Acceptance and transfer act for transport. The act of assigning a vehicle to the driver

A vehicle purchase and sale agreement, according to which a transaction with a car is carried out, can be drawn up both between individuals and between legal entities. It is enough to draw up a document in two versions - one for each party to the transaction. When registering a vehicle with the state traffic inspectorate, the document confirming the transaction, as a rule, is not returned to the new owner. Considering this fact, lawyers advise recording the transaction with three copies of the document.

Such a responsible event as a car transaction must be approached with full responsibility and confirmed by drawing up a sales contract. The standard document form is sufficient in 90% of cases. You can view the form of the vehicle purchase and sale agreement without additional conditions here.

Is a transfer acceptance certificate required for a car purchase and sale agreement?

According to civil law, ownership of any object, be it a car, apartment or non-residential premises, arises after its transfer.

There are two main options for registering the transfer of goods that can be used when selling a vehicle:

  • 1) Direct inclusion in the contract as a separate clause with a mention that the transfer of the vehicle is carried out on the day of signing or after a certain period after signing.
  • 2) Drawing up and signing a vehicle acceptance certificate. An optional but desirable procedure that will avoid many troubles in the future.

How to draw up a car acceptance certificate for a purchase and sale agreement?

The act of acceptance and transfer of a vehicle is not regulated at the legislative level and, as such, there is no approved form. But current practice shows that the document usually includes:

  • Basic details, namely: name, date, number, place of detention (optional);
  • Full name of the parties to the transaction, they can be: the seller and the buyer, the owner and the lessee (in the case of renting a vehicle) or, when the car is transferred to a repair shop for temporary use, the owner of the car and the service technician;
  • Description of the product based on the main vehicle document, including brand, model, color, year of manufacture, etc.;
  • Confirmation of compliance of the vehicle’s condition with the criteria for technical serviceability of the vehicle, indicating all qualitative deviations and damages;
  • Confirmation of the absence of disagreements at the transaction stage;
  • Signatures of the parties.

Sample, form

In case of transfer of a vehicle purchased by installments, the transfer of ownership to the new owner is not carried out. In fact, this is already stipulated separately in the contract. An example indicating the conditions for paying monthly installment amounts looks something like this:

The buyer pays for the vehicle in installments in the following order:

  • 250,000 rubles (Two hundred fifty thousand rubles) is paid at the time of signing this agreement
  • Further payments are made over 5 months. The buyer makes payments in annuity payments in the amount of 60,000 (Sixty thousand rubles) no later than the 15th day of each month.

The new owner of the vehicle cannot call himself the full owner of the car until he pays the entire agreed amount. Until the debt is fully repaid by the new owner, he cannot sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the vehicle. Damage caused to the vehicle, as well as accidental loss, are compensated at the expense of the purchaser.

Is it possible to draw up a contract for the sale and purchase of a car without a transfer and acceptance certificate?

It is quite possible to draw up and sign a purchase and sale agreement without an integral attachment in the form of an acceptance certificate. No one has the right to oblige you to draw up and sign a document. As mentioned above, there is an option when the date and conditions for acceptance and delivery of the vehicle are specified directly in the contract. If the fact of transfer is not specified in documents, then the moment of transfer is considered to be the date of signing of the contract by the parties.
Nevertheless, when concluding a transaction with a car, lawyers advise drawing up a transfer and acceptance certificate and, in addition to it, a receipt for receipt of funds. Pay due attention to this: both documents will serve you as a good help in the event that the parties have mutual claims and have to present documentation of the transaction in court.

A vehicle acceptance certificate is required to register the purchase and sale of a vehicle.

You should not hide any information about the car, since if the truth is revealed, you can lose your reputation as both a good lessor and a trusted seller.

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This document is needed for drawing up or for transferring a vehicle for temporary use to the client.

The act can be drawn up in various ways, which will depend on the essence of the transaction:

  • Car rent. In this case, the act regulates the transfer and acceptance transaction of the vehicle.
  • The document is double-sided, so both the landlord and the tenant receive copies.
  • This act will contain all the information about the rented car: components, existing defects (if any), mileage of the car.

Upon receipt of this document, the lessee must check the car number with the number in the contract. You should also ensure that the other documents provided are valid.

reception and transmission of a vehicle (car) without a crew

___________ ” __”________ 20______

We refer to__ hereinafter as the “Lessor” represented by _________ acting on the basis of _______________, on the one hand, and ____________ hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant”, represented by ___________ acting on the basis of _______________, on the other hand, have drawn up an acceptance certificate on the following:

For the purpose of executing the Lease Agreement for a vehicle with crew N. _________ dated “__”_________ 200_, the Lessor transfers and the Lessee accepts the following vehicle: – vehicle make ___________________________________ – production _________________________________________________ – license plate number _________________________________________________ – N. engine ___________________________________________________ – N. body _____________________________________________________ – year of manufacture ___________________________________________________ – color __________________________________________________________

Equipment: spare wheel, jack - brand, pump, set of keys.

The Lessor transfers and the Lessee accepts the following documents: – vehicle passport: series _________ N. _________ issued ____________________________________________________________ – vehicle registration certificate N. _______ date of issue “__”_______ 200_ issued ______________________________.

The parties confirm that at the time of acceptance and delivery the vehicle is in technically sound condition, with no obvious damage. The completeness of the vehicle has been checked. The estimated cost of the vehicle is _____________ rubles.

Signatures of the parties:


Tenant: ____________________/_________________//

Purchase and sale of a vehicle

This act is also drawn up for two parties at once, in this case one party is the seller, the other is the buyer.

Vehicle purchase and sale agreement

"__" ______________ 2015 ___________________________

(date) (place of conclusion of the contract)

We, gr.______________________________________________________________________________, residing at the address _____________________________________________________________________,

registered at ______________________________________________________________,


hereinafter referred to as "Salesman",

and gr.________________________________________________________________________________, residing at the address ___________________________________________________________________________________,

registered at __________________________________________________________,

Identity card: passport series ____________ No. ________________, issued by “_____” _____________ _______,


hereinafter referred to as "Buyer",

have entered into this agreement as follows:

The Seller transfers ownership to the Buyer (sells), and the Buyer accepts (purchases) and pays for the vehicle:

Vehicle make, model: ______________________________________________________________

Identification number (VIN): ________________________________________________

Year of issue: __________________________________________________________________

engine: __________________________________________________________________

chassis(frames): _______________________________________________________________

body: _____________________________________________________________________

Color: _________________________________________________________________________

State registration mark: _________________

Vehicle registration certificate: ________________________

Issued by: __________________________________________________________________________________________

The vehicle specified in clause 1 belongs to the Seller by right of ownership, which is confirmed by the vehicle passport, series ____________ No.______________________________, issued by _____________________________________________________________________________________, “___” __________ _____.

According to the Seller, the alienated vehicle has not been sold to anyone, has not been pledged, is not in dispute and is not under prohibition (seizure).

The cost of the vehicle specified in clause 1 is agreed upon by the Buyer and the Seller and is: ___________________ (__________________________________________________________________________ rub. ____ kop.)

The Buyer transferred the money to the Seller as payment for the purchased vehicle, and the Seller received the funds

___________________ (__________________________________________________________________________ rub. ____ kop.)

The ownership of the vehicle specified in clause 1 of the agreement passes to the Buyer from the moment of signing this agreement.

This agreement has been drawn up in two copies (one for each party).

___________________________ _____________________________

(signature, surname of the seller) (signature, surname of the buyer).

This act must include the following information:

  • car model;
  • color;
  • Year of manufacture;
  • body number;
  • engine number;
  • trailer number (if available);
  • chassis number.

Before signing the contract, the buyer must verify all provided data with reality. It is necessary to check all the components, since after the transaction is concluded it will be difficult to seek justice.

In addition to the act itself, the car’s passport, as well as the service book, must be attached.

The contract becomes valid after both parties sign for all the information provided, thereby concluding the deal.

If any additional information is needed, you must look directly for the instructions for buying and selling the vehicle.

There are also cases when at any enterprise it is necessary to entrust a car to one of the employees. In this situation, drawing up a complete act is not necessary. It will be enough to draw up a special document, which will be equivalent to an order within the enterprise itself. Thanks to this document, the employee will be able to use the car allocated to him without any other agreements on the transfer of the vehicle.

Documents for transferring a car

When preparing vehicle transfer documents, you should be very careful and attentive.

The absence of any discreet certificate may derail the transaction, or in the future it may turn out that it was carried out illegally, which will entail a lot of trouble.

List of documents that must be transferred when performing a vehicle transfer operation:

  • PTS (car passport).
  • Service book.
  • A receipt containing the full name of the product, its condition and general information.
  • Certificate-invoice establishing ownership (receive it from the traffic police). This document is very important, so you should pay attention to it and fill it out in advance.

You also need to fill out the form provided correctly. When receiving it, you should pay attention to some points:

  • Cost of the car.
  • Date and time of drawing up the contract.
  • General technical information about the car.

Only after all the documents have been successfully received will it be necessary to go to the traffic police in order to issue and receive an individual state number. Only after all this does the buyer make the car his property.

It should be noted that various frauds often occur when concluding a contract., which usually refers to providing false data or concealing information.

Documents must be carefully checked before signing. The data must be consistent on all forms provided.

Only after verification can you sign documents.

Rules for drawing up a lease act

All circumstances that will include financial liability are certified by transfer records.

The transfer documents may indicate the following circumstances:

  • Damage or damage to the interior.
  • There is a discrepancy between the name specified in the document.
  • Violation of assigned rules.
  • Body damage.
  • Other circumstances that may serve as a basis for the tenant’s financial liability.

All data must be certified by the signatures of both parties; only after this action is the act considered valid and comes into force. One-sided entries are not valid.

Both parties are required to sign the deed. In the event that one party does not agree with the contents of the document, the information can be adjusted to its satisfaction.

The preparation of the vehicle transfer certificate must be noted in the accompanying documents.

The main information that must be present in the vehicle acceptance certificate is:

  • Name of the organization or name of the vehicle representative. In addition, it is from the acceptance certificate that you can find out all the characteristics of the selected car, as well as find out about the presence of defects.
  • Application agreement with number and date of preparation. Before signing the contract, you must verify all numbers and data. In all documents they must have the same meaning, otherwise in the future the transaction may be considered invalid.
  • The name of the leasing organization or the name of the leasing person.
  • General information about the car (make, number, etc.).
  • Signing of the act by both parties.

Why is the act needed?

This document is considered valid only after it is signed by both parties. But before that, you need to check all the data entered in the form in order to protect yourself from fraud.

Failure to sign such an act by one of the parties is considered its disagreement and then the contract is annulled.

Only with this document can the lessor remain calm about the safety of his car, and the renting party will be confident that he has been provided with a serviceable car.

Features of filling out an act when selling or renting

The new legislation states that every citizen must report his income. This case also applies to the sale of a car. Then it becomes mandatory to fill out 3-NDFL.

In order to perform this operation correctly, you need to know certain rules for working with such documents.

You need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the declaration and calculate the income that can be received from the sale or rental of a vehicle.

When filling out documents, you must indicate the source of payments, that is, indicate the buyer.

After filling out the declaration correctly, it must be printed and signed, after which the required tax must be paid.

The correct implementation of all these actions will directly affect the speed of completion of all operations for the sale or rental of a vehicle, therefore, you must fill out all the necessary documents with all responsibility.

The buyer should pay attention to all points of the contract and sign it only when he is completely confident in its reliability and correct drafting. If any of the parties disagrees with some clauses of the contract, they can always be corrected or rewritten in compliance with the necessary list of requirements.

Every day in our country a huge number of new and used vehicles (hereinafter referred to as vehicles) are sold and bought. The fact of purchase and sale of a vehicle is recorded by two legal documents:

1. vehicle purchase and sale agreement;
2. .

Often, the seller and buyer limit themselves to only the first document, but do not act entirely correctly.

The fact is that in the contract the parties to the transaction express only their intentions, within a certain period and for a certain price, to carry out actions to alienate and transfer ownership of a vehicle from one owner to another. However, such an agreement can be terminated at any time at the request of one of the participants or both at once. For example, the seller changed his mind about selling the vehicle and/or the buyer changed his mind about buying the vehicle, or other events occurred that prevented the completion of the transaction.

But if the parties sign vehicle acceptance certificate, then out-of-court purchase and sale does not have retroactive effect. This document confirms that the terms of the contract are actually met:

The seller handed over the vehicle to the buyer in due time and in proper condition;
- the buyer accepted the vehicle and paid its cost on time (the fact of transfer of money can be confirmed by a separate document, for example, a receipt from the seller).

Therefore, take the drawing up of the act with all responsibility. Errors in a document or its deliberate falsification can cost you dearly.

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle to the purchase and sale agreement does not have a legally established form. Therefore, to fill it out on a computer or by hand, you can use the forms provided below for downloading, or develop your own form.

By the way, if the object of sale and purchase is a vehicle - a fixed asset (i.e. the previous owner operated the object as an OS and the new owner will use it in the same capacity), then you can document the acceptance / transfer using the OS-1 act (provided that the organization, in accordance with its accounting policies, uses unified forms of documents).

The document must contain the following information:

  • title of the act;
  • basis for drawing up the act (details of the purchase and sale agreement);
  • date and place of drawing up the act;
  • information about the seller and buyer (full name, passport data - if this is a private person; name of the organization, full name of its legal representative - if this is a legal entity);
  • detailed description of the vehicle (make, color, year of manufacture, VIN, engine model and number, chassis (frame) number, equipment, mileage, information on appearance (scratches, chips, etc.), information on the current technical condition (obvious defects / hidden, faults, etc.) etc.).

Why is such a detailed description of the vehicle needed? Imagine, the seller did not warn the buyer about the presence of hidden defects. If they are discovered, the new owner of the vehicle may bring legal claims against its former owner on the grounds that he was not aware of the existence of the defects. And this fact can be attributed to a violation of contractual obligations. Therefore, you, as an honest and responsible seller, are obliged to inform the buyer all the necessary and known information about the transferred vehicle, including those related to its quality.

Along with the vehicle, the buyer is usually given a certain set of documents:

  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • certificate of registration (CTC);
  • service book;

Their list (with details) is also indicated in the act. If the seller transfers any additional equipment, spare parts and/or accessories for the vehicle, then this should also be mentioned in the document.

In addition, the parties to the transaction may include in the act other information necessary in their opinion. For example, record the actual service life of the vehicle if it was used by the previous owner as a fixed asset.

In the absence of mutual claims, the parties to the agreement sign act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle to the purchase and sale agreement.

Remember, the document is drawn up in 2 copies, one for each of the parties. The terms of the contract may provide for a different (larger) number of copies.

Below you can download the forms act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle to the purchase and sale agreement in Word and Excel format (detailed and simplified version), as well as a sample of how to fill it out.

When renting a car

Many motorists rent cars, who currently do not have their own transport for traveling to the country, transporting furniture, etc. This fact is legally regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 642-649, which contain clear instructions on drawing up a lease agreement and the mandatory execution of documents on its transfer to another person.

Based on contractual obligations between the owner of the vehicle and the lessee, on the day he takes the vehicle, a mandatory document is drawn up, recording the very moment the car is transferred to the interested party, and confirming that one handed it over and the other accepted it.

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In fact, there is no unified form of the act, but there are certain rules for its preparation. The document is drawn up in 2 versions for each party to the agreement, and the act is attached to the agreement itself.

What must be contained in this document?

  • The head of the document states: this act was drawn up on the basis of a lease agreement dated such and such a date;
  • Next, the place of preparation is indicated, the date and name of the document are indicated;
  • Then you should indicate the details of the owner of the vehicle, his full name, if it is a private person, or the full name of the organization that provides the vehicle under the rental agreement;
  • The same data, only about the tenant, is recorded below;
  • The act of transfer itself begins with paragraph 1, which indicates that the lessor transferred the car to the lessee, and he accepted it for a certain period;
  • This is followed by a brief description of the vehicle, indicating the make, color, state registration number, year of production from the assembly line, number of kilometers on the speedometer, engine number and its characteristics. All data can be copied from the contractual rental obligations themselves;
  • In the 2nd paragraph it is indicated that such and such a citizen, according to such and such an agreement concluded between the parties, accepted the vehicle, is familiar with all the characteristics, and has no claims against the owner.

You can separately refer to the clause of the lease agreement, which states that the tenant undertakes to return the vehicle in proper condition and in full working order (this clause will be useful if the car gets into an accident).

By agreement of the parties, other conditions or data may be indicated, but these points must be included in the act. For example, if spare tires or cans are sent along with the car. All this can be added by mutual agreement of the parties.

Then the parties put their signatures on both copies, confirming that the fact has already happened.

When purchasing a vehicle

What happens upon conclusion? Change of owner, and from the moment the car is accepted, the other owner will be responsible for it. What could this actually mean?

If, for example, the brakes are faulty, and the new owner was already aware of this fact, then all the blame for the accident will be assigned to him.

What if he didn't know? This very issue may be a reason for litigation if the previous owner hid this fact and did not warn about it when the vehicle transfer act was drawn up. This falls under the definition of “hidden defects”, and the seller simply had to warn the buyer about this.

Information contained in the act

  • What must it contain? As in the previous case, this is a two-sided document , which
  • signed by both parties to the transaction; indicating passport details and place of registration;
  • A thorough description of the vehicle itself, with detailed descriptions of the numbers of all important parts, body, engine, color and year of manufacture. If you buy a used car, then the mileage should also be indicated;
  • If the seller is a responsible person and values ​​his reputation, then he must honestly point out the shortcomings of the car in the transfer document. For example, the brake pad is worn out and the wheels have worn out tread. If there is no such data, then the new owner can bring legal claims against him that he was not warned in advance about hidden defects, and this fact can be attributed to a violation of contractual obligations, if this is not separately agreed upon in the purchase and sale agreement;
  • Each car has its own documentation package which is subject to transfer upon a change of owner - you should describe in detail everything that will be transferred: technical passport and registration certificate, service documents and their numbers;
  • If it is intended to transfer additional equipment or car accessories, then they should be described in detail and included in the deed.

If the buyer agrees with the technical condition described in the contract, then the parties sign the document. If there are any comments or inconsistencies, they must be included.

Description of the vehicle in case of purchase and sale

Where to start describing a car that will subsequently be sold?

  • Indicating the brand, model number, color;
  • The year when the car was released from the manufacturer's assembly line;
  • Speedometer readings about the mileage made;
  • Be sure to indicate engine power and displacement;
  • Characteristics of the gearbox - automatic or (manual) type;
  • A descriptive part about the condition of the car on the day of sale - the presence of scratches, chips on the windshield, headlights, etc.;
  • If there are defects, give them a detailed description.

You can separately indicate what is included in the package - a minimum set of functionality or an expanded one, and give a brief description of all available options.

If additional equipment is installed, for example, the presence of an alarm or a rear view camera, speakers or a special radio - then we describe each type in detail in a separate line. You can also include winter tires and other types of additional equipment that were installed at the time of sale.

If the car had other owners, it is better to tell the future buyer about this in advance.

How is information about the technical condition of the car described?

When contacting the service center, the report must include:

  • For warranty repairs - a coupon;
  • A detailed description of all identified defects that must be eliminated. If for some reason something is missed, then the center’s craftsmen will not show their initiative, and therefore will not repair;
  • A full description of the equipment with which the car is delivered: car radio, floor mats, other navigation devices and equipment;
  • Try to give a complete description of the condition of the car - the presence of scratches, chips, cracks;
  • All parts that need to be replaced or repaired should be described in detail. If for some reason there are faulty parts, but at the moment you do not want them to be repaired, make a special note about this;
  • Write down the numbers of all the main components and the body - this way you will receive a guarantee that they will not be replaced with old analogues.

In the header of the document you should indicate the name of the service and the name of the responsible technician who will perform the maintenance.

At the end of the service, the owner must check all the equipment and sign a document stating that he has no complaints.

How to correctly describe the equipment, defects and mileage in case of rental

The act is drawn up according to the established rules, describing all the important parameters of the car, speedometer readings, etc. The document is signed by both parties under the rental agreement.

Important! The main thing is to accept the vehicle exactly as it was described when delivering it to the lessee, without additional defects and fully operational.

Upon acceptance, the owner checks the condition with the one present in the description, and if there are breakdowns or deformations of the body, he obliges the lessee to eliminate all identified faults and damage.

It is the acceptance certificate that is the main document by which legal claims can be made against a tenant who has not complied with the terms of contractual obligations.

Information about the absence of mutual claims

If you purchase a completely new car, then there should be no obvious complaints, which is what they write about at the end of the document. In the case of a rental, all identified defects must be recorded, and upon delivery of the car they are checked; if additional defects are found, they must be recorded and certified by both parties.

Additional verification activities before drawing up a vehicle acceptance certificate

Buyer Tip: You can check all the information using the VIN code. Ask the seller for a registration document. There must be information about this identifier, enter it in the search field, and if the seller did not deceive you and provided the correct information, then it will be displayed in the information window.

Sample transfer and acceptance certificate for a vehicle

No. ______from “___”________ ____

transfer and reception of the vehicle

G. « » 20 G.

, we call hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”, represented by , And , we call hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant”, represented by , have drawn up this Act as follows:

The Lessor transferred and the Lessee accepted for temporary use:

car brand ___________________________, ___________ year of manufacture, identification number VIN ___________________________, engine No. ______________________, body No. ___________________________, ______________________ colors, license plate number ___________________________, engine power __ hp, with mileage at the time of transfer _______ km.

  1. The car was delivered in good technical condition, no external damage or defects were found during inspection. The Lessee has no claims against the Lessor regarding the condition and appearance of the transferred vehicle.
  2. Simultaneously with the transfer of the car, the Lessor transfers to the Lessee the following documents: vehicle passport series __ No. ______, issued __________________________________________________________________________.
  3. This act is drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force, and one is kept by each of the parties.
  4. This act is an integral part of the Lease Agreement No. ______ dated “__” __________ 20__.

Signatures, addresses and details of the parties

The act of acceptance and transfer is an inseparable attribute, an integral part of the purchase and sale agreement for various property; its form can be downloaded for free on this page.

The act of acceptance and transfer is an inseparable attribute, an integral part of the purchase and sale agreement for various property: a car, an apartment, land, etc. Without signing the transfer documents, the burden of responsibility remains with the seller. The settlement conditions specified in the transfer and acceptance certificate imply full fulfillment of the terms of the agreement. The stage of signing the acceptance and transfer puts the final point in the trade relations of the parties. The step-by-step implementation of all essential terms of the agreement in the transfer and acceptance certificate is emphasized by the phrases: “transferred” and “accepted”, which determine the meaning and meaning of the document.

In the practice of transactions with cars, individuals and organizations rarely use the transfer and acceptance certificate. Neglecting such an important document, it will be difficult in court to establish the moment of acceptance and transfer of funds for the car and keys. When registering a car with government agencies, traffic police officers do not require an acceptance certificate. However, when presenting the transfer papers along with the contract, be sure that they will be accepted into the institution’s archives along with the sale and purchase.

When executing any legal document, you need to know that every phrase and word carries a certain amount of information and interpretation. In case of controversial situations between the subjects of legal relations, attention is paid to the content of the text signed by the parties. The signed acceptance certificate implies certain actions for the parties, such as continuation of execution or logical completion of the agreement.

Together with the car purchase and sale agreement, the document forms a single whole action to transfer ownership to another person. You will find both forms (templates) for the correct legal implementation of the purchase and sale on this page and you can download and use them completely free of charge.

Mandatory clauses of the vehicle acceptance certificate for the purchase and sale agreement

  • A header identical to the car purchase and sale agreement, except for the replacement of a few words;
  • Characteristics of the car transferred for sale and purchase (can also be copied from the contract);
  • The condition that the goods have been transferred, payments have been made, and the parties have no mutual claims;
  • Date, title, signature and transcript (almost everything is the same as in the car purchase and sale agreement);
After downloading both free forms and carefully studying them, you will notice compatibility and unconditional similarity in design. Particular attention must be paid to filling out the purchase and sale of a car, since it serves as the foundation of the transaction and, in accordance with it, the registering authority enters the relevant details into the database. Before signing the purchase and sale and acceptance package, it is important to check each letter and number for compliance with the title papers. Happy registration!
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