I have no complaints about receiving the money. A receipt for no claims and how to write it? Receipt for compensation after a road accident

In cases of road traffic accidents, disputes and conflicts always arise. However, there are cases when the culprit expresses a desire to compensate for the damage on his own. In order to document this, they are compiled.

Table of contents:

What is a receipt, errors when issuing it

A document that confirms the receipt of any property, money, or obligation to fulfill a claim is called a receipt. Such a paper, drawn up without errors and notarized, can participate in the case if necessary.

There are accidents on the roads varying degrees severity and are classified differently. Therefore, today the following types of receipts are relevant:

  • on payment of compensation related to damage;
  • about the absence of complaints;
  • about the absence of claims against the culprit in in case of an accident with pedestrians.

When drawing up a document on compensation for damage after an accident, it is necessary to give detailed description all the details of the incident. The more subtleties listed, the better.

Today there is great amount methods of deception or fraudulent activity. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, you should take into account the risks when issuing receipts, namely:

You can avoid such wrong steps thanks to:

  • help qualified specialist V legal field, as well as when studying legal norms on this occasion;
  • drawing up and signing a document after a certain period of time, because the state of the drafter immediately after the incident may be overly emotional and agitated;
  • implementation of all necessary examinations, including medical ones, for an objective assessment of the harm caused.

A small disadvantage is that you have to pay for services law firm, and expert institution. However, this warns against attempts at deception on the part of the perpetrator of the incident.

It should be noted that specified information in the receipt, which indicates the absence of complaints or the refusal of attempts to go to court, cannot prevent the filing of a statement of claim.

Another alternative is to draw up a settlement agreement that takes into account the interests of both parties. It is compiled in several copies, which are kept by all participants.

How to draw up a receipt for compensation for damage caused

Legislation Russian Federation not provided special form drawing up a receipt. However, when drawing it up, it is necessary to be guided by the provisions of Chapter 28 of the Civil Code.

The main requirements for creating a document based on it are:

To be more confident, it is better to draw up two receipts: one for payment of damages, the other for receipt of funds and waiver of claims. If the sum of money comes from a lawyer, it must be explained that the money is received from legal entity who works for the culprit specific case, indicating your full name.

How to write a no-complaints receipt

Typically, such receipts are drawn up if two parties are at fault for a given accident. When there are no claims against each other, and the participants are ready to disperse without involving traffic police officers, you can draw up this kind of document to protect yourself from penalties. Both parties draw up receipts and exchange them. They are compiled in free form However, there is information that must be provided:


You should always check the document, because an insignificant error in the number or letter of the passport data or information about the car will invalidate it, as a result of which it will not be able to serve as evidence in court. Also, the paper should not contain grammatical errors, strikethroughs, corrections.

Please note that the receipt must be kept for at least three years. However, if the document is drawn up during the trial, it is attached to the case file. In this case, it is better to make a copy for yourself, which is certified by a legal entity.

Do you want to personally compensate the victim for the harm caused by paying a certain amount? Fine! Have you forgotten about the receipt? And do you know how this document is drawn up correctly? If you are not sure, read this article, otherwise you may have to pay twice for the same accident!

And it will be useful for the person receiving the money to familiarize himself with this material, because in the event of an error on his part, he may receive a ridiculous amount and at the same time lose the right to receive any other compensation.

Therefore, today I will talk about how to correctly draw up a receipt when receiving money in case of an accident. Go!

Often in accidents, a situation occurs where the harm-doer privately transfers compensation to the victim. This usually happens in the case, since it is not reimbursed by insurance, but sometimes the culprit gives money both for treatment and for compensation for another, in order to resolve the issue without the insurance company, etc., so that the victim does not have claims against him, which important when determining punishment for an accident in which people were injured.

The receipt has to be used when receiving money from the culprit, when he has it, or simply when the participants in the incident decide to reach an agreement on the spot, without calling the traffic police or contacting the Investigative Committee.

A receipt for receipt of funds is sometimes accompanied by a receipt for no claims, and sometimes combined with it. In general she looks like similar document about compensation for damage, but the emphasis is on the fact of receiving money, because you can only pay for some part of the damage.

Receipt for receipt of funds in case of an accident with a pedestrian

Accidents involving pedestrians are perhaps the most likely to require a private transfer of money from the driver because:

  • pedestrians are injured in almost all accidents in which they become participants;
  • Regardless of guilt, the car owner is obliged to compensate for all damage injured pedestrian.

Now it has become much easier to receive payment for health damage under compulsory motor liability insurance from an insurance company (IC), and maximum amount quite large - 500,000 rubles.

Why sometimes the driver has to pay himself

But in some situations the driver has to pay himself, these are cases when:

  • insurance does not cover expenses for treatment;
  • the victim demands compensation moral damage , which is not compensated by the insurance company;
  • the driver voluntarily pays the money as a way to make amends, especially since the process of receiving payment from the insurance company always takes some time;
  • the participants in the accident decide to reach an agreement without contacting the insurance company.

As you can see, the reasons for payment and compensated harm can be different, therefore, in the receipt, among other things, it is necessary to clearly state what exactly is being compensated and that the recipient of the money no longer has claims for the compensated harm.

Why is it important for the driver to compensate the victim’s expenses, especially for treatment?

For the driver, the absence of demands on the part of the victim always plays a positive role in the trial, which will certainly happen if caused.

Note. A person who has compensated for damage that is covered by insurance has the right to make demands on the insurer to return the funds paid to him, naturally, only in the amount of the insurance company's liability and upon presentation of documents confirming the occurrence of liability, the validity of compensation, and the fact of compensation. And you will need to notify the insurance company about the accident as usual. True, insurance premiums are not always paid voluntarily; it may be necessary to go to court.

Thus, we can advise, when a serious punishment is threatened, to compensate the damage to the victim as much as possible, since the amount paid can be recovered from the insurance company, and your actions will be perceived by the court as making amends, which almost always results in minimizing the punishment.

Why is such a document needed?

Naturally, you cannot rely only on human honesty, and government agencies also need documents to confirm this or that action. Therefore, when transferring money, including in case of an accident, you must make a receipt.

Both the transferor and the recipient of funds need to know how to draw up this document. The fact is that the receipt must be written by the one who received compensation, and the one who compensates for the harm is primarily interested in the correctness of its preparation, and, therefore, its effectiveness.

It is important for those receiving compensation to pay attention to what exactly is compensated by the amount received, so that it does not turn out that for 10,000 rubles you have waived any claims against the culprit.

How to write a receipt for money in case of an accident + sample

The receipt is written in free form, a form for it, as well as a special structure, are not provided. The main thing is the completeness of the information, not the form of registration. The paper must contain:

  • Full name, passport and contact details parties;
  • date, time and place drafting;
  • transferred amount both in numbers and in words;
  • Why did the obligation to compensate for damage arise?, that is, the circumstances of the accident;
  • what exactly is compensated;
  • no complaints for compensated damage.

More details important aspects, indicated in the receipt, are discussed in the next subheading, but for now you can download.

Basic rules for drawing up a receipt when transferring funds

It is important to understand that a receipt is important document, which will confirm the fact of compensation for harm to the victim. Unfortunately, not all people are honest, and therefore it is necessary that the document drawn up is valid not only for the parties involved, but also for the court.

Therefore, in order for the receipt for the transfer of funds to be irrefutable evidence You must follow the following generally simple rules.

How to write so that you can easily establish authenticity

It is best to write a receipt by hand and only with a ballpoint pen, and it must be written by the person receiving the funds. In case of disputes regarding the validity of the receipt, a handwriting examination may be required.

And the handwriting of the person who wrote the receipt will clearly indicate who wrote it. And you have to write with a ballpoint pen, because only by the text written with it can you establish who and, most importantly, when wrote the document. Relatively gel pens such a study is impossible to conduct. Well, don’t forget about the possibility of gel ink spreading when moisture gets on the sheet, which is why you should also fill it only with a ballpoint pen.

Note. Many colored laser printers They leave so-called yellow dots on the paper, almost invisible during normal examination. They encrypt information about the date and time of printing down to seconds, as well as information about the device, including even serial number. Therefore, it is quite easy to prove the authenticity of a document printed on such a printer, but it will also require special examination.

Beware, scam!

Now you can buy pens with disappearing ink, the information written with it becomes invisible after some time. Although the examination will also reveal the “disappeared” text, this is additional trouble and expense. Therefore, make sure that the receipt is written with a simple ballpoint pen, preferably belonging to the person transferring the money.

How to correctly indicate the amount

The transferred amount must be written in both numbers and words. Moreover, if there is a discrepancy between these numbers, preference is given to those written in words. The text must indicate the passport details and addresses of both parties. If compensation is paid foreign currency, you must specify its name exactly.

Witnesses are the most convincing evidence

In court, this is perhaps the most compelling argument in favor of the authenticity of the document. If there is evidence from witnesses, a handwriting examination is often not even required. Naturally, interested parties and immediate relatives cannot be witnesses.

The mental state of the recipient is a legally significant point

And there is also a danger of declaring the receipt invalid because, when drawing up the receipt, he was in a state in which he could not be fully responsible for his actions. Typically this is:

  • Drunk;
  • old age(over 65 years old);
  • health disorder, especially mental.

Therefore, if the recipient of the funds is unwell or drunk, it is better to postpone the transfer of money. When will nothing change over time? mental illness, age), it is necessary that the receipt be certified by a psychiatrist, who will confirm the sane state of the writer at the time of preparation, or by a notary.


Certification of a receipt by a notary is also an argument confirming the authenticity, but if the other rules for drawing up a receipt are not followed, even the signature and seal of a notary may not be enough.

In general, there are three possible options for drawing up a document on receiving funds:

  • in simple written form;
  • the notary verifies the signature on the form, and the receipt itself is also written by hand on plain paper;
  • the receipt is drawn up by a notary on his letterhead.

The second option is most preferable, so you will have a sample of the recipient’s handwriting, but the third method is also very reliable.

What to do after registration

And, of course, you need to carefully store the compiled document in a safe place. By the way, the signature of the person indemnifying the damage on the receipt is not necessary, since the receipt remains with him, but it will not be superfluous.

You can also make a copy of the receipt, which will remain with the recipient of the money. In this case, on each form you must sign: “ This document compiled in 2 copies. One was given to the victim, the second to the culprit.”

  • ask for a receipt with each transfer of funds;
  • pay attention to what exactly is compensated the amount received;
  • do not allow corrections, it’s better to rewrite it again, and in as a last resort certify the corrections with the signatures of both parties;
  • re-read the entire receipt carefully Before signing, check the accuracy of the information provided.


Now you know how to properly draw up a receipt in case of an accident and more. Following simple rules set out in this article will provide confidence that everyone will receive or pay the amount agreed upon.

If you already have experience in making such receipts, tell us about it in the comments. It will be useful both to other people reading this article and to me. In the same form you can ask questions on the topic.

In this video, the director of the Northwestern Center Forensic Expertise will tell you how to correctly draw up a receipt, and what are the chances of winning on it in court, depending on how it was drawn up.

Does the person at fault for the accident want to compensate for the damage themselves? Fine. But it is important to correctly document the fact of compensation for the damage caused. Otherwise, either the victim will not be able to receive anything, or the culprit will have to pay twice as much.

A correctly drawn up receipt for compensation for damages in case of an accident will help to avoid all this. Of course, it will not provide a guarantee in all cases, but when it is important to confirm compensation for harm, it cannot be done without it.

With you, as always, Ilya Kulik. Go!

There are often situations when the damage caused in an accident is compensated privately by the culprit himself. This usually happens when:

  • impossible to obtain full refund By By for legal reasons(the reasons may be different, for example, the culprit does not have a policy or the need to compensate);
  • the participants in the accident do not want to contact the Investigative Committee, for example, so that the culprit does not lose a discount for accident-free driving, or so as not to bother with papers;
  • the culprit wants to voluntarily immediately compensate for the damage to the victim to make amends (relevant in case of accidents with victims).

Naturally, this fact of compensation for damage from the culprit must be formalized so that this action has legal force. But for this it is very important to correctly draw up a document confirming the event. This is what the indemnity receipt is for.

It is drawn up when the victim receives funds from the guilty party to compensate for damage. That is, it can be written both immediately after an accident, and a long time after it, if the parties come to an agreement.

Receipt – addition to main documents

Regardless of how the parties decided on the method of compensation for damage, it is desirable that the accident occur. Of course, when there are no injuries, drivers can do without calling the traffic police or without.

But if disputes arise regarding the same settlement of losses between participants in the accident, additional documents about the accident will not interfere. After all, it may turn out that one receipt will be insufficient proof of the relationship between opponents.

How to draw up a document correctly

There is no approved form for receipts. But it is very important that the document contains all the information confirming the rights and obligations of the parties. Thus, it does not matter how the paper is designed, the main thing is that there is the necessary content.

The text of the receipt must contain:

  • personal and contact information contracting parties, including passport details;
  • circumstances of the incident, allowing you to accurately determine where and when it happened, who exactly was involved, who is to blame, what the consequences were, the damage;
  • agreement reached by the parties for settlement of losses caused in an accident;
  • exact amount compensation (including in words), its justification;
  • type of compensation (cash payment, payment for repairs to the service desk, etc.);
  • procedure and method of compensation(cash, Bank transaction and other);
  • term compensation;
  • no complaints in the amount of damages to be compensated;
  • date, time and place writing a document;
  • signatures of the parties and their decoding;
  • information about witnesses drawing up a document.

You can download the document form. And it is also available for download when the damage is compensated in parts, separately moral, separately.

How to write

The receipt must be handwritten by the recipient of the compensation. Moreover, the ideal tool for writing is a simple ball pen. Only by using text written by hand with such a pen can a handwriting examination be carried out and establish who wrote it and when, if such a need arises. It is not always possible to accurately determine the signatory from one signature.

Don't forget about the existence of ink that disappears over time. A special examination will help restore such a text, but this will require time and money, and there is no need for unnecessary worries.

The amount of compensation must be indicated not only in numbers, but also in words, and in the event of a difference between the amounts, the advantage is given in letters. If a foreign currency is used, its name is written in full.

The receipt must necessarily contain an acknowledgment by the recipient that he wrote voluntarily and was of sound mind. When a receipt is written by an elderly person or someone with a health disorder, it is very advisable that this statement be certified by a notary, or even better, a doctor.

Certification of the document

One of the most powerful evidence of the authenticity of a receipt is witnesses. Two is enough, but not less. Their full name, passport and contact details are indicated. Witnesses sign at the end of the receipt. Please note that these are eyewitnesses of the drawing up of the damage compensation document, and not the accident itself.

But remember that close relatives and other interested parties cannot act as witnesses.

An optional but desirable addition is to have the signature certified by a notary. Moreover, it is possible both to certify signatures on an already drawn up document, and to write a receipt from a notary, sometimes even on his letterhead.

But keep in mind that the notary certifies the document itself, and not the obligations stated in it. And don't forget that notarization in itself is not 100% proof for the court of the authenticity of the document.

Completion of registration

Usually the receipt is issued in one copy, which remains with the person paying the compensation. If desired, you can make a copy, which will be in the hands of the recipient of compensation. The presence and delivery of a copy must be written on paper, indicating who it was issued to and the signatures of those who received it.

Keep in mind that renunciation of your rights is void according to the Civil Code, therefore, even after writing a receipt in which the victim waives all claims, he can quite legally sue the culprit.

Therefore, it is important that there is confirmation of the actual transfer of funds to the victim, which is usually formalized extra paper, but may also be included in the receipt for compensation for losses.

How to avoid mistakes when drafting a document

First of all, attention should be paid to the description of the circumstances of the incident that are important to the essence of the case. As I already said, it is ideal if you have documents about the accident from the traffic police and others government agencies, indicating the accident and its circumstances.

Contacting the traffic police to register an accident will also help avoid incorrect identification of the culprit of the accident. Therefore, in ambiguous situations, always call the traffic police and do not rush to admit guilt and compensate for damages.

It is important to clearly state what exactly and how the culprit compensates, so that what is written cannot be interpreted in two ways. The amount of compensation must be justified. Therefore, it is highly desirable to conduct an examination to assess the damage. This, of course, is expensive, but eliminates any disputes about the amount of compensation.

If you are in doubt about how to draw up a receipt correctly, contact a notary for help. And in any difficult cases related to road accidents, if you are not confident in your knowledge, consult a professional auto lawyer.

A receipt is not a loan

Some people incorrectly regard the receipt as a loan agreement. But this is not true, because a loan involves the transfer of valuables with mandatory repayment. When an agreement is reached between the culprit and the victim to settle the damage, no funds are transferred; one of the parties simply undertakes to compensate for the damage.

Therefore, it is not subject to the provisions of regulatory legal acts relating to the loan agreement. For example, you cannot demand money in a debt collection lawsuit. The receipt may be accepted by the court as confirmation of:

  • circumstances traffic accident;
  • confession of guilt;
  • reaching an agreement on settlement of losses.

Therefore, compensation should be demanded by a claim for damages from the person responsible for the accident, and the receipt will be a document confirming the right to such compensation.

Indemnity agreement

If those involved in an accident want to decide on the settlement of losses among themselves, but are not ready to directly transfer funds, they can enter into a damage compensation agreement among themselves.

Moreover, it is advisable to always write exactly the agreement, and only as an addition to it - a receipt. Because a receipt records the fact of compensation for damage, and an agreement is an agreement between the parties on how they will resolve the damage; it provides for broader opportunities, but does not always record the action of compensating for damage.

Receipt of obligation to compensate for damage

An analogue of an agreement is a type of receipt for damages. It certifies not the fact of compensation for harm, but the appearance of the culprit’s obligation to pay the victim for the damage caused in the accident. Usually, in addition to general information about the parties, it indicates:

  • circumstances incidents;
  • admission of guilt;
  • description of damage caused as a result of an accident;
  • payment term compensation;
  • amount of compensation and the damage covered by it - if known at the time of writing
  • penalty in case of failure to fulfill obligations (optional).

The basic rules for drawing up are the same as for a receipt when the victim receives compensation from the culprit. Only this document must be handwritten by the person causing the damage. available for download.

Receiving money paid to the victim from the insurance company

The one who will repay victim of damage, even the causer of harm, has the right to demand from the insurance company that insured the liability of the culprit the funds he spent on compensation.

Of course, only within the boundaries of the responsibility of the Investigative Committee. That is, an amount exceeding maximum payout the insurer will not compensate for “automobile insurance” or spent on compensation for moral damage.

What is needed for this

But for this it is necessary to comply with all formalities, as with regular receipt insurance payments (that is, notification in due date, provision of all documents), and confirmation:

  • occurrence of the policyholder's liability, that is, documents about an accident from the traffic police or the Europrotocol;
  • compensation amounts, for example, examination results;
  • settlement of losses by a third party, that is, a receipt, etc.

If all these conditions are met, the person who compensated for the harm to the victim and presented the relevant documents can receive his money back from the insurance company.

Of course, disputes may arise with the insurance company over whether it should pay and how much, but for such cases a complaint against its actions is provided, pre-trial claim and the court itself.

Compensation for damage in an accident with a pedestrian

If a pedestrian is injured in an accident, the driver must compensate for the damage, even if the accident was not his fault. In addition, pedestrians usually suffer severe injuries in accidents.

Therefore, we can say that accidents involving pedestrian traffic participants are typical road accidents with causing, in which the culprit strives to independently make amends for the damage, both moral reasons, and to reduce the possibility of causing bodily harm. And such settlement of losses is private and secured with a receipt.

If the pedestrian is at fault

But according to official statistics In approximately 40% of accidents involving pedestrians, they are at fault. And the culprit of the accident is obliged to compensate the harm to the victim, who in this case is the car owner.

But pedestrian liability is not insured, so compensation for damage caused by it illegal actions The culprit pedestrian owes the driver out of his own pocket. This is where a loss settlement receipt, which confirms that you have been reimbursed, comes in handy.

In this case, of course, the driver will also have to compensate for the damage suffered by the pedestrian. But if the car was insured, the insurance company will do this (to a limited extent under compulsory motor liability insurance, of course).

Article on the topic: accident caused by a pedestrian, driver's responsibility

  • don't rush to sign up immediately at the scene of the incident, especially if the situation is ambiguous. Take a time out, properly evaluate the incident, consult with a legal specialist - this can avoid many mistakes;
  • make sure that the receipt is not the only document about the accident, otherwise give Special attention the correctness of its preparation;
  • use as much as possible more funds , allowing in case of disputes to establish the authenticity of a document (witnesses, notarization, handwriting, etc.).


A receipt for compensation for damage caused in an accident is confirmation of compensation by the tortfeasor for the damage caused. But this document alone may not be enough to both confirm the termination of the culprit’s obligations to the victim and the need to compensate for the damage.

I, and the readers of the blog, will be interested in the real life experience of compensation for harm on a receipt. Therefore, if you have something to tell, write in the comments. And also do not hesitate to ask questions about what you read if everything is not clear.

Video bonus: 10 unexplored places on our planet. I'm sure you didn't even know about many of them!

That's all I have for now. Share what you read on social networks, subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already. Good luck to all!

P.S.: In the photographs in the article - Honda Accord Type-S from this page: drive2.ru/r/honda/999766.

Not all traffic accidents have adverse consequences both materially and morally. Such circumstances are usually recorded in a no-claims receipt after an accident. What is a No Claims Certificate after an accident? On whose behalf and in what cases is it compiled? What guarantees does such a paper provide and what legal force does it have? How to draw up a document and what data should be included in it? We will give answers to these questions in this article.

The essence of the document and the procedure for its preparation

Receipt of no claims after an accident - document legal nature, which is designed to regulate legal relations, first of all financial plan, between participants in an accident and become a guarantor of the protection of the rights of the parties, including in the event of litigation, being strong evidence. The document reflects the existence of agreements between the participating parties road accident. This document is intended to protect against possible fraudulent activities the other side. When preparing a paper, you must adhere to a certain structure, which involves indicating:

  • Name of the document;
  • Dates of writing;
  • FULL NAME. and passport data of the parties (participants in the accident);
  • Reflections complete absence all claims from the injured party;
  • Signatures of the parties.

Not legally defined uniform form, so the document can be written arbitrarily, taking into account the information listed above. In order to confirm the fact that there are no claims, you can enter information about the witnesses (their passport details, signatures) into the document, as is done in the sample receipt. It is also worth checking the place and time of the traffic accident in order to clarify the details and avoid further proceedings with the traffic police or other authorized bodies.

Cases of registration

A receipt is drawn up if a minor accident occurs without serious consequences and the participants in the accident were able to peacefully resolve the situation by reaching mutual agreements. In this case, accidents can occur not only between vehicles, but also with the participation of pedestrians. The purpose of such a receipt will be to record the agreements reached between the parties and other significant points. A document will be drawn up by each of the participants in the accident, confirming that there are no claims against the other participant in the accident. If the culprit has paid compensation, the injured party must also indicate that they received a certain amount of money as compensation. If both participants are to blame for a traffic accident, then, as a rule, each of them writes that he has no claims against the other participant in the accident.


In order for a document to have legal force, it must reflect full details about the accident, passport details of the parties and witnesses, and also certify the receipt with signatures. The document must be drawn up in at least two copies - for the victim and for the person responsible for the accident. In the future, the receipt of no claims will confirm the fact that the incident was resolved peacefully, and accordingly, no proceedings in the case are possible.

A receipt is a document obliging responsible person pay compensation after an accident.

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It is drawn up in cases where the person responsible for the accident did not have it with him, and the costs of restoring the car will have to be paid out of his own pocket.

Also, a receipt is drawn up when settling losses on the spot, without the participation of State Traffic Safety Inspectorate employees. The document is also necessary in other circumstances of the accident, for example, in the absence of claims by the drivers against each other.

Does it have legal force?

The receipt of the culprit of the accident has legal force, but little information is provided in the legislation about the legality of the document.

In particular, there is no information about the rules for drawing up receipts and unified form. This makes it possible to draw up a receipt yourself, with any content.

In order not to waste time drawing up a document after an accident, you should have a prepared form with you. All you have to do is enter the date, details and amount of damage.

It is important to consider that the receipt should indicate as much information as possible about the accident that occurred.

Describes the scene of the incident exact time, the circumstances that led to the accident and other information necessary to assess the damage and determine the culprit.

The document receives legal force provided that it contains the exact passport details of the participants in the accident, describes the location of the incident and bears the signatures of the parties. The document is drawn up in two copies.

Types of receipts for road accidents

There are often inaccuracies in receipts, which leads to legal proceedings and invalidation of the document.

To prevent this from happening, it is worth considering the existing types of receipts and learning how to draw them up legally correctly. This is necessary even for careful drivers who follow traffic rules.

IN unpleasant situation Anyone can be on the road, so you should consider the features of each type of receipt.

Of all existing species receipts are most often used:

  • about the absence of claims from the injured party;
  • about compensation for damages made at the scene of the accident;
  • about the absence of claims from the pedestrian.

No complaints

Sometimes after an accident the participants in the incident have no claims against each other. For example, when there is no harm to human health or damage to the car.

Participants in an accident may decide to disperse without calling the traffic police, but to avoid warning unpleasant consequences in the form of dishonesty of one of the drivers, a receipt is drawn up.

If drivers in an accident disperse on the spot without a receipt, then one of the parties risks getting hit administrative responsibility for leaving the scene of the incident.

It happens that drivers disperse peacefully without reporting an accident. After this, one participant leaves, and the second calls the traffic police.

It turns out that the first driver left accident scene and will suffer serious punishment (up to deprivation of rights). To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to draw up a receipt on the spot.

A no-claims receipt has legal force and great significance in court. The document will serve as proof of the innocence of the parties if the accident is recorded by the traffic police.

But it is important not only to draw up a receipt, but also to do it correctly, so that law enforcement there were no questions.

What data is needed

When drawing up a receipt, the following information must be indicated:

  • document number (default No. 1);
  • date of compilation (it would be useful to indicate the exact time);
  • Full name of the participants in the accident, their passport details;
  • witness data.

The text of the receipt is drawn up in in no particular order. You can indicate the factors that led to the accident and the reasons for refusing to call the traffic police.

In the text, the drivers describe that there was no harm to the car or people’s lives and that the losses were independently settled. At the end of the text it is indicated that there are no claims against the second party to the accident.


A document is drawn up in free form with the obligatory indication of the above-mentioned factors. The text looks something like this:



I, Petrov Petrovich, passport series 1111 number 222 222, issued by the Federal Migration Service for the Saratov region in the city of Saratov on January 31, 2011, living at the address: Saratov, st. Teplichnaya, house No. 8, apartment 206, I have no claims against Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov due to the accident that occurred on December 12, 2012 at 1:45 p.m.

The receipt is drawn up in a sober mind and sound memory, without exerting physical and psychological pressure from the outside.

Petrov's signature/date
Ivanov's signature/date

The second participant in the accident draws up a similar receipt, but on his own behalf. Both documents must be signed by the participants in the accident.

In how to correctly write a receipt in case of an accident, there is one important nuance. If the car is damaged, you should report it.

A receipt removes liability for damages, and it is not legal to demand that the culprit of the accident compensate for expenses in the future.

About compensation

Contacting an insurance company to receive compensation after an accident leads to an increase in the compulsory insurance premium and, accordingly, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in next period. This is the main disadvantage of involving traffic police officers and the insurer in an accident.

Although the injured party receives payment to repair the car, it waits a long period for this. And the amount received is not always enough to restore the car.

For these reasons, it is beneficial for drivers to disperse on the spot without calling the traffic police (which takes a lot of time). But if the car was damaged, the guilty party must pay the upcoming costs.

You can pay compensation in two ways:

  1. Pay on the spot.
  2. Pay after some time.

Trust to a stranger It’s not worth it, so a receipt is drawn up. The damage is assessed visually and the indicated amount is not always enough for repairs - this should be taken into account when refusing to call the traffic police.

Therefore use this method Loss settlement is only worthwhile if the damage is clearly visible and minor.

The receipt must indicate the amount of damage. You won't be able to get more money in the future. The document has legal force, and the agreement cannot be changed.

Information for compilation

A receipt for a minor accident must contain important information:

  • Full name of the injured and aggrieved party;
  • passport details of both participants in the accident;
  • the amount of damage indicated in numbers and words, in ruble equivalent;
  • the reason that led to financial obligations one driver in front of another - describes the damage to the vehicle.

It would be useful to indicate the circumstances that caused the accident and determine the guilty party. These facts can be indicated in back side receipts so that there are no problems with the law in the future.

The completed receipt is valid for 3 years from the date of preparation. Under certain circumstances, it can be appealed in court.

However, this case is subject to the law on contractual relations. This means that the parties can change the terms of the agreement only in exceptional cases.


The document looks like this:



I, Petrov Petrovich, living at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Stolichnaya, building 5, apt. 206, passport series No. 2345, number No. 456 789, received from Nikolay Nikolaevich Nikolaev, living at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Pionerskaya, house 13, apt. 654, the amount of 2,500 (two thousand five hundred) rubles in favor of compensation for damage caused to my car in result of an accident, which occurred on January 10, 2105 at 18:30.

I have no complaints against Nikolaev. I consider that the damage is fully compensated by what I received a sum of money. At the time of drawing up the receipt, he was of sober mind and sound memory. Physical and psychological pressure it was not provided.

The text of the document may be presented in a different form, but convey the main point. A receipt for receipt of money in case of an accident has legal force only if it is signed by the parties.

IN further victim will not be able to demand compensation for damages from the culprit of the accident.

About car repair

After Accident parties can agree on compensation for damages over a period of time if the at-fault party does not have funds at the scene.

Drivers can also agree to have their car repaired at the expense of the person responsible for the accident. If the victim agrees to wait, then a receipt is drawn up.

Several points are taken into account:

  • the terms within which the guilty party undertakes to repair the car must be negotiated;
  • all damage received is recorded, which is quite difficult to do without an expert (the driver can attribute damage received earlier);
  • the amount of damage is negotiated between the parties and indicated in the document. It cannot be changed later.

It is important to consider that car repairs must be carried out in deadlines. In case of violation of this rule the injured party has the right to go to court to recover compensation and penalties for each day of delay.

This type of receipt carries many risks. You can prevent them by carefully checking the documents of the guilty party and carefully filling out the receipt.

Only the owner of the car, who has the documents for the vehicle with him, can draw up a receipt with a promise to make repairs.

It's important to make sure that driver's license, the driver's passport and the car passport are issued for one person.

Information for compilation

When drawing up a receipt, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Full name of both participants in the accident, passport details;
  • date and time of the incident;
  • the scene of the incident;
  • car damage;
  • amount of damage;
  • the time period within which the culprit of the accident undertakes to compensate for the damage or make repairs.

You can also indicate the causes of the accident and information from witnesses. This is necessary to confirm the agreement of the drivers if one of them is dishonest.


In order not to get confused at the scene of the accident, you should familiarize yourself with an example of drawing up a receipt when choosing to repair a car at the expense of the at-fault driver.

When compiling, you should focus on specified text, but you can make changes:

Receipt No. 1


I am Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, having a passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation series 2222, No. 556 667, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Kamyshin, 08/23/2009, registered at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street, building No. 10, apartment No. 3, in full and in full I admit that as a result of the road accident that occurred on July 13, 2019 in the city, through my fault, I was caused material damage expressed in damage vehicle(VAZ2114, state number K111AM), owned by a Citizen RF Sidorov Nikolay Nikolaevich, passport 3456 No. 456 765, issued by the Federal Migration Service of Moscow on August 30, 2013 (driver).

Based on the above, and also taking into account achieved honey we have an agreement, I Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov undertake to repair Mr. Sidorov’s car in the amount of 13,500 (thirteen thousand five hundred) rubles. Payment the specified amount will be full compensation material damage caused by me.
Cash I undertake to pay in in full until August 13, 2019.

Guilty Party Signature/Date
Affected party's signature/date

If the parties decide on damages in the form of monetary compensation, then this point is indicated in the receipt.

It is possible to change the text of the document indicating damage. In this case, the scratches and dents caused are described in detail, which the guilty party undertakes to repair. Repair amount in in this case it is not necessary to indicate.

After drawing up the receipt, the parties must provide each other with contact information for communication.

The injured driver should write down the car number and other information obtained from the documents. If possible, it is worth making a copy of your passport and driver's license.

To whom should the document be given?

The receipt is drawn up in two copies for each participant in an accident. This is the case if the culprit of the accident is determined. If the drivers have no claims against each other, two different receipts are drawn up from each side.

If the culprit is identified, but the driver does not yet have the funds to compensate for the damage, then a corresponding receipt is drawn up.

In this case, the responsible person undertakes to make repairs or pay the due amount on time. In case of inaction of the culprit, a receipt is provided in judiciary to settle losses.

How does a refund work?

Having decided to compensate for the damage from own money, the driver can later return the money spent through the insurance company.

This opportunity is provided only to those who have moment of the accident had a valid MTPL policy.

In this case, the policyholder must contact his insurance company and provide the following documents:

  • receipt;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • evidence of damage to third parties;
  • confirmation of the occurrence of an accident.

You will need to write a statement indicating that compensation for damages was paid as a result of the accident.

Getting paid is not easy. Insurance Company may require an examination and assessment of the condition of the damaged vehicle. And this is quite difficult to do, especially if the repairs have already been made. Often it is possible to achieve payment only through the courts.

It is worth noting that after returning the money issued according to the receipt, the policyholder’s driving class is lowered and the KMB is lowered, which increases.

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