Orders on fire safety in the organization form. Sample order “On fire safety and fire protection in an educational institution” (7028)

OOO "______________________"

ORDER No.___ dated _____________

On the establishment of fire protection
regime at the enterprise.

According to requirements fire safety, established by the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation:


1. Establish the following fire safety regime on the territory and premises of the enterprise:

  • Strictly designated for smoking certain places, equipped with bins with water for collecting cigarette butts, fire safety signs, and “smoking area” signs.
  • Prohibit smoking indoors, in workplaces, as well as walking around the enterprise with a lit cigarette from the workplace to the smoking area.

2. Appoint the chief engineer _________________________ to be responsible for fire safety of the enterprise

3. For the period of absence __________________ (vacation, business trip, illness), the duties of the person responsible for the fire safety of the enterprise are assigned to the head of the service department ___________________

4. Assign responsibility for fire safety ( fire condition) workshops, warehouses, managers of these departments, and in administrative premises heads of relevant services of the enterprise:

  • Control room, heating unit, room for electricians and plumbers on duty, pumping room, fire extinguishing station - chief power engineer ________________;
  • Administration - head of service department _______________________;
  • Changing rooms for janitors and cleaners of industrial premises - the head of the service department_____________________;
  • Accounting - chief accountant _________________________.
  • Appoint the enterprise's energy engineer __________________ to be responsible for the fire safety of electrical installations, ventilation and heating systems of the enterprise.

5. Those responsible for fire safety in their work shall be guided by the instructions on fire safety measures (appendices), ensuring strict and precise compliance with the fire safety regime by all engineers, workers and employees.

6. All engineers, workers and employees of the enterprise undergo fire safety training in accordance with the requirements of GOST "Organization of occupational safety training for workers. General requirements".

7. The organization of fire safety training and acceptance of tests from employees shall be entrusted to the head of the service department _______________________

8. Welding and other hot work on the territory and in buildings (structures) of the enterprise should be carried out in accordance with the Fire Safety Rules.

CEO ______________ / ______________

OOO "__________________"

Instructions on fire safety measures

1. General requirements for fire safety.

1.1. This Instruction establishes fire safety requirements on the territory of the LLC __________________ enterprise.

1.2. Every employee must know and strictly follow these instructions. He must be instructed, with an appropriate entry made in the fire safety briefing log.

1.3. Periodically, but at least once every 6 months this Instruction is studied again under the guidance of the person appointed by this order responsible for organizing repeated fire safety briefings.

1.4. Violation (failure to comply, improper execution or evasion) of fire safety requirements entails criminal, administrative, disciplinary or other liability in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

1.5. All employees are allowed to work only after completing an introductory fire safety briefing and training on prevention and extinguishing issues possible fires head of a structural unit when conducting primary and repeated briefings on labor protection.

1.6. Each employee is obliged:

  • comply with fire safety requirements and maintain fire safety conditions in the building;
  • take precautions when using items household chemicals, flammable (flammable) and combustible (GC) liquids, other fire-hazardous substances and materials;
  • know the evacuation scheme, the location of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants;
  • know how to handle fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment;
  • do not block passages with foreign objects;
  • at long breaks more than 1 hour or when leaving work, turn off Personal Computer and other electrical appliances (except fax and refrigerator) by removing the plug from the socket;
  • before leaving office space close the windows, transoms and vents and inspect it. In this case, you must make sure that there are no ignition sources in the room (smoldering paper, cigarette butts, candles, etc.), all electrical receivers are turned off, and the lights are turned off.

1.7. The employee is not allowed:

  • store flammable, combustible and explosives in the rooms;
  • block table lamps and heaters with an open spiral with flammable materials (fabrics, paper, etc.);
  • hang clothes on switches or sockets;
  • smoke on the territory and in rooms not specifically designed for this purpose;
  • apply in a building open fire;
  • leave electrical equipment (PC, heater, table lamp etc.);
  • dry clothes and shoes on heating devices;
  • use homemade or faulty electrical appliances and power tools.

1.8. Instructions on fire safety measures, signs indicating the telephone number of the fire department, the surname and initials of the employee responsible for fire safety are posted in a visible place on the floor and in the rooms.

2. The procedure for maintaining the territory, building, premises and evacuation routes.

2.1. The territory of the enterprise must be promptly cleared of flammable waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves, dry grass, etc. Combustible waste, garbage, etc. should be collected at specially designated areas in containers or boxes and then removed.

2.2. Fire breaks between buildings and structures are not permitted to be used for parking vehicles. Roads, driveways and entrances to the building, external fire escapes and water sources used for fire extinguishing purposes must always be clear for passage fire equipment, contained in in good condition, and in winter be cleared of snow and ice.

2.3. Temporary buildings must be located at least 15 m from the building.

2.4. Smoking is not permitted indoors or in undesignated areas.

2.5. Making fires, burning waste and containers is not permitted within 50 m of the building. Burning of waste and containers in places specially designated for these purposes must be carried out under control service personnel.

2.6. The placement (location) of fire safety equipment and smoking areas must be marked with fire safety signs.

2.7. It is not permitted to arrange flammable waste dumps on the territory of the enterprise.

2.8. Fire extinguishing means, internal fire hydrants fire-fighting water supply must be kept in good working order at all times. It is not permitted to carry out work on equipment with defects that could lead to a fire.

2.9. The following is not allowed on the premises:

  • store and use flammable and combustible liquids, explosives, gas cylinders, goods in aerosol packaging, celluloid and other explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials;
  • use technical premises to organize workshops or warehouses;
  • remove the doors of emergency exits from floor corridors and staircases provided for by the project;
  • clutter doors, transitions to adjacent sections and exits to emergency staircases with furniture, equipment and other items;
  • carry out cleaning of premises and washing clothes using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids and flammable liquids, as well as warming frozen pipes with blowtorches and other methods using open fire;
  • arrange storage rooms in staircases and floor corridors, as well as store things, furniture and other flammable materials under flights of stairs and on landings;
  • allow 50 or more people to stay on a floor with one open emergency exit at the same time.

2.10. The premises should be cleaned daily on weekdays. Place used flammable materials in metal containers located outside the building.

2.11. At emergency exits there must be signs “Evacuation (emergency) exit”, “Emergency (emergency) exit door”. Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the building. Locks on the doors of emergency exits must ensure that people inside the building can freely open them from the inside without a key.

2.12. When closing emergency emergency exits to internal mechanical locks on each floor of the building, a responsible person on duty is appointed from among the service personnel, who always has with him a set of keys for all locks on the doors of emergency exits. Another set of keys must be kept in the building duty officer's room. Each key on both sets must have an inscription indicating that it belongs to the corresponding lock.

2.13. When operating evacuation routes and exits, it is prohibited:

  • obstruct emergency routes and exits (including passages, corridors, vestibules, landings, flights of stairs, doors) with various materials, garbage and other objects, as well as block the doors of emergency exits;
  • arrange clothes hangers, wardrobes in exit vestibules, as well as store equipment and materials;
  • install thresholds and other devices on evacuation routes; preventing the free evacuation of people;
  • use flammable materials for finishing, cladding and painting walls and ceilings, as well as steps and landings on escape routes;
  • fix self-closing doors of staircases, corridors, halls and vestibules in open position, and also remove them.

2.14. In case of a power outage, the duty officer ( PREMISES) there must be an electric torch.

2.15. Carpets, rugs and other floor coverings in rooms with mass stay people must be securely fastened to the floor.

3. Measures to ensure fire safety during equipment operation and fire hazardous work.

3.1. Electrical installations and household electrical appliances in the premises must be de-energized at the end of working hours (the plugs must be removed from the sockets). It is not allowed to turn off emergency lighting, emergency and fire alarms.

3.2. When operating electrical receivers, it is not permitted to:

  • use electrical receivers in conditions that do not meet the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions, or have faults that, in accordance with the operating instructions, can lead to a fire, as well as operate electrical wires and cables with damaged insulation or loss of protective properties;
  • use damaged sockets and other electrical installation products;
  • wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials, as well as operate lamps with removed caps (diffusers), provided by the design lamp;
  • use electric irons, electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-flammable heat-insulating materials that eliminate the risk of fire;
  • use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices, use uncalibrated fuse links or other homemade overload and short circuit protection devices;
  • place (store) flammable (including flammable) substances and materials near electrical panels.

3.3. It is not allowed to operate electrical heating devices in the absence or malfunction of thermostats provided for in the design.

3.4. Measure the insulation resistance of current-carrying parts of power and lighting equipment of a building at least once every three years, and document the measurement results in an appropriate act (protocol).

3.5.Performance of fire hazardous work.

3.5.1. Fire hazardous work includes:

Work with paints, adhesives, mastics, bitumen, polymers and other flammable materials.

3.5.2. Premises in which they work with flammable substances that emit explosive and fire-hazardous vapors must be provided with natural or forced supply and exhaust ventilation.

3.5.3. Air exchange rate for safe management work is determined by the work production project according to the calculation. Persons not involved in the direct performance of work should not be allowed into these premises. At the same time, work should not be carried out and people should not be in adjacent rooms.

3.5.4. When using flammable substances, their quantity at the workplace should not exceed shift requirements. Containers with flammable substances should be opened only before use, and upon completion of work they should be closed and returned to storage.

3.5.5. Containers containing flammable substances must be stored in a specially designated place outdoors.

3.5.6. As a rule, flammable coatings should be applied to the floor in natural light over an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters. m. Work must begin from places farthest from the exits from the premises, and in corridors - after completion of work in the premises.

3.5.7. Apply epoxy resins, adhesives, mastics, including paints and varnishes based on synthetic resins, and gluing tiles and rolls polymer materials follows after completion of all construction, installation and sanitary work before the final painting of the premises.

3.5.8. To perform work using flammable substances, a tool made of materials that do not produce sparks (aluminum, copper, plastic, bronze, etc.) must be used. It is necessary to wash tools and equipment used when working with flammable substances. open area or in a room with ventilation.

3.5.9. Premises in which they work with flammable substances and materials must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means at the rate of two fire extinguishers and a fire blanket per 100 square meters. m of premises.

3.5.10. Spilled on the floor paints and varnishes and solvents should be removed immediately using sawdust, water, etc. Washing floors, walls and equipment with flammable solvents is not permitted.

3.6. Hot work.

3.6.1. A permit must be issued for hot work on premises.

3.6.2. Hot work areas are provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguisher, box with sand and shovel, bucket of water).

3.6.3. Methods for cleaning premises, as well as equipment and communications in which hot work is carried out, should not lead to the formation of explosive and steam- and dust-air mixtures and the appearance of ignition sources.

3.6.4. In order to prevent hot metal particles from entering adjacent rooms, adjacent floors, etc., all openings in ceilings, walls and partitions of rooms where hot work is carried out must be closed with non-combustible materials.

3.6.5. The hot work site must be cleared of flammable substances and materials within the radius indicated in the table:

3.6.6. Located within specified radii building structures, flooring, finishing and cladding, as well as insulation and parts of equipment made of combustible materials must be protected from sparks by metal screens, asbestos sheeting or other non-combustible materials and, if necessary, watered.

3.6.7. In rooms where hot work is performed, all doors connecting specified premises with other rooms must be tightly closed. Depending on the time of year, room temperature, duration, volume and degree of danger of hot work, windows should, if possible, be open.

3.6.8. Premises in which accumulation of flammable liquids, gases and gases vapors are possible must be ventilated before carrying out hot work.

3.6.9. The place for welding work in rooms in the structures of which flammable materials are used must be fenced with a solid partition made of non-flammable material. In this case, the height of the partition must be at least 1.8 m, and the gap between the partition and the floor no more than 5 cm. To prevent the scattering of hot particles, this gap must be fenced with a mesh made of non-combustible material.

3.6.10. When carrying out hot work it is not allowed:

  • start working with faulty equipment;
  • perform hot work on freshly painted structures and products;
  • use clothing and gloves with traces of oils, fats, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids;
  • allow electrical wires to come into contact with cylinders containing compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases;
  • carry out work on devices and communications filled with flammable and toxic substances, as well as those under voltage;
  • simultaneous carrying out of hot work and work on gluing floor coverings, finishing premises using flammable varnishes, adhesives, mastics and other flammable materials.

3.6.11. Work in areas where the formation of flammable steam-air mixtures is possible should be performed with spark-proof tools and in clothing and shoes that are not capable of causing a spark.

4. Responsibilities and actions of enterprise employees in the event of a fire.

4.1. When a fire or signs of combustion are detected (smoke, burning smell, increased temperature, etc.), an employee must:

  • inform directly or superior officer and notify surrounding employees;
  • stop work immediately and call fire department by calling “01”, reporting the address, location and class of the fire ( A - combustion solids, E - combustion of electrical installations under voltage), last name, first name, patronymic, phone number;
  • take, if possible, measures to evacuate people and material assets;
  • disconnect electrical equipment from the network;
  • begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means;
  • at a general danger signal, leave the building.

4.2. The head of the structural unit who became aware of the fire must:

  • immediately notify your subordinates;
  • report the fire to the heads of neighboring structural units;
  • take measures to provide assistance in extinguishing the fire, evacuating people and material assets.

4.3. Director, Deputy Director, chief engineer, chief power engineer, Those arriving at the scene of a fire are obliged to:

  • duplicate the message about the occurrence of a fire to the fire department and notify senior management;
  • in the event of a threat to people’s lives, immediately organize their rescue, using available forces and means;
  • if necessary, turn off the power, take other measures to prevent the development of fire and smoke in the premises of the building;
  • stop all work in the building, except for work related to fire extinguishing measures;
  • remove all workers not involved in fire extinguishing outside the danger zone;
  • implement general leadership to extinguish the fire before the arrival of the fire department;
  • ensure compliance with safety requirements by workers taking part in fire extinguishing;
  • simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, organize the evacuation and protection of material assets;
  • organize a meeting of fire departments and provide assistance in choosing the shortest route to the fire;

4.4. Upon arrival of the fire department, the responsible representative of the enterprise is obliged to inform the fire extinguishing manager about design features building, adjacent buildings and structures, quantity and fire hazard properties of stored and used substances, materials and other information necessary for successful fire extinguishing. He is also obliged to organize the involvement of forces and means of the facility in the implementation necessary measures related to fire extinguishing and preventing its development.

5. Rules for the use of fire extinguishing agents.

5.1. To extinguish a fire, use fire extinguishers located on the floor at opposite ends of the corridor and a fire hydrant of the internal fire water supply.

5.2. The fire valve of the internal fire water supply must be equipped with a hose with attached connecting heads and a barrel. To maintain a fire hydrant ready for use, you must:

  • keep the fire hose attached to the tap, and the barrel connected to the hose;
  • at least once every 6 months, rewind linen sleeves to a new fold;
  • place the tap, sleeve and barrel in a cabinet under a seal or in a metal basket;
  • above each fire hydrant there must be an inscription: “Fire hydrant No. __” or “PK No. __”, the telephone number for calling the fire department. If the tap is in a cabinet, the inscription is written on the cabinet door;
  • check the serviceability of the faucet weekly by inspection (without disconnecting the heads) and at least twice a year (autumn, spring) check the operation of the faucet with water supply, but first disconnect the hose.

5.3. Fire extinguishers must be kept in good condition and ready for use at all times. Each fire extinguisher is assigned a serial number, which is applied with white paint to the body of the fire extinguisher. On manual air-foam fire extinguishers, the number is placed on the spray side 10 mm above the stencil, on other types of fire extinguishers 10 mm below the stencil. The height of the numbers is 50 mm. Line thickness 3 mm.

5.4. To control the constant readiness of the fire extinguisher for action and the presence of a charge in it, each fire extinguisher, regardless of type, must be sealed and have a tag with the charging date. When placing a fire extinguisher in a cabinet, the cabinet must also be sealed.

5.5. Each fire extinguisher installed on the floor must have a passport and it must be registered in the logbook for checking the presence and condition of fire extinguishers.

5.6. The use of fire extinguishing agents that do not have the appropriate certificates is not permitted.

5.7. Fire extinguishers are subject to quarterly and annual inspection and recharging.

5.8. During the quarterly inspection, inspect the installation sites of fire extinguishers, approaches to them and an external inspection. In progress annual inspection In addition to the measures indicated above, the state of charge of the fire extinguishing agent is monitored.

5.9. Fire extinguishers must be recharged at least once every five years.

Chief Engineer ______________ / ______________


Engineer FROM ______________ / ______________

On the territory, in buildings, structures and premises ( name of institution )

G. _____________

In order to ensure fire safety on the territory, in buildings, structures and premises ( name of institution) (hereinafter referred to as the “Establishment”) and compliance with the requirements of regulations in the field of fire safety


1. Appoint the deputy manager for economic issues (civil defense and emergency situations) – (FULL NAME.)

2. Assign responsibility for fire safety in structural divisions heads of relevant departments ( Annex 1).

3. The heads of the structural divisions of the Institution, within a period of _____, determine:

3.1. Responsible for fire safety in occupied premises.

3.2. List of premises requiring additional inspection before closing.

4. Approve the following instructions:

4.1. General facility instructions on fire safety measures ( Appendix 2);

4.2. Instructions on fire safety measures in administrative and office premises (Appendix 3);

4.3. Instructions on fire safety measures in industrial premises ( Appendix 4);

4.4. Instructions on fire safety measures in technical premises ( Appendix 5);

4.5. Instructions on fire safety measures in material warehouse (storeroom) premises ( Appendix 6);

4.6. Instructions on fire safety measures in the premises of a warehouse for flammable (flammable liquids) and combustible liquids (CL) ( Appendix 7);

4.7. Instructions on fire safety measures during painting works (Appendix 8);

4.8. Instructions on fire safety measures during construction, installation and repair work ( Appendix 9);

4.9. Instructions on fire safety measures when carrying out temporary fire and other fire hazardous work ( Appendix 10);

4.10. Instructions on the procedure for the actions of on-duty service personnel when a signal about a fire or damage is received at the control and control equipment of installations fire automatics (Appendix 11);

4.11. Instructions on the procedure for joint actions of the administration of the Institution and the fire department when extinguishing fires ( Appendix 12);

4.12. Instructions on the procedure for turning on booster pumps ( Appendix 13).

5. Responsible for fire safety:

5.1. Ensure compliance with the requirements of the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation” (PPB 01-03, put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 000), as well as Instructions on fire safety measures (Appendices 2 - 13).

5.2. Conduct fire safety briefings (initial, repeated, unscheduled, current) directly at the workplace with all newly hired employees;

5.3. Assign responsibility for conducting fire safety briefings (full name, position of the person responsible for fire safety).

Induction and initial instruction at the workplace to be carried out directly when hiring new employees.

Repeated fire safety briefings should be carried out 2 times a year: on ___________ and on ____________.

Conduct unscheduled fire safety training as necessary in accordance with the orders of the institution.

Conduct targeted fire safety training:

Before mass events with kids;

Before holding events with more than 50 participants in the institution;

Before carrying out one-time work associated with increased fire hazard(welding and other hot work).

I reserve control over the timely completion of training by employees according to the minimum fire safety programs.

5.4. Do not allow employees to work who have not undergone fire safety training or who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge.

6. Prohibit the organization in the Institution permanent places carrying out fire and other fire hazardous work. Carry out temporary fire and other fire hazardous work in accordance with the Instructions on fire safety measures when carrying out temporary fire and other fire hazardous work (Appendix 10).

7. Create a fire-technical commission (hereinafter – PTC) consisting of:

Chairman of the Commission - Deputy Head of civil defense and emergency situations ____________ ;

members of the commission: ________________________________;

secretary of the commission - ____________________________.

7.1. Approve the Regulations on fire technical commission (Appendix 14).

7.2. The creation of the fire and technical complex will be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Fire Technical Commission (Appendix 14).

8. Create a voluntary fire brigade (hereinafter referred to as VFD).

8.1. Appoint as head of traffic police – (position, full name).

8.2. Approve the Regulations on the Voluntary Fire Brigade ( Appendix 15).

8.3. The creation of the DPD should be carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Voluntary Fire Brigade (Appendix 15).

9. Create a commission to test knowledge of the fire-technical minimum, consisting of:

Chairman of the Commission - Deputy Head for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations _____________;

members of the commission: - ____________;

secretary of the commission - _____________.

8.1. Approve the Regulations on the commission for testing knowledge in the field of fire safety (Appendix 16).

8.2. The procedure and forms of work of the commission are determined by the Regulations on the commission for testing knowledge in the field of fire safety ( Appendix 16).

9. Assign responsibility:

9.1. Behind technical condition and high-quality repairs of heating and ventilation systems and installations – (position, full name).

9.2. For the acquisition, repair, safety and maintenance of primary fire extinguishing means - (position, full name).

9.3. For the operation of automatic fire protection installations and systems (AFP) – ( position, full name.) .

11. Inspect and close premises that require additional inspection before closing after completion of work by persons responsible for fire safety, together with the security service (fire department).

12. Monitor compliance with fire safety rules on the territory, in buildings, structures and premises of the Institution to members of the voluntary fire brigade together with security officers _______________ (as agreed), providing security for the Institution under Agreement No. ______________, and act in accordance with them in the event occurrence of a fire.

13. Approve plans for fire protection of premises, evacuation of people and material assets in the event of a fire.

14. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head for civil defense and emergency situations - FULL NAME.

Head (full name)

The advent of the new year at the enterprise for the personnel service employee is accompanied by the publication large quantity orders for the current year to appoint those responsible in various areas. In this list of documents important place takes an order to appoint a person responsible for ensuring fire safety, since compliance with this legislation helps to avoid various accidents and emergencies in company.

The organization of fire safety at an enterprise includes various activities, from the development of fire-technical minimum, conducting briefings and ending with the preparation of evacuation plans and provision of enterprise facilities by special means protection (fire extinguishers, fire shields, sand boxes, etc.).

Even in a small enterprise it is necessary to carry out a number of activities that require time, knowledge and responsibility. Their implementation in the company is periodically monitored government agencies(planned or unscheduled inspections).

For violation of fire safety, various measures of administrative and criminal liability may be applied to the company, its management and officials. The absence of the order itself is already a violation of the relevant legislation.

On the basis of this local act, the responsible person is endowed with a number of powers that give him the right to use all necessary resources when performing their duties, and most importantly, ensure the fire safety of the company.

How to choose a responsible person?

This process must be approached thoughtfully, taking into account all sorts of factors.

In accordance with the law this person must have special knowledge, which are confirmed by the relevant certificate. If the candidate does not have them, it is necessary to organize his training at the expense of the company. Besides, this employee must have organizational skills and responsibility. After all, he needs not only to ensure fire safety, but also to monitor changes in legislation and implement them in a timely manner at his enterprise.

When choosing a candidate, it is necessary to take into account his employment. Carrying out fire safety measures is not a one-time event. It takes a lot of time to conduct briefings (introductory, initial at the workplace, scheduled, etc.), exercises, as well as compiling relevant logs in which employees periodically sign after training.

As a rule, at an enterprise, those responsible for fire safety are the head of the organization itself and the heads of each structural unit. In small businesses this is most often one person. These responsibilities can be assigned to an occupational safety engineer, electrical safety engineer, etc.

Due to the increase in workload for these employees, it is advisable to make additional payments for combining positions. If possible, it is best to include staffing table fire safety engineer.

How to approve a responsible person

Management preliminarily discusses with the candidate all aspects related to the performance of duties, his responsibility and the corresponding remuneration. Personnel department V in writing offers the employee this vacancy, and having received his consent, enters into a contract with him additional agreement or new employment contract. Then he checks whether the fire safety training certificate is valid and valid.

If necessary, refers to appropriate courses. Only after this can the candidate be assigned responsibilities for ensuring fire safety. The HR department develops corresponding order and submits it to the director of the organization for signing. The employee must be familiar with its contents upon signature. He must also be given job description.

The designated person in charge must be indicated as such in all documents of the enterprise, diagrams, and plans.

How to draw up an order to appoint a person responsible for ensuring fire safety in 2018

This order is drawn up on free form.

At the beginning of the document, the name of the document and its affiliation with orders for the main activity are indicated. You need to fill out the serial number of this act, which is taken from the registration book. Further personnel worker indicates the date and place of drawing up the document, its name, for example, “On the appointment of a person responsible for ensuring fire safety.”

In the preamble you need to write down the main regulations in accordance with which this document is issued. local document(Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation) and the purpose of issuing the order.

In the administrative part of the order it is necessary to indicate the position, full name. the responsible person, the date of commencement of duties, the period during which the employee will perform these functions. As a rule, these orders are issued annually, on the first working day, and are valid for a year.

After this, information about the employee who will monitor the execution of this order is filled in. Local act signed by the head of the company and subject to signature by all responsible persons.

Nuances of filling out an order for the appointment of a person responsible for ensuring fire safety

In small enterprises, the manager can act as the fire safety officer himself. Then the administrative part should contain approximately the following wording: “I assume the responsibilities of the person responsible for fire safety from...”, and there will be no section on supervisory persons.

In large organizations with several structural divisions, as well as in enterprises with increased danger from fires, prescribed whole line responsible. In this case, it is necessary to identify a senior official, those responsible locally, and specifically describe what and who is responsible for.

In accordance with the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390) and in order to create necessary conditions To ensure fire safety in buildings and on the territory of an educational institution, I order:

1. Approve instructions on fire safety measures in educational institution(Annex 1).

2. Appoint the person responsible for the safety of the educational institution (full name) as responsible for fire safety.

3. Appoint administrative and teaching staff as persons responsible for the fire safety condition of the premises (Appendix 2), and during the period of classes held in them, assign responsibility to the teachers-leaders of the classes. Responsibility for fire safety in after-school groups should be assigned to group teachers.

4. Private security officers security company carry out their duties to ensure fire safety in accordance with instructions, paying attention to Special attention ensuring fire safety at night.

5. Appoint the head of the economic department (full name) to be responsible for fire safety of electrical installations, ventilation and heating systems.

6. Those responsible for fire safety and fire safety in their work shall be guided by the Rules of the fire safety regime in the Russian Federation, other regulations in the field of fire safety and this order, ensuring strict compliance with the fire safety regime by all staff and students.

7. The person responsible for safety (full name) must ensure that all personnel of the institution undergo fire safety training twice a year (September, February). Document its implementation in a journal established form. When conducting staff briefings, pay special attention to the procedure for action in the event of a fire, the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment, the procedure for evacuating staff and students, organizing daily fire safety inspections of premises before the start of classes and before closing them at the end of the working day. The timing, place and procedure for conducting fire safety briefings are determined by the decision of the Deputy Director for Safety. Persons who have not undergone fire safety training, as well as those who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge, are not allowed to work.

8. For purposes fire prevention class teachers Organize special classes outside school hours to study fire safety rules for high school students (twice every six months), and organize conversations with elementary school students on fire prevention in educational institutions and at home. Upon completion, conduct briefings and register them in journals of the established form.

9. Carry out fire-technical minimums with personnel whose performance of official duties is associated with an increased fire danger. Dates, place and procedure fire technical minimums in accordance with current regulations, the Deputy Director for Security determines by his decision.

10. Maintain available fire extinguishing means, fire, fire and security alarm systems, as well as technical security equipment, in readiness for use.

Responsibility for the maintenance and serviceability of primary fire extinguishing equipment should be assigned to the head of the economic department (full name).

11. In order to maintain fire safety in buildings and on the territory of an educational institution, in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, establish the following fire regime:

12.1. Prohibit smoking in all premises and on the territory of the educational institution.

12.2. Prohibit the lighting of fires on the territory of an educational institution and at an interschool stadium.

12.3. Promptly de-energize electrical installations and household electrical appliances in rooms where there is no staff on duty at the end of working hours, with the exception of emergency lighting. Other electrical installations and electrical products(refrigerators, etc.) leave under voltage if this is due to their functional purpose or as required by the operating instructions.

12.4. Prohibit the use of electric irons, electric stoves and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-flammable heat-insulating materials that eliminate the risk of fire outside specially designated premises.

12.5. Prohibit the placement of flammable and flammable substances and materials in the electrical room and basement. Prohibit the storage of paint and varnish products indoors.

12.6. Fire and other fire-hazardous work must be carried out in accordance with the instructions for carrying out fire and other fire-hazardous work only after agreement with the administration and written permission from the director of the educational institution.

12.7. Prohibit the use of damaged sockets, switches, other faulty electrical installation products, as well as electrical appliances not included in the cabinet inventory.

12.8. At the end of working hours, the person responsible for fire safety in the premises of an educational institution is obliged to inspect the premises for the presence of fire hazardous items, checking the serviceability of electrical installation products, closing windows, turning off power and lighting.

12.9. If a fire occurs, the person who discovers the fire or signs of combustion (smoke, burning smell, etc.) is obliged to:

Immediately report the incident to the fire department by calling 01, and you must provide the address of the educational institution, the location of the fire, and your last name;

Take measures to evacuate people, extinguish fires and preserve material assets;

If necessary, turn off the power and stop work in the building;

Take measures to help prevent the development of fire and smoke in the premises of an educational institution.

12.10. Assign to the manager of the economic department (full name) the responsibility for promptly de-energizing the building's power supply in the electrical room in the event of a fire.

13. Approve the procedure for officials to act in the event of a fire in an educational institution (Appendix 3).

14. Determine that the fire warning system includes: an automated warning system, an in-school public health system. Assign the person responsible for the notification (full name) to be responsible for the notification.

15. Have in visible places “Instructions on fire safety measures in the premises and adjacent territory of an educational institution”, a plan (scheme) for evacuation of people from the building in case of fire, signs for emergency exits, signs with those responsible for fire safety in each office.

16. Assign fire crews from among the employees to evacuate people, take initial measures to extinguish the fire, remove official documents and property in cases where this is not associated with a risk to life and health, before the arrival of fire units (Appendix 4).

17. When providing first aid to fire victims, follow the “Instructions for providing first aid to victims.”

18. Responsible for safety (full name):

Realize constant control ensuring compliance with fire safety instructions and rules by staff and security personnel;

Establish, if necessary, interaction with the city’s emergency services, fire departments, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

Ensure strengthening of fire safety regimes on pre-holidays and public holidays;

Distribute a reminder about fire safety measures among the staff and students of the educational institution, as well as operational information fire-fighting topics management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, State Fire Supervision;

Develop within the first half of the year school year provisions “On the voluntary fire brigade”, “On the squad of young firefighters”, form these units, develop a plan for their activities.

19. Staff and students violating the requirements of this instruction and fire safety rules, subject to strict disciplinary and administrative liability.

20. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the person responsible for safety (full name)


educational institution (full name)

Annex 1

Instructions on fire safety measures in educational institutions

1. Maintenance of the territory, building and premises

1.1. Before the start of the school year, the educational institution is accepted by a commission appointed by the director of the educational institution, as well as a representative of the state fire supervision of civil defense and emergency situations.

1.2. The territory of the educational institution must be kept clean at all times. Waste of flammable materials, fallen leaves and dry grass are regularly removed and removed from the territory.

1.3. Roads, driveways and approaches to fire water sources, as well as access to firefighting equipment and equipment must always be free. On the closure of entrances to an educational institution in connection with the holding repair work or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks, the fire department should be notified immediately.

1.4. Fire breaks between buildings should not be used for storing materials and equipment, or for parking vehicles.

1.5. Making fires or burning garbage on the territory of an educational institution is not allowed.

1.6. The capacity of the premises must comply with established standards.

1.7. The placement of furniture and equipment in classrooms, offices, workshops, canteens and other premises should not interfere with the evacuation of people and access to fire extinguishing equipment.

1.8. There must be prescriptive and directional signs security.

1.9. Evacuation passages, exits, corridors, vestibules and stairs should not be cluttered with any equipment or objects.

1.10. Doors of staircases, corridors, vestibules and halls must have seals in the vestibules, be equipped with self-closing devices, and be in good condition. During the period of people staying in the building, the doors of emergency exits may only be locked from the inside using easily opened (without keys) locks (latches, hooks, etc.).

1.11. In rooms associated with the presence of children, carpets, rugs, carpet runners, etc. must be firmly attached to the floor.

1.12. The building of an educational institution must be equipped with means of warning people about a fire. To notify about a fire, the following can be used: an internal telephone and radio broadcast network, a specially installed broadcast network, calls and other sound signals.

1.13. Doors (hatches) of attic and technical rooms (pumping rooms, ventilation chambers, boiler rooms, warehouses, storerooms, electrical switchboards, etc.) are kept permanently locked. Keys to locks should be kept in a place where they can be retrieved at any time of the day. On the doors (hatches) of attic and technical rooms there must be inscriptions defining the purpose of the premises and the place where keys are stored.

1.14. External fire escapes, step ladders and fences on the roofs of buildings are maintained in good condition.

1.15. Accommodation of service personnel and other persons in the building of an educational institution is not permitted.

1.16. The placement and storage of flammable and combustible liquids, cylinders with flammable gases and oxygen, and other flammable materials in a building associated with the presence of children, as well as in basements, is not permitted.

1.17. In the building of an educational institution it is prohibited:

a) carry out redevelopment of premises deviating from the requirements of building codes and regulations;

b) use flammable materials for finishing the walls and ceilings of escape routes (recreation areas, staircases, foyers, lobbies, corridors, etc.);

c) install grilles, blinds and similar permanent sun-shielding, decorative and architectural devices on the windows of premises associated with the presence of people, staircases, corridors, halls and lobbies;

d) remove door panels in openings connecting corridors with staircases;

e) block the doors of emergency exits;

f) use non-standard heating devices for heating;

g) use electric stoves, boilers, electric kettles, gas stoves and so on. for cooking and labor training with the exception of specially equipped premises;

h) install mirrors and create false doors on escape routes;

i) carry out fire, electric and gas welding and other types of fire hazardous work in buildings if there are people in their premises;

j) clean premises, clean parts and equipment using flammable and combustible liquids;

l) smoke;

l) leave computers, television and radio equipment and other electrical appliances connected to the network unattended.

1.18. Fire and welding work may be admitted only with the written permission of the Director of the educational institution. The work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules when carrying out welding and other hot work at national economic facilities.

1.19. The use of irons is permitted only in specially designated areas, under the supervision of a teacher (employee) of the educational institution. Ironing is permitted only with irons with working thermostats and light indicators, which must be installed on stands made of fire-resistant materials.

1.20. Buildings and all premises of an educational institution are provided with primary fire extinguishing means.

1.21. At the end of classes in classrooms, workshops, offices and laboratories, teachers, lecturers, laboratory assistants, and other employees of an educational institution are required to carefully inspect the premises, eliminate any identified deficiencies and close the premises by de-energizing the power grid.

2. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

2.1. Before the beginning heating season boiler rooms, heater installations and other heating devices, as well as before the start of the school year, ventilation and air conditioning systems and kitchen fires must be thoroughly checked and repaired, and the personnel serving them must undergo fire safety training.

2.2. Faulty heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as kitchen fires, are not allowed to be used.

2.3. The use of ventilation ducts to remove combustion products from gas appliances is prohibited.

2.4. Storing equipment and materials in ventilation chambers is prohibited.

2.5. Automatic fire-retarding devices (dampers, dampers, valves) installed on air ducts at intersections of fire barriers, blocking devices ventilation systems with automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, fireproof chimneys, exhaust hoods and ducts from stoves must be kept in good condition.

2.6. In places where air is taken, the possibility of the appearance of flammable gases, vapors, smoke, sparks and open flames must be excluded.

2.7. When operating ventilation and air conditioning systems prohibited:

a) turn off fire-retarding devices;

b) burn out fatty deposits and other flammable substances accumulated in air ducts and umbrellas;

c) close exhaust ducts, openings and grilles.

3. Electrical installations

3.1. Electricity of the net and electrical equipment used in the institution and their operation must meet the requirements of the current Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations and Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations.

3.2. The administration of the educational institution provides services and technical operation electrical equipment and electrical networks, timely implementation preventive examinations, scheduled maintenance and operation of electrical equipment, equipment and electrical networks in accordance with the requirements of the documents specified in clause 3.1.

3.3. Connections, terminations and branches of wires and cables must be made using crimping, welding, soldering or special clamps.

3.4. The installation and operation of temporary electrical networks, with the exception of electrical wiring supplying places of construction and temporary repair and installation work, is not permitted.

3.5. In production, warehouse and other premises with the presence of flammable materials and products in combustible packaging, electric lamps must have a closed or protected design (with glass caps).

3.6. Portable lamps must be equipped with protective glass covers and metal mesh. For these lamps and other portable and mobile electrical equipment, flexible cables with copper conductors and rubber insulation in a sheath resistant to corrosion should be used. environment. Connection portable lamps should be provided from branch boxes with plug sockets.

3.7. The lighting electrical network must be installed so that the lamps are located at a distance of at least0.2 m from the surface building structures from combustible materials and not less 0.5 mfrom containers in warehouses.

3.8. Electric motors must be regularly cleaned of dust. Do not cover electric motors with any flammable materials.

3.9. All faults in electrical networks and electrical equipment that can cause sparking, short circuits, or excessive heating of cable insulation and wiring must be corrected immediately. Faulty electrical networks and equipment should be immediately disconnected from power consumption.

3.10. When operating electrical installations, it is prohibited:

a) use cables and wires with insulation that is damaged or has lost its protective properties;

b) leave live electrical wires and cables with bare ends;

c) use damaged (faulty) sockets, branch boxes, switches and other electrical installation products;

d) tie and twist electrical wires, hang lamps on electrical wires, and also use switches, plug sockets for hanging clothes and other items;

e) use radio and telephone wires for laying electrical networks, use them as electrical protection homemade and uncalibrated fuses;

3.11. Any new connections of various current collectors (electric motors, heating devices, etc.) should be made only after appropriate calculations have been made that allow for the possibility of such connections.

3.12. In all rooms (regardless of their purpose) that are closed and not monitored after completion of work, all electrical installations (except refrigerators) must be turned off.

3.13. Oil-fired electric radiators and factory-made heating electric panels used for heating small rooms must have individual electrical protection and working electrical regulators.

3.14. educational institutions are provided with electric lights in case of power outages.

4. Fire automatic installations

4.1. The administration of the educational institution ensures the operability and operation of fire automatics in accordance with the requirements Model Rules technical content fire automatics installations. Maintenance of fire automatics installations is carried out in accordance with the instructions for organizing and carrying out work on regulated maintenance of fire extinguishing, fire and security installations. fire alarm, on the basis of concluding contracts with specialized organizations for the maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing installations, as well as fire alarm installations.

4.2. When maintenance and repair work is carried out by a specialized organization, quality control of their implementation is carried out by an official of the educational institution responsible for the operation of the installations. At the same time, the administration of the educational institution is obliged to ensure fire safety of the premises protected by installations and notify the fire department.

4.3. Fire automatics installations must be operated in automatic mode and be operational around the clock.

4.4. When using fire automatics it is not allowed:

a) install plugs and plugs to replace broken and faulty sprinklers;

b) obstruct the approaches to control and signaling devices and instruments;

c) store materials at a distance of less than0.9 m to sprinklers and 0.6 mto detectors;

d) use of installation pipelines for hanging or fastening any equipment;

e) applying paint, whitewash, plaster and other protective coatings to sprinklers and detectors during repairs and during operation.

5. Primary fire extinguishing agents

5.1. The educational institution is equipped with primary fire extinguishing means, regardless of the equipment of the building and premises, fire extinguishing installations and fire hydrants in accordance with current regulations in this area.

5.2. The locations of primary fire extinguishing means must be indicated in evacuation plans. External design and signage to determine the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment must comply with GOST requirements.

5.3. Manual fire extinguishers must be located and operated in accordance with the requirements Set of rules “Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for operation" (approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2009 N 179):

a) by hanging it on vertical structures at a height of no more than1.5 mfrom the floor level to the bottom end of the fire extinguisher;

b) by installation in fire cabinets together with fire hydrants, in special cabinets or on fire stands.

5.4. Fire extinguishers must be installed in such a way that the instructions for use on the body are visible. The design and external design of cabinets and cabinets for placing fire extinguishers must allow visual identification of the type of fire extinguishers installed in them.

5.5. Fire extinguishers should be placed in easily accessible places where they cannot be damaged or exposed to direct sun rays and atmospheric precipitation, direct impact of heating and heating devices.

5.6. During the recharging period and Maintenance fire extinguishers associated with their repair, fire extinguishers from the reserve fund must be installed instead.

5.7. During operation and maintenance fire extinguishers should be guided by the requirements set out in the manufacturer’s passports and approved in in the prescribed manner regulations for the maintenance of fire extinguishers of each type.

5.8. Day-to-day control over the safety, maintenance and constant readiness for action of primary fire extinguishing means is carried out by persons appointed by order of the head of the educational institution.

6. Fire safety requirements for premises for various purposes

6.1. Classrooms and offices.

6.1.1. In classrooms and offices, only those necessary to ensure educational process furniture, appliances, models, accessories, manuals, etc.

6.1.2. Appliances, furniture, accessories, manuals, etc. placed in classrooms, offices, laboratory rooms or in premises specially designated for these purposes, must be stored in cabinets, on racks or on permanently installed racks.

6.1.3. Storing educational visual aids and educational equipment in classrooms, offices, laboratories and laboratory assistants, conducting experiments and other types of work that are not provided for by the approved lists and programs is not permitted.

6.1.4. Storage of film copies, transparencies, slides, magnetic tapes, etc. must be carried out in premises specially designated for this purpose.

7. Fire safety requirements for cultural events

7.1. Responsible for organizing and ensuring fire safety during cultural events (evenings, concerts, film shows, Christmas trees etc.) is the director of an educational institution or a person appointed by him by order of the educational institution from among his deputies.

7.2. Before the start of cultural events, the director of an educational institution or a person appointed by him carefully checks all premises, evacuation routes and exits for compliance with fire safety requirements, and also makes sure that fire extinguishing equipment, communications and fire automatics are available and in good condition. All identified deficiencies are eliminated before the start of the cultural event.

7.3. During cultural events, employees of educational institutions and high school students must be on duty, who must be instructed on fire safety measures and the procedure for evacuating children in the event of a fire, and must ensure strict compliance with fire safety requirements during cultural events.

7.4. Floors and premises where cultural events are held must have at least two dispersed evacuation exits

7.5. The number of seats in the premises is set at the rate of 0.75 sq.m per person, and when holding dances, games and similar events at the rate of 1.5 sq.m per person (excluding stage area). Filling the premises with people beyond established standards not allowed.

7.6. The width of longitudinal and transverse passages in premises for holding cultural events must be at least one meter, and passages leading to exits must be no less than the width of the exits themselves. All passages and exits must be located so as not to create oncoming or intersecting flows of people. Reducing the width of aisles between rows and installing additional seats in aisles is prohibited.

7.7. In premises for cultural events, all chairs and chairs must be connected in rows to each other and firmly attached to the floor. In rooms used for dance parties and children's games, with no more than 200 seats, chairs may not be secured to the floor.

7.8. Emergency exits from the premises must be marked with illuminated signs with the inscription “Exit” white on a green background, connected to the emergency network or evacuation lighting building. If there are people in the premises, the light indicators must be on.

7.9. In premises used for cultural events prohibited:

a) cover walls and ceilings with wallpaper and paper;

b) use flammable materials not treated with fire retardants for acoustic finishing of walls and ceilings; store gasoline and other flammable and combustible liquids;

c) store property, equipment and other items, substances and materials under the stage, as well as in basements located under the premises;

d) use interior design items, scenery and stage equipment made from flammable synthetic materials, artificial fabrics and fibers (foam plastic, foam rubber, polyvinyl, etc.)

e) use open fire (torches, candles, fireworks, sparklers, etc.), use firecrackers, use arc spotlights, arrange lighting effects using chemicals and other substances that can cause fire;

f) install chairs, armchairs, etc., the structures of which are made of plastics and flammable materials;

g) install locks and difficult-to-open latches on the doors of evacuation exits;

h) install blind bars on windows.

7.10. All combustible decorations, stage decorations, as well as drapery used on windows and doors must be treated with fire-retardant compounds with a report drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to the customer, and the second is stored in the organization that carried out the impregnation.

7.11. Executive, responsible for the fire safety condition of an educational institution is obliged to check the quality of fire-retardant treatment of decorations and structures before holding each cultural event.

7.12. When conducting New Year's Eve The tree is installed on a stable base in such a way that leaving the room is not difficult. The branches of the Christmas tree must be at least one meter away from the walls and ceiling.

7.13. The decoration of the Christmas tree illumination must be carried out by an experienced electrician in compliance with the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules. Light bulbs in garlands should have a power of no more than 25 W. At the same time, the electrical wires supplying Christmas tree lighting bulbs must be flexible, with copper conductors. Electrical wires must have proper insulation and be connected to the electrical network using plug connections.

7.14. If there is a malfunction of the Christmas tree lighting (heating of the wires, blinking of bulbs, sparking, etc.), the illumination is immediately turned off and will not turn on until the malfunction is eliminated.

7.15. When decorating a Christmas tree, it is prohibited:

a) use flammable toys and decorations for decoration;

b) use candles, sparklers, fireworks, etc. to illuminate the Christmas tree;

c) decorate branches with cotton wool and toys made from it, not impregnated with a fire retardant.

8. Procedure in case of fire

8.1. In the event of a fire, the actions of employees of an educational institution and those involved in extinguishing the fire should first of all be aimed at ensuring the safety of children, their evacuation and rescue.

8.2. Each employee of an educational institution who discovers a fire or its signs (smoke, the smell of burning or smoldering, increased temperature, etc.) is obliged to:

a) immediately report this by phone “01” (in this case, you must clearly indicate the address of the institution, the location of the fire, and also provide your last name;;

b) activate the fire warning system; proceed yourself and involve others in evacuating children from the building to safe place according to the evacuation plan;

c) notify the director of the educational institution or his replacement about the fire;

d) organize a meeting of fire departments, take measures to extinguish the fire using the fire extinguishing means available in the institution.

8.3. The director of an educational institution or his replacement employee who arrives at the scene of a fire is obliged to:

a) check whether the fire department has been notified of the fire;

b) manage the evacuation of people and fire extinguishing until the arrival of fire departments. In the event of a threat to people’s lives, immediately organize their rescue, using all available forces and means for this;

c) organize a check for the presence of children and workers evacuated from the building using class registers and available lists;

d) assign a person who knows the location of access roads and water sources to meet fire departments;

e) check that the automatic fire extinguishing system is activated;

f) remove from the danger zone all persons not involved in evacuating people and extinguishing the fire;

g) if necessary, call medical and other services to the fire site;

h) stop work not related to measures to evacuate people and extinguish a fire;

i) organize the shutdown of electricity and gas supply networks, shutdown of ventilation and air conditioning systems and the implementation of other measures that contribute to the spread of fire;

j) ensure the safety of people taking part in evacuation and fire extinguishing from possible collapse of structures, exposure to toxic products combustion and elevated temperature, electric shock, etc.;

k) inform the head of the fire department about the presence of people in the building.

8.4. When evacuating and extinguishing a fire, you must:

a) taking into account the current situation, determine the safest evacuation routes that ensure the possibility of evacuating people in safe zone as soon as possible;

b) eliminate conditions conducive to panic. For this purpose, teachers and other employees of educational institutions should not leave children unattended from the moment the fire is discovered until it is eliminated;

c) the evacuation of children should begin from the room in which the fire occurred and adjacent rooms that are at risk of spreading fire and combustion products. Children younger age subject to evacuation first;

d) in winter time at the discretion of those carrying out the evacuation, older children age groups may pre-dress or take clothes with them, and young children should be taken out or carried out, wrapped in blankets or other warm things;

e) carefully check all premises to exclude the possibility of children hiding under desks, in closets or other places being in the danger zone;

f) set up security posts at the exits to the building to prevent the possibility of children and workers returning to the building where the fire occurred;

g) when extinguishing, one should first strive to ensure favorable conditions for the safe evacuation of people;

h) refrain from opening windows and doors, as well as breaking glass, to prevent the spread of fire and smoke into adjacent rooms.

When leaving a room or building, you should close all doors and windows behind you.

Appendix 4

Fire crews to take initial measures to extinguish a fire in the building of an educational institution, remove official documents and property before the arrival of fire departments

First calculation

Work area - 1st floor of the building, sports and Assembly Hall educational institution, canteen and workshops.

Head of crew -(FULL NAME.) - responsible for the safety of the OS.

The first calculation number is(Full name) - labor teacher.

Second calculation number -(FULL NAME.) - Physical education teacher.

Second calculation

The work site is the 2nd and 3rd floors of an educational institution building.

Head of crew -(FULL NAME.) - Head of the household.

The first calculation number is(FULL NAME.) - a history teacher.

Second calculation number -(FULL NAME.) - Deputy Director for Educational Work.

The fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390) require each company to identify a person responsible for fire safety. In order to document its purpose, an order is issued on the persons responsible for fire safety.

Is it necessary to make an order appointing someone responsible for fire safety?

Every employer – a legal entity – must have an order appointing someone responsible for fire safety.

The legislation does not limit the employer in choosing an employee who will be appointed responsible for fire safety. But the following conditions must be met:

  • These responsibilities can be assigned to an employee only with his consent.
  • The appointed employee must undergo fire safety training, which is carried out only by special educational institutions.
  • When choosing an employee who will be assigned responsibility, you must be guided by the principles of reasonableness, that is, do not appoint an incompetent janitor or cleaner. As a rule, the chief engineer or technologist, or heads of departments are appointed responsible.

The director himself may be responsible; in this case, an order is made where he assigns responsibility to himself.

If the enterprise is large or has separate branches, then several responsible persons can be appointed, but there must be one person who will control all work in this direction. All this is included in the order. Those responsible for fire safety at the enterprise must familiarize themselves with the order against signature.

Order: person responsible for fire safety, sample – 2018

The form for the order to appoint a person in charge has not been developed for legislative level, so it is done in free form on the company’s letterhead.

The order must reflect the following information:

  • Full name of the organization.
  • Date and order number.
  • Preamble making reference to the relevant legislative document(Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 “ Technical regulations on fire safety requirements").
  • The administrative part - it directly indicates those responsible and outlines their responsibilities.
  • Manager's name and signature.

The administrative part of the order is the main one; it contains all the details:

  • Who is primarily responsible for fire safety? If there are several of them, then their areas of responsibility are indicated.
  • Their responsibilities are listed in detail. This can be done either directly in the text of the order or in an appendix to it.

An example of making such an entry in an order:

“Assign chief engineer A.A. as responsible for fire safety. Nikolaev and assign responsibilities to him in accordance with the Instructions of the person responsible for fire safety (Appendix 1).”

The issued order must be brought to the attention of not only the persons indicated in it, but also to all employees of the organization. This can be done by familiarizing everyone with a signature, or by posting a copy of the order in a specially designated place.

How long does the order on the person responsible for fire safety last?

The legislator does not say anything about how long the order of the person responsible for fire safety equipment is valid, so the validity period can be indicated as follows:

  • Indicated in the text of the order itself. Many organizations at the beginning of each year issue all the main orders, including fire safety, again.
  • If the text of the order does not indicate Certain date the end of its validity, then by default the order is valid until it is replaced with a new one, or until the dismissal of the employee appointed responsible.

If the order is not updated annually, but has been in effect for several years, then it is best to make a copy of it and keep it in a separate folder, with all the fire safety documents. IN otherwise it will be difficult to find once the folder with the orders is archived.

Let's summarize. All employers must have someone responsible for fire safety in their organization. The order for his appointment is issued in free form. The validity period of this order has not been established and it can be drawn up for an indefinite period, maximum - until the dismissal of the person specified in it or the removal of his powers.

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