Example of specific indicators. Specific product indicators

The customer indicates in the auction documentation detailed characteristics of the goods, allowing them to specify their compliance with the stated needs. Indicators are determined whose values ​​are mandatory and unchangeable due to their importance for the customer.

Bidders, in turn, when filling out an application, indicate specific indicators of the product under 44 Federal Laws - an unambiguous identification of the product, its consumer and functional qualities.

Specific indicators - volumetric requirements for the supplied or used product - are drawn up in the form of tables placed in the first part of the application for participation in the auction.

Incorrect drafting of this particular section is the most common reason for rejection of an application as such. Refusals on the basis of “Incorrectly specified specific indicators under 44 Federal Laws” are considered by the FAS based on complaints from potential auction participants.

What are the difficulties of drawing up an application?

The legislation establishes strict rules for describing the requirements for goods when placing a government order. The customer is obliged to provide a clear definition of the product, but does not have the right to establish requirements that entail a limitation on the number of possible tenderers.

And yet, corrupt customers, in the process of preparing auction documentation, introduce “pitfalls” into the section of specific indicators. This allows them to significantly limit the circle of persons admitted to trading. Convoluted and cumbersome product requirements are established, spanning hundreds of pages. Impeccable indication of specific indicators under 44 Federal Laws for an auction participant in such conditions is very problematic and often impossible.

It is very difficult for an unprepared person to submit a correct, “fail-safe” application for participation in a tender. Only experienced specialists know how to do this without making annoying mistakes.

How to get admission to the tender

TK “Dopusk” offers a win-win algorithm for achieving an important goal - timely receipt of a profitable government order:

  • Contact us in a convenient way and indicate the auction number in which you would like to participate.
  • Discuss with the company’s specialists all the nuances of the upcoming transaction.
  • Conclude an agreement for the provision of services.
  • Receive a professionally prepared application by email.
  • Familiarize yourself with the protocol for reviewing the first parts of applications, which is positive for you, ensuring admission to the auction.
  • Win the tender.

Our specialists prepare dozens of applications every month for auctions of any level of complexity. In this case, the practice of the FAS under 44 Federal Laws must be taken into account. Specific indicators and experience in working with the most voluminous documentation.

TK "Dopusk" cooperates with individual entrepreneurs and largest holdings. We offer our clients professional support for electronic trading at all stages.

The Procurement Law for Budgetary Organizations clearly defines the specific rules for conducting electronic auctions. Moreover, administrative liability, including substantial fines, is provided for officials who try to circumvent the established rules and contribute to the winnings of a certain company. But defeating the corruption machine, deeply rooted in our state, is not so easy. And the first thing that applicants stumble over in government procurement is the indication of specific indicators under 44 Federal Laws when filling out the first part of the application.

What are the difficulties?
The contract system provided for by 44 Federal Laws is designed taking into account the fact that the customer clearly knows the values ​​of specific indicators of the product or service that he needs. Based on them, he draws up an order indicating the characteristics, or indicating their range values. Applicants must be provided with a sample of completed documentation.

The problem is that in order to reduce the number of companies vying for an order, financially interested officials do not always legitimately set requirements for a product or service with a description of hundreds of pages. And if the table containing an indication of the specific indicators of the goods of 44 Federal Laws is not filled out clearly enough, or there are inaccuracies, the applicant is denied tenders.

The FAS will definitely consider an unlawful refusal that uses specific indicators under 44 Federal Laws. In practice, they often overturn the decisions of overly picky system employees and the company is allowed to compete. But in any case, litigation is extra time and money, so it is better not to make mistakes when filling out an application.

Filling out a table with specific indicators
It is necessary to separate two cases when competitions are held, which are defined by law. If the order refers, for example, to repairs as a service provided, then this table with indicators is not filled out. The potential contractor only needs to agree to perform the work in accordance with these requirements. But in the case of purchasing materials for repairs, these specific indicators cannot be neglected.

In theory, the customer studies the market, selects the minimum range of product characteristics or repair requirements that suit him in terms of quality, and indicates them in the tender documentation. Contractors indicate in the table those factual data that are specific to their products. By studying them, comparing the quality and the offered price, expert estimates of the costs of subsequent maintenance and service life, a legitimate decision is made about the winner.
For example, the abstract material used for repairs, according to the requirements of the state order, must comply with the indicators and be:
- new;
- no damage or defects;
— have fire and hygiene safety certificates required for this repair;
- be of a certain color and density;
— the theoretical flow rate should be... (included in the range);
- fit into the range deviation in drying speed and service life.

It is important to remember that if the fill pattern has range values ​​"<,>”, or the words: more, no more, etc., the applicant must put exactly his meaning, and not indicate that the proposed product fits into the framework. This is one of the common mistakes, sometimes purely mechanical, when filling out contract documentation using templates provided by the customer.

Additional points
If you have submitted a purchase application, or, for example, you want to take part in repairs, this automatically means consent to the supply of this product, or the performance of repair work. It is also assumed that you can provide the quantity of a product with specified characteristics with certain indicators required in the contract order, or the volume of materials required for repairs. Additionally, this is not indicated anywhere.

The customer does not have the right to deny access to the auction, motivating the refusal by the absence in the application of characteristics and indicators that he himself did not designate as necessary, or expert conclusions. It won't be legal. That is, if there is no indication that the scaffolding he needs for repairs must be new, then a refusal on the basis that this indication is absent in the application will be a violation of the law, even if their newness goes without saying. In such cases, you can safely contact the FAS.

Do not forget that for violation of the rules of the public procurement auction, or requirements that limit the number of applicants, unlawful refusal, members of the commission may be brought under Part 2 of Art. 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and were fined from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. They also know about this, and with a carefully and competently drawn up application, you will put your offer up at auction without any problems.

The supplier is obliged to indicate in the first part of the auction application the exact characteristics of the goods offered for delivery. In this article we will reveal the meaning of this concept and find out what pitfalls it hides.

The auction documentation must contain an objective description of the purchased products (Part 1, Article 33 44-FZ). This includes quality values, technical, functional and operational properties, as well as trademarks, etc. Unless the purchase of compatible or replacement goods is involved, each item must be accompanied by the words “or equivalent.” In this case, the customer indicates the boundaries of equivalence in the form of different options or ranges of values.

The range of quality indicators for specific products is established by state standards (GOST).

If the participant is not ready to offer products with the same trademark established by the customer, then in the first part of the application he needs to specify the exact characteristics of the equivalent, based on the requirements of the auction documentation and regulatory documents (GOST, technical passport, official website of the manufacturer, etc. ). This is the meaning of the concept under consideration.

Instructions for filling out specific indicators

The documentation for the electronic auction must contain instructions for drawing up an application (clause 2, part 1, article 64 44-FZ), including a description of the exact characteristics of the product.

Documents confirming the quality of the goods according to 44-FZ, 223-FZ

Here the customer may suggest formatting the information in table form.

In instructions, equivalence values ​​are often divided into several types:

  • with maximum and minimum values;
  • with variant values;
  • immutable;
  • with a range of values.

Also, the instructions often contain a ban on the use of certain words.

It is very important to study the instructions in detail, as customers may interpret the meaning of specific values ​​differently.

Errors in filling out specific indicators

Due to the ambiguity of some properties of the product, disputes often arise between the customer and the participant. If you disagree with the result of consideration of the first parts of the applications, the supplier may complain to the FAS about unlawful rejection. If the response of the antimonopoly authority does not suit one of the parties, it is possible to appeal it to the Arbitration Court.

If we look at the FAS practice under 44 Federal Laws, specific indicators often cause disagreements, and the final decision depends on the specific case. So, for example, in some applications, indicating a property of a product in a range of values ​​will be a specific property if it can be proven that the specifics of the product require it. Here sources, such as GOST, the official website of the manufacturer or technical regulations, will also contain the range. Denial of admission in this case will be illegal.

In other cases, it is necessary to indicate exact characteristics, even if there is variation in the regulatory documentation.

If the information provided contradicts the instructions, it is considered unreliable, which means the application may be rejected on the basis of Part 4 of Art. 67 44-FZ.

Specific product indicators: sample filling

Let us give a sample of specific indicators of a product 44 Federal Law. As can be seen from the table, from the ranges and options proposed in the documentation, one value within the established framework was selected, and words that could be interpreted inaccurately (“should”, “must be”) were removed.

The article will help you understand in what cases the customer has the right to reject an application and how to prevent unreasonable rejection of an application under 44-FZ, which is fraught with a fine and a complaint to the FAS.

An electronic auction not only implies a reduction in the initial contract price by suppliers during the bidding process, but also requires a qualified approach when checking applications for compliance with legal requirements. The goods, works and services offered by the supplier must meet the customer’s requirements, and the participant himself must have the necessary qualifications and experience. In this regard, the relevant question is about the rules by which participants are admitted to electronic auctions and which affect the level of competition and the number of procedures taken place.

Rejection of the first parts of applications, 44-FZ

The grounds for refusal are listed in Part.

4 tbsp. 67 44-FZ:

  • failure to provide information required by Part 3 of Art. 66, or providing false information;
  • non-compliance of information (Part 3 of Article 66) with documentation requirements.

Refusal of admission to participate in an electronic auction (that is, rejection of an application) for other reasons is not permitted.

Part 3 art. 66 contains information that the participant must provide as part of the first parts, depending on the type of contract.

1. Delivery of goods.

If the documentation contains an indication of a trademark, service mark, company name, patents, utility models, industrial designs, name of the country of origin of the goods, the supplier must confirm consent to supply goods from the manufacturer proposed by the customer or specific indicators that will show the equivalence of the goods of another manufacturer. Otherwise, the application may be rejected.

If the documentation does not indicate the desired manufacturer or other similar individual characteristics of the product, the supplier must indicate all three components (otherwise deviation is possible):

  • specific indicators that correspond to the values ​​​​established by the documentation;
  • indication of unique features (if any);
  • name of the country of origin of the goods.

2. Performing work or providing a service.

In this case, explicit consent to the conditions established in the documentation is required.

3. Performing work or providing a service for which the product is used.

If the documentation contains an indication of a trademark, service mark, company name, patents, utility models, industrial designs, name of the country of origin, the supplier is required to agree to perform work and services and to use the specific product proposed by the customer or consent to perform work or services and specific indicators that will show equivalence to the specified requirements, an indication of the means of individualization (if available), and the name of the country of origin.
If such conditions are not established, the applicant indicates information on the first three points (without exceptions):

  • consent to perform work and services;
  • specific indicators corresponding to the values ​​​​established by the documentation;
  • name of the country of origin of the goods;
  • indication of the means of individualization (if available).

If the participant does not fulfill this condition, his proposal will be rejected.

Rejection of the second parts of applications, 44-FZ

Certification Information

6 tbsp. 69 establishes the reasons for deviation in the second parts:

  • failure to provide documents and information in accordance with paragraphs 1, 3-5, 7 and 8 of Part 2 of Art. 62, parts 3 and 5 art. 66 (see article “Documents for tender”);
  • non-compliance with the conditions established by the documentation;
  • false information;
  • non-compliance of the auction participant with the requirements established in accordance with Part 1, 1.1, 2 and 2.1 (if there are such requirements) Art. 31 44-FZ.


At any time before concluding a contract, the customer must exclude the participant from the procedure for determining the supplier in the following cases:

  1. The procurement participant does not meet the general requirements set out in parts 1, 1.1, 2 and 2.1 (for example, does not have valid licenses, certificates, liquidation is underway, there is an arbitration court decision declaring the organization bankrupt, the participant does not meet additional requirements for the presence of an appropriate work experience, etc.).
  2. The participant provided false information that he meets the specified conditions. For example, the provided compliance license turned out to be a fake (Part 9 of Article 31).
  3. When purchasing vital and essential medicines, the maximum price is not registered or the offered price exceeds their maximum selling price under the conditions specified in clause 2 of Part 10 of Art. 31.
  4. The information contained in the documents specified in parts 3 and 5 of Art. was revealed to be unreliable. 66 (first and second parts) in accordance with Part 6.1 of Art. 66. For example, the characteristics contained in the first part are unreliable according to GOST specified in the technical specifications.

Responsibility of commission members

It is worth considering that not only an unjustified refusal of admission to participate in the auction entails the imposition of administrative liability in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but also unreasonable admission of an application, if it should be rejected, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 1% of the initial (maximum) contract price, but not less than 5,000 rubles and not more than 30,000 rubles. The reason for the proceedings of the regulatory authorities can be either a complaint to the FAS about the rejection of an application, or an unscheduled inspection.

Let's consider in what cases the law allows you to indicate a specific trademark in the documentation and what you need to remember when developing product requirements.

What is a trademark under 44 Federal Law

In accordance with Article 1476 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a trademark (TZn) is a designation that serves to individualize goods.

Law 44 Federal Law also lists other means of individualization, the indication of which in the documentation is strictly limited:

The restriction applies to both verbal designation and image (drawing, diagram, etc.).

How to check if a trademark is a trademark

At the stage of drawing up technical specifications and evaluating participants’ proposals, the customer may need to determine whether a particular mark is registered.

To do this, you can use several options:

  1. Open register on the Rospatent website. However, searching on this service is not very convenient.
  2. Database of the Institute of Industrial Property. The service is paid, the period for receiving information is 1 month.
  3. Information sites where you can search for data by name, image, sign number.

It is worth noting that the indication by the customer of unregistered technical specifications in documents may also be regarded by controllers as a sign of restriction of competition.

Indication by a participant of a non-existent product brand in an application may be grounds for rejection.

How to register in the documentation under 44 Federal Law

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 33 of Law No. 44-FZ, the state customer has the right to indicate the technical specifications in the procurement requirements in the following cases:

  1. With the words "or equivalent". In this case, the documentation must necessarily contain criteria for establishing product equivalence. For example, it is necessary to indicate a range or specific values ​​for weight, size, and other technical characteristics, compliance with which will be considered by the customer as confirmation of equivalence. The participant will either have to indicate the technical specification in the application, or provide the brand of his product and its characteristics that meet the requirements for equivalence.
  2. Provided that products of other brands are incompatible with the one used by the government customer. He should justify the need to use a specific brand and the incompatibility of goods of other brands with existing ones. An indication of the technical specification according to 44-FZ means the supply of only the specified brand of goods without the words “or equivalent”.
  3. When purchasing spare parts and consumables for machinery and equipment. In this case, the customer must have the manufacturer's technical documentation, which states that parts should only be used from a specific manufacturer or that the use of other brands may lead to adverse consequences. In this case, the supply of equivalent products is not provided.

Indication of a trademark in auction documentation without the words “or equivalent” means that participants in the first parts of applications will have to agree to the supply of this brand of goods.

If the customer violates these restrictions, the provisions of Part.

How to correctly indicate specific product indicators

4.1 Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Offenses with a fine of up to 50,000 rubles.

Requirements for products according to law No. 223-FZ

The Law on procurement by certain types of legal entities does not contain rules for indicating technical specifications in project documentation. The customer specifies this issue independently in the Procurement Regulations. Most Regulations establish restrictions on the use of product individualization means in the same way as 44 Federal Laws.

But even if the Regulations do not establish such a restriction, the presence of brands in the technical specifications may be recognized by regulatory authorities as a restriction of competition.

The consumer needs to prepare a justification for the need to purchase a specific brand (for example, incompatibility with existing equipment).

Currently, if you want to take part in an electronic auction, then for this you need to correctly prepare an application, which consists of two parts. The first part of the application consists of a form of specific indicators of the proposed goods or materials and agreement to the requirements of the auction documentation. The second part of the application includes a set of standard documents specified in the auction documentation and clearly stated in the information card.

The form of specific product indicators is a table with certain requirements. In order to fill out the document correctly, you must adhere to the following rules:

1) Carefully study the auction documentation and highlight the instructions for filling out Form 2. Most often, the instructions are located after the table of requirements, sometimes they can be located in the technical specifications or as part of the information card;

2) Study the proposed instructions in detail and thoroughly. Very often, Customers complicate the instructions in order to confuse inexperienced or inattentive participants.

What are specific product indicators?

In the auction documentation, the Customer indicates detailed characteristics of a particular product, which make it possible to specify their compliance with the stated needs. Indicators that are important and necessary for the Customer are determined (at the same time, the Customer does not have the right to set excessive requirements for the characteristics of goods). When completing the first parts of the application, Bidders, in turn, indicate specific indicators of the product under 44 Federal Laws - exact and unambiguous values ​​of the consumer and functional qualities of the product. Specific indicators of a product are the requirements that apply to the product supplied or used. The indicators are indicated in a specialized table, which is located in the auction procurement documentation. One of the most common reasons for rejection of the first parts of an application is precisely the incorrect indication of specific product indicators.

What difficulties arise when preparing an application?

When placing an auction, the law establishes strict rules for describing the requirements for materials. The customer is obliged to give a clear definition of the product and its consumer properties, but he cannot set requirements that will limit the procurement participants. In order to avoid concluding a contract with a person who does not have sufficient competence when drawing up auction documentation, the section of specific indicators becomes more complicated. Often, for the customer, it does not make sense to draw up documentation in such a way that any organization can take part in the auction. Such complications make it possible to significantly narrow the circle of persons who can be admitted to trading. The requirements for materials are complex and confusing. For the Participant, correct and accurate indication of specific indicators of goods under 44 Federal Laws in cases is problematic, sometimes even impossible.

Example of specific indicators

Name of product: Acetylene technical

Country of origin: Russia


Brand: A

View: colorless gas

Auto-ignition temperature: 335 °C

Saturation temperature:-26 °C

Regulatory document: GOST 5457-75

Highly qualified assistance

Filling out specific product indicators has a huge number of pitfalls. It is very difficult for an unprepared Participant to avoid making annoying mistakes. If you want to submit the correct bid to participate in the auction, please contact our experienced specialists. We will help you by guaranteeing high quality filling.

Today, in order to take part in an electronic auction, it is necessary to correctly prepare an application consisting of the first and second parts. The first part of the application consists of agreement to the requirements of the auction documentation and the form of specific indicators of the proposed product or material. The second part of the application consists of a set of standard documents, which are specified in the auction documentation and clearly stated in the information card. Since it is not difficult to compose the second part of the application yourself, we will dwell in more detail on the first part of the application, namely, filling out the form with specific indicators of materials and goods in strict accordance with the requirements of auction documentation, GOST, SNIP, TU, regulations and current legislation.

In order to successfully fill out the form for specific indicators of the proposed product and material (Next - Form 2) that fully satisfies the Customer’s requirements, it is necessary to perform the following actions and obtain the desired Approval:

  1. Carefully study the auction documentation and find instructions for filling out Form 2. Very often it is located immediately after the table of requirements or in the initial sections of the “requirements for filling out the first part of the application”, less often it is located in the technical specifications.
  2. Thoroughly study the instructions for filling out Form 2, it is possible to discuss controversial issues with another specialist or lawyer regarding the interpretation of certain semantic phrases. Very often, customers deliberately complicate the text of the instructions in order to confuse inexperienced specialists. In this case, it is necessary to read the test literally, as lawyers do, and use generally accepted concepts and rules of the Russian language.

For example:

“No less”, “No more”, “Less”, “More”, “Not higher”, “Not lower”, “Higher”, “Lower”- These words establish the maximum and (or) minimum values ​​of indicators to determine the compliance of the procurement object with the customer’s needs.

“Not less”, “No more”, “Less”, “More”, “Not higher”, “Not lower”, “Above”, “Below” with the words “it is acceptable to indicate the value of the indicator with a range of values” - These words set the maximum and (or) minimum values, as well as a range of indicator values ​​to determine the compliance of the procurement object with the customer’s needs.

"Or"- This union establishes a requirement for the procurement object with one of several characteristics specified in the technical specifications. In this case, a procurement object with two or more characteristics specified with the word “or” does not meet the customer’s requirements.

"AND" - This union establishes a requirement for the procurement object with all the characteristics specified in the technical specifications.

Signs "+", "-" and "+/-"- If these signs are used in the technical specifications when establishing requirements for error, accuracy (deviation) when describing temperatures and degrees (angles), the procurement participant can use the signs “+”, “-” and “+/-”. At the same time, the procurement participant, when describing such errors, precisions (deviations), has the right to use the words “no more”, “no less”, “less”, “more”.

“The value of the indicator is unchanged”- When establishing requirements accompanied by such words, the procurement participant must indicate specific indicators that correspond to the meaning of the indicators in the technical specifications and are not subject to change

  1. If you find a double interpretation of certain provisions of the instructions for filling out specific indicators, then you should write a request to the customer in order to receive a clarifying and comprehensive answer. When writing a request, you must carefully read what you wrote, because the customer will not think of anything and will only answer those questions that are indicated. In a request, the question should be formulated clearly, without ambiguous interpretation; sometimes it is even better to reduce them to a yes or no answer.
  2. After the instructions have been read and understood, we proceed to filling out Form 2. If you see in front of you a complex indicator with many requested parameters, properties and other characteristics, packaging requirements, etc. you need to find the GOST that the customer points to or if there is no link to GOST, SNIP or TU, you need to open the current one and very often you will see that the one who compiled the technical requirements for the materials copied everything from it. When filling out the table, you must always take into account that when answering questions, you should not invent non-existent material, but fill in the characteristics corresponding to the specific material, otherwise you will be rejected for providing false information about the material. For example: if you chose heavy concrete, then the density in this case should be more than 1500 kg/m3, if you chose light, then less than 1500 kg/m3, etc. Be careful when comparing different characteristics of the same product and material in order to avoid gross discrepancies. Complex and multi-page forms are designed to do just that, so that when filling out the participant will allow discrepancies in indicating different characteristics of one product. When selecting a specific product, I recommend, if possible, indicating the real brands of goods and materials used with their real characteristics. Data can be taken from the Internet, from a previously used certificate, etc.

  1. In the process of filling out Form 2, regularly review the procurement documents on the website, as other participants also send requests and it will be useful to get acquainted with their questions and answers to them, as this will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes.
  2. After Form 2 is ready, read everything carefully for the words no more, no less, etc. Sometimes, when an employee does the same thing for a long time, attention becomes dull, and offensive omissions are made, which subsequently become the reason for rejection.
  3. Once both parts of the application for the electronic auction are prepared, you can begin uploading them to the electronic platform. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you must ensure in advance that you have the required amount of funds to secure your application for submission. For these purposes, it is necessary to replenish a virtual current account in advance or take out a tender loan (credit).
  4. After the entire procedure is completed, a letter will be sent to the specified email address or in your personal account, where you can see the serial number of the application.

We recommend that you order a selection of specific indicators of goods and materials from the Entrepreneurship Promotion Center. Many years of experience in filling out complex forms, a large database of building materials, highly qualified auction specialists and lawyers on our staff allow our clients to receive access to the most complex and expensive electronic auctions. The percentage of admission of the first parts of applications prepared by us for electronic auctions under Federal Laws 44 and 223 exceeds 95%. We do not deceive our customers and do not promise mountains of gold, we do not guarantee that he will win any auction with us, we just do our job - we do it well!

Our advantages:

  • Clear pricing - more details can be found in the price list section.
  • Highly qualified specialists are trained and have extensive experience.
  • The admission rate of all auctions prepared by us is more than 95%
  • We do not violate the designated deadlines; the finished application always reaches the customer’s desk exactly on time.
  • Quality system for preparing an auction application - several specialists work on the application at each stage, including final verification.
  • Writing a complaint to the FAS without additional fees

Terms of mutual cooperation:

  1. We conclude a formal agreement to prepare for the electronic auction.
  2. Prepayment of at least 50% of the cost of preparing the application.
  3. You will receive completed Form 2 1 day before the application deadline (as changes may be made) - this will be negotiated separately if there are additional conditions or requirements.
  4. In case of rejection, our employees will prepare a complaint to the regulatory authority (FAS) within the prescribed period, which you send by email after signing.
  5. If the complaint is found to be unfounded, we will return the money paid for preparing the application.
  6. In all other cases, we sign a certificate of completion and the customer pays the remaining 50%.

We hope for long-term cooperation in the field of government procurement.

You can order the preparation of an application by sending the number of the notice you are interested in by emailchel39@ mail. ruor via the feedback form.

There must be an objective description of the purchased products (). This includes quality values, technical, functional and operational properties, as well as trademarks, etc. Unless the purchase of compatible or replacement goods is involved, each item must be accompanied by the words “or equivalent.” In this case, the customer indicates the boundaries of equivalence in the form of different options or ranges of values.

The range of quality indicators for specific products is established by state standards (GOST).

If the participant is not ready to offer products with the same trademark established by the customer, then in the first part of the application he needs to specify the exact characteristics of the equivalent, based on the requirements of the auction documentation and regulatory documents (GOST, technical passport, official website of the manufacturer, etc. ). This is the meaning of the concept under consideration.

Instructions for filling out specific indicators

Specific product indicators: sample filling

Let us give a sample of specific indicators of a product 44 Federal Law. As can be seen from the table, from the ranges and options proposed in the documentation, one value within the established framework was selected, and words that could be interpreted inaccurately (“should”, “must be”) were removed.

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