An example of filling out an outpatient card. Filling out medical documentation by a nurse in the emergency department

Hi all! You need to make backup copies - that's a fact. And, as we know, Apple offers us two excellent options for backing up information - using iCloud or iTunes. And if with iTunes everything is more or less clear - connected to the computer and “OK”, then with iCloud there may be problems. Which? The most varied.

For example, just recently my iPhone began to “delight” me with a notification with the following text: “iPhone - backup failure. There's not enough iCloud storage free space to back up your iPhone data." You take your phone off the charger, and then there’s this error. You see he doesn't have enough space!

Let's see why this happens and what can be done about all this? Let's go!

General information or why iCloud copying fails?

Here I will not describe at length and in detail about the “cloud” service itself (especially since I have a separate one), but I will highlight some main points.

So, iCloud is, in addition to an account, also a remote storage location for information (photos, videos, program data, messages, contacts, notes, backups and much more) of your iOS devices.

But the size of this storage is not infinite - Apple allocates only 5 gigabytes for free for any user. And when you do not fit within these limits, the error “Backup failed - not enough free space” appears.

What can be done and how to fix the problem?

There are several options to get rid of the backup error.

Method number 1 - Pay

Everyone wants money and Apple is no exception. For a relatively small amount of money, you can simply change your tariff plan iCloud and upgrade from free (5 GB) to any other plan with more storage. So to speak, buy extra space in the “cloud”. How to do it?

Open “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Buy more space” and select the tariff that suits you.

After payment, iCloud storage increases, which means there is already enough space for your data - a copy begins to be created without any failures.

Method number 2 - Free, but relatively long

Don't want to pay anyone? I completely understand your desire - there is never too much money, and then Apple will write off the subscription every month. We were completely stunned!

Well, you can do it for free. But then you will have to “keep within” 5 GB of cloud storage. To do this, go to “Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Management” and see what documents and data are stored there.

Do you see how something extra is taking up precious space? Feel free to turn it off.

It’s also worth paying attention to “iCloud Photo Library” (Settings - Photos and Camera). If this option is enabled, then your photos and videos are forced to be sent to the “cloud”, thereby “eating up” storage space.

But sometimes a situation like mine can happen - free space as much as 4.9 GB (out of 5 GB free), and creating an iCloud backup still fails. Why is this happening? It's all about the size next copy much more than 5 GB - the iPhone cannot create it because it will not fit into the allotted limit.

You can also view this information for yourself by opening the “Backups” tab in iCloud Storage. Moreover, here you can always correct the data that will make up the copy (in order to “fit within” the allotted 5 GB) and, perhaps, you will even succeed!

Method number 3 - Free and fast

However, you can get rid of all these annoying signs indicating backup failures in a simpler way.

It is enough to disable the creation of copies in iCloud and use the same iTunes for this, where the space for your data will be limited only by the size hard drive computer.

To do this, open “Settings - Your account - iCloud” and move the slider opposite the corresponding menu item.

That's it, there will be no more failures. Victory!

Now backup copy will be created on your computer automatically when connected and synchronized with iTunes. And it’s better not to put this matter off for a long time, but to go and do it right now - it certainly won’t be superfluous, believe my little experience :)

P.S. Do you want more free free space in iCloud? Me too! Let's combine our efforts - put "like" and click on the buttons social networks. I’ve already put my “+1”, it’s up to you! :)

P.S.S. After reading the article, do you have any questions or questions? Be sure to write in the comments - we’ll try to figure it out together!

Apple iCloud is free storage for everyone who has an iPad or iPhone. The main task of iCloud is to provide users of Apple products with a single storage for all data - applications, photos, books, documents, Safari bookmarks, etc.

How it works? Suppose you took a photo on your iPad, it will immediately appear in the storage, and through it on your iPhone or laptop (Apple company). This happens without your participation; other devices themselves “take” it for themselves. All you need is to be connected to the Internet.

Basic questions about iCloud

  • Where and how to download and install iCloud? There is no need to download iCloud, the service is already built into your system.
  • Registration in iCloud. Separate registration iCloud is not needed. To log in you need to use your Apple ID - login and password.
  • How much space is available in iCloud? Each user receives 5 GB for free. This size is reserved for storing mail, application data, settings, etc. Please note: iCloud will store a maximum of 1000 photos from the last 30 days.

If 5 GB is not enough for you, then for additional fee you can purchase more memory. The money will be debited from your Apple account.

How to set up iCloud on iPad

  1. You need to go to the Settings application.
  2. Find iCloud in the list on the left.
  3. Mark the main applications that will synchronize their data.
  4. If you go to the Storage and copies section, you will see how much of the 5 GB available to you you have already used.
  5. Click on Storage and then on your device. You will see all the programs you have installed that send their data to iCloud. By default this is all programs. You can disable sending data for not particularly necessary programs so that they do not take up valuable storage space.

How does automatic copying work?

Automatically. Without your participation. You don't need to do anything. It is only important to meet a few conditions:

  • The iPad is connected to power (charging).
  • Locked (that is, you are not working on it, it is in sleep mode).
  • Connected to a Wi-Fi network.

As a rule, this happens when you leave your iPad to charge at home (where there is a familiar Wi-Fi network). Moreover, if all three conditions have not coincided for a long time, your iPad will remind you that a backup copy has not been created for a long time.

Useful iCloud features or restoring from a backup

You may need recovery if:

  • You accidentally deleted some very valuable data - for example, a photo.
  • You set a password for your iPad or a parental control password and forgot it (you can restore the copy made before entering the password).

What data will be recovered

The following materials are saved in iCloud backup:

  • iTunes purchased music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books (with restrictions).
  • photos, videos from the album Camera Roll.
  • settings.
  • Application data (such as games, notes, etc.).
  • view of the main screen and the order of applications.
  • iMessage, text messages (SMS messages) and MMS messages.

Not saved:

  • Music, movies, and TV shows not purchased from the iTunes Store.
  • audiobooks.
  • photos that were downloaded from your computer.

Changes you made after creating a backup will disappear during recovery. Therefore, before restoring a backup, save everything you need on your computer.

How to restore data from a backup

  1. Connect the iPad using a cable to the computer.
  2. Open iTunes.
  3. Open the page of your iPad (you need to click the iPad icon in the upper right corner).
  4. Click on the Restore button.
  5. Confirm the action by clicking Restore again.
  6. Once the recovery is complete, a reboot will occur. Then the screen will ask you whether to set up your device as new or restore from a backup, select Recover from iCloud backup.
  7. Enter your Apple ID and password.
  8. A list of the three most recent backups will appear. Select the one you need and click Restore from backup.
  9. After restarting the device, the data on it will be restored.

iCloud is a cloud storage service provided by Apple for storing music, photos, documents and contacts. It allows you to access your files from any device. Backup and share information with other iOS devices.

The volume that can be stored here for free is 5 GB. For photographs, the size is determined by the number of files and the size does not matter. The service will keep 1000 photos for the last 30 days, which will be more and will be deleted before that.

How to get out of the cloud

There can be many reasons why you may need to leave iCloud: from buying a used phone to losing your account password.

To sign out of iCloud on iPhone, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter “Settings”, and then “iCloud”.
  2. In this menu, at the very bottom of the list there will be an option “Log out”.
  3. After this, the account on the iOS device will be deleted and no more data will be saved.

Click on Logout

When you click the Sign Out button, a pop-up message will appear. In which there will be a warning that if the account is deleted, all data will be deleted.

To avoid this, you need to click “Cancel” and go to the “iCloudDrive” tab, which, if this option is enabled, saves data. Must be saved necessary information and turn off iCloud Drive.

How to clear iCloud storage on iPhone

Now, when you click “Log Out” again on your account, a message may appear stating that if you delete your profile, photos stored in Photo Stream and documents located in the cloud will be deleted from your smartphone.

Accordingly, if there is important and valuable data there, then it is necessary to transfer it. For example, if we are talking about photographs, then you need to move them from Photo Stream to Camera Roll.

Then you should return to the menu, select “Photos” and opposite the options “My photo streams” and “ General access to photo" move the switch to "Off".

Now you need to go back to the menu and try to delete your account.

The application may ask what to do with Saphari objects, calendar and contacts. Several options will be offered:

  • “Leave on iPhone” - and then all contacts and dates will be available on the device.
  • “Delete from iPhone” - and then the data will be erased.

To clear it, you need to go to “Settings” - “iCloud” and select “Storage”. A list of files will appear; to erase them, just swipe it with your finger or do it through the “Edit” menu.

But in both cases, the information will be available in the cloud. To check this, you need to go to the Apple cloud website and log into your account. When you enter your previous password and login, the contacts and dates of this account will appear.

Unlink iPhone from the cloud

To unlink your iPhone from iCloud, you need to go to http/ from your PC using your Apple ID credentials and iPhone password.

  • Go to the “Find iPhone” tab

Each Apple account holder receives free 5 GB of space, which they can freely dispose of at their own discretion. If iCloud volume is not enough, you can buy more or try to release it different ways. We will talk about them in this article.

How to clear iCloud storage - deleting backups

Backups are, of course, extremely useful tool save data from your Apple device. However, there is no need to store every single one of them; you should keep only the most relevant ones. Deleting old backups will free up a lot of iCloud space. To do this:

  • On iPhone or iPad, open “Settings”;
  • here we select “Basic” and then “iCloud Storage”;
  • scroll to the end and click on “Manage”;
  • here you will see statistics of devices connected to iCloud and the amount of occupied space;
  • select the device whose backup can be sacrificed and click “Delete”;
  • Confirm the action with the “Turn off and delete” button.

How to clear iCloud storage - setting up backup

Many programs installed on an iPhone or iPad add their files to iCloud backup automatically. You can control the volume of backups by deleting data from unimportant applications, leaving only critical important information. We do this:

  • On your device, go to “Settings” -> “iCloud”;
  • select the “Storage” menu and “Storage” again;
  • Click on the name of your favorite device;
  • go to the “Backup options” section;
  • Here we look at the list of programs that send their files to backup, and turn off unnecessary ones.

How to Clear iCloud Storage - Cleaning Up Your Library

In addition to backups, iCloud can store photos, videos, and their processed versions from the Photos program. To free up a small amount of space, first try compressing them rather than deleting them. For this purpose, iCloud exists special function“Storage optimization”, enabled in the settings. You should also remember that deleted photos and videos are stored in a special “Recently Deleted” folder for 30 days (and take up space). To get rid of them:

  • go to the album;
  • click “Select”;
  • we indicate the files that we are going to delete forever;
  • Tap “Delete” and confirm the action again.

How to clear iCloud storage - deleting mail

Another type of files that occupy specific place in iCoud - this is the history of personal correspondence via e-mail. The letters themselves “weigh” very little, but large attachments of any format can be attached to them. If you are using iCloud Mail with another email client:

  • for “Mail” on Mac: go to “Mail” -> “Erase deleted items”, then select account iCloud;
  • for Microsoft Outlook 2007 on Windows: click “Edit” -> “Clear” and select Apple ID;
  • for Microsoft Outlook versions 2010–2016: simply delete unnecessary messages; after restarting the program they will disappear without returning;
  • via a browser on a PC: log in

Apple provides its users with 5 GB of free iCloud storage space. However, unfortunately, this volume is not enough for everyone. When the storage is almost full, new backups stop being created, and the user has a question: what to do, and there are two ways - clear the cloud of old unnecessary data, making room for new ones, or buy additional iCloud storage.

In this article we will tell you how to act correctly in both situations.

In general, there are two approaches to the need to clear iCloud storage. The first is to clear the memory of the device itself and manually create a new backup copy, which after “cleaning” will significantly “lose weight” and there will be room for new information. This approach is very simple and works great, because in most cases the user only needs to delete or transfer old photos and videos to the computer - after all, it is this type of content that steals the most space in the backup.

To implement this scheme, if you decide to remove unnecessary content:

If you want to transfer content to your computer:

  1. Connect your device to your PC and open it through the “My Computer” section.
  2. Copy the content to your computer and then delete it in the classic way.
  3. Follow the third step of the previous instructions.

Another approach to freeing up space in iCloud is to use a special section of the cloud settings menu. This approach is good because it allows you to see how much memory is consumed by each of the programs whose data is included in the copy.

So, how to clear iCloud storage space using this menu:

  1. Open “Settings” of your iPhone or other iOS gadget.
  2. If your device runs on iOS 10.3 and later versions of the platform, tap your name, then iCloud, in otherwise, immediately click iCloud - in both cases, at the very top you will see statistics on the space used.
  3. Click the “Storage” section, then “Management”.
  4. Now tap on the backup copy - a list of all programs whose data is stored in it will appear in front of you. Here you will get the answer to the question why the storage filled up so quickly - by default, the device backs up a lot of information that the user does not need to store, but don’t worry, now we’ll take matters into our own hands.
  5. So, to free up space, we need to disable the sliders next to all programs in which we do not want to back up data. When the dialog box appears, click “Turn off and delete”.
  6. After the cleaning is done, scroll to the very bottom and click “Delete a copy.” Don’t worry, now we’ll create a new one with your new settings.
  7. Open the iCloud section in the “Settings” menu, select “iCloud Backup”, click on the “Create a backup” link.

Ready! Now only what you need is stored in the cloud.

Good advice! Do not store your photos and videos in the “cloud” - they take up a lot of space, and sooner or later you will still have to dump them on your computer. If it is important to you that this type of content was stored in iCloud, we recommend turning on the “Storage Optimization...” setting if you have not used it before. To activate it, go to iCloud, then “Photos”, check the box next to the “Storage optimization...” option.

How to increase storage capacity?

As we said above, clearing iCloud of the information stored in it is not the only way to get a new place to create new backups. If you store a lot of information on your device and the storage quickly fills up even with regular cleaning, then the best option- purchase extra space in the cloud.

Apple offers three plans:

  • 50 GB for 59 rubles per month
  • 200 GB for 149 rubles per month
  • 2 TB for 599 rubles per month

In order to buy more space in icloud:

That's it - as you can see, using iCloud in terms of cleaning out and purchasing new space is very simple!

Let's summarize

Now you know how to see how much space the current backup takes up in iCloud, how to increase iCloud cloud storage in volume, and how to clear it of unnecessary information. We hope our instructions were clear and you were able to do what you wanted.

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