Rules for sanitary safety in forests. Planning and carrying out clear sanitary felling Requirements for clear sanitary felling

Felling carried out with the aim of improving the sanitary condition of the forest, in which sick, damaged and drying trees or the entire forest stand that has lost its stability and target functions are cut down. There are selective sanitary fellings and clear sanitary cuttings. During selective sanitary felling, dead trees, drying trees, disease-affected trees, infested with stem pests, and other damaged trees are cut down. The problems of selective sanitary felling are usually solved for all types of thinnings, as well as partial clearings for final use. As an independent measure, selective sanitary cuttings are prescribed in cases where they cannot be combined with the main types of thinning, and are carried out in plantations where there is an increased pathological mortality of trees compared to the natural current one. The purpose of selective sanitary felling is determined by the sanitary condition of the plantations according to the criteria established by the Sanitary Rules in Forests of the Russian Federation, as well as regional standards for thinning, taking into account the intended purpose of the forests. Such logging is not carried out in forests of the third group and in plantations that are subject to final felling in the next five years. In case of mortality amounting to 30% of the stock or more, and the threat of death of the plantings, they are assigned to the main felling in the first place. The basis for prescribing selective sanitary felling is data from forest management, forest pathological examination or forest pathological monitoring. In forests of a number of categories of specially protected natural areas (SPNA), selective sanitary felling is prescribed in exceptional cases - in the event of outbreaks of dangerous pests or diseases, or increased current pathological mortality. In the forests of protected areas, where selective sanitary felling is prescribed according to general criteria, it can only be carried out under the condition of preserving populations of rare and endangered species and other objects of protection. The condition of trees is assessed in accordance with a scale of tree condition categories. The intensity of selective sanitary felling is determined mainly by the number of trees in unsatisfactory condition that must be removed from the stand. At the same time, the maximum sample volume is determined, exceeding which can lead to a complete loss of plant stability and ability to perform target functions. Reducing the intensity of felling can be achieved by leaving some trees with signs of pathology, if they do not pose a danger as a source of spread of stem pests or infectious diseases. In this case, first of all, trees with hollows are left (for birds to settle in), and in forests that have a recreational purpose, in addition, with special decorative properties of the trunk and crown. Clear sanitary felling is cutting carried out to completely replace plantings that have lost their biological stability as a result of massive damage to trees by harmful insects, diseases, fires and exposure to other adverse factors. Clear sanitary cuttings are prescribed in forests of all groups, taking into account their intended purpose: in forestry parts of green zones - in plantings that have died, with the presence of increased current mortality, as well as severely weakened, windfall, windbreaks, disease-affected, infested with stem pests and other damage. trees, during selective sanitary felling in which the density (completeness) of tree stands will decrease below a critical level; in the forests of the first and second zones of the sanitary protection districts of resorts, in the forested parts of green zones in areas of closed landscapes - in the same plantings where, during selective sanitary felling, the density (completeness) of plantings will be below 0.4, regardless of the species composition. If it is advisable to preserve semi-open and open landscapes, it is allowed to reduce the density to 0.3 and below, with the preservation of individual stable trees or groups that perform the target functions; in forests of the first and second zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources, water protection zones, protective strips along roads, clear sanitary felling is prescribed due to the death of plantings as a result of fires, the impact of industrial emissions, current waste, continuous windfall, large foci of diseases and stem pests; In parks and forest parks, clear sanitary felling is, as a rule, not prescribed. For each specific category and specific planting, the critical parameters at which clear sanitary cuttings are prescribed will be those below which the forest area can no longer perform its target functions, and this cannot be corrected by carrying out other measures. The basis for carrying out clear sanitary felling is the recommendations of forest management, materials of forest pathological monitoring and examinations. Areas planned for clear sanitary felling are inspected by a special commission under the leadership of the chief forester of the forestry enterprise with the participation of a forest protection specialist. In the absence of materials characterizing the condition of the plantings, as well as when checking the quality of the forest pathological examination, trial plots are established with a count of trees and their assessment by condition categories. On each trial plot of each plot, at least 100 trees must be taken into account, the total area of ​​the trial plots must be at least 2% of the total area in plots up to 100 hectares. In areas of more than 100 hectares, it is allowed to establish trial plots in the most characteristic places, which are determined on at least three routes for every 100 hectares, with the addition of visual forest pathological taxation of plantings in areas where trial plots were not laid. Permission for clear sanitary felling is issued by executive authorities in the field of forestry on the basis of documents provided for by the Sanitary Rules in Forests of the Russian Federation. Clear sanitary cuttings are linked to the necessary reforestation measures by type and timing, types of regeneration of tree species resistant to certain diseases and pests, and other factors. If there are outbreaks of dangerous pests and infectious diseases in combination with clear sanitary felling, appropriate measures are taken to localize them. In areas adjacent to sanitary clear-cutting areas, if necessary, selective sanitary felling and clearing of debris from the forest are carried out. In order to timely detect outbreaks of diseases and pests in areas bordering logging sites and clear sanitary felling areas, it is necessary to conduct forest pathological monitoring. The timing of clear and selective sanitary felling is established depending on the biological characteristics of the main pests and diseases. Thus, felling of forest stands infested with stem pests of the spring phenological subgroup is carried out in May-June, no later than the beginning of July; summer subgroup - in autumn or winter. The technology of sanitary felling is chosen taking into account the silvicultural characteristics of plantations, the presence of preliminary natural regeneration and its characteristics, the conditions of growth and the intended purpose of forests, as well as the need to preserve rare and endangered species, other elements of phytocenoses, and maintain the biological diversity of forests. In winter, with frozen soil and snow cover, technologies are usually used that correspond to the parameters of the felled stands (in terms of age and productivity), which are used in final fellings or thinnings, based on technical means that ensure the preservation of the remaining elements of the planting. If there is retained undergrowth and other elements of the planting, it is advisable to use technologies with skidding or delivery of assortments based on both skidding equipment and forwarder - chain saw, harvester - forwarder, etc. complexes. In cutting areas without preserved planting elements (undergrowth, etc.), clear-cutting technologies for final use can be used without restrictions. The development of sanitary felling sites in the summer, if this does not contradict the requirements of forest protection, is carried out using technologies that ensure the preservation of not only the remaining planting elements, but also the soil, taking into account environmental features and planned renewal - natural and artificial. When developing cutting areas with a significant number of dangerous trees (20% or more), it is better to use mechanized technologies (in winter and summer conditions, with or without preserving undergrowth, etc.), using the appropriate complexes of machines: harvester - forwarder, feller bunchers and skidders machines, feller-skidders.

The growth and development of tree stands is accompanied by the weakening and drying of some trees, which can be caused not only by a lack of moisture and nutrients, but also by damage by pathogens and pest infestation. With systematic and high-quality thinning, weakened trees are removed from the plantation, thereby improving its sanitary condition. In case of untimely thinning and at the end of the period, dead trees accumulate in the forest stands, which is undesirable. Many tree species are affected by pests and diseases. All this requires special measures that ensure the health of the forest.

Sanitary and health measures include:

Selective sanitary cuttings;

Clear sanitary fellings;

Elimination of thickening;

Preventing the emergence and spread of pests and forest diseases;

Protection of harvested forest products from pests and diseases.

Sanitary felling is one of the most important of a number of health measures that are used in forestry in order to prevent the emergence and spread of forest pests and diseases that can cause damage to plantings and harvested forest products. Unlike forest maintenance fellings, sanitary fellings have sanitary purposes, although they are carried out in all age groups of forest plantations.

When carrying out sanitary felling, they select dead wood that is infested with tree trunk pests, as well as those that are dying. In addition, windfall, windbreak and snow-damaged trees damaged by fungal and cancerous diseases, as well as those that have a slope of 45°, are removed.

If selective sanitary cutting can lead to a decrease in the density of forest stands below the established limit, clear sanitary cutting is prescribed. The decision to carry out a clear sanitary felling is made after an inspection of the planting by a special commission with the participation of an inter-district engineer-forest pathologist, who determines the feasibility of cutting and draws up a corresponding report.

When registering selective sanitary fellings, a tree-by-tree count of the trees designated for felling is carried out within each taxation block. Areas for sanitary felling are allocated in the year of felling. If the trees are infested with spring group pests, then the trees are removed in May, and they are cut down in June. If pests of the summer group are being controlled, the tree is scheduled for felling in August, and felled in the fall or winter. Clear sanitary cuttings should be carried out promptly to prevent the spread of pests and diseases to neighboring forest areas. In the cells of the root sponge, felling should be carried out in the autumn-winter period to prevent the natural seeding of fungal spores.

Sanitary felling is not carried out in plantings that are designated for thinning or main felling the following year.

In protective forests of the first group, where the rules prohibit major fellings, sanitary fellings are the only fellings after thinnings, with the help of which mature and overmature forests are maintained in a healthy condition, and overmature trees are gradually replaced with young ones.

Why and how are sanitary fellings needed? Can they be banned? These and other questions are answered by Inna Vdovina, head of the department of conservation, protection, reproduction of forests and organization of the implementation of state assignments of the Main Forestry Directorate of the Omsk Region.

What does sanitary work in the forest include and how is it prescribed?

Such activities include clear and selective sanitary felling, removal of illiquid wood and are prescribed only after forest pathological examinations (FPO). LPO is carried out by specialists from self-propelled forestry enterprises based on forest pathological monitoring data carried out by the Federal Budgetary Institution "Roslesozashchita". Based on the results of these surveys, acts are drawn up and posted on the official website of the Main Forestry Department of the Omsk Region - anyone can read them. Acts of health care organizations are the basis for prescribing or not prescribing sanitary and health measures and choosing their type of implementation.

How does this procedure work on leased plots?

According to the same scheme, only at the expense of the tenant’s own funds. After establishing the need for sanitary and health measures by the tenant, changes are made to the forest development project to carry out the appropriate work.

There is an opinion that, under the guise of sanitary felling, unscrupulous loggers cut down healthy wood. Is it so?

Cutting down healthy trees during sanitary felling is possible, but only intentionally. Such facts are revealed during federal state forestry supervision, and the perpetrators are brought to administrative and criminal liability.

Is it possible to ban sanitary felling?

Any competent forester will tell you that it is impossible. This is contrary to forest legislation. A complete ban on sanitary felling will lead to the accumulation of damaged and dead forest plantations, further to the spread of secondary forest pests to healthy plantations, an increase in the area of ​​forest fires and, as a result, to an emergency situation in forests; The volume of firewood for the population will also be reduced, which does not exclude an increase in the number of illegal logging.

What is the sanitary condition of forests in the Tara district of the Omsk region?

According to data as of January 1, 2018, less than 3 thousand hectares of forest plantations were damaged in the Tara region - as a result of fires (including fires of previous years), soaking, windfall and forest pests. In the Tara region, the area covered by forest is 1.1 million hectares, and in this case, 3 thousand hectares is 0.3%.

In 2017, forest pathological surveys were carried out on an area of ​​1,800 hectares, sanitary and health measures were prescribed on an area of ​​436 hectares, of which 167 hectares were due to damage by forest fires. The majority of forest areas affected by fires in 2017 remain under surveillance without sanitary measures being prescribed. In 2018, forest pathological surveys are planned in the district on an area of ​​at least 850 hectares.

General Directorate of Forestry

Fellings carried out in forest stands of unsatisfactory sanitary condition to remove dead wood, windfall, windfall and other damaged trees are called sanitary fellings. The main task of sanitary felling is to improve the health of the plantings and sanitary prevention, as well as to prevent forest fires. Litter in the forest is formed as a result of the death of trees, damage to the tops of crowns, breakage of crowns and trunks, snow and windfalls, snow and windbreaks, damage to trees by stem and leaf-eating pests and other unfavorable factors. Such trees appear in the emerging plantation throughout the entire period of growth and development. These are natural phenomena of nature. The need for sanitary felling is especially evident during the period of forest growth when thinning stops. However, even at a younger age, for example, during the period between thinning and clearing, when young trees are exposed to some kind of natural disaster (snow, windfall, etc.), sanitary felling is prescribed. Unlike thinnings, sanitary fellings pursue sanitary goals and do not set themselves the task of caring for the composition of the forest, caring for the shape of the trunk and light growth, as is done with thinning. In case of significantly greater damage to plantings identified after a special inspection, clear sanitary felling may be prescribed. In all other cases, during sanitary felling in ripening and ripe forests, the trees that are cut down first are those that are withered, wind-thrown, infested with bark beetles, longhorn beetles, borers and other pests, and that are heavily infested with bluegrass, root sponge, etc. Of the trees infected with bluegrass, those with which are affected by the crown or its lower third, or half the circumference of the trunk. Of the trees affected by stem rot with fruiting bodies on their trunks, those that have several fruiting bodies on their trunks are primarily designated for felling.

All trees designated for felling in the order of sanitary felling are branded at the root collar, and after felling the stumps are branded at the end, including cases of clear sanitary felling.

The technology of sanitary felling includes all operations of the mechanized method of forming tree stands and depends on the organization of the territory. In cases where a territory was previously organized in the planting, it is enough to renew the previously cut corridors and then use them as transport routes. If at the time of sanitary felling (except for clear sanitary felling) the planting was not organized, technological corridors are cut through it every 60 or 100 m, 3-4 m wide, using the road network, clearings and areas not covered with forest in such a way that it is possible to organize and carry out in sequential order all work operations for sanitary felling in this area. The work of the integrated team is organized on the basis of a wheeled tractor and mechanisms for cutting down trees and removing them from the plantation. In mountainous conditions, it is advisable to use suspended or semi-suspended skidding equipment.

Undergrowth care. Depending on the productivity of forest types, the species composition of the undergrowth and its density change. In highly productive types of forests, the companions of oak, pine and spruce are hazel, Tatarian maple, cherry laurel, etc. In low-productive dry oak forests, the undergrowth consists of shrubs: rose hips, hawthorn, warty euonymus, in mountain forests - rhododendron, shrubby alder, and on the southern slopes on gravelly In sandy loam soils under the cedar canopy, dwarf cedar develops strongly.

Depending on the productivity category of forest types, the importance of understory varies. In simple pine forests, cereal plants may appear after thinning. Their growth negatively affects the growth of pine trees. In such cases, preserving the undergrowth is quite advisable, since it evaporates less water than grass vegetation. Elderberry, for example, promotes the rapid decomposition of foliage and thereby accelerates the process of enriching the soil.

In spruce forest types, preserving rowan and linden trees during felling helps soften coarse humus. Yellow acacia, broom, and alder as undergrowth species act as nitrogen accumulators in the soil. However, if they grow strongly, they can cause the death of the main breed. In these cases, the undergrowth is intensively thinned out.

In young plantations on dry soils, undergrowth species can become a serious competitor to the main ones. With the powerful development of undergrowth in young stands, it begins to suppress the growth of the main species with its mass and reduces the growth of the main canopy of ripening plantings.

Depending on the intensity of growth of undergrowth species, its quantity, age and condition of the planting, undergrowth can have a positive or negative value. Its positive role is to protect the soil from being taken over by herbaceous vegetation, to maintain a favorable soil structure in the sun, and, in conditions of rugged terrain, to protect the soil from erosion.

In young stands (crops), if undergrowth species do not sufficiently shade the soil, they should be “planted on a stump” to obtain dense growth. If they outgrow the main ones, they are thinned out in accordance with the degree of negative impact on the main ones, or rejuvenation of the undergrowth is carried out, that is, a type of care is used by cutting down the old above-ground part of the undergrowth in the plantings to replace it. In middle-aged plantings, the undergrowth is gradually thinned out, making way for natural regeneration to occur.

In plantings of green zones and forest parks, the undergrowth is left in separate scattered clumps. Caring for the undergrowth is combined with supplementing it with group crops of shrubs of other species (ornamental, bird-attracting, etc.).

Clear sanitary felling is felling carried out to completely replace plantings that have lost their biological stability as a result of massive damage to trees by harmful insects, diseases, fires and other unfavorable factors.

Clear sanitary cuttings are carried out in areas with plantings that have lost their biological stability, if it is impossible to preserve them by improving them with selective sanitary cuttings.

Clear sanitary felling is carried out in plantations in which, after removing trees to be felled, the density becomes below the maximum values ​​that ensure the ability of tree stands to perform functions corresponding to the categories of protective forests or intended purpose. Calculation of the actual completeness of the forest stand is provided during a forest pathological examination.

When assessing completed sanitary clear-cuts, it is necessary to determine:

Location, area of ​​the site with the completed activity;

The quality of the event performed;

Location, area of ​​the site with the completed activity

The actual location of the site is determined on the basis of the materials for the allocation of cutting areas and the inspection report of the cutting area.

The true area of ​​the completed activity, in this case a clear sanitary felling, is determined by using geodetic (navigation) instruments, based on control measurements of the length of the sides and bearings (azimuths) of the cutting area.

The accuracy of measuring lines, angles and determining area is checked. When measuring lines, the error should not exceed 1 m per 300 m of length, when measuring angles - 30 minutes. The permissible deviation of the reporting area from the verification data should not be more than 3%.

The presence of boundary sight lines, forestry (plot) posts, and the correctness of their design (type, size, inscriptions) are checked.

The installation of forestry poles (pillars) and their design are carried out in accordance with the technical requirements specified in the Timber Harvesting Rules.

The development of logging areas without establishing and marking the boundaries of logging areas on the ground is permitted when citizens harvest dead, windfall and windfall wood for heating and clearing forests from litter for their own needs. At the same time, marks are made on the trees to be felled (bright tape, tape, paint, scratches).

Quality of the event performed

When assessing completed sanitary clear-cuts, it is necessary to check the presence in the forestry of documents giving the right to carry out sanitary clear-cuts in a specific forest area: a forest pathological inspection report approved by the state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within the limits of its powers, determined in accordance with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, plan of the area allocated for sanitary felling, technological map for the development of the cutting area.

The assessment of the condition of felling sites is carried out using enumerative taxation methods: on cutting sites with an area of ​​up to 3 hectares - by continuous census over the entire area, and on cutting sites with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares - on strip sample plots.

Ribbon test plots are laid with a width of 5 - 10 meters. On cutting areas up to 200 m wide, one diagonal trial plot is laid out, on cutting areas with a width of 201 - 500 m - two diagonal trial plots. When the cutting area is more than 500 m wide, three strip test plots are laid out, of which two are diagonal and one is in the middle along the cutting area.

Depending on the size of the cutting areas, the volume of strip sample plots should be at least on cutting areas with an area of:

from 3 to 5 hectares - 8%;

from 5.1 to 15 hectares - 5%;

from 15.1 to 50 hectares - 3%;

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