Causes of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire. Fire

Fire is an element without which humanity would not survive. But today fire is seen not as a source of heat, but as dangerous manifestation, which can cause a fire in the apartment and death. Due to the danger presented, it is important to learn exactly how to act in case of a fire in an apartment, because this can save lives and property.

If there is a fire in the apartment, you must call fire service, which was previously carried out only by landline phone and using the number “01”. It is not possible to dial the number “01” from a mobile phone - a new combination of numbers “101” or “112” was introduced specifically for mobile phones. The combination “112” allows you to call any emergency services. The combination “101” is provided for dialing on a landline device and on a mobile phone.

Instructions for what people should do in case of a fire in a building

You should not panic in case of a fire - at the time the call was made, the firefighters were already starting to prepare.

During a fire call, the operator should say the following information:

  • address of the fire;
  • place of fire - apartment or house;
  • object of fire - TV, sofa;
  • clarifying information about possible loss of life;
  • last name and first name of the caller, as well as contact telephone number - this sounds stupid, but calls to Cell phones help firefighters locate the caller before he dies in a fire.

Fire services arrive at the scene of a fire within minutes, so there is no need to panic. Only accurate calculation and correct actions will allow you to be saved. It is recommended to leave the apartment immediately after the call.

Possible causes of a fire in an apartment

A fire in an apartment can occur suddenly, either in a safe place or from harmless actions. The main causes of fire include the following factors:

  • Carelessness in handling fire is a third of all fires. Here, unextinguished matches are distinguished, pots left on the fire, smoking in bed or simply unextinguished cigarette butts, cigarette butts falling on the balcony from above and other situations. The occurrence of a fire is characterized by children playing with matches - if children are left at home alone, everything should be removed from them possible sources fire.
  • Violation of the rules for using electrical appliances - in most cases, a general overvoltage is generated on the electrical network. It is advisable not to use kettles, microwaves, heaters at the same time, especially in apartment buildings old buildings - their electrical networks were not designed for modern household appliances.
  • Faulty electrical wiring – a violation of the rules is implied if faulty electrical wiring is found in the apartment. Exposed wires or their independent connection with non-compliance with safety rules are frequent prerequisites for the outbreak of fire.
  • Malfunction of household gas appliances - in the apartment we're talking about O gas stove and the accompanying gas pipeline. A gas leak and subsequent spark may cause a fire.

One of the most common causes of fires in an apartment is the fire of an electric or gas stove.

There are other causes of fire that are not so common. Despite the apparent safety of using this or that item, you should be careful about its use - it is possible that due to violation of operating conditions it may catch fire. IN in this case We are talking about aerosols, chemicals For household needs, flammable fabrics.

What to do immediately after a fire occurs

If a fire starts in your apartment, it is important to try to localize the fire yourself and try to put it out. In the event that a fire in an apartment spreads quickly, it is only important to try to save your loved ones and yourself. To behave correctly in the event of a fire, you should carefully study human actions and extinguishing methods.

Fire service employees know all the nuances of human behavior, the mistakes they make and possible subsequent dangers. It is important to know exactly what to do in case of a fire in an apartment:

  • immediately call the fire department, providing the exact address;
  • remove elderly people, children, and animals from the apartment;
  • if possible, open the panel at the entrance and turn off the electricity;
  • try to put out the fire yourself - to do this you will have to use water, carbon dioxide or, powder or wet rags (it is impossible to extinguish flammable substances with water and a rag);
  • it is important to prevent oxygen from entering the fire room by closing all windows;
  • if the fire only intensifies, you should leave the room, closing the front door(not lockable);
  • if the stairwell is on fire or heavily smoked, do not panic, but proceed to the stairs on the balcony;
  • in the absence of stairs for fire safety you should stay on the balcony and wait for help - this will help prevent poisoning from combustion products;
  • call people if there is a risk of clothes catching fire, even while on the balcony.

Fire due to faulty wiring or short circuit

If a decision has been made to leave the apartment, if possible, it is necessary to take valuables - documents, money and other things.

What is prohibited to do in case of fire

In the event of a fire in the apartment, it is prohibited to resort to the following actions:

  • you should not give in to panic - this is the reason for losing precious time;
  • cannot be stewed open fire if it arose due to damage to the electrical wiring;
  • you can’t run around the apartment, your clothes are starting to burn;
  • do not risk descending from the upper floors using a rope on your own - it is important to stay on the balcony until the last moment until the rescuers help;
  • you cannot leave the front door closed - in case of a fire in the apartment, it is important to quickly open the lock of the front door if there are people in the room (this way rescuers will quickly reach the victims);
  • you cannot hide under the bed or under the table - this applies to children, who always hide in their secluded corners during a fire (if a child loses in a fire, you should search his specific secluded places where he is used to hiding during games);
  • You can't use an elevator in a burning building.

If there is a fire in the kitchen, you should try to close the gas supply valve to the stove (if the stove is gas), but in case of a strong fire this is prohibited, you should immediately leave the building and call the fire department

You can put out a fire yourself, even using special ones, only at the fire stage - extinguishing large area fire by a person without appropriate protective equipment is prohibited. In this case, it is recommended to leave the apartment.

Ways to extinguish a fire in an apartment

Depending on the type of fire, extinguishing is carried out different ways which should be studied thoroughly and put into practice. Among the most effective ways highlight:

  • If the oil catches fire, you cannot extinguish it with water - the burning oil begins to boil violently when exposed to water, which can cause burns. Such combustion can provoke the emergence of additional fires. Cover the frying pan or pan with oil with a lid and simply turn off the stove.
  • If electrical appliances, including sockets and switches, catch fire, it is important to turn off the general electricity in the apartment. Here it is necessary to prevent the access of oxygen - do not open windows, do not create drafts.
  • If an electrical appliance catches fire, disconnect it from the power supply by unplugging the cord from the outlet. Provided that this is impossible, the apartment is completely de-energized.
  • Cover the equipment that caught fire wool blanket or any dense fabric to prevent oxygen access.
  • A small fire in an already de-energized electrical appliance can be covered with powder, soda or soil from a flower pot.
  • If textiles in an apartment catch fire, it can only be extinguished with water.

If there is a fire in the apartment, there is a danger of clothes catching fire. To prevent it from catching fire, it is recommended to take off loose clothing items - a fluffy dress, an open shirt, a loose T-shirt. If clothing has already caught fire, a person should not remain in a standing position - this increases the risk of burns to the face and respiratory organs. If your clothes catch fire, you should lie down on the floor and try to put out the fire, or you can try to take them off. The same is done when another person’s clothing catches fire.

Evacuation in case of fire in an apartment

When the fire spreads quickly, or burns neighboring apartment, there is nothing left to do but evacuate. To do this, do the following:

  • in order to avoid poisoning and burn your respiratory organs with combustion products, you will need to wet a towel and, putting it to your nose, try to leave the apartment;
  • it is important to check whether the door handle is hot - to do this, place the back of your hand on it;
  • having left the apartment, they go down the stairs on foot, carefully pressing a wet rag to their nose;
  • borrow on the street safe place before the rescuers arrive.

Evacuation of people from a burning building is carried out according to the evacuation plan

If possible, you can try to help your neighbors escape.

What to do if you were unable to evacuate

If it is not possible to evacuate, the actions should be as follows:

  • it is important to take a place closer to the window opening or furthest from the fire;
  • If possible, open the water in the tap;
  • Use wet rags to close the cracks in the doorway or ventilation hole;
  • try to notify people about the fire so that they can help and evacuate the remaining residents;
  • calmly wait for rescuers - panic will prevent firefighters from saving a person from the fire.

Only competent actions, calmness and prudence contribute to extinguishing a fire. By studying all the given nuances of human behavior in fire, you can save yourself and your loved ones.

These rules are very important for children to remember. If there is a fire in the apartment and there are no adults nearby, what to do:

1. Don’t panic, try to be collected and attentive.

2. Call the fire department by phone 01, from a cell phone - 010, 112. Give your name, exact address, floor, say what is burning and where.

3. If possible, inform your neighbors about the fire.

4. Small fire You can try to extinguish it with improvised means if there is no fire extinguisher in the house: in addition to water, which needs to be put into something, a wet cloth (sheets, towel), a thick blanket will do, sand and earth will also do, if you have them in the house.

5. Don't try to pay off strong fire yourself, try to leave the premises as quickly as possible.

6. You cannot hide under the bed, in closets, in the bathroom, you must try to leave the apartment.

7. Smoke is no less dangerous than fire. If there is smoke in the room, you need to cover your nose and mouth with a damp handkerchief or scarf, lie on the floor and crawl your way to the exit - there is less smoke below.

8. If a fire occurs in a household electrical appliance, you should try to unplug the plug from the socket or turn off the power through the electrical panel.

9. If the TV catches fire, you need to turn it off and cover it with a thick cloth; if it continues to burn, you can try to pour water through the hole in the back wall, but for safety reasons, you need to stand on the side, as the screen may explode.

10. If one of the rooms is engulfed in fire, you need to tightly close the door of the burning room and try to seal the door with rags soaked in water, where there are cracks, so that smoke does not pass through.

11. If the neighboring apartment is on fire, there is fire in the vestibule and on the landing, and there is no way to go up the stairs to the street, it is necessary to seal the entrance door to the apartment and water it with water before arrival fire brigade.

12. If you have to make your way through a room engulfed in fire, you need to pour water on yourself, wet a blanket or blanket, cover yourself with it, take air into your lungs, try to hold your breath and get through the dangerous place as quickly as possible.

13. If there is no way to get out of a burning apartment, you need to go out onto the balcony, tightly closing the door behind you. It is better not to climb down from the balcony using sheets or ropes - this is very dangerous.

14. During a fire in the entrance, the elevator may turn off, so it should not be used under any circumstances.

If a person's clothes are on fire.

1. If your clothes are on fire, do not try to run under any circumstances, the fire will flare up even stronger.

2. You need to throw off your burning clothes as quickly as possible, try to put out the flames - fall to the ground and roll around; if there is a puddle or snowdrift nearby - fall into them.

3. If you are indoors, you can throw some thick fabric (blanket, bedspread, coat) over yourself, just leave your head uncovered so as not to choke on smoke.

4. Before the doctors arrive, do not remove clothes from the burned areas of your body yourself!

If the elevator caught fire.

1. If a fire occurs in the elevator, smoke appears in the cabin or in the shaft, urgently press the “Call” button and report this to the dispatcher.

2. If the elevator continues to move, do not try to stop it yourself, wait until it stops.

3. When you leave the cabin, try to block the door with some object so that no one can call the elevator again.

4. You cannot extinguish the cabin with water, the elevator is under voltage!

5. Call the fire department by phone “01” and report the fire to the residents of the house.

6. If the elevator stops between floors, this may happen due to a fire and short circuit, do everything possible to be heard - shout loudly, call people for help, knock on the walls of the elevator. Try using available objects (keys, an umbrella) to push the elevator doors apart to make it easier to breathe. There is no need to try to leave the elevator on your own, it can go.

7. In order not to choke on smoke, you need to cover your mouth and nose with a scarf or sleeve of clothing; if you have water or other liquid with you that is not dangerous for breathing, moisten the scarf or sleeve with it.

First aid for burns.

1. Apply a damp and cold cloth to the burn site, it’s good if you have

2. sterile bandage, napkins (drivers usually have them in first aid kits), you can moisten the affected area with cold water.

3. Do not tear off clothing from the affected areas, do not lubricate the burn with oils and ointments, wait for the ambulance to arrive.

What to do during a fire


Fires in the residential sector are the most numerous. In the event of a fire in an apartment, you must:
1. If the fire started due to an electrical appliance or the wiring is on fire
, turn off the power. It is better to extinguish a burning device not with water, but by covering it with a blanket. CAREFULLY! The TV can explode, so you shouldn't be too close to it.

2. If kitchen utensils, curtains or towels catch fire from the stove, extinguish the fire with rags, wrapping your hands in a wet towel. A small fire in the kitchen can be extinguished with cereal, salt or washing powder.

3. Call the fire department Provide the address, reason for the call and the shortest route to your home.

4. Leave the burning room immediately. If this is not possible, seal the doors and windows in one of the rooms with a wet cloth to prevent acrid smoke from escaping. This will also eliminate the access of oxygen if there is an open fire in the room. The safest place in a burning home is the balcony (if the door is tightly closed).


Or rather, of course, it is not the person himself who burns, but first his clothes. Under no circumstances let him escape! This will only make the fire burn hotter. A person falls into a state of shock from pain and does not control his actions. We need to help him:

1. Throw him to the ground, knock out the flames. You can pour water on the fire, throw snow at the burning person if it happens in winter, cover the unfortunate person with thick fabric or clothing, leaving the head open so that the person does not suffocate from the products of combustion. If you don't have anything at hand, roll the burning person on the ground to put out the fire.

2. After this, immediately free the victim from smoldering clothes! Do not smear the burns, just apply a dry gauze bandage and call an ambulance.


Open windows and doors: fresh air flow supports combustion. You only need to break a window if you are going to jump out of it (if the floor is not high).

Extinguish electrical appliances plugged in with water.
- Walking in a smoky room full height: Smoke always accumulates at the top of a room or building, so it is better to crouch down or lie on the floor, covering your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

In a smoke-filled entrance, move while holding onto the railings: they can lead to a dead end.

Try to leave the burning entrance using the elevator (it can turn off at any moment, and you will find yourself trapped).
- Hiding during a fire (under a sofa, in a closet): it is impossible to hide from fire and smoke.

Apply oil to burns.

Fight the fire yourself without calling the fire department.

PANIC IS FIRE'S FRIEND. Do not panic! This main principle behavior in emergency. Act clearly, quickly, calmly.

Tell the firefighters your address, the shortest route to your home (office), name the floor where the fire occurred, clearly tell what exactly is burning (office, apartment, basement, attic, entrance), how many people are in the building, introduce yourself, give your phone number .



What to do in case of fire

A fire can occur anywhere and at any time. Therefore, you need to be prepared for it. We suggest you remember the simplest rules that will help you save yourself from fire and smoke.

The main thing to remember is that matches and lighters are used for household chores, but not for playing. Even a small spark can lead to big trouble.

If a fire happens in your apartment, immediately run away: to the street or to your neighbors.

Remember, if you can’t get out through the door, save yourself on the balcony or near an open window.

Never hide from a fire under a bed or in a closet - it will be difficult for firefighters to find you.

Putting out fires is the job of adults, but you can call the fire department yourself.

If your clothes catch fire, stop and fall to the ground and roll around until you put out the flames.


What students should do if there is a fire at school

When receiving an emergency evacuation signal, students must follow the instructions of the teacher teaching the lesson. It must be remembered that in conditions of large crowds of people, panic and excessive haste will lead to even greater danger as a result of the formation of “traffic jams” in doorways, on stairs and landings, in narrow passages of a building, etc. In addition, in such a situation, there is a possibility of injury to students and teachers. Therefore, children need to adhere to the following simple rules:

1. Listen carefully to all the teacher’s instructions. Time for a detailed explanation of how to act correctly in dangerous situation, he doesn't have it.

2. Quickly, without fuss, take your place in the ranks in a column of two people in front of the doorway study room. act calm. Don't argue or push. Only with this behavior can you quickly prepare for evacuation from the classroom and school building.

3. Always stay in order when leaving the classroom and moving around the school. Remember that if the formation is broken, the doorways may turn out to be an insurmountable obstacle.

4. Carefully follow the instructions of the teacher or teachers on duty. They may change the evacuation route from the school due to the developing situation.

5. Don’t run home, after leaving school, take your place in the school formation. The teachers and educators responsible for your life need to make sure that you are safe.

Service. Telephone unified service rescue - 01. Clearly state the address where the emergency occurred, the degree of threat to people, the optimal route, and your last name. It is known that ventilation, open doors, windows through which additional oxygen enters, promoting the development of a fire. That is why in a burning room it is not recommended to immediately break glass or open doors to rooms nearby. The first steps are to turn off the power on the panel landing and turn off the gas. If there is heavy smoke, you need to breathe, at put a wet cloth to your face, and move, bending towards the floor (there is more smoke at the top). Don't rush to the elevator: use the stairs only. If the path to the site is cut off, go to a room far from the fire, closing the doors behind you. Open the window and scream for help at attract the attention of passersby. What to do if a fire occurs before your eyes? TO at the TV set caught fire, and the fire had not yet engulfed the room. Turn off the power at boron, fill it with water through the holes in the back wall or cover it with a thick cloth. You can only throw a TV through a window into the street at safety for others. Even if you put out the fire immediately, you can be poisoned by combustion products. Immediately remove from the room those people who are not busy extinguishing and. Do the same at fire of other electrical at hog. What to do if a local fire occurs on the balcony (loggia)? If the fire spreads, immediately call 01, close all doors so as not to create a draft. If the threat is minimal, extinguish the fire using available means (water from a bucket, washing powder, wet cloth, soil from flower pots). Warn your neighbors about what happened. Smoke was noticed in the . If smoke allows you to navigate in space, try to determine the location of the fire (apartment, garbage bin, Mailbox etc.). The smell can also be characteristic (rubber, flammable substances, plastic, paper). In case of minor fire at call your neighbors for help and put out the fire. In the event of a large-scale incident, notify the residents about it and try to leave the premises along flights of stairs, through fire escapes. If at If you move through a densely smoky corridor, you should cover yourself with a thick wet cloth and move, at bending or crawling. If a firestorm threatens, it is important to avoid burns internal organs: fall, cover your head with a cloth and hold your breath. If you notice a fire in the basement, never try to get inside yourself - call fire brigade. If you live on the ground floor, open the windows (but not the door to the entrance!), and then leave the home, notifying your neighbors. What to do if a person’s clothes are on fire? He must not run: the flames will flare up even hotter. The fire must be extinguished by throwing thick cloth, snow, dousing with water, leaving the head open. If you can help throw off burning clothes, do it, but very quickly. Do your best medical care. Remember: at The combustion of many substances releases very poisonous gases: hydrocyanic acid, phosgene and others. Thus, not only fire can be dangerous, but also the fumes from it. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide give reactions from mild headaches to fainting, coma, paralysis of the respiratory centers and fatal outcome. The worst thing at fire in places with crowds of people - panic. Keep your cool. When moving in a crowd, keep children in front of you, leading them by the shoulders. Adults who are numb with fear at bring to your senses by patting your cheeks with your palms. Talk to them calmly and mobilizingly. After getting out of the burning room, provide assistance to those in need and call for help.

It's called a fire a combustion process uncontrollable from the outside that can cause material damage and cause harm to the health and lives of people. Greatest danger in the event of a fire they melt into themselves heat, released during combustion and toxic products combustion (gases). Fire causes deformation of materials, resulting in the danger of burnt building structures that can collapse and electrical appliances and equipment that can explode.

The main causes of fire are:

  1. Careless handling of fire. Smoking in in the wrong place, games with an open fire indoors, making fires on local area, careless use of flammable liquids and household chemicals.
  2. Uncontrolled children's games with fire (matches and lighters).
  3. Voltage surges and malfunctions in household gas and electrical appliances and equipment. Installation errors, faulty electrical appliances and leaving devices with open coils unattended.
  4. Fired stoves left unattended or melted with a flammable liquid.
  5. Malfunction of electrical and fuel devices in transport.
  6. Errors when carrying out fire and electric gas welding work.

Signs of a fire:

  • a slight flame may appear as a result of smoldering or overheating of objects;
  • the appearance of smoke and the smell of overheated substances;
  • fading lights and burning lamps;
  • Crackling sounds and the smell of burnt rubber and plastic indicate an electrical fire.

Before leaving the house, you need to make sure that all electrical appliances and temporary heaters are de-energized and the gas supply is turned off. Windows and balcony doors must be closed. You should not store combustible property on the balcony, which could ignite from a cigarette butt accidentally blown by the wind.

If a fire is detected, you should remain clear-headed without panicking fire department(telephone “01” or “112” by cell phone), turn off the power supply (on the panel), turn off the gas and begin evacuating people, taking children and persons outside old age and the weak. Before firefighters arrive, you can extinguish the fire using available means (fire extinguishers, wet cloth).

When calling the fire department, you must provide the dispatcher with the following information:

  1. Full address (city or locality, street name, house number and number of floors, apartment number and floor where the fire is located);
  2. List what is burning and for what reason (if known);
  3. State your last name and telephone number.

Before the fire brigade arrives at the scene, clear the road and then point the way to the fire.

We should not forget that:

  • Flammable liquids can only be extinguished using a fire extinguisher, thick cloth or sand.
  • Do not pour water over burning fat in a frying pan. It should be covered with a lid and a wet cloth on top. If burning fat gets on the walls or floor, you can try to cover them with soil from flower pots or washing powder.
  • A burning TV must be unplugged and covered with a wet cloth.

If there is a fire in the stairwell, you need to prevent smoke and fire from entering the apartment until firefighters arrive:

  • Close windows and doors.
  • Seal ventilation holes and cracks with wet rags.
  • Water the front door from time to time.

During an evacuation, you should not run at random; you need to move towards a specific exit, bending towards the floor, wrapping your nose and mouth with a wet cloth. Descent is carried out only by stairs, the elevator can get stuck between floors, and drain risers and homemade rope ladders made from sheets are dangerous.

If a person's clothes catch fire, they should be thrown to the ground and try to put out the flames: throw on thick clothes or make them roll on the ground. After this call " ambulance» Provide first aid to the victim: cool the burned areas of the body and apply a sterile bandage.

In case of poisoning carbon monoxide the victim must be carried to Fresh air, free him from clothes, if necessary, make him artificial respiration and call an ambulance.

The most common type of emergency is a fire. It is one of the most dangerous, in my opinion, so you need to be careful, know what to do in case of fire and not neglect fire safety rules.

According to statistics, in Russia 80% of all fires occur in enclosed spaces: apartments, dachas, garages, etc. But what to do in case of fire? Many people get lost when they find themselves in such stressful situation, and they even forget to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Problem domestic fires today is more relevant than ever. Material losses The victims of fiery accidents are estimated to be in the millions. And how many of the victims die due to not knowing what to do during a fire. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out what to do in case of a fire.

What to do in case of fire in the apartment

Due to carelessness with household appliances, poor electrical wiring and simply human negligence, hundreds break down every year. square meters housing. Fire in an apartment - what to do first and what measures to take?

If there is a fire in the apartment:

  • First of all, get people out of it;
  • Call the fire department using the rescue line and inform your neighbors about the fire;
  • De-energize the apartment, turn off the electricity;
  • If possible, try to extinguish the fire yourself: with water, a wet cloth, or a fire extinguisher (if available). But! If the fire has spread to such a scale that it is dangerous to be in the house, leave the apartment and do not try to extinguish the flame yourself;
  • Do not open windows and doors, do not break glass in the house or apartment - this will give the fire an influx of air and it will grow even more;
  • If you see that you will not be able to put out the fire yourself, immediately leave the apartment and close the front door tightly;
  • If you don’t have the opportunity to leave the apartment, go out onto the balcony and try to attract the attention of passers-by so that they call the rescue service and firefighters.

If you have a chance to put out a fire yourself, or you are busy rescuing victims, then remember the following rules:

  • Before entering a burning or smoke-filled room, wrap your head in a thick, damp cloth;
  • Open the door to a burning or smoky room very carefully: the influx of air can cause a fire to flare up;
  • Move by crawling or crouching around the room and smoke-filled stairwells;
  • If your clothes catch fire, lie down on the floor and knock out the flames by rolling on the floor or ground. Do not run under any circumstances - this will fan the flames;
  • If you see someone's clothes on fire, throw a blanket, jacket, curtain, or any large piece of fabric over him and press tightly;
  • If you are looking for lost or hidden children, first look through closets and under beds.

What to do in case of a fire in the forest

Everyone knows that when relaxing in the forest, you need to observe certain rules safety: enclose the fire with stones or sand, carefully extinguish it at the end of the rest. But, even if you are a very experienced tourist, you, of course, cannot vouch for others. Therefore: what to do if you are faced with a fire in the forest?

  • Try to determine the cause of the fire, go to safe distance to open fire;
  • Try to figure out what exactly is burning, how hard it is burning and how much area the fire occupies. Also check if the wind is blowing, in what direction it is blowing and with what force;
  • Don't overestimate yourself if you can't handle the fire yourself, notify about the fire as soon as possible special services- Ministry of Emergency Situations, rangers, foresters. If you went on a hike with a company and discovered a fire, then free one of your company from equipment and send him for help to the highway or to the nearest populated area;
  • If the fire is small, you can put it out yourself. The fire can be put out with a damp cloth, a broom made of branches, or water from a backpack or reservoir, if there is one nearby;
  • If you find yourself in an area close to a peat bog fire, leave these places as quickly as possible and report the disaster to special services. Being near burning peat bogs is extremely dangerous;
  • From danger zone go out to a clearing, a wide clearing, to a pond, to a road;
  • Leave the danger zone perpendicular to the direction of fire;
  • If it is not possible to leave the danger zone, enter the nearest body of water or cover yourself with wet clothes. Lie down towards the ground, cover your nose and mouth with a bandage and breathe air closer to the ground.

What to do in case of fire in transport

Fires in transport take second place after fires in private houses and apartments. The causes of fires in vehicles are usually faulty electrical wiring, driver smoking while driving, an open fire to warm up the engine, or a loose battery.

The worst thing about transport fires is that they start almost unnoticed. It is almost impossible to detect a fire before the smell of smoke and burning reaches the nose. And fire spreads quickly in a car - from a couple of seconds to 3 minutes. Therefore, it is useless to hope for the help of firefighters in this case. The only chance to save your car is to extinguish it yourself, using a fire extinguisher, which should always be at hand in the car.

What to do in case of fire in public transport

  • Immediately inform the driver about the fire, try to stop the vehicle with his help or yourself, open the doors with the emergency exit button;
  • If possible, use fire extinguishing agents that you have or have in your transport;
  • For evacuation, use emergency hatches and side windows;
  • Protect your respiratory system by covering your face with a scarf, sleeve or other piece of fabric;
  • When you get out of the vehicle, move away from it and the source of the fire, as the fuel tank may explode.

What to do after a fire

If you have been in a smoky or burning room for a long time, you may experience poisoning due to combustion building materials. Modern building materials contain a percentage of cyanide; in addition, during combustion, carbon monoxide, or so-called carbon monoxide, is released. Inhalation of carbon monoxide leads to blockage of hemoglobin, disruption of oxygen circulation in the blood and cellular metabolism.

In order to determine the presence of carbon monoxide poisoning after a fire, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms: weakness, headaches, heaviness in the head, redness of the skin, tinnitus, muscle pain, drowsiness and vomiting. In particular severe cases the skin becomes pale, breathing becomes weak, and involuntary urination is possible. Worsening the situation will lead to convulsions and cardiac arrest.

The first step is to provide the victim with a flow of fresh air. It is best to take it out into the fresh air; a fan, air conditioning, or fanning with newspaper will also work. If the victim is unconscious, he needs artificial respiration or closed cardiac massage. Of course, all this must be done while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Be careful and act according to the tips described above, then you will be able to save your property, health and, of course, your life.

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351. Complete a written analysis of 2-3 adjectives as part of speech.

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