Presentation on the topic of railway safety. Presentation for class hour: safe behavior on the railway; presentation for a lesson on life safety on the topic

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For adults, spring and summer are vacation time, and for schoolchildren it is vacation time. And it is precisely at this time that increased attention to the behavior of children on transport is required.

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The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport, used by millions of people every day. In the capital region alone, commuter trains transport almost 500,000 people per day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time created a lot of dangers for people. In the spring and summer, the number of injuries in transport increases.

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The main causes of injury to citizens by railway rolling stock and electric shock to the contact network are ignorance and violation of safety rules when in the area of ​​railway tracks, unjustified haste and carelessness, reluctance to use crossing bridges, tunnels and decks, and sometimes mischief, hooliganism and games, like on railway tracks. tracks and in the surrounding area.

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Children's pranks involving climbing onto a carriage to take a ride are well known. Imagine how they end. After all, the voltage in the wires of the contact network is extremely high: up to 27,500 volts.

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People often walk along the railway tracks, apparently wanting to shorten the time. It would seem that there is a visible area behind and in front of you, but there is still danger. Why? - Often the railway becomes “pedestrian”; walking along the railway tracks is always associated with risk and danger to life. There are frequent cases of injuries to people walking along railway tracks or in ruts. If you are crossing railroad tracks and see a train approaching, you will not be able to accurately determine which path it will take. Hoping to maneuver, you can end up right under the wheels. It's not easy to stop a moving train. Its braking distance, depending on weight and path profile, averages about a thousand meters. In addition, we must take into account that a train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km/h covers 30 meters in one second. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track. Moreover, young people love to listen to music and do not take off their headphones when crossing paths. They don’t even hear the train whistle, and their visual attention is focused on how best to cross the tracks.

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Why is it impossible to cross tracks when there is no movement at all, and the approaching train is also not visible? - Only at first glance are stationary carriages safe. You cannot come closer than five meters to them, or crawl under the cars: every car at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any second. And if any protrusion or lever of the carriage catches on the clothes of a gaping person, then the unfortunate person will certainly be pulled under the wheels.

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It is known that it is dangerous to get between two moving trains, why? - The force of the air flow created by two oncoming trains is 16 tons, with such a load a person can easily be pulled under the train. Therefore, you cannot cross railway tracks where it is convenient or in a desire to reduce time.

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  • Pedestrians must cross railway tracks only in designated places, using pedestrian bridges, tunnels, and crossings. At stations where there are no bridges or tunnels, citizens must cross the railway tracks on decks, as well as in places where “Crossing the tracks” signs are installed.
  • Before crossing the path on the pedestrian deck, you must make sure that there is no moving train, locomotive or cars.
  • When a train, locomotive or cars approaches, you should stop, let them pass and, after making sure that there is no moving rolling stock on adjacent tracks, continue crossing.
  • When approaching a railway crossing, citizens should carefully monitor the light and sound alarms, as well as the position of the barrier. You can cross the tracks only when the barrier is open, and if there is no barrier, before crossing the tracks, you need to make sure that a train, locomotive or carriage is not approaching the crossing.
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    1. Walk along the railroad tracks.
    2. Cross and run across railway tracks in front of a nearby train, if the distance to it is less than 400 meters.
    3. Cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction.
    4. At stations and stages, crawl under the cars and climb over the automatic couplers to cross the track.
    5. Walk along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail.
    6. Walk across railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with paths for pedestrians.
    7. Stand on steps and transition platforms, open carriage doors while the train is moving, delay the opening and closing of automatic doors of commuter trains.

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    8. Travel on trains while drunk.
    9. Leaving children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages.
    10. Get out of the car at the intertrack and stand there as an oncoming train passes.
    11. Jump from the platform onto the train tracks.
    12. Organize various outdoor games on the platform.
    13. Smoking in carriages (including vestibules) of suburban trains, in places not designated for smoking on local and
    long-distance communication.
    14. Run along the platform next to the carriage of an arriving or departing train, and also be closer than two meters from the edge of the platform while the train is passing without stopping.

    “Increasing road safety” - Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Death toll. Improving road safety. Target program concept. State customer. Meetings of the Government Commission. Volumes of co-financing of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Cost optimization. Optimization of federal budget expenditures.

    “Road safety rules” - ABC of the road. Road signs. Walking zebra. Traffic Laws. City and transport. Roads. The first Russian car. Safety. Transport. Appeal to the guys. Inspector. Automobile. Traffic rules. Accident.

    “Safe behavior on the road” - Pedestrian path. Slippery road. List road users. Traffic controller signals. Knowledge of traffic rules. Beware "Children". Railway crossing with barrier. Crossroads. Movement of all vehicles and pedestrians. Give Way. A railway crossing without a barrier.

    “Injuries on the railway” - Accidents on railways. Lack of proper control. Classroom teacher. Schoolgirl. Outdoor games. Same type of damage. Violation of safety rules. Railways. Time interval. Railway. Briefing. Victims. Children's injuries on the railway. Special attention.

    “Road Safety Control” - Changing the standards of liability for violation of requirements. Life cycle of a memory card. Types of technical devices for monitoring work and rest regimes. Ensuring the functionality of control devices. Experience from Estonia. Samples of digital tachograph cards (Russia, AETR). Measures aimed at improving safety.

    “Rules of conduct on the railway” - Do not climb onto the roofs of cars. Do not carry objects that can injure citizens. Don't jump off the passenger platform. Move to a safe distance. Do not damage railway rolling stock. Do not open carriage doors while the train is moving. Do not damage railway equipment.

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    For adults, spring and summer are vacation time, and for schoolchildren it is vacation time. And it is precisely at this time that increased attention to the behavior of children on transport is required.

    The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport, used by millions of people every day. In the capital region alone, commuter trains transport almost 500,000 people per day. Increasing speeds in transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time created a lot of dangers for people. In spring and summer, the number of transport injuries increases.

    The main causes of injury to citizens by railway rolling stock and electric shock to the contact network are ignorance and violation of safety rules when in the area of ​​railway tracks, unjustified haste and carelessness, reluctance to use crossing bridges, tunnels and decks, and sometimes mischief, hooliganism and games, like on railway tracks. tracks and in the surrounding area.

    Children's pranks involving climbing onto a carriage to take a ride are well known. Imagine how they end. After all, the voltage in the wires of the contact network is extremely high: up to 27,500 volts.

    People often walk along the railway tracks, apparently wanting to shorten the time. It would seem that there is a visible area behind and in front of you, but there is still danger. Why? - Often the railway becomes “pedestrian”; walking along the railway tracks is always associated with risk and danger to life. There are frequent cases of injuries to people walking along railway tracks or in ruts. If you are crossing railroad tracks and see a train approaching, you will not be able to accurately determine which path it will take. Hoping to maneuver, you can end up right under the wheels. It's not easy to stop a moving train. Its braking distance, depending on weight and path profile, averages about a thousand meters. In addition, we must take into account that a train traveling at a speed of 100-120 km/h covers 30 meters in one second. And a pedestrian needs at least five to six seconds to cross the railway track. Moreover, young people love to listen to music and do not take off their headphones when crossing paths. They don’t even hear the train whistle, and their visual attention is focused on how best to cross the tracks.

    Why can't you cross the tracks when there is no traffic at all, and you can't see the approaching train either? - Only at first glance are stationary carriages safe. You cannot come closer than five meters to them, or crawl under the cars: every car at the station is in operation, so it can start moving at any second. And if any protrusion or lever of the carriage catches on the clothes of a gaping person, then the unfortunate person will certainly be pulled under the wheels.

    It is known that it is dangerous to get between two moving trains, why? - The force of the air flow created by two oncoming trains is 16 tons, with such a load a person can easily be pulled under the train. Therefore, you cannot cross railway tracks where it is convenient or in a desire to reduce time.

    REMEMBER! Pedestrians must cross railway tracks only in designated places, using pedestrian bridges, tunnels, and crossings. At stations where there are no bridges or tunnels, citizens must cross the railway tracks on decks, as well as in places where “Crossing the tracks” signs are installed. Before crossing the path on the pedestrian deck, you must make sure that there is no moving train, locomotive or cars. When a train, locomotive or cars approaches, you should stop, let them pass and, after making sure that there is no moving rolling stock on adjacent tracks, continue crossing. When approaching a railway crossing, citizens should carefully monitor the light and sound alarms, as well as the position of the barrier. You can cross the tracks only when the barrier is open, and if there is no barrier, before crossing the tracks, you need to make sure that a train, locomotive or carriage is not approaching the crossing.

    REMEMBER! THIS IS PROHIBITED ON THE RAILWAY: 1. Walk on the railway tracks. 2. Cross and run across railway tracks in front of a nearby train, if the distance to it is less than 400 meters. 3. Cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction. 4. At stations and stages, crawl under the cars and climb over the automatic couplers to cross the track. 5. Walk along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail. 6. Walk across railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with paths for pedestrians. 7. Stand on steps and transition platforms, open carriage doors while the train is moving, delay the opening and closing of automatic doors of commuter trains.

    REMEMBER! THIS IS PROHIBITED ON THE RAILWAY: 1. Leaving children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages. 2. Get out of the car at the intertrack and stand there as an oncoming train passes. 3. Jump from the platform onto the train tracks. 4. Arrange various outdoor games on the platform. 5. Run along the platform next to the carriage of an arriving or departing train, and also be closer than two meters from the edge of the platform while the train is passing without stopping.

    It is forbidden to cross the rails! Cross only in the designated place.

    Thank you for your attention.



    Shkreben V.

    gr.POSO – 103

    Head: Fominykh O.G.

    • 1. Railway tracks are objects of increased danger. By being on them, you are putting your life at risk. Never cross railway tracks in undesignated places, places not equipped for this purpose, and do not run in front of a passing train. Remember that the train cannot be stopped immediately.
    • 2. To cross railway tracks, use crossing bridges, pedestrian decks and crossings, pay attention to the signs “Crossing the tracks”, listen to the sound signals.
    • 3. Do not cross a railway crossing when there is a prohibiting traffic light or crossing signal, regardless of the position and presence of the barrier.
    • 4. Travel on the roofs and steps of cars, transition platforms and vestibules of cars, as well as on freight trains is strictly prohibited.
    • 5. Do not go to the interchange immediately after the train has passed; make sure that there is no train in the opposite direction. Do not crawl under the cars of a stationary train. The train can start moving at any moment.

    Reminder on safe behavior on the railway and railway transport facilities

    • 6. While waiting for the train, while on the platform, do not arrange games or other entertainment (photography, video filming) with access to the railway track.
    • 7. To avoid electric shock, do not climb onto the roofs of carriages. There is high voltage in the contact network. Do not climb onto supports and special structures of overhead lines, overhead lines and artificial structures, and do not touch live equipment under the carriages of passenger and electric trains.
    • 8. When using railway transport, follow the rules of behavior at stations and travel on trains.
    • 9. Do not crawl under passenger platforms and rolling stock; do not jump from the passenger platform on the track.
    • 10. Enter and exit the carriage when the train is completely stopped and only on the side with the boarding platform.


    • It is forbidden to leave children unattended on the railway - this can lead to tragic consequences. Always remember that children must be held by the hand or in your arms while on railway facilities.
    • The railway is not a place for games, but a high-danger zone! Take care of your life and the life of your children!
    • Any outside interference in the activities of railway transport is illegal, it is prosecuted by law and entails criminal and administrative liability (their parents are responsible for violations of safety rules by children).

    On the railway it is prohibited: 1. Walk along railway tracks at stations and stages. Don't risk your life! The railway track is not a place for walking!

    2. Cross and run across railway tracks in front of a nearby train, if the distance to it is less than 400 meters.

    3. Cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction.

    4. At stations and stages, crawl under the cars and climb over the automatic couplers to cross the track.

    5. Walk along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail. 6. Walk across railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with paths for pedestrians. 7. Stand on steps and transition platforms, open carriage doors while the train is moving, delay the opening and closing of automatic doors of commuter trains. 8. Travel on trains while drunk. 9. Leaving children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages. 10. Get out of the car at the intertrack and stand there as an oncoming train passes.

    11. Jump from the platform onto the train tracks.

    12. Organize various outdoor games on the platform 13.Run along the platform next to the carriage of an arriving or departing train, and also be closer than two meters from the edge of the platform while the train is passing without stopping. 14. On the railway, it is also prohibited to place foreign objects on the rails, throw stones at trains and other illegal actions, as they can lead to the death of people.

    Dear adults! Observe yourself and teach your children the safety rules on railway transport!

    Do not leave children alone and do not let them play near train tracks! Do not pass by indifferently the pranks of children near the railway.

    Thank you for your attention!!!

    The most surprising thing is that it was precisely the fight against these characters that Russian Railways was guided by when deciding to increase the cost of its services. Of course, it never occurred to anyone to estimate the income and expenses of citizens in order to understand how feasible such a rise in price would be for them. This is understandable; a successful official, one who makes decisions for the people, will never in his life have enough imagination to imagine what it means today to support a family on 20-25 thousand rubles a month.

    The number of people ready to join the action is impressive. The “private correspondent” had the opportunity to encounter more than one call for public disobedience. There are heated discussions in various communities and forums. The public categorically insists that the management of Russian Railways explain itself.

    Individual citizens share their experiences of traveling without a ticket on commuter trains and tell numerous stories about how and why they became “hares.”

    “They drove many low-income citizens into even more intolerable conditions. It is enough to take a commuter train to Elektrostal or Sergiev-Passad to understand that the conditions there leave much to be desired. There are constantly merchants, etc., trains are crowded at rush hour, it’s dirty.

    You can get to the final terminal, where people leave their tickets at the turnstiles as they pass, like me. Take a ticket, approach the passers-by with this ticket with complete confidence and say: “I can’t get through with the ticket I bought.” They will tell you: “It can’t be.” And you: “It’s not my problem, I paid the money, I demand passage!” And those who buy a ticket, leave it at the turnstile when the signal has already flashed, so that others can take it. Sometimes tickets don’t work, even when purchased. You can also follow someone. I always let someone walk behind me.”

    “If you don’t have a ticket, they roll out an uncharged card (if the controllers don’t have their own Tetris games), they roll out a partially charged card (not for the entire route), they check, shrug their shoulders, and give it back.

    Also, a couple of times he simply refused to pay and leave, saying that I’ll pick it up at the ticket office on the way out and don’t need the ticket service. They mumbled and moved on (although my build probably plays a role here).”

    “Now in Vesti they said that Russian Railways were forced to raise prices because travel on commuter trains is unprofitable. If our railway management is stupid and only knows how to steal, then it can copy the experience of leaders who are more humane towards their people.

    Regional authorities across the country are announcing increases in tariffs for energy and infrastructure services. Federally regulated tariffs are also rising. The total increase will be approximately 25%. This is not surprising - with a leaky state budget, the reduction of subsidies to the population is accelerating, and the growth of costs in the energy sector, housing and communal services and transport is still not restrained by anything.

    For example, in Germany. Easier than steamed turnips.

    1. We lower travel prices to a realistic level, so that it is not expensive either for the director of the bank, whose car did not start and he took the train, or for the student.

    2. We are dispersing Rusich LLC, installing controllers from Russian Railways, so that the taxes actually go where they should go, that is, for the development of railway transport.

    3. We raise fines to an amount several orders of magnitude higher than the cost of the ticket. For example, up to a thousand rubles.

    ALL! Before the increase on January 21, my ticket cost 66 rubles, and for a bribe to the controller you could get a ride for 30. It’s not hard to guess what 99% of citizens did.

    Honestly, I paid 66 rubles, fortunately I can afford not to feed these parasites from Rusich. After the increase, my ticket costs 92 rubles, and the bribe costs 40. What should I do?

    4. We install many, many machines everywhere where you can buy any ticket: discounted, full, for a dog, for luggage, at least a month in advance from any station to any station. At least within the region.

    Otherwise, for example, I have a monthly ticket to Beskudnikovo, if I go to Savelovsky station, then in theory I need to get out to Beskudnikovo, buy a ticket to the station and get on another train. Or pay for the same distance twice. Or jump over the turnstile (it’s not hard to guess what those who came up with this idiotic promotion are pushing us towards). Because for some reason the exit ticket counters stopped working.

    If I understand all this, then the big ass guys from Russian Railways also understand all this. And I think they also understand that with this increase they will suffer losses, because the last paying citizens have been turned into potential hares. Then why is all this?”

    “I can say to myself - I’ll definitely sign up as a rabbit now. Well, even these 16.5 rubles. I won't pay. And the majority are like me. Previously, at least 14-16.5 rubles. It was - it didn’t bother me at all, although there is an opportunity to ride for free - there are not turnstiles at all stations yet, and most importantly, there are no turnstiles at the station of residence, and there are unlikely to be any. But now that it’s 42.5 rubles one way... It’s cheaper to travel by car, it’s a pity it’s not there yet!

    Yesterday we calculated 42.52 for the train, 25 20 for the metro, and even to get to the station you have to go 25 20 for the bus, so it’s almost 200 rubles just to go to work.

    Shouldn't everyone go? There is not enough evil!”

    “We always paid for travel, but after last year’s price increase we became “hares.” Last year, in just three months, the price of a travel pass more than doubled (it was about 2 thousand, but now it’s more than 5 thousand). For us, given the crisis reduction in wages, this is unaffordable; it’s cheaper to pay the controllers. It's a shame. I don’t want to lie, but what should I do? For so many years we paid for “hares”, we rode standing from afar, while free riders sat.

    The quality of services, by the way, has not changed - the carriages were cold and remain so now, in some even the glass in the doors is broken, and this is in our weather conditions. It’s not serious to raise prices for this.”

    “When will official representatives of Russian Railways think of traveling on electric trains themselves to see the situation from the inside?

    After the check and sale of tickets among passengers was outsourced, i.e. attracted the “Moscow Suburban Company” (which ensured the presence of cashier-controllers on electric trains), fundraising, of course, should have increased hundreds of times. If fees are growing, then why are ticket prices not falling, but rather rising out of proportion to inflation? To understand this, it’s enough to ride a train from terminal to terminal 2-3 times during rush hour, when people from the Moscow region go to work.

    It's no secret that most of them go to the capital for 15-20 thousand rubles a month. Pay 150-300 rubles. per day, of course, is simply too much for them. For example, a ticket to Noginsk near Moscow costs about 150 rubles. one way. But you have to feed your families, so you have to look for a way out. This is where fast legs come to the aid of the “hares”. Why pay if you can just run across a couple of cars during the next train stop and jump into the one that the inspectors have already checked? The driver will still wait (in accordance with safety rules) until the last of them jumps through the doors. But “fast hares” are a smaller part of the total number of free riders. A much larger number of passengers prefer to give the cashier-controller 40-50 rubles. and move on. For this amount, ANY cashier-controller, without exception, will leave you alone.

    Even though they won’t give you any travel document and 90% of the paid amount will go into the pocket of the cashier-controller, but they will leave you alone. How can you call a “defaulter” or a “hare” the person who paid the escalating fare for himself? But the number of such passengers in one carriage sometimes reaches 90%. This is where the funds that should go to modernize trains, salaries for Russian Railways employees, etc. go. People say that inspectors now have many more traffic cops.

    At some stations located within the capital, 3 types of turnstiles (differing in design) have already been replaced. This did not in any way affect the flow of stowaways through them, but it’s hard to even imagine how much money was poured into purchasing and replacing devices. Why do this if there is not much practical sense?

    This suggests the idea that perhaps there was a need to utilize some financial budgets. The benefit of changing turnstiles is also very doubtful because at many stations the turnstile guards themselves will escort you to the exit for only 10 rubles. Although at the central stations, people say, you can’t come to an agreement and you either have to stand in line for 20-30 minutes to buy an exit ticket for 26 rubles, or (if you’re late for work) jump from the platform and stomp your feet on the tracks for a certain number of times. tens of meters away in search of a hole in the fence. I am sure that thanks to such adventures, the statistics of accidents on the railway are growing year by year.

    Is it possible with a light heart to pay a considerable sum for a ticket and at the same time travel for 2 hours standing not because of a lack of seats, but because the “hard worker” takes up 15-20 seats in the carriage not only for himself, but also for his “homies-colleagues”, which sometimes land even 20 minutes after the train departs. The argument is always simple: “They deliberately let me leave work early so that I could take a seat. What, goat, are your legs tired of standing? And working people who have worked hard all day should be concerned about your problems?” Of course, you can be indignant, but those who travel every day have already seen more than once how such representatives of the “working class” deal with the dissatisfied.

    Many people spend 3 or even 5 hours in electric train cars every working day. Isn’t the fee of 150 rubles too high for the squalor, brokenness and disgusting equipment (often even unheated due to malfunctions) of electric train cars? How can you compare the domestic “service” with the European one if the passengers themselves call the electric trains cattle trucks and cattle trucks? Although in terms of interior design and equipment for livestock, such a vehicle is quite suitable...

    (c) ZaMKADysh.”

    “I don’t understand either, wages fall - payments increase. I already take a ticket only to the next station and don’t see anything wrong with that. In fact, I’m paying Russian Railways 20% of what I paid before.”

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