Rules for passing traffic rules after deprivation of rights. Rules for retaking your license after deprivation

If you do not intend to appeal the court decision to confiscate your driver’s license, then hand it over to any traffic police department. Take a copy of the decision from the court. You can submit your driving license to any department of the State Traffic Inspectorate, regardless of your residence permit and registration. The documents will be stored there for the entire period. The certificate is handed over to the inspector, along with it a court order is presented, of which a copy is made. The passing mark is entered into electronic databases.

Remember, from the date of the court decision on deprivation of rights, the driver’s license is valid (you can drive) for 10 days. This time is given to appeal the court decision. After this period, within the next 3 days the driver is obliged to submit his license to the traffic police; driving a vehicle on it is prohibited. If you do not return your driver's license, the period of deprivation will not begin, and driving a car is equivalent to driving without a license. And this, according to Article 12.7 of Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, means either an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

To get your driver's license back, you must pass theoretical exams.

What is the procedure for obtaining rights?

The answer is no. Until the period of deprivation expires, you will not be able to get your driver’s license back. You can retake the theoretical exam on traffic rules after deprivation after half the deprivation period has expired. For example, if you are deprived for 1 year, only after six months does it become possible to pass the theoretical part.

A retake of the theoretical exam is required if the withdrawal of the driving license occurred after September 1, 2013. If you were deprived before September 1, 2013, then retaking the theory is not necessary. You will have to retake the traffic rules exam in any case, regardless of the severity of the violation and the period of deprivation.

Procedure for conducting a traffic rules exam

The retake exam after deprivation differs from the standard one when newcomers first obtain their license. They lie in the fact that the tickets do not contain questions regarding fines and first aid - questions exclusively regarding traffic rules. There are 40 tickets, each ticket contains 20 questions. The answerer is given 20 minutes and is given the right to make two mistakes. For each mistake, you are given 5 additional questions that must be answered correctly. Tickets are divided depending on the category - tickets of category AB, category CD. Tickets for the exam are given in the highest category. That is, if the license of the “Aircraft” category was taken away, then you need to learn the tickets using the “CD” block.

You can sign up for a traffic rules exam after deprivation of your license only at the traffic police department at the desired place of taking the exam; this cannot be done through the State Services website.

How to get your license back after being revoked for drunkenness?

The answer is that the order does not change, a theoretical exam is passed. The difference is that when the license is confiscated for driving while drunk, an accident while intoxicated, or refusal of a medical examination, then the return of the license requires a second medical commission and the availability of a fresh medical certificate. Here is the exact list of articles when a medical certificate is required: deprivation of rights under articles - parts 1 and 4 of article 12.8, part 1 of article 12.26 and part 3 of article 12.27, parts 2, 4 and 6 of article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the traffic police requires honey. certificate for other violations, then this can be challenged in court. The medical certificate must be issued after the start of the period of deprivation and must not be expired.

Make sure that all categories are open in the medical report. If categories A, B, C are open on your driver’s license, but the certificate contains only category B, then your license will not be returned to you.

Video: Violating drivers were required to retake the traffic rules test

A medical examination is required when a driver’s license is confiscated after an examination and identification of medical contraindications. But the return of rights, in this case, is carried out without repeated theoretical exams.

To calculate the exact date of receipt of the driver's license, carry out simple calculations. It is necessary to note the date of receipt of a copy of the court decision, and then add the term of punishment to it, not forgetting to add the 10 days allotted for appeal.

Video: Do ​​you need to retake the traffic rules exam if your license has been revoked?

Let's look at the situation when the ID is withdrawn for 1 month.

So, taking September 1 as the date of traffic violation, and September 20 as the date of the court hearing, we carry out the calculation. The presumptive challenge to the court's decision took place on October 18.

In this example, the period of deprivation begins on October 18. By adding 1 month, we end up with November 19 as the date we received our rights back (in the case of an appeal). But if the court decision of September 20 had not been disputed, then the deprivation of rights would have begun on September 30 (20 + 10 days for appeal). And accordingly, the day of receipt would be October 31st (without dispute). But, if the designated day is a holiday or a day off, you must come on the next one.

Do not confuse the day of the court decision and the day when the driver received the court decision in his hands - the period is counted only from the day he received a copy of the court decision. Those days until the driver picked it up are not counted towards the deadline. This means that in the example given, the owner will receive the right to pick up the certificate only on December 4, if he did not come for a court order on his own, but received it 14 days later by registered mail.

However, these subtleties of calculation in practice are needed to accurately calculate when you can take the traffic rules exam ahead of schedule. We have already written above that the exam can be passed after half the period of imprisonment. But the real period of deprivation begins to expire only after you have handed in your driver’s license to the traffic police department. As soon as we handed over our license to the traffic police, the countdown for the deprivation of license began. If you have your license in your hands, then you cannot drive on it and the period of deprivation does not expire.

Where to submit and how to pick up your license from the traffic police?

You can hand over your driver’s license to any traffic police department, preferably, of course, at your place of registration or residence.

Keep in mind that it is possible to get the certificate back to the traffic police department where the court order was executed; in other words, where you handed it over is where you get it. The algorithm is as follows. No later than 30 days before the expiration of the period of deprivation, an application for the return of rights is written and submitted to the traffic police department where they were surrendered. Next, you take a theoretical exam at the examination department. Then with your passport, honey. with a certificate (if needed) and a court order, take the driver's license to the traffic police.

If your license was not taken away immediately after the expiration of the deprivation period, then there is nothing to worry about. They can be picked up in a month or two, there will be no fine for this. But remember that the traffic police will not keep your license forever; after three years it will be disposed of.

List of documents for obtaining a temporary residence permit

  1. Judgment. If the court order is lost, then contact the traffic police without it. As a last resort, the court order is restored in court;
  2. Active honey certificate (if needed);
  3. Passport.

And one moment. To obtain a license after deprivation, all traffic police fines must be paid. This is mandatory and is stipulated in part 4.1 of article 32.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Driver's license check

You need to fill in the required information in this form.

To check the certificate for deprivation and authenticity, use the official service of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. This service is located. You need to enter the number and series of your driver's license, their date of issue, as well as a captcha (verification) in the appropriate fields. Next, you need to press the “Check” button and wait.

If this message appears, then everything is fine, the rights are valid

The driver's license is checked simultaneously both in the database of registered licenses and in the database of revoked licenses. When such a window appears on the screen, it means there are no problems with the specified documents. In addition, other information is displayed on the screen - the owner’s date of birth, expiration date and production date, as well as open categories.

When this window is displayed on the screen, the entered ID is invalid. There may be three such reasons:

If such a message appears, then the VU is invalid for one of three reasons.

  • replacing the ID with a new one;
  • expired rights;
  • illegally acquired.

This message means that the driver has been revoked of his driver's license.

And if such a window pops up on the screen, information is provided that the owner of this driver’s license has been deprived of it. You can find out the reason for such a decision in the same section - the screen will indicate the date of the court decision, the period until which the driver is deprived of the right to drive the vehicle, as well as the current status (how much is left until the end of the collection period).

Due to the fact that too many changes have recently been made to the road laws of Russia, motorists should from time to time review updated data on the procedure for carrying out various procedures that are associated with the operation of vehicles and the preparation of the required documentation. Motorists who want to restore their license should learn about the cases in which they need to retake their license after being deprived of it in 2019.

Recovery procedure

According to the law, drivers whose licenses were taken away due to non-compliance with the rules have the right to restore them.

The return of the certificate can be carried out after the period of seizure, which is prescribed by court, has already expired. How a driver's license is restored in 2019 is explained by the Administrative Code of Russia.

Do I need to take an exam?

At the moment, the procedure for restoring the driver's license depends on the time when the court decision was issued. This is because the Code of Administrative Offenses introduced reforms in this regard on September 1, 2013.

According to the innovations, restoration of a driver’s license after deprivation is allowed only after retaking the theory. The fact in which year the law on retaking rights after deprivation was issued is considered decisive for citizens who want to renew their license.

This topic is quite relevant, despite the fact that more than three years have already passed since the adoption of the new order. This is due to the fact that there are still people whose licenses were taken away before September 2013: these are those who drove the car after the deprivation, and as a result received new penalties. As a result, these drivers are not subject to the influence of the new legislation, and have the right to restore their rights without retaking the traffic rules.

For people who have been sentenced since September 2013, retaking the test after revocation of their driver’s license is considered an integral step.

Recovery from alcohol imprisonment

According to the law, deprivation of driving license is provided for in a variety of situations, including driving while intoxicated.

Actions to restore your driver's license after being disqualified for drunk driving have specific nuances. For example, a motorist must undergo a medical examination, in particular from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. You must bring a doctor's report to the traffic police, which indicates that factors of alcohol abuse were not detected.

If we talk about tests, then when discussing whether a retake is needed after deprivation of rights for drunkenness in 2019, it should be noted: in order to regain rights, the theoretical part of the rules will need to be passed.

When is it permissible to take the exam and renew your license?

It is possible to return the ID only after the time established by the court.

If we talk about the exact date when you can pass the traffic rules, then the motorist must do this approximately one month after the end of the punishment period, so that in case of failure he has time to take the test again.

The exam is retaken seven days after the last survey. Retakes are allowed an unlimited number of times. This is prescribed for all situations of renewal of driving license, including retaking a license after being deprived of it for drunkenness.

When the exam has been passed, you are allowed to pick up the document: at the same moment or later. It is worth remembering that unclaimed papers are stored at the traffic police branch for no more than three years, and then they are destroyed.

Restoration cost

The procedure for renewing rights is inexpensive, because only the medical commission is paid. It is impossible to say the exact cost: it is different in different regions of the country, and varies from six hundred to two thousand rubles.

Previously, the authorities raised the issue of assigning a state duty for the restoration of the certificate, but the proposal was never approved. For this reason, when answering how much it costs to retake your license after deprivation, you only need to find out the price of the medical examination and that’s all.

How and where to take the exam

Retaking theoretical knowledge of traffic rules after deprivation of driving license is carried out at the branch of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate according to the registration of the motorist. At this place, documents are then issued.

But sometimes it happens that the driver loses his papers in another city. Then the document will be located at the place where the court decision was made, that is, where the violation was recorded.

Here a logical question arises as to where you can retake your license after depriving it in another city. The answer is still the same: by registration. The papers are sent to the owner, but an application for this must be submitted thirty days before the end of the penalty period. The application is submitted to the traffic police for residence or sent to the official State Services service.

Retaking the exam after deprivation of the driver's license differs from the initial retake only in that knowledge is tested only in the theoretical part.


To renew your driving license, you must provide the following documents to the traffic police:

  • Passport.
  • A copy of the court order.
  • Document on withdrawal of rights.
  • Medical certificate.

This list is established by law, therefore no one has the right to demand additional papers or checks.

Urgent retake

Due to the reforms introduced in 2013, drivers were given the opportunity to restore their license early in certain situations.

To receive documents before the established time, the following conditions must be met:

  • From the moment of deprivation, at least half of the period assigned by the court has passed.
  • The motorist did not commit any legal violations during the punishment period.
  • There are papers about paying fines.

People who have been deprived of their license more than once, refused a medical examination, or were deprived of a document for drunk driving cannot apply for early renewal of their license.

The court has the right to allow early retake of exams in the traffic police if the work of drivers is considered necessary due to the person’s profession.


How to get your license back after deprivation

Replacing a driver's license is always a big issue for car enthusiasts. Legislation is constantly changing, and it is not always clear in which cases how to act. For example, do you need a medical certificate and do you need to take exams when replacing your license after expiration in 2018?

Is it acceptable to drive with a driver’s license using your old (maiden) name after marriage? After all, for driving with an invalid license, a fine from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles is imposed on the driver.

Replacement of rights: documents and terms

Any driving license is valid for a maximum of 10 years. However, sometimes the document is issued for a shorter period. The expiration date of the certificate is always indicated in a prominent place on the documents themselves.

When replacing rights due to expiration, new ones will be issued for a maximum period - that is, 10 years. However, if the replacement occurs for any other reason - for example, if the driver changed his last name or lost his driver's license - then the same period will appear on the documents. Even if, for example, there are only a couple of months left before their expiration. However, in this case, it is better to replace it immediately after receiving a new document due to its expiration date. The law does not prohibit issuing a new certificate before the expiration of the 10-year period.

So, it is optimal to approach the traffic police for this 2-3 weeks before the actual termination of the license. There are no penalties for early replacement of rights (or replacement after hour “X”). If you need an urgent microloan for up to 30 days, and you have not yet been a client of the company, then the best option would be to use their PROMOTION “0% overpayment to new clients”

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  • To replace rights, regardless of the reason, you need to prepare the following documents:
  • passport or any document replacing it;
  • confirmation of registration in the same locality where the traffic police department is located (a stamp in the passport is enough)
  • previous driver's license;
  • medical certificate in form No. 083/U-89;

receipt of payment of duty.

  • An important point: since 2018, in accordance with the relevant Government resolution, a medical certificate is not needed in the following cases:
  • upon loss;
  • if damaged;

If the traffic police officer demands any additional documents from the driver (the same certificate or extract from the place of registration to confirm the address), then you will need to request a written refusal from him to replace the license. This decision can be appealed to the prosecutor's office or addressed to the head of the inspectorate.

Some drivers are worried about losing the driver's card issued during training at a driving school. In fact, this document is not needed to obtain rights, and its requirement is unlawful.

Total cost of the license replacement procedure:

  • 800 rubles – payment of state duty;
  • 2000 – medical examination;
  • 100 rubles – filling out the form.

Thus, with a simple replacement of rights, if a certificate is not needed, the cost of the procedure will cost only 900 rubles.

Is the exam required when replacing a license in 2018?

When replacing rights There is no need to take an exam (theoretical or practical) unless no more than 12 months have passed since the document expired. It is understood that if a person does not have a license, then he does not drive. And over the course of a year, driving skills may be lost, and changes to traffic rules may also be made.

The rule applies to all drivers, regardless of the reason why they had to change their license. If the document is overdue for more than a year, you will have to take both practice and theory.

The law answers the question of whether it is necessary to take an exam when replacing a driver’s license if there are several categories: it is enough to pass the required standards for only one of them (optional).

Do I need to take an exam after losing my license in 2018?

In 2013, changes were made to the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which the rights of the following categories of road offenders are revoked:

  • those who fled the scene of an accident after the accident;
  • were intoxicated;
  • who refused medical examination.

In 2018, they will not only be deprived of the right to drive a vehicle, but they will have to pay a fine and then retake the theoretical part. Those drivers who are caught driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs will have to additionally bring a certificate of health. Those who refused to undergo a medical examination will also have to present the same certificate.

Thus, the question of whether it is necessary to take the exam after deprivation of rights in 2018 no longer arises. If a driver's license is taken away, he can return it only after a successful knowledge test.

Since 2014, if a car owner has changed his personal data - last name, first name or patronymic, then he must also change his license. Most often this happens to girls who change their last name after marriage.

Some “experts” note that it is not necessary to change your license - it is enough to carry with you a notarized copy of your passport with your old last name. This is actually not true. If you change your last name, your driver's license is automatically revoked.

At his discretion, the driver can obtain a license for the previous period or extend it for another 10 years. In this case, you will not need to take the exam again.

Rights issued before 1990 had legal force until 2000, after which they were subject to replacement. If the driver still has a Soviet license, he will have to renew it. It is clear that clearly more than 12 months have passed since 2000. Consequently, such a driver will have to retake at least the theoretical part. And if he hasn’t had much practice, then he will also need to learn “practice.”

Drunk driving

Driving a car after drinking alcohol is a traffic violation, which is subject to fines or a more serious punishment - confiscation of your driver's license. It is imposed by the court on the basis of the protocol of the traffic inspector and material evidence.

After the decision is made, the motorist must surrender his driver's license to the traffic police. He is given a short period of time for this - 10 days. During this period, the car enthusiast can drive his car. When he gives up his driver's license, he is deprived of this right and automatically becomes a pedestrian. Along with the certificate, a temporary permit to drive a vehicle is also submitted. If you use a trick and keep it for yourself, then the traffic police officer has the right not to accept the driver’s license. Accordingly, the motorist will not be presented with a certificate of submission of documents. Without it, the motorist will not be able to take back his license. Therefore, there is no need to be cunning, but you should voluntarily give up all the documents.

The car enthusiast will be able to begin restoration only after the expiration of the penalty period. Motorists who have been deprived of a driver's license will have to fulfill a number of conditions to obtain one. First, you need to wait until the end of the sentence, and then provide certain documents to the traffic police. In addition, on the basis of current legislation, early submission of traffic rules is provided after deprivation of rights for drunkenness, as well as a medical examination by some specialists.

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Law on retaking traffic rules

It's no secret when the retake law came into force. Its adoption dates back to September 1, 2013. It states that motorists whose licenses have been confiscated by a court decision are required to pass an exam on the rules of the road. This only applies to theory. Moreover, some tickets will not have to be repeated, since they are not on the list of repeated exams. You will not have to take a driving test either in the city or on the site. Drivers who were deprived of their license before the law came into force do not need to take a traffic test. For example, if a motorist was punished on August 1, 2013, then he is exempt from taking the theoretical part of the exam. In this case, he will have to wait for the expiration of the sentence, undergo an examination by doctors and prepare a package of documents. After this, the license is issued back to the driver. If you were deprived of your license, for example, in 2015, then this action implies retaking the traffic rules. Plus, a motorist is required to undergo a medical examination if he has been deprived of his driver's license for drinking alcohol while driving. This is prescribed by law.

So, is it necessary to retake the traffic test after revocation of a driver's license after September 1, 2013? Yes, a retake is required. The law that came into force has not been repealed to this day.

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Actions to return rights

Restoration of a driver's license after deprivation is possible when the sentence ends. Until this time, the car enthusiast cannot drive either his or his work car. 30 days before the end of the punishment, a driver deprived of his license must submit an application to the traffic police for the restoration of his rights. A month later, when he gets them back, he will be able to drive his vehicle.

The restoration of rights after deprivation of rights for drunkenness in 2016, as in 2017, has some nuances. The driver is required not only to submit all relevant documents, but also to undergo a medical examination. Refusal of a medical examination deprives him of the opportunity to withdraw his license. A driver without this document will be denied a driver's license.

A motorist whose license has been revoked for drunkenness will need an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist. The driver must have a conclusion about not abusing alcohol, as well as about not using drugs in the past period. He provides this certificate to the traffic police. In addition, a motorist who is deprived of the right to drive a car due to drunkenness will have to retake the traffic rules test.


A retake after deprivation of a license for drunkenness can be carried out only after half the sentence has passed. This is permitted by law. However, the driver will not be able to restore his driver’s license after this. He will have to wait until the punishment is over. Only after this can he devote time to restoring his rights.

Drivers who have been deprived of their license will have to retake the traffic test on the same principle as new drivers. This case will have its own characteristics. Not a single ticket will contain questions related to providing first aid to the victim or fines. If a driver's license is revoked, the exam is taken only for the part related to traffic rules. There are 40 traffic tickets. Each of them contains 20 mandatory questions. A driver who has lost his license can prepare to respond within 20 minutes. He will be given the right to make mistakes twice. For one mistake, 5 additional questions are asked outside the tickets. All answers here must be accurate. No mistakes are allowed.

There are two categories of tickets – AB and CD. If a motorist has lost his driver's license for the aircraft category, then he needs to take an exam using CD tickets.

If it suddenly happens that a motorist fails to retake the exam, then he can take it again only after 7 days. At the same time, the legislation did not limit the number of attempts taken. They can do this until the exams are passed. There is no need to pay for a retake. There is no charge even for a large number of attempts. Therefore, you can take it for free as many times as you need.

The re-examination is carried out at the traffic police department. If drivers do not pass the exam the first time, then all subsequent attempts are accepted here. The driver cannot lose the chance to get his license back. Therefore, retakes are not limited. The traffic police officer has no right to limit the number of attempts or refuse them.

An examination test for the practical part is not required. In other words, a driver who has been deprived of his license cannot be forced to take a driving test either in the city or on the site.

What do you need to restore your driver's license? The motorist should prepare the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming the submission of traffic regulations to a traffic inspector. It is issued immediately when the motorist passes all the rules;
  • temporary permit to drive a car;
  • a certified copy of the court order imposing punishment. A simple copy will not work, since the road inspection will not accept it.

If the deprivation of rights was accompanied by drunkenness, then the motorist must also attach a medical certificate to this set of documents - an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist is a prerequisite.

How to pick up your license

You can return your driver's license at the traffic police department from which the application to the court for the offense was received, that is, where the driver handed over his license. Even if this happened in another city, the motorist will have to go there. There is no transfer of driver's licenses between offices.

Revocation of license for drunk driving

The first thing you need to do is write a statement to the traffic police asking for the return of your license. After this, based on the law that came into force in 2013, a theory exam on traffic rules is taken. Next, a package of documents is provided to the traffic police. If everything is done correctly, the driver will be able to get his license back.

He can start using the restored driver's license immediately.

Driving a car after drinking alcohol is a violation of traffic rules, for which one was deprived of one’s license before, as now. After this, the motorist will have to restore his rights, not only by collecting documents, but also by passing the theoretical exam, in accordance with the law that has come into force. This does not include the fine that must be paid for violation. In any case, each driver must decide for himself how to behave while driving.

Legislative acts that explain how to take away your license after being deprived of it for drunkenness have been in force since November 2014. The driver is expected to go through a number of steps before returning the revoked license. They make sure that the driver has the ability to be allowed to drive for medical reasons, and also knows the rules of the road to the extent necessary for safe driving.

Restoration of rights after deprivation of rights for drunkenness

After being imprisoned for drunkenness in 2019, it is carried out according to the rules that have been in force for the last few years. There have been no changes to this part of the legislation. You must wait for the period of deprivation of rights to expire, submit an application and a package of documents to the traffic police department, which includes documents on retaking the theoretical exam, a medical certificate in the prescribed form, as well as a receipt for payment of a fine. Documents must be submitted either at the place of deprivation of rights, in which case this can be done on the day the deprivation period ends, or at the place of residence/registration. In this case, it is important to submit an application in advance.

A driver will be able to obtain a license after being disqualified for drunkenness only after all fines will be paid for previous offenses. It is important and retake the theory exam, if the driver fails the exam, then it can be retaken no earlier than after 7 days. The number of retakes is not limited. It is also necessary get a medical certificate, which allows the driver to be allowed to drive a car, it includes a certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

List of documents for restoration of rights after deprivation of rights for drunkenness

To get your driver’s license back after being revoked for drunkenness, you will need to provide the following list of documents to the traffic police department.

  1. identification card (both a passport and a document replacing it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  2. a copy of the court order on deprivation of a driver's license;
  3. a certificate confirming that the license was tested after being deprived of it for drunkenness;
  4. medical certificate allowing the driver to drive a car.

Driver's license return period

Legislation explaining how to return your license after being deprived of it for drunkenness specifies clear deadlines for the possibility of return. If the driver drove a car while drunk for the first time, the court may deprive him of his license for a period of time. from 1.5 to 2 years(regulated by the provisions of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The same article regulates the period

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