Causes of road accidents. Types and methods of preventing accidents


Today, due to the enormous needs of the population, the transport network is developing by leaps and bounds, but at the same time, with the comfort and speed of movement, the number of accidents and disasters is increasing. So what is transport that we cannot do without in our time? Transport is a set of means designed to move people and goods from one place to another. Transport communications unite all regions of our country, which is a necessary condition its territorial integrity.

The main criterion for distinguishing between accidents and disasters is the severity of the consequences and the presence of human casualties. Let's look at them separately.

An accident is damage to a machine, machine, equipment, building, or structure.

Disaster is major accident with great loss of life, an event with very tragic consequences.

In this paper we will look at the most typical accidents and disasters in the automobile, railway, aviation and aquatic species transport.

Accidents on road transport(road accident)

Nowadays, a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation, and in remote cities and villages, an indispensable means of transportation. Almost anyone who has reached 18 years of working age can afford a car. Due to the increase in the number of vehicles, the number of accidents and disasters on the road is also growing.

The main causes of road accidents are, first of all, violation of rules traffic, technical problem vehicles, insufficient training of persons operating transport and the grief of drivers in drunk.

Another reason road accidents is bad condition roads in our country. Sometimes on the road you can see open hatches sewers, unfenced areas repair work, unlit intersections, pedestrian crossings and courtyards, lack of danger warning signs.

All these reasons together lead to very sad statistics of deaths on the road. In Moscow alone in 2010, 763 people died, 13,592 people were injured, and throughout Russia these numbers are simply staggering: 26,576 dead and 250,635 people injured varying degrees gravity.

In case of road traffic accidents resulting in injury to people, the most important thing is to provide first aid in a timely manner and this should be done no later than 20-30 minutes. According to statistics, 80% of the wounded die in the first 3 hours. Blood loss during the first hour can be so great that even a brilliantly performed operation does not save a person’s life. Therefore it is very important first aid, but, unfortunately, in our country, the level medical training road users and traffic police officers is extremely low.

Road accidents are divided into:

· Collision

· Rollover

Collision with a standing vehicle

Hit a pedestrian

Hitting an obstacle

Hitting a cyclist

· Hitting a horse-drawn vehicle

· Hitting animals

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in peacetime.

In most cases, car accidents occur due to non-compliance with basic safety measures and traffic rules, as well as insufficient awareness of the consequences of a particular violation of road safety rules. For example, few people know that colliding with a stationary obstacle at a speed of 50 km/h without a seat belt is equivalent to jumping face down from the 4th floor.

About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to drivers violating traffic rules. Most dangerous species violations still remain: speeding, ignoring road signs, driving into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated.

Often lead to accidents bad roads(mainly slippery), car malfunction (brakes come first, steering comes second, wheels and tires come third). Peculiarity car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours due to excessive blood loss.

There are several recommendations on how to protect yourself during an accident. So, if an accident occurs on a motor vehicle, if you see that it is impossible to prevent it, try to take the most safe position, grouped up and covering his head with his hands. During an accident, all muscles must be tense to the limit. The most important thing is to prevent yourself from moving forward. To do this, if you are sitting on driver's seat, You need to press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel; if you are sitting in the front seat as a passenger, then you should rest against the “dashboard”, and if in the back, then against the front seat. If you are not wearing your seat belt while driving seat belt, You should press yourself against the steering column, and in the passenger seat you should cover your head with your hands and lean to one side. Do not leave the car until it stops, because... the chances of surviving in a car are 10 times greater than when jumping out of it.

If the accident involves a vehicle rollover or fire, try to get out of the vehicle as soon as possible, using not only the doors but also the windows if necessary.

If the car has fallen into water, the doors should not be opened, because... the water will immediately rush inside and the car will begin to plunge sharply. In this case, you need to select through open window.

If a fire occurs in public transport Firstly, inform the driver immediately. Secondly, try to open the doors using the emergency release button. If this fails, break the side windows or open them as instructed as emergency exits. Thirdly, try to put out the fire yourself, and if you cannot do this, then leave the salon immediately.

Electric power supply of trams and trolleybuses creates an additional threat of electric shock to humans. Therefore, when getting out of a tram or trolleybus, do not touch metal parts.

In any case, the main thing is to remain calm and do not panic under any circumstances, because... panic can lead to more damage. Determine where in the car and in what position you are, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when tipping over). When you get out of the car, move away from it - there may be an explosion.

If nothing serious happened to you, then help the victims, organize first aid and take measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident. If necessary, call “ Ambulance” and report the incident to the police.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without a car. He is necessary remedy movement, so every year more and more “iron horses” appear on the roads and in yards.

Considering not the most best quality dear, love for driving fast and the low consciousness of individual drivers, accidents on the roads occur with enviable consistency. According to statistics, road transport is the most dangerous means movement. More than 1 million people die each year worldwide due to road accidents.

Any emergency situation involving a car, which occurred on the road and resulted in damage to the cargo, various structures and the vehicle itself, as well as injuries and deaths of people, is defined by law as a road traffic accident (RTA).

Collisions and rollovers of cars, hitting a pedestrian, and running off the highway are the main types of accidents on the road. The most serious consequence is the death of a person. Victim of an accident a person whose death occurred at the scene of the incident or within the following week is considered.

The severity of damage, the mechanism of their occurrence and localization depend not only on the type of accident, but also on the speed of the vehicle and its design.

Main causes of accidents in road transport are associated with speeding, ignoring warning signs, poor visibility(fog, rain), poor quality of roads, non-compliance with traffic rules and aggressive driving.

According to statistics, the risk of getting into an accident increases during peak hours (morning, evening), as well as on holidays and weekends. Greatest danger is winter road, especially during the thaw. Road transport accidents, their causes and consequences.

Under a traffic accident (RTA) is understood as an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, cargo, and structures were damaged.

The main types of accidents are pedestrian collisions, collisions and rollovers. Vehicle.

By existing classification A person who died at the scene of an incident or died from its consequences within the next seven days is considered dead. Those injured in road accidents include persons who received injuries conditions that necessitated their hospitalization for at least one day or the need for outpatient treatment.

There are four main mechanisms of damage:

From a direct hit by a vehicle,
- from general concussion of the human body due to impact,
- from pressing the body to road surface or a stationary object;
- from friction of various surfaces of the human body against parts of a car or road surface.

Mechanism of damage, their localization and severity depend on the type of accident, the speed of the vehicle, and its design features.

Damage caused by an accident can be very different. In the same type of incident, victims receive different injuries, and similar injuries are observed in different types of road accidents, but with different frequencies.

The frequency of various types of injuries in persons who received injuries that resulted in recovery and those who died in road accidents differs significantly.

Among the victims, in whom the outcome of injuries was recovery, 57% had bruises, abrasions and bruises of various locations, and half had fractures of various locations.

It has been established that injuries that result in the recovery of the victims are much more often observed in vehicle collisions. At the same time, road traffic injuries ending fatal, occur in collisions with pedestrians (as well as cyclists and motorcyclists) almost seven times more often than in vehicle collisions.

Comparison of types of damage indicates that almost all victims who died in road accidents have bruises, abrasions, bruises of various locations, the majority (87%) have fractures of various locations, and more than 42% have ruptures internal organs and wounds.

Features of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first 3 hours due to heavy blood loss. According to statistics traffic accidents most often occur during rush hour, on holidays, on first and last days vacations. The road is especially dangerous in winter. This period accounts for 60% of the incidents of the entire year. Rain and fog also make it difficult traffic conditions and often cause road accidents.

In general, in Russia every year only on highways dies up to 45 thousand people.

About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to drivers violating traffic rules. The most dangerous types of violations continue to be speeding, ignoring road signs, driving into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated. Very often, bad roads (mainly slippery ones) and vehicle malfunctions (in the first place - brakes, in second place - steering, in third place - wheels and tires) lead to accidents.

The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours due to excessive blood loss.


Maintain composure - this will allow you to control the car until the last opportunity. Tighten all your muscles to the limit, do not relax until you stop completely. Do everything to avoid an oncoming blow: a ditch, a fence, a bush, even a tree is better than a car coming at you. Remember that when colliding with a stationary object, the impact of the left or right fender is worse than the entire bumper. If an impact is imminent, protect your head. If the car is moving at low speed, press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel. If the speed exceeds 60 km/h and you are not wearing a seat belt, press your chest against the steering column.

If you are riding in the front passenger seat, cover your head with your hands and lie on your side, prone on the seat. While sitting in the back seat, try to fall to the floor. If there is a child next to you, cover him with yourself.


Determine where in the car and what position you are in, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when tipping over). If the doors are jammed, exit the car through the windows by opening them or breaking them with heavy objects. After getting out of the car, move as far away from it as possible - there may be an explosion.


If it falls into water, the car can stay afloat for some time, enough to leave it. Get out through the open window, because... When you open the door, the car will suddenly start to sink.

When diving to the bottom with closed windows and the doors keep the air inside the car for several minutes. Turn on the headlights (to make it easier to find the car), actively ventilate your lungs (deep inhalations and exhalations allow you to fill your blood with oxygen for future use), get rid of excess clothing, grab documents and money. Get out of the car through a door or window when the car is half filled with water, otherwise you will be hindered by the flow of water entering the cabin. If necessary, break the windshield with heavy objects at hand. Squeeze your way out, holding the roof of the car with your hands, and then suddenly swim up.


When on public transport, if there are no free seats, try to stand in the center of the cabin, holding on to the handrail for greater stability. Pay attention to the location of emergency and emergency exits.

Electric power supply of trams and trolleybuses creates an additional threat of electric shock to a person (especially in rainy weather), so seated areas are the safest. If you find that the interior is under voltage, leave it. In case of an accident, panic and crush may occur at the exits. In this case, use the emergency exit by pulling out the special cord and pushing out the glass.

In the event of a fire in the cabin, notify the driver, open the doors (using emergency opening), emergency exits or break a window. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, take measures to eliminate the fire. Protect your respiratory system from smoke with a scarf, handkerchief or other items of clothing. Get out of the cabin outside, bending down and not touching metal parts, as in a tram and trolleybus you can be electrocuted.

If the bus falls into the water, wait until the cabin is half filled with water, hold your breath and emerge through the door, emergency exit or a broken window.


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In case of an accident

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Stop to help! Under road traffic accident (RTA)

is understood as an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, in which people were killed or injured, vehicles, cargo, and structures were damaged.

The main types of accidents are collisions with pedestrians, collisions and rollovers of vehicles. According to the existing classification dead a person who died at the scene of the incident or died from its consequences within the next seven days is considered. TO wounded

Road accidents include persons who received bodily injuries that required their hospitalization for at least one day or the need for outpatient treatment. There are four main :

mechanism of damage

From a direct hit by a vehicle,

From the general shaking of the human body due to an impact,

From pressing the body against the road surface or a stationary object;

From friction of various surfaces of the human body against parts of a car or road surface.

The mechanism of damage, its location and severity depend on the type of accident, the speed of the vehicle, and its design features. Damage caused by an accident can be very different. In the same type of incident, victims receive different injuries, and similar injuries are observed in various types

The frequency of various types of injuries in persons who received injuries that resulted in recovery and those who died in road accidents differs significantly.

Among the victims whose injuries resulted in recovery, 57% had bruises, abrasions and bruises of various locations, and half had fractures of various locations.

It has been established that injuries that result in the recovery of the victims are much more often observed in vehicle collisions. At the same time, fatal road traffic injuries occur in collisions with pedestrians (as well as cyclists and motorcyclists) almost seven times more often than in vehicle collisions.

A comparison of the types of damage indicates that almost all victims who died in road accidents have bruises, abrasions, bruises of various locations, the majority (87%) have fractures of various locations, and more than 42% have ruptures of internal organs and wounds.

Characteristics of victims in transport accidents

The average indicators given in the table can be used as approximate with mandatory adjustment for specific conditions - the scale of the disaster, location, time of year, day, etc.

The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first 3 hours due to excessive blood loss. According to statistics, traffic accidents most often occur during rush hour, on holidays, and on the first and last days of vacations. The road is especially dangerous in winter. This period accounts for 60% of the incidents of the entire year. Rain and fog also complicate the road situation and often cause accidents.

In general, in Russia every year up to 45 thousand people die on highways alone.

When inevitable collisions, maintain composure. This will allow you to control the car until the last opportunity. Tighten all your muscles and do not relax until you stop completely. Do everything to avoid an oncoming blow: a ditch, a fence, a bush, even a tree is better than a car moving towards you.

Remember that in the event of a collision with a stationary object, being hit by the left or right fender is worse than by the entire bumper.

When inevitable collision protect your head. If the car is moving at low speed, press your back into the seat and, straining all your muscles, rest your hands on the steering wheel. If the speed exceeds 60 km/h and you are not wearing a seat belt, press your chest against the steering column.

When in the front In the passenger seat, cover your head with your hands and lie on your side, prone on the seat.

Sitting in the backseat, try to fall to the floor. If there is a child next to you, cover him with yourself.

After the crash determine where in the car and what position you are in, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when tipping over). If the doors are jammed, exit the vehicle through

windows by opening them or breaking them with a heavy improvised object. After getting out of the car, move as far away from it as possible - an explosion is possible.

When a car falls into water can stay afloat for some time. Get out through the open window, because when you open the door, the car will suddenly begin to sink. When diving to the bottom with the windows and doors closed, the air in the car's interior lasts for several minutes. Actively ventilate your lungs (deep inhalations and exhalations allow you to fill the blood with oxygen for future use), get rid of excess clothing. Get out of the car when it is half full of water, otherwise you will be hindered by the flow of water entering the cabin. If necessary, break the windshield with a heavy object at hand. Squeeze your way out, holding the roof of the car with your hands, and then suddenly float up.

Rules for safe behavior of road users:

    driver - follow traffic rules; check before leaving and ensure that it is in good working order along the way. technical condition car; When driving, wear a seat belt, do not carry passengers, do not fastened with seat belts security; skillfully assess the road situation and take into account how other drivers and pedestrians may behave;

    passenger - wear a seat belt;

    boarding and disembarking should be done from the sidewalk or curb after a complete stop; do not distract the driver from driving; do not open the doors while driving; a pedestrian - follow traffic rules; move along the sidewalk footpath , roadside; outside settlements go towards the movement of vehicles;


roadway along pedestrian crossings; do not linger or stop unnecessarily on the roadway; wait for route vehicles at landing sites. extreme natural man-made alcoholism smoking An emergency situation (ES) is a situation in certain territory resulting from an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon material losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

An accident is an extreme event technogenic nature, which occurred due to design, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to accidental external influences, and consisting in damage, failure, destruction technical devices or structures.

Production or transport accident- this is a major accident resulting in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences.

Transport accidents (disasters):

  • · freight trains;
  • · passenger trains;
  • · river and sea cargo vessels;
  • · on main pipelines and etc.

One of the main industries National economy any country, including Russia, transporting goods and passengers, is transport. Its main types are road, rail, water, aviation and pipeline.

According to the UN, every year in the world about 300 thousand people die and 8 million people are injured as a result of road traffic emergencies. Meshkov N. Ensuring human life safety in case of emergency situations // Fundamentals of life safety. 1999. No. 2. Road injuries rank third in the world among the causes of mortality. More than 30 thousand people die in Russia, the annual loss of working time due to emergencies in motor transport is about 350-400 million man-days. Fundamentals of protecting the population and territory in emergency situations/ Ed. V.V. Tarasova. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2005.

A road traffic accident is an incident that occurred during the movement of motor vehicles and resulted in death or bodily injury to people, damage to vehicles, structures, cargo or other material damage. Motorized vehicles include cars, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, bicycles with outboard engines, and trams. trolleybuses, tractors and other self-propelled mechanisms.

There are several main types of road traffic accidents (RTA).

  • · Collision - an incident in which moving motor vehicles collided with each other or with a rolling stock.
  • · Rollover is an incident in which a moving motor vehicle loses stability and overturns. This type of accident does not include rollovers caused by collisions with motor vehicles or collisions with stationary objects.
  • · Hitting an obstacle is an incident in which a motor vehicle runs over or hits a stationary object (bridge support, pole, tree, fence, etc.).
  • · Collision with a pedestrian - an incident in which a motor vehicle ran into a person or he himself collided with a moving motor vehicle, resulting in injury.
  • · Collision with a cyclist - an incident in which a motor vehicle hits a person riding a bicycle (without an outboard engine), or he himself collides with a moving motor vehicle, resulting in injury.
  • · Collision with a stationary vehicle - an incident in which a moving motor vehicle runs over or hits a stationary vehicle.
  • · Collision with horse-drawn vehicles - an incident in which a mechanical vehicle ran into draft, pack or riding animals or carts transported by these animals.
  • · Collision with animals - an incident in which a motor vehicle collided with wild or domestic animals (excluding the animals listed above).
  • · Passenger Fall - an incident in which a passenger (any person other than the driver in or on a vehicle) falls from a moving motor vehicle. This type of incident does not include falls of people that occur during collisions, rollovers of motor vehicles or collisions with stationary objects.
  • · Other incidents - incidents not related to those listed above. These include derailments of a tram (which did not cause a collision or capsizing), the fall of transported cargo on people, and others.

The number of deaths in road accidents includes people who died at the scene of the accident or from injuries received within 7 days from the date of the incident, the number of injured includes people who received bodily injuries that necessitated hospitalization or appointment after first aid. medical care outpatient treatment.

The main causes of emergencies in motor vehicles include:

  • · violation of traffic rules;
  • · over speed;
  • Driving while intoxicated;
  • · poor road condition, weather conditions;
  • · car malfunction.

Almost 60% of accidents occur on the streets of cities and towns, 40% on country roads. Largest number The emergency occurs from June to September, mainly on Friday and Saturday. Up to 70% of accidents occur due to the fault of the person driving the vehicle. According to some data, in a city with heavy traffic, the driver makes a command decision every 1-2 minutes, performs an operator action every 2-4 minutes, and every 20 minutes finds himself in a situation close to critical V.Yu. Mikryukov “Ensuring life safety” Moscow - 2000. . Acute vision, fast reaction, emotional stability and driver well-being.

The greatest danger comes from accidents that occur due to the driver exceeding the speed limit. Statistics indicate that collisions at speeds over 115 km/h result in the death of almost 100% of drivers. This is not surprising considering that in a collision at a speed of 100 km/h, the driver's head continues to move forward with a force of 1440 kgf. In a collision at a speed of 300 km/h, the head is simply torn off from the body if it is held in place by the V.V. safety belts. Polishko, N.A. Buyanov “Fundamentals of life safety” Smolensk - 1995..

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