Practices for developing the heart chakra. Anahata chakra - what it is responsible for and how to open it

Find out what the Anahata chakra is, what it is responsible for, and how you can find out in what state the energy center of love is in you. With the help of simple techniques it can be revealed and developed, significantly influencing the quality of life.

In the article:

Anahata chakra - what it is responsible for

The green chakra is located in the chest area, approximately in the middle of it. She is responsible for the sensual subtle body of a person. Anahata connects the upper and lower chakras, allowing energy flows to circulate as the Creator intended. It unites the material, emotional, spiritual and intellectual principles of a person. The symbol of Anahata is six-pointed star. Its center symbolizes the heart chakra, and the vertices of a geometric figure similar to symbolize the remaining chakras.

Among the things that the Anahata chakra is responsible for on the physical level are the cardiovascular system, hands and skin. As in the case with, the lungs also fall into its sphere of influence.

There are many definitions that are designed to explain what love is. If you look at the meaning of Anahata, you can determine that it represents a combination of physical desires, emotions and feelings, spiritual aspirations and intellectual quests. Anahata is the energy center of love, on which the ability to love and show care, as well as to experience compassion, depends.

That is why Anahata is the source of healing abilities. Healing with the help of magic is available only to people who are able to empathize with the problems of other people, have compassion, and feel love for all creatures living on Earth. It is impossible to discover magical abilities by ignoring chakras in general and Anahata in particular. It is responsible for the ability to establish contact with others, and without it it is impossible to establish contact with the Universe.

In addition, Anahata gives the opportunity to see the beauty of nature, feel its harmony and cyclicality. A person who is able to observe the harmony of the world will strive to harmonize his life.

Anahata transforms words into feelings and emotions by interacting with the throat chakra. Passing through it down to the solar plexus chakra, emotions are purified and replenish the supply of personal strength and vital energy.

Regarding relationships, the ability to remain faithful depends on the state of this chakra. It opens a person’s heart, making the emotional state similar to that which arises when looking at objects of art. In addition, the heart chakra gives the ability to sincerely love and accept love. We are talking about a selfless, real feeling that does not have impurities such as selfishness or possessiveness. This chakra is also responsible for Divine love, which is beyond the control of reason. Both spiritual and physical manifestations of love are on the list of Anahata's functions, despite the fact that the latter is responsible to a greater extent.

How does the Anahata heart chakra manifest itself in a healthy state?

A person with a healthy heart chakra remains faithful to his soulmate. He never cheats on his partner. Most often, such people understand perfectly what family values ​​are. They are prosperous and happily married.

Such individuals have a love for all living things in the world. They feel the power of the Creator in any living creature. Such people are able to contemplate nature and love it. They are often capable of magical work through the forces of nature.

An open Anahata does not allow uncertainty to appear. People with a harmonious heart chakra are not afraid to show their weaknesses in public. They are always confident in themselves, they have no internal conflicts. A healthy chakra helps a person accept the feelings of others. Its owners always calmly treat the emotions of loved ones. They also don’t like to keep their emotions to themselves or hide them.

In communication, people with harmonious Anahata seem to be able to read the thoughts of others. They know how to sense other people's emotions and feelings, as well as use their well-developed intuition. This may be why they are not afraid to express their feelings and be rejected. It's nice to communicate with such people. After talking with them, problems and difficulties seem to disappear by themselves. At the same time, the harmony of their inner world is not disturbed, emotions coming from the outside do not disturb it.

People who do not need to look for an answer to the question of how to unblock Anahata never experience problems in communication. People are drawn to them, they ask for help in difficult times, they are often grateful for what they do without noticing it themselves. Most often, such individuals are ready to help even a stranger. They take pleasure in helping someone. There is no talk of any sense of superiority; help is something of a need. Such individuals understand at the level of intuition what kind of help a person needs. The latter is not always satisfied with her, but later realizes that this is exactly what he needed.

Green Chakra Imbalance - What It Looks Like

If the 4th Anahata chakra is out of balance, this manifests itself in the form of frequent colds. Insomnia, chronic fatigue and constant tension, inability to relax and rest are also possible. In addition, symptoms of problems with Anahata are diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels. High or low blood pressure, frequent heart pain - these signs should be alarming.

Problems with the green chakra make a person unable to be faithful. He cheats, perhaps getting considerable pleasure from it. One of the most serious violations in the work of this chakra can be boasted by people living “in two families”, while being jealous and possessive. They are always afraid of losing a loved one, and having found a replacement for him, they are unable to give up a person who is no longer needed. Such individuals are afraid of being rejected, so they rarely express their feelings.

Problems in relationships are not uncommon for those who would do well to think about how to open the love chakra. They are often convinced that they are unworthy of love. They are rude and cold, most often incapable of creating a strong family. Such individuals do not always remain alone, causing suffering to loved ones.

A person with a closed green chakra is unable to believe in miracles. The fact is that the power of faith passes into the subtle body of a person through the heart and throat chakras. If one of them does not work correctly, the person will close himself off from emotions and feelings. He is capable of love, but this love is far from Divine. She's selfish, it's a pretty down-to-earth feeling. Sometimes people with love chakra disorders begin to ridicule other people's feelings and consider their manifestations as weakness.

There is also the opposite manifestation of disharmony in Anahata. A person imposes his feelings on others and strives to show them, regardless of whether other people need his care. In this case, he will not receive back what he gives, since the entrance to the energy of love is blocked. This leads to emotional and energy exhaustion, as well as anger and resentment towards the whole world.

How to open the love chakra

The Anahata Heart Chakra develops naturally aged 13 to 15 years. It is at this age that disturbances in her work appear. At this time, many parents are embarrassed to show feelings towards their children. This leads to blockage of the heart chakra. It can and should be developed later than this age. The development of the love chakra is especially necessary for people who are going to achieve success in healing and white magic. It is impossible to help one's neighbor with the help of witchcraft if the magician does not know how to sympathize and is not capable of Divine love.

The mantra of the Anahata chakra is YAM. Do not underestimate mantras as a way to develop the chakras. They can be used in meditation, sung or listened to if the correct pronunciation of the chakras is not yet available to you. Even listening to mantras using a player while performing daily duties will be useful.

How to open the love chakra using aromatherapy? It's very simple - use essential oils and incense with appropriate aromas for their intended purpose. Take fragrant baths, arrange aromatherapy sessions, add oils to creams and shampoos in accordance with the instructions. Anahata corresponds to the aromas of cedar and sandalwood. The positive vibrations of minerals can be added to the effects of aromas. All green and yellowish-green stones correspond to this chakra.

How to open the heart chakra without mantras and incense? First of all, you need to accept yourself and all your shortcomings, if you have no desire to correct them. When you love your soul and body, other people will seem just as perfect as you are. Develop self-confidence, enjoy the fact that you were born exactly who you are.

The development of compassion contributes to the opening of the love chakra. One must not judge a person who finds himself in an unpleasant situation, even if it is his own fault. Learn to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand what the situation looks like from their perspective. Judgment blocks the ability to be compassionate and causes us to judge others based on their appearance. One should not underestimate softness and sensitivity, but in order to ensure that their manifestation does not cause discomfort, one will have to develop strength of character. A person’s inner core and fortitude allow him to display such character traits.

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is located in the heart region. This is where sincere love is born - for yourself, another person and the whole world. It is no coincidence that, wanting to express how strong our affection is, we say: “I love you with all my heart.”

Is there something wrong with the chakra? The heart chakra bestows the ability to compassion and forgive. “Put yourself in the other person’s place, feel what he feels,” her voice sounds like a refrain. However, at the same time, Anahata keeps a person’s own “I” intact, not allowing him to dissolve in other people’s problems. Therefore, one of the signs that something is wrong with the chakra is excessive concern for the lives of others, when one’s own needs are left unattended. They say about such a person: “He takes everything too close to his heart,” which gradually undermines his psyche, knocking him out of his internal balance.

People with a closed Anahata often suffer from unrequited love or are too dependent on the sympathy of others. They are dissatisfied with themselves, fear being rejected and lonely. Tearfulness is another signal of inharmonious functioning of the heart chakra. In the form of tears, unexpressed emotions, unspoken grievances and claims that have “clogged” Anahata come out. Problems with the chakra are also “read” in irritability, constant dissatisfaction with life and rapid fatigue.

It is difficult for a person with blocked Anahata, literally and figuratively, to breathe deeply. It’s as if he doesn’t have enough air to realize his full potential.

How to open the heart chakra (Anahata chakra)

The colors of the fourth chakra are green and pink. Frequently wearing clothes or accessories of this range helps awaken the dormant Anahata and maintain its harmonious work. And since the element of the heart chakra is Air, the fabrics from which the clothes are made should be light and thin, for example silk and muslin.

Some gems from the jewelry box are also in tune with the vibrations of Anahata.

  • Rose quartz heals heart wounds resulting from unrequited love and someone's rough treatment. In addition, it makes a person more sensitive to the beauty of poetry, music, painting, and awakens the power of imagination.
  • Tourmaline teaches that love is not only about taking, but also about giving.
  • Emerald strengthens and deepens love on all levels. This stone is like a rejuvenating apple for the heart and soul.
  • Jade Endows the heart with wisdom, teaches you to see beauty in the world around you and in yourself.

It is better if these stones are inlaid with beads or pendants, the length of which reaches the heart area.

The menu for awakening the heart chakra should include lettuce, spinach, chard, parsley, dill, different types of cabbage, cucumbers, green radishes, and green onions. On a fruit plate there is a place for kiwi, green apples and grapes, pears and avocados. The vibrations of Anahata correspond to the sound “Yam” - its regular singing also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the chakra. Inhaling the aromas of sandalwood, rose and cedar oils will also help to harmonize this energy center.

Exercises that open the Anahata chakra and second wind

Exercise 1. Sit on your heels and straighten your back. Place your hands under your chest and take a deep breath through your nose. Feel your chest opening. Exhale slowly through your nose, while rounding your back and leaning forward slightly. Close your eyes and focus your attention on the level of your heart chakra for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 2. Sit on your heels, straighten your back and spread your knees to the sides. Stretch the top of your head towards the floor. Take a deep breath through your nose and “roll” onto the top of your head, as if you want to do a somersault forward. At this time, the buttocks rise from the heels. Important: keep your body weight on your hands, with your palms resting on the floor; the pressure on your head should be minimal. Smoothly return the top of your head to its original position, extend your arms forward (palms down) and stretch your fingers towards an imaginary wall. Relax and lie there for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Spend at least 15 minutes a day on these exercises - and you will soon notice how your second wind will open! Since Anahata is also connected with the senses, with tactile perception of the world, a simple and useful exercise for its disclosure would be... hugs! Spread your arms wide, and then hug yourself, imagining that the Universe itself is doing this! Observe the sensations - see how this exercise lifts your mood.

Opening any chakra (energy center) is a powerful practice that affects all structures of the human being. On the physical level, this manifests itself as the activation of certain parts of the nervous system and a powerful increase in the strength of nerve impulses; on the energetic level, practices for opening the chakras strengthen pranic currents and cleanse energy channels; on the mental level, these practices eliminate many psychological blocks and clamps. Disclosure Anahata- the strongest tool through which a person can know the strength and the bliss of unconditional love .

What prevents us from loving?

Most yoga and philosophical teachers say that unconditional love is the purest feeling available to a human being. Many call love, unconditioned by reasons, the true essence of a person. “God is love,” say spiritual people.
But for many seekers of truth, these words remain just words. They are understood intellectually, but cannot be realized in everyday life. The reason for this is negative experience, a certain influence of the environment and a basic misunderstanding of the essence of unconditional love. In yogic terms, all these causes are called pollution of energy channels.
The water always remains clean. Even if it is cloudy, these are only impurities that do not in any way affect the essence of pure water. In order to purify water, it is enough to simply remove foreign impurities.
Unconditional love is the basis, the essence of every person. Envy, anger, greed, jealousy and other negative feelings are impurities and layers. In order to reveal the deep feeling of love, you need to get rid of these impurities. How to do it?

Methods of mental structures and energy flows

All yogic methods of cleansing can be divided into two large groups - mental and energy practices. Reflection on certain truths and internal awareness of their deep meaning, the creation of appropriate mental attitudes and their active maintenance are mental practices. Awareness of internal energy flows, accumulation of prana, cleansing of energy channels, redirection of energy to certain energy centers - these are the methods of energy practices.
In fact, these techniques only differ in appearance, but their essence is the same. Many authorities make it clear that thinking and energy flows are two manifestations of the same process. Literally like two sides of the same coin. The process of thinking and the flow of prana (cosmic energy) are one and the same process, but perceived differently by a human being.
When a person creates a certain thought form in his mind, it activates certain nerve cells in the brain or cells in other parts of the nervous system. The same can be achieved with the help of thoughtful energy practices - by breathing in a certain way, holding the breath or internally concentrating on certain parts of the physical body, the yogi also achieves the activation of the necessary parts of the nervous system, as well as certain changes in energy flows and in the internal mental state.
You can use those practices that are most suitable for you. It will be much easier for someone to reflect on the nature of unconditional love and thereby achieve the opening of the heart energy center. And for some it will be much easier to artificially fill Anahata chakra additional prana and through this come to the realization of the same unconditional love. You can use these techniques separately or combine them.

Energy yoga exercises - a universal technique

We offer three simple sequential exercises to open the Anahata heart chakra. They can be safely used by everyone, regardless of gender, age, health or religious beliefs. And at the same time, everyone will feel their results.
Loving and being loved is the most important component of human happiness. Without this, neither a full life nor even self-realization is possible. The proposed practices will help to “cleanse” at the deepest level from all the negative layers that do not allow a person to freely give and receive love.
Revealing Anahata with the help of these simple practices will help you get rid of stress, improve relationships with people around you, and bring you much closer to understanding the true essence of a human being.

Meditation while falling asleep

We offer exercises for which you don’t need to set aside special time or look for a secluded place. These practices are performed immediately before bed and are harmoniously woven into the process of falling asleep. This makes them very affordable, but also very effective.
Falling asleep is a natural process of relaxation and calming of thought forms. This is the simplest way to experience the state of meditation. Using yoga practices while falling asleep is the most effective way to harmonize internal energies and remove mental blocks.

Practice One - Cleansing

Initial position. The best position for this practice is lying on your back, completely relaxed. This pose is called Shavasana , and this is the best position for deep relaxation.
You should lie down on the floor with a comfortable mat on it. A wool blanket or yoga mat works great. You can also lie on the bed, but it should not be too soft, and it is not recommended to place a pillow under your head.
Performance technique. The exercise begins with relaxing the whole body. To do this, take three deep breaths in and out according to the rules full yogic breath . Then we start practicing.
The basis of the exercise is breathing technique: Rhythmic breathing. It is carried out according to the principle “inhale-hold your breath-exhale-hold your breath” in the following rhythm: 6-3-6-3 or 8-4-8-4 units of time.
We propose to take the heartbeat as a unit of time. This means that the inhalation should be equal to 6 pulse beats, the inhalation hold should be 3 heart beats, the exhalation should be 6 pulse beats, the exhale hold should be 3 heart beats. This will complete one cycle of the exercise. If this rhythm comes easily, you should try doing the exercise in rhythm 8-4-8-4 or more (maximum 16-8-16-8 ).
To clear the energy in the chakra Anahata Proper concentration is very important. When inhaling, exhaling or holding your breath, you need to be aware of the heartbeat and the area in the center of the chest. This will make it easier to control the rhythm and more effectively remove energy pollution from the Anahata.
This is a simple practice and can be done easily even by beginners.
Rhythmic breathing with maximum concentration on Anahata chakra- the first exercise in the workshop on opening the heart energy center. You can start by doing 9 cycles this exercise and gradually increase their number to 18 cycles. Do not overexert yourself during practice, do not allow yourself to “choke.” Its maximum effect will be achieved only when it is performed easily and naturally. You can use a rosary to count the number of cycles.

Practice two - filling with energy

Initial position after completing the first practice it does not change - you should still lie relaxed on your back.
Performance technique. Breath control stops. Allow your body to breathe easily, naturally and spontaneously. Observing the flow of breath, you should build the following mental structure: while inhaling, visualize how a flow of cosmic energy flows into the chest, and as you exhale, imagine how this energy is concentrated in the area of ​​the heart.
There is no need to try to see and feel something specific. Let what happens happen. If you easily visualize the flow of energy, you can contemplate this visual image. For some, this energy will be felt as a flow of heat or, on the contrary, coolness. For some, it will only be a mental image without clearly tangible internal changes. Just be mindful, “contemplate” the flow of energy and allow the practice to happen naturally.
Gaining energy as you inhale and concentrating it in the heart chakra as you exhale... Continue this practice as long as it is comfortable, without tension. Try doing this for about 10 minutes.
If it is convenient for you, you can count the number of breaths. Perhaps with the help of this countdown it will be easier for you to maintain awareness and concentration. In this case, first run 54 breaths and gradually increase this number to 108 .

Practice three - harmonization

Initial position. The best position for this practice is the position in which you feel most comfortable falling asleep.
Performance technique. Stop all mental constructions. After previous practice, the mind is already quite relaxed and therefore can easily fall into a state of meditation. He just needs a slight push.
Let this push be the awareness of your heartbeat. This will make it easy to keep away from the appearance of extraneous thoughts and effectively harmonize the flow of energy in the heart chakra.
Just direct your attention to the heart area and feel every beat. There is no need to visualize anything or create any mental images. Just feel every heartbeat. This is the essence of the third exercise.
Option with repetition of the bija mantra. At first, it can be difficult to keep your attention on your heartbeat. And in this case, repeating the bija mantra will help a lot.
Bija mantra- a simple syllable that activates certain flows of energy. The syllable " YAM» harmonizes energy in Anahata and makes it easy to concentrate on this center.
Be aware of your heartbeat and mentally repeat the syllable “ YAM" Continue repeating the mantra only for a while. When the concentration of attention is at a consistently high level and the formation of thought forms has calmed down, you should stop repeating the mantra and continue to focus on the heartbeat with inner silence.
Falling asleep should become a natural continuation of the practice. For some, this will happen within three minutes. Some will need more time. Don't resist sleep. Simply let go of any internal control and allow yourself to fall asleep.
Do exercises to open up Anahata chakras consistently every evening before bed. Don't stress too much. Do them relaxed and in a comfortable environment for you. Let them just happen and then they will give maximum effect.
Good luck!

Anahata is the name of the chakra of love, and it would be quite suitable for the role of the most important one, because love is the best thing that has ever been available to humanity. By working with Anahata, you can revive self-love and harmonize both the external and internal world.

Of course, other chakras are also important, but love plays one of the main roles. Wars happened because of love, and it was love that reconciled everyone. We receive love at birth, with mother's milk. All discoveries were made with love for their work. This feeling surrounds us everywhere, and it is this feeling that is the most powerful universal tool.

How to open the love chakra

Anahata is the heart chakra, and it is not for nothing that it also governs love feelings. The well-being of the heart, affairs on the personal front, and harmony with the world depend on the state of this energy center. Anahata is not responsible for physical attraction, but for spiritual affection.

To work properly with this chakra, there is a light meditation that you can do every evening before going to bed or after waking up. The ideal option is to do this meditation both in the morning and in the evening. By meditating in the morning, you activate Anahata, and luck and happiness will accompany you throughout the day. In the evening, meditation will help clear away accumulated negativity, relieve tension and restful sleep.

Meditation on loving yourself and the world

First you need to choose a time so that no one disturbs you. Even though sometimes meditation only takes a couple of minutes, you should be sure that no one will distract you from the process.

Take a comfortable position. You can sit on a chair or lie down on a bed. Relax, take a few deep breaths and exhales. Smile at yourself and the world, feel harmony and calm.

At the second stage, imagine how your love has reached its destination, and everyone responds to it. Feel the warmth returning to you, multiplied a hundredfold, and accept it. Thank everyone for their love. And you can return to reality and get down to business.

Don't be upset if you don't succeed in opening the chakra the first time. Perhaps you are skeptical, and then you need to learn until you make it. Or are you so used to sharing love that you simply don’t accept the fact that you can still receive it from someone. Therefore, pay special attention to the second part of the meditation. Try to feel as best you can how the world responds to you. For some, it is so unusual to receive love in return just like that, that trying to shut down seems like a natural habit.

The most important thing in everything is to find a middle ground. And the golden mean of the Anahata chakra is the ability to both give and receive love. Each of us wants to love and be loved, but nothing will happen until you start by loving yourself. By denying yourself, you thereby deny the love of the world. These are the people who most often feel unhappy. Develop this bright feeling, give it to others, and they will reciprocate. And don't forget to press the buttons and

24.09.2015 00:20

Today, much is known about the astral body and its capabilities. But there is a lot of information...

According to the ancient teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism, chakra- psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person. Central, heart chakra - Anahata. From Sanskrit “anahata” is translated as “undefeated”, “unsurpassed” (meaning the chakra unaffected by passions).

Anahata- the connecting link between the upper and lower three chakras, between the divine and the animal in man.

The Anahata chakra expresses the very essence of human nature, explaining what humanity- ability be in love.

When the energy center of love is blocked or there is disharmony, a person loses the ability to experience the most beautiful feeling - love.

How to comprehend love? How does the heart chakra open? Are there special techniques?

When love lives in the heart

From time immemorial, the ability to love has been associated with the heart for a reason. Anahata chakra is located in the heart area, in the middle of the chest.

When the energy flow in the heart is open (the chakra is not blocked), a person filled with the energy of love:

  • pure and unconditional
  • comprehensive and omnipresent,
  • giving birth and creating life.

An open heart is filled with the love that exists the basis of all existence. This great energy balances the physical and spiritual in a person.

Here, in the heart chakra, they concentrate All other human emotions and feelings.

A person with an open heart chakra builds harmonious relationships with himself and others, can:

  1. Be altruistic, show kindness And tenderness, care, compassion, but don’t take other people’s sorrows too personally.
  2. Forgive, follow the principle of forgiveness.
  3. Respect and accept yourself without judgment, accordingly, remain confident in yourself, boldly reveal your potential and self-actualize.
  4. Be in love:
  • myself,
  • neighbor (husband/wife, father and mother, children, brothers and sisters),
  • all people,
  • the whole world.

It is not difficult to guess that such a person is mentally balanced and calm. He is not tormented by excessive emotionality, hot temper, ardor or, on the contrary, coldness and unemotionality.

The ability to accept your emotions and maintain their balance is the key to mental health.

A person who knows how to truly love is loved in return by close people and just acquaintances, the entire environment, life itself is love for him.

What blocks the heart chakra

Signs that the Anahata chakra blocked, a lot:

  • tearfulness,
  • increased fatigue,
  • difficulty breathing (chest tightness),
  • irritability,
  • touchiness,
  • anger,
  • conflict,
  • "victim" complex
  • dissatisfaction with oneself,
  • anxiety,
  • loneliness (may be accompanied by unrequited love),
  • excessive desire to be liked by others.

The flow of energy in the heart area can be not only insufficient, but also excessive.

Serious disharmony of the love energy center in the body manifests itself as a series of diseases:

  • all cardiovascular diseases (including the most common cause of death today - heart attack),
  • depression,
  • skin diseases,
  • weakened immunity,
  • problems with the thoracic spine,
  • breast disease (breast cancer in women),
  • pulmonary diseases,
  • diseases of the thymus gland (thymus),
  • problems with the hands.

The heart chakra is blocked all negative emotions experienced by a person in relation to himself or other people:

  • anger,
  • hatred,
  • resentment,
  • guilt,
  • shame,
  • fear,
  • envy.

All these and other similar negative emotions contradict the nature of love, they - Not Love.

Simple methods for opening the Anahata chakra

Colors heart chakra:

  1. The main one is emerald green.
  2. Additional - pink, gold, purple.

Hence the first tip for opening the heart chakra is to wear clothes and surround yourself with objects of the above colors.

  1. Emerald (makes love more thorough, wider and deeper, rejuvenates the heart).
  2. Jadeite (helps you see your beauty and the beauty of the world, makes your heart wise).
  3. Tourmaline (teaches generosity in love, the ability to give it).
  4. Rose quartz (heals heart and soul wounds, makes you sensitive to beauty, develops imagination).

Sounds The Anahata chakra is like a flute, and in vibration it coincides with the mantra YAM (“Yam”).

Therefore, it is useful to sing the sound of YAM, listen to the flute in classical works, oriental, sacred melodies.

Element heart chakra - air. You need to be in the fresh air more often, breathe it in deeply, and practice breathing exercises. Light, airy textures and fabrics (especially silk) in the interior and wardrobe will also help reveal the heart.

A healthy person will also help you unblock Anahata. food Green colour:

  • parsley,
  • dill,
  • green onions,
  • cucumbers,
  • cabbage (all types),
  • spinach,
  • green radish,
  • kiwi,
  • pears,
  • avocado,
  • green apples.

Smells essential oils used to open the heart chakra:

  • sandalwood,
  • cedar,
  • pink.

Sports exercises and dancing, which involve the pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle of the limbs, also help remove blocks from Anahata. Useful yoga asanas- poses:

  • cats,
  • cobras,
  • camel,
  • wheels, others.

Techniques for opening the heart chakra

There are many techniques for opening the Anahata chakra.

On one's own It's easy to do this:

  1. Prepare the space. You can turn on meditative music, light candles, an aroma lamp, but the most important thing is to ensure peace and safety.
  2. Sit on a soft chair or floor covering.
  3. Relax: remove tension from the body, let go of thoughts and emotions.
  4. Straighten your back, move your shoulders back, place the palm of your left hand on your right, and connect the pads of your thumbs.
  5. Bring your hands closer to your heart, at chest level.
  6. Concentrate on the junction of your thumbs and feel the pulse there.
  7. Remain in position for 5 minutes.
  8. Closing your eyes, press your palms (without opening them) to your heart.
  9. Feel the heartbeat, imagine its warmth.
  10. Imagine a luminous green ball in the area of ​​the heart, the energy from which passes through the body and returns back.
  11. Remain in this position and condition for as long as possible.
  12. At the moment when the energy from the heart reaches the very tips of the fingers and seems to begin to come out through them, spread your arms wide to the sides. With this gesture, you should try to spread your energy of love into the world and accept love from the world into your heart.

Opening the Heart Chakra requires diligence. It is easier to do this kind of work on yourself under someone else’s guidance.

You have a great opportunity fast open the Anahata chakra - " .

Utraintensive is led by a healer, herbalist, herbalist, chiropractor with 20 years of experience Alexey Mamatov.

  • conduct a joint meditation,
  • carry out ancient rituals,
  • cast runic spells, incantations,
  • say strong prayers and mantras,
  • learn the secret practice of making wishes come true,
  • create talismans, amulets and much more.

Immersed in the magic of love, You easily attract this beautiful energy into your life and learn to preserve it in your heart!

Learn to manage the energy of love for your own benefit! Fill with love and open your heart!

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For some people, just the word radiation is terrifying! Let us immediately note that it is everywhere, there is even the concept of natural background radiation and...
Every day new real photos of Space appear on the website portal. Astronauts effortlessly capture majestic views of Space and...
The miracle of the boiling of the blood of Saint Januarius did not happen in Naples, and therefore Catholics are in panic awaiting the Apocalypse. One of the most...