you should not open blisters, touch the burn surface with your hands, or apply vegetable oils or cauterizing substances (potassium permanganate, iodine) to the burn site, as they intensify the burn and pain, and slow down wound healing

b) you should immediately extinguish the flame, tear off the burning clothes from the victim, and cover him with something that prevents the access of air

c) the burn should be treated with oil (vegetable or butter)

d) you should do something nice for the victim

19. When carrying out resuscitation actions it is necessary:

a) alternately take 1 breath and 1 chest compression

b) 2 breaths and 10 chest compressions

c) 1 breath and 5 chest compressions

d) 2 breaths and 30 chest compressions

d) at the beginning, a series of breaths, and then a series of chest compressions

20. To provide first aid for open injuries (wounds, burns), it is most convenient to use as an aseptic dressing.

a) non-sterile bandage

b) medical dressing package (MPP)

c) sterile bandage, cotton wool

21. What needs to be done to clear the airways

the victim?

a) raise your head higher

b) put something under your shoulders and tilt your head back as much as possible

c) open the victim’s mouth

22. Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning?

a) weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, redness of the skin

b) weakness, dizziness, pale skin

c) headache, fever, abdominal pain

23. How to help with a burn from boiling water?

a) lubricate the burned area with ointment or lotion, apply

sterile bandage

b) rinse the burned area with cold water for 10 minutes, apply

sterile bandage, give painkillers

c) sprinkle the burned surface with baking soda, apply

sterile bandage

Key for verification

Right answers:

2 – a, b, d;

3 – b, c, d;

5 – a, c, d;

6 – b, c, d;

7 – b, c, d;

8 – a, c, d, f, g, i;

11 – a, b, c;


passing the test on fire safety ____ “____” class

Last name, initials

Mark on passing the test

Ivanov A.V.

Sidorenko A.A.

The test was taken by: class teacher ____________________ Petrova I.I.

Instructions for the test. Select an answer.

Question 1. Which category of workers must undergo fire safety training before being allowed to work?

Possible answers:

a) with employees whose work involves the production of explosion and (or) fire hazardous work;

b) with employees whose professions and positions are indicated in the List approved by the employer;

c) with persons appointed responsible for fire safety of facilities;

d) with all employees of the enterprise.

Question 2. Which of the following definitions refers to the concept of “fire”?

Possible answers:

a) a chemical reaction between a flammable substance and an oxidizing agent, which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat and fire;

b) rapid chemical transformation of the medium, accompanied by the release of energy and the formation of compressed gases and fire;

c) uncontrolled combustion causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state;

d) burning of flammable substances or materials that cannot be extinguished using primary fire extinguishing agents.

Question 3. To what class do fires of combustible substances and materials of electrical installations under voltage belong?

Possible answers:

Question 4. What factors are the primary factors of fire?

Possible answers:

a) fragments, parts of collapsed buildings and equipment;

b) reduced oxygen concentration;

c) exposure to fire extinguishing agents;

d) transfer of high voltage to conductive parts.

Question 5. What are the necessary conditions for a fire to occur?

Possible answers:

a) the presence of an oxidizer, a flammable substance and an ignition source;

b) the presence of a flammable substance and an ignition source;

c) uncontrolled combustion;

d) presence of an ignition source.

Question 6. What fires belong to fire class “B”?

Possible answers:

a) gas fires;

b) metal fires;

c) fires of flammable liquids or melting substances and materials;

d) fires of solid combustible substances and materials.

Question 7. In what case should floor plans for evacuation of people in case of fire be developed and posted in buildings?

Possible answers:

a) if the building has 5 floors or more;

b) when more than 50 people are on the floor at a time;

b) an exit for the evacuation of particularly important documents, so as not to interfere with the evacuation of people through the main exits;

c) an exit with an “Exit” sign on the door;

d) an exit leading to an escape route, directly outside or to a safe area.

Question 10. What are the requirements for locks on emergency exit doors?

Possible answers:

a) the doors must be locked and information about the location of the keys must be posted on the doors;

b) doors should not be locked with any locks;

c) locks on the doors must provide people inside the building with the ability to freely open the locks from the inside without a key;

d) at the discretion of the employer.

Possible answers:

a) performance testing should be carried out at least twice a year (spring and autumn);

b) performance testing should be carried out once a year;

c) according to the schedule approved by the employer;

d) at the request of the State Fire Inspectorate inspector.

Question 20. What is the procedure for extinguishing a fire using fire hydrants of internal fire water supply?

Possible answers:

a) extinguishing is carried out by a team of 2 people: one lays the hose and holds the fire hose ready to supply water to the combustion source, the second checks the connection of the fire hose to the fitting of the internal tap and opens the valve to allow water to enter the fire hose;

b) the tap is put into operation by one worker, turning the tap in the direction of opening;

c) the crane is put into operation by a specially trained worker;

d) extinguishing a fire using a fire hydrant is permitted only by fire department employees.

Question 21. In the event of a fire, what information must be provided when calling the fire brigade?

Possible answers:

a) provide the address of the enterprise;

b) provide the address of the enterprise and the name of its director;

c) provide the address of the enterprise, directions, and the name of the manager;

d) you must provide the address of the facility, the location of the fire, as well as your name and the procedure for accessing the facility.

Question 22. What actions is the employee required to take when a fire is detected?

Possible answers:

a) inform the manager and move away to a safe distance;

b) close all doors to the burning premises, notify employees by shouting “Fire!” and move away to a safe distance;

c) inform your immediate supervisor and call the fire department by phone 01, take, if possible, measures to evacuate people, extinguish the fire and preserve material assets;

d) notify the fire department by phone 01 and act in accordance with the instructions received;

Key to the test


Correct answer

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