Providing housing to large families according to the law. Subsidies for large families Construction subsidies for large families

– the type of financial support that the state provides to vulnerable segments of the population. These are non-refundable charges and benefits that citizens who have declared their right to a subsidy can count on. Money from the treasury can be allocated for housing construction and payment of utilities. Before finding out what payments are due to privileged sections of society, you need to determine who belongs to this category.

Which family belongs to the category of large?

The Family Code of the Russian Federation, under the definition of large families, includes families where at least 3 children are supported. A child is a person who has not reached the age of majority, and for a minor family member the age is 14 years (Article 54 of the RF IC). Legal relations in the field of support for large families fall under the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, number 431. This legislative act provides that the status of large families is established by the authorities of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In Moscow, a social unit with three children falls under the category of having many children; adopted persons, stepsons, and stepdaughters are taken into account. But in the Krasnoyarsk region, for a family to receive special status, it must support at least five children. Locally, regional governments and municipal executive authorities themselves determine the circle of persons who are entitled to benefits. Local authorities also set the rules, terms and amounts of payments.

Attention! Children, guardians and parents who are deprived of guardianship and parental rights, as well as imperfect citizens who are fully provided for by the state, cannot be included in the number of participants in a large family.

In some regions, one adopted child is considered as two siblings. A prerequisite is that children live with their parents and be raised by them.

How to confirm your status

A document certifying the right to benefits is a certificate of a large family. To obtain it, an application is submitted with a set of documents established by law.

What benefits can an applicant expect?

To support large families, the state provides two types of assistance:

1. natural benefits;

2. financial assistance.

Benefits in kind include free school uniforms and lunches for schoolchildren, and travel on municipal transport. The right to free travel is granted to all family members. Privileges when enrolling in educational institutions and reducing the cost of utilities are a type of social assistance. Now let's look at what subsidies are available to large families? These are monetary benefits in the form of:

  • subsidies that are required to improve housing conditions and purchase housing;
  • payments for housing and communal services. Only low-income families can apply for these benefits;
  • increased allowance for the maintenance of disabled children;
  • subsidies for studying at universities.

What is housing subsidy?

Large families are privileged segments of the population that qualify for housing subsidies. They have the right to receive payments to improve their living conditions and to purchase new housing. They are provided with financial assistance from the state. Conditions and requirements that are typical for this type of assistance:

  • irrevocability, money is paid by the state free of charge;
  • money can be used exclusively for purchasing housing and improving living conditions;
  • the subsidy is issued in a certificate, the applicant will not be able to receive the money in cash;
  • The certificate is valid for 6-9 months. If you were unable to meet the deadlines, you will be forced to re-issue the subsidy again;
  • the allocated amount does not fully cover the cost of housing; it is assumed that the family has its own savings for the purchase;
  • With subsidies you can only buy “clean” housing, these are apartments and houses that are not mortgaged. It is also impossible to buy seized housing stock;
  • purchased housing becomes the property of all family members;
  • purchasing housing in a new building is permissible if the degree of completion of the property is above 70%;
  • each of the parent applicants must have 10 or more years of work experience, the period of study (university) and military service are taken into account.

Clear criteria that the purchased housing must meet, as well as the validity period of the certificate, are established by local authorities. The amount that can be allocated for the purchase depends on the following factors:

  • the number of children in the family unit of society;
  • state of the local budget;
  • prices in the region;
  • the value of the regional coefficient.

The number of issued subsidies depends on the total amount of payments, which depends on the capabilities of the regional budget.

Conditions of registration

Housing subsidies for large Russian families are paid on a first-come, first-served basis to those applicants who have received the appropriate certificate. The low-income category of the population and people in need of changes in their living conditions can count on it.

The first group is the poor. These are applicants with a reduced income for each family member when the level of income is lower than the regional subsistence level. This criterion is subject to revision every three months. To find out if you fall into this category, follow these steps:

  • add up the income of all working citizens from your family, take into account income for a three-month period;
  • determine the average monthly income, to do this you need to divide the total amount into three parts;
  • We divide the monthly income by the indicator “total number of people living in the family.”

It will be possible to count on benefits provided that the amount obtained during the calculation is less than the subsistence level. But it is worth noting that this indicator is excellent for every segment of the population, pensioners and children, students and working citizens. You can find out what documents will be needed to confirm the status of a low-income family from the protection authorities at the place where your family is located.

The second group is people in need of improved living conditions. To apply for a housing subsidy, a family:

  • should not own housing and not live in it under a social tenancy agreement;
  • lives in their own or social housing, but each tenant has less than 10 (average) square meters. m. area;
  • the house or apartment is in disrepair;
  • the applicants' family has a family member with a serious illness. Illnesses falling under this category can be checked with the housing department of the local administration.

What package of documents will be required?

To receive assistance for the purchase of residential meters, the applicant must provide:

  • passports of adult participants;
  • a certificate certifying the family’s place of residence;
  • certificate confirming the status of a large family;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate confirming the status of a low-income family;
  • birth certificates, documents are needed for all children participating in the registration;
  • documents for residential meters owned;
  • other documents provided for by the rules of local authorities;
  • certificates of income of working participants;
  • work books with copies of completed pages;
  • copies of documents for the housing selected for purchase;
  • certificates from the dean's office for citizens studying at universities.

All documents must be verified by the authorized body within the specified time frame. If all conditions are met, you will be approved for a subsidy. If inconsistencies are found, the applicant will be given a written refusal.

How to use the subsidy?

The applicant who is entitled to benefits will receive a certificate with the payment amount after his turn comes. He will need to obtain a target account at a banking institution, to which the amount allocated from the local budget will be transferred. After the housing has been selected and the contract for its purchase has been signed, the bank sends the payment to the seller’s account. It is important to have time to carry out all these activities while the certificate is valid.

Benefits used to pay off utility bills

A subsidy for the construction of a house or its purchase is not the only type of financial support that a large family can receive. This category of citizens has the right to claim a discount when paying for utilities, most often it is 30% of the total amount of payments. This percentage may vary from region to region as it is set by local authorities.

Important! If you want to take advantage of a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services, then make an appointment with the social security authorities. You need to select a unit according to your place of residence. You will also need to write an application and submit documents, take into account the approved list.

Payment forms

To pay benefits, one of the following methods can be used:

1. The applicant pays receipts for housing and communal services on a general basis. But subsidized funds are transferred to his personal account every month. This is compensation for previously made deductions.
2. The applicant repays the amount, taking into account the discount percentage. In this case, he does not receive cash.

As for the documents required to obtain assistance for housing and communal services, the list includes the following components:

  • passports of adult citizens;
  • completed application form;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • documentation confirming the right to use residential space;
  • a certificate with bank details of the account to which payments will be made;
  • documents in accordance with which the amount for repayment of utility bills is calculated.

You should check all the details related to the registration of benefits with the social security authorities at the place of residence of the family.

Large families living permanently in Moscow receive significant social support - various benefits, compensation payments, and subsidies. In this article we will tell you exactly what payments large families in Moscow are entitled to in 2019, what subsidies can be applied for, what documents will be needed, and where to apply.

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2019 - subsidies for housing and communal services

Previously, large families received a discount on utility bills, but today this type of assistance has been replaced by subsidies and compensation payments. Compensation is paid after the family has already fully repaid the housing and communal services debt. But the subsidy is issued to the applicant before he has contributed funds to pay the bills. The subsidy amount is 30% of the cost of utilities actually used.

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2019 - subsidies for the purchase of a car

A family raising 3 or more children has the right to apply for participation in the state program “Car for a large family.” According to the terms of the program:

  • the amount of state aid is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of the car should not exceed 1,000,000 rubles.

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2019 - subsidies for mortgage repayments

In order to provide support to families with three or more children in need of improved housing conditions, the state began to subsidize mortgage loans under the state program “Housing for a Russian family”:

  1. Loans for the purchase of an apartment are provided by the Bank of Moscow, VTB 24, AHML, and Sberbank.
  2. Part of the loan is repaid from the federal budget.
  3. The debt repayment period is extended to 30-50 years.
  4. The down payment, in comparison with standard mortgage programs, is reduced to 10% of the cost of housing, and it can be made using maternal capital.
  5. The rate is only 6-11% and depends on the type of property being purchased.

A large family in which the mother or father is not yet 35 years old can apply for participation in another program called "Young family":

  1. A family can buy an apartment in a new building (primary housing market).
  2. The size of the mortgage loan is up to 2,200,000 rubles.
  3. An amount equal to 35% of the cost of the apartment is allocated from the federal budget to repay part of the mortgage (if there were no children in the family, the subsidy would be only 30%).

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2019 - subsidies for the purchase of housing

Important! If the subsidy funds for the family are not enough to purchase housing (there are no own savings), it is possible to allocate housing under a social rental agreement.

The subsidy program in the capital is implemented according to the following scheme, similar for all regions of the country:

  1. The government allocates a set amount of money free of charge to a large family, which is a targeted payment for the purchase of residential premises.
  2. The family turns to a banking institution with a request to repay part of the mortgage with housing subsidies or purchases an apartment, attracting (in addition to the subsidy) personal savings, borrowed funds or maternity capital funds.

In order for the family not to be denied a targeted payment, it is necessary to provide evidence that:

  • the family is indeed large;
  • parents have the status of low-income people (a certificate can be obtained at the “My Documents” service center);
  • the family really needs to improve their living conditions (they do not own an apartment or house, there is not enough living space for each family member, the housing is considered dilapidated, unsafe or does not meet sanitary standards).

The process of obtaining a housing subsidy will be speeded up by submitting documents indicating that a disabled person or a family member suffering from a contagious dangerous disease, such as tuberculosis, lives in the family.

RZhS = KChS x 18 x SSM2,

where RHS is the amount of housing subsidy;

KChS – number of family members living together;

ССМ2 – average market value of 1 sq.m. housing;

18 – the number of square meters of space per resident.

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2019 - subsidies for house construction

Important! A large family living in Moscow can apply for a free plot of land with an area of ​​15 acres.

If parents raising three or more children decide to solve the housing problem not by purchasing an apartment, but by building an individual residential building, the authorities will assist in this by issuing a subsidy:

  • for the purchase of building materials, hiring builders (you need to submit a report on the construction of at least 2/3 of the house after a certain time);
  • as compensation for construction costs (subject to supporting documents).

Expert opinion on the question of what documents need to be collected to process payments to a large family in Moscow

The official website of the Moscow Mayor provides a list of documents that will be needed for a large family applying for a subsidy from the federal budget:

Document A comment
Application for a subsidy Submitted to the “My Documents” service center or through the Moscow Mayor’s website
Large family certificate Issued at any “My Documents” service center
Children's birth certificates Or passports of children over 14 years old
Extract from the court decision on the adoption of children If the family has adopted children
Passport of the applicant (father or mother of a large family) If the documents are submitted by a representative, you will need a notarized power of attorney
Unified housing document, extract from the house register, certificate from the HOA/dormitory/housing cooperative/housing complex, copy of the financial personal account If your passport does not have a stamp indicating registration in Moscow
Certificate of absence of debts for payment of housing and communal services When receiving a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services
Certificate of absence of housing ownership Issued by the BTI (for registration of housing subsidies)
Driver license When applying for a car subsidy

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: A large family living in Moscow and owning a personal car is going to participate in a program to subsidize the purchase of a car.


Cash support due to vulnerable segments of the population includes government subsidies for low-income large families. Assistance to citizens with three or more children, including low-income people, is accruals, payments or benefits provided free of charge in order to improve financial status or improve living conditions.

Which family is considered to have many children?

Decree of the President of Russia No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families” contains a list of regulations regulating regional support for large families. There is no definition of a large family in Russian legislation. The decision about who falls under this status is made by regional authorities in accordance with local traditions and the financial and demographic situation.

Recognition Criteria

The procedure for defining this concept by local authorities cannot be considered completely free. There are a number of accepted criteria on the basis of which the corresponding status is assigned. These are the criteria:

  • the presence of at least three children - status is granted only to those parents who conscientiously fulfill their duties;
  • children have not reached 18 years of age (a child may turn 18 years old, and the age is extended to 23 years if he is studying at a university on a budgetary basis);
  • the parents are legal spouses; if they are divorced, the status will be granted only to the parent with whom the children live (also granted to a single parent);
  • adopted children are taken into account;
  • Children are not taken into account:
    1. who are fully supported by the state;
    2. transferred to guardians due to their parents’ evasion of conscientious performance of duties;
    3. in respect of which the parents were deprived of parental rights or these rights were limited.

Regulatory framework

The procedure for providing state support is regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431. The following legal acts are in force in the capital:

  • Moscow Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 defines a large family as one that has at least three children (see Article 2 “Basic Concepts”).
  • Decree of the Prime Minister of Moscow dated June 30, 1992 No. 1619-RP classifies families with at least three children under the age of 16 or older as large families if they are students of secondary schools.

Subsidies for large families

Subsidies for large families are budget funds allocated to reimburse part of expenses in order to provide material support. They are provided for by federal legislation, but are currently implemented at the regional level. We are talking about the following types of support:

  • Housing subsidies are financial assistance that reimburses part of the costs associated with purchasing housing or improving living conditions.
  • Utility subsidies are a preferential form of payment for housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services). Discounts can range from 30 to 50%, set regionally. Some regions reimburse funds spent on purchasing firewood.
  • Providing housing (apartment or house) for social rent. In this case, the family is excluded from the queue for housing.
  • Land subsidy - federal programs regulate the right to receive a plot of land for housing construction and/or farming.
  • Targeted subsidies - other benefits for children (for example, a plot of land is provided for use for farming, which is temporarily excluded from the tax base - there is no need to pay land tax, state financial assistance is provided for the development of a business, and a grant of a loan is provided).

To pay for housing and communal services

Benefits in the housing and communal services sector are provided to parents who have three or more children. The exercise of the right is of a declarative nature - one of the parents should contact the social protection authority at the place of registration. A subsidy for housing and communal services for large families - 30% of the cost of the service - is calculated separately for each utility service.

To improve living conditions

The right to improve housing on a preferential basis provides for compensation aimed at partially covering the costs associated with the purchase of housing (citizens must pay the rest themselves). The period for its provision depends on the state of the municipal budget. The size of payments determined by the state ranges from 10 to 70% depending on the region.

The formula for calculating the absolute value of the subsidy is: CC = RS × PPL × %, where:

  • СС – subsidy amount;
  • RS – average market value of 1 sq. m of housing in the region;
  • PZH – the area of ​​purchased housing that is subject to the conditions for providing compensation. The formula for calculating life expectancy = N + DM - life expectancy, where:
    1. N – standard total area of ​​housing;
    2. DM – size of additional footage;
    3. TL – total area of ​​housing;
  • % - percentage of reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of housing, established by the region.

Cash assistance to pay for housing and communal services

Federal authorities have established a minimum discount of 30% of the cost of utilities. Local authorities have the right to increase the amount of the benefit. In addition to receiving discounts when paying for housing and communal services, a large family that finds itself in a difficult financial situation has the right to receive monetary compensation for rent. Another regional assistance scheme - for example, the management company gives a discount by reducing the amount in the receipt, and the social security authority covers the company's losses associated with the provision of the benefit - is not considered a subsidy.

The table compares the features of regional benefits for housing and communal services:

The subject of the Russian Federation

Description of utility benefits

Moscow region

50% of the cost of services

Rostov region

Crimea and Sevastopol

Krasnodar region

Subsidy for a period of 6 months if the cost of paying for housing and communal services exceeds 15% of total income

Chelyabinsk region

A fixed payment of 1,100 rubles per month, provided that the income is below the regional subsistence level

Saint Petersburg

40% of the cost of services - to parents who have from 4 to 7 children, 50% - from 8 or more

Nizhny Novgorod Region

50% of the cost of services, ½ the cost of heating oil and the cost of its delivery

Who can apply

The state subsidy program provides cash assistance to large families with low incomes. Citizens falling under this category are:

  • with a total family income below the subsistence level (poor);
  • spending more than 10% (Moscow), 15% (Krasnodar Territory), 22% (other regions) of the family budget on housing and communal services;
  • occupying municipal housing;
  • permanently registered at the place of residence;
  • those who rent private housing or are owners in a housing cooperative;
  • single parents who have documented their status;
  • unemployed or having problems finding employment, who have officially confirmed their status by providing a certificate from the Central Social Security Service;
  • having no rent debts.

How to get

Receiving a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services is of an application nature. The procedure for applying for subsidies for housing and communal services is as follows:

  1. Submit an application for a subsidy.
  2. Collect a package of documents required by the social security authority to apply for a subsidy.
  3. Submit the documents and/or copies thereof and the completed application to the local social security authority.
  4. Wait for the submitted documents to be verified (takes about 10 business days).

List of required documents

To apply for a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services through the social security authority at your place of residence, you should collect a package of the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificates - for each child in the family;
  • information about the bank account that will be used to deposit funds;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of settlements for housing and communal services;
  • documents confirming the rights of ownership or use of housing;
  • other documents and/or copies thereof required to be provided by the regional social protection authority.

How to get a housing certificate

A housing certificate is a certificate confirming a citizen’s right to receive social benefits from the federal budget, which will be used to purchase housing in the existing housing stock. You can use the certificate as a down payment on an interest-free mortgage if you can find a credit institution that is ready to issue a mortgage loan for rebuilt housing.

Conditions of receipt

You can receive the required housing certificate once in your life; it can be used only when purchasing a finished home. The certificate cannot be transferred to third parties. You can stand in line to receive a certificate provided that a large family:

  • does not have ownership rights to the living space and does not own housing under a social tenancy agreement;
  • has property rights to housing or under a social tenancy agreement, but the area of ​​housing is less than the accounting norm (less than 10 sq. m per person);
  • owns housing that is in disrepair;
  • has a family member who is seriously ill (suffering from an open form of tuberculosis), and several families live in the apartment.

Requirements for potential subsidies

Housing subsidies for large families can be issued from the regional budget; assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis and directly depends on the financial capabilities of the region. Applicants must meet 2 requirements:

  1. Have the status of a low-income family. If the average per capita income is below the minimum per capita income in the region of residence of a large family, it receives the status of a low-income family. You can calculate the average per capita family income (API) using the formula: APP = OD/3/K, where:
    • SSD – average per capita family income;
    • ML – total income during the 3 months preceding the application to the social security authority, which includes not only the amount of salaries of working family members, but all types of cash payments that form the family budget;
    • K – number of members.
  2. Need to improve living conditions.

Queue for housing

The gratuitous transfer of state-owned apartments or households for personal use is limited and controlled by regional social protection authorities - the needs of those wishing to be satisfied are carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. Compliance with all requirements for subsidies is a preliminary stage. The main step is to get on the waiting list for housing or a housing subsidy.

Registration procedure

Members of a family that has been recognized as in need of improved living conditions draw up and sign an application for a housing subsidy. Having prepared an application, you should submit it to the government agency responsible for the distribution of subsidies. In Moscow, the Department of Housing Policy is responsible for the distribution and assignment of subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing.

What documents are needed

To get in line to receive a housing subsidy, you should collect a package of necessary documents and/or copies thereof. Here he is:

  • passport;
  • certificate of residence;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • birth certificates for each child;
  • parents' marriage certificate;
  • documents for housing;
  • documents confirming the status of a low-income family;
  • other documents required to be provided by the regional authority.

Validity period of the housing certificate

A housing certificate is considered valid from the moment it is signed by an authorized person of the body that issues it. The validity period of the certificate is calculated from the moment of issue, established by the Rules for the issuance and sale of state and housing certificates. It amounts to:

  • in case of provision of a certificate to a bank or credit organization – 2 months;
  • general – 9 months;
  • in case of replacement, if the replacement is not related to the death of the owner - 6 months.

Intended use

All housing subsidies for large and low-income families are issued from the regional budget on a first-come, first-served basis and are targeted. Rules for intended use:

  1. Financial resources for full or partial payment of the cost of housing are transferred free of charge.
  2. The intended use of the subsidy is specified by regional legislation (purchase of an apartment on the primary or secondary market, financing the construction of a house).
  3. Directing housing subsidy funds towards full or partial repayment of expenses when purchasing an apartment in a building under construction is possible if the regional degree of readiness is observed (in Moscow - at least 70%).
  4. The purchased residential property is not under any encumbrance.
  5. You can get a free plot of land for the construction of a residential building.
  6. The right of ownership of the purchased housing extends to all members of a large family.

To purchase an apartment

This measure of government support does not involve the issuance of cash. A person entitled to receive a housing subsidy for the purchase of an apartment will only be given a housing certificate. The subsidy rarely covers the entire cost of housing - the certificate holder will need to make his own contribution. The subsidy can only be used to purchase housing, including an apartment.

Subsidy for house construction

It is better to receive a government subsidy for building a house before starting construction work. The intended purpose of this type of support is compensation for the purchase of construction and finishing materials and payment for hiring construction crews. The financial resources allocated by the state must be spent within 6 months; when applying for help, 2/3 of the house must be built.

If you apply for a benefit upon completion of construction, you must have payment documents confirming the expenses made: checks, receipts, bank statements about money transfers. You cannot build an object that is not a residential building (for example, an office space). Compensation is credited to the appropriate bank account for the designated purpose.

What other assistance is provided for large families in Moscow?

Explore all the Moscow privileges you are entitled to in the table below:

Benefits and subsidies for large families


Skip-the-line admission to kindergarten

Receive free prescription medications

Receiving free dairy products

Exemption from kindergarten fees


Free school breakfasts

50% discount on travel on public transport

Free vacation in a sanatorium or summer camp

The right to receive free textbooks

The right to free access to paid sports sections


Free or discounted lunches

Preferential form of payment for travel on public transport


Free travel on city public transport

Right to free parking for a year

Exemption from transport tax

Free visits to zoos, exhibitions, parks, museums with children once a month

Discount admission to the Bolshoi Theater

Free visit to Moscow baths

The right to receive a garden plot

Right to receive housing subsidies

Maternity pension supplements

The right to temporary use of social housing if the number of children is equal to or more than five

Reimbursement for telephone services

Moscow large families are entitled to receive compensation for paying for a Moscow home telephone. The amount of compensation is 190 rubles monthly. You should contact the regional social protection department for this. If several phone numbers are registered, the benefit will be provided if you pay for only one of them to choose from.

Monthly allowance for the second and each subsequent child

Benefits include EDV for caring for the second and each subsequent child up to 1.5 years old in the amount of 6131.67 rubles. EDV for a child under 3 years old is 50 rubles, i.e. 1800 rub. for the entire period. The regional coefficient does not significantly affect it. The state has established a payment to large families in the amount of the subsistence minimum of 9,700 rubles. If a large family finds itself in a difficult financial situation, one parent works or the children are raised by a single parent, each minor (under 18 years old) child is entitled to a monthly allowance of 500 rubles.

Additional one-time payments at the birth of a baby

Table with a complete list (current as of 02/01/2018) of one-time cash payments:

Type of benefit

Benefit amount, rub.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

Maternity capital at the birth of a second and subsequent child

One-time payment to Moscow residents:

  1. at the birth of the first child;
  2. second and subsequent ones;
  3. with the birth of three or more children at the same time.

One-time payment to wives of military personnel undergoing compulsory military service (for each child)

Tax deduction of 13% for repayment of child education fees


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Large families are one of the categories that have the right to count on state support from the regions in receiving housing subsidies. To do this, you need to be patient and follow the necessary steps step by step.

How can Muscovites with many children receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing?

For many years now, the country has had a comprehensive program of assistance to fathers and mothers of large families, according to which support is provided not only at the state level, but also at the regional level. The most serious problem is housing. Authorities have developed programs to reduce the burden on parents.

What subsidies are there for large families in Moscow?

This year, assistance is provided to pay for housing and communal services, as well as to purchase housing: a finished apartment or house, as well as to compensate for construction work and materials. Funds are not issued in cash, but are transferred to a bank account.

Laws that govern these issues include:

  • decrees and laws adopted in the region.

Housing benefits for large families

The allocation of subsidies for the purchase of housing depends on the availability of property or a mortgage or the absence thereof. They can count on receiving financial assistance only if Muscovites really need it.

Money can be allocated not only for finished housing, but also for the construction of a house. In this case, the area standards for each family member must be taken into account. The size of the subsidy depends on their number and can be as follows:

The amount of monetary compensation cannot be greater than the cost of the purchased materials, as well as the work of the builders.

To pay for electricity and utilities

Standards are set at the regional level. They depend on the number of citizens living there and other indicators. Thus, a ratio of 22 percent is established as the final threshold for income from the family budget, which is spent on paying for utilities. Regions can set their own indicators (but not worsening the situation compared to those established at the state level). For example, in Moscow it is 10 percent. If this figure is higher, then the utility bill is subject to compensation.

Subsidies for home improvement: where to apply

It is best to start the process by contacting local authorities to clarify information. The fact is that additional documents may be required in addition to those that are usually provided in such cases. It may also be that officials will suggest some other features specific to a particular region.

Does everyone get housing subsidies?

To qualify for a subsidy, you must meet a number of criteria. So, the following can count on this help:

  • young families;
  • if there are 3 or more children;
  • citizens living in conditions requiring housing improvement.

Thus, large families by law fall under the criteria of citizens who are given a housing subsidy.

Who is entitled to subsidies for the purchase of an apartment?

Citizens of the country living in Russia can apply for a housing subsidy. Foreigners and stateless persons will not receive cash assistance. In addition, citizens should not receive government support for any other programs related to housing improvement. The applicant must also reside in the region on a permanent basis.

Required documents for families

The main documents required to receive a housing subsidy include the following.

  1. Statement.
  2. Identification.
  3. Documents about the birth of children.
  4. A document confirming marriage.
  5. A certificate stating that there is no debt to pay for utilities.
  6. Document confirming no criminal record.
  7. Extract from the brownie.
  8. Certificate of income.

When submitting documents, you will need to fill out an application in the prescribed form, which indicates personal data, address and income.

Reasons for refusal

Submission is carried out in person or through an authorized person (then, among other things, a power of attorney must be issued for him), as well as on the State Services portal. Officials review documents within ten days.

If it is discovered that a document is missing, the review will be extended to 30 days. During this time, the applicant must submit the missing papers.

Otherwise, housing subsidies will be refused. If the applicant is legally entitled to receive a subsidy, and there are no reasons for refusal, a positive decision is made. When the turn comes, the corresponding amount is transferred to the bank account.

What to look for

Some of the documents have a limited validity period. If documents are submitted when the certificate is no longer valid, they will either not be accepted or will be asked to submit it later. In any case, you will have to run around and prepare the document again. This can be avoided if you are more careful in collecting documents.

Muscovites with many children can count on both compensation for housing and communal services and receiving a housing subsidy. While obtaining compensation for communal services is usually not difficult, obtaining a subsidy to improve living conditions will not be easy. But if you set a goal, you may be able to save money on purchasing your own home.

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