Fire safety rules in SNT - municipal formation of the village of Strelna. Fire safety in gardening partnerships: responsibilities of the SNT board Fire requirements for SNT in the year

The main legal document regulatingrelations arising in connection with the conduct by citizens of gardening, vegetable farming and dacha farming, and establishing the legal status of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations, the procedure for their creation, activities, reorganization and liquidation, the rights and obligations of their members is Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 66 “On gardening, gardening and summer cottages” non-profit associations of citizens”, adopted by the State Duma on March 11, 1998.

In accordance with the provisions of this document Members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha consumer cooperative, through the pooling of share contributions, create property for common use, which is owned by such a cooperative as a legal entity. Part of the said property may be allocated to an indivisible fund. Members of a horticultural cooperative are obliged to annually cover the resulting losses by making additional contributions, and also bear subsidiary liability for the obligations of such a cooperative to the extent of the unpaid portion of the additional contribution of each member of such a cooperative.

The law definesrights and responsibilities of a member of a gardening, gardening or dacha non-profit association. Each member of a horticultural association, in addition to other duties, must:

Fire safety requirements for horticultural dacha associations are established in SNiP 30-02-97* “Planning and development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures”, fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.04. 2012 No. 390) and the relevant sections of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”.

According to the requirements of SNiP 30-02-97*, the territory of the horticultural (dacha) association is organized in accordance with the planning and development project for the territory of the horticultural (dacha) association approved by the local government administration. This planning project is a legal document mandatory for execution by all participants in the development and development of the territory of the horticultural association. All changes and deviations from the project must be approved by the local government administration. The project can be developed for either one or a group of nearby territories of horticultural (dacha) associations.

In addition, SNiP 30-02-97* contains specific provisions for the construction of the road network, fire fighting, fire safety distances between buildings and structures. I will bring to your attention the basic fire safety requirements established by this regulatory document:

The distance from buildings on the territory of gardening (dacha) associations to forest areas must be at least 15 m;

The territory of a gardening (dacha) association with a number of garden plots of up to 50 must have one entrance, and more than 50 - at least two entrances. The width of the gate must be at least 4.5 m, the width of the gate - at least 1 m;

The planning solution for the territory of a gardening (dacha) association must ensure the passage of vehicles to all individual garden plots, combined into groups, and public facilities;

The width of the carriageway of streets must be at least 7 meters, driveways - at least 3.5 meters;

Passages must be provided with passing platforms with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m, including the width of the roadway. The distance between traveling areas, as well as between traveling areas and intersections, should be no more than 200 m;

The maximum length of a dead-end driveway should not exceed 150 m;

Dead-end driveways must be provided with turning pads measuring at least 12 x 12 m. The use of turning pads for parking cars is not allowed;

The territories of gardening (dacha) associations must be provided with fire-fighting water supply by connecting to external water supply networks or by installing fire-fighting ponds or reservoirs;

On external water supply networks, connection heads should be installed every 100 m for water intake by fire trucks;

Water towers located on the territory of gardening (dacha) associations must be equipped with devices (connecting heads, etc.) for water intake by fire trucks;

In agreement with the state fire service authorities, it is allowed to use natural sources for fire extinguishing purposes located at a distance of no more than 200 m from the territories of gardening (dacha) associations;

In the absence of external water supply networks, to ensure fire extinguishing in the common area of ​​the gardening (dacha) association, fire-fighting ponds or reservoirs with a capacity of m 3 must be provided for the number of areas: up to 300 - at least 25, more than 300 - at least 60 (each with sites for installation of fire fighting equipment, with the possibility of water intake by pumps and provision of access for at least two fire trucks).

The number of reservoirs (reservoirs) and their location is determined by the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02 or the Federal Law of July 22, 2008
No. 123-FZ (depending on the year the gardening partnership was built).

Gardening (dacha) associations, including up to 300 garden plots, must have a portable motor pump for fire safety purposes; when the number of sites is from 301 to 1000 - a trailed motor pump; if the number of sites is more than 1000 - at least two trailed motor pumps.

To store motor pumps, it is necessary to build a special room.

Fire distances between buildings and structures within the same garden plot are not standardized.

Fire safety distances between residential buildings (or houses) located in adjacent areas should be taken from 6 to 15 meters, depending on the material of the load-bearing and enclosing structures.

It is allowed to group and block residential buildings (or houses) on two adjacent plots for single-row development and on four adjacent plots for double-row development. At the same time, fire safety distances between residential buildings (or houses) in each group are not standardized, and the minimum distances between the outermost residential buildings (or houses) of groups are taken according to established standard values.

Gas supply to houses can be from gas-cylinder liquefied gas installations, from tank-based liquefied gas installations or from gas networks.

Liquefied gas cylinders should be stored in an intermediate gas cylinder warehouse located on public territory. Storage of cylinders in garden (dacha) areas is not permitted.

Cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 liters for supplying gas to kitchen and other stoves must be located in an extension made of non-combustible material or in a metal box near a blind section of the outer wall no closer than 5 m from the entrance to the building. In the kitchen it is allowed to install a flammable gas cylinder with a capacity of no more than 12 liters.

Power supply networks on the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association should, as a rule, be provided with overhead lines. It is prohibited to conduct overhead lines directly over areas, except for individual liners.

The guardhouse must be provided with telephone or radio communication with the nearest populated area, allowing emergency medical assistance, fire, police and emergency services to be called.

The fire safety rules in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390, establish the following requirements:

Owners of individual residential buildings must ensure the availability of a container (barrel) with water or a fire extinguisher on their property;

On the territory of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens, there must be a sound alarm to alert people in case of fire, telephone communication, as well as water supplies for fire extinguishing purposes.

During periods of persistent dry, hot and windy weather, as well as when a special fire regime is introduced in the territories of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens, the following measures should be carried out:

a) the introduction of a ban on lighting fires, carrying out fire hazardous work in certain areas, and on heating stoves, kitchen fires and boiler systems;

b) organizing patrols by volunteer firefighters and (or) citizens of the Russian Federation;

c) preparation for possible use of existing water-carrying and earth-moving equipment in extinguishing fires;

d) conducting appropriate explanatory work with citizens about fire safety measures and actions in case of fire.

It is prohibited to leave containers with flammable and combustible liquids and flammable gases in areas adjacent to residential buildings and other facilities of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens.

Prohibited in the territories horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations citizens to arrange flammable waste dumps.

According to the law “About horticultural, vegetable gardening and summer cottage non-profit associations of citizens" the competence of the board of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association includes the organization of construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, structures, structures, utility networks, roads and other public facilities. The procedure for the construction of individual and public facilities in a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is determined by Article 34 of this Federal Law, the provisions of which establish:

1. The construction of buildings and structures in a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is carried out in accordance with the project for the organization and development of its territory.

2. Monitoring compliance with the requirements for the construction of buildings and structures in a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is carried out by the board of such an association, as well as by inspectors of state bodies monitoring compliance with legislation, in the manner of designer supervision by the organization that developed the project for the organization and development of the territory of such an association , local governments.

3. The type of materials and structures used in the construction of buildings, structures and engineering infrastructure facilities is determined by the horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association and its members independently in accordance with the project for organizing and developing the territory of such an association.

4. The construction by citizens on garden, vegetable garden or dacha land plots of buildings and structures exceeding the size established by the project for the organization and development of the territory of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association for these buildings and structures is allowed after the approval by the local government body of the construction projects for these buildings and structures in the manner established by urban planning legislation.

5. Violation of the requirements of the project for organizing and developing the territory of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association is the basis for bringing such an association, as well as its members who committed a violation, to liability in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 26 of the Federal Law “On gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, in order to resolve controversial issues regarding the rules for maintaining land plots related to public property, garden, vegetable garden and dacha land plots and adjacent territories, At the general meeting of members of the gardening association, a commission of the “association” is elected to monitor compliance with the law, which works under the leadership of the board of the “association”. The commission ensures that gardeners comply with land, environmental, forestry, water legislation, legislation on urban planning, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, fire safety, draws up acts on violations of the law and submits such acts for action to the board of such an association, which has the right to represent them. to government bodies monitoring compliance with legislation.

Compliance with the stated procedure and established fire safety requirements during construction will help to avoid conflict situations between members of associations, as well as reduce the likelihood of fires and limit the consequences if they occur. It should be borne in mind that the resolution of conflict situations between members of gardening (dacha) citizen associations regarding the legality of construction and compliance with fire safety distances between buildings and structures being erected does not fall within the competence of the supervisory authorities of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. These disputes can only be resolved within the framework of civil proceedings, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and relevant regulations.

1. The organization of the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association is carried out in accordance with the project for planning and development of the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association approved by the Local Government Administration, which is a legal document mandatory for execution by all participants in the development and development of the territory of a horticultural association.

2. The distance from buildings on the territory of gardening (dacha) associations to forest areas must be at least 15 m.

3. The territory of a gardening (dacha) association must be connected by an access road to a public road.

4. On the territory of a gardening (dacha) association with a number of plots up to 50, one entrance should be provided; more than 50, one or more entrances should be additionally provided. The width of the gate must be at least 4.5 m.

5. The width of the carriageway of streets and driveways is accepted: for streets - at least 7.0 m, for driveways - at least 3.5 m. The minimum turning radius is 6.5 m. The minimum radius of curvature of the roadway is 6.0 m.

6. Passages should be provided with passing platforms with a length of at least 15 m and a width of at least 7 m. The distance between passing platforms should be no more than 200 m. The maximum length of a dead-end passage should not exceed 150 m. Dead-end driveways are provided with turning areas measuring at least 12x12 m.

7. Roads, driveways, entrances to buildings, structures, water sources intended for fire extinguishing purposes must always be free for the passage of fire equipment, kept in good condition, and cleared of snow and ice in winter.

8. To ensure fire extinguishing on the territory of a horticultural (dacha) association, fire-fighting ponds or reservoirs with a capacity must be provided for up to 300 areas - at least 25 m2, more than 300 - at least 60 m2 each with areas for installing fire equipment, with the possibility of water intake by pumps and organizing the access of at least two fire trucks. The number of reservoirs (reservoirs) and their location is determined from the condition that the service radius of one reservoir is 200 m, but not less than two (SNiP 2.04.02-84*). Gardening associations, including up to 300 garden plots, must have a portable motor pump for fire-fighting purposes; when the number of sites is from 301 to 1000 - a trailed motor pump; if the number of plots is more than 1000 - at least two trailed motor pumps. To store motor pumps, it is necessary to build a special room.

9. It is prohibited to organize waste dumps on the territory of gardening (dacha) associations and beyond. It is prohibited to make fires or burn waste within the fire safety distances established by design standards, but not closer than 50 meters to buildings and structures.

10. Fire distances between residential buildings (houses) located in adjacent areas, depending on the material of the load-bearing and enclosing structures, are taken according to Fig. 1.

11. The territory of the gardening partnership must have external lighting in the dark to quickly find water sources provided for fire extinguishing purposes and fire equipment. The placement (location) of fire safety equipment must be marked with fire safety signs (signs of water sources, fire panels), including the fire safety sign “Do not obstruct.”

12. The territories of dacha and gardening villages must be equipped with sound alarms to notify people in the event of a fire, and the procedure for calling the fire department must also be determined.

13. The territory of the gardening partnership within fire safety distances, as well as areas adjacent to residential buildings, must be promptly cleared of flammable waste, garbage, fallen leaves, dry grass, etc.


  • Light fires and throw away unextinguished coal near buildings.
  • Organize flammable waste dumps.
  • Maintenance of dachas, houses, outbuildings and public buildings
  • Attic windows must be glazed and closed.
  • Store more than 10 liters of flammable and combustible liquids.
  • Storage of flammable liquids and flammable liquids is permitted in outbuildings in tightly sealed metal containers.
  • Carry out electric and gas welding work without first clearing the welding site of flammable materials and without providing the welding site with primary fire extinguishing means. After completing the welding work, it is necessary to carefully check the structures and objects adjacent to the place of welding in order to exclude the possibility of them catching fire, and organize a watch.
  • Refill kerosene stoves, kerosene stoves and kerosene gases with gasoline and tractor kerosene, and also use an open fire for lighting when refueling these devices.
  • Smoking and using open fire in attics, as well as in places where flammable materials are stored (storerooms, utility rooms, etc.).
  • If the smell of gas is detected, it is necessary to shut off gas communications and ventilate the premises. It is prohibited to use open fire, light matches, or turn on electrical appliances.
  • Gas cylinders with a capacity of more than 10 liters must be located in a fireproof cabinet near the outer wall of the house.
  • Use electrical wiring with damaged insulation and faulty electrical appliances, use electric heating devices without special fireproof stands.
  • Lay flat electrical wires with plastic insulation in unheated rooms and on a combustible base without asbestos lining.
  • Tie electrical wires, pull electric lamps with ropes and threads, hang lampshades and chandeliers on electrical wires, wrap light bulbs with paper or cloth.
  • Use temporarily laid sections of electrical wiring (temporary structures).
  • When closing cottages and garden houses for a long time, the electrical network must be de-energized at the input.
  • Wall-mounted kerosene lamps must have metal reflectors and secure mounting. The distance from the lamp cap or lantern cover to the combustible or non-combustible ceiling must be at least 70 cm, and from the lamp or lantern to the combustible or non-combustible walls - at least 20 cm.
  • Use stoves, fireplaces that have cracks, faulty doors, insufficient cutting from chimneys to wooden structures of walls, partitions and ceilings.
  • Use gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids to light stoves.
  • Heat stoves, as well as dry firewood, clothes and other materials on and near stoves.
  • Use coal to burn stoves that are not designed for this purpose.
  • Install stoves in attic rooms.
  • Install umbrellas and deflectors on chimneys.
  • Use wood for heating stoves that is longer than the size of the firebox, and fire stoves with open doors.
  • Use ceramic, asbestos-cement and metal pipes for chimneys.

In case of emergencies, you must call the single emergency number “01”, mobile. “112” connection from all operators.

Fire safety is the state of protecting individuals, property, society and the state from fires. In order to ensure this, there are fire safety requirements that are mandatory.

The main regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents containing a set of these requirements are: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390 “On fire safety”, Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical regulations on fire safety requirements”,
SNiP 30-02-97 “Planning and development of territories of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures” (or its updated version -
SP 53.13330.2011).

So, in accordance with the above documents, the board of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens (hereinafter referred to as SNT):

Develops and approves instructions on fire safety measures;

Trained in fire safety measures;

Appoints person responsible for fire safety;

Provides availability of signs with a telephone number to call the fire department in warehouse, production, administrative and public premises, places of open storage of substances and materials;

Organizes compliance with the requirements stipulated by Article 12 of the Federal Law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption” (except for the areas of SNT members);

Provides the presence of a sound alarm to notify people in case of fire, telephone communication;

- for periods of dry, hot and windy weather, as well as when a special fire regime is introduced, carries out the following activities:

a) introduction ban on making fires, carrying out fire hazardous work in certain areas, on the combustion of stoves, kitchen hearths and boiler installations;

b) organization patrolling volunteer firefighters and (or) citizens of the Russian Federation;

V) Preparation for possible use in extinguishing fires available water-carrying and earth-moving equipment;

d) carrying out appropriate outreach work with citizens about fire safety measures and actions in case of fire.

Provides serviceability of external fire-fighting water supply sources and organizes inspections of their performance at least 2 times a year (spring and autumn) with the preparation of relevant reports;

Indicates by pointers direction of movement to fire hydrants and reservoirs with clearly marked numbers of the distance to their location;

Organizes assignment to each fire motor pump and equipment adapted (converted) for extinguishing fires, mechanic(driver) who has undergone special training to operate the specified equipment;

Provides distance from development to forest areas at least 15 m;

Provides entrances to the territory of SNT, as well as availability of streets and passages(1 entrance for up to 50 plots, 2 entrances for more than 50 plots, with the width of the entrance gate not less than 4.5 m. The minimum width of streets is 7 m, and driveways - 3.5 m, while driveways must be provided with passing platforms 15 m long and 7 m wide. The distance between the platforms must be at least 200 m. The length of dead-end driveways should not exceed 150 m, and the dead-end driveways themselves are provided with turning areas of 12x12 m);

Provides the presence of fire-fighting ponds or reservoirs to ensure fire extinguishing (capacity m 3 with the number of areas: up to 300 - no less than 25, more than 300 - no less than 60). The quantity and location are determined according to SNiP 2.04.02 or SP 8.13130;

Provides presence of motor pumps(up to 300 sites - a portable motor pump, from 301 to 1000 sites - a trailed motor pump, more than 1000 sites - at least 2 trailed motor pumps, and storage is carried out in a special room);

Provides control over citizen compliance fire distances(it is taken into account that fire distances between buildings and structures within the same area are not standardized):

Material of load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building

Distances, m

A. Stone, concrete, reinforced concrete and other non-combustible materials

B. The same, with wooden floors and coatings protected by non-combustible and low-combustible materials

IN. Wood, frame enclosing structures made of non-combustible, low-combustible and combustible materials

1. General Provisions

1.1. These rules establish basic fire safety requirements for individual dachas, gardening partnerships and dacha-building cooperatives (DSK), regardless of their departmental affiliation, and are mandatory for compliance by the boards of cooperatives, partnerships and owners of garden plots and dachas.

Fire safety requirements for the location of trade enterprises, consumer services, warehouses, individual garages, etc. on the territory of gardening partnerships and dacha-building cooperatives are determined by the relevant rules and instructions.

1.2. The boards organize the rules and monitoring of their compliance by members of partnerships and cooperatives, as well as the implementation of technical and organizational measures aimed at ensuring fire safety of garden plots and dachas.

1.3. Members of gardening associations and gardening societies, as well as dacha owners, are required to know and comply with the requirements of these Rules.

1.4. Responsibility for ensuring fire safety on the territory of partnerships and cooperatives, in buildings and structures for public use rests with their chairmen, and in areas with buildings located on them - with members of partnerships, DSK and owners of dachas.

1.5. Chairmen of the boards are obliged to:

1.5.1. Ensure that all land owners, members of cooperatives and partnerships study and comply with these rules.

1.5.2. Periodically, at least twice a quarter, check the fire safety status of buildings and premises, garden plots, fire-fighting water supply, the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment, the order of duty of watchmen, and the serviceability of communications equipment. Take measures to eliminate identified violations.

1.5.3. Monitor the serviceability of roads on the territory of partnerships and DSK, promptly clear snow from main driveways and alleys, as well as entrances to fire reservoirs and hydrants.

Avoid obstructing main passages, alleys and roadways.

1.5.4. Install fire-fighting equipment for each garden plot, with which members of the partnerships must arrive to extinguish the fire.

1.5.5. Ensure timely preventive inspections and scheduled preventative repairs of electrical installations, timely elimination of violations of the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” that could lead to fires and fires.

1.6. Members of gardening associations, gardening societies, owners of garden plots and dachas are obliged to:

1.6.1. Know and follow fire safety rules in areas, houses, and outbuildings.

1.6.2. Have fire extinguishing equipment in constant readiness (a barrel of water and a bucket), as well as the equipment with which they must come to extinguish the fire.

1.6.3. Maintain electrical networks and household electrical, gas and kerosene appliances, stoves in good condition and observe safety precautions when operating them.

1.6.4. Do not leave plugged-in electrical appliances, burning gas stoves, kerosene gases, kerosene stoves, or heating stoves unattended, and do not entrust small children with monitoring them. Strictly suppress children playing pranks with fire.

1.6.5. If a fire occurs, call the fire department and take measures to extinguish the fire using primary means.

1.7 . The boards of each gardening partnership and DSK, taking into account financial capabilities, organize a fire guard service (PSO), the number and composition of which is approved by the trade union committee of the enterprise at which the gardening partnership was created, or by the executive committees of local Councils of People's Deputies that manage the work of the partnerships. The composition of the PSO includes security chief, fire watchmen. In cooperatives with the number of plots up to 300, the duties of the head of the PSO may be assigned to one of the members of the board. The combat fire crew of the PSO is staffed on a voluntary basis from among the members of the cooperative, who are responsible for maintaining fire extinguishing equipment in working condition and eliminating emerging fires.

1.8. The gardening association and DSK must determine the procedure for gathering members of the PSO and fire fighting crew in case of fire.

1.9. During the fire hazard period, in gardening partnerships and gardening cooperatives located in coniferous forests, peat bogs and former peat mining sites, patrolling of members of the cooperative or partnership is established.

1.10. Chairmen of the boards and members of gardening associations and gardening societies guilty of violating these rules, depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, bear responsibility in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2. Basic fire safety requirements

2.1. Maintenance of the territory.

2.1.1 . The territory of the gardening partnership, DSK, garden plots and dachas must be constantly kept clean and systematically cleared of garbage and other waste.

2.1.2. Roads leading to gardening partnerships and gardening centers must have a hard surface. Driveways and entrances to garden plots, dachas and fire water sources must always be free. Fire breaks between buildings are not permitted to be used for storing flammable materials.
2.1.3. Garden partnerships and gardening societies must have fire reservoirs with a capacity of at least 25 m 3 . Water towers on the territory of DSK and gardening associations must have devices for water intake by fire trucks.
2.1.4. On the territory of gardening partnerships and gardening centers there should be: . Sound signals (bell, rail, etc.) to alert people in case of fire. . At the entrance to the territory of the gardening partnership there is a sign with the name of the partnership and a plan diagram of the location of natural and artificial water sources (water towers).

2.1.5 . On the territory of partnerships and DSK it is prohibited: . Light fires and throw away unextinguished coal near buildings. . Organize flammable waste dumps.

2.2 . Maintenance of dachas, houses, outbuildings and public buildings

2.2.1 . Attic windows must be glazed and closed.

2.2.2 . At dachas and garden houses it is prohibited: . Store more than 10 liters of flammable and combustible liquids. Storage of flammable liquids and flammable liquids is permitted in outbuildings in tightly sealed metal containers. . Carry out electric and gas welding work without first clearing the welding site of flammable materials and without providing the welding site with primary fire extinguishing means. After completing the welding work, it is necessary to carefully check the structures and objects adjacent to the place of welding in order to exclude the possibility of them catching fire, and organize a watch. . Refill kerosene stoves, kerosene stoves and kerosene gases with gasoline and tractor kerosene, and also use an open fire for lighting when refueling these devices. . Smoking and using open fire in attics, as well as in places where flammable materials are stored (storerooms, utility rooms, etc.).

2.2.3 . If the smell of gas is detected, it is necessary to shut off gas communications and ventilate the premises. It is prohibited to use open fire, light matches, or turn on electrical appliances.

2.2.4 . Gas cylinders with a capacity of more than 10 liters must be located in a fireproof cabinet near the outer wall of the house.

3. Electrical installations, electrical networks and lighting

3.1 . Electrical installations and electrical networks in houses and outbuildings must meet the requirements of the current “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” and “Rules for the construction of electrical installations”.

3.2 . In each horticultural partnership and DSK, a person must be appointed from among the board members to ensure control over the operation and technical condition of electrical installations and electrical networks on the territory of the cooperative and partnerships.

3.3 . Installation of electrical installations and electrical networks must be carried out only by qualified persons (electricians).

3.4 . All electrical installations must be protected from short circuit currents and other deviations from normal conditions that can lead to fires and fires.

To disconnect electrical networks in the event of a fire, disconnecting devices must be provided for a group of garden houses or a block.

3.5 . When operating electrical installations, it is prohibited:

3.5.1 . Use electrical wiring with damaged insulation and faulty electrical appliances, use electric heating devices without special fireproof stands.

3.5.2 . Lay flat electrical wires with plastic insulation in unheated rooms and on a combustible base without asbestos lining.

3.5.3 . Tie electrical wires, pull electric lamps with ropes and threads, hang lampshades and chandeliers on electrical wires, wrap light bulbs with paper or cloth.

3.5.4 . Use temporarily laid sections of electrical wiring (temporary structures).

3.6 . When closing cottages and garden houses for a long time, the electrical network must be de-energized at the input.

3.7 . Wall-mounted kerosene lamps must have metal reflectors and secure mounting. The distance from the lamp cap or lantern cover to the combustible or non-combustible ceiling must be at least 70 cm, and from the lamp or lantern to the combustible or non-combustible walls - at least 20 cm.

4. Heating

4.1 . In garden houses, stoves may only be operated using solid fuel.

4.2 . Before the start of the heating season, all furnaces must be thoroughly checked and repaired. Faulty stoves, fireplaces and chimneys should not be allowed to operate.

4.3 . To remove smoke, strictly vertical chimneys without ledges should be used. The wall thickness of smoke ducts must be at least 120 mm.

4.4 . To protect floors, walls and partitions from fire, the following should be provided:

on the combustible and non-combustible floor under the combustion door, a metal sheet measuring 0.7 × 0.5 m long with the side along the stove;

insulation of a combustible wall or partition adjacent at an angle to the front of the stove with 25 mm thick plaster over a metal mesh or a metal sheet over asbestos cardboard, 8 mm thick, to a height from the floor to a level of 0.25 cm above the top of the combustion door.

4.5 . Under frame stoves and kitchen stoves with metal legs on a combustible floor, it is necessary to lay 10 mm thick asbestos cardboard and a sheet of roofing steel. The height of the metal legs of the stoves must be at least 100 mm.

4.6 . The distance from the furnace opening of the stove to furniture, beds and other combustible objects must be at least 1.25 m.

4.7 .At the intersection of the chimney (chimney) of combustible or difficult-to-burn structures, cuttings must be arranged. The distance from the inner surface of the smoke duct to combustible structures must be at least 38 cm, to difficult-to-burn structures - 25 cm. In attics, chimneys must be whitewashed.

4.8 . The surfaces of heating appliances and chimneys must be systematically cleaned of dust and other flammable waste.

4.9. Prohibited:

4.9.1 . Use stoves, fireplaces that have cracks, faulty doors, insufficient cutting from chimneys to wooden structures of walls, partitions and ceilings.

4.9.2 . Use gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids to light stoves.

4.9.3 . Heat stoves, as well as dry firewood, clothes and other materials on and near stoves.

4.9.4 . Use coal to burn stoves that are not designed for this purpose.

4.9.5 . Install stoves in attic rooms.

4.9.6 . Install umbrellas and deflectors on chimneys.

4.9.7 . Use wood for heating stoves that is longer than the size of the firebox, and fire stoves with open doors.

4.9.8 . Firing stoves during the summer fire hazard period.

4.9.9 . Use ceramic, asbestos-cement and metal pipes for chimneys.

5. Fire extinguishing agents

5.1 . On the territory of gardening associations and gardening societies there must be reserves of water for fire extinguishing purposes. Water sources intended for fire extinguishing purposes must have areas for the installation of fire trucks and motor pumps.

5.2 . Fire hydrants and reservoirs must be insulated in the winter, and reservoirs must be equipped with non-freezing ice holes.

5.3 . Cooperatives with a number of plots up to 300 must have a portable motor pump for fire extinguishing purposes, with a number of plots from 300 to 1000 - a trailed motor pump, with a number of plots over 1000 - at least two trailed motor pumps. A special room must be built for their storage.

5.4 . Fire posts must be installed on the territory of the cooperative - boards with a set of fire-fighting equipment (fire extinguishers, buckets, barrels of water, shovels, etc.) at the rate of one post for every 20 sites. With the onset of sub-zero temperatures, fire extinguishers should be placed in heated rooms.

5.5 . On water supply systems (with a diameter of 100 mm or more) used in the summer, devices must be provided every 120 m for water intake by fire fighting equipment in the event of a fire.

6. Actions in case of fire

6.1 . When a fire is detected, members of a gardening association or DSK are obliged to:

immediately raise the fire alarm, notify the fire brigade indicating the exact address of the fire, and assemble the PSO;

Before the arrival of fire brigade, take measures to evacuate people and begin extinguishing the fire.

All members of the partnership, DSK and adult members of their families are required to take part in extinguishing the fire.

6.2 . Upon the arrival of the fire department and until the fire is completely extinguished, the members of the board and the PSO report to the senior head of the fire department.

After extinguishing the fire, the board is obliged to ensure the protection of the fire site. The chairman of the board (another member of the board, replacing the chairman) is obliged to report the fire to the local state supervision authority within 24 hours, and for insured buildings to the territorial state insurance inspectorate.

1. General Provisions

1.1. These rules were developed on the basis of the requirements of the rules of Section No. 18 of the Fire Safety Regulations and establish the basic fire safety requirements for individual areas of a gardening partnership, regardless of their ownership, and are binding on the board of the partnership, owners of garden plots, and employees of the partnership.
Fire safety requirements for buildings, individual garages, etc. located on the territory of the partnership are determined by the relevant rules and instructions.
1.2. The Board brings to the attention of the members of the partnership the requirements of these instructions and establishes control over their compliance, as well as the implementation of technical and organizational measures aimed at ensuring fire safety of garden plots.
1.3. Members of a gardening association, as well as dacha owners who garden individually (hereinafter referred to as “dacha owners”) are required to know and comply with the requirements of these instructions.
1.4. Responsibility for maintaining fire safety on the territory of the partnership, in buildings and structures for public use rests with the chairman or member of the board responsible for fire safety, and in areas with buildings located on them - with members of the partnership and owners of dachas.
1.5. The Chairman of the Board is obliged:
1.5.1. Ensure that all site owners study and follow these instructions.
1.5.2. Periodically, at least 2 times in the summer, check the fire safety of buildings and premises on public lands, fire-fighting water supply, the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment, the order of duty of watchmen, the serviceability of communications equipment. Take measures to eliminate identified violations.
1.5.3. Monitor the serviceability of roads on the territory of the partnership, promptly clear snow from main driveways and streets, as well as entrances to fire reservoirs.
Avoid obstructing main passages and streets on the roadway.
1.5.4. Ensure timely preventive inspections and scheduled preventative repairs of electrical installations, timely elimination of violations of the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” that could lead to fires and fires.
1.6. Members of a gardening association, owners of garden plots and summer cottages are obliged to:
1.6.1. Know and follow fire safety rules in areas, houses, and outbuildings.
1.6.2. Have fire extinguishing equipment (a barrel of water and a bucket) in constant readiness, as well as the equipment with which they must come to extinguish the fire.
1.6.3. Maintain electrical, household appliances, gas and kerosene appliances, stoves in good condition and observe safety precautions when operating them.
1.6.4. Do not leave plugged-in electrical appliances, burning gas stoves, stoves, kerosene gases, kerosene stoves, or heating stoves unattended, and do not entrust small children with monitoring them. Strictly suppress children playing pranks with fire.
1.6.5. If a fire occurs, immediately report it to the fire department by mobile phone “010” or the administrator of the Partnership by phone 8-913-013-9607 or the Verkhtula duty station: tel. 293-32 – 02, Borovskaya PCH 295-82-60, Verkh Tula PCH49: tel. 293-39-66.

2. Basic fire safety requirements

2.1. Maintenance of the territory.
2.1.1. The territory of the gardening partnership, garden plots and summer cottages must be constantly kept clean and systematically cleared of garbage and other waste.
2.1.2. Roads leading to the gardening partnership must have a hard surface. Driveways and entrances to garden plots, dachas and fire water sources must always be free.
2.1.3. On the territory of the gardening partnership there must be: At the entrance to the territory of the gardening partnership there is a sign with the name of the partnership.
2.1.4. On the territory of partnerships it is prohibited: Light fires and throw away unextinguished coal near buildings. Organize flammable waste dumps.
2.2. Maintenance of dachas, houses, outbuildings and public buildings.
2.2.1. Attic windows must be glazed and closed.
2.2.2. At dachas and garden houses it is prohibited: Carry out electric and gas welding work without first clearing the welding site of flammable materials and without providing the welding site with primary fire extinguishing means.
After completing the welding work, it is necessary to carefully check the structures and objects adjacent to the place of welding in order to exclude the possibility of them catching fire, and, if necessary, organize a watch. Refill kerosene stoves, kerosene stoves and kerosene gases with gasoline and tractor kerosene, and also use an open fire for lighting when refueling these devices. Smoking and using open fire in the attic, as well as in places where flammable materials are stored (storerooms, utility rooms, etc.).
2.2.3. If the smell of gas is detected, it is necessary to shut off gas communications and ventilate the premises. It is prohibited to use open fire, turn on lights, or turn on electrical appliances.

3. Electrical installations, electrical networks and lighting

3.1. Electrical installations and electrical networks in houses and outbuildings must meet the requirements of the current Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations and the “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations”.
3.2. Installation of electrical installations and electrical networks must be carried out only by qualified persons (electricians).
3.3. All electrical installations must be protected from short circuit currents and other deviations from normal conditions that can lead to fires and fires.
To disconnect electrical networks in the event of a fire, disconnecting devices must be provided for a group of garden houses or a block.
3.4. When operating electrical installations, it is prohibited:
3.4.1. Use electrical wiring with damaged insulation and faulty electrical appliances, use electric heating devices without special fireproof stands.
3.4.2. Lay flat electrical wires with plastic insulation in unheated rooms and over combustible equipment without asbestos lining.
3.4.3. Tie electrical wires, pull electric lamps with ropes and threads, hang lampshades and chandeliers on electrical wires, wrap light bulbs with paper or thread.
3.4.4. Use temporarily laid sections of electrical wiring (temporary structures).
3.5. When closing cottages and garden houses for a long time, the electrical network must be de-energized at the input.

4. Heating

4.1. Before the start of the heating season, all furnaces must be thoroughly checked and repaired. Faulty stoves, fireplaces and chimneys should not be allowed to operate.
4.2. To remove smoke, strictly vertical chimneys without ledges should be used.
4.3. The distance from the stove fuel hole to furniture, bedding and other combustible objects must be at least 1.25 m.
4.4. The surfaces of heating appliances and chimneys must be systematically cleaned of dust and other flammable waste.
4.5. Prohibited:
4.5.1. Use stoves, fireplaces that have cracks, faulty doors, insufficient cutting from chimneys to wooden structures of walls, partitions and ceilings.
4.5.2. Use gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids to light stoves.
4.5.3. Heat stoves, as well as dry firewood, clothes and other materials on and near stoves.
4.5.4. Heat stoves that are not suitable for this with coal.
4.5.5. Install stoves in attic rooms.
4.5.6. Use wood for heating stoves that is longer than the size of the firebox, and fire stoves with open doors.

5. Fire extinguishing agents

5.1. On the territory of the partnership there must be supplies of water for fire extinguishing purposes and water sources intended for fire extinguishing purposes.
5.3 Members of the Partnership and owners of dachas are obliged to equip their buildings with fire extinguishers in sufficient quantities (at least 2 fire extinguishers for a one-story building or at least 2 fire extinguishers for each floor of the building).

6. Actions in case of fire

6.1. When a fire is detected, members of a gardening association are obliged to:
immediately raise the fire alarm, inform the fire department indicating the exact address of the fire;
Before the fire brigade arrives, take measures to evacuate people and begin extinguishing the fire with primary fire extinguishing agents.
All members of the partnership and adult members of their families are required to take part in extinguishing the fire.
6.2. Each fact of a fire must be considered at a general meeting with a discussion of the circumstances of the occurrence and development of the fire and the adoption of the necessary preventive measures.

Clause 218 of the rules of the PP regime

218. It is prohibited to burn dry herbaceous vegetation, stubble, crop residues (except for rice straw) on agricultural lands and reserve lands, and to make fires in the fields. Burning of rice straw can be carried out in calm weather, subject to the conditions provided for in paragraph 72_1 of these Rules. (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2017 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2017 N 316.

The use of open fire and the lighting of fires on agricultural lands and reserve lands can be carried out subject to compliance with the fire safety requirements established by these Rules, as well as regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, adopted by agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. (Clause as amended, put into effect on November 20, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2015 N 1213.

218_1. Rights holders of land plots (owners of land plots, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots) for agricultural purposes must take measures to protect agricultural land from overgrowing by weeds and timely haymaking in hayfields. (The paragraph was additionally included on January 17, 2018 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2017 N 1717)

Board of SNT "Borovinka"

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