Reception and transfer of the vehicle to the organization. Vehicle acceptance and transfer certificate - rules for drawing up

Formation of an act of acceptance and transfer of a vehicle is a necessary stage in recording the transfer of a vehicle from one hand to another.


Which vehicles does the act apply to?

The act can be formed in relation to any vehicles:

  • cars and trucks
  • buses
  • agricultural, construction and other special equipment
  • motorcycles, etc.

It should be noted that the act is drawn up only between organizations; if the transfer of the vehicle occurs within the company (for example, to the driver to perform his official duties), then such an act does not need to be written.

Document meaning

This act refers to the primary documentation and is the most important accounting document. Moreover, it is not independent, but serves as an annex to any agreement: purchase and sale, service maintenance, rent, leasing, etc.

Some car owners do not understand the role of the deed (which is indeed very significant), believing that signing a contract is enough to complete the transaction. This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion. The fact is that the contract itself, in fact, is only an intention to carry out any actions in relation to the car and can be terminated at any time, but the actual evidence of the transfer of the vehicle from one person to another is the corresponding acceptance certificate -transmissions.
After it is signed, it will no longer be so easy to challenge or terminate the contract, and only in court.

In addition to the above, we must not forget that on the basis of this act, the vehicle is written off from the balance sheet of one organization and accepted for accounting in another.

Summarizing what has been said, let's summarize: from a legal point of view, the document is confirmation that the car has been transferred from the former owner to the new owner (i.e., in the absence of this act, the transfer may be considered invalid). If there are unfounded claims or disagreements under the contract, this document can become part of the evidence base, both for one party to the contractual relationship and for the other.

What is checked when handing over a vehicle?

The act not only certifies the fact of transfer of the car, but also indicates its technical condition at the time of the transaction. That is why, before drawing up the form, you need to carefully examine the car for malfunctions, breakdowns and other defects.

If any are identified, information about their presence must be included in the report.

In the absence of this information, it will be quite problematic to make claims against the former owner in the future. If the qualifications of the vehicle purchaser are insufficient, you can contact specialized organizations to inspect and assess the condition of the vehicle.

What documents accompany the transfer of a car from one person to another?

The transfer of the car is also accompanied by the transfer of a number of official papers related to it:

  • car passport;
  • service book;
  • registration certificate, etc.

It is also advisable to include a complete list of them in the vehicle acceptance certificate.

Features of the act, general points

If you are faced with the task of creating an act of acceptance and transfer of a vehicle, and you do not know exactly how to do this, carefully read the tips below. Look at the example of filling out the act - based on it you can easily make your own document.

To begin with, we will give general information typical for all such papers. First of all, keep in mind that today there is no unified sample act (the unified forms of primary documents were abolished back in 2013). This means that the act can be done either in any form, or according to a template approved in the company’s regulatory documents, or use a previously mandatory standard form. In this case, the method of drawing up the act must also be reflected in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

The vehicle acceptance certificate can be written on a regular sheet of paper or on company letterhead

However, it can be filled out by hand or on the computer. If the latter option is selected, the act should be printed after final generation. All persons involved in the acceptance and transfer of the car must put their living signatures on the document.

It is not necessary to stamp the form using stamps (seals or stamps), but if such a condition is present in the local documentation of the enterprise, it is still necessary to use a seal.

When drawing up an act, you should avoid inaccuracies, blots and errors, but if any do occur, it is better not to correct them in the document, but to create a new form.

An act is formed at least in duplicate(if the act is filled out by hand, then through a copy sheet) - one for each of the parties involved in the transfer of the vehicle. If necessary, additional copies can be made, which also need to be properly certified.

Sample document

Before you start drawing up the vehicle acceptance certificate, mentally divide it into three sections.

The first one will be the beginning. The following information is entered here:

  • information about the agreement to which this act is an annex;
  • Title of the document;
  • date, place (locality) of its formation.

Below is the main block. Here are the following in order:

  • information about the parties involved in the acceptance and transfer: names of enterprises, positions and full names of the persons who represent them;
  • information about the car: its make, year of manufacture, numbers: VIN, engine and passport, color of the car, as well as other identification characteristics;
  • if necessary, you can also include any other necessary information here (price of the car, period of its actual operation, list of documents, accessories, etc. transferred along with the car);
  • the fact is verified that all parameters of the vehicle have been checked (including completeness);
  • if during the inspection any shortcomings were identified, they must be described in the document in great detail - in the future, on the basis of them, it will be possible to submit claims to the other party to the contract with a requirement to eliminate them at their own expense;
  • it is indicated that the transfer was made in full accordance with the agreement, the money was paid and the parties have no claims against each other (or the opposite).

How to account and store a document

The transfer and acceptance certificate of the vehicle is subject to mandatory recording and storage. Information about the generated, signed and approved form must be entered into the internal documentation journal (every company should have one) with a note indicating the date of creation and document number.

The form should then be attached to the contract and placed in a place where access should be restricted. Here he must remain for the period established by law or for the period specified in the internal regulations of the organization.

After this time, it can be disposed of in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.

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The Russian Civil Code does not provide for separate rules for concluding and executing a car purchase and sale agreement. The transaction is executed according to the rules of Art. 454-491. The transfer and acceptance certificate can be drawn up and signed in free form, but in compliance with the necessary structure and in accordance with the principle of completeness and reliability of the reflection of information about contractors and the vehicle.

Form of Acceptance and Transfer Certificate

The transfer and acceptance certificate can be applied to:

  • cars of different sizes and capacities;
  • special equipment;
  • passenger buses: city, intercity;
  • motorcycles, mopeds, ATVs, etc.

The act allows you to accept car parts and components. The document must contain information about the pledge, arrest, and shared ownership of the car.

Sample document

Conventionally, the act of acceptance and transfer of a car or other vehicle can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. Introductory information (beginning). Counterparties indicate information about the agreement, to which the act acts as a separate annex; name (title) of documents, date and place of its execution.
  2. Main block. Here they indicate:
    • information about counterparties - full name, name, legal address of enterprises, contact details;
    • car data - make, model, production date, VIN, unit numbers. You must also indicate the color of the car;
    • service life of the machine, cost (must be indicated in numbers and with explanation);
    • a list of documentation and technical devices (spare parts) that are transferred along with the machine;
    • information on a complete check of the technical condition and completeness of the machine;
    • a list and detailed description of the identified deficiencies (if this happened, but the parties did not refuse the transaction);
    • information that the transfer of the car has been completed in full, the money has been transferred to the seller, and the counterparties fully confirm the fulfillment of all obligations. You can separately issue a receipt for receipt of money.

The act may also contain other information that the parties consider important and necessary for the conscientious fulfillment of the terms of the car purchase and sale agreement or other transaction.

Significance of the document

Transfer and Acceptance Certificateformalized within the framework of civil law relations. It indicates that the parties fulfilled their obligations under the transaction - they handed over the car in proper condition and completeness.

The document does not replace a full-fledged purchase and sale agreement, rental, leasing, or vehicle service agreement. Without the form of the main transaction, it is invalid and cannot be considered as an unconditional independent legal fact.

The agreement on the basis of which the deed was signed can be challenged in the absence of a transfer deed, since the interested party in court may refer to the fact that:

  • she did not receive a car;
  • received it at a reduced price, which does not correspond to the price specified in the contract;
  • accepted a car with defects and operational deficiencies, about which nothing was said in the contract.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to fully indicate information about the car, its full cost, as well as the date of transfer to the buyer, lessee, or service organization. The absence of an act, therefore, may indicate that one of the parties to the transaction has not fully fulfilled its obligations, which is fraught with serious legal proceedings.

Required documents

The main document that is necessary for signing the act is the agreement that provides the basis for the occurrence of obligations for the transfer - a form for a sale transaction, contractual agreement, leasing, rental.

You must also provide:

  • PTS car;
  • service book (if available);
  • a document confirming the passage of technical inspection;
  • insurance policy (for example, the seller can include the buyer in the insurance or reissue his policy for him);
  • car registration certificate.

Additional documents may be submitted: for a trailer, gas equipment, and other changes that were made to the design of the vehicle.

Vehicle check

The main purpose of the transfer acceptance certificate is to certify the fact of transfer of the car from one counterparty to another.

They can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, stateless persons, as well as legal entities. At the same time, the document indicates that the car was transferred to the purchaser, the lessee, in proper technical condition. Before drawing up the certificate, experts recommend thoroughly checking the car.

If the car is not checked in a timely manner, the buyer or lessee will have to prove that he did not know and should not be aware of the defects (for example, when they are hidden and cannot be identified immediately - the engine eats oil, defects in the electronics that appear only after a long drive, etc. .d.).

Legal nuances

A unified form of the act has not existed since 2013, when almost all strict reporting documents were abolished and legal entities (IP) were given the opportunity to draw up documents in free form or according to samples put into effect on the basis of local acts.

Citizens can sign the act in free written form– by printing the document on A4 sheet and even writing it in legible handwriting (by hand). The act must be signed by all counterparties. If someone acts through them through a representative, then you need to provide full information about the representatives - their full name, power of attorney number. It is necessary to put the organization’s stamp on the form if such a procedure is provided for by the company’s internal regulations.

The act is also authorized to be signed by counterparties: persons acting under an agency agreement or a commission transaction, but they only certify the fact of the transfer of the car, but are not responsible for the quality of the car - there may be shortcomings or problems with registration.

It is advisable to draw up an act without errors, blots, or inaccuracies. If they were nevertheless admitted, then it is advisable to issue a new form. It is not allowed to enter unreliable, inaccurate information into the deed, or to hide information about the pledgee - if the car is in collateral, other owners (for example, a car as an indivisible property may be in the shared ownership of heirs or spouses).

If fatal or significant defects, including those of a legal nature, were hidden from the purchaser of the car, then he has the right to go to court and demand recognition of the invalidity of the purchase and sale agreement.Similar rules apply to car rental transactions and other civil law agreements.

The act must be formulated in two copies - one for each party to the transaction. There may be more such forms, which must also be signed and, if necessary, certified by the seals of the parties.

The following video describes in detail how to fill out the purchase and sale agreement and the vehicle acceptance certificate:

Document accounting and storage

  • If the transfer and acceptance certificate was signed by citizens, then it is advisable to keep such a document, but if it is missing, the tax office will not fine the citizen. At the enterprise, the act must be kept - together with the main contract.
  • Information about the document must be entered in the journal of registration of internal documents.
  • It is advisable to attach the form to the main contract and store it in a designated place (box, safe), depending on the organizational policy of the enterprise.
  • Typically, documents are stored for 10 years and are subject to write-off (destruction), but commercial enterprises have the right to set the maximum storage period independently.
  • Along with the deed, you can store payment documentation confirming the fact of transfer of funds for the car in full.
  • The acceptance certificate can be included in the form of the main agreement. It is advisable to do this when buying a used car between citizens.
  • If the transaction is of a commercial nature, then it is better to draw up the transfer deed separately from the purchase and sale agreement or other transaction on the basis of which the vehicle was transferred.
  • If it is difficult to draw up a document yourself, then it is advisable to choose a qualified assistant.

The act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle itself is an addition to the document serving as confirmation of the purchase or sale of the car.

It serves as evidence of the completion of this transaction with movable property; and the parties to the agreement may be:

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  1. The person who made the purchase.
  2. The tenant (also the landlord himself).
  3. Repair service representative.

A transfer and acceptance certificate can also be drawn up if the car included in the contract was transferred to the owner for temporary use; the basis for its preparation may be an order from the immediate supervisor.

The transfer and acceptance certificate is prepared in the interests of both parties concluding the agreement, one way or another connected with vehicles and their further operation. Such an agreement provides the lessor with a guarantee that at the end of the period he can count on the return of the car in proper form and in good condition.

The lessee or buyer who has drawn up the contract, in turn, can protect himself from purchasing a low-quality or faulty car, or protect himself from possible claims against him.

Rules for drawing up an act

To date, the legislation does not provide for uniform requirements for drawing up a form for a transport acceptance certificate.

However, it must contain paragraphs reflecting the information required for documents:

  1. The very name of the act.
  2. Date of sale (optionally, purchase or lease) of the vehicle; transaction number.
  3. Personal data of the parties to the contract.
  4. Date and place of drawing up the document itself.
  5. Characteristics of the car itself. In the case of purchase and sale, the year of manufacture, brand, color, numbers and information about the technical condition are indicated. If the document is signed for the purpose of renting, details of the equipment, mileage, and possible defects should be reported.

In addition, the parties entering into the contract must make sure that they have no claims against each other. Also, the document must necessarily contain the signatures of the parties to the agreement.

After the document has been completed, it is additionally accompanied by a technical passport issued to the vehicle and a mandatory service book.

If the transfer acceptance certificate will be drawn up for the purpose of buying or selling a car, it is filled out in two copies (one separately for each party to the contract). If the purpose of drawing up the act is temporary rental of transport, one copy is issued to the customer, two more remain at the disposal of the service department.

Additional verification activities

Additional verification activities are required if you are purchasing or leasing a vehicle that has already been used. A reliable way to check a car for damage or hidden defects is a comprehensive diagnostic study.

It makes it possible to include in the acceptance certificate of your vehicle the most accurate and detailed information about the technical condition of the vehicle indicated in the documents at the time of purchase or acceptance by the lessee.

You can also attach the survey results to the report itself.

Before renting and (especially) buying a car, special attention should be paid to checking the legal purity of the vehicle. Namely, make sure that the car that will be transferred to you is not collateral or credit.

It is also necessary to ensure that it is not subject to any restrictions on registration activities. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in significant difficulties in using the vehicle, and you may be subject to additional liability for previous transactions with it.

Car acceptance certificate

Today, the purchase and sale of a car are among the most common and popular transactions performed with movable property. That is why cases of deception and fraud have become far from rare. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from possible risks associated with the execution of all necessary documents.

Required documents

The nature of the additional documents required to sign the vehicle acceptance certificate depends mainly on what kind of operation you plan to carry out.

In order to prepare a car for rent, it is necessary to provide a list of documents confirming the working condition of the car, as well as the absence of damage that would impede its operation. An example of such a document is a technical passport.

When renting a car, and also when transferring, the receiving party must carefully check the car’s license plates, as well as check all the necessary documents for authenticity.

In the event that you plan to buy or sell a car, a service book and a passport of the vehicle itself are additionally attached to the acceptance certificate.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the car to the driver

Separately, it is worth stipulating the rules for drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of a car or other vehicle in the event that the conclusion of an agreement is carried out between two drivers.

One of the conditions for concluding a deal is access to vehicle inspection provided to the receiving party. It is necessary to treat this clause of the contract as responsibly as possible, since if other defects are discovered after the contract is signed, all responsibility for them will fall directly on the buyer or lessee of the car.

When concluding an agreement between two drivers, the transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up in triplicate: two of them will be provided to the drivers, another one must remain at the driver’s disposal.

The documentation must include the following information:

  1. Details of the parties involved in drawing up and signing the contract (the parties in this case are the drivers handing over and receiving the vehicle).
  2. Information about the condition of the car at the time of conclusion of the contract.
  3. Mileage.
  4. Vehicle equipment.
  5. Remaining fuel (also at the time of conclusion of the contract).

It is also permissible to draw up an agreement for the transfer of a vehicle to several drivers at once.

How to fill out the vehicle acceptance certificate

Despite the fact that today there is no clearly fixed form for filling out forms, you can find samples, based on which you can draw up the contract you need, on specialized websites on the Internet. Each of these documents contains mandatory items.

The nature of the additional information depends mainly on the nature of the planned transaction: purchase and sale, rental of a vehicle. And, in addition, from the persons involved in the process of writing and compiling it.

A prerequisite for drawing up any act of acceptance and transfer of a vehicle (regardless of whether you are going to buy, sell, or rent a car) is the presence of personal signatures of all parties to the agreement.

The signature placed on the document means that you have read all the points of the document and agree with it. Failure to sign a party makes the document invalid.

Sample of vehicle acceptance certificate

Before you begin drawing up a vehicle acceptance certificate, clarify the nature of the operation in which you plan to participate. This is explained by the fact that different transactions with vehicles - buying and selling or leasing - require filling out different forms. Sample forms for renting out a car, or for buying and selling a car, can be found below.

Do not forget that the completed document must be executed in several copies for all parties to the agreement.


to the Sale and Purchase Agreement


from "___"________ ____ g.

car delivery and reception

______ "_____"_____ 20__

[Full name, passport details of the seller], hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, and [Full name, passport details of the buyer], hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, with

“___”___________ ______ The Seller handed over and the Buyer accepted a technically sound passenger car

  • brand “_________”,
  • ______ year of manufacture,
  • VIN ______________,
  • body N _____________,
  • engine N_________________,
  • body (cabin, sidecar, trailer) N ___________,
  • chassis (frame) N ________________,
  • color ______________.

The vehicle identification numbers have been verified, the completeness of the vehicle has been checked and corresponds to the factory one.

Along with the car, the Seller transferred and the Buyer accepted the following spare parts and accessories for the car:

and documents for the car:

  • vehicle passport series _______ No._____ dated _________________
  • service book

The purchase and sale was carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of the said Agreement. The Buyer has no claims against the Seller, including property ones.

Salesman: _______________________

Buyer: _______________________

Car acceptance certificate

to lease agreement No. ____________ dated _____________.

This act is drawn up in two copies, one for each party, upon transfer of the car: ____________________________________________, by

lease agreement between: _ _________________________________________________________________, hereinafter “Lessor”, and

Further, the “Lessee” states that the “Lessor” transfers, the “Lessee” accepts the car:

In good condition and technical condition and with the following equipment, namely:

  1. The car is equipped with: ________________________________________________________________________________
  2. The paintwork has no chips, scratches or other defects.
  3. The interior and dashboard of the car have no defects, burns, cuts, stains, etc.
  4. At the time of transfer, the total mileage of the vehicle is _______________ km.

Upon acceptance and transfer of the above vehicle, the following documents were handed over to the “Renter”:

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________________.

The “tenant” personally checked the chassis (body) numbers in the engine compartment and luggage compartment, the engine numbers with the numbers in the documents, and also checked the vehicle’s equipment

The “Lessor” provided the “Lessee” with all the necessary information about the conditions and rules of operation of the above-mentioned vehicle and about behavior in an emergency situation.

Observations identified:______________________________________________________________________________.

I am fully familiar with the rental rules ___________________________________.

I received the keys.

I checked the serviceability of additional equipment.

Tenant: Lessor:

________________________ ____________________________________

By concluding a purchase and sale agreement, one party (seller) undertakes to transfer the thing (goods) into the ownership of the other party (buyer), and the buyer undertakes to accept this product and pay a certain amount of money (price) for it (clause 1 of Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ). This definition equally applies to the purchase and sale of a vehicle (car). To confirm the fact of transfer of the vehicle under the contract, the parties sign a corresponding act. We will tell you how to draw up a transfer and acceptance certificate for a car when selling it in our consultation.

We draw up a vehicle acceptance certificate (sample 2018)

The form of the vehicle acceptance certificate (form) is at the discretion of the seller and the buyer, because there is no uniform form for use. However, when drawing up a car acceptance certificate in 2018, you need to keep in mind a number of important circumstances. By the way, you can download the vehicle acceptance certificate in Word format using the link below.

When the act of acceptance and transfer of the car will be drawn up, i.e. the actual transfer of the thing will occur, in the general case it is established by the terms of the purchase and sale agreement (clause 1 of Article 457 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Often the purchase and sale agreement and the transfer and acceptance certificate are dated on the same date. It is from the moment when the seller is considered to have fulfilled his obligation to transfer the goods (car), the risk of his accidental death or accidental damage passes to the buyer (Article 458, paragraph 1 of Article 459 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). That is why it is important for the parties to detail the object of sale and purchase in the transfer and acceptance certificate. This is done not only by referring to the agreement (for example, it is indicated that the act is an annex to the purchase and sale agreement and the transfer of goods is carried out in accordance with the terms of such an agreement), but also by a detailed description of the transferred goods in the act. Such a description can be taken from the contract, because the condition about the goods in the sales contract will be considered agreed upon if the contract allows us to determine the name and quantity of the goods. In relation to a vehicle, the contract and act usually indicate, in particular:

  • state registration plate;
  • identification number (VIN);
  • make, model, type of vehicle;
  • year of release (manufacturing);
  • body color;
  • engine power;
  • engine displacement;
  • engine's type.

The specified information is taken from the vehicle passport, the details of which are also given in the sales contract and the acceptance certificate.

Confirming the transfer of the car by signing an act, the parties indicate in this act that the identification numbers of the car have been verified, and the technical condition and completeness of the car have been checked and comply with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement. The act must also indicate that the parties have no mutual claims against each other.

Of course, along with information about the product, the act indicates information about the buyer and seller, whose signatures are certified by such an act. If one of the parties to the agreement is a legal entity, its seal (if any) is affixed to the act.

The acceptance certificate is usually drawn up in at least 3 copies: one each for the seller and buyer and one for registering the vehicle with the traffic police.

Here is a simple, completed sample for the car acceptance certificate.

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