If there is a threat of building collapse, it is recommended. Sudden building collapse

COMPLETE OR PARTIAL SUDDEN COLLAPSE OF A BUILDING is an emergency situation that arises due to errors made in the design of the building, deviation from the project during construction work, violation of installation rules, when commissioning a building or its individual parts with major deficiencies, or violation of operating rules buildings, as well as due to a natural or man-made emergency. A collapse can often be facilitated by an explosion resulting from a terrorist act, improper operation of household gas pipelines, careless handling of fire, or storage of flammable and explosive substances in buildings.
A sudden collapse leads to long-term failure of the building, fires, destruction of utility and energy networks, the formation of rubble, injury and death.

Think through a plan in advance in case of a building collapse and familiarize all members of your family with it. Explain to them what to do in case of a sudden collapse and how to provide first aid. Be sure to have and store in an accessible place a complete first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. Keep toxic chemicals, flammable liquids and other hazardous substances in a safe, well-isolated place. Do not allow gas cylinders in the apartment unless necessary. Know the location of electrical switches, main gas and water taps for emergency shutdown of electricity, gas and water. At the slightest sign of a gas leak, block its access to the apartment, ventilate the room and notify the Gorgaz service by phone - 04. It is strictly forbidden to use open sources of fire, electrical switches and electrical household appliances until the gas has completely evaporated. Do not block the building corridors, staircases, emergency and fire exits with foreign objects. Keep documents, money, a flashlight and spare batteries in a convenient place.

If you hear an explosion or find that a building is losing its stability, try to leave it as quickly as possible, taking documents, money and essential items. When leaving the premises, go down the stairs and not the elevator, as it may break down at any time. Stop panic, crowding at doors during evacuation, stop those who are going to jump from balconies and windows from floors above the first, as well as through glazed windows. Once outside, do not stand near buildings, but move to an open space. If you are in a building and there is no way to leave it, then take the safest place: openings of the main internal walls, corners formed by the main internal walls, under the frame beams. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. If you have children with you, cover them with you. Open the door to your apartment to provide yourself with an exit if necessary. Do not panic and remain calm and encourage those present. Stay away from windows and electrical appliances, immediately turn off water, electricity and gas. If a fire occurs, try to put it out immediately. Use the phone only to call law enforcement officials, firefighters, doctors, and rescuers. Don't go out onto the balcony. Do not use matches because there may be a risk of gas leakage.

Breathe deeply, do not panic and do not lose heart, focus on the most important, try to survive at any cost, believe that help will definitely come. If possible, give yourself first aid. Try to adapt to the situation and look around, look for a possible way out. Try to determine where you are, whether there are other people nearby: listen, raise your voice. Remember that a person can withstand thirst and especially hunger for a long period of time if he does not waste energy. Look in your pockets or nearby for objects that could help provide light or sound signals (for example, a flashlight, a mirror, or metal objects that you can tap on a pipe or wall to attract attention). If the only way out is a narrow hole, squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax your muscles and move with your elbows close to your body.

Actions in case of sudden building collapse:

If you hear an explosion or discover that the building is losing stability, try to leave the apartment as quickly as possible, taking documents, money and essential items.

When going down the stairs, press your back against the wall, not the railing.

Do not use the elevator, as it may break down at any time.

Don't panic and stay calm.

When remaining in the building if it is impossible to leave it, take the safest place: in the openings of the main internal walls; in corners formed by permanent internal walls; under the frame beams. If possible, hide under the table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. If you have children with you, cover them with you.

Open the door to your apartment to provide yourself with an exit if necessary.

If a fire occurs, follow generally accepted rules of behavior during a fire, and also take measures to extinguish it. Get rid of tights and clothes with a significant admixture of synthetics, as they quickly melt and leave severe burns on the body.

Use the phone only to call law enforcement officials, firefighters, doctors, and rescuers.

Don't go out onto the balcony.

When leaving the building, bend down and cover your head with your hands, as debris and glass most often fall from above. Watch the cornices, balconies and windows - they may collapse.

Watch your step: there may be live wires and broken glass on the way.

When descending from a height on a stationary fire escape, adhere to the following rules:

Don’t look down (!), look only at your arms and legs: in each

moment in time at least one arm and one leg must be on

steps of the stairs;

It is better to take off shoes with high heels;

Press your body closer to the stairs;

While descending, take breaks to relax.

tense muscles;

Don't hold your breath, try to breathe from your stomach.

Once outside, do not stand near a building, go to an open


Actions of victims in the rubble:

If you find yourself in a blockage, breathe deeply, do not panic and do not lose heart, believe that help will definitely come. Experience shows that people, including children, were pulled out of the rubble alive even after several days.

Try to adapt to the situation and look around, look for a way out or a hole.

Try to determine where you are, whether there are other people nearby: listen, raise your voice, taking advantage of the control breaks in the search work of rescuers, which they arrange in order to catch signs of the presence of people in the rubble.

Remember that a person can withstand thirst and hunger for a long time if he does not waste energy.

If you have a flashlight or mirror in your pocket, if possible, use it to flash signals to identify yourself. Look nearby for metal objects that you can tap on a pipe or wall to attract the attention of rescuers.

If the only way to get out of the rubble is a narrow hole, squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax your muscles and move with your elbows close to your body.

Questions and tasks:

1. Causes and consequences of the collapse of buildings and structures.

2. How to act in the event of a threat or sudden collapse of a building.

3. How to behave when you are stuck.

4. Elimination of an emergency situation associated with a sudden collapse of a building or structure.

5. The main methods of searching for victims in the rubble.

6. Actions of rescuers when dismantling rubble.

7. Safety measures in the destruction zone.

8. What are the emergency measures for VDS and positional compartment syndrome?

Continuation of the topic “Actions of workers in the event of a man-made emergency.”

Complete or partial sudden collapse of a building- this is an emergency situation of a natural or man-made nature, as well as one that arises due to errors made at the design stage, as a result of deviations from the project during the introduction of construction work, in case of violation of installation rules, commissioning of a building (its individual parts) with major deficiencies or violation of rules operation of the building.

The cause of building collapse can often be an explosion resulting from a terrorist act, improper operation of gas consuming units, gas pipelines, careless handling of fire, storage of flammable and explosive substances in buildings.

The sudden collapse of a building leads to a fire, destruction of utility and energy networks, the formation of rubble, injury and death.

Actions in case of collapse of buildings and structures.

    If you hear an explosion or discover that the building is losing its stability, leave it immediately.

    When leaving the room, go down the stairs, not the elevator: it can stop at any time.

    Do not panic, do not crowd the doors during evacuation. Stop those who are going to jump from balconies (floors above the first) and through glass windows.

    If it is not possible to leave the building, take a safe place: openings of the main internal walls, corners formed by the main internal walls, under the balconies of the frame (they protect against falling objects and debris). Open the door from the room to provide exit.

    Don't panic and stay calm. Stay away from windows and electrical appliances.

    If a fire occurs, immediately try to put it out.

    Use the telephone only to call law enforcement officials, fire departments, doctors and rescuers.

    Do not use matches: there is a risk of explosion due to gas leakage.

    Once outside, do not stand near a building. Move to an open space.

Action in case of being under a rubble.

    Breathe deeply. Don't panic. Don't lose heart. Focus on what's most important. Believe: help will definitely come.

    If possible, give yourself first aid.

    Adapt to the situation and look around, look for a way out. Try to determine where you are and whether there are other people nearby: listen, raise your voice.

    It should be remembered: a person is able to withstand thirst and hunger for a long time if he does not waste energy.

    Look in your pockets or nearby for objects to give off light or sound signals: a flashlight or metal objects that can be used to knock on a pipe or wall (to attract the attention of rescuers).

    If the only way out is a narrow hole, squeeze through it. To do this, relax your muscles and move with your elbows close to your body.

Complete or partial sudden collapse of a building is an emergency situation that arises due to errors made in the design of the building, deviation from the project during construction work, violation of installation rules, when commissioning a building or its individual parts with major deficiencies, or violation of operating rules buildings, as well as due to a natural or man-made emergency.

A collapse can often be facilitated by an explosion resulting from a terrorist act, improper operation of household gas pipelines, careless handling of fire, or storage of flammable and explosive substances in buildings.

Destruction of elements of transport communications

Emergencies of this type may be accompanied by damage to the railway track due to a natural disaster with a complete cessation of movement (from five to forty-eight hours) of trains on the line. Destruction of bridges, overpasses, and tunnels is also possible.

To eliminate the emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved: BZD, ex. railway troops, Ministry of Transport (depending on the type of transport), Ministry of Construction and Architecture, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Destruction of buildings and structures for industrial purposes

In case of accidents of this type, the degree of destruction of the building and the collapse of the supporting structures of the main production facilities is assessed. The occurrence of through cracks in structures, walls, floors of main production facilities may be signs of the possible occurrence of an emergency of this type;

To eliminate an emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved: the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Destruction of public buildings and structures

An emergency of this type is assessed by such signs as massive destruction of buildings and structures, destruction (25-50%) of individual buildings and structures, the occurrence of through cracks in structures, walls, floors of structures, requiring the evacuation of people.

To eliminate the emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved: the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Transport.

What to do if a building suddenly collapses?

If you hear an explosion or find that a building is losing its stability, try to leave it as quickly as possible, taking documents, money and essential items. When leaving the premises, go down the stairs and not the elevator, as it may break down at any time. Stop panic, crowding at doors during evacuation, stop those who are going to jump from balconies and windows from floors above the first, as well as through glazed windows. Once outside, do not stand near buildings, but move to an open space. If you are in a building and there is no way to leave it, then take the safest place: openings of the main internal walls, corners formed by the main internal walls, under the frame beams. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. If you have children with you, cover them with you. Open the door to your apartment to provide yourself with an exit if necessary. Do not panic and remain calm and encourage those present. Stay away from windows and electrical appliances, immediately turn off water, electricity and gas. If a fire occurs, try to put it out immediately. Use the phone only to call law enforcement officials, firefighters, doctors, and rescuers. Don't go out onto the balcony. Do not use matches because there may be a risk of gas leakage.

Accidents on electrical power systems

Accidents on electric power systems can lead to long-term interruptions in power supply to consumers, large areas, disruption of public electric transport schedules, and electric shock to people.

Accidents at power plants

In case of accidents of this kind, damage to equipment, destruction of buildings, structures is possible, leading to forced downtime of an electrical installation (boiler, turbine, generator, power transformer) for emergency repairs for more than 25 days or more, as well as load shedding of power plants with a capacity of more than 180 MW, leading to absence of rotating power reserve in the power system for 8 hours or more.

To eliminate the emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved: Ministry of Energy.

Accidents in electrical networks

Emergencies of this type occur in the event of mass outages or damage in power grids, leading to the disconnection of consumers (actual, 30%; territory of the region, 30%; territory of the republic) for a total power of 20% or more of the consumed power, or in the event of an interruption of power supply to a populated area (or part of it) with a population of 5 thousand people or more for a time exceeding that provided for in the rules, depending on the status of the settlement, as well as in case of damage to a power transformer at a substation of 220 kV and above, power lines of 22 kV and above with downtime in emergency repair 25 days or more.

To eliminate an emergency, depending on its scale, forces and means are involved: the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Actions in the event of an emergency on electrical power systems

If there is a power surge in the apartment's electrical network or a power outage, immediately turn off the power to all electrical household appliances and unplug the plugs from the sockets so that a fire does not occur when the electricity suddenly turns on during your absence. To cook food indoors, use only factory-made devices: kerosene stove, kerosene stove, kerosene stove. If they are not available, use a fire built outside. Use household candles to illuminate your apartment and be extremely careful.

When you are outside, do not come closer than 5-8 meters to broken or sagging wires and do not touch them. Organize security of the damage site, warn others about the danger and immediately notify the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If the wire breaks and falls close to you, move out of the electric shock zone with small steps or jumps (keeping your feet together) to avoid being struck by step voltage.


The problem of the collapse of buildings and structures has been known to mankind since ancient times (probably since the emergence of construction). It is even reflected in folk tales: everyone from childhood knows well the stories about the destroyed piglets’ houses and the little tower. Surprisingly, the essence of this problem has changed little since those ancient times: “The tower crackled, fell on its side and completely fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it: a little mouse, a frog, a runaway bunny, a little fox-sister, a gray-barrel top...". It is mainly the scale of incidents that changes. Currently, the problem of collapse of buildings and structures is one of the main ones. As a result of the urbanization process, there is an increase in construction volumes, which, in turn, leads to an increase in man-made loads on construction sites. We often hear in the media such phrases as “they died under the rubble...” or “as a result of the collapse...”. Fresh in memory are such tragedies as the collapse of shopping centers in New York on September 11, 2001, numerous building collapses in the Russian Federation that have occurred over the past decade (both as a result of terrorist attacks and as a result of gas explosions), and the collapse of the roof of the Dolphin swimming pool. in the Perm region on December 4, 2005. The given examples indicate that the collapse of buildings and structures can occur either as a result of an engineer’s error (as in the case of a swimming pool), or be a secondary factor in other emergency situations (explosions, fires, earthquakes and others ). Moreover, it is worth noting that the collapse of a building can also lead to other emergencies (fires, explosions). Despite the fact that the number of such accidents is gradually decreasing, this problem still remains relevant. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to it in order to avoid emergency situations of this kind as much as possible, and if they occur, to have a clear understanding of behavior in the event of a collapse.

Characteristics of collapses as an emergency situation

The collapse of a building is an emergency situation that arises due to errors made in the design of the building, deviation from the project during construction work, violation of installation rules, when commissioning a building or its individual parts with major deficiencies, violation of the rules for operating the building, as well as due to a natural or man-made emergency.

Collapses can be classified according to several criteria. Based on the type of emergency, collapses of buildings and structures are classified as emergency situations of a man-made nature and, in turn, are divided into:

· collapse of elements of transport communications;

· collapse of industrial buildings and structures;

· collapse of buildings and structures for residential, social and cultural purposes.

By scale, collapses can be divided into complete and partial. According to departmental criteria, the collapse of buildings and structures is classified as an emergency in the construction industry.

The main reasons for the collapse of buildings and structures are poor quality construction and installation work (loss of load-bearing capacity of nodal installation connections due to defects and deviations from design solutions, low strength of structural systems and individual structures, failure to meet the requirements for load distribution in places where load-bearing structures rest on the stone masonry, subsidence of foundations), violation of the rules and terms of operation of the building without major repairs, exceeding the design loads on structures during construction, reconstruction and repair work, as well as natural factors and external influences. It is sad to state that a significant number of emergencies of this kind (about 40%) occur due to poor quality construction (low quality building materials, violation of construction technology, low qualifications of workers, design errors).

As for external factors that negatively affect the condition of buildings and structures, thermal and baric effects can be distinguished among them. The danger of thermal effects on structures is associated with a significant decrease in their structural strength when a certain temperature is exceeded. The degree of resistance of a structure to thermal effects depends on the fire resistance limit of the structure. The strength of a material can be characterized by the critical heating temperature, which is 150 °C for polymer materials, 200 °C for glass, 250 °C for aluminum and 500 °C for steel.

When assessing the pressure impact on buildings, four degrees of destruction are distinguished:

· slight damage (cracks appear in the stretched area of ​​concrete and brickwork, damage to roofs, windows, doorways; damage - 10-15% of the value of the building);

· medium damage (secondary elements of the building are destroyed (partitions, windows, doors), the compression zone of concrete and brickwork in the main load-bearing elements begins to collapse, cracks appear in the walls; damage - 30-40%);

· severe damage (through cracks in the concrete of load-bearing elements, individual fractures in the brickwork, significant residual deflections of interfloor ceilings, but the structures do not collapse; damage - 50%, repair is not advisable);

· complete destruction (collapse and destruction of all elements; buildings cannot be restored).

From the above facts it follows that the quality and reliability of buildings and structures in many cases directly depends on the effectiveness of the implementation of a set of technical, economic and organizational measures to control the creation of construction products, the conduct of construction work, as well as the operation of buildings and structures.

Collapse Prevention Measures

In many cases, the collapse of buildings and structures can be prevented by taking special preventive measures. An important characteristic of any object, which is laid down at the design stage of a building, is its stability - the ability to prevent the occurrence of accidents and disasters, to withstand the effects of their damaging factors in order to prevent or limit the threat to life, the health of personnel living near the population, to reduce material damage, and also to ensure restoration of the damaged functioning of the facility in a short time. The construction of buildings and structures is carried out in accordance with the Construction Codes and Rules of the Russian Federation, as well as Engineering and Technical Measures of Civil Defense.

One of the main measures to prevent collapses is to increase the physical resistance of buildings and structures. It is carried out in the following areas:

· reduction of static and dynamic impacts on individual structural elements and the building (structure) as a whole; For this purpose, air and pliable layers (screens) in the soil inside and on the surface of building structures are used, unloading consoles and surfaces are used, the local and general compliance of building structures is increased due to the installation of hinge-yielding units of supports and connections, the contact area of ​​the loading medium with the building structures is reduced structures, easily removable structures are installed, the dead weight of building structures is reduced.

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