Rules for registering a new car c. How to register a new car with the traffic police according to the new rules? list of documents for vehicle registration

Have you become a car owner? You should immediately start registering the vehicle with.

After registration, the car owner will be issued registration plates.

Moreover, you need to do this procedure very quickly, because the owner of the car registration is given only 10 days and within this period all actions must be completed.

When is it necessary to register a car?

It is worth noting that the registration of a vehicle is carried out not only in cases where there is a change of owner, donation, etc., but also when the place of residence of the owner of the car changes, as well as when the last name is changed.

Otherwise, driving a car without registration entails administrative liability for the owner of the car. may impose a fine of 5 thousand rubles, and also deprive him of his driver's license for up to 3 months.

It is important to know that the 10 days that are allotted to the owner of the car for registration are calculated not in working days, but in calendar days (that is, including weekends).

Registration of a vehicle is necessary for state control. Within 10 days, you should register the car with the traffic police, re-register the documents in your name and be sure to replace them with your name.

To register your car, you should contact the nearest department of the State Traffic Inspectorate. At the same time, the place of registration of the owner has no legal significance; all data from the traffic police is submitted both to the place of residence and to the tax service.

You can fill out the application yourself electronically on the State Services portal. After which the application is sent electronically. You can submit data electronically at any time, since the State Services website operates around the clock.


This portal contains information about the addresses and telephone numbers of traffic police departments where you can register. You can also submit an application in paper form; to do this, you need to make an appointment at any traffic police department.

To register a car with the traffic police, you must submit the following documents:

  • application of the established form in the amount of 1 copy (if it is submitted in person). The second option, as mentioned above, is to submit an application through the government services website;
  • passport of the citizen - owner (with confirmation of place of registration);
  • if the registration of the car was carried out by the owner’s authorized representative, an additional power of attorney is attached;
  • PTS. This document is an A4 form, folded in half, with pink, blue and yellow tape, and also protected by a hologram. On one side information about the car is entered, and on the other side there is information about the owner of the vehicle.
  • (documents confirming the conclusion of another transaction);
  • insurance policy;
  • document confirming payment of the fee - 850 rubles will have to be paid for re-registration, and if you need to get new numbers, the price is 2850 rubles. You can pay the fee at any bank or terminal.

If a used car is purchased, then additionally documents on license plates and registration documentation for the car from the previous owner are provided.

If a foreigner buys a car in Russia, he must submit a foreign passport confirming his citizenship.

If numbered units have been replaced in the car, then you need to submit the appropriate documents. If changes are made to the design of the car itself, the traffic police will require documentation on compliance with safety regulations.

To register a car in the traffic police database, you will have to go through three stages:

  1. Reconciliation of numbered units. To do this, the car is driven to a special site, where the inspector checks the unit numbers in the vehicle and the car documents. If everything is correct and there are no discrepancies, a stamp is placed on the registration application.
  2. Submission of documentation at the reception window. According to administrative regulations, the processing time for documents can be no more than one hour.
  3. If the previous two stages were successful, the applicant will be given license plates for the car, a passport for the vehicle with a registration mark and a certificate, this is the paper that confirms registration.
  4. Carefully check all data in the issued documentation for any inaccuracies or errors.

The procedure for registering a car with the traffic police is simple. If everything is in order with the documents, the entire procedure will take no more than 1 day.


If you fail to register your car within 10 days, problems may arise. As already mentioned, this will result in an administrative fine.

If there really are reasons why it is not possible to drive a car to the traffic police, then the inspector is presented with a technical inspection certificate issued in accordance with the vehicle registration rules (issued by a traffic police inspector and is valid for 20 days). In this case, the vehicle may not be inspected.

Cost of the registration procedure

In addition to paying the state duty, the driver will incur expenses for:

  • registration of property rights – 850 rubles. (if the numbers do not change);
  • if it is necessary to make changes to the technical passport, an additional 350 rubles are paid;
  • for the issuance of new license plates, the car owner pays 2,000 thousand rubles;
  • 350 rubles are paid for obtaining various certificates;
  • if there is a need to obtain transit numbers, in 2016 you will have to pay 1,600 rubles;
  • for a new certificate the payment is 500 rubles.

If you purchased a used car, it must meet all manufacturer's technical requirements. Cars restored after an accident or tuned in a non-standard way may not pass the inspection.

Difficulties may arise during the purchase and sale of a car under a general power of attorney.

The fact is that the buyer promises to register the car in his name, but then it turns out that he did not fulfill his obligation on time, and the former owner receives notifications of fines and the need to pay transport tax.

Remember that brand new cars purchased at the dealership are also subject to registration. To register a car, you also need to contact the traffic police and submit documents for the purchased car, however, this procedure will take less time than registering a used car.

Innovations 2017

This year, the time required for the registration procedure has been significantly reduced. Previously, drivers had to wait up to 3 hours for documentation to be reviewed; now it only takes no more than an hour. In addition, the traffic inspector is given 20 minutes to check the papers, another 20 minutes. – to inspect the car, 10 minutes – to enter data into the traffic police database.


The new rules also indicate that in order to prevent long queues, each applicant is given a special coupon, which indicates the specific time when he/she must appear to submit a package of documents.

Car tax can be paid at the place of registration of the car owner. Moreover, now only the state duty for registration is paid, and the payment for issuing license plates has been abolished. In 2017, the possibility of temporary registration of cars is no longer provided.

Another important change is that it is allowed to order a duplicate license plate from commercial organizations. This innovation is due to the fact that cases have become more frequent when scammers remove license plates from cars and then demand a huge ransom from the owners.

Now the car owner should not succumb to blackmail, but simply order a new copy of the license plates without contacting the traffic police.

Based on the law, only employees of traffic police departments have this information. All cars that have been registered are registered in a single database. It is in this database that there is all the information about both the car and its owner.

But in order to demand such information, a citizen will have to justify why he needs such information. For example, the applicant may be provided with information about the seller of the car if he has suspicions of some kind of fraud on the part of the seller.

But you must justify that your rights have been violated and confirm this with documents and testimony.

If the data is needed for a court case, submission of information from the register is not required; during the consideration of the case in court, the court is authorized to personally request this data from the traffic police.

The prosecutor's office also has the right to submit a request for information about the vehicle and its owner. All other citizens and structures do not have access to the traffic police database.

Vehicle registration documents are needed to register the vehicle with the state. Without a package of documents specified by law, a traffic inspector cannot accept an application to register a car.

Registering a car with the traffic police - where to start?

The registration procedure involves the citizen contacting the traffic police department at the place of residence. At the same time, he must have with him an application and documents necessary for registering the car.

Before visiting, citizens are also advised to check the reception schedule of the local branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The schedule can be found on the official website of the traffic police of any subject of the Russian Federation; citizens also have the right to call the contact number and get advice from the inspector on duty.

Application form and list of documents for car registration 2019 - 2020

Application form

Before going to an appointment at the traffic police department, it is worth clarifying what documents you need to provide to register a car. Typically, a list of documents for registering a car with the traffic police is available at a stand located in each department, and it can also be obtained from the employees responsible for this.

Both the documentation and the application can be submitted by the citizen either personally or through a representative with a power of attorney. Moreover, the law allows applications to be submitted both in the form of electronic documents and on paper. The state portal provides citizens with the opportunity to submit applications signed with an electronic digital signature.

List of documentation

The list of documents for car registration is fixed by the legislator in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 08/07/2013 No. 605.

Don't know your rights?

This order defines the following documents for car registration:

  1. An application that must be executed in one copy. It must be completed in writing or via digital devices. The application shall indicate: the name of the road inspection department accepting the application, the applicant’s full name, description of the required service, detailed information about the registered vehicle, information about the owner’s representative and the owner of the car. The application is drawn up by filling out a unified form.
  2. Applicant's passport. If the identity document does not contain a mark on the registration of a citizen, then he must present another registration document confirming the legality of his stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Birth certificate, if the owner of the car is a citizen of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age.
  4. Documents for the car, that is, PTS, STS, registration papers, design safety certificate, etc.
  5. Papers for license plates of the car.
  6. Documents establishing ownership of transport.
  7. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  8. Foreigners will also be required to have a foreign citizen's passport.
  9. Other documents in individual cases.

NOTE! It is no longer required to provide a compulsory motor liability insurance policy in connection with the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On introducing changes...” dated March 20, 2017 No. 139.

What else is needed to register a car with the traffic police, besides the standard package of documents?

In addition to the above documents, a power of attorney may also be required if registration is not carried out by the owner of the car. If a car belonging to a diplomatic or consular officer or institution is being registered, cards of international organizations will be required.

Since 2017, employees of registration authorities also have the right to request documents confirming the fact of disposal of vehicles, and decisions of preliminary investigation authorities, accompanied by an expert opinion or certificate of research, on the basis of which the vehicle was identified.

The procedure for registering a new car with the traffic police

Registration of a new car with the traffic police (which previously did not belong to anyone and was purchased from a car dealer or in a showroom) is much simpler. All you need is a passport, PTS and an application. In addition, however, you will need to pay a fee.

Car registration period after purchase in 2019 - 2020

Within 10 days from the moment the new car was purchased, its owner is obliged to provide it for inspection by the traffic police. There, the car is checked to see if it is listed in the databases as stolen or arrested by bailiffs. If everything is in order, the traffic police marks that registration is permitted, after which you can submit all the documents necessary to register the car with the traffic police.

Grounds for refusal to register a vehicle

Order No. 1001 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 24, 2008 contains a number of grounds according to which a traffic inspector may refuse a citizen to register a vehicle.

Thus, registration may be refused if:

  • the submitted documents contain false data;
  • false documents are presented;
  • the vehicle title does not contain a note indicating payment of the recycling fee;
  • there is a ban on registration;
  • the car does not meet safety requirements.

That is, drivers who want to register their car must take care of collecting a full package of title documentation and properly completing the application.

How to register a homemade car with the traffic police

In the same case, if you did not purchase the car, but assembled it yourself, registering it will be much longer and more difficult. For such cars, the procedure for registering a car with the traffic police in 2019-2020 will look like this:

  1. You conduct official tests of the machine - this is done by specialized laboratories and institutes. It is best to negotiate with them in advance, even before assembling the car, in order to agree on the design of the car and the procedure for checking it.
  2. If the design of the car uses license plate units of other cars, you will need to submit to the traffic police certificates of their purchase and deregistration of those cars on which they were previously used.
  3. With the test report and certificate issued in the laboratory, you contact the MREO, where you will be given a document stating that your car does not have an identifier (VIN).
  4. With this document, you need to contact forensic experts who will prepare a report on the car and issue a referral for assignment of an identifier.

Only after this can you submit documents to register the car with the traffic police (2019-2020 did not bring major changes in this regard). Further, the registration of the car with the traffic police, the documents for which you submit, will take place according to the general rules.

In 2016, both the owner of the car and the citizen driving it will be able to go through the registration procedure for a passenger vehicle in Russia. As a result, the car will become the property of several Russian citizens at once. Discussions regarding innovations began back in 2015 and may soon come into force.

There will also be some amendments to the truck registration process. For example, it is proposed to limit the circle of persons who can register such a car. These people will be individual entrepreneurs or official legal entities. The introduction of this change is aimed primarily at increasing tax contributions to the treasury of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the new law, the process of registering “thieves” registration plates is significantly simplified. The legislation fully legalizes the procedure for their purchase and sale. The owner of such a number will have the right to transfer them to an heir or sell them to a third party.

Algorithm of actions after purchasing a car

First of all, after purchasing a car, the new owner must go through the procedure of registering his car with the traffic police authorities at his place of residence. Evasion from the rules and norms prescribed by law is subject to a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles; in exceptional cases, the court may make a decision up to and including deprivation of a driver’s license, however, such an extreme measure is applied only in the event of a repeat offense when driving a car without license plates.

In this regard, the procedure for registering a car and obtaining new license plates should not be delayed. It is important to be aware that the transaction itself and the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement does not make you the owner of the car in the eyes of the state. The final stage of purchasing a vehicle is always its registration. Only after this the purchased car will be linked to the new owner.

2016, entering the vehicle into the traffic police database

The new car registration rules for 2016 oblige the owner to personally appear at the traffic police department at the place of residence with a previously prepared package of documents. You should first find out the reception schedule for citizens, and if necessary, get in line for an appointment. A situation is allowed when it is not the owner himself who can submit an application, but another person who has the right to do so in accordance with a valid power of attorney. As for the list of all necessary documentation, it can be clarified on the official Internet portal or by examining the information stand that is present in any traffic police department. The standard list includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • all documents for the car, as well as confirming the transfer of ownership of the car;
  • documents for license plate units installed on the vehicle;
  • a valid MTPL policy;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

If the owner of the car has not yet reached the age required to have a passport, then his birth certificate is required. If the application is submitted by a person who has a power of attorney for the car, then a notary confirmation of the legality of the procedure is required.

The situation is much simpler with a new vehicle purchased at an official dealership. In this situation, in addition to the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to provide a PTS (technical equipment passport) for the car, an official sales contract and, in fact, the application itself. In this case, there is no way to avoid paying the state duty, so it should also be paid in advance. This fully applies to design. The convenience of purchasing a car from a car dealer is obvious - while in the dealership, you can fill out the entire package of documents, including insurance.

After collecting all the documents, the next step is to visit the local traffic police department. If everything is done correctly and the documentation does not raise any questions for civil servants, then the next stage will be related to the inspection of the vehicle. The purpose of the inspection is to identify traces of mechanical impact on the car’s engine unit numbers, in other words, to check whether the car has been stolen, as well as to check for the presence of arrest sanctions. During a visual inspection of the car, the license plates of the body and power unit are carefully checked. In order to avoid this procedure, you can present documented inspection results, which have a limited validity period of 20 days.

It should be remembered that traffic police officers have the right to refuse to register a vehicle for a number of reasons. This includes non-compliance with technical requirements such as:

  • tuning;
  • excessive tinting;
  • poor quality repairs after an accident and more.

In addition, refusal will follow after the presentation of documents with signs of forgery - in the event that there is any incorrect data or there are simply doubts about the authenticity of the documents. In addition, the vehicle documents may contain a ban on registering the vehicle. Also, the PTS must necessarily contain a column that affects the recycling fee.

Ultimately, the owner of the car must have with him a certificate, a full package of documents with the exception of the application, which is submitted to the traffic police, and registration plates. All information about the owner of the vehicle must already be entered in the appropriate column of the vehicle title.

Self-assembled cars

Self-assembly of a vehicle is extremely rare. However, new car registration rules in 2016 regulate this issue as well. In such a situation, the registration process becomes extremely complicated. The procedure looks like this:

  1. The first stage is the testing stage. They are carried out in laboratory conditions and include a number of tests that the car must successfully pass. It is worth contacting the employees of this organization in advance in order to clarify the nuances of the inspection and properly prepare for it.
  2. It is logical to assume that such a car assembly is made from structural elements borrowed from completely different cars. In this case, in addition to the general package of mandatory documents, the traffic police must also provide documents on the purchase of these spare parts, their accessories, technical parameters, etc.
  3. It is necessary to obtain a certificate from the MREO certifying that it is not on the vehicle. This will confirm that the vehicle or its structural elements were not taken from a car that was reported stolen.

You can obtain an identification number only after an examination and a forensic report, which will allow you to obtain an identifier. Then, when all these stages have been completed, the rest of the registration procedure will proceed in the general manner.

In October 2013, an administrative regulation came into force, establishing new rules for registering a new car with the traffic police in 2019.

After purchasing a car, you need to register it

This document significantly changes the current procedure for registering a car. According to the changes made, the procedure for registering a vehicle has been simplified, the right to retain state registration plates has been introduced for the owner of the car, as well as the right to receive a duplicate of them.

According to the law, the car must be within 10 days of its purchase. Of course, the procedure for registering a new car with the State Traffic Inspectorate can also be entrusted to car dealerships, who will carry it out quite quickly, but for an additional fee.

What is needed to register a car

To register a vehicle yourself, you must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • registration of an OSAGO or CASCO policy;
  • contacting the traffic police department with an application for vehicle registration and other necessary documents (according to the new rules, the registration address does not matter);
  • reconciliation of vehicle numbers and VIN code by a traffic police inspector (in order to avoid hiccups, the inspector checks the proper completion of the purchase and sale agreement by car dealership managers).

A package of documents required to register a new car when purchasing:

  1. Identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport);
  2. A vehicle passport issued by a car showroom or dealer;
  3. vehicle;
  4. An MTPL or CASCO policy confirming the fact of motor third party liability insurance, which can be issued at a car dealership or directly from the insurance company;
  5. A receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state fee;
  6. A completed application form for vehicle registration (the application form itself can be downloaded in pdf format -);
  7. If a car is registered by another person, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney confirming the right to represent the interests of the owner of the car during its registration.

In some cases, the car owner may be asked to check whether the car has a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, and a warning triangle. Therefore, in order to avoid troubles, it is better to have the above items in the car.

Foreign-made cars must have the necessary customs documentation.

Other features of the car registration procedure

It should be noted that in the case of registration of off-road vehicles, which include SUVs, as well as cars of categories C, D, it is necessary to visit the military registration and enlistment office, where a mark will be made in the application for registration with the traffic police. If there is no mark on the registration of such a vehicle at the military registration and enlistment office, registration may be refused.

In addition to submitting the necessary documentation, the owner of the vehicle must submit it to the traffic police for inspection, based on the results of which he will receive a vehicle inspection report.

After submitting all the documents, your registration certificate and license plates will be issued in accordance with the temporary regulations of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (after a while you will be invited to the window to receive them). Certificate of state You must carry your vehicle registration with you.

The received documents should be carefully checked. Since the traffic police office processes a huge number of documents every day, errors in writing full names, registration marks and other information are far from uncommon. Such errors can cause very serious troubles in the future, so documents should be checked immediately.

At the request of the car owner, used license plates can be used, which makes it possible to save money when registering a car.

After the vehicle registration certificate and license plates have been received, you need to contact the insurance company to add the car’s registration data to the insurance policy.

The cost of registering a new car with MREO in 2019

Registration of a new car will cost its owner 2,850 rubles. This amount includes:

  • state duty for obtaining a state certificate. car registration - 500 rubles;
  • fee for issuing license plates - 2000 rubles;
  • The fee for making changes to the vehicle passport is 350 rubles.
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