The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process of the kindergarten. Theoretical foundations for the implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process of elementary school

« To make a child smart and reasonable,

make him strong and healthy." J.-J. Rousseau

Indeed, it is impossible not to agree with these words,because only healthy children are able toproperly assimilate the acquired knowledge and in the future are able toengage in productive work.

One of the important tasks facing the teachers of our school is the formation of a value attitude to their own lives and the lives of those around them, educating the need for a healthy lifestyle for children. At the same time, it is very important to maintain interest and create conditions for the accumulation of primary ideas about yourself and your body. Knowledge should come to the child, as it were, by the way. In the course of joint activities with children, the teacher ensures the ascent to a culture of health.

Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle involves the organization by teachers of the daily routine, physical activity; stress relief, personal hygiene, various forms of physical culture and health work, as well as the use of effective health-saving pedagogical technologies.

Our school has the necessaryconditions for learning children.

Classes are equipped with sanitary and hygienic requirements: the furniture is selected in accordance with the growth of students; there is sufficient lighting in the premises, classes are constantly ventilated during breaks; daily wet cleaning.

When scheduling lessons, the dynamics of working capacity during the day and week are taken into account. Conditions are created to meet the biological needs for movement.

The state of health of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state, reflecting not only the present situation, but also giving an accurate forecast for the future.

In order to form, preserve and strengthen the health of students, health-saving technologies are being introduced into the elementary school, which help to solve the most important tasks - to preserve the health of the child, accustom him to an active healthy life.

So, what is health-saving technologies?

"Health-Saving Technologies" this is a systematic approach to education and upbringing, built on the desire of the teacher not to harm the health of students.

the main objective health-saving technologies

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of the child, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving technologies cannot be torn out of the general education system, they contribute to the competent and rational use of other methods and means of training, development and education.

With the complex use of various technologies focused both on the development of creative potential and on the preservation of the health of students, good results can be achieved in achieving the goal.

An effective organization of the educational process in a modern school is impossible without the use of an individually differentiated approach to students. Among the health-saving technologies, we can highlight the technologies of student-centered learning, taking into account the characteristics of each student and aimed at the fullest possible disclosure of his potential. These include technologies for project activities, differentiated learning, collaborative learning, and a variety of gaming technologies.

The elementary school teacher can and should pay attention to Special attention preserving the health of children. The inclusion of special methodological techniques and means in the lesson largely ensures the fulfillment of this task and does not require large material and time costs. Proper organization of education makes it possible to prevent overload and fatigue in schoolchildren, and also helps children realize the importance of maintaining health.

Primary school teachers try to build their lessons on a health-saving basis:

During the lesson, various types of learning activities alternate: questioning, writing, reading, listening, storytelling, working with visual aids, solving examples, tasks, practical work, independent work, etc.; Norm - 4-7 types per lesson.

Alternate teaching methods (verbal, visual, practical).

Approximate rate - 7-10 minutes;

They use methods in the lesson that contribute to the activation of the initiative and creative self-expression of the students themselves. These are such methods as the method of free choice (free conversation, choice of mode of action, choice of mode of interaction; freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods (student as teacher, action learning, group discussion, role play, discussion, workshop, student as researcher); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual evaluation);

The content of the lesson includes questions related to health and a healthy lifestyle; demonstration, tracing these connections; formation of attitude towards a person and his health as a value. At various lessons, almost any topic studied can be used to highlight certain facts that contribute to the formation of the correct attitude of students to their health. This also includes the prevention of child injuries, accidents associated with the child's misbehavior in various everyday situations.

Teachers try to create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, thus solving the problem of preventing student fatigue.

A benevolent atmosphere in the lesson, calm conversation, attention to every statement, a positive reaction of the teacher to the student’s desire to express his point of view, tactful correction of mistakes made, encouragement for independent mental activity, appropriate humor - this is far from the whole arsenal that a teacher who aspires to to unlock the potential of every child.

Rest is an essential component of fruitful work. This is especially important for elementary school children. It is not typical for them to work without a break for 40 minutes, as a result of which concentration is quickly lost, interest in the material disappears, and all this is accompanied by general fatigue.

In order to relieve visual, mental and physical stress, it is necessary to carry out physical minutes. Conduct a physical education session at 15-20 minutes from the start of the lesson. Sometimes it is advisable to conduct a physical education session twice per lesson. Duration 2-3 minutes.

Therefore, teachers of our school widely usephysical minutes. Physical minutes are active rest and correctional work. Exercises are carried out sitting at the table, standing near the table, various constructions are possible, the main thing is that the children do not interfere with each other and the basic requirements for physical minutes are observed:

Exercises should be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children,

They should be convenient to perform in a limited area.

Exercises with pronunciation of verses are used: “Pinocchio”, “Vanka-Vstanka”, “Wind”, etc.

The semantic content of physical minutes is of some importance; they can be played in the form of a game related to the topic of the lesson. For example,

During the game "Collect in a basket"

Teachers pay more attentioncorrective breaks. Corrective pauses include gymnastics for the eyes, acupressure, ear massage, self-massage of the fingers and hands, finger gymnastics, relaxation exercises, breathingexercises .

Gymnastics for the eyes relieves fatigue from the eyes, increases visual acuity.

Self-massage of the fingers and hands is carried out before activities that accompany the load on the hands.

Finger gymnastics is carried out by teachers in elementary grades in order to relieve muscle tension in the hands and fingers. Relaxation exercises help relieve tension from the whole body, calm down, relax.

Thus, the formation of a healthy personality of a schoolchild is possible while ensuring an effective relationship of physical education with the purposeful development of his personality in a specially created and hygienically organized social environment that promotes the development of self-government, the adequacy of self-esteem, creativity and communication, with the active use of health-saving technologies.

LEGEND Listen to the old legend: “Once upon a time, there were gods on Mount Olympus. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. They began to decide .... What should be a person. One of the gods said: "A man must be strong", another said: "A man must be healthy", the third said: "A man must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others behind high mountains. And one of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.” This is how a person has been living since ancient times, trying to find his health. Yes, not everyone can find and save the priceless gift of the gods!

WISH - I wish you to protect what is given to us from above, and help to maintain and strengthen the health of your students

One of the most important conditions for solving the problems of health-improving work is the organization of a developing subject environment. In this connection, it is necessary to identify the features of methodological work to create an environment for the use of health-saving technologies. Among the effective forms and methods of work, it is objectively considered to improve, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, research on health-saving technologies in theoretical and especially practical terms.

Actively try to comprehensively solve the problems of the physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of each child, actively introducing the most effective health-saving technologies into this process - to teach children the culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle.


Chapter 1. The essence of health-saving technologies……………………6

1.1. The influence of the state of health on the success of teaching younger students as a psychological and pedagogical problem………………6

1.2. The essence of health-saving technologies………………………11

1.3. Principles of using health-saving technologies………12

1.4. Means of health-saving technologies………………………14

Chapter 2. Health-saving technologies in elementary school ...... 15

2.1. Implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2.2. Organization of educational activities in the conditions of health-saving pedagogy………………………………………………………………………18

2.3. The main indicators of the rational organization of the educational process……………………………………………………………………20

Chapter 3. Formation of a health-saving environment……………….24

3.1. Health-saving environment………………………………………24

3.2. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of health-saving activities of a primary school teacher…………………………….28




The main resource of any country, one of the guarantors of its national security is education as the basis for the full development of the individual. The physical and spiritual and moral health of the population determines the level of civilization of the state, is an indicator of the sustainable development of the nation. An educational institution at the present stage of development of society should become the most important link in the formation and strengthening of the health of students. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the National Doctrine of Education in Russia, the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010, the Concept of Continuity of Education and a number of other documents highlight the tasks of preserving the health of the younger generation and creating conditions for enhancing innovative health promotion activities in educational institutions as priorities.

Given the importance of maintaining the health of the younger generation, certain aspects of this problem are reflected in the work of domestic and foreign authors: M.V. Antropova, V.F. Bazarny, M.M. Bezrukikh, S.M. Grombakh, N.N. V.R. Kuchma, N.K. Smirnov, A.G. Khripkova and others.

In different historical epochs, thinkers, philosophers, teachers paid attention to the preservation of the health of the population and the younger generation, and linked the deterioration of children's health with the beginning of schooling. Among the complex of factors contributing to the decline in the level of health of schoolchildren, the leading role has traditionally been assigned, on the one hand, to non-compliance with the physiological and hygienic requirements for learning conditions, and on the other hand, to a large amount of teaching load.

From the point of view of V.R. Kuchma, the state of health of children and adolescents is determined by the level of physical development achieved and its harmony, the functional state of organs and systems, the presence or absence of functional abnormalities and diseases, and the body's resistance. .

Since the concept of health reflects the quality of the body's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents a close connection of all components of health (somatic, physical, mental and moral) in the context of human integrity, the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal ( heredity, gender, age) factors. Education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in general educational institutions should be based on the consideration of the mutual influences of hereditary and environmental factors, individual characteristics of human development.

The problem of maintaining health in the education system is reflected in the studies of M.M. Bezrukikh, N.N. Kuinzhi, Yu.P. Lisitsyna, N.K. Smirnova and others. On the basis of the conducted research, a theoretical basis for creating projects of educational institutions was developed, the purpose of which is the education, development, upbringing of a healthy child, the main approaches to organizing the health-saving activities of an educational institution are considered, definitions, essential characteristics and classification of health-saving technologies are given. Considering health-saving technologies, models of organizing Health Schools in Russia and abroad, analyzing individual components of health-saving activities, the authors note that at present, education systems have focused on the impact of the school on the health of students, its ability to organize high-quality education, development and upbringing of children without prejudice to physical and mental health, the prevention of neglect and the expansion of school additional educational services.

The end of the 20th century is characterized, in particular, by an increase in morbidity and mortality against the backdrop of high achievements in medicine, the perfection of technical means for diagnosing and treating diseases. The current stage of development of our society is associated with a demographic crisis, a decrease in life expectancy, a decrease in the mental health of the country's population, which causes concern for many scientists and specialists. But, given the traditional focus of the current healthcare system on the detection, definition and “elimination” of diseases, which has intensified due to the progressive socio-economic destruction of society, it becomes clear that medicine today and the foreseeable future will not be able to significantly affect the preservation of human health. This fact justifies the need to find more effective ways and means of maintaining and developing health.

In the work of the school, it is necessary to state the presence of the following leading problem: the contradiction between the needs of students and their families, the requirements of the state in preserving and strengthening the health of students at school, and the negative dynamics of the physical condition of children.

A.A. Dmitriev points to a unique paradox: on the one hand, the school can have a significant impact on the student's lifestyle and contribute to his recovery in the learning process, on the other hand, there are very few healthy children in the school. Consequently, the education and upbringing of the child must acquire a health-saving and health-improving character. But neither school furniture, nor textbooks, nor notebooks, nor school ecology, nor even school physical culture have the health potential that would help a student to be healthy.

The pedagogical systems of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Sh.A. Amonashvili objectively contribute to the preservation of the health of students. But, speaking about the humanization of education, it should be emphasized that one of its factors should be taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of children. And this does not always happen.

VV Kolbanov believes that the child-centric approach is actually only declared, it is actually replaced by an authoritarian one. For the majority of children, educational work turns out to be insufficiently motivated, and therefore forced, alien, tiring, and leading to poor health.

A number of scientific papers examine the content of the principle of conformity to nature, which serves as one of the foundations of the concept of student-centered education. E.V. Bondarevskaya points out that this principle should guide teachers to create conditions for maintaining the health of children in the learning process, but it is not implemented by every teacher.

There is a contradiction between the existing organization of teaching in the classroom, which is detrimental to the health of children, and the need for the teacher to implement the valeological approach in order to ensure the preservation and strengthening of the health of students (Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M.).

Scientists valeologists propose mechanisms for solving the problem of maintaining health, requiring the introduction of a new educational course "Valeology" (G.K. Zaitsev, V.V. Kolbanov, N.K. Smirnov), which further increases the teaching load .. Some experts believe it is expedient to ensure the valueologization of the educational environment (N.K. Smirnov), which is understood as “education of a culture of health and the formation of health-saving conditions in an educational institution”. . At the same time, it should be noted that there are no effective mechanisms for solving the problem of maintaining health through the optimal combination of pedagogical tools and the use of the possibilities of the pedagogical process for the implementation by children in practice of their needs for a healthy lifestyle.

Fulfillment of only the requirements of the Sanitary Rules and Norms also does not give positive results, and these requirements are not met everywhere.

Modern pedagogical technologies do not take into account the level of health, as well as the adaptive capabilities of children. The opinions of scientists on this issue are extremely contradictory. So, one of them (for example, N.V. Repkin), analyzing the developmental system of Elkonin-Davydov, theoretically substantiates that developmental education should lead to limiting the study load, reducing the amount of homework, reducing the level of school anxiety, thereby contributing to the preservation children's health. However, studies by other scientists show a different picture. M.N. Berulava argues that at the present stage, developmental education in the case of an insufficient level of theoretical and methodological training of the teacher, as well as for students with a low level of age-related mental development, turns out to be harmful to the health of schoolchildren. Researches of physiologists (M.V. Antropova, L .M. Kuznetsova) showed the existence of a contradiction between achievements in the field of education and losses in the health status of schoolchildren.

According to Tikhomirova L.F., it is necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that each teacher at each lesson not only contributes to the preservation of the health of students, but also forms this health. And for this, it is necessary to maximize the possibilities of pedagogy in the aspect of health saving, to show the theoretical foundations of health-saving pedagogy, as well as the directions for introducing them into the practice of modern school.

For the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, the task of finding and predicting new methods, techniques, technologies, appropriate forms and organization of educational activities and its new content is of great importance. It is necessary to create a model of educational technology that will reduce the negative impact of the educational process on the health of children.

The solution to the problem of maintaining the health of children in educational institutions is often limited to the scope of physical education, although physical development is only one of the indicators of health, and does not allow you to quickly respond to changes in the health situation of students. There is no monitoring of children's health in educational institutions, the dynamics of indicators of physical development and morbidity of students is not taken into account in the organization of the educational process. There is no examination of programs, plans, technologies in terms of their impact on the health of schoolchildren, there is no mechanism for conducting this examination, there are no recommendations for analyzing the lesson.

Overcoming these contradictions requires the need to find effective solutions.

Chapter 1. The essence of health-saving technologies.

1.1. The influence of the state of health on the success of teaching younger students as a psychological and pedagogical problem.

The state of health of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and the state. One of the leading factors that ensure the effectiveness of the educational process in modern conditions is considered by researchers to be the state of health of schoolchildren, the level of formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. In modern scientific literature there is no single, generally accepted concept of "health", revealing its essence.

Of the variety of definitions of health, the main ones are distinguished, in which health is defined:

1) as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity;

2) as a set of physical and spiritual abilities that an organism, a person has;

3) as a holistic multidimensional dynamic state, in the process of realizing the genetic potential in a specific social and economic environment, allowing a person to varying degrees to carry out his biological and social functions;

4) as the quality of an organism's adaptation to environmental conditions.

Human health is a priority social value of a person. Speaking about health, scientists rely on the definition of this concept of the World Health Organization, at the same time, recognizing the health of a child as a process of adaptation of a growing organism to constantly changing environmental conditions during all periods of child ontogenesis and consider the adaptive capabilities of an organism as a measure of health.

The state of health of Russian schoolchildren causes serious concern among specialists. A clear indicator of trouble is that the health of schoolchildren is deteriorating compared to their peers twenty or thirty years ago. At the same time, the most significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs during the age periods coinciding with the child receiving a general secondary education.

The health of the child, his social and psychological adaptation, normal growth and development are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. For a child from 6 to 17 years old, this environment is the education system, because more than 70% of his waking time is associated with staying in educational institutions. At the same time, during this period, the most intensive growth and development takes place, the formation of health for the rest of life, the child's body is most sensitive to exogenous environmental factors.

Most of the week the pupils spend within the walls of the school. The time of schooling coincides with the period of growth and development of the child, when the body is most sensitive to the effects of various environmental factors. Successful schooling is determined by the level of health with which the child came to school, which is the initial background at the start of education. Troubles in this area have been known and talked about for a long time, but in recent years the problem has become especially acute. On average, more than 35% of preschoolers, 60% of schoolchildren have chronic diseases and need inpatient treatment. About 25-30% of children entering the first grade of school have some kind of deviation in their state of health. During the period of study at school, the number of healthy children decreases by 4 times, the number of myopic children increases from grade 1 to graduation classes from 3.5 to 18%, with neuropsychiatric disorders - from 1.6 to 2.8%, posture disorders with 19 to 46%. One of the frequent pathologies of schoolchildren is visual acuity impairment, which in a number of classes is up to 30-40%. Many schoolchildren have disharmonious development, which creates problems in the overall performance of the younger generation. And today's sick children are the sick future generation of our people. At present, no more than 14% of children are born physically mature. Therefore, it is quite natural that, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the health of schoolchildren is attributed to the priority areas of state policy.

Currently, the issue of improving the health of school-age students is relevant. During these years, posture is formed, there is an active growth and development of all body systems.

According to doctors, 75 percent of all human diseases are laid down in childhood. In today's conditions, we are faced with a significant general deterioration in the health of children, which is associated with the economic and social disadvantage of many young families, weakened immunity, genetic disorders, poor environmental conditions, etc.

A sedentary lifestyle is becoming the norm for adults and children. To a sufficient extent, this is helped by television and computer games. Every day the child spends more than 2 hours in front of the TV screen. This is a long time the child is immobile, fatigue of the organs of vision and hearing, headaches, drowsiness, apathy. To all this, add street noise, loud music, cell phones - this leads to the appearance of various dangerous symptoms and deviations in health already at school age.

All of the above reasons lead to the fact that a child who leads such a lifestyle not only has health problems, but he also has learning difficulties. First of all, these are problems of concentration of attention, memory, memorization of educational material, problems with perseverance in the classroom, school fears. These children have personality problems. The lack of persistent interests and hobbies associated with expanding one's own horizons, apathy, followed by aggressiveness, closeness are a few symptoms that are associated with an inactive lifestyle.

In the first grades of schools at the beginning of the year, 20% of children have health problems, and by the end of the year their number increases to 70%, and in 20-40% of cases, health deterioration is closely related to the school. The teacher must know and take into account the physiological characteristics of students.
A child of 7-11 years old physically develops relatively calmly. The skeletal system is in the process of formation, so it is necessary to take care of posture: the ossification of the hand and fingers has not ended, so small and precise movements are difficult and tiring. The brain is being improved - the analytic-synthetic function of the cortex is developing, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition is changing.
Physical development allows the child to exercise from 3 to 5 hours a day. The child is also psychologically ready for learning: memory, curiosity, and imagination are sufficiently developed; vocabulary is rich enough; the child is able to coherently express his thoughts, compare, generalize, tries to draw conclusions. Age feature is impulsiveness - the tendency to act immediately. The younger student does not know how to stubbornly follow the goal, overcoming difficulties, in case of failure, he may lose faith in his own strength. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to make every lesson, every day of the child successful.

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which are associated with 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. IVF RAO studies allow ranking school risk factors in descending order of significance and strength of influence on the health of students:

1. Stress pedagogical tactics.

2. Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional abilities of schoolchildren.

3. Failure to comply with elementary physiological and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process.

4. Insufficient literacy of parents in matters of maintaining the health of children.

5. Failures in the existing system of physical education;

6. Intensification of the educational process.

7. Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion.

8. Partial destruction of school medical control services.

9. Lack of systematic work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the traditional organization of the educational process creates constant stress overload in schoolchildren, which leads to a breakdown in the mechanisms of self-regulation of physiological functions and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. As a result, the existing system of school education has a health-expenditure character.
An analysis of school risk factors shows that most of the health problems of students are created and solved in the course of the daily practical work of teachers, i.e. related to their professional activities. Therefore, the teacher needs to find reserves of his own activity in preserving and strengthening the health of students.
It should be noted that the tediousness of the lesson is not the result of any one reason (the complexity of the material or psychological tension), but a certain combination, a combination of various factors.
The intensification of the educational process goes in different ways.
The first is an increase in the number of study hours (lessons, extracurricular activities, electives, etc.). The actual school load (according to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the Scientific Center for the Health of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and a number of regional institutes), especially in lyceums and gymnasiums, in gymnasium classes, in classes with in-depth study of a number of subjects, averages in elementary school 6.2-6.7 hours a day, in basic school - 7.2 - 8.3 hours a day and in secondary school - 8.6 - 9.2 hours a day. Together with the preparation of homework, the working day of a modern student is 9-10 hours in primary, 10-12 in basic and 13-15 in secondary school. A significant increase in the teaching load in such institutions and classes does not go unnoticed: these children often have a greater prevalence and severity of neuropsychiatric disorders, greater fatigue accompanied by immune and hormonal dysfunctions, lower resistance to diseases and other disorders.
Another option for intensifying the educational process is a real decrease in the number of hours while maintaining or increasing the volume of material. According to the Ministry of Education, during the period from 1945/46 to 1997/98, the number of hours in the educational field of philology (by 49%) and in the educational field of mathematics (by 62%) in elementary school sharply decreased. Anyone who is familiar with the system of primary education and existing programs, both traditional and developmental, understands that the content and volume of educational material in neither one nor the other area has decreased over the past 50 years. Such a sharp reduction in the number of hours inevitably had to lead to an increase in homework and intensification of the educational process.
A frequent consequence of intensification is the emergence of states of fatigue, fatigue, overwork in students. It is overwork that creates the prerequisites for the development of acute and chronic health disorders, the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other diseases.
Many scientists and practicing teachers have come to the conclusion that training and education inevitably have an adverse effect on health.

An analysis of the causes of "school illnesses" led doctors to conclude that the organization of education was unsatisfactory, leading to health problems. These shortcomings of education, in particular, include:

Insufficient classroom lighting;

Bad air in school buildings;

Incorrect shape and size of school tables;

Study overload.

Many other factors also influence the health of schoolchildren. So, in schools with a larger capacity, there is a higher acute incidence and a high index of absenteeism, 2-5 times higher than the incidence of colds.

In modern conditions, the role of “intra-school factors” has increased: intensification of learning, the transition to new forms of learning with a long school week, educational stress experienced by up to 80% of students, a decrease in motor activity, and even more pronounced hypokinesia of schoolchildren. That is, the learning process, as a rule, is organized without taking into account the impact on the health of students.

Modern conditions of the country's socio-economic development have initiated a number of phenomena that negatively affect the health of children and adolescents. This situation has aggravated as a result of the processes of socio-political and economic reform, the initial stages of which are inevitably associated with the destruction of the previously established infrastructure for the preservation and promotion of the health of children and adolescents. Children, especially of school age, turned out to be one of the most vulnerable groups of the population against the backdrop of the socio-economic transformations taking place in the country.

The health of modern children is formed under the influence of a complex of factors, the most important of which are biological (including heredity), environmental, social (lifestyle, conditions of upbringing and education, the level of medical care, etc.). It is important to note the role of the so-called "controllable factors" - the environment and sanitary and hygienic conditions, that is, factors that affect the life, health and education of schoolchildren. At the same time, it should be emphasized that 20% of the factors are related to the conditions of the intra-school environment, since students spend most of the day (more than 70% of the time) within the walls of the school.

Therefore, it is necessary that everything that forms this environment, including schoolwork, be in harmony with the child's body, correspond to the age-related capabilities and characteristics of children and adolescents. It is about the school period that we can say that during this period the potential for health for life is formed. And it is extremely important that this “health potential” can be influenced. Health is either formed and developed, or it is upset and lost in the process of educating a person.

The state of children's health, the preservation of the health of future mothers and fathers is a national task that requires a comprehensive strategic solution. A significant place in understanding and solving this problem belongs to the education system.

Health-saving educational technologies (HEET) can be considered both as a technological basis for health-saving pedagogy - one of the most promising educational systems of the 21st century, and as a set of techniques, forms and methods for organizing schoolchildren's education without harming their health, and as a qualitative characteristic of any pedagogical technology according to the criterion of its impact on the health of students and teachers.

1.2. The essence of health-saving technologies.

Health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of a person-oriented approach. Carried out on the basis of personality-developing situations, they are among those vital factors due to which students learn to live together and interact effectively. They assume the active participation of the student himself in mastering the culture of human relations, in the formation of health saving experience, which is acquired through the gradual expansion of the sphere of communication and activity of the student, the development of his self-regulation (from external control to internal self-control), the formation of self-awareness and an active life position based on education and self-education formation of responsibility for one's own health, life and health of other people.
Health-saving pedagogical technologies should ensure the development of the child's natural abilities: his mind, moral and aesthetic feelings, the need for activity, mastering the initial experience of communicating with people, nature, art.
"Health-forming educational technologies", as defined by N.K. Smirnova, these are all those psychological and pedagogical technologies, programs, methods that are aimed at educating students in a culture of health, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening, the formation of an idea of ​​health as a value, motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle ..

By health-saving educational technology, scientists understand a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.). This system includes:

1. The use of data from monitoring the health status of students conducted by medical workers and their own observations in the process of implementing educational technology, its correction in accordance with the available data.

2. Taking into account the peculiarities of the age development of schoolchildren and the development of an educational strategy corresponding to the characteristics of memory, thinking, working capacity, activity, etc. students in this age group.

3. Creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the process of implementing the technology.

4. The use of various types of health-saving activities of students aimed at maintaining and increasing the reserves of health, working capacity (Petrov O.V.)

1.3. Principles of using health-saving technologies.

The concept of "health-saving technologies" combines all areas of activity of an educational institution in the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

The purpose of health-saving educational technologies of education is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the knowledge gained in everyday life. The main indicator that distinguishes all health-saving educational technologies is express diagnostics of the state of students and tracking of the main parameters of the development of the body in dynamics (beginning-end of the school year), which allows us to draw appropriate conclusions about the state of health of students.

On the basis of the foregoing, the main goal of introducing health-saving technologies is also determined: to increase the efficiency of the learning process for younger students at the expense of health-saving technologies.

Main goals:

To form in students vital hygiene skills, skills and good habits;

To teach schoolchildren accessible physical education knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to strengthening the health of schoolchildren;

To ensure that each student feels like an equal member of the team, is active and sociable;

To educate in children curiosity, honesty, creative initiative, contributing to the development of cognitive abilities in schoolchildren.

The goals of health-saving technologies define the principles of education, which reflect the pressing societal needs.

Principles of health-saving technologies:

general methodological specific

General methodological - these are the main provisions that determine the content, organized forms, methods of the educational process in accordance with the general goals of health-saving educational technologies.

The principle of conscious activity aims at the formation of students' deep understanding, sustainable interest, meaningful attitude to cognitive activity. Increasing consciousness and activity contributes to the use by the teacher of special methodological techniques that solve the problems of rehabilitation pedagogy.

The principle of activity implies a high degree of independence, initiative and creativity in students.

The principle of visibility - obliges to build the learning process with the maximum use of forms of involving the human senses in the process of cognition.

The principle of systematicity and consistency is manifested in the relationship of knowledge, skills and abilities. The system of preparatory and leading actions allows you to move on to mastering the new and, based on it, proceed to the knowledge of the subsequent, more complex material. The principle of repetition of skills and abilities is one of the most important. As a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed

The principle of a healthy orientation solves the problem of strengthening the health of the child in the learning process.

The principle of active learning, which consists in the widespread use of active forms and methods of learning (training in pairs, group work, gaming technologies).

The principle of formation of responsibility in students for their own health and the health of those around them.

The principle of connection between theory and practice calls for persistently accustoming students to apply their knowledge in practice, using the surrounding reality not only as a source of knowledge, but also as a place for their practical application.

1.4. Means of health-saving technologies.

1. Means of motor orientation.

2. Healing forces of nature.

3. Hygienic factors.

The complex use of these tools allows us to solve the problems of pedagogy of health improvement.

The means of motor orientation include such motor actions that are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of health-saving educational technologies of training.

Conducting classes in the fresh air contributes to the activation of biological processes caused by the learning process, increases the overall performance of the body, and slows down the process of fatigue.

The hygienic means of achieving the goals of health-saving educational technologies of training that promote health and stimulate the development of adaptive properties of the body include: fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements regulated by SanPiNs.

Chapter 2. Health-saving technologies in elementary school.

2.1. Introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process.

The implementation of the function of preserving and promoting health by educational institutions involves the introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process. Among the health-saving technologies used in the education system, N.K. Smirnov proposes to single out several groups in which a different approach to health protection is used, as well as different forms and methods of work:

1. Medical and hygienic technologies.

2. Physical culture and health.

3. Ecological health-saving technologies.

4. Technologies for ensuring life safety.

5. Health-saving educational technologies.

Other grounds for classification are also proposed, for example, according to the nature of the impact, organizational features.

From the point of view of L.F. Tikhomirova, the most important thing in characterizing any technology implemented in an educational institution is how much it preserves the health of students, whether it is health-saving. it is expedient to introduce the following health-saving technologies:

1. The technique of "visual horizons" V.F. Bazarny (for the prevention of visual impairment).

According to this methodology, teachers are recommended to work with children in the mode of maximum removal of didactic material from children. The preservation of students' vision is facilitated by the expansion of visual-spatial activity during lessons. The space perceived by the child is often limited by a textbook and a notebook. The inevitable, moreover, overload of the accommodative apparatus leads to the occurrence of myopia. This pathology of the organ of vision impairs the accurate assessment of the shape and size of objects. This generally leads to even greater impairment of visual perception, especially in children with low intellectual abilities. This technique fundamentally does not affect the content of pedagogical training. It is aimed at improving the efficiency of visual perception, and consequently, learning. Also, for each child, his individual visual working distance is determined.

2. Performing exercises with the help of visual-motor trajectories.

3. Methodology V.F. Bazarny for posture correction.

Work with children in the classroom is carried out in the mode of "dynamic poses". The essence of the methodology is to periodically change the working position: transferring children from a static enslaved “sitting” position to an active free “standing” position and back several times during the lesson so that the time of continuous work in one position does not exceed 10 minutes.

4. Formation in children in the classroom of the correct attitude towards their health. The teacher can actively form the skills of a healthy lifestyle and the right attitude to health in children directly in the classroom.

L.F. Tikhomirova proposed a methodical technique of "insert about health":

one). "Polite words and health",

2). "Introducing children to texts about health",

3). "Inserts on Safe Behavior". .

The dynamics of the mental performance of students in the course of educational activities largely depends on its initial level, which in turn is associated with the state of health, physical development, functional capabilities of the body, daily regimen and other factors. N.M. Popova, G.M. Sapozhnikova and co-authors believe that the higher the initial level of working capacity, health, the less fatigue experienced in the learning process.

As Yu.N. Kiselev, A.G. Sukharev, children with a high level of physical activity, good health, normal physical and mental development have a high level of mental performance.

Children with a weakened body experience greater fatigue, which at first is felt indistinctly, as something elusive, interfering with work, but completely surmountable. The constant struggle with oneself, the constant overcoming of overwork lead to a systematic overstrain of the nervous system, and then cause mental overwork. As a rule, such children are inactive and experience a large lack of physical activity.

Literature data indicate that 76% of schoolchildren lead a sedentary lifestyle. Educational activity, like any mental work, is most often associated with a decrease in motor activity. Its average volume in most schoolchildren is 30-35% lower than hygiene standards. Two lessons of physical culture per week compensate for only 11% of the necessary physical activity. T.I. Baranova, V.M. Barshai, V.I. Bondin, V.L. Utkin, indicate that to maintain health and ensure normal development, 6-15 hours of organized training per week is required, and taking into account general mobility, this time should be doubled .. Lack of movement is an unfavorable factor preventing the full, harmonious development of a person. In sedentary children, immunity against infections is significantly reduced, as a result of which they are more likely to suffer from colds, increased fatigue and low physical performance.

At the same time, many authors have proven that physical exercise and motor activity are an ideal means of relieving excessive nervous tension. E.G. Milner, I.G. Skachkov, A.G. Khripkova and others believe that physical exercises optimize the neuropsychic state of the cardiovascular system, positively affect the body and all our activities, normalize sleep, activate memory and intelligence.

After classes at school, children experience fatigue, which is expressed in a decrease in working capacity: the child becomes lethargic, slow, and in some cases irritable. A.P. Boyarsky believes that this condition can be eliminated if classes in the sports section or independent training become the next activity.

However, in the new learning conditions that have developed recently, the motor activity of students has significantly decreased. The existing system of physical education does not allow to eliminate the lack of physical activity. In this regard, many authors in recent years offer various options for improving physical education.

2.2. Organization of educational activities in the conditions of health-saving pedagogy.

The success of schooling is determined by the level of health with which the child came to school, which is the initial background at the start of education.

In the system of developmental education, I build the entire learning process through the joint activities of the teacher and students, which primarily affects the success of the child's development.

Game technologies, which take place in specially organized conditions according to certain rules, unfolding on an activity basis in ways and means appropriate to the age of students, will gradually develop into educational activities.

It is well known that the cognitive motives with which children came to school are important for the organization of the educational process, since they help the child to quickly master what he is interested in. By the end of grade 1, most children talk about their reluctance to go to school. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the goal of the elementary school sounds like the development of a sustainable interest in the “land of knowledge”. And the health of students plays an important role here.

Only with the correct organization of educational activities (strict observance of the school schedule; building a lesson taking into account the performance of children, the use of visual aids; the obligatory fulfillment of hygiene requirements; a favorable emotional mood, etc.) is it possible to solve one of the tasks of health-saving pedagogy - maintaining high working capacity, preventing student fatigue.

Intensification of school education, increasing requirements for the learning process require the use of effective means and methods in working with younger students that increase and maintain the mental performance of students at the proper level.

In order to improve the level of the educational process, it is necessary to constantly change the conditions for organizing younger students in the classroom, conduct physical education sessions, and introduce more game situations into the content of the educational material.

Lessons 2 and 3 correspond to the period of optimal stable performance, therefore, they are as productive as possible. Lesson 4 enters the phase of uncompensated fatigue and is ineffective. In a rationally designed school schedule, the complexity of subjects and the predominance of dynamic or static components during classes should be taken into account. As one of the possible ways to evaluate lessons, you can use a rank scale for the difficulty of subjects.

The main forms of organization of training.

In a modern school, the classroom form of education is the main one. The class-lesson system provides for various forms of organization of the educational process: home study work (self-study), excursions, practical exercises, extracurricular educational work, extracurricular activities, consultations, tests. Each lesson is aimed at achieving a triune goal: to educate, educate, develop.

The general didactic structure of the lesson has three components:

Actualization of previous knowledge and methods of action;

Formation of new knowledge and methods of action;

Formation of skills.

The main stages of the lesson:

1. Setting the goal of the lesson;

2.Checking homework;

3. Repetition of the past;

4. Physical education minute;

5.Explanation of new material;

6. Consolidation of the studied;

7. Physical education minute;

8. Generalization and systematization of new knowledge;

9. Control of knowledge and skills of students;

10. Formation of a new homework.

The main stages of the educational process:

introductory lessons;

Initial acquaintance with the material;

Formation of concepts, establishment of concepts in practice;

Repetition and generalization;

Mixed and combined lessons.

And the tasks, and the content of the lesson, and its structure, and teaching methods -

All this should be aimed at ensuring that students experience satisfaction in the process of educational work in the classroom.

2.3. The main indicators of the rational organization of the educational process.

Indicators of the rational organization of the educational process are:

1) the volume of the teaching load - the number of lessons and their duration, including the time spent on doing homework;

2) the load from additional classes at school: electives, individual lessons, elective classes, etc. (their frequency, duration, types and forms of work);

3) activities of an active-motor nature: dynamic pauses, physical education lessons; sports activities, etc. (their frequency, duration, types and forms of activities).

Physiological and hygienic requirements for scheduling lessons at school are determined by the dynamics of changes in physiological functions and the performance of students throughout the school day and week. In a rationally designed school schedule, the complexity of subjects and the predominance of dynamic or static components during classes should be taken into account. As one of the possible ways to evaluate lessons, you can use a rank scale for the difficulty of subjects.

Deterioration of working capacity in both elementary and high school students may occur at different hours of the day.

In elementary school students in the first lesson, the working capacity is rather low, as there is a "working in" in the educational work. A period of relatively stable state of physiological indicators and performance is observed in students at 2-3 lessons. Starting from the 4th lesson, most students begin to experience a decrease in working capacity. The lowest level of physiological functions and working capacity of students is observed in the last lessons.

In this regard, the most difficult subjects are recommended to be included in the schedule of 2 or 3 (but not the first and not the last lessons). You can not put 2 or 3 difficult lessons in a row (for example: physics, mathematics, a foreign language) - it is better to alternate them with less difficult ones (history, geography). Lessons of physical education, labor, singing, drawing, which make it possible to switch from mental activity to physical, more emotional, are best used in the second part (4 or 5), but not at the very end of the school day. It should be noted that the tediousness of a lesson is determined not by any one factor (the complexity of the material or its emotionality), but by a certain combination, a combination of three main factors: difficulty, saturation with educational elements, and the emotional state of students.

The weekly dynamics of changes in working capacity is as follows. On Monday, there is a "working in" in educational work, Tuesday and Wednesday are the days of optimal performance, the period of optimal regulation of physiological functions. On Thursday, working capacity falls, and its lowest level is on Friday and Saturday.

The school schedule is evaluated positively if a curve with one rise is formed - on Wednesday and Friday or, on Tuesday and Wednesday (as on the days of the highest productivity), and is considered irrational with the highest score on Monday or Saturday, as well as with an uneven distribution of loads in weekly cycle.

The rational organization of the lesson is an important part of the health-saving work of the school. The observance of the hygienic and psychological-pedagogical conditions of the lesson mainly determines the functional state of schoolchildren in the process of educational activity, the ability to maintain mental performance at a high level for a long time and prevent premature fatigue. We must not forget that hygienic conditions affect the condition of the teacher, his health, which in turn affects the condition and health of students.

Physiologically justified lesson duration is 45 minutes. The exception is pupils of the 1st grade, for whom the lesson should last 35 minutes in accordance with the low stability of their attention. For students of grade 2, a combined lesson is recommended using the last 10 minutes to relieve fatigue (reading fiction, board games, learning a set of physical exercises, etc.). In other classes, it is recommended to conduct physical education sessions in the second and subsequent lessons, approximately 20 minutes after the start of the lesson, or with the development of the first phase of mental fatigue in a significant part of the students in the class (the phase of motor restlessness). Such work is necessary to increase the mental performance of children and relieve them of muscle static tension. Double lessons are irrational, except for those cases when laboratory, control work, labor lessons and physical education classes are carried out in winter during the ski training program.

Assessment of compliance with hygiene requirements is carried out for a number of regulated items using timing:

Lesson density (percentage of time spent by schoolchildren on educational work);

The number of types of learning activities (writing, reading, listening, telling, looking at visual aids, answering a question, solving examples);

The duration of each type of educational activity (in minutes);

Frequency of alternating types of educational activities (average time in minutes of changing activities);

The number of types of teaching (verbal, visual, audiovisual through technical teaching aids, independent work);

Places, duration and conditions of application of TSS;

Frequency of alternation of types of teaching;

Availability, timeliness, content and duration of physical education minutes.

The moment of decrease in the educational activity of schoolchildren is monitored as an indicator of the onset of their fatigue.

In addition, the psychological climate in the lesson, the presence of emotional discharges, students' compliance with the correct posture, its correspondence to the type of work and alternation during the lesson are determined and fixed.

To prevent the onset of fatigue among schoolchildren, it must be borne in mind that the first 3-5 minutes of any lesson is “working in”, that is, getting used to the teacher and the subject. Optimally stable working capacity lasts about 10-15 minutes for junior schoolchildren, 20-25 minutes for middle school students, 25-30 minutes for high school students. After that, “pre-fatigue”, or unstable performance, sets in for a few minutes. If the pedagogical tactics are not changed, a state of fatigue will set in, in which the efficiency of schoolchildren drops markedly, and interest in what is happening in the classroom decreases even more. This is still fatigue, but if you do not arrange physical education sessions and it accumulates from lesson to lesson, overwork will come, which cannot be dealt with only by pedagogical methods.

The main responsibility for replenishing the motor activity of students at school lies with the physical education lesson.

The physical activity of students at school should be organized with a complementary combination of two directions:

1. physical education lessons and the work of sports sections after school hours (“large” forms of classes);

2. "small" forms, introduced into the structure of the school day to maintain a high level of efficiency of schoolchildren throughout the entire period of study.

The "small" forms include: introductory gymnastics before training sessions; physical education minutes and physical education breaks; physical exercises on an extended break; microsessions of individual exercises.

Gymnastics before lessons (introductory gymnastics) for 5-10 minutes does not replace, but complements morning exercises. It has its own purpose - to prepare the child to maintain a working posture, deepen breathing, and focus attention. Complexes should be changed twice a month.

Outdoor games are held on small breaks and dynamic change. The latter, in suitable weather, is best done in the school area after 2-3 lessons lasting 20-40 minutes.

Each teacher should be able to conduct physical education sessions in their lessons, taking into account the specifics of their subject. The term "physical education minute" is used to denote short-term series of physical exercises used mainly for outdoor activities. Usually this is 3-5 physical exercises during a lesson in the subjects of a theoretical cycle (2-3 minutes) or a labor lesson (5-7 minutes). They are often carried out with musical accompaniment, with elements of self-massage and other means to help restore operational performance.

The start time of the physical education session is chosen by the teacher himself, focusing on the state when a significant part of the students begin to show fatigue. During the lesson, 1-2 physical education minutes are held. They are required for 3 and subsequent lessons.

The composition of exercises for physical education must necessarily include exercises to form posture, strengthen vision, and exercises aimed at developing rational breathing. Most primary school students do not know how to breathe properly during muscle exercise, walking, running, as well as in conditions of relative muscle rest. Improper breathing leads to disruption of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, a decrease in blood oxygen saturation, and metabolic disorders. It is necessary to introduce exercises to develop deep breathing, increased exhalation, in combination with various movements of the trunk and limbs.

The exercises performed should give a load to the muscles that were not loaded during the current activity, as well as help to relax the muscles that perform a significant static or static-dynamic load. A prerequisite for the effective conduct of physical education sessions is a positive emotional attitude of the teacher and students.

Chapter 3. Formation of a health-saving environment.

3.1. Healthy environment.

The result of the implementation of the function of preserving and promoting health by an educational institution, from our point of view, should be the creation of a health-saving environment.

V.V. Kolbanov, N.K. Smirnov and others write about the need to create a health-preserving environment in educational institutions to preserve and improve the health of children.

Continue the development and improvement of curricula in valeology,

Conduct training in valeology,

Provide organizational conditions for the formation of a valeological environment in educational institutions.

That is, they propose to use the valeological approach as the main tool for achieving the goal.

Before introducing the concept of “health-saving environment”, the concept of environment should be defined. M.Ya. Basov defines the environment as "a segment of reality in connection with which a person lives and relations with which are vital for him."

I.V. Kuznetsova defines the educational environment as a set of theoretical and practical, including organizational, educational resources that ensure the growth of well-being, the enrichment of opportunities, the formation of the personality and its directed development, as well as the prevention of problems for all participants in the educational process.

N.K. wrote about the valueologization of the educational environment and educational space. Smirnov and others. First of all, under the valueologization of the educational space, these scientists understood “education of a culture of health and the formation of health-saving conditions in an educational institution” .

From my point of view, the very idea of ​​transforming the pedagogical system in a direction conducive to maintaining health is valuable. However, this definition requires clarification.

In his works, I.V. Kuznetsova considers and analyzes only the psychological component of the health-saving environment, which is determined by: organization of activities and interaction of participants in the educational process on the basis of cooperation and assistance; personal characteristics of participants in the educational process, including life values, attitudes, motives; the presence of a health-oriented corporate culture; developing subject environment. The scientists also found that the psychological component of a health-saving educational environment has a significant impact on the success of learning, adaptation in society, the system of life values, attitudes, organization of activities, tolerance and acceptance of other people's life values.

According to traditional ideas, the solution of problems of valueologization should be carried out by hygienic or medical means. However, the realities of the modern school and our research show the inefficiency of using these approaches.

The subjects of a health-saving environment should be not only students and teachers, but also all specialists working in an educational institution, and, of course, parents. Therefore, I consider it necessary to form value orientations and attitudes towards health and a healthy lifestyle for all the main subjects of the educational environment through their systematic training.

Activities of educational institutions to preserve and improve the health of students


1. Creation of optimal environmental conditions

Fulfillment of requirements





Health saving


2. Formation of healthy skills in schoolchildren

Lifestyle and responsible attitude to your health

§ Through the content of subjects

§ Through extracurricular activities

§ Introduction of optional courses

§ Invitation of specialists from the PMSS Center


Motivation ped.

team to the problem



Increasing personal


Psychological trainings

Health groups

Mastering techniques


technologies, lesson from the point

in terms of their impact on health

Psychological-ped. seminars

Classes with specialists

PMSS Center

Mastering personality-oriented and health-saving



Getting involved

in educational


Parent lecture on health issues

(school specialists)

Specialist classes

PMSS Center

As the results of research have shown, only work in three directions, with students, teachers and parents, gives positive results. The interaction of specialists working in educational institutions with the employees of the PMSS Center (Center for Psychological-Medical-Social Support) is also effective.

Based on the theoretical conclusions of M.Ya. Basova (the child’s basic biological and social needs are taken as a vital relationship with the environment, which make it possible to scientifically identify the components of the educational environment that are significant for maintaining his health), L.F. Tikhomirova identified the main characteristics of a health-saving educational environment:

creation of favorable conditions for the educational process that meet not only the requirements of the SanPiNs, but also the individual characteristics of the child, the creation of a favorable psychological climate; socio-pedagogical work to eliminate the influence of adverse factors identified in the course of the study;

Ensuring a rational and balanced diet,

organization of high-quality medical care;

creation of a regulatory framework for an educational institution, which establishes the rights and obligations of each participant in the educational process for the preservation and promotion of health;

optimal, physiologically justified organization of the educational process, the use of optimization tools in the educational process,

· educational and methodological support corresponding to the different adaptive abilities of students, correction of the content of education (introduction of appropriate changes to curricula and programs); introduction of a personality-oriented and differentiated approach in teaching subjects and disciplines;

organization of extracurricular activities aimed at realizing the needs and opportunities of children and teachers, shaping their need for a healthy lifestyle; healthy lifestyle education;

· the formation of physical culture as a factor in the harmonious development of the physical and spiritual qualities of the individual, the organization of groups for physical education of persons with various pathologies; application of ways to improve the physical health of students in the learning process;

· studying the state of health of students, creating a system for monitoring health and physical development; study of risk factors for morbidity;

study of the needs of the child, the formation of a value attitude to health, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, the formation of a culture of health,

subjective inclusion of children and adolescents in the organization of the process of health preservation,

study of the pedagogical process, development and use of an expert-functional approach that allows analyzing the impact of the pedagogical process, new pedagogical technologies on health,

· the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process;

· development of programs to increase the awareness of children and adolescents, parents and teachers in the field of maintaining and promoting health.

3.2. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of health-saving activities of a primary school teacher.

Highlighting the function of maintaining health as one of the leading functions of an educational institution, T.I. Shamova and T.M. Davydenko also describe a diagnostic apparatus for monitoring the effectiveness of this function. Among the recommended indicators they named: the ratio of practically healthy children and children with chronic diseases; the number of children with the most common diseases; level of physical development. These same scientists insist on studying the determining factors affecting the health of schoolchildren in order to establish the reasons for the deterioration of their physical condition. Unfortunately, the authors suggest tracking only indicators of physical health. They did not name such groups of indicators as a value attitude to health, indicators of health culture, etc. Also, criteria for the implementation of the health-preserving function by educational institutions were not formulated.

Research conducted by L.F. Tikhomirova et al., to study the conditions for the implementation of the function of preserving and promoting the health of children by educational institutions and determining the leading characteristics of a health-saving environment, made it possible to establish criteria and indicators for monitoring the effectiveness of educational institutions.

They developed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of health-saving pedagogical activity in an educational institution: medical, didactic, educational.

1. Medical criterion: we suggest using such indicators as the number of days and cases missed due to illness per 1 student per quarter, half year, year; health index. You can also use the results of preventive examinations, study the dynamics of the prevalence of certain chronic diseases. To analyze the effectiveness of health-saving pedagogical activity, one can use such an indicator as a group for physical education.

2. Didactic criterion: compliance of the content, volume of information, pedagogical technologies with the individual characteristics of students, their level of learning, their level of health. You can use indicators such as attention, performance, emotional attitude, attitude to learning, desire to learn. Fatigue, overload, deviations in the state of health leads in turn to a decrease in interest in learning. Therefore, these indicators can be chosen to assess motivation. The existing mutual influence of the educational process and health makes it possible to indirectly judge the health of students by the level of academic performance and working capacity.

3. The educational criterion involves the use of such indicators as the implementation in practice of activities to preserve health by teachers and schoolchildren and adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, value attitude to health, culture of health.

Thus, for the formation of a health-saving environment in an educational institution, the following transformations are necessary:

Introduction of new elements into the structure of the educational process, introduction of health-saving technologies.

Changing the conditions of the school environment and the mode of operation of the school.

Improving the material, technical and educational base of the school.

Formation of a culture of health among teachers, students and parents.

Expansion of interdepartmental cooperation in the implementation of the function of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Development and implementation of a model for the implementation by educational institutions of the function of preserving and strengthening the health of students.


Taking care of the health of schoolchildren is both monitoring the norms and requirements of school hygiene, and early diagnosis and prevention of diseases most common in schoolchildren, and identifying pathogenic factors in the educational process, and identifying the hidden causes of school failure and deviations in behavior. If everyone in the school remembers this, makes efforts to solve children's problems, if there are specialists in schools (psychologists, speech therapists, speech pathologists, etc.) working on the preservation and correction of the health of students, then we can hope that the health of our children in school, if it does not improve, it will not fall.

The complex use of recreational activities in the educational process can reduce fatigue, increase emotional mood and performance, and this, in turn, will help preserve and strengthen the health of students.

for the preservation and strengthening of the health status of students:

1) is obliged to know the state of health of students;

2) must be able to assess the state of health of the child in the conditions of work in the classroom;

3) must be able to provide the child with first aid;

4) is obliged to build the educational process and work with a particular child, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's health status, fatigue, level of anxiety;

6) is obliged to strictly comply with the hygiene requirements for the lesson:

The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the children;

the duration of the break and the organization of rest;

ventilation of premises;

cleaning quality control;

Informing the administration in case of violation of the level of illumination;

7) is obliged, in cooperation with the doctor, to carry out a complex of hygienic and health-improving measures;

8) must monitor the posture of children during the implementation of the educational process;

9) when observing children during the lesson, must refer children in need of emergency assistance to the school health worker;

10) must inform the school management about cases of violation of the quality of nutrition of schoolchildren;

11) during the big break must ensure and supervise the children's food intake;

12) must inform the teacher of physical education and the medical worker about the noted changes in the state of health of the child;

13) inform the medical worker about the results of vaccinations;

14) inform the medical worker and the school administration about cases of beating of the child by the parents, about the starvation of the child, lack of sleep; overwork, etc.;

15) to form the need for a healthy lifestyle in children;

16) must have a sufficient level of knowledge in order to give recommendations to parents on the preservation and strengthening of the health of children;

17) in order to prevent overwork of children, the time for preparing homework should not exceed 1.5 hours;

21) the style of communication with children should ensure a cheerful working mood;

22) any deviations in the state of health and changes in the working capacity, activity of the child should be recorded in a special journal;

23) must be able to conduct an examination of the educational process, selected pedagogical technologies and analyze the lesson from the point of view of their impact on the health of students.

I believe that one of the main tasks of the activity of a primary school teacher is to form the value of health among their students. It is also necessary to form the value of health, a healthy lifestyle from an early age, and focus on health-saving behavior. The priority direction should be the formation of moral qualities, which are the foundation of health.


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The task of health-saving pedagogy within the framework of the educational process is to provide the school graduate with a high level of health, to form a culture of health, then the certificate of secondary education will be a valid ticket to a happy independent life, evidence of a young person’s ability to take care of their health and take care of the health of other people.

The creative nature of the educational process, according to L.S. Vygotsky, an extremely necessary condition for health preservation. The inclusion of a child in the creative process is not only natural, it serves as an implementation of the search activity on which the development of a person, his adaptive potential depends, contributes to the achievement of the goal of the school - the development of the student's personality, but also reduces the likelihood of fatigue. The chain of interconnection here is simple: learning without a creative charge is not interesting, which means that, to one degree or another, it is violence against oneself and others. Violence is destructive to health, both through the formation of fatigue, and in itself.

As a rule, opportunities for the implementation of creative tasks are achieved by using active methods and forms of learning in the classroom and in extracurricular work. Discussion, psychological and pedagogical training can be cited as an example of effective and accessible forms of work. Unfortunately, in order to use them in the daily educational process, it is necessary not only to adjust the curricula, but also the appropriate training of teachers. In fact, this is a shift in the teacher's traditional methodological repertoire towards psychological technologies. It is this vector of teacher's professional development that allows him not only to enjoy his work, to implement an individual approach to students to a greater extent, but also to turn the pedagogical technologies used into health-saving ones. An important component of the health-saving work of the school, as indicated in their works by L.A. Obukhova, N.A. Lemyaskin is a rational organization of the lesson.

The functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities mainly depends on the observance of hygienic and psychological-pedagogical conditions for conducting a lesson.

The concept of health is central in the categorical apparatus of health psychology. To date, there are many definitions of this concept. So, in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, health is understood as "the correct, normal activity of the body, its complete physical and mental and mental well-being" . According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

According to T.V. Karaseva, health is a complex and, at the same time, holistic, multidimensional dynamic state that develops in the process of realizing the genetic potential in a specific social and environmental environment and allows a person to varying degrees to carry out his social functions. Most authors studying the phenomenon of health agree that it is a complex, multicomponent phenomenon and distinguish its somatic, mental and social levels. O.L. Treshcheva, disagreeing with this, argues: “the nature of the manifestation of the psychophysical qualities of an individual, the degree of his social adaptation cannot but depend on the personal qualities of a person, the awareness of behavior that either strengthens one’s own health or harms it. Therefore, human health should be determined by the personal level of its manifestation.

N.K. Smirnov gives the following definition: “Health-saving educational technologies are a complex, built on a single methodological basis, a system of organizational and psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of students, forming their culture of health, as well as caring for health educators".

N.I. Solovieva understands health-saving educational technology as a functional system of organizational methods for managing educational, cognitive and practical activities of students, scientifically and instrumentally ensuring the preservation and strengthening of their health.

N.T. Rylova defines the health-saving environment of educational institutions as a set of managerial, organizational, educational and recreational conditions aimed at the formation, strengthening and preservation of the social, physical, mental health of students, teachers on the basis of psychological, pedagogical and medical-physiological means and methods of supporting the educational process, prevention factors of "risk", implementation of a complex of interdepartmental measures to create a socially adapted educational environment.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health (M.V. Antropova, V.R. Kuchma, N.N. Kuindzhi):

Somatic health is the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development, mediated by the basic needs that dominate at various stages of ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the trigger mechanism for human development, and, secondly, ensure the individualization of this process.

Physical health is the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, which is based on functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions.

Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the state of general mental comfort, which provides an adequate behavioral response. This state is due to both biological and social needs, as well as the ability to satisfy them.

Moral health is a set of characteristics of the motivational and need-information sphere of life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives for the behavior of an individual in society. Moral health mediates the spirituality of a person, since it is connected with the universal truths of goodness and beauty.

for somatic and physical health - I can;

for mental - I want;

for the moral - I must.

Health signs are:

specific (immune) and non-specific resistance to the action of damaging factors;

indicators of growth and development;

functional state and reserve capabilities of the body;

the presence and level of any disease or developmental defect;

the level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

By health-saving technologies we mean a system of measures to protect and improve the health of students, taking into account the most important characteristics of the educational environment and the living conditions of the child, and the impact on health.

The purpose of the modern school, T. Grigorieva believes, is to prepare children for life. Each student should receive during the study the knowledge that will be in demand for him in later life. Achieving this goal in today's school can be achieved with the help of health-saving pedagogy technologies, which are considered as a set of techniques and methods for organizing the educational process without harming the health of schoolchildren and teachers. The teacher, owning modern pedagogical knowledge, in close cooperation with students, with their parents, with medical workers, with colleagues, plans his work taking into account the priorities of preserving and strengthening the health of the participants in the pedagogical process.

Health-saving technologies imply a set of pedagogical, psychological and medical influences aimed at protecting and ensuring health, forming a valuable attitude towards one's health.

E.P. Ilyin believes that - health-saving educational technologies - these are many of the psychological and pedagogical techniques and methods of work familiar to most teachers, technologies, approaches to the implementation of possible problems, plus the teacher's constant desire for self-improvement. Only then can we say that the educational process is carried out according to health-saving educational technologies, if the problem of maintaining the health of students and teachers is solved during the implementation of the pedagogical system used. This term is understood differently by teachers of educational institutions. Some believe that health-saving educational technologies are one or more new pedagogical technologies that are alternative to all others, and therefore you can choose whether to work, for example, with the technologies of S. Frenet, V. Zaitsev, M. Montessori, etc. or according to "health saving technology".

Another variant of understanding can be designated as “the mythologization of the concept of health-saving technologies”: as if it had never been seen in schools and has miraculous effectiveness.

Health saving cannot, by definition, act as the main and only goal of the educational process, but only as a condition, one of the tasks associated with achieving the main goal.

The concept of "health-saving" refers to the qualitative characteristics of any educational technology, showing how the implementation of this technology solves the problem of preserving the health of students.

The criterion for the health-saving qualities of educational technologies in solving protection against pathogenic factors with their help will be the presence or absence of a deterioration in the health of students and teachers, which is in obvious connection with the impact of such factors.

The task of health-saving pedagogy is to provide a school graduate with a high level of health, to form a culture of health, then a certificate of secondary education will be a valid ticket to a happy independent life, evidence of a young person’s ability to take care of their health and take care of the health of other people.

To implement the educational process on the basis of health-saving technologies, it is necessary to highlight the patterns of the pedagogical process, which are expressed in the main provisions that determine its organization, content, forms and methods, that is, principles (Latin princium - the beginning, basis, basic requirement of activity and behavior )

In order to select the principles of health-saving educational technologies for teaching, selection criteria were determined: the principles should contribute to the prevention, diagnosis and correction of students' health in the educational process; development of cognitive activity of younger students; humanization of education.

The principles act in an organic unity, forming a system that includes general didactic principles and specific principles that express the specific patterns of health improvement pedagogy.

According to N.K. Smirnov - general didactic principles - these are the main provisions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with the general goals of health-saving educational technologies. Among the specific principles that express the specific laws of the pedagogy of health improvement, the most important one can be called the principle "Do no harm!" - equally relevant for both physicians and educators. Assimilation of the benefits of health-saving measures requires their repetition.

Also N.K. Smirnov allocates funds and methods of health-saving technologies.

1. Means of motor orientation;

2. Healing powers of nature;

3. Hygienic factors.

The complex use of these tools allows us to solve the problems of pedagogy of health improvement.

The means of motor orientation include such motor actions that are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of health-saving educational technologies of training. This is movement; physical exercises; physical education and moving changes; emotional discharges and "minutes of rest"; gymnastics (improving gymnastics, finger, corrective, respiratory), for the prevention of colds, for cheerfulness); physiotherapy; outdoor games; specially organized motor activity of the child (health-improving physical education classes), timely development of the basics of motor skills); massage; self-massage; psycho-gymnastics; trainings, etc.

I use the healing powers of nature. This has a significant impact on achieving the goals of health-saving educational learning technologies. Conducting classes in the fresh air contributes to the activation of biological processes caused by the learning process, increases the overall performance of the body, and slows down the process of fatigue.

The hygienic means of achieving the goals of health-saving educational technologies of training that promote health and stimulate the development of adaptive properties of the body include: fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements regulated by SanPiNs. Constant monitoring is carried out according to the following requirements: personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of employment, air, etc.); ventilation and wet cleaning of premises; observance of the general regime of the day, the regime of motor activity, diet and sleep; instilling elementary skills in children when washing hands, using a handkerchief when sneezing and coughing, etc.; teaching children elementary methods of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), the simplest skills in providing first aid for cuts, bruises, burns, bites; organizing the procedure for vaccinating students in order to prevent infections; limitation of the maximum level of training load in order to avoid overwork.

Non-observance of hygienic requirements for conducting classes reduces the positive effect of health-saving educational technologies of training.

The methods of health-saving teaching technologies are understood as methods of using means that allow solving the problems of health improvement pedagogy: storytelling, conversation, discussion, work with a book, demonstration, illustration, exercises, visualization, practical method, cognitive game, learning control, game method, competitive method, active teaching methods, educational, educational and educational programs.

Only the optimal combination of these methods in accordance with methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of a set of tasks of health-saving educational technologies for teaching.

Thus, the variety of conceptual ideas of health-saving technologies, considered by us in the paragraph, determines the significance of this problem in pedagogical science.

Methodological development "Health-saving technologies in the educational process"

Author Chikota Olesya Valerievna
Introduction …………………………………………………...2
Health-saving technologies in the classroom and
outside school hours…………………………………………2
Basic principles of health
Systematics and relationship of health-saving
To date, special measures are needed to preserve and improve the health of schoolchildren, to create health-saving conditions for learning.
These provisions have recently been included in the most important state documents that determine the development strategy
"The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2020" provides for the creation of conditions for improving the quality of general education, and for this purpose, along with other measures, it is planned to optimize the educational, psychological and physical load of students and create conditions in educational institutions to preserve and strengthen health of students, including through:
real unloading of the content of general education;
use of effective teaching methods;
increasing the proportion and quality of physical education;
organizing monitoring of the health status of children and youth;
improvement of catering for students in educational institutions;
rationalization of leisure activities, vacation time and summer holidays for children and youth.
The measures for the protection and promotion of the health of schoolchildren envisaged in the Concept actually determine the directions for eliminating the main school risk factors, provide for the development and testing of promising models of the health-saving educational process in educational institutions of various types and types.
Health-saving technologies in the classroom and
during off-hours.

Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren causes serious concern among specialists. A clear indicator of trouble is that the health of schoolchildren is deteriorating compared to their peers twenty or thirty years ago. At the same time, the most significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs during the age periods coinciding with the child receiving a general secondary education.
According to the All-Russian medical examination, by the age of 7-10 years, the proportion of children with the 3rd health group increases by 1.7 times and amounts to 14.9%, and at the age of 15-17 years - 22%, i.e. increases by 2.5 times in relation to children under the age of 1 year. In adolescence, every fifth child has a chronic disease or is a child with a disability.
The health of the child, his social and psychological adaptation, normal growth and development are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. For a child from 6 to 17 years old, this environment is the education system, since more than 70% of his waking time is associated with being in educational institutions. At the same time, during this period, the most intensive growth and development takes place, the formation of health for the rest of life, the child's body is most sensitive to exogenous environmental factors.
According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which are associated with 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. IVF RAO studies allow ranking school risk factors in descending order of significance and strength of influence on the health of students:
stressful pedagogical tactics;
inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren;
non-compliance with elementary physiological and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process;
insufficient literacy of parents in matters of maintaining the health of children;
failures in the existing system of physical education;
intensification of the educational process;
functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion;
partial destruction of school medical control services;
lack of systematic work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the traditional organization of the educational process creates constant stress overload in schoolchildren, which leads to a breakdown in the mechanisms of self-regulation of physiological functions and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. As a result, the existing system of school education is health-consuming.
Many teachers believe that administrators and specially trained professionals should be involved in maintaining and strengthening the health of students at school. However, an analysis of school risk factors shows that most of the health problems of students are created and solved in the course of the daily practical work of teachers, i.e., are associated with their professional activities. Therefore, the teacher needs to find reserves of his own activity in preserving and strengthening the health of students. The lesson remains the main organizational form of educational
process, which is directly dependent on the teacher. Revealing the criteria for the health-saving potential of a school lesson and building a lesson on a health-saving basis is the most important condition for overcoming the health-consuming nature of school education.
Basic principles of health-saving activity.
The effectiveness of the analysis of health-saving activities at school depends on methodological and methodological approaches and is based on the principles developed over the past decades at the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, namely:
dynamism (repeatability);
methodological unity.
Complexity implies the simultaneous coverage of a wide range of indicators that reflect both the state of the educational environment and personal data that characterize the level and nature of the educational and extracurricular workload, as well as the student's individual adaptive capabilities.
Consistency means an analysis not only of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the activities of an educational institution, but also (and first of all) the relationships between them, reflecting the structure and effectiveness of the health-saving activities of a general education institution.
Integrity is a prerequisite for meaningful data analysis, which implies a comprehensive presentation of the results for each educational institution.
Dynamism (repeatability) implies multiple (twice a year - in autumn and spring; for a number of years) examination of the same educational institutions, contingents of students, specific students.
Representativeness (representation) is due to the requirements of statistics, according to which the reliability of conclusions and conclusions depends on the size of the studied sample. Representativeness is achieved by examining sufficiently large contingents of students.
Methodological unity is an indispensable condition for the comparability of data obtained at different stages of the study, in different regions, in different educational institutions.
Systematics and relationship of health-saving technologies. Among the health-saving technologies used in
system of education, several groups can be distinguished in which a different approach to health protection is used, and, accordingly, different methods and forms of work:
medical - hygienic technologies (MGT);
physical culture and health technologies (PHOT);
environmental health-saving technologies (ECT);
life safety technologies (TOBZh);
health-saving educational technologies (HTE);
There are other reasons for classifying
health-saving technologies.
By the nature of the action, they can be divided into the following groups:
protective and preventive;
information and training.
The most generalized of the possible classifications is the allocation of 2 types of health-saving technologies - organizational and pedagogical.
The system-forming principle of health-saving pedagogy is the priority of caring for the health of students, within which it is possible to single out such mandatory conditions as scientific and methodological security of work, selection and training of teaching staff (including care for their health) and, finally, sufficient financial support for the entire project. .
W health-saving educational technologies can be divided into three subgroups:
organizational and pedagogical technologies (OPT), which determine the structure of the educational process, partially regulated in SanPiN, contributing to the prevention of states of overwork, physical inactivity;
psychological and pedagogical technologies (PPT) associated with the direct work of the teacher in the classroom, the impact that he has for all 45 minutes on his students; this also includes the psychological and pedagogical support of all elements of the educational process;
educational technologies (UHT), which include programs for teaching competent care of their health and the formation of a health culture of students, motivating them to lead a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits, which also provide for organizational and educational work with schoolchildren after school, educating them parents.
Health-saving technologies in the work of an individual teacher can be represented as a combination of the principles of cooperation pedagogy, “effective” pedagogical techniques, elements of pedagogical skill aimed at achieving optimal psychological adaptation of a student to the educational process, taking care of preserving his health and educating him personal example of a culture of health.
A teacher who is ready to use health-saving educational technologies in his work, at the first stage in this regard, faces the following tasks:
an objective assessment of one's strengths and weaknesses related to professional activities, drawing up a plan for the necessary self-correction and its implementation;
the necessary advanced training on health issues, health-saving technologies;
revision of the pedagogical methods and techniques used in their work in terms of their intended impact on the health of students;
purposeful implementation of health-saving educational technologies in the course of training sessions and extracurricular activities with students, tracking the results obtained, both according to one's own feelings and using objective assessment methods;
promote the formation of a health-saving educational environment in their educational institution as an effective interaction of all members of the teaching staff, students and their parents to create conditions
and implementation of programs aimed at maintaining, shaping and strengthening health.
The educational process is always associated with obtaining new information, which is better remembered if various channels are involved. For example, only 10% of information remains in memory from what is simply read, -20% from what is heard, -30% from what is seen, -50% from what we hear and see; from what we use in our practical activities and especially in independent creativity - 90%. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to use various sources of information.
Ensuring a comfortable emotional and mental state of students and teachers.
Help students to adapt to new conditions.
Creation of a general emotionally positive, friendly, trusting, kind atmosphere in the classroom.
Creating a situation of success, which allows a person to be in a state of psychological balance, eliminates the stress caused by the performance of tasks, ignorance of the educational material.
The use of a personality-oriented approach, the organization of various forms of activity (group, collective, etc.).
Improving control and evaluation activities: students summarize the material studied, evaluate their activities, the activities of their comrades, successes, failures, and make adjustments.
The development of intellectual and creative abilities, thinking, especially logical, rational, the formation of practical skills. Students with developed logical thinking, memory, attention study successfully and with interest, and this is directly related to mental health, knowledge of the world around them, the formation of moral qualities, and the ability to adapt in the modern world.
Optimal dosage of homework (including the use of differentiated tasks at different levels).
The use of non-traditional game forms of conducting a lesson, creating conditions for the manifestation of creative activity (competitions of crossword puzzles, wall newspapers, essays, poems on the topic under study), holding extracurricular activities.
Joint work with a psychologist to identify the psychological characteristics of students in order to develop a personality-oriented approach to education and upbringing.
Lesson density, i.e. the amount of time spent by schoolchildren on educational work is not less than 60% and not more than 75-80%.
Each lesson for a student is work that takes place in conditions of almost complete immobility. As a rule, we see energetic children with a gleam in their eyes only at breaks, but with the bell for the lesson, the burning look disappears, the smile disappears, the posture also changes: the shoulders are lowered, the head hangs down.
Discharge is needed, so it is necessary to arrange pauses, the so-called physical minutes, when children perform simple exercises. True, sometimes teachers are reluctant to do this. I do not want to interrupt a lesson saturated with complex material, to be distracted. But still such pauses are a necessary element of the lesson. But they also need to be approached creatively, trying in every possible way to diversify this event. For example, “revive” the lesson emotionally or use the game (in groups, in pairs, at the blackboard) to move children around the class. Alternately entrust the conduct of physical education minutes to the children themselves. Teach children to use the necessary set of exercises for self-relaxation in the classroom at school and at home.
The start time of the physical education session is chosen by the teacher himself (approximately 20 minutes after the start of the lesson) or with the development of the first phase of mental fatigue in a significant part of the students in the class (the phase of motor restlessness). Such work is necessary to increase the mental performance of children and relieve them of muscular statistical tension.
A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we do not teach children from a very early age to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case we can hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.
Thus, the main task of implementing health-saving technologies is such an organization of the educational process at all levels, in which high-quality education, development and education of students is not accompanied by damage to their health.
Observations show that the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows students to more successfully adapt to the educational and social space, reveal their creative abilities, and the teacher to effectively prevent antisocial behavior.
An integrated approach, thanks to which not only the tasks of protecting the health of students and teachers from threatening or pathogenic influences, but also the tasks of shaping and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, educating them and their teachers a culture of health, can be called health-saving pedagogy.
Currently, there is a special direction in pedagogy
health pedagogy. Health improvement is based on the idea of ​​a healthy child, which is a practically achievable norm of child development and is considered as an integral body-spiritual organism.
Health-saving technology cannot be expressed by a specific educational technology. At the same time, the concept of "health-saving technologies" combines all areas of activity of an educational institution in the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of students.
The health of the student is normal if:
a) in physical terms - he knows how to overcome fatigue, health allows him to cope with the academic load;
b) in social terms - he is sociable, sociable;
c) emotionally - balanced, able to be surprised and admired;
d) in intellectual terms - shows good mental abilities, observation, imagination, self-learning;
e) in moral terms - honest, self-critical, empathic.
The purpose of health-saving educational technologies of education is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use knowledge in everyday life.
The simplest exercises for the eyes:
1) vertical eye movements up and down;
2) horizontal movements to the right and left;
3) rotation of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;
4) close your eyes and imagine the colors of the rainbow in turn as clearly as possible;
5) on the board before the start of the lesson, draw some kind of curve (spiral, circle, broken line); it is proposed to “draw” these figures with the eyes several times in one and then in the other direction.
Preventive eye exercises:
Exercise for the eyes - "Coloring". The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and imagine a large white screen in front of them. It is necessary to mentally color this screen one by one with any color: for example, first yellow, then orange, green, blue, but you need to finish coloring with your favorite color.
Relaxation exercises:
The game “We drop hands” relaxes the muscles of the entire body. Children raise their arms to the sides and lean forward slightly. At the command of the teacher, relieve tension in the back, neck and shoulders. The body, head and arms fall down, the knees are slightly bent. Then the children straighten up, successively unbending in the hip, lumbar and shoulder girdle, and take their original position. The exercise is repeated.
Exercises for the formation of the correct posture (“Up the arm and down the arm”) and breathing exercises.
Up hand and down hand.
Pulled them up a little.
Quickly changed hands!
We are not bored today.
(One straight arm up, the other down, jerk to change hands.)
Clap Squats:
Down - cotton and up - cotton.
Legs, hands stretch,
We know for sure - it will be good.
(Squats, clapping hands overhead.)
We turn our heads,
Stretching the neck. Stop!
(Rotation of the head to the right and left.)
And on the spot we walk
We raise our legs higher.
(Walking in place, raising your knees high.)
Stretched out, stretched out
Up and to the side, forward.
(Sipping - arms up, to the sides, forward.)
And everyone returned to the desks -
We have a lesson again.
(Children sit at their desks.)
"Sipping". The feet are firmly planted on the floor. Raising your hands in the "castle", we put the leg back one by one. Can be done while sitting on a chair, leaning on the back.
"Massage of the abdomen" We stroke the stomach clockwise, pinch, pat the edge of the palm and fist. We perform after visiting the school cafeteria.
"Massage of the chest area." Performed sitting, feet on the floor. We stroke the chest area with the words: "How sweet, wonderful, beautiful I am." We learn to love ourselves, we cultivate a caring attitude.
"Swan neck". We stretch the neck and stroke it from the chest to the chin. We pat on the chin, admire the long beautiful neck of a swan.
"Head massage". We work out the active points on the head by pressing with our fingers (washing the head). As a "rake" we lead to the middle of the head, then we comb the hair with our fingers, with spiral movements we lead from the temples to the back of the head.
"Pinocchio". We sculpt (mentally) a beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio “draws” with his nose the sun, a carrot, a house, etc.
"Hand massage". “My” hands, strongly with three palms until a feeling of strong heat, pressing each finger. With the phalanges of the fingers of one hand, three along the nails of the other.
"Bike". Holding on to the seat of the chair, we “twist” the bicycle pedals (it is possible with sound accompaniment).
Exercises to improve posture.
"Bird before takeoff" Standing, breathe calmly, then lean forward, do not bend your legs, head forward, arms behind your back, raised up with tension, like wings. They dropped their heads, their hands relaxed down and hang freely (5-6 seconds).
"Who's there". With both hands we take the back of the chair and turn right and left to the limit, returning to the starting position, relaxing.
"Friendly family". Students stand in front and behind their desks and do at the same time:
2 steps to the right - clap, step forward - 2 claps, 2 steps to the left - clap, step back - 2 claps. Then we repeat in reverse order.
Sit with your legs stretched out and holding on to the seat of the chair, slowly raise your legs bent at the knees (can be straight) and slowly lower them.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and, clasping your hands high above your head, tilt alternately to the left and right. Try to bend as much as possible, slowly at first, then springing.
From a standing position, legs straight together, bend over, trying to touch the floor with your toes.
With the word "please":
- get up
- hands up
- hands to the side
- hands down
- put your hands down
- hands to shoulders
- clap your hands.
(Pay attention to attention).
"Space flight":
Teacher - Prepare for the rocket launch
Students - Get ready! (clapping hands over head)
Teacher - Fasten your seat belts!
Pupils - Fasten your seat belts! (finger snaps)
Teacher - Turn on the ignition!
Pupils - There are turn on the ignition! (rotational hand movements)
Teacher - Start the engines!
Pupils - There are motors to start! (arms to shoulders, rotation forward and backward)
All: 5,4,3,2,1, start; Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!
1. "Merry bee." Inhale free. While inhaling, make the sound “z-z-z-z”. Imagine that the bee sat on the nose, arm, leg. The exercise teaches you to direct your breath and attention to a specific area of ​​the body.
2. "Cold - hot." A cold wind blew, the guys huddled into a ball. The summer sun came out, you can sunbathe. We relaxed and fanned ourselves with a fan (we make it from a sheet of paper). There is relaxation and tension of the muscles of the body.
3. "Humpty - Dumpty." The guys stand in a relaxed state, their arms hang freely. We make turns under the text, hands dangle freely, like a rag doll.
- Humpty - Dumpty sat on the wall,
- Humpty - Dumpty fell in his sleep.
Breathing and sound gymnastics.
Purpose: to teach breathing through the nose; while preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Stroke the nose (its lateral parts) from the tip to the bridge of the nose - inhale. Inhale with the left nostril, the right nostril is closed, exhale with the right (while the left is closed). As you exhale, tap your nostrils 5 times.
Make 8-10 breaths and exhalations through the left and right nostrils, in turn closing the resting nostril with the index finger.
Breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, draw out the sounds “mmmm” while tapping your finger on the wings of the nose.
Close the right nostril and stretch out “hmmm”, exhale the same thing, close the left nostril.
Vigorously pronounce "t-d". Exercise serves to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Vigorously pronounce "p-b". The pronunciation of these sounds strengthens the muscles of the lips.
Stick out your tongue, vigorously pronounce "k-g", "n-g". The muscles of the pharynx are strengthened.
Yawn and stretch a few times. Yawning stimulates brain activity and relieves stress.
"Steamboat whistle". We take in air through the nose with noise; we hold our breath for 1-2 seconds, then we exhale with noise through the lips, folded in a tube, with the sound "y" (long).
Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process. Moscow: Education, 1990.
Antropova M.V. Fundamentals of student hygiene: Education, 1971.
Health-saving technologies in the educational process
/aut.-stat. S.A. Tsabybin.-Volgograd: Teacher. 2009.
Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M .: Education, 1998.
Modern technologies for the preservation and promotion of children's health: Proc. allowance / Under the total. ed. N.V. Sokratova.- M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

The full text of the work can be downloaded.

Modern health-saving technologies

Types of health-saving pedagogical technologies

Time of the day

Features of the methodology


1. Technologies for maintaining and promoting health


Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes from middle age in a sports or music hall or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room

Head of Physical Education


Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age indicators of the child

Head of physical education, music director, teacher of preschool education

Dynamic pauses

During classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired


Mobile and sports games

As part of a physical activity, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups

Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games


Any suitable location. Depending on the state of children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Educators, head of physical education, psychologist

Aesthetic technologies

Implemented in the classes of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating the premises for the holidays, etc. For all age groups

It is carried out in the classroom under the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is work with the family, instilling aesthetic taste in children.

All preschool teachers

Finger gymnastics

From a young age individually or with a subgroup daily

Educators, teachers

Gymnastics for the eyes

Daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

All teachers

Respiratory gymnastics

Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

All teachers

Gymnastics invigorating

Daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 min.

The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed boards; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution


Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of physical culture and health work

The form of the event depends on the goal and the contingent of children.

Educators, head of physical education

Orthopedic gymnastics

In various forms of physical culture and health work

Educators, head of physical education

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Physical education

2-3 times a week in sports or music halls. Early age – in the group room, 10 min. Younger age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, senior age - 25-30 minutes.

Classes are held in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Educators, head of physical education

Problematic - gaming

(game training and game therapy)

In your free time, you can in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized invisibly for the child, by including the teacher in the process of playing activities.

Educators, psychologist

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 min. from older age

Classes are built according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling ...

Educators, psychologist

Classes from the series "Health"

1 time per week for 30 min. from older age

Can be included in the curriculum as a cognitive development

Educators, head of physical education,


Self massage

Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical culture and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body



It is held on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age.

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. It is indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. visual material is used.


Art. nurse, head of physical education

Biofeedback (BFB)

From 10 to 15 sessions of working with a computer for 5-10 minutes. in a special room. Recommended from older age

Compliance with the rules of work at the computer is required. A special technique for preschoolers is recommended

Teacher-valeologist, specially trained teacher

3. Corrective technologies

Art therapy

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from the middle group

Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and includes protocols for classes

Educators, psychologist

Technologies of musical impact

In various forms of physical culture and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

All teachers

fairy tale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from older age

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group storytelling, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of people

Educators, psychologist

Color exposure technologies

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks

It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of the preschool educational institution. Properly selected colors relieve stress and increase the emotional mood of the child.

Educators, psychologist

Behavior Correction Technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from older age

Conducted according to special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not made up according to one criterion - children with different problems are engaged in the same group. Classes are held in a playful way, they have diagnostic tools and training protocols

Educators, psychologist


1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes.

Classes are held according to special methods

Educators, psychologist

Phonetic rhythm

2 times a week from a young age

Educators, head of physical education, speech therapist

Game stretching (stretching): a set of exercises

The incidence is growing every year, despite all the achievements of medicine, and at the same time it is “getting younger”: already among the pupils of kindergartens, many children suffer from chronic diseases, have an abnormal posture, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Real physical health and peace of mind is achieved only by those who from childhood have learned to live in harmony with themselves and with nature, have learned to control their minds, and are able to realize their physical and spiritual abilities. The technique of game stretching (or, in other words, stretching) is aimed at activating the protective forces of the children's body, mastering the skills of perfect body control and psychoenergetic self-regulation, at developing and releasing the creative and healing capabilities of the subconscious.

What is game stretching?

Game stretching is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real to them than the surrounding reality. The implementation of gaming opportunities in order to improve and develop the child is the essence of stretching. Moreover, all classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The technique of game stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which helps to prevent postural disorders and correct it, which has a deep healing effect on the entire body.
Exercises are performed without outside influence, because. the human body is its own coach. Self-manipulation of the body in a slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, the complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom.
Game stretching classes with children from 4 years old show consistently high results: children get sick much less, become more open to communication not only with adults, but also with each other. And the images of the fairy-tale world close and understandable to children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises. Exercises are aimed at preventing various deformities of the spine, strengthening its ligamentous apparatus, and forming a correct posture. In addition, muscle elasticity, coordination of movements develop, endurance and diligence are brought up.
A typical game stretching session looks like this.

Wgame stretching "Duck Quack"
After walking and warming up, children perform the “Grain” exercise to prepare the spine for the main load.
Starting position (hereinafter referred to as "I.p."): squatting, heels on the floor, legs together. Interlock your fingers into the lock and stretch them forward - down, lowering your head, slightly tilting your torso.
Once! - slowly rising, straighten your legs, and then, at the same time raising your torso and straight arms and without lifting your heels from the floor, stretch up, turning your palms. Two! - hands down through the sides.
After that, the children sit in the “Indian” position, in which they are all the time between exercises. (Sit on your heels, put your hands on your hips, spread your elbows to the sides. Imagine yourself as the leader of the Indians with a proud posture and follow it all the time.) Then the game begins ...
- Once upon a time there was a duckling in the big yard. The name of this duckling is Quack. Quack the duckling was very fond of swimming and bathing and could splash all day in a large puddle right in the middle of the yard. The water in the puddle was always warm, and the puddle was so big that it seemed to the duckling as if he were a brave captain who swims in the ocean.
One day, a wild duck flew into the yard where Kryak lived and began to tell that there was a wonderful Blue Lake with clean and clear water nearby. The duckling wanted to see this lake so much that he decided to go on a journey and be sure to swim in it.

Wgame stretching "Walking"
Prevents the development of flat feet, promotes the development of mobility of the joints of the legs, improves posture. (I.p. - sit in a right angle pose, legs together, socks extended, hands in support behind - high emphasis. Alternately pull the socks towards you, adhering to the rhythm of the music. Breathing is arbitrary.)
The duckling walked and walked and reached the meadow. And the grass in the meadow is high, thick - there is no way to see Quack, where to go next. The duckling was sad: “Is it really necessary to go back and I won’t see the Blue Lake?” Suddenly he sees a butterfly flying.

WAnimation by game stretching "Butterfly»
Increases intracavitary pressure, which has a strong effect on the abdominal organs. By creating general tension in the legs and hips, it stimulates the action of the saphenous nerves.
(I.p. - sit in a right angle pose, bend your knees, connect your feet. Spread your knees. Grasp your feet with your hands, your back is straight. Lower your knees to the floor. Hold for the right time. Raise your knees from the floor. Breathing is arbitrary, movements dynamic.)
- Hey, butterfly, stop! shouted Quack.

- What do you want, duckling? the butterfly asked.

“Dear butterfly, could you show me the way to the Blue Lake?”

“Good,” the butterfly agreed, and they set off.

But they did not have time to go even five steps, when suddenly a hiss was heard from somewhere on the side, and right in front of them a snake blocked the road.

WAnimation by game stretching "Snake"
Increases intracavitary pressure, the rectus abdominis muscles are stretched. As a result of abundant blood flow to the spine and sympathetic nerves, all internal organs are abundantly supplied with oxygen and nutrients, which helps to improve their work. Stiffness of the spine and its deformation are overcome. The work of the kidneys is activated, brain activity and nerve conduction are improved. Bending the head back promotes blood flow to the tonsils, which helps with colds, sore throats.
(I.p. - lie on your stomach, legs together, hands resting near your chest on the floor. Slowly rising on your hands, first raise your head, then your chest. Bend as far as possible, not throwing your head back very much. The stomach lies on the floor. Hold for the required time Slowly return to the starting position Inhale in the first phase, exhale in the second.)

“Why are you making such a noise and not letting me rest after dinner?” the snake hissed menacingly.

“Excuse us, please, lady snake. I am looking for a way to the Blue Lake, and did not want to disturb you at all, - the frightened duckling murmured.

“Okay, you’re lucky, duckling, that I’m full,” the snake grumbled and crawled away.
Quack turned around looking for the butterfly, but it was nowhere to be seen. The duckling Quack was very upset and was about to turn back home, when he suddenly saw a bird high in the sky and ran after it.

Wgame stretching "Bicycle"
It has a great effect on the pancreas, which protects against diabetes. Restores and cleanses the digestive organs.

(I.p. - lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs, your toes are drawn. Alternately straighten and bend your legs without lowering them to the floor. The movement is dynamic, breathing is arbitrary.)

“Bird, do you know where Blue Lake is?” - the duckling screamed as loudly as possible.

Take me to him, please!

“Okay, duckling, run after me,” the bird replied.

And Quack quickly ran after the flying bird.

Game stretching "Bird"

Stretches the muscles of the back and legs, affects the lumbar nerves. Prevents functional disorders of the stomach, liver, intestines, spleen. Improves the flexibility of the spine due to the maximum longitudinal load on it. Helps increase growth.

(I.p. - sit in a right angle position, spread your legs as wide as possible, pull your socks off, connect your hands behind your back with a “shelf”, your back is straight. One! - wave your arms, tilt to your right leg, try to reach the toe, linger. Two! - we return to SP. Three! - the same slope to the left leg, Four! - SP Inhale when swinging, exhale when tilting.)

Very soon the meadow ended, and a wonderful lake opened up in front of the duckling. The water in the lake was clean, transparent, and it reflected the blue sky. A large red cat was sitting on the shore, looking for something in the water and did not notice the duckling.

Game stretching "Cat"

Eliminates stiffness of the spine and its deformation. Helps children develop facial muscles and expression of emotions.

(I.p. - get on all fours, back straight. One! - raise your head, bend your back as much as possible. Two! - lower your head, arch your back as much as possible. Inhale in the 2nd phase, exhale in the 1st.)

Quack came closer to the cat and saw that she was watching the fish swimming in the water and wanted to catch one of them.

- Oh, you sly one! - the duckling shouted, grabbed a branch lying on the shore and rushed to the cat.

Playing stretching "Vetochka"

Improves the flexibility of the spine, promotes growth. (I.p. - lie on your back, legs together, socks pulled back. Hands resting on the back of the forearms. Without bending your knees, slowly raise your legs to a vertical position, trying to keep your socks pulled out. Hold the right time. Return to I.p. Inhale in the 1st phase, exhale in the 2nd.)

When the cat saw an angry duck with a twig in its beak, she was so frightened that she ran as fast as she could, only they saw her! Then a fish appeared from the water and thanked the duckling for saving her and her friends.

Game stretching "Rybka"

Increases intracavitary pressure, improves nerve conduction, brain activity. (I.p. - lie on your stomach, legs slightly apart, bend your arms at the elbows, put your palms on the floor, at shoulder level. One! - smoothly, without jerking, unbending your arms, raise your head and chest, while bending your legs in on your knees, try to reach your head with your feet. Hold for the right time. Two! - return to Ip. Inhale in the 1st phase, exhale in the 2nd.)

Quack swam a lot in the lake and after that every day he came to his fish friends. And no one has seen the red cat since then. They say that she ran far, far away and told everyone in the world about the brave duck Quack.

Principles of health-saving technologies:

Principle "Do no harm!";

The principle of consciousness and activity;

Continuity of the health-saving process;

Systematic and consistent;

The principle of accessibility and individuality;

Comprehensive and harmonious development of personality;

Systemic alternation of loads and rest;

Gradual build-up of health effects;

Age adequacy of the health-saving process.

There are ten golden rules for healthwhich areand toeducators:

1. Follow the regime of the day!

2. Pay more attention to nutrition!

3. Move more!

4. Sleep in a cool room!

5. Do not extinguish anger in yourself, let it break out!

6. Constantly engage in intellectual activity!

7. Drive away despondency and blues!

9. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!

10. Wish yourself and others only good!

Thus, health-saving technologies can be considered as one of the most promising systems of the 21st century and as a set of methods and techniques for organizing the education of preschoolers without compromising their health.

The full text of the work can be download.

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