Rules in a general regime colony. Life in correctional institutions: regime in a general regime colony

GENERAL REGIME CORRECTIONAL COLONIES - in the Russian Federation, a type of correctional colonies in which they serve their sentences: men convicted of intentional crimes, except for those who are assigned to strict or special regime correctional colonies or prisons;

women convicted of intentional crimes, except for those convicted of particularly dangerous recidivism.

Convicts entering a general regime colony after the sentence has entered into legal force are sent to normal conditions of serving their sentence. Convicts serving their sentences in light conditions may be transferred to the same conditions if they are recognized as malicious violators of the established procedure for serving their sentences. At the same time, convicts who were in strict conditions can be transferred to normal conditions in the absence of penalties and a conscientious attitude to work for a certain period.

If the convicted person is characterized negatively and is recognized as a malicious violator of the established procedure for serving the sentence, then he is transferred to strict conditions for serving the sentence.

In special regime colonies, those convicted of intentional crimes committed while serving imprisonment, and those convicted of committing serious and especially serious crimes are placed in strict conditions of serving their sentences immediately upon arrival.

The amount of funds available in the personal accounts of convicts, which convicts can spend to purchase food and basic necessities, except for those earned while serving their sentences and received as pensions and social benefits, the number of visits with loved ones, parcels and parcels that they are entitled to receive telephone calls to which they are entitled also depend on the type of colony and conditions of detention.

6. Special regime correctional colonies: purpose, conditions, procedure for execution of punishment


CORRECTIONAL COLONIES OF SPECIAL REGIME - in the Russian Federation, a type of correctional colonies in which people are serving punishment convicted men: with particularly dangerous recidivism; to life imprisonment; which the death penalty by way of pardon, replaced by imprisonment.

Article 125. Conditions for serving imprisonment in special regime correctional colonies

1. Those sentenced to imprisonment, serving their sentences under normal conditions in special regime correctional colonies, live in dormitories. They are allowed:

a) spend monthly on the purchase of food and basic necessities the funds available in their personal accounts in the amount of the minimum wage;

b) have two short-term and two long-term dates during the year;

c) receive three parcels or packages and three parcels during the year.

2. Convicts serving their sentences in light conditions live in dormitories. They are allowed:

a) spend monthly on the purchase of food and basic necessities the funds available in their personal accounts in the amount of two minimum wages;

(as amended by Federal Law dated 03/09/2001 N 25-FZ) (see text in the previous edition)

b) have three short-term and three long-term dates during the year;

c) receive four parcels or parcels and four parcels during the year.

3. Convicts serving sentences in strict conditions live in cell-type premises. They are allowed:

a) spend monthly on the purchase of food and basic necessities the funds earned during the period of serving imprisonment;

b) have two short-term dates during the year;

c) receive one parcel or delivery and one parcel post during the year;

d) take a daily walk of one and a half hours.

Article 126. Special regime correctional colonies for convicts serving life imprisonment

Separately from other convicts, those sentenced to life imprisonment, as well as those sentenced to life imprisonment, serve their sentences in special regime correctional colonies.

Commentary on Article 120

1. In the general regime penal colony, three types of conditions for serving a sentence are established: ordinary, light and strict. Convicts admitted to a general regime penal colony from a pre-trial detention center after the verdict has entered into legal force are sent to normal conditions of serving their sentence.

If the convicted person, during his stay in the pre-trial detention center, did not commit violations of the established procedure for detention, for which he was subject to a sanction in the form of placement in a punishment cell, the period of his stay under normal conditions is calculated from the date of detention, and not from the date of admission to this correctional facility .

The duration of a convicted person's stay in normal conditions depends on his behavior and attitude to work, but even with a positive characteristic, the period a convicted person spends in normal conditions of serving a sentence cannot be less than six months.

If the specified conditions are met, the correctional institution commission transfers such a convicted person to lighter conditions of serving his sentence.

In light conditions, convicts serve their sentence until their release or until they commit a violation for which, in accordance with Art. 116 of the Penal Code they will be recognized as malicious violators of the established procedure for serving the sentence and transferred, depending on the severity of the violation committed and the characteristics of the individual, to ordinary or strict conditions of serving the sentence.

Convicts are sent to normal conditions not only from pre-trial detention centers, but also from light and strict conditions of serving their sentences. Convicts serving sentences in light conditions, who are recognized as malicious violators of the established procedure for serving their sentences, are transferred to ordinary conditions. At the same time, convicts who were in strict conditions, in the absence of penalties for violations of the established procedure for serving the sentence for six months, are also transferred to ordinary conditions. In this case, transfer from strict conditions of serving a sentence to ordinary ones is carried out in the absence of any penalties; the fact of a conscientious attitude to work in this case should not be established.

If a convicted person is transferred from one general regime correctional facility to another correctional facility of the same type, then the established six-month period is not interrupted, while the convicted person in the new place continues to serve his sentence under the same conditions that were determined for him before the transfer.

2. The transfer of convicts from strict conditions of serving their sentences to ordinary conditions does not always occur after six months. Compliance with the law’s instructions regarding the absence of penalties encounters difficulties in practice, which are associated with the timing of the removal and repayment of penalties. Part 8 art. 117 of the Penal Code determines that a convicted person is considered to have no penalty if, within a year from the date of serving the disciplinary sanction, he is not subject to a new penalty. Therefore, we can conclude that the transfer of convicts from one condition of serving a sentence to another in the presence of penalties can be made, as a rule, either upon early removal of previously imposed penalties or after a year has passed from the date of service of the last penalty imposed on the convicted person.

Article 121. Conditions for serving imprisonment in general regime correctional colonies

Commentary to Article 121 1.

Differentiation of conditions for serving a sentence in one correctional facility depending on the behavior of the convicted person creates the opportunity for him to choose: behave well and have extensive benefits or, conversely, be a violator and endure great inconveniences and restrictions. The administration of the correctional facility can only influence the choice of the convicted person’s behavior by explaining, showing the advantages of good behavior, and practical influence on persistent violators. Voluntarism on the part of the administration of the correctional institution in this case is minimized due to clear legal regulation. The decision to transfer to certain conditions of serving the sentence is made by the commission; it is formalized by a resolution of the head of the correctional institution. The decision is announced to the convicted person and attached to his personal file; it can be appealed in accordance with the established procedure. Representatives of local government bodies may participate in the work of the commission.


Under normal conditions, convicts live in dormitories, which are, as a rule, multi-story buildings that include barracks-type sleeping quarters, rooms for educational work, offices for squad leaders, toilet rooms, storage rooms and drying rooms, and food storage rooms. nutrition and eating. Colonies for women have rooms for personal hygiene.

Convicts are provided with an individual bed with a full set of bedding, a bedside table for storing essential items, writing instruments, documents and literature.

The territory of the IK, as a rule, is divided into several local areas, which are separated from each other and have their own access control. Exit of convicts outside the local area or visiting other local areas is possible only with the permission of the relevant representative of the administration of the correctional institution. In a local area, as a rule, there are 2 - 3 groups of convicts, each of which lives in a separate dormitory.

Convicts have the right to freely communicate with all persons living in the territory of a given local area. During the hours from lights out to wake up, their movement outside the detachment’s living quarters is not allowed. In their personal time, they can move within the isolated area, and with the permission of the administration - throughout the rest of the territory of the penal colony.

Convicts in normal conditions have the right to spend monthly on the purchase of food and basic necessities the funds they earn, social benefits and pensions they receive in full, and other funds available in their personal accounts - in the amount of 3 minimum wages. At the same time, the minimum wage is determined not on the basis of its national size, applied to all citizens, but on the basis of the size used in administrative legal relations - 100 rubles. From our point of view, this practice is incorrect, since in this case we are not talking about administrative-legal relations.

Under normal conditions of serving a sentence, convicts are allowed to have six short-term and four long-term visits during the year, as well as receive six parcels or packages and six parcels during the year. Women are allowed to receive parcels, packages and packages without limiting their number.

In simplified conditions of serving a sentence, the rights of convicts are significantly expanded. This is expressed, firstly, in the lifting of restrictions on spending funds available in their personal accounts on the purchase of food and basic necessities; secondly, in increasing the number of long dates during the year to six; thirdly, in granting the right to receive 12 parcels or transfers and 12 parcels during the year.

In order to achieve successful social adaptation, by order of the head of the penal colony, convicts serving sentences in light conditions may be released from custody six months before the end of their sentence.

In this case, convicts are allowed to live and work under the supervision of the administration of the correctional facility outside the correctional facility. They may be held together with convicts who are granted the right to travel without escort or escort. Convicted women may be allowed to live outside the penal colony with their family or children in rented or their own living space. In this case, convicts can make acquaintances and visit the apartments of private individuals, institutions, enterprises and organizations to resolve issues of household and work arrangements after their release.

However, for various reasons, this legal institution is not yet widespread, although almost every seventh convict is annually subject to simplified conditions of serving his sentence.


The placement of convicts in strict conditions significantly limits their rights. This is expressed primarily in a significant restriction of their freedom of movement: convicts live in locked premises and cannot leave them even in their free time from work. They are provided with a daily walk of one and a half hours.

The premises in which convicts serving their sentences in strict conditions live are equipped with a full range of communal facilities, ensuring the isolation of the persons contained therein from convicts serving their sentences in other conditions.

Cultural events with convicts in strict conditions are held within the premises in which they live. The use of the library and store is ensured in conditions of isolation from other convicts. Employment, food intake, medical examination, sanitary treatment, and outpatient treatment of convicts are organized separately from convicts serving their sentences in other conditions.

In strict conditions of serving their sentences, convicts can spend monthly on the purchase of food and basic necessities both the funds they earned in the correctional facility, the pensions and social benefits they receive in full, and other funds available in their personal accounts in the amount of 2 minimum wages. They are given the right to two short-term and two long-term visits, to receive three parcels or transfers and three parcels during the year. Every year, 51-56 thousand convicts are transferred to strict conditions of serving their sentences.

Article 122. High security correctional colonies

Commentary on Article 122

1. As of January 1, 2006, the penal system had 263 high-security penal colonies, which housed 346,872 convicts.


Currently, only men serve sentences of imprisonment in high-security penal colonies; convicted women serve their sentences in a general regime penal colony (they are also not held in prisons). Men who are sentenced to imprisonment for the first time for committing especially serious crimes, as well as in cases of relapse or dangerous relapse of crimes, if the convicted person has previously served imprisonment, serve their sentences in a strict regime penal colony.

In addition to the indicated persons, a strict regime penal colony may also contain: 1) convicts transferred from colony settlements, if they are recognized in accordance with Art. 116 of the Penal Code by persistent violators of the established procedure for serving the sentence; 2) convicts transferred from a special regime penal colony after they have served at least half of the term assigned by a court verdict to a special regime penal colony (clause “b”, part 2, article 78 of the Penal Code); 3) convicts transferred from prison after serving in prison at least half of the sentence imposed by a court verdict (clause “a”, part 2, article 78 of the Penal Code); 4) convicts transferred from prison at the end of the three-year period for which they were transferred to prison for malicious violation of the established procedure for serving the sentence (clause “c” of Part 4 of Article 78 of the Penal Code).

In a maximum security penal colony, convicts serve their sentences under ordinary, light and strict conditions.

Under normal conditions, convicts sentenced to imprisonment who were admitted to a given correctional institution serve their sentences, except for those convicted of intentional crimes committed while serving imprisonment, as well as convicts transferred from light and strict conditions of serving their sentences. If, during his stay in a pre-trial detention center, a penalty in the form of placement in a punishment cell was not applied to the convicted person, the period of his stay in the usual conditions of serving the sentence is calculated from the date of detention.

The usual conditions of serving a sentence provide the convicted person with normal life activities. The convicted person must remain in these conditions for at least nine months, after which, in the absence of penalties for violations of the established procedure for serving the sentence and a conscientious attitude to work, he can be transferred to lighter conditions for serving the sentence. If a convicted person, while in light conditions of serving his sentence, commits a violation and is recognized as a persistent offender, he is transferred to ordinary or strict conditions of serving his sentence.

Convicts who committed intentional crimes while serving their sentences are also transferred to strict conditions for serving their sentences. The transfer of convicts from strict conditions of serving a sentence to ordinary ones is possible after staying there for at least nine months and the absence of penalties for violations of the established procedure for serving the sentence. All repeated transfers (from strict to ordinary, from ordinary to light) are carried out in the manner and under the conditions specified above.


The indication formulated in Part 8 of the commented article that convicts transferred from other high-security penal colonies are kept in the same conditions that were determined by them before the transfer ensures the protection of the rights of convicts, as well as the continuity of the educational process. The terms of the convicted person's stay in certain conditions at the previous place of serving the sentence are not interrupted and are counted towards the total nine-month period.

In any high-security penitentiary colony there are three separate areas in which the conditions of detention are very different. When a person is first placed in such a colony, he is provided with normal conditions of detention. For this purpose, there are all living amenities sufficient for normal life support. They are given the opportunity to maintain contact with loved ones and relatives. Telephone conversations, the ability to correspond, receive and send them, receive and go on dates serve this purpose.

When the first 9 months of stay in the colony have passed, the prisoner can be transferred to a light regime of detention. This is only possible if there are no penalties. A person must maintain order and treat work more than anything else.
If a prisoner seriously violates the order established for MLS, he is transferred to more strict conditions of detention. The purpose of such a transfer is to ensure the safety of other prisoners, to make the education process more effective, and to stop the negative influence on others.

How ITCs are structured

The maximum security correctional complex has dormitories where the rooms are compactly equipped with bunk beds. The building has equipped shower rooms, toilets, utility rooms, drying chambers for shoes and clothes, . In women's colonies there is also a room for personal hygiene.

For those who are prescribed strict maintenance, a number of restrictions are imposed. They are provided with isolated rooms and their behavior is constantly monitored. Strict conditions significantly restrict the prisoner’s movement even within the penal colony; he may be prohibited from communicating with fellow sufferers. Parcels or transfers are allowed, but a maximum of 2 during the year, one visit can be long-term, for three days, and two short-term. They are also entitled to a walk, 1.5 hours daily.

From all this it is clear that the conditions in the maximum security penitentiary colony are harsh, they are very different from what they are used to outside of prison. But a person gets used to everything, it just takes time and patience. But the prisoners have hope that they will receive parole and return home.

The structure of Russian penitentiary institutions is ornate and quite complex. Prisons, colonies, separate settlements for prisoners - for most Russians these terms are identified as synonyms. Interest in criminal topics is fueled by a variety of programs and documentaries telling about life “behind the wire.” A strict regime of imprisonment: what it is, the types and qualifications of penal organizations in Russia, and how they differ from a colony-settlement, can be read below.

What is the difference between a prison and a maximum security colony?

First, let's look at the fundamental terms described in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - difference between imprisonment and a maximum security colony:

  • Jail- the worst place a prisoner can end up. A man sits in a cell all day. The exception is a daily walk, which, as a rule, does not exceed 45-60 minutes;
  • Maximum security colony- a specialized penitentiary organization designed to correct a person’s character by involving the latter in labor work.

In fact, the abovementioned penitentiary structures perform similar functions. The difference is one thing: if in a colony the leadership and administration of the colony still hopes to correct the fate of the prisoner, then people are placed in prison whose prospects for rehabilitation are zero.

Maximum security colony - what is it?

Criminals convicted of committing serious crimes serve their sentences in closed penitentiary structures - maximum security colonies:

  • Structure. The camp can be divided into two sectors: residential (library, dining room, cafeteria, medical unit, recreation barracks) and working;
  • Internal mode. General - for all new prisoners, light - a reward for labor success and exemplary behavior, strict - when the prisoner ignores the statutes and rules of the colony;
  • Salary. Working in the industrial sector, the prisoner receives a salary. Part of the money can be spent in a store or cafeteria located on the territory of the institution; the prisoner sends the rest to relatives or receives it after his release;
  • Leisure. Walking in the fresh air, watching TV, getting an education.

It is a grave mistake to equate a maximum security colony with prisons.

IN prison prisoners are constantly in a closed room, which puts a lot of pressure on the human psyche. IN camp for the prisoner there is a certain freedom - he, although under the strict control of the jailers, can move around the territory of the zone.

What is the difference between strict regime and special regime?

For CIS countries, prison is a rather rare form of punishment. For example, in Russia, many prisoners are placed in colonies. The camps are divided into four classes: special settlements (located far from cities and villages), general, strict and special regime.

Let's consider difference between special and strict regimes:

Cases of escape from prisons

Penitentiary institutions are fenced with a multi-level security perimeter: guard towers and impenetrable concrete walls with barbed wire. Special precautions are also taken in the premises located within the camp. But, nevertheless, escapes happen:

  • Undermining. Movie plots have real life stories. For example, in 2014, in IK-19, near Irkutsk, five prisoners made a tunnel from a workshop in an industrial zone (the length exceeded 30 m);
  • I undercut. Metal hacksaws brought from the industrial area are used to cut window bars. Blankets thrown over it help you climb over the barbed wire;
  • Transport. The fugitives hide in industrial waste, such as wood shavings, and successfully escape from the zone using vehicles.

Once a fugitive finds himself outside the colony, in most cases he does not have a clear idea of ​​what to do next. Eventually 90% of prisoners usually return to prison 20-25 days after escaping . But there are also those who successfully hide from law enforcement for 15-20 years.

Correctional institutions: interesting facts

Do you know that:

  • The first modern penitentiary for prisoners was permanent in 1929. The general structure and rules of the system for Soviet criminals, which has survived to this day, differed markedly from the usual prison of the Russian Empire;
  • Prisoners who have realized their mistakes, and through their behavior and hard work show the camp administration that they have taken the path of correction, can be released early.
  • While in a strict confinement camp, from time to time prisoners deliberately violate the rules of the colony and end up in a punishment cell. Thus, they take a short “vacation” of 15 days and take a break from work at the industrial unit;
  • Nowadays, almost all prison cells have televisions, and prisoners have the opportunity to spend their time watching action films or sports competitions.

In this article you got acquainted with correctional institutions that have a strict regime of imprisonment. What it is can be described in two words: a place of awareness of the inadmissibility of one’s style of behavior and actions for a normal society, with further correction of one’s moral principles and a transition to the right path in life.

Video about a maximum security colony

This video will show the maximum security colony, which is located in the Kursk region, how prisoners are kept there, what are the rules and procedures there:

Unlike correctional colonies of general, strict and special regimes, prisons are not divided by type of regime, but the establishment of two types of regime in each prison is determined - general and strict. This is explained by the fact that throughout the entire period of serving their sentence in prison, convicts, depending on their behavior, can be kept in both general and strict regimes.

There are 2 types of regime in prisons: general and strict.

All newly admitted convicts, in accordance with Art. 130 Penal Code of the Russian Federation, they are immediately sent to a strict regime; Convicts transferred from general regime are also kept here. Convicts who are disabled people of the first and second groups are not placed on a strict regime.

Convicts are required to remain in a strict prison regime for at least one year. If, during his stay in a pre-trial detention center, a penalty in the form of placement in a punishment cell was not applied to the convicted person, the period of his stay in a strict regime is calculated from the date of detention. The law does not put forward requirements for the mandatory absence of penalties for violating the established procedure for serving a sentence (as is the case in correctional colonies when transferring from strict conditions of serving a sentence). However, practice still follows this path, because the law does not prescribe such a transfer in an imperative form - the year has expired and it is necessary to transfer to the general regime, but uses a different wording - “can be transferred”, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the behavior of the convicted person on strict regime.

If a convict on a general regime commits violations of the established procedure for serving a sentence and penalties are imposed on him for this, on the basis of which he is recognized as a persistent violator, then such a convict is transferred to a strict regime. Repeated transfers from one regime to another are also allowed, but in all cases the convicted person must remain in a strict regime for at least one year.

Since prisons contain the most dangerous categories of criminals, the legislator sets, first of all, the goal of preventing these persons from committing new crimes while they are serving their sentences. This is achieved by increasing isolation and tightening the conditions of their detention.

In prison, those convicted in accordance with Art. 131 PECs are located in common cells, which are permanently locked and equipped in such a way as to achieve maximum isolation of convicts, to exclude cases of escapes and unauthorized connections, both with the outside world and with other convicts. However, it is also possible to be kept in solitary confinement (to ensure the safety of the convict, due to his personal characteristics that prevent him from being with other convicts and maintaining normal relations with them, and for other similar circumstances).

The placement of convicts in cells in a prison is carried out taking into account many circumstances: firstly, to prevent the joint detention of persons involved in the same case, who are at enmity with each other, who arrived from the same colony, who are under different types of regime, convicts left in prison for execution housekeeping work, and the actual prison “inmates”; secondly, taking into account the psychophysiological properties of the personality of the convicts, their compatibility when spending a long time in such cramped and specific conditions of a prison cell.

The legal status of convicts serving a sentence of imprisonment in prisons differs significantly from the legal status of all other categories of convicts.

Convicts held in general regime prisons:

· can spend monthly on the purchase of food and basic necessities the funds available in their personal accounts in the amount of 40% of the minimum wage;

· have the right to 2 short-term and 2 long-term visits per year;

· have the right to receive 2 parcels or transfers and 2 parcels during the year;

· can enjoy a daily walk lasting 1.5 hours.

More stringent conditions of serving are provided for convicts serving sentences under strict conditions. They are allowed:

· monthly spend on the purchase of food and basic necessities the funds available in their personal accounts in the amount of 20% of the minimum wage;

· have 2 short-term dates per year;

· receive one parcel and one parcel per year;

· Take a daily walk of one hour.

Specific in comparison with the rights of persons held in correctional colonies is the right to daily walks. It is due to cell-by-cell placement and the need to preserve the health of convicts by staying in the fresh air. The walk takes place during the day in a specially equipped part of the prison grounds. Since a daily walk is the right of a convicted person, it cannot be canceled or reduced as a disciplinary sanction. The law provides the only basis for its early termination - violation by the convicted person of the established internal rules during a walk.

Convicts held in prisons have the right to meet with relatives and other persons in accordance with the rules established by Art. 89 PEC. Telephone conversations are allowed to them only in exceptional cases and are paid for by the convicts themselves.

Incentive measures and penalties are also applied to them, in accordance with the norms set out in Art. 113-117 Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The specificity of the legal status of convicts held in prison is also manifested in the measures of encouragement and punishment applied to them. Thus, for good behavior, a conscientious attitude to work and training, the legislator provides for an increase in the walking time of convicted persons to 2 hours a day for a period of up to one month.

The peculiarities of keeping convicts in prison also determine the specifics of applying corrective measures to them.

In accordance with Art. 103 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, the labor of convicts in prisons is organized only on the territory of the prison. In the absence of the possibility of creating special premises in prison, the work of convicts is organized in cells, which limits the choice of types of labor activity. Working convicts have the right to annual paid leave of 12 working days without leaving the prison.

Opportunities for general educational and vocational training in prisons are quite limited, since, as a rule, there are no special premises for this. In addition, this is complicated by the need to comply with regime requirements for the separate detention of different categories of convicts, which prevents the creation of study groups.

Educational work with convicts held in prisons, as a rule, is carried out in cells, which complicates the choice of methods and forms of its organization, and one of the real and rather specific forms of educational work in these conditions is the use of radio-equipped cells.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that the persistent reluctance of this category of convicts to take the path of correction, their focus on reproducing the traditions of the criminal world, and the psychological situation in these institutions do little to contribute to the perception and effectiveness of the impact of educational measures. Taking this into account, the legislator does not provide for the creation of amateur organizations of convicts.

A different regime of detention in prisons is provided for convicts left in prison for housekeeping work. They serve their sentences under the conditions provided for persons serving their sentences in general regime correctional colonies. In addition, the law (Part 3 of Article 77 of the Penal Code) specifically states that this category of convicts is kept separately in unlocked common cells; they enjoy the right to a daily walk of 2 hours.

Convicts who are brought to criminal responsibility in another case have a legal status that is determined by the conditions for serving the sentence of the type of penal institution that was assigned to them by the court. However, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes,” certain adjustments are made to this status. Thus, visits to this category of persons are granted only on the basis of written permission from the person or body in charge of the criminal case.

Thus, serving a sentence in prison is one of the most severe, so convicts experience a certain fear and do not show much desire to end up there. However, in informal relations among convicts, the fact of transferring a particular convict to prison is recognized as worthy of respect - “he went into hiding,” and funds for maintenance in prison are transferred to him from the “thieves’ common fund.” And when a convict returns to a correctional colony from prison, then among the other convicts he has a certain aura of glory - “he was in a closed area” (he was in a closed area, that is, in prison). So, in educational terms, transferring convicts to prison does not provide much, as practice shows, but such transfers are nevertheless carried out constantly in order to improve the situation in a particular correctional institution.

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