Presentation on the topic of fighting corruption. Presentation "Fighting corruption from words to deeds" - Diana Sharikova

"No corruption!" Together - we are force!

Presentation prepared

9th grade student

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Volsk

Marushova Olga

Head Alpatova N.A.

  • Definition of Corruption
  • From the history
  • Corruption: PROS and CONS
  • How much does it cost to circumvent the law?
  • Consequences of corruption
  • Fight against corruption
  • Sayings for all times

Corruption is bribery, corrupting officials with bribes.

Corruption (from the Latin corrumpere - “to corrupt”) is a non-legal term that usually denotes the use by an official of his powers and the rights entrusted to him for personal gain, contrary to established rules (legislation). Most often the term is used in relation to the bureaucracy and the political elite.

  • BLAT,


In Russia, the first mentions of corruption, which was defined by the concept of “bribery,” come from Russian chronicles.

The first legislative restriction of corruption activities was implemented during the reign of Ivan III.

The Code of Law of 1497 established the investigative form of the process and provided for the death penalty and trade penalty (whip) as punishments.

The Code of Law expanded the range of acts recognized as criminal offenses: sedition, “church theft” (sacrilege), snitching; gave the concept of crime, as well as especially dangerous crime.

During the reign of Ivan IV, the death penalty was first introduced as punishment for excessive bribes.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, in the Council Code of 1649, an article “Punishment for a crime falling under the concept of corruption” appeared.

Under Peter I, there was a wide scope of corruption in Russia, and at the same time a brutal fight against it. Thus, Peter I, together with the collegiums, introduced the activities of the Secret Chancellery (Secret Police)

  • Pushchin I.I. served in the Moscow Court, fought against bribery. According to contemporaries, he was “the first honest man who ever sat in the Russian treasury chamber.”

The reign of Nicholas I: corruption became a mechanism of government, but the III Department was created for the security of the emperor and the fight against crime.

The decree on bribery was punishable by 5 years in prison with confiscation of property.

According to the Criminal Code, for bribery - execution.

The official fight was suspended because corruption was considered a rare phenomenon.

Corruption: pros and cons

  • TIME SAVING (no need to stand in line)
  • CONFIDENCE IN ACHIEVING THE GOAL (admission to a university without competition)
  • MATERIAL WELL-BEING (getting an apartment)
  • SETTLEMENT IN LIFE (envy from others)
  • OTHERS SUFFER (cannot get to the doctor)
  • REDUCED SELF-ESTEEM (do not believe in achieving the goal)
  • LOSS OF FAITH IN JUSTICE (they stop striving to move forward)

Unfortunately, corruption continues to LIVE.

And many people, thanks to the fact that corruption exists, achieved their goals:

  • rose through the ranks;
  • improved financial situation;
  • studied at a prestigious university;
  • receive elite medical services, etc.

How much does it cost to circumvent the law?

In its most concentrated form, corruption is represented in the so-called raiding - the seizure of someone else's property by bribing the “sovereign servants”. Here are just some prices for their “services” (in dollars):

Obtaining certificates and copies of documents about the enterprise - 1.5 - 5 thousand.

Suspension of the operation of an enterprise by fire supervision - from 15 thousand. Inspection by Rospotrebnadzor authorities - from 5 thousand.

Initiation of criminal cases against management and shareholders - from 50 thousand. Complex of investigative actions (searches, interrogations, etc.) - from 50 thousand. Cancellation by the prosecutor of the investigator's decision (OVD, UBEP) to initiate a criminal case (refusal to initiate) - from 50 thousand .

Seizure of original documents and their “accidental” loss - from 30 thousand.

Initiation of a bankruptcy case - from 20 thousand.

Tax audits, fines, seizure of funds in accounts - from 10 thousand. Accelerated registration of the transfer of ownership of an asset - from 25 thousand.

Postponement of a court hearing - from 10 thousand.

A court decision favorable to the raider - from 35 thousand.

On December 9, 2003, in the Mexican city of Merida, at a high-level political conference held there, the UN Convention against Corruption was opened, adopted by the UN General Assembly on October 31 of the same year.

This international treaty provides for appropriate measures to prevent corruption, punish those responsible, as well as all mechanisms of international cooperation in the war against it. It obliges all member states to implement anti-corruption policies, adopt appropriate laws and create special bodies to combat this phenomenon.

The Convention entered into force in early December 2005 after being accepted by 30 countries. Russia ratified only in March 2006.

On December 9, in many countries around the world there will be meetings, demonstrations, conferences, seminars and other events dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day.

Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation: “Corruption demoralizes society, corrupts the government and the state apparatus.”

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation: “Stop waiting! Corruption has become a systemic problem.”

The State Duma adopted the presidential anti-corruption bill in the first reading

It obliges officials and deputies to provide information about their family’s income and property every year, and punishes with dismissal for incomplete declarations or hidden participation in the work of business structures.

What Kremlin proposals were approved by the State Duma?

Not only officials, but also their spouses and minor children must declare income.

The maximum size of gifts to civil servants is RUB 5,000.

In the event of a conflict of personal and official interests, the official is obliged to inform management.

An official must report any facts of corruption on the part of fellow employees that become known to him.

During 2 years after resignation, an official cannot, without permission, hold positions in companies that he oversaw as part of his official duties.

As a punishment for a corrupt official, confiscation of property acquired illegally is provided.

Sayings for all times

  • “Cursed is he who takes a bribe to kill a soul and shed innocent blood! And all the people will say: Amen!”

(Bible, Deuteronomy, chapter 27, verse 25)

  • “The one who gives a bribe and the one who takes a bribe will both end up in hellfire.”

(Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, Collection “Gardens of the Good” by Imam An-Nawawi)

  • “Do not pervert the law... and do not take gifts; for gifts blind the eyes of the wise and spoil the work of the righteous.”
  • (Torah, Devarim, 16.19-20)

How can ordinary citizens fight corruption?

Take part in elections.

Conduct outreach work among the population.

Report to the appropriate authorities.

Only together can we achieve positive results in the fight against corruption.

Only together we can defeat corruption.

Don't be indifferent!

People, follow the laws!

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FEDERAL LAW ON ANTI-CORRUPTION December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ Corruption: a) abuse of official position, giving a bribe, receiving a bribe, abuse of power, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature, other property rights for oneself or for third parties, or the illegal provision of such benefits to the specified person by other individuals; b) committing the acts specified in subparagraph “a” of this paragraph on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity;

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The quadruple effect of corruption Political Officials of government agencies and bodies break the law when they use their official position for personal gain. Corruption causes the greatest harm to countries with developing democracies. Economic Reduction of national wealth. Allocation of scarce public funds to uneconomical projects. Retention of investments. Public Undermines citizens' trust in government. Failure of hopes and general apathy in a disillusioned society lead to civic weakness. Ecological Careless use of natural resources. Unsatisfactory regulatory system.

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TASK 1. The working definition of “corruption” is ... 2. Is it possible to determine the price of corruption? 3. How does corruption affect human life? 4. Give examples of corruption 5. Corruption flourishes where...

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Working definition of corruption: “Abuse of official position for the purpose of obtaining personal gain”

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Is it possible to determine the price of corruption? No. Giving bribes is not recorded, and they do not always take the form of money: favors, gifts, etc. It is even more difficult to quantify corruption in the social aspect: the price of the collapse of illusions...

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Corruption thrives where... Temptation coexists with permissiveness There are no checks in institutions The process of making important decisions takes place behind closed doors There is practically no civil society The huge inequality in the distribution of wealth condemns people to poverty

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The areas of activity that are most susceptible to corruption in Russia include: customs services; medical organizations; traffic police; judiciary; tax authorities; law enforcement agencies; licensing and registration of business activities; issuing permits for placing and conducting banking operations with budget funds; obtaining loans; obtaining export quotas; competitions for the purchase of goods/services at the expense of budget funds; construction and repairs at the expense of budgetary funds; notarization of transactions; monitoring compliance with licensing conditions; supervision of compliance with hunting and fishing rules; exemption from conscription into the armed forces; admission to state higher educational institutions; state registration, certification and accreditation of non-state higher educational institutions; employment that allows you to have significant illegal income from positions in state and municipal institutions; formation of party electoral lists.

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Harm from corruption: ineffective distribution and expenditure of public funds and resources; the ineffectiveness of corrupt financial flows from the point of view of the country's economy; tax losses when tax authorities appropriate part of the taxes; loss of time due to obstacles, decreased efficiency of the government apparatus as a whole; ruin of private entrepreneurs; decrease in investment in production, slowdown in economic growth; reduction in the quality of public services; misuse of international assistance to developing countries, which sharply reduces its effectiveness; ineffective use of individuals' abilities: instead of producing material goods, people spend time on an unproductive search for rent; growing social inequality; strengthening of organized crime - gangs turn into mafia; damage to the political legitimacy of the government; decline in public morality.

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Anti-corruption is the activity of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, civil society institutions, organizations and individuals within the limits of their powers: a) to prevent corruption, including identifying and subsequently eliminating the causes corruption (prevention of corruption); b) to identify, prevent, suppress, disclose and investigate corruption offenses (fight against corruption); c) to minimize and (or) eliminate the consequences of corruption offenses.

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Principles of anti-corruption in the Russian Federation: 1) recognition, provision and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen; 2) legality; 3) publicity and openness of the activities of state bodies and local governments; 4) the inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption offenses; 5) integrated use of political, organizational, information and propaganda, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures; 6) priority application of measures to prevent corruption; 7) cooperation of the state with civil society institutions, international organizations and individuals.

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The functions of government bodies in the field of combating corruption are distributed as follows: The President of the Russian Federation: 1) determines the main directions of state policy in the field of combating corruption; 2) establishes the competence of the federal executive authorities, whose activities he supervises, in the field of combating corruption.

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The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ensures the development and adoption of federal laws on anti-corruption issues, and also controls the activities of executive authorities within the limits of its powers.

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The Government of the Russian Federation distributes functions among the federal executive authorities, whose activities it manages, to combat corruption.

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The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the prosecutors subordinate to him, within the limits of their powers, coordinate the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the federal security service, the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies in the fight against corruption and exercise other powers in the field of combating corruption established by federal laws.

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The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, within the limits of its powers, ensures combating corruption. The control powers of the Accounts Chamber extend to all government bodies (including their apparatus) and institutions in the Russian Federation, to federal extra-budgetary funds, state corporations and state-owned companies. Anti-corruption legislation of the Ulyanovsk region Order of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region dated 05.25.2011 No. 210-r “On additional measures to combat corruption in the Ulyanovsk region” Resolution of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region No. 36-325-P dated 06.10.2010 “On amendments to the resolution of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region dated July 22, 2008 No. 14/329-P" Resolution of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region dated July 13, 2009 No. 49 "On approval of the Rules for the preparation and publication of legal acts of the Governor and the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region" Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Ulyanovsk Region dated May 28, 2009 N 348/28-4 “On the appointment of an anti-corruption commissioner in the Ulyanovsk region” Resolution of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region dated April 23, 2009 No. 31 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting anti-corruption examination of laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Ulyanovsk region and their projects” Resolution Government of the Ulyanovsk region dated July 22, 2008 No. 14/329-P “On approval of the regional target program “Combating corruption in the Ulyanovsk region” for 2008 – 2010 Law of the Ulyanovsk region dated June 5, 2007 N 77-ZO “On combating corruption” in the Ulyanovsk region" Resolution of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region dated April 19, 2007 N 28 "On the coordination council for the implementation of anti-corruption policy in the Ulyanovsk region"

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Presentation prepared by: Sidorova Lyudmila Sergeevna Social teacher CORRUPTION

XIII century In Russia, the first mentions of corruption, which was defined by the concept of “bribery,” come from Russian chronicles. HISTORY OF CORRUPTION

XV century The first legislative restriction of corrupt activities was carried out during the reign of Ivan III. The Code of Law of 1497 established the investigative form of the process and provided for the death penalty and trade penalty (whip) as punishments. The Code of Law expanded the range of acts recognized as criminal offenses: sedition, “church theft” (sacrilege), snitching; gave the concept of crime, as well as especially dangerous crime. HISTORY OF CORRUPTION

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION XVI century During the reign of Ivan IV, the death penalty was first introduced as punishment for excessive bribes.

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION XVII century During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, in the Council Code of 1649, an article “Punishment for a crime falling under the concept of corruption” appeared.

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION XVIII century Under Peter I in Russia there was a wide scale of corruption, and at the same time a brutal fight against it. Thus, Peter I, together with the collegiums, introduced the activities of the Secret Chancellery (Secret Police)

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION XIX century Pushchin I.I. served in the Moscow Court, fought against bribery. According to contemporaries, he was “the first honest man who ever sat in the Russian treasury chamber.”

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION 1826 Reign of Nicholas I: corruption became a mechanism of government, but the III department was created for the security of the emperor and the fight against crime.

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION 1918 According to the decree on bribery, imprisonment for 5 years with confiscation of property was imposed.

HISTORY OF CORRUPTION 1922 According to the Criminal Code for bribery - execution in 1957 The official fight was suspended, since corruption was considered a rare phenomenon.

Many people, thanks to the fact that corruption exists, have achieved their goals: they have risen through the ranks; improved financial situation; studied at a prestigious university; received elite medical services, etc.

Corruption: pros and cons FOR SAVING TIME (no need to stand in line) CONFIDENCE IN ACHIEVING THE GOAL (admission to a university without competition) MATERIAL WELL-BEING (getting an apartment) ORDER IN LIFE (envy from others) OTHERS SUFFER AGAINST (cannot get to the doctor ) DECREASED SELF-ESTEEM (they don’t believe in achieving their goals) LOSS OF FAITH IN JUSTICE (they stop striving to move forward) RESPENSE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: “Corruption demoralizes society, corrupts the government and the state apparatus.” Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation: “Stop waiting! Corruption has become a systemic problem.”

On June 1, 2011, the State Duma adopted in the first reading the presidential anti-corruption bill. It obliges officials and deputies to provide information about the income and property of their family every year, and punishes with dismissal for incomplete declaration or hidden participation in the work of business structures.

What Kremlin proposals were approved by the State Duma Not only officials, but also their spouses and minor children must declare income. The maximum size of gifts to civil servants is RUB 5,000. In the event of a conflict of personal and official interests, the official is obliged to inform management. An official must report any facts of corruption on the part of fellow employees that become known to him. For 2 years after resignation, an official cannot, without permission, hold positions in companies that he supervised as part of his official duties. As a punishment for a corrupt official, confiscation of property acquired illegally is provided.

Thank you for your attention!

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presentation "Corruption"

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Let's say no to corruption Extracurricular event For students in grades 10-11 Prepared by history and social studies teacher L.I. Kirillova. MBOU "Kildyushevskaya secondary school" Tetyushsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan in

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Corruption is the illegal acceptance or extraction, both in their own interests and in the interests of others, personally or through intermediaries, of property benefits and advantages by officials, law enforcement officers and other officials using their official powers and related opportunities, as well as bribery of such persons by illegally providing them with such benefits and advantages.

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History of the fight against corruption in Russia XIII - the first mention of bribery (corruption). The 15th century is its legal limitation. The reign of Ivan III. 16th century – the death penalty for bribes was introduced. The reign of Ivan IV. XVII century - according to the Council Code of 1649. (Alexey Mikhailovich). Punishment for a crime falling under the concept of corruption. 18th century – corporal punishment; corruption flourishing. Since 1826 under Nicholas I, corruption became a mechanism of government. Since 1918 – according to the decree on bribery, imprisonment for 5 years with confiscation of property was imposed. Since 1922 - according to the Criminal Code, execution for bribery. Since 1957 – the fight was officially suspended, because corruption was considered a rare phenomenon.

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Causes of corruption Low wages of civil servants - Ignorance of laws - Desire for easy money - Frequent turnover of persons in various positions - Instability in the country - Corruption as a habit - Low standard of living of the population - Poor development of state institutions - Unemployment - Underdevelopment of civil society institutions

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Forms of corruption Bribe Embezzlement Fraud Extortion Favoritism - in state and public life, passionate patronage of favorites (favorites) and the appointment of favorites to high positions, despite the fact that they do not have the abilities or knowledge necessary for their service Abuse of official powers

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The main signs of corruption Mutual consent of the participants in the action. The presence of mutual obligations. Obtaining certain benefits and advantages by both parties. The decision being made violates the law or is contrary to moral standards. Conscious subordination of common interests to personal gain. Both sides are trying to hide their actions.

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Forms of corruption depending on the field of activity Corruption in public administration Parliamentary corruption Business corruption Corruption in enterprises Household corruption

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Popular wisdom “To court with your foot, in your pocket with your hand” “A bribe softens stones” “Take it to the rolls, but don’t drag it out” “Money is not a god, but has mercy” “When money speaks, truth is silent” “If you don’t butter it, you won’t go” “From the front porch, refusal, but from the back, you are welcome.”

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Legislation in the fight against corruption Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2011 N 97-FZ "On amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses in connection with the improvement of public administration in the field of combating corruption" Adopted by the State Duma 20 April 2011 Approved by the Federation Council on April 27, 2011 The Criminal Code clarifies the concepts of “significant bribe”, “large bribe” and “especially large bribe”, used in articles 290 (taking a bribe), 291 (giving a bribe), 291 (mediation in bribery) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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A significant amount of a bribe is now recognized as an amount of money, the value of securities, other property, services of a property nature, other property rights exceeding 25 thousand rubles, a large amount - exceeding 150 thousand rubles, an especially large one - exceeding one million rubles. The wording of the new article provides that punishment in the form of a fine is set in a multiple of the amount of the bribe received. Thus, part one provides for punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of twenty-five to fifty times the amount of the bribe; part two establishes the amount of the fine in the amount of thirty to sixty times the amount of the bribe; part three sets the size of the bribe from forty to seventy times the amount of the bribe; part four sets the fine from sixty to eighty times the amount of the bribe; part five sets the size of the bribe from seventy to ninety times the amount of the bribe; Part six provides for the size of the bribe from eighty to one hundred times the amount of the bribe.

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Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2008 N 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” Adopted by the State Duma on December 19, 2008. Approved by the Federation Council on December 22, 2008.

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The objectives of anti-corruption policy are: 1) eliminating the causes that give rise to corruption and countering the conditions conducive to its manifestation; 2) increasing the risk of corruption and losses from them; 3) increasing the benefits of acting within the law and for the benefit of the public interest; 4) involvement of civil society in the implementation of anti-corruption policy; 5) the formation of intolerance towards corrupt practices.

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Anti-corruption is carried out on the basis of the following basic principles: 1) equality of all before the law and the court; 2) the priority of preventive measures aimed at eradicating the conditions that give rise to corruption; 3) ensuring clear legal regulation of the activities of state bodies, local governments, the legality and transparency of such activities, state and public control over them; 4) improving the structure of state and municipal apparatuses and the procedure for resolving issues affecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities; 5) priority of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities; 6) recognition of the admissibility of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of persons holding government positions, positions in the state civil service or municipal service in cases provided for by federal legislation; 7) restoration of violated rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, elimination and prevention of harmful consequences of corruption offenses; 8) protection by the state of the rights and legitimate interests of persons holding government positions, positions in the state civil service or municipal service, establishing for these persons wages (salary) and benefits that provide these persons and their families with a decent standard of living; 9) responsibility of persons holding government positions, positions in the state civil service or municipal service for corruption offenses; 10) interaction between government and society; 11) ensuring publicity; 12) adaptability of policies based on independent monitoring and social diagnostics.

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The prevention of corruption offenses is carried out by applying the following measures: 1) development and implementation of departmental and municipal anti-corruption programs; 2) anti-corruption examination of legal acts and their projects; 3) monitoring of corruption offenses in general and their individual types; 4) anti-corruption education and propaganda; 5) providing state support for the formation and activities of public associations created to combat corruption; 6) publication of reports on the implementation of anti-corruption policy measures; 7) other measures provided for by law.

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ANNUAL ADDRESS BY THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA TO THE FEDERAL ASSEMBLY “... Something must be done. Stop waiting. Corruption has become a systemic problem, and we must counter this systemic problem with a systemic response. ...The problem cannot be solved by planting alone, but we must plant.” YES. MEDVEDEV

What does the word "corruption" mean? “Corruption is the decomposition of the economic and political systems in the state, expressed in the corruption of officials and public figures (Large Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words) Corruption is “bribery with bribes, corruption of officials and political figures.” (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language)

From the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 “On Combating Corruption” “1) corruption a) abuse of official position, giving a bribe, receiving a bribe, abuse of power, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature, other property rights for themselves or for third parties, or the illegal provision of such benefits to the specified person by other individuals; b) committing the acts specified in subparagraph “a” of this paragraph on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity.”

In other words about a bribe: If all laws were strictly followed in Russia and no one took bribes, life in it would be completely impossible. A. Herzen O: Do you know what this is called in professional language? Corruption! B: Corruption would be if I offered money, and this is gold as a gift. A: Oh, well, if it’s impolite to refuse a gift! (K-fAsterix at the Olympics

FOR SAVING TIME (no need to stand in line) CONFIDENCE IN ACHIEVING THE GOALS (admission to a university without competition) MATERIAL WELL-BEING (getting an apartment) ORDER IN LIFE (envy of others OTHERS SUFFER AGAINST (cannot get to the doctor) REDUCED SELF-ESTEEM (do not believe in achieving the goal) LOSS OF FAITH IN JUSTICE (they stop striving to move forward) RESULT FOR THE WHOLE WORLD

Interethnic experience in the fight against corruption In Russia, corruption is like a pit. They fight it in vain, like an impassable road. And the more persistently they dig under it, the bigger it becomes. But in China they act simply: For bribes - to the wall, without hesitation! And then the relatives will receive by mail a bill for two bullets - for eight yuan

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