A parable about hard work and optimism. Parables about work

Parables with meaning have always been used to teach and raise children. After all, wise advice presented in an interesting, brief and fabulous form is much better perceived and remembered. Therefore, parables for children are an amazingly effective means of learning and development. The wisdom contained in parables, presented in a simple and engaging way, teaches children to think for themselves and find solutions to problems. A good parable develops imagination and intuition in children, and also helps them think about their behavior and realize their own mistakes. These short stories will explain to children that you can always find many ways to solve one problem and that life is not divided only into black and white, bad and good.

How to help people

Teacher, goodbye. “I’m going to wander and help people,” said the young man, entering the teacher’s house.
- How long will you be leaving? - asked the teacher.
- For a long time! Maybe forever. I want to serve people and make them happier! - the student exclaimed proudly.
- You are the only man in the family, the hope of your mother and grandmother. Who will you leave them with? - the teacher was surprised.
“They will live somehow,” answered the student. - You yourself taught us that the main thing in life is to bring happiness to people.
- You are right. But you don't have to go far for this. At first make those who are near you happy, then those who are far away will come to you, - advised the old teacher.

Who has cleaner hands?

Two students came to study in the workshop of the famous sculptor. The teacher told them: “First you need to learn how to work with stone. I have a large block of stone in my yard. Plank it on both sides so that you get even planes. I will come back in the evening and look at your work.” Then the sculptor gave the students the tools and left.
- I won't do boring work. Any mason can do such rough work. “I want to be a sculptor, not a stonemason,” said one student.
“It’s not a shame to sweat at work if you take it on willingly,” said the second student and got to work.
The first student left and rested all day. He returned only in the evening, when all the work was done.
Later the teacher came and, without looking at the work, asked the students to show their hands. The first student's hands were clean and well-groomed. The second one had calluses, abrasions and stone dust all over his hands.
“I’ll wash my hands now, teacher,” he said, blushing.
“There is no need to wash your hands,” the teacher noted.
“Cleanliness is the best beauty,” said the first student and proudly looked at his pink hands.
- The hands of a lazy person are only clean in appearance. These hands are truly clean,” said the sculptor, pointing to the dusty hands of the second student. “They worked all day and did all the work honestly.

Learn to ask

Two young jewelers came to the jewelry workshop.
- You have already received the title of master, but real mastery is achieved through experience. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn,” the chief jeweler told them.
“It’s never too late to learn,” one young master agreed. He came from a family of builders, and in the school of jewelers he worked only with semi-precious stones.
“You don’t need to teach an eagle to fly,” muttered the second one. He was the son of a jeweler and from early childhood saw how precious stones were processed. His father closed his workshop due to illness. The young man dreamed of opening his father’s workshop again as soon as he got back on his feet.
Both young masters worked hard. Gradually they began to be trusted with difficult work. Both of them did an excellent job. A young jeweler from a family of builders constantly asked questions. Most often, he asked about the intricacies of making unique jewelry that old masters made. The second young master never asked. He said to his friend in surprise:
- Why do you keep asking? You are a master, not a student.
“Don’t study until you’re old, but study until you die,” the young man answered, laughing.
One day, the chief jeweler commissioned a craftsman from the builder's family to make a diamond necklace.
- Why didn’t you give this order to me? I know better how to work with diamonds! - the second young master exclaimed offendedly.
- If there are difficulties, this young man will definitely consult and will not ruin the work. And you're afraid to ask. Don't be afraid that you don't know, be afraid that you don't learn. Otherwise, you won’t become a real master,” explained the chief jeweler.

A parable for children about respect for mother

The first rich man of the city organized a celebration in honor of the birth of his son. All noble townspeople were invited. Only the rich man’s mother did not come to the holiday. She lived far away in the village and, apparently, was unable to come. On the occasion of this wonderful event, tables were set up in the central square of the city and refreshments were prepared for everyone. At the height of the holiday, an old woman covered with a veil knocked on the rich man’s gate.
- All the beggars are treated to food in the central square. Go there,” the servant ordered the beggar.
“I don’t need a treat, let me just look at the baby for one minute,” the old woman asked, and then added: “I am also a mother, and I also once had a son.” Now I have been living alone for a long time, and have not seen my son for many years.
The servant asked the owner what he should do. The rich man looked out the window and saw a poorly dressed woman covered with an old blanket.
- You see, this is a beggar woman. Drive her away,” he angrily ordered the servant. - Every beggar has his own mother, but I cannot allow them all to look at my son.
The old woman began to cry and sadly said to the servant:
- Tell the owner that I wish my son and grandson health and happiness, and also say: “ He who respects his own mother will not curse someone else's".
When the servant conveyed the words of the old woman, the rich man realized that it was his mother who came to him. He rushed out of the house, but his mother was nowhere to be seen.

Leaves and roots

The son has not visited his parents for a long time. He was a rich merchant, the owner of a huge store and lived in a big city. Every month the son sent his parents money, and on holidays - gifts. Of course, mother and father missed their son and often invited him to visit. But on weekdays the son was busy in the store, and on holidays he feasted with friends - the same noble merchants.
Everything was fine until thieves set fire to his store. The thieves were caught and put in prison, but this did not make it any easier for the merchant. His store and warehouses with goods burned to the ground.
The merchant went to the banker to borrow money to build a new store, and he said:
- I don't lend money to poor people. I don't want them to go to jail for not paying their debt.
All his friends also refused to help the merchant.
At that moment, the merchant received a letter from his father:
“Son, we heard about your misfortune. Come quickly. And from a tall tree leaves fall to the roots".
The merchant did not understand anything, but still decided to go and visit his parents, whom he had not seen for many years. Sad he entered his parents' house. The mother was busy, she didn’t know how to get her son to sit down or what to feed him, and the father brought a bag full of money. The old man gave the money to the amazed merchant and said:
- Son, here is the money you sent us, and also my savings. Don't worry, we can feed ourselves. The main thing is, don’t forget that we are your roots, and come back to us more often.

Children's parable about the most difficult task

Children are designed in such a way that they strive to learn new things every minute. They are interested in everything mysterious and unknown. But sometimes it can be difficult to understand life’s complex issues. Parables contain the age-old wisdom of generations, philosophical reflections and useful advice. Simple fairy tale language will be understandable to children. Short parables for children help develop thinking, memory and perception, being, in essence, a teacher who cultivates love, decency, peacefulness - spiritual beauty in children. The main thing is that parables tell us that life is multifaceted, spacious, and you can always find many options for getting out of any current situation.

Two ambassadors

The king sent two ambassadors on a friendly visit to the neighboring country.
“See if our neighbors are plotting war against us,” the king ordered the ambassadors.
The ambassadors were received well, accommodated in the best rooms, fed sumptuous dinners, and invited to balls.
The ambassadors returned and began to tell the king about their trip.
- Don't be afraid, king. Our neighbors are kind and hospitable,” the first ambassador said with a smile. - We were received as the most dear guests. I have never tried such dishes as there in my life: roast sea monster, apples of paradise, nightingales’ tongues in wine sauce. We were served a hundred dishes and a hundred wines, just like royalty.
The ambassador spent a long time listing what he ate and drank in the neighboring kingdom. Then the second ambassador took the floor:
- Our neighbors are plotting war. We urgently need to gather an army and strengthen the borders. Firstly, every day we were not fed according to rank. We were served a hundred dishes and a hundred wines each, so that we would eat more and look around less. Secondly, we were accompanied everywhere by a crowd of royal friends, but they were military men, judging by their bearing. Thirdly, we were shown one new weapons factory. I heard in a conversation that this was the fifth plant, and I realized that there were four more. The plant was large, larger than any of our plants.
The ambassador talked for a long time about everything he saw and heard. The king rewarded the second ambassador and ordered him to prepare for war, and the king said to the first ambassador:
- A stupid man talks about what he drank and ate, a smart man talks about what he saw and heard..

A parable for children about the ability to rejoice

Most of all, Maria loved flowers. She had a small garden near her house. What kind of flowers did not grow in this garden! They bloomed from early spring to late autumn and delighted everyone around.
Maria lived with her sick old grandfather. He could barely walk, leaning on a stick. Every morning, grandfather, wincing in pain, barely reached Maria’s kindergarten and sat down on a bench there. The old man looked at the flowers and a smile appeared on his face.
- Thank you, Maria. Looking at your beautiful flowers, I forget about pain,” the old man said to his granddaughter.
Maria laughed in response, and the flowers opened their colorful petals even wider. But one day trouble happened. It was raining with hail and wind. In a few minutes, Maria's kindergarten was destroyed. Some flowers looked as if they had been cut with scissors, others were broken. Maria wept bitterly as she removed the broken flowers. The next day the sun was shining again. The watered soil warmed up, and the flower roots remaining in it sprouted new shoots. A week later, several buds appeared on them. Maria frowned and didn’t even go into her kindergarten. To her surprise, grandfather came every morning and sat on a bench in the garden. He looked at the ruined garden, and a smile appeared on his face.
-What are you happy about, grandfather? - Maria asked him. - There are no more flowers in my garden.
- If there are flowers, rejoice at the flowers, if there are no flowers, rejoice at the buds, - the old man smiled.
Maria looked carefully at the new shoots and also began to smile. Soon Mary’s garden blossomed again to the delight of everyone around.

Who does heaven help?

People were walking through the village. They fled from a neighboring region from a plague epidemic. Many were exhausted and begged, but the villagers fumigated their houses with smoke and tightly closed the gates and shutters. Only one peasant could not stand it. He brought several bags of flour from his barn and ordered his wife: “Bake bread. I can’t calmly look at the mountain, at least I’ll help with something.” The wife began to bake bread, and the peasant came out of the gate with warm loaves of bread and distributed it to the hungry. One old man handed the peasant a bag in return and said:
- Take it, good man. I took this bag from home, but my family died and I don’t need it.
The old man took the bread, cried and moved on. The peasant was afraid of getting infected and threw the bag into the corner of the barn. The flow of refugees was enormous, and soon the peasant ran out of flour. Then he went to the mill and ground the grain stock left for planting.
- Are you crazy. How will you continue to live? - the neighbors told the peasant.
“I have a house and my family, but these unfortunate people have nothing.” Let’s pray to God, maybe he will send us food and support,” the peasant answered.
But in winter he had to bake bread half and half with grass. One day my wife was cleaning out the barn and found some kind of bag in the corner.
- Look, husband, there are some pebbles here! - the wife screamed.
- One old man gave me this for bread. These are precious stones! - exclaimed the peasant.
The peasant bought grain, a new horse and helped all the poor people in the village. When asked where their wealth came from, the peasant’s wife always answered: - Heaven helps a good man.

The best medicine

A misfortune happened in the kingdom - the princess fell ill. After the royal ball, the princess became sad, and a week later she fell ill. The doctors couldn't do anything. A year later, the princess became so weak that doctors feared for her life.
One day a famous doctor arrived in the city from overseas. The king invited him to the palace. The doctor came in and began to talk about his journey. At the same time, he carefully watched the princess. She didn't seem to be listening to him. The moment the doctor said the name of his ship, tears appeared in the princess's eyes. When he called the captain's name, the girl's cheeks turned pink.
- The first treatment session is over. We will continue tomorrow,” the doctor told the queen.
The next day the doctor appeared along with a young officer, in whose hands was a chest.
- This is the captain of the ship. “He helped me bring the medicine,” the doctor introduced him.
When the companions entered the princess, she screamed.
“My love, I brought you overseas gifts,” the captain put the chest at the princess’s feet and threw himself on his knees in front of her.
- Why did you tell me at the ball that you don’t believe in love? - the princess whispered.
“Because I fell madly in love with you, but I didn’t hope that you might like the captain,” the officer answered. IN
The crayfish quietly left.
- How is the princess feeling? - the queen asked with excitement.
“The medicine is working, and the princess began to speak,” the doctor answered.
- What kind of wonderful medicine is this? - exclaimed the queen.
- The best medicine for a person is a person, for a child - a mother, and for a lover - a loved one“, the doctor explained, smiling.

What is the most important thing in work?

The large royal clock stopped. It was the king's favorite watch, and he ordered the king's chief watchmaker to repair it as quickly as possible. The master disassembled the watch and saw that the silver spring of the watch had burst. A new one was carefully made based on the model of the old spring. But she didn’t want to get back into place. We gathered experienced watchmakers from all over the country.
- It's all about the composition of silver. “We all know that the recipe for making ancient silver has been lost,” one fat master said importantly.
“We need to make the spring less elastic,” the little old man advised.
- We need to make not a silver spring, but a steel one. Modern materials are the most reliable,” the most learned master arrogantly noted.
Watchmakers discussed the problem for a long time. Some suggested making a new one for the king instead of the old one; others advised inviting a famous master from another country. Only one young master remained silent. He walked over to the disassembled clock and picked up a new spring.
“Be careful, you are still young and not experienced enough,” exclaimed the chief watchmaker.
- Judge not by appearance, but by deeds. “I’ve had the title of master for three years now,” the young man answered. Then he inserted the spring into the clock and deftly turned it. Click, and the spring fell into place. The young man wound up his watch and they started walking. All their mouths opened in surprise, and someone said: - A hundred tips are no substitute for a pair of experienced hands..

Don't lie

The son was proud that his father sent him alone to the fair to sell straw hats. The young man loaded the hats into the cart and set off. At the fork in two roads, a young peasant stopped to rest. As soon as he boiled the tea, the clatter of hooves was heard, and a carriage, also loaded with straw hats, drove up to the young man.
- Hey, guy, which road will take us faster to the fair? - asked the peasant from the cart.
“Rest a little,” suggested the young man, upset that he had a competitor.
The peasant refused, and then the young man pointed with his hand to the right road that led through the field. He was lying, this road was three times longer than the forest road.
“You won’t be able to get ahead of me anyway,” muttered the young man.
After resting a little, he drove along the forest road. The young man had almost reached the fair when suddenly his horse stopped. The young man couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw that a huge oak tree was lying on the road. It was impossible to go around the tree, we had to turn back and then take the long road to the fair.
Returning home, the son upsetly told his father:
- I sold few hats because I arrived late at the fair. A tree blocked the road. In addition, there was another hat dealer at the fair. I outwitted him and sent him along the long road, but he still arrived before me.
- Remember, son: deceiving people, you deceive yourself, - said the father.
“I didn’t deceive myself,” the son was surprised.
- If you had shown the peasant the right road, he would have warned you about the tree. So it turns out that you deceived yourself,” the father explained.

Parables for children, written wisely and touchingly, serve as an excellent textbook for learning about life. Children from a very early age should know that the world, although there are sorrows and sorrows in it, is beautiful. And when they grow up, they will try to make this world an even better place, because they, raised in love and kindness, will begin to return it all a hundredfold.

Learn to rise

One people had a sign! Whoever picks a white flower on the mountain on New Year's Eve will be happy. The mountain on which the flower of happiness bloomed was enchanted. She was constantly shaking and no one could stay on her. But every New Year there were brave souls who tried to climb the mountain.
One day, three friends also decided to try their luck. Before going to the mountain, friends came to the sage to ask for advice.
- If you fall seven times, get up eight, - the sage advised them.
Three friends went up the mountain, all from different directions. An hour later the first young man returned, covered in bruises.
“The sage was wrong,” he said. “I fell seven times, and when I got up the eighth time, I saw that I had only walked a quarter of the mountain. Then I decided to return.
The second young man came two hours later, all beaten up, and said:
- The sage deceived us. I fell seven times, and when I got up on the eighth time, I saw that I had only walked a third of the mountain. Then I decided to return.
The third young man came a day later with a white flower in his hands, and there was not a scratch on it.
-Didn't you fall? - his friends asked.
- I fell, maybe I fell a hundred times, or maybe more. “I didn’t count,” the young man answered.
- Why don’t you have bruises and abrasions? - friends were surprised.
“Before going to the mountain, I learned to fall,” the young man laughed.
- This man has learned not to fall, but to rise, which means he will achieve any goal in life! - said the sage, having learned about the young man.

A parable about how to overcome fear

The winter was harsh and the tribe was starving. The animals seemed to have died out in the forest. The herds of deer went to where it was warmer, and the hares and birds hid. The hunters had difficulty catching any small animal. One day, hunters found a bear's den in the forest. Bear hunting was prohibited in the tribe. The bear was considered the master of all animals. The people of the tribe believed that successful hunting in the forest depended on him. When the old tribal leader learned about the bear, he said:
- We must go and kill the bear, otherwise we will all die. The owner of the forest will forgive us. Many children and women can no longer move.
It was scary to kill the owner of the forest, but several hunters, led by the chief’s son, decided to do it. The hunters added courage to themselves by dancing and wearing war paint. But as soon as the brave souls approached the den, fear shackled their arms and legs, and they ran away. Then the tribal leader ordered his son:
- You must go and kill the bear. The tribe's hunters may be afraid to break the law, but the chief's son is not.
For three days the young hunter saved up his courage and made himself a new heavy spear. Finally he made up his mind. In the evening, the chief's son came running to the camp with tattered clothes and shaking with fear.
- Son! Why didn't you kill the bear? - the leader got angry.
- I killed. But when the owner of the forest fell, the fear returned and I ran away.
- Son, you will become a good leader if you remember my words: " If you're afraid, don't do it; if you do, don't be afraid.", said the leader. Then he took the cart and went after the bear.

First piece of bread

One rich man lost his appetite and announced: “Whoever cooks something tasty for me will receive a hundred gold coins.”
Many chefs prepared various dishes for the rich man. He tried one dish after another, but they all seemed tasteless to him. One day a poor man came to the rich man and said:
- I didn’t bring a dish, but an advice: “The first piece is always delicious.”
“Nonsense, in all dishes both the first and the last piece are equally tasteless,” the rich man shouted angrily and ordered the poor man to be thrown out.
The servant took pity on the poor man and gave him a piece of bread. Then the poor man had an idea. The next morning, he disguised himself as a sorcerer, came to the rich man and reported that in the forest, under the tallest spruce tree, there was a wonderful bread that restored appetite.
“You must find this remedy yourself, otherwise it will not work,” said the poor man in disguise.
The rich man wanted to try this bread so much that he went into the forest with the sorcerer. The whole day they walked through the forest in search of the tallest spruce. When the tree was found, the rich man was staggering from hunger and fatigue, so he immediately bit off a huge piece of bread and swallowed it greedily. Then the poor man took the rest of the edge from him and said:
- You will get the rest when you admit that the first piece is the most delicious.
“This wonderful bread, yes, but people don’t have such delicious food,” said the rich man.
The poor man laughed and said that he received this little piece yesterday from a servant. The rich man had to give one hundred gold coins to the poor man.
- The first bite tastes best when it's truly the first., - the poor man laughed.

Woe is me, woe,” the husband sighed, sitting on the bench, and tears rolled down his face in a stream.
- Why are you whining all the time? - the wife got angry. - If you want to be happy, be it.
- How can I be happy if happiness does not come to me? But misfortunes fall one after another on my poor head. The harvest is not ripe, the roof is leaky, the fence is broken, and my legs hurt. “Oh, woe is me, woe,” the man cried.
Happiness heard these lamentations and took pity on the poor fellow. It decided to look into his house. Happiness knocked on the window and said: " If you want to be happy, be it".
“Wait to cry, look, something is shining in our window,” the wife stopped the man.
- Close the curtains. This light blinds me and prevents me from grieving,” the man told his wife and began to sob again.
The wife closed the curtains, sat down next to him on the bench and also began to cry. They still sit like that and complain about their miserable life. Happiness was surprised and flew away.

Seven doors

The grandson came to visit his grandfather. The old man began to ask him about his affairs, but the grandson was taciturn.
“You look tired, as if you’ve lived a hard life,” the grandfather remarked.
“You’re right, there’s nothing good in my life,” the grandson sighed.
“I have prepared a gift to dispel your sadness,” said the grandfather. - Yes, I put it in the secretary drawer and forgot which one.
My grandfather’s secretary was an old one, with many doors.
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll find him quickly,” the grandson grinned and began to open one door after another.
Soon the gift was found, and under it lay a note: " There are many doors in life, and behind one of them is a gift from fate.. The wise say: " You have to knock on seven doors for one to open."".

Master or servant

One day a rich gentleman came to the teacher and said:
“You probably don’t remember me, but I’ve remembered your lessons all my life.” “Be the masters of your feelings - will, reason, perseverance. Let them obey you,” you told us. These words helped me achieve everything.
“I’m glad,” the teacher smiled. - But why did you come again?
- Help me cope with one feeling. Life is cruel, and I often had to deprive my debtors of shelter and land. Lately, memories of them have been keeping me awake.
- Your heart is not hardened if it hears the voice of conscience. A person must serve this feeling. Be the master of will and reason, but the servant of conscience“, my student,” said the teacher.

A parable is a short, instructive story in which there is always a moral. It is impossible to imagine the educational process in school and kindergarten without the parable of labor. With the help of a short instructive story, you can make a child want to work, be responsible, efficient and honest.

For many famous teachers, parables about work and hard work have become the main tool in educating the younger generation. For example, V. Sukhomlinsky and Makarenko each time emphasized the need for instructive stories, from which children will draw conclusions and choose the model of behavior that will be correct for them.

Parables about work for schoolchildren

You need to educate and teach children unobtrusively, without placing a certain emphasis on the bad and the good. Analyzing what he heard from an adult, the student must independently draw conclusions and name the positive aspects of the heroes that he will follow in his life.

Petya and the bird

One day the grandmother decided to take a walk with her grandson Petya through the spring forest. The walk was supposed to be pleasant; everyone wanted to get the most out of the spring nature. When going to the forest, my grandmother took with her a small basket of water and food.

When we left the house, grandma offered to carry this basket to Petya. Soon this burden became unbearable for him, he kept putting it on and off. Ultimately, the grandmother took the basket and carried it herself.

Arriving in the forest, grandmother and Petya lay down in a clearing and began to prepare sandwiches. The birds sang songs, the sun shone and warmed with its rays. On one of the trees Petya noticed a bird building a nest. Watching her, he saw that this bird constantly flies and carries 1 hair for its nest.

He watched for a long time as the bird flew back and forth, and finally asked his grandmother: “Does such a small bird really make thousands of flights for the sake of its cozy nest?” To which she replied: “She does, because she is hardworking.”

After eating and resting, Petya got up and took the basket to bring it himself to his house.

Vine and owner

Parables about labor were compiled for children at different periods of social development. The stories of the Renaissance period were interesting and original. One of these was written by Leonardo da Vinci.

In the spring, the peasant carefully and reverently looked after his grapes; he constantly hilled them, tied them up, put up strong supports, allowing them to grow freely.

Seeing such generous care and love, the vine reciprocated with a wonderful harvest of grape clusters. They were juicy, flavorful, big and delicious.

Having collected the entire harvest, the peasant decided that he needed not only bunches, but also brushwood for kindling. He dug up all the supports, cut the grapes to the very base, hoping that in the spring he would once again shower him with love.

But in the spring the miracle did not happen. The unkempt, pruned grapes froze, and the peasant was left without a harvest.

Two wolves

A parable about work for children of primary school age should be based on stories about animals and fairy-tale characters. An excellent option would be the following parable.

In every person the two are combined: evil, hard work and laziness. Every day these wolves fight among themselves, allowing a person to work or rest, help or harm.

But which wolf ultimately wins?

Only the wolf that every person feeds and cherishes always wins.

Crow and hare

A hare runs through the forest and sees a crow sitting on a tree. Coming closer, he asks:

Is it possible to sit all day and do nothing?

To which the crow replied that it was possible.

The hare sat down next to him and sat and looked - the wolf was running. He saw a hare, came up and ate it without any problems. The crow looked at it from the branch and said:

Anyone can sit and do nothing, but no one knows when and who will eat him!

Parables about labor are a great option for raising your child. They need to be told in an unobtrusive form at home, taught and focused on mistakes. It is precisely this perception by the child of educational moments that will allow him to independently draw his own conclusions and choose a model of further behavior for himself. With the help of a parable about work, you can not only teach a child to work and be responsible for his actions, but also give him the rules of good manners, the ability to speak and act only with the help of words.

Parable- a short, instructive story in which there is always a moral. It is impossible to imagine the educational process in educational institutions without the parable of labor. With the help of a short instructive story, you can make a child want to work, be responsible, efficient and honest. For many famous teachers, parables about work and hard work have become the main tool in educating the younger generation. For example, V. Sukhomlinsky and Makarenko each time emphasized the need for instructive stories, from which children will draw conclusions and choose the model of behavior that will be correct for them.

You need to educate and teach children unobtrusively, without placing a certain emphasis on the bad and the good. Analyzing what he heard from an adult, the student must independently draw conclusions and name the positive aspects of the heroes that he will follow in his life.

Fable - a poetic or prosaic literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end or at the beginning of the fable there is a short moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality. The characters are usually animals, plants, things. The fable ridicules the vices of people.

Fairy tale- one of the genres of folklore or literature. An epic, predominantly prose work of a magical, heroic or everyday nature. The tale is characterized by the absence of claims to the historicity of the narrative and the undisguised fictionality of the plot.

Parables, fables and fairy tales about labor are an excellent option for raising your child. They need to be told in an unobtrusive form at home, taught and focused on mistakes. It is precisely this perception by the child of educational moments that will allow him to independently draw his own conclusions and choose a model of further behavior for himself. With the help of a parable about work, you can not only teach a child to work and be responsible for his actions, but also give him the rules of good manners, the ability to speak and act only with the help of words.

Basnya “Who is more important?”

Sometimes it's hard to prove:

What work is most important?

And to understand this idea,

I’ll tell you a fable soon.

Once a summer, sunny day

The forest inhabitants gathered.

Seated sedately on the meadow,

They repeated painted speeches.

I appreciate the medical profession, -

said the sly Fox,

He puts you on your feet by treating

And he doesn’t skimp on kindness.

Yes, the doctor takes care of your health

And, of course, it saves our lives, -

Here the Wolf entered into a conversation, -

But the teacher teaches.

After all, without science we cannot

Become famous doctors.

Therefore we must admit

What a glorious world for teachers!!!

I agree, knowledge is needed -

The Bunny said very modestly, -

But still we must admit

We have important laws in life.

The lawyer is the most important one

He follows order in everything

Success awaits him in life,

And this all leads to prosperity.

Here is Hedgehog, listening to this argument,

I hastened to dispel all guesses.

He disturbed the conversation

And he began immediately in order:

I appreciate lawyers, doctors,

Thanks to the teachers for everything.

But what about the work of ordinary people?!

It is unfair to forget them.

Who feeds everyone day after day,

Who plows, sows, and harvests?

Who is so alien to the word laziness,

And who doesn’t know fatigue?

Yes, this is a cook and a painter,

Both a plasterer and a carpenter.

Nobody measured their work,

And it’s as if the employee is not valued.

Not true! This work is worth it!

And I will tell you, without lying,

In any century on earth

Labor is forever glorious!

The moral of this story is:

Appreciate the profession of workers,

Although this work does not seduce,

But he is more important than any others!!!

A fable about three girlfriends who dreamed of professions, including the profession of TEACHER.

Three girlfriends were sitting in a sandbox,

They all made Easter cakes and argued about

That they will soon become adults, that they will soon grow up -

They will leave kindergarten and go to college -

They will soon have to choose who they want to be,

They are told to think seriously about their profession.

“I want to become a model as soon as possible,” one says, “

I will please people, both my mother and my father.

“But I want to be a cook,” another one shouts to her. -

I’ll bake more sweets and invite guests...

And we will eat cakes and drink cola.

Oh, I wish I could grow up quickly and become a cook!

And the third, having rubbed her hands and shook off the sand,

She said: how can we make sure that everyone lives well?

So that there is peace on the planet, so that children smile more often,

Perhaps I want to become a teacher,

I will teach everyone and I will dream

That we will all live in peace and health,

And love our Motherland with all my heart.

Although the profession of a teacher is very modest,

But she teaches us to value peace and friendship.

Seeing that the man, working on the arches,
He sells them profitably
(And the arcs are bent with patience and not suddenly).
The bear decided to live by the same labors.
There was a crackling and knocking sound through the forest,
And you can hear mischief a mile away.
Hazel, birch and elm
My Mishka has killed countless numbers,
But the craft is not given.
So he goes to a man to ask for advice
And he says: “Neighbor, what is this reason?
I can break trees, after all.
But he didn’t bend a single one into an arc.
Tell me, what is the main skill here?” -
“That,” answered the neighbor, “is what you, godfather, don’t have at all:
In patience."

Moral of the fable "The Industrious Bear"

The secret of any mastery is patience, perseverance, long and diligent work.

Fable“Eagle and Bee” (I. Krylov)

Happy is he who works in the succession of the famous:
And that gives him strength,
That the whole world is witness to his exploits.
But how honored is he who, hidden in baseness,
For all the work, for all the lost peace
Not flattered by fame or honors
And animated by one thought:
That he works for the common good.
Seeing a bee fussing around a flower,
Eagle once said to her with contempt:
“How are you, poor thing, I feel sorry for you,
With all your work and skill!
There are thousands of you in the hive all summer making honeycombs:
But who will figure it out later?
And will your work be distinguished?
I really don’t understand the hunt:
Work for a century and what do you mean?
To die unknown along with everyone else!
What a difference between us!
When, expanding with rustling wings,
I'm running under the clouds
Then I spread fear everywhere.
Birds do not dare to rise from the ground,
Shepherds do not sleep when their flocks are fat;
Neither the fast deer dares in the fields,
When you see me, show yourself.”
The bee replies: “Praise and honor to you!
May Zeus extend his bounty upon you!
And I, having been born, do not labor for the common good,
I'm not looking for my work,
But I take comfort in the fact that, looking at our honeycombs,
That there is at least a drop of my honey in them.”

Fable “Funny surname” (S. Mikhalkov)

What names are there:
Pyaterkin, Dvoikin, Supov,
Slyuntyaev, Tryapkin-Darmoed,
Pupkov and Perepupov!

In the surnames of various persons,
Sometimes we know each other,
The names of fish and birds sound,
Animals and insects:
Lisichkin, Rakov, Indyukov,
Seledkin, Myshkin, Telkin,
Mokritsyn, Volkov, Motylkov,
Bobrov and Perepelkin!
But maybe a certain Komarov
Have the character of a lion,
And a certain Barsov or Lvov
Mosquito mind.
It happens that Korshunov is different
Sinichkina is afraid,
And Chistunov is reputed to be a pig,
And Prostachkov is a fox!
And Rakov, if he’s not a fool,
Ignorant and stupid
It doesn’t move back like a cancer,
And everything strives forward!
Plevkov changed his last name,
Called himself a pearl
But basically he was an ass

He remained a donkey!
A Griboyedov, Pirogov
Famous forever!
And the conclusion, therefore, is this:
It's not all about the name, but about the person!

Fable “The Elephant Painter” (S. Mikhalkov)

The elephant painter painted a landscape,
But before sending him to the opening day,
He invited his friends to look at the painting:
What if it suddenly failed?
Our artist is flattered by the attention of the guests!
What kind of criticism will he hear now?
Will the bestial judgment be cruel?
Overthrown? Or will they exalt?

The connoisseurs have arrived. The Elephant opened the picture.
Some stood further, some came closer.
“Well, well,” began the Crocodile,
The landscape is good! But I don’t see Neil...”
“It’s no big deal that Neil is gone!
Said Seal. - But where is the snow? Where is the ice?
“Excuse me! - Mole was surprised.
There is something more important than ice!
The artist forgot his vegetable garden.”
“Oink-oink,” grunted the Pig,
The picture was a success, friends!
But from the point of view of us pigs,
There must be acorns on it.”
The Elephant accepted all wishes.
He took up the paints again
And to all my friends to the best of my ability
I hit you with an elephant's brush,
Depicting snow and ice,
And the Nile, and the oak, and the vegetable garden,
And even honey!
(In case the Bear suddenly
Come see the picture...)
The Elephant's painting is ready,
The artist called his friends again.
The guests looked at the landscape
And they whispered: “Jumble!”

My friend! Don't be such an Elephant:
Follow the advice, but wisely!
You can't please all your friends
You'll only harm yourself.

Fable“Enviable tenacity” (S. Mikhalkov)

The housewife is in the closet, on the window,
I left the sour cream in the jug.
And it was necessary
She forgot to cover that jug!
Two small frogs at the same hour -
Dump into a jug without closing your eyes,
And well, wallow in sour cream!.. And it’s clear,
That they can’t get back out of the jug, -
In vain they hit the walls with their paws:
The more they hit, the more tired they get...
And now I’m alone, deciding that it doesn’t matter
You can’t get out on your own, you can’t wait for salvation,
Blowing bubbles, I went to the bottom...
But the second one was more persistent than his brother in everything -
Floundering in the darkness as hard as I could,
He churned butter out of sour cream overnight
And, pushing off, he jumped out towards dawn...

To everyone who really spends perseverance, labor and ardor,
I dedicate this fable as a joke!

Fable “The Fly and the Bee” (S. Mikhalkov)

Having flown from a garbage dump to a flower,
Lazy Fly met Bee -
With her proboscis she uses flower juice
I collected it in small pieces...

“Let's fly with me! - so, turning to the Bee,
Said the Fly, rolling her eyes. -
I'll treat you! There - in the house, on the table -
Such sweets were left after tea!

There is jam on the tablecloth, honey in the saucers.
And that’s it! Everything goes into your mouth for nothing!” -
"No! This is not for me!" - answered the Bee.
“Then go ahead and work!” - the lazy woman buzzed.

And she flew to the house where she had been more than once,
But there I suddenly got onto the sticky paper...

Isn't that right, daddy's daughters and sons,
Thoughtlessly spending carefree days,
Idleness is passed off as a kind of courage
And in your laziness, far from life,
They sit like flies on sticky paper!

Fable“When you’re lucky” (S. Mikhalkov)

Overtaking everyone on the road,
A passenger car was speeding.
And the one who was driving
For all the people walking
And on the wheels of those lagging behind,
He looked with disdain.
But trouble happened to him on the way:
The car suddenly stopped!
And the one who was driving
Now it’s about people walking
And even on oxen crawling
He looked with sad envy.
He's above the faulty motor
The hood was raised aimlessly -
Essentially and most importantly
He didn't understand anything...

One who lacks knowledge and skill
Strives to get ahead
Aren't you so full of conceit?
At that moment when he... gets lucky?!

Fable “The Tailor on His Laurels” (S. Mikhalkov)

Once upon a time there was a men's tailor - a good master,
“He ate the dog” as a tailor,
And this was evident from the fact that
That everyone who wanted to dress up
I dreamed of getting in line with him:
It was so difficult to achieve a master.
And in fact,
The tailor did not spoil the cloth in vain -
Excellent customer service
Whether it’s jackets or trousers, it’s all the same!
Season followed season, and so the years passed.
Our noble master lived and lived,
I kept sewing and sewing.
As rumors about him grew, his income grew...
But suddenly
Everyone around began to notice
That the tailor's grip has changed
And, regardless of the size of the deposit,
Tailored coat by a famous master
Not the same anymore!
The back is tight. The fold is not where it should be.
The lining wrinkles.
The sleeves are sewn wrong...
Another rumor spread throughout the city,
And there they all learned, not believing their ears:
Now they cut and sew in a tailor's shop
And the master, setting an important tone,
It only helps to choose a style.
He no longer cuts, he doesn’t sew, he doesn’t measure,
He only endorses finished products
And he even started drinking from idleness...
Having lost my experience over a number of years,
The tailor eventually faded away completely.
And the clients abandoned him...

Yes! It’s appropriate to say here: they harm others
Excessive applause!

Fable “White Gloves” (S. Mikhalkov)

Somewhere the young lazy Rook got hold of a pair of white gloves. Somehow I pulled them onto my paws and lifted my beak:

- That's what I am!..

In the morning the birds flew to work: collecting bugs, spiders and midges in the forests and fields. Rook stayed at home.

- Let's fly with us! - the birds shouted as they flew past.

- Fly, fly! - Rook answered them. -Can't you see that I'm wearing white gloves? I can't get them dirty!

The birds worked hard in the forests and fields, ate their fill, and flew home to feed the chicks.

- What about me? - shouted Rook. - Feed me! I am hungry! I haven't eaten anything all day!

- How will you eat with white gloves? You'll get them dirty!

- And you put it right in my mouth - I’ll chew it!

- Oh no! - answered the birds. - You haven’t been a chick for a long time! You're already wearing white gloves!

The birds scattered to their nests, sang songs before going to bed and went to bed. And the nightingale sang even at night - he worked so hard during the day.

Only Rook and old Owl were awake. The Eagle Owl was catching mice, and the Rook was tossing and turning in the nest. He tossed and turned, and then he took and ate one white glove. Hunger is not a big deal!

Petya and the bird

One day the grandmother decided to take a walk with her grandson Petya through the spring forest. The walk was supposed to be pleasant; everyone wanted to get the most out of the spring nature. When going to the forest, my grandmother took with her a small basket of water and food. When we left the house, grandma offered to carry this basket to Petya. Soon this burden became unbearable for him, he kept putting it on and off. Ultimately, the grandmother took the basket and carried it herself.

Arriving in the forest, grandmother and Petya lay down in a clearing and began to prepare sandwiches. The birds sang songs, the sun shone and warmed with its rays. On one of the trees Petya noticed a bird building a nest. Watching her, he saw that this bird constantly flies and carries 1 hair for its nest.

He watched for a long time as the bird flew back and forth, and finally asked his grandmother: “Does such a small bird really make thousands of flights for the sake of its cozy nest?” To which she replied: “She does, because she is hardworking.”

After eating and resting, Petya got up and took the basket to bring it himself to his house.

The vine and the owner (parable of Leonardo before Vinci)

In the spring, the peasant carefully and reverently looked after his grapes; he constantly hilled them, tied them up, put up strong supports, allowing them to grow freely. Seeing such generous care and love, the vine reciprocated with a wonderful harvest of grape clusters. They were juicy, flavorful, big and delicious.

Having collected the entire harvest, the peasant decided that he needed not only bunches, but also brushwood for kindling. He dug up all the supports, cut the grapes to the very base, hoping that in the spring he would once again shower him with love. But in the spring the miracle did not happen.

The unkempt, pruned grapes froze, and the peasant was left without a harvest.

Crow and hare

A hare runs through the forest and sees a crow sitting on a tree. Coming closer, he asks: “Is it possible to sit and do nothing all day?” To which the crow replied that it was possible. The hare sat down next to him and sat and looked - the wolf was running. He saw a hare, came up and ate it without any problems. The crow looked at it from the branch and said: “Everyone can sit and do nothing, but no one knows when and who will eat him!”

To whom does luck go? Caucasian parable)

After the Creator created the world, it came to Luck.

-Where are you going? - asks her.

“I’ll go, find the laziest one and stay with him,” she answered.

- How so? After all, there are so many worthy workers in the world, but are you lazy?

Luck said in response:

- The hardworking person will find me himself.

Sew your own boots! ( Parable about Nasreddin)

Once Nasreddin was walking through the bazaar. The shopkeeper, who sold all sorts of things, grabbed him by the sleeve of his robe and almost forcibly dragged him into his shop, praising the goods and admiring their cheapness.

- Buy something! I have to sell you something, passer-by! If you don’t buy anything, I’ll be left without boots in winter and die of illness!

Nasreddin looked at him carefully and became convinced that the merchant was being cunning.

- You don’t have boots, you say?

- The true truth, venerable one!

- Do you have any nails?

- Here they are, sir!

- Is there any leather?

- Yes, look, this is the best leather in the world!

- Do you have paint?

- Here it is - all the colors to choose from!

“Listen, why don’t you just make a pair of boots?”

Who doesn't work...( Bulgarian parable)

When the matchmakers arrived for the bride, her mother began to punish them:

- Take care of her. She is the only one I have, not accustomed to hard work. Don’t give her a broom, don’t force the yard to take revenge, otherwise the dust will dust her eyes. Don’t send for water, her shoulders are weak and she can’t handle full buckets. Place a down pillow under her head; she is used to sleeping on a soft one.

The old matchmakers looked at each other, but said nothing.

- Promise that you will never say a bad word to her. She was not used to hearing swear words.

“Be calm - it’s not customary to swear in our house,” answered the old matchmaker and got into the cart. His mother-in-law sat next to him, the bride and groom sat behind him, and they went to their village. This village was far away, so we had to travel all day. They arrived only in the evening, and before they even had time to enter the house, the mother-in-law rolled up her sleeves, kneaded the dough for the pie, killed a rooster, boiled it, went to the cellar and strained wine from a barrel. And the girl on the bench, with her arms crossed, thought: “Oh, what a efficient mother-in-law I have, just like my mother. We will live happily here."

They had dinner and went to bed. The night flew by. In the morning, the old father-in-law rose before dawn and woke everyone up.

- Get up! - he shouted. -Get ready for the field.

- What are we going to do there? — the girl rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned sweetly.

— Hill up the corn.

- A hoe? - asked the mother’s daughter.

“Of course, with a hoe,” answered the father-in-law.

- I won’t go. The hoe is heavy, and I can’t lift weights.

“Okay,” said the father. “Let her stay, clean the house and cook dinner.” And here we need a person.

Everyone went to the field, but the young woman stayed at home. She basked in bed until noon until she became hungry. My mother’s daughter got up and started looking into the pots, but she didn’t find anything.

“They didn’t leave me anything, they forgot about me,” she thought, stretched and went into the garden to admire the flowers.

Little bees quickly flew from flower to flower.

- Why are they in such a hurry! — the girl thought and leisurely went to the nearest cherry tree.

There she lay down under a tree, picked a few cherries to satisfy her hunger a little, and fell asleep. The whole day went by like this.

In the evening, three workers returned from the field tired and hungry. They looked around, but the house was not cleaned, the buckets were empty, the fireplace had gone out, and the chickens had sat down to roost hungry.

The mother-in-law put the hoe in place and first of all brought full buckets of water from the well. Then she lit the fire, put the potatoes in the cast iron, kneaded the bread and whipped up dinner. The girl looked at her, sitting on the bench and just dangling her legs.

When dinner was ready, the mother-in-law called everyone to the table.

The girl sat down first. The father-in-law took the bread and broke it into three parts. He gave one part to his wife, the other to his son, and kept the third for himself.

- And the daughter-in-law? - the mother-in-law marveled.

- She's not hungry. He who doesn't work doesn't want to eat.

The girl bit her lip, offended, got up from the table, went to her room and burst into tears. She couldn't sleep all night - she was so hungry.

The next day the same thing happened again. Three workers went to the garden, but the young woman again did not want to go with them.

“The sun is very hot,” she said, “my face will turn black.”

And again she was left at home. And this time, momma’s daughter didn’t touch anything. I found a stale hump under the bowl, left for the dog, ate it and again lay in the garden until evening. And the flowers withered because she was too lazy to go get water to water them.

Late in the evening, tired workers returned home. The mother-in-law frowned, but kneaded the bread, and when they sat down at the table, the father-in-law again divided the bread into three parts. The girl got nothing again.

- Why don’t you give your daughter-in-law bread? - asked the mother-in-law.

- Because he who doesn’t work doesn’t eat! - answered the father-in-law.

All night, hungry, I tossed and turned from side to side and kept thinking. She dozed off only at dawn. As soon as the third rooster crowed, she jumped up and looked for her mother-in-law and her husband, but there was no one there, because everyone had gone into the field while it was still dark. Then the girl rolled up her sleeves, ran in, fetched water from the well, lit a fire, cooked dinner, kneaded the dough in a kneading bowl, and baked bread. Having finished her homework, she took a spinning wheel and sat down to spin on the porch. In the evening, tired workers saw how hard their daughter-in-law worked for them. The girl set the table, served the old father-in-law bread and anxiously waited to see what he would do. And the father-in-law took the bread and broke it into four parts. He gave the largest piece to his daughter-in-law:

“Eat, child, you deserve this bread, because you worked hard today.”

Lazy Princess ( Serbian parable)

One king had a beautiful daughter, but she was lazy: she never did anything, and did not know how to do anything, she sat in front of the mirror all day and admired herself.

The time has come to marry her off. The king announced: whoever teaches his daughter to work at the age of three, he will marry her to him. Time passed, but no one wooed the princess. The king sent his entourage to look for a husband for his daughter. They went in different directions.

And then one day they met a guy plowing a field with eight oxen. They immediately ordered him to go to the king. The guy was scared, but there was nothing to do. He came to the king, and he told him everything in order. The guy agreed and promised to teach the girl to work at three years old. He brought the princess home.

The next day the guy took the plow, harnessed the oxen and went to the field, and told his mother not to force her daughter-in-law to work. In the evening I returned from work, the mother served dinner, and the son asked:

- Who worked today, mother?

“Me and you,” she answered.

- Well, whoever worked can eat.

The royal daughter did not like this, she got angry and went to bed hungry. And the next day everything was the same.

On the third day the princess said to her mother-in-law:

“Mom, give me some work too, so I don’t have to sit idle.”

She told her to chop some wood.

In the evening, when we sat down to dinner, the guy asked again:

- Who worked today, mother?

- We are three: me, you and the princess.

- Well, whoever worked can eat. And all three had dinner. So, little by little, the princess learned to work.

Three years later, the king came to visit his daughter and saw that she was working together with her mother-in-law. He was delighted and said:

- How, did you learn to work?

“But of course,” answered the princess, “it’s how it’s supposed to be with us: whoever worked can eat.” And you know, father, if you want to have dinner, go chop some wood.

Wet Towels (Parable of Unknown Origin)

A few days after the wedding, the daughter-in-law visited her parents' house. Her mother asked her:

- How do you live in your mother-in-law’s house, are you used to it, do you like living there?

“Everything is fine, there’s only one thing I don’t like and don’t like: their towels are always wet.”

“That’s because, daughter, you always get up later than everyone else in the house.” To dry yourself with a dry towel, you have to get out of bed early in the morning, before everyone else,” the mother answered.

The fruits of your labor

One man had three sons. And then one day he died, leaving each of them an inheritance. The eldest son got a big beautiful house, the middle one got a cow, and the youngest got an ax and mittens.

Each son went about his own business. The eldest started a family and lived with his wife and children in his house. The middle son decided to sell milk. And the eldest got the hardest work - working with an ax.

Several years have passed... It's time to reap the fruits of your labor. The eldest son lived, did not take care of the house, it was all askew and from large and beautiful it turned into wretched and homely. The middle son turned out to be lazy, and very soon his cow began to give less and less milk. And only the youngest son, with the help of his ax, was able not only to earn his own bread, but also to build a house and buy a cow.

His brothers envied him. And they decided that their brother had a magic axe, they should take it for themselves and live happily ever after. But it was not there. The ax was stolen, but nothing worked. “There aren’t enough mittens!” - they decided. And they appropriated them for themselves. Nothing again! And the younger brother did not grieve at this time. He bought himself a new axe, better than the previous one, and continued to work. Then the brothers realized that it was not all about the ax, but about hard work and skill. They took an example from their younger brother, learned to work and became good craftsmen.

The basic rule for achieving a goal

Three newcomers came to the Archery Master:

You are the most dexterous shooter in the whole world! “We want to become just as successful and continue your work,” they said.

I can teach you archery! - answered the Master. - Tell all the secrets and wisdom of this matter. But I will only take one as my student! And he can become the best shooter and a truly successful person.

In order to choose someone as his disciple, the Master suggested that all three of them pass a small test. He hung a target on a tree, and at a distance of several meters he let down the first newcomer.

What do you see in front of you? - asked the Master.

I see a tree with a target hanging on it.

What else? - asked the Master

Behind there is a green lawn with flowers growing on it.

“Okay,” said the Master and called the next candidate to become a student. - What do you see in front of you?

“I see a target, a tree, a clearing, flowers, the sky,” answered the second newcomer.

Fine! - the Master answered and asked the same question to the third newcomer. - What do you see?

I see a target in front of me! - he answered.

“Okay,” said the Master, “what else?”

Nothing else! The most important thing is the target, I only see it!

Well done! - said the Master. - You will achieve great success in life. I will take you as my student.

When there is a goal, nothing else matters.

The Parable of the Purposeful Frog

Several frogs got together and started talking.

What a pity that we live in such a small swamp. If only I could get to the neighboring swamp, it’s much better there! - one frog croaked.

And I heard that there is a great place in the mountains! There’s a clean, big pond, fresh air, and no hooligan boys,” the second frog croaked dreamily.

What does this matter to you? - the big toad snapped. - You'll never get there anyway!

Why not get there? We frogs can do anything! Really, friends? - said the frog-dreamer and added, - let's prove to this harmful toad that we can move to the mountains!

Let's! Let's! Let's move to a big clean pond! - all the frogs croaked in different voices.

So they all began to get ready to move. And the old toad told all the inhabitants of the swamp about the “stupid idea of ​​the frogs.”

And when the frogs set off, everyone who remained in the swamp shouted in one voice:

Where are you going, frogs, this is IMPOSSIBLE! You won't reach the pond. It's better to sit in your swamp!

But the frogs did not listen, and moved on. They walked for several days, many exhausted their last strength and abandoned their goal. They turned back to their native swamp.

Everyone the frogs met on their difficult path dissuaded them from this crazy idea. And so their company became smaller and smaller. And only one frog did not turn away from the path. She did not return back to the swamp, but reached a clean, beautiful pond and settled in it.

Why was she able to achieve her goal? Maybe she was stronger than others?

It turned out that this frog was simply DEAF!

She didn't hear that it was IMPOSSIBLE! I didn’t hear anyone dissuade her, which is why she easily reached her goal!

Butterfly lesson

One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a person passing by stood for long hours and watched a butterfly try to exit through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to give up its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately came out. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly’s wings were about to straighten and get stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened!

For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak body and its unstretched wings along the ground. She was never able to fly.

And all because the person, wanting to help her, did not understand that the butterfly needs effort to exit through the narrow gap of the cocoon so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life made it difficult for the butterfly to leave this shell so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without encountering difficulties, we would be deprived. We couldn't be as strong as we are now. We would never be able to fly.

You can't sell an elephant like that

Two friends met. One tells the other:

— We recently bought an elephant. Now life is just a miracle: he is so cute, he rides the children on his back, waters the flower beds with his trunk, helps with the housework, his wife likes it, the children are delighted...

“Sell,” the second one lit up.

- No I can not. He is already like a member of the family.

“Well, please,” the second one persuaded.

- Well, take it!

A week later we met again:

“Well,” asked the first one.

- Everything is bad: he eats a lot, shits even more, he trampled all the flower beds, the children are scared, the wife is crying...

“Yes,” concluded the first, “with such a mood you won’t sell the elephant.”

Parable about the artists

One day, while wandering around the country, Hing Shi came to a city where the best masters of painting gathered that day and arranged a competition among themselves for the title of the best artist in China.

Many skilled craftsmen took part in this competition, and they presented many beautiful paintings to the eyes of strict judges. The competition was already drawing to a close when the judges suddenly found themselves confused. They had to choose the best of the two remaining paintings.

In embarrassment, they looked at the beautiful canvases, whispered among themselves and looked for possible errors in the works. But, no matter how hard the judges tried, they did not find a single flaw, not a single clue that would decide the outcome of the competition.

Hing Shi, observing what was happening, understood their difficulties and came out from the crowd, offering his help.

Recognizing the famous sage in the wanderer, the judges happily agreed. Then Hing Shi approached the artists and said:

- Masters, your paintings are beautiful, but I must admit, I myself do not see any flaws in them, just like the judges, so I will ask you to honestly and fairly evaluate your works, and then tell me their shortcomings.

After a long examination of his painting, the first artist frankly admitted:

- Teacher, no matter how I look at my painting, I cannot find any flaws in it. The second artist stood silently.

“You don’t see the flaws either,” asked Hing Shi.

“No, I’m just not sure which one to start with,” the embarrassed artist answered honestly.

“You won the competition,” Hing Shi said, smiling.

“But why,” exclaimed the first artist, “even I didn’t find a single mistake in my work!” How could someone who found a lot of them win from me?

— A master who finds no flaw in his work has reached the limit of his talent. A master who notices flaws where others have not found them can still improve. How could I award victory to someone who, having completed his journey, has achieved the same thing as someone who continues his journey? - Hing Shi replied.

The Parable of Foolish Work

A hunter was walking through the forest and met a woodcutter. Bent over, he sawed the fallen tree for a long time and persistently. Sweat poured from his face in a stream, and his whole body was very tense. The hunter came closer to see why the work was moving so slowly and with such enormous difficulty.

Your saw is completely dull! - the hunter turned to the woodcutter. - Why don't you sharpen it?

What do you! - exclaimed the woodcutter, looking in surprise at the passerby. - I have absolutely no time for this, I need to cut down 20 more trees!

And the woodcutter went back to work.

Morality: hard work is, of course, good, but do not forget from time to time to question the effectiveness of the efforts expended - perhaps a small investment of time or money will allow you to do the work much faster and with better quality.

Parable of two wolves

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked: “Which wolf wins in the end?”

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:
- The wolf you feed always wins.

Parable about the janitor

A man comes to work as a janitor at Microsoft. In the HR department they ask him questions, conduct tests and finally tell him:

- Congratulations, you have been accepted. Leave your e-mail - we will notify you about the work schedule.

“Actually, I don’t even have a computer,” the man admits, “and even less so an e-mail.”

- Unfortunately, then we cannot employ you. You are virtually absent, but prompt communication with all Microsoft employees via e-mail and coordination of effective teamwork is a key issue in our company.

There is nothing to do, the person leaves and begins to think about how he can earn money for a computer. In your pocket - $30. He buys 10 kg of apples from a farmer, goes out onto a busy street and sells “tasty and healthy eco-products.” In a few hours, his starting capital doubles, and after 6 hours - 10 times. Then he realizes that at this rate he can live without an employer.

Time passes, a person buys a car, first opens a small stall, then a store, and after 5 years he is the owner of a supermarket chain. And so he comes to insure his business, and the insurance agent asks him to leave his e-mail for lucrative offers. Our businessman, like many years ago, answers that he has neither e-mail nor a computer.

Simply amazing! - the insurer is surprised, - such a huge business - and there is not even a personal computer! What would you achieve if you had it?!

To which the businessman replies:

Then I would become a janitor for Microsoft.

Morality: if you don’t have something, maybe you don’t need it?

A parable about how you need to earn a good salary

The master had two workers. And he paid one 5 rubles, and the second 5 kopecks. The second worker was very jealous of the first. And one day he asked the master why he paid him less than the other.

“Look, they seem to be transporting hay past the house,” said the master. - Find out what’s there and how.

The worker returned.

- Yes, master, they are bringing hay.

- And how much?

- Don't know.

- So go find out.

The worker came again.

- 5 rubles each.

- What about the hay, isn’t it from the Ivanovo meadows?

- Don't know.

- So go find out.

The worker returned again.

- Yes, master, from Ivanovsky.

— And the first cut or the second?

- Don't know.

- Well, find out.

The worker came again.

- First cutting.

- Why don’t they give it away for less than 5 rubles?

- Don't know.

- Well, find out.

The worker returns, and then another worker enters the house.

- Master, they are transporting hay there. The first cutting, from Ivanovo meadows. They sell for 5 rubles, but I bargained for four. Ready to unload.

- Well, now do you understand why I pay another employee more than you? - asked the master.

A parable about the ability to concentrate efforts

Three fairies were invited to the prince's baptism. The first gave the baby a gift - to meet the only love with whom he will be happy. The second fairy gave him a lot of money so that he would be free and could do whatever he wanted. The third fairy gave the child unearthly beauty. And then the witch appeared. She was very angry that she was not invited to the christening. And she also gave a “gift”. “I’ll give you this,” said the witch. You will be talented in any activity, whatever you decide to do.”

Only after a while, when the baby grew up, everyone realized that it was not a gift, but a curse. The prince was interested in something new every day: he sang, he drew, he danced, he played musical instruments, he practiced martial arts... And he did EVERYTHING brilliantly. And he was never able to learn something really well and become a master in this matter. Because every day a new hobby appeared in his life.

A parable about the need to improve

Once there was a forest cutting championship. The Canadian and Norwegian reached the final. They had several hours to determine the strongest. According to the principle: whoever chops the most wood is the winner.

It's time to start. The lumberjacks began to work. As the first hour came to an end, the Canadian was surprised to realize that the Norwegian had stopped. The Norwegian did not cut down trees for 10 minutes, but the Canadian worked non-stop.

And this happened every hour. The Norwegian stopped for 10 minutes all the time.

When the competition time expired, the Canadian was completely confident of his victory. After all, he worked without breaks, and his opponent wasted so much time in vain!

How surprised he was when it turned out that the Norwegian had done more.

“Wait, how can this be…” said the Canadian. - I worked without stopping. How did this happen?

“At the end of every hour, while you continued to chop down trees, I sharpened my ax.”

Modern parable

A philosophy professor, standing in front of his audience, took a five-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least three centimeters in diameter.

At the end he asked the students if the jar was full?

They answered: yes, it’s full.

Then he opened a can of peas and poured its contents into a large jar, shaking it a little. The peas took up the free space between the stones. Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full?

They answered: yes, it’s full.

Then he took a box filled with sand and poured it into a jar. Naturally, the sand completely occupied the existing free space and covered everything.

Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full? They answered: yes, and this time definitely, it is full.

Then from under the table he took out a mug of water and poured it into the jar to the last drop, soaking the sand.

The students laughed.

“And now I want you to understand that the jar is your life.” Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, your children - everything that is necessary for your life to still remain complete even if everything else is lost. Polka dots represent things that have become important to you personally: work, home, car. Sand is everything else, little things.

If you fill the jar with sand first, there will be no room left for the peas and rocks to fit. And also in your life, if you spend all your time and energy on small things, there is no room left for the most important things. Do what makes you happy: play with your children, spend time with your spouse, meet with friends. There will always be more time to work, clean the house, fix and wash the car. Deal first of all with stones, that is, the most important things in life; define your priorities: the rest is just sand.

Then the student raised her hand and asked the professor, what is the significance of water?

The professor smiled.

- I'm glad you asked me about this. I did this simply to prove to you that no matter how busy your life is, there is always a little room for idleness.

Testament (Russian folk tale)

Once upon a time there was a man. His father dies and says:

“You, my son, live like this: so that you don’t bow to anyone, but everyone bows to you, and eats kalachi with honey!”

Father died. And this guy lives for a year - he lived for a hundred rubles: he didn’t bow to anyone and ate all the rolls with honey. Another one lives - he lived another hundred. In the third year he lived into his third hundred. And he thinks: “What is this? My hundreds don’t increase, but all decrease!” He comes and tells his uncle. His uncle said to him:

- Oh you! If you go to the arable land before everyone else, you won’t bow to anyone, but everyone will bow to you. And if you come home late, you will think the roll is filled with honey.

The Cat and the Guard Dog (Afghan Folk Tale)

Whether it happened or not, one day a cat and a guard dog met.

The dog ran around the meadows all day, helping the shepherd guard the flock, and in the evening, with great appetite, he ate everything that his owner left for him, and then fell asleep soundly.

The cat asked the dog:

Explain, my friend, how is it so: your life is full of worries and worries, but you eat with taste and sleep with pleasure? And I live in warmth and affection, without worries, but I have neither a restful sleep nor a taste for food.

The dog answered the cat:

Work hard, run, and then have lunch. Work well and you'll sleep happily.

Two plows (K.D. Ushinsky)

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron and in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work, while the other spent a long time and completely uselessly in the merchant’s shop.

It happened some time later that both fellow countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which lay idle in the shop, darkened and became covered with rust.

- Tell me, please, why do you shine so much? - the rusty plow asked his old acquaintance.

“From work, my dear,” he answered, “and if you got rusty and became worse than you were, it’s because all this time you lay on your side, doing nothing.”

He who works eats (Albanian folk tale)

In one house, the owner used to ask his wife every evening what each member of the household had done that day. After that, he divided the dinner and the bread baked for the evening fairly - as much as you worked, you got as much food.

The time had come for the owner to marry his son, and he wanted to marry a good and kind girl, but a terrible lazy woman. The owner of the house was warned not to let his idle daughter-in-law enter the door, but the old man said:

It’s okay, I’ll make sure that she herself and of her own free will will work no worse than us.

They had a wedding, and the newlyweds lived with the groom's parents. Every evening the owner of the house listened to his wife’s story about who had done what that day, and divided the bread and dinner fairly. Day after day, the daughter-in-law went to bed hungry. And then she came to her senses and began to work no worse than the rest.

She once went into the forest for brushwood and, returning back with an armful behind her, met her brothers on the road, who were going to visit her. She was delighted to see them, greeted them, but immediately warned with concern:

If you are going to my house, then take a few logs or an armful of brushwood in your hands, because your father-in-law will not give you a piece of bread for dinner if you did not work today.

“Don’t worry, dear sister,” the brothers answered her, laughing. - Your father-in-law will not leave us without dinner, because we are guests, but what made you such a hard worker, I would like to know? Apparently, a piece of bread taught even a lazy person like you to work.

Wonderful day

Once upon a time there lived two brothers. Each of them had many children. The brothers were pious and hardworking. They taught their children to work hard, and the whole family was happy and rich. One day one of the brothers called his nephews to him and said to them:

“My brother, and your father, knows a day on which you can become rich forever if you work hard, and then live without labor.” I myself experienced this myself, but now I have forgotten what day it is, so go to your father, he will tell you more precisely about this.

This was said because the children, hoping for their father’s wealth, began to show some carelessness in their lives. They joyfully went to their father and said:

- Father, show us the day on which we could, having worked, then live happily without labor.

The father, realizing what was going on, answered:

“I myself, children, forgot this day; but go and work for a year. At this time, perhaps you yourself will learn about a wonderful day that gives you a carefree life.

The children worked all year, but did not notice the miraculous day. The father paid tribute to them for their efforts and said:

- Here's what you do: now divide the year into four seasons: spring, autumn, winter and summer. Work hard and you will find that day.

The children acted according to their father’s instructions, but again they did not find the desired day. At the end of the year, my father gave the following advice:

“Divide the year into twelve months and work again, and you will find this day.”

They continued to work conscientiously, but this time they did not find a happy day. Finally they told their father:

- And again we did not find the day you indicated. But by working, we have acquired the means to live and we will no longer work, searching in vain for the mysterious day. The father answered:

- Yes, dear children, with diligent and tireless work you have really acquired a lot for yourself, so now you can live in peace. But if you began to work in the same way for a few more years, then your wealth would be enough for you, your children, and those who, through no fault of their own, perhaps, fell into great need. So, you have found the day you wanted.

The children understood their father and said:

“Yes, we understood everything and thank you for your wise fatherly instruction.”

Parables are like a mirror: they help us see our true selves. True, you need to be sincere to look at yourself from the outside and admit your weaknesses. But on the horizon is an endless path to perfection. By the way, there is also a parable about perfection. Let's start with it.

About perfectionism

One day the potter divided the students into two groups and gave them the following tasks. Students from the first group had to make one pot, but close to perfection, of very high quality.

Pupils of the second group had to fashion 50 pots, and the quality was not important - the main thing was quantity.

When the experiment was completed, an interesting pattern emerged: the pots of the students who “scraped” turned out to be of higher quality.

Because they gained experience with each new pot, learned from mistakes and improved.

About a systematic approach to solving the problem

One king decided to see what kind of nature his subjects were. He took and placed a huge stone at the road junction.

The subjects pass the junction with carts and carts and curse. They grumble and scold the king: why doesn’t he remove the stone from the road?

And the king hid in the bushes behind the road and watched.

A man with a cart drawn by mules approached the intersection. He looked at the stone and sighed. Unharness the mules.

He collected branches, placed them under a stone, threw straps over the stone and, with the help of mules, pulled the obstacle off the road. He looks, and under the stone lies a wallet with gold. And in the wallet there is a note: “A reward for those who know how to overcome obstacles.” And we have already added about a systematic approach to solving problems - we think this is also important.

About the need to clearly set tasks

A woman's vessel in which she cooked food in the oven became leaky. The vessel was made of metal, and the woman brought it to the blacksmith. “Fix the vessel, there is a hole in it,” the woman said.

The blacksmith turned the vessel over in his hands, covered the hole with clay, painted over the top and returned it to the woman.

She began to cook soup in a vessel. The paint peeled off, the clay flew off, and the soup spilled out of the vessel.

A woman came to the blacksmith with complaints.

“Woman, I thought you would store cereals or peas in a vessel, so I repaired it with clay.” If you had immediately said that you would use it for water, I would have acted differently.

About the fact that you shouldn’t be happy when colleagues are overloaded with work, because the problems are common

A man was walking from the market, and there was a horse and a donkey with him.

The man put all the load on the donkey. The donkey walks, grunts, sweats, asks the horse to help him, to take part of the load. The horse laughs: “What else?”

After half an hour, the donkey completely begged: “Horse, help me, I’ll soon completely fall.” And the horse is having fun: “Come on, come on, donkey! Get it!”

The donkey walked another hundred steps and fell, exhausted. The man shook his head and transferred the luggage to the horse. And the donkey got up and walked on lightly.

The importance of being informed when setting goals

One cold spring day a snail was crawling onto a cherry tree.

It crawls and crawls, despite the cold and wind, and does not stop.

The birds laugh at her: where she crawls, the tree is empty!

One sparrow flew closer to the snail and asked:

- Listen, where are you crawling?

- I'm crawling for cherries.

- Stupid snail. What cherries? Look at the tree - there are no cherries on it!

“When I crawl, they will,” muttered the snail and continued on its way.

About the creative approach

One evening the engineer at home was making a complex drawing. And his little son was playing nearby. He played and got in the way: sometimes he would ask a question, sometimes he would laugh loudly, sometimes he would spin around underfoot.

The engineer decided to keep the child busy. He took an old magazine, tore out a page with a map of the world, tore it into pieces and gave it to his son.

- Here, put together a map from the scraps. If you do, I’ll buy you ice cream.

In truth, the engineer thought the task would distract his son for several hours. Therefore, he was very surprised when his son brought him a glued page half an hour later.

- How did you manage that?!

– On the back of the page there was a large picture of a person, which was easier to assemble than a map. I assembled a man, then turned the page and it turned out to be a map.

The child ate the ice cream with pleasure.

The fact that problems need to be solved, and not lamented about their existence

One professor taught his students this way.

He picked up a glass filled with water and began to hold it at arm's length.

– What do you think will happen if I just stand like this for a minute?

- It will be unpleasant for you.

- What if I stand like this for an hour?

– Your hand will become numb and it will be difficult to hold the glass.

- What if I stay like this for a day?

“The hand will probably become so numb that paralysis may begin.”

– Does the weight of the glass change depending on the time, how long I hold it?

- No, it doesn’t change.

– And what do I need to do to prevent paralysis?

– Put the glass on the table!

The professor put the glass on the table with relief and said:

– That’s how it is with solving problems. The longer you think about the problem, the harder it becomes for you. The only thing that can relieve you of stress is action.

About the fact that everyone has their own ways of cheating, and don’t think that your methods are the best :)

The peasant and the grocer developed a partnership. The peasant made butter for the grocer, and in return received other products to feed his family. He gave the butter to the grocer in the form of large circles weighing exactly 1 kilogram.

The grocer took and took butter, and then suddenly decided to check whether each circle really weighed a kilo. I weighed it and found that the circle weighed 900 grams.

Enraged, he rushed to the peasant's hut and began shouting at him.

-You've been deceiving me all this time! Your oil weighs less than normal! You are a fraud!

To which the peasant replied:

– I am a poor man, I don’t have scales. I used the kilogram of sugar you gave me once as a reference.

About healthy competition

A farmer was once asked how he manages to grow corn of such high quality that it always wins competitions for the best product.

“I take the best cobs from last year’s harvest and distribute them to my neighbors for sowing.”

- For what?! They also participate in the competition!

– If my neighbors have bad corn, pollen from their fields will fall on my crops, and their quality will become worse. If I want to have a good harvest, I must take care of my neighbors too. How each of us will care for the harvest is another question.

About the secret of success

One millionaire was asked how he managed to achieve success.

“I was just very patient.”

– But I can name a lot of areas in which this principle does not work! – exclaimed one journalist.

- For example?

– For example, you can carry water in a sieve as much as you like, but there will be no result.

“You are wrong, young man,” answered the millionaire. – Just wait until winter.

That the value of skills is determined by the situation

One philosopher was sailing on a ship. One day he had a chance to talk with a sailor.

– What do you know about philosophy? - asked the philosopher of the sailor?

- Nothing.

“Then you’ve lived half your life in vain,” said the philosopher with a condescending smile.

One day a storm began. The philosopher sat in the cabin, cowering with fear. When a sailor, cheerful and calm, looked in to see the philosopher, he saw that not a trace of the philosopher’s confidence remained.

“Don’t be afraid,” said the sailor, “the storm is not so terrible, and the shore is already on the horizon.”

“You told me that I lost half my life without knowing anything about philosophy.” If you don't know how to swim, you risk losing your own life.

And very briefly.

To one student who actively criticized everyone around him, the mentor said:

– If you strive for perfection, start with yourself. It’s easier to put on your own sandals than to carpet the whole world.

When God molded a man from clay, he was left with one lump of excess material. God asked the man: “What should you make from the remaining clay?” “Happiness,” the man answered. Then God took the lump and placed it in the man’s hands.

A bird sitting on a branch is not afraid that the branch will break - because it knows that it has wings.

One day a man came to the Teacher and asked to teach him how to achieve success in life. The sage forced him to climb into a barrel of water and plunge headlong. Then he held his head down with all his might so that he could not get up. Finally, with great effort, he stood up, overcoming resistance, and sighed. ‘What did you want when you overcame my resistance?’ asked the sage. “Breathe,” answered the student. - And what else? - Nothing else. - This is what it is...

Continue reading the parable →

Parable: The Farmer and the Well

31.03.2019 . Proverbs

A clever Sufi parable about work: One day Jalaluddin Rumi - the great Sufi mystic - led his disciples to a field where for many months a farmer had been trying to dig a well. The disciples didn’t really want to go there: what was the point? Whatever the master wanted to say, he could say here. However, Jalaliddin insisted: “Come with me.” Without this you will not be able to understand what I am talking about. It turned out that the farmer did the following: starting...

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Parable about work: an apple falling into your hands

A parable about work and the attitude towards money: One merchant gave his son one Abbasi (Persian silver coin) every day and said: - Take it, son, take care and try to save money. The son threw this money into the water. The father found out about this, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, ate and drank at his father’s house. One day a merchant said to his relatives: “If my son comes to you and asks for money, don’t give it.” Then he called his son...

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Parable about the artists

16.03.2019 . Proverbs

One day, while wandering around the country, Hing Shi came to a city where the best masters of painting gathered that day and arranged a competition among themselves for the title of the best artist in China. Many skilled craftsmen took part in this competition, and they presented many beautiful paintings to the eyes of strict judges. The competition was already drawing to a close when the judges suddenly found themselves confused. They had to choose the best of the two remaining paintings. In confusion they looked at the beautiful paintings, whispered among themselves and looked for...

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Parable: Money or hostility?

Taoist parable: Lieh Tzu learned to shoot. Having hit the target, he asked for instructions from the Border Guard. The Guardian of the Borders asked a question: “Do you know why you hit the target?” - Don't know. - So, I haven’t mastered the skill yet. Lieh Tzu left, practiced for three years, and came back to report. The Guardian of the Borders asked: “Do you know why you hit the target?” “I know,” answered Le Tzu. “Now you have mastered the skill!” Keep and don't forget! Do this by learning more than just shooting...

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