Technosphere safety issues, risk of accidents and catastrophes. Concepts of accident, catastrophe, biosphere, technosphere, danger, harmful traumatic factor

The purpose of industrial safety is to prevent accidents and incidents. The concept of “incident” means failure or damage to technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, deviation from the technological process mode, violation of safety requirements. The scope of industrial safety, regulated by Federal Law No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, is the safety of production facilities that can cause any harm or damage as a result of an accident during the production process, covering the processing, transportation and storage of raw materials , development of subsoil resources, creation of means of production and consumer goods, as well as in the sphere of services and life support for the population. At the same time, industrial safety of hazardous production facilities is understood mainly as the protection of individuals and society from the consequences of possible accidents at these facilities.

Sources of danger in the technosphere

In recent years, the number of accidents and other emergencies, as well as their impact on the environment and people, has increased significantly. The causes of these phenomena are man-made, natural and environmental in nature. The possibility of major man-made disasters in the industrial centers of Russia is now more real than ever. The increasing concentration of stocks of flammable, radioactive, toxic and explosive substances in the immediate vicinity of the residential areas of towns and cities, the increasing scale of social tension, the lack of sufficient forces and effective emergency response systems - all this poses the danger of disasters on a regional and transboundary scale.

Many machines and structures should be considered as sources of increased danger to people and the environment. This is an inevitable by-product of scientific and technological progress. There is a steady increase in transport speeds, an increase in energy production in industry, unique in size and power complexes are being created for the production of electrical energy, for the extraction and transportation of oil and gas. All this leads to the formulation of the problem of ensuring security.

Technogenic (or anthropogenic) hazard factors caused by human economic activities: excessive emissions and discharges of waste from economic activities into the environment under conditions of normal functioning and in emergency situations; unjustified alienation of territories for economic activities; excessive involvement of natural resources in economic circulation; other similar negative processes associated with economic activities (Fig. 6.1).

Rice. 6.1.

industrial facilities

In connection with the safety of humans and the environment, the problem of the safety of technosphere objects arises, the emergence of which is associated with the desire of people for greater protection from adverse environmental conditions and for better living conditions. But these objects also need to be protected from external negative influences. In addition, in the event of accidents at technosphere facilities, negative factors are also formed. This especially applies to the problem of protecting hazardous industrial facilities. In this case, the problem is considered in two directions (Fig. 6.2):

  • - protection of objects from external influences in order to prevent their accident;
  • - protection of people and the environment from negative factors in the event of an accident.

The main causes of major man-made accidents are:

  • - failures of technical systems due to manufacturing defects and violations of operating conditions;
  • - erroneous actions of technical system operators;
  • - concentration of various industries in industrial zones;
  • - high energy level of technical systems;
  • - external negative impacts on energy facilities, transport, etc.

Environment, society, technosphere

Rice. 6.2.

The main objects that account for the majority of emergency situations (ES) are radiation, chemical, fire and explosive objects. About 2,300 high-risk facilities are operated in Russia. Accidents and disasters occur on average once every 10... 15 years with damage of more than 2 million dollars, once every 8... 12 months with damage up to 1 million dollars. There are 11 nuclear power plants in operation in the country, at which There are 34 reactors in operation with a total capacity of 18,213 MW. Another 6 nuclear power plants are under construction. More than 1 million people live in the 30-kilometer zone around operating nuclear power plants alone. Due to radiation accidents that occurred in different years in Kyshtym at the NPO Mayak and in Chernobyl in Russia, to date, the total area of ​​radioactive contamination zones within the external boundaries of strict control zones reaches 32 thousand square meters. km.

Another source of danger is the chemical industry. In the Russian Federation there are more than 1,900 chemically hazardous facilities, located mainly in nine regions (Moscow, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Bashkir, Volga, North Caucasus, Ural, Kemerovo and Angarsk) with a population in the danger zones of about 39 million people. Every year, approximately 1,500 uncategorized accidents involving the release of explosive and hazardous products involving fires, explosions, and releases occur in the chemical industries.

Oil and gas fields, as well as pipelines, pose a great potential danger in the country. The total length of gas pipelines is more than 300 thousand km. Russian railways continue to be a source of danger, where about 1,000 accidents and incidents are recorded annually during the transportation of dangerous goods.

More than 30 thousand reservoirs and several hundred storage tanks for industrial wastewater and waste are currently in operation on the territory of the Russian Federation. There are about 60 large reservoirs with a capacity of 1 billion m3. The problem of ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures is acute. These structures on 200 reservoirs and 56 waste storage facilities have been in operation without repair for more than 50 years and are in disrepair.

In total, more than 1,300 emergencies occur annually on the territory of the Russian Federation due to man-made causes, in which about 1,500 people die and 25 thousand people are injured. Material damage from these emergencies amounts to more than $1 billion. These losses, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences, increase every year by an average of 10%.

About 80 million people, i.e., 55% of the country's population, live in areas of immediate threat to human life and health in the event of man-made emergencies. The urban population accounts for almost 75% of the country's total population, and only 15% of citizens live in areas where there are no hazardous objects. Every year, 800...1000 people die from emergencies in cities.

Material damage caused by emergencies in 1997...2000 amounted to about 20.5 billion rubles, including from man-made emergencies - 2.06 billion rubles. (10%), natural emergencies - 12.2 billion rubles. (59%), biological and social emergencies 6.24 billion rubles. (31%).

Average annual growth for 1997...2000 social and economic losses from natural and man-made emergencies amounted to: in terms of the number of deaths - 4.3%, victims - 8.6% and material damage - 10.4%. The total economic damage from emergencies per year reaches 6... 7% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).

Safety during normal operation plays a significant role in the safety issue. When a danger to human life and health and to the environment is caused by malfunctions of an object, i.e., its failure, special attention must be paid to ensuring failure-free operation. Failures leading to severe consequences are classified as “critical”. Accidents include all failures, the occurrence of which is associated with a threat to people and the environment, as well as serious economic and moral damage. Accidents can be associated both with exceptional impacts (impact loads, hurricanes, floods, fires) and with an unfavorable combination of ordinary impacts with a very low probability of occurrence. The initial cause of the accident can be major errors made in the design, calculation, manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance, as well as a combination of these errors with unfavorable external conditions that are not dependent on the technical personnel. Modern gas pipelines with a diameter G) up to 1500 mm, operate at excess gas pressure Ar up to 10 MPa and gas speed up to 20 m/s. If such a pipeline ruptures, a large amount of energy will be released, and the release of gas can cause explosions and fires. The power of such an explosion will be:

/ 5 = D/?n’(0.785-?> 2) = 10-10 6 -20-0.785(1.5) 2 = 3.510 x W (350000 kW).

In accordance with accepted ideas, an incident occurs when a complete set of conditions (factors) for its occurrence appears. In this case, each condition for the occurrence of an incident is considered as a prerequisite for the incident. The more prerequisites for an incident appear and the more significant they are, the higher the risk. A sign of danger is considered as a condition for the occurrence of a prerequisite for an incident. The potential danger of technosphere objects manifests itself in the event of their accidents. The initiating or initial events for accidents are emergency situations.

Emergency situation with the object is a combination of conditions and circumstances that create emergency impacts on objects. The causes of emergency situations can be both internal and external events in relation to potentially dangerous objects, that is, sources of danger can be internal and external. Internal sources of danger include low reliability of equipment and personnel (“human factor”). Internal events are failures of technical devices affecting safety, erroneous actions of personnel, fires, etc., and external events are dangerous natural, man-made (for example, transport accidents when transporting dangerous goods) and social (acts of technological terrorism) phenomena.

Everyday human activity is potentially dangerous, as it is associated with various processes associated with the use of chemical, electrical and other types of energy. The danger arises as a result of the uncontrolled release of energy accumulated in equipment and materials directly into humans and the environment. The occurrence of incidents is a consequence of the emergence and development of a causal chain of prerequisites leading to loss of control of the work process, unwanted release of used energy and its impact on people, equipment and the environment. The initiators and components of the causal chain of an incident are erroneous and unauthorized actions of people, malfunctions and failures of the equipment used, as well as unexpected (unexpected and exceeding permissible limits) external environmental factors.

The most typical causal chain of the incident turned out to be the following prerequisites: human error or failure of technological equipment or unacceptable external influence, accidental appearance of a hazardous factor in the production area; malfunction (or absence) of protective equipment provided for this case or inaccurate actions of people in these conditions; the impact of hazardous factors on unprotected elements of equipment, humans or their environment. The share of initial prerequisites caused by erroneous and unauthorized human actions is 50...80%, while technical prerequisites are 15...25%.

The object of research and improvement of technosphere safety is the “man-machine-environment” system, and the subject of safety study is the objective patterns of occurrence and anticipation of incidents during the operation of such systems.


4 Introduction

The risk of man-made disasters and accidents and the scale of their consequences directly depend on the intensification of production, the growth of the energy capacity of individual production facilities, the timeliness of updating technologies and equipment, and the growing contradictions between the pace of progress and the level of knowledge of specialists and service personnel. All these factors and trends, which objectively determine the state of safety of industrial production, should be considered as the most important prerequisites for the negative impact of the technosphere on the environment and people, and the impact is not natural (under normal operating conditions of production and facilities), but as a result of the occurrence of extreme situations - man-made disasters and accidents.

In economically developed countries, special attention is paid to the security of the industrial complex. This complex determines, on the one hand, the level of technical progress and industrial potential of the state, and on the other hand, it increases the risk of man-made threats associated with the creation and operation of potentially dangerous industrial facilities. According to the UN, the annual damage caused to the global economy by man-made disasters and accidents has tripled over the past 30 years and reached $200 billion.

In Russia, the problem of ensuring the safety of the industrial complex became especially acute towards the end of the 20th century as a result of the decentralization of state management of industry, the elimination of sectoral management structures in industry and the emergence of enterprises of various forms of ownership, as well as the need to maintain in working order a large number of worn-out equipment, the failure of which could lead to accidents and incidents.

An objective factor reflecting the state of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities is accident and injury rates. The Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia), being a federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety, carries out state supervision of hazardous production facilities in various sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation1. The annual reports of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to the Government of the Russian Federation “On the state of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, rational use and protection of subsoil in the Russian Federation” assess the state of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities.

Material damage from 213 accidents that occurred in 2003 amounted (excluding damage to the natural environment, costs of eliminating the consequences of accidents, and lost profits) to more than 900 million rubles. In 2003, the total number of deaths during production activities at hazardous production facilities was 379 people, 63 group accidents occurred, in which 203 people were injured and 77 people died. The dynamics of accidents and fatal injuries over the past 10 years are presented in Fig. 1.

1 By Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 000 and dated January 1, 2001 No. 000, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia was transformed into the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. In this work the old name is used.

I Fatally injured, people F Number of accidents

Rice. 1. Dynamics of accidents and fatal injuries

at enterprises supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor

Russia, over the years

The causes of accidents and injuries can be divided into two groups: technical and organizational. Technical reasons include the unsatisfactory technical condition of buildings and structures, malfunction of technical devices, as well as emergency protection and alarm means, insufficient knowledge of technological processes, inconsistency of design solutions with the conditions of work, design imperfections of technical devices, lack of emergency protection and alarm, including automation hazardous operations, mechanization of labor-intensive work. Organizational reasons include deviations from design (technological) documentation when carrying out work, violation of regulations for the maintenance of technical devices and repair work, ineffective organization and implementation of production control, improper organization of work, low level of knowledge of industrial safety requirements, violation of production discipline, careless (unauthorized ) actions of work performers, deliberate disabling of protective equipment and alarms. According to the State report on the state of industrial safety in 2003, in the structure of generalized causes

accidents and injuries at hazardous production facilities, technical causes account for 29% (accidents) and 23.5% (fatal injuries). Accordingly, the share of organizational causes of accidents and fatal injuries accounts for 71% and 76.5%.

Gas distribution and gas consumption systems, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities,” are classified as hazardous production facilities based on the use of flammable substances and equipment operating under pressure above 0.07 MPa and at water heating temperatures above 115 C. Development This study is devoted to recommendations for increasing the level of industrial safety in them by improving the quality of services in this area.

In the gas distribution and gas consumption system of the Russian Federation, the length of external gas pipelines is about 400 thousand km, including over 330 thousand km of underground gas pipelines. The number of organizations supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia is about 45 thousand, including 20 thousand industrial enterprises, about 400 thermal power plants, over 40 thousand gas heating and industrial boiler houses.

In total, there are about 600 thousand gasified production facilities. Most of them represent gas equipment of gas control points and installations, as well as heat-generating gas-using equipment.

In 2003, 33 accidents and 9 fatalities occurred during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems. Economic damage (in the form of direct losses) from accidents in 2003 amounted to more than 17 million rubles. According to the nature of the accidents that occurred, they were distributed according to the following factors: mechanical damage to external gas pipelines during excavation work in the area of ​​laying underground gas pipelines; damage to underground gas pipelines caused by loss of strength of welded joints; explosions when igniting boilers; corrosive

damage to gas pipelines; natural phenomena. The causes of fatal injuries during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems are: poisoning by products of incomplete combustion of gas, due to the absence or failure of carbon monoxide gas alarms, as well as non-compliance with safety measures when performing gas hazardous work.

An investigation into the causes of accidents and fatal injuries at hazardous production facilities of gas distribution and gas consumption, as well as at other hazardous production facilities, showed that the main reasons are organizational: unauthorized work in the security zone of external gas pipelines, poor development of work plans, low level of production and technological discipline, violation of production instructions due to staff ignorance of these documents, lack of practical skills, negligence. The dynamics of accidents and injuries at work with fatalities at gas distribution and gas consumption facilities are presented in Fig. 2.

« 250 __** ^^ 37 L 35 S

l | | 200 ^i ^zo 1

i 2.150-"?. 9.5 .9 o

g 100 (O cm yu cm > 15 "I

z X 1 g--" -1 k -j \^ y 9 i Yu V

i i Length of underground gas pipelines, thousand kg > Number of accidents

""¦^-Fatally injured, persons.

Fig.2. Dynamics of the length of underground gas pipelines, fatal injuries and accidents in the gas industry

Another determining factor influencing the level of accidents during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems is the fact that about 10.6 thousand km of gas pipelines have completed their standard service life of 40 years.

The root cause of the high industrial accident rate is the weakening of safety management. To overcome this, it is necessary to give safety management a preventative nature, a prophylactic focus, and consistently introduce safety management elements at all levels, from the state level to the level of a hazardous production facility.

Industrial safety management should be systemic in nature; people began to talk about this since the late 80s of the last century. The article schematically presents the structure of the industrial safety management system. It consists of the following components:







In any system, neglecting any of its elements makes it incomplete. If there is an element in the structure of the system that does not affect its behavior as a whole and does not realize any of the goals of its functioning, then this is a sure sign that the element is unnecessary.

The regulatory component of the system plays an extremely important role, since it determines the mechanisms for regulating all other components and establishes the methods of regulation in this area. Enough attention has been paid to the development of this component over the past 1.5 decades: a legal framework for industrial safety has been created,

The regulatory and technical framework for industrial safety was improved in 2003. Currently, research is being carried out on the formation of a technical regulation system in this area.

The implementation of established regulatory methods occurs at the expense of other components of the system. The role of each component of the system can be the subject of independent research.

The technical component includes:

Selection of process technology;


Hardware design;

Protection systems;

Industrial safety examination;


Object placement;



Wear and tear of equipment (monitoring, repair, residual life, etc.). The organizational component includes:

Permitting activities (licensing, permits for use);

Declaration of safety;

Supervision and control;

Education, training and certification of workers in industrial safety;

The accreditation procedure underlies the Industrial Safety Expertise System (ISES) and is aimed at improving expert activities in the field of industrial safety; assessing the completeness and quality of work performed by expert organizations; development of competition between them; assisting customers in the competent selection of expert organizations. It represents a set of interdependent functions of participants in the industrial safety review. Their activities are based on norms, rules, methods, conditions, criteria and procedures, in accordance with which the examination is carried out.

Within the framework of this system, control over the activities of expert organizations is carried out by the Supervisory and Advisory Boards, as well as the Coordinating Body, industry and other commissions of the SEPB.

Currently, the SEPB is being reformed in order to harmonize it with international accreditation systems. Expert organizations (EOs) undergo accreditation as one of the types of conformity assessment bodies (CABs). Other conformity assessment bodies include: independent organizations for the certification of experts (IEA), independent bodies for the certification of non-destructive testing personnel (NOAL), non-destructive testing laboratories (NDL) and independent training centers (ITC), which in turn are divided into training organizations (OP) and organizations involved in training workers in the main occupations of industrial production (OOP).

This paper presents the results of research conducted on the basis of the NPO "Tehkranenergo", which was accredited as an EO, NO A, LNK and NUC.

This chapter discusses the results of the activities of NPO "Tehkranenergo" as an EO. Based on the accumulated experience in conducting industrial safety reviews, recommendations have been developed to improve the efficiency and quality of the work of expert organizations.

With the participation of the author, work was carried out to examine the industrial safety of design documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities for gas distribution and gas consumption, technical devices used at these facilities, as well as buildings and structures:

External gas pipelines of cities, settlements (including inter-settlement ones);

Gas control points and installations;

Gas pipelines and gas equipment for industrial and agricultural production using natural and liquefied hydrocarbon gases as fuel;

Gas filling stations and points;

Automobile gas filling stations.

A large amount of experimental material has been accumulated based on the results of technical diagnostics (TD) of equipment and gas pipelines of gas control points (GRP) and gas control units (GRU). A total of 760 objects were examined.

1.2. Diagnostics of ways to extend the safe operation life of gas control points and gas control installations

The level of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities


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Abstract on the discipline

"Life Safety"

on the topic “Safety in the technosphere”


1. Main impacts in the “person - environment” system

2. Impact on a person of the flows of living space

3. Danger and its sources

4. Criteria for comfort and safety of the technosphere

5. Fundamentals of labor physiology and comfortable living conditions in the technosphere




Technosphere- this is a region of the biosphere that was transformed in the past by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best suit their material and living conditions.

The technosphere consists of territories occupied by cities and towns, industrial zones and enterprises. The development of the technosphere occurs due to the transformation of the natural environment. The technosphere is not a self-developing environment; it is man-made and after creation can only degrade. Currently, 75% of the Earth's population live in the technosphere or the zone of transition from the technosphere to the biosphere, where living conditions differ significantly from the biosphere, primarily due to the increased influence of negative technogenic factors on humans.

Life activity- This is everyday activity and recreation, a way of human existence.

Habitat- the environment surrounding a person, caused by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, informational and social) that can have a direct and indirect, immediate or remote impact on a person’s life, his health and offspring.

Man and the environment continuously interact with each other.

Biosphere- the natural area of ​​distribution of life on Earth, including the lower layer of the atmosphere, the upper layer of the lithosphere and the hydrosphere.

Technosphere- part of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people through the direct or indirect influence of technical means in order to best suit human socio-economic needs.

Our habitat is the technosphere, biosphere and social environment.

1. Main impacts in the “person - environment” system

Kuratovsky's conservation law: “Life can exist only in the process of movement of flows of matter, energy and information through a living body.” The technosphere is characterized by flows of all types of raw materials, energy, a variety of product flows and human resources, waste flows, etc. Natural flows: the flow of solar energy, which in turn creates flows of animal and plant mass of the biosphere, flows of abiotic substances (air and water ), energy flows of various types, including during natural phenomena.

The main natural flows include: electric and magnetic fields, cycles of substances in nature, atmospheric, hydrosphere, lithospheric phenomena, including the elements.

The main flows of the technosphere: industrial waste, household waste, information flows, light flows and artificial lighting, flows of raw materials and energy, flows during various man-made and other types of accidents.

The main flows in the social sphere: information flows (training, public administration, international cooperation), human flows (demographic explosions, urbanization), flows of drugs, alcohol, etc.

The main flows emitted/consumed by a person in the process of life: flows of oxygen, water, food and other substances (alcohol, tobacco, etc.), heat flows, flows of solar and mechanical energy, information flows, waste flows from the life process.

2. Impact on a person of the flows of living space

Flows of masses of energy and information, distributed in earthly space, form the habitat of living nature - humans, fauna and flora. The impact of the flow on an object at each point in space is determined by the intensity I and the exposure duration t: E (x, y, z)=f (I, t), where E is the impact factor at a point in space with coordinates (x, y, z). For a sound stream emanating from a point source, the intensity is determined by the formula:

I = P*Ф*k*(R2) W/sq. m,

where Ф is the factor of directional radiation of sound, P is the power of the sound source, R is the distance from the source to the object of influence, k is a coefficient that takes into account the decrease in sound intensity along the propagation path due to attenuation (k = 1 at R<50 м). Реальные интенсивности звука: 0 - 160 дБ. При интенсивности звука до 20-25 дБ человек чувствует себя нормально; до 50 дБ - реагирует негативно, но реакция организма отсутствует (для людей, связанных с тяжелым физическим трудом этот порог доходит до 80 дБ); свыше 85 дБ и до 140 дБ - при длительных экспозициях возможно травмирование человека из-за разрыва барабанных перепонок и контузии; при 160 дБ - может наступить смерть.

On the surface of the Earth, the atmospheric air temperature varies from -88 to +65? C, while a person has a constant temperature of 36? C. The highest temperature that a person can withstand (internal organs) is +43? C at t< 1 часа. При температуре более 30? С работоспособность человека резко падает. Комфортная температура для человека: летом 23-25? С, зимой 22-24? С.

Comfortable flows- these are optimal conditions for influencing a person for the manifestation of the highest human performance, guaranteeing the integrity of the living environment.

Valid Streams- have a negative impact on health, but do not lead to discomfort and a decrease in the efficiency of human activity and are not negative in disrupting the process of human life and his environment.

Dangerous flows- have a negative impact, cause diseases and lead to degradation of elements of the technosphere and the natural environment.

Extremely dangerous flows- flows of high levels and, most importantly, in a short period of time, which can cause injuries and death, cause changes in the technosphere and nature.

3. Danger and its sources

Danger- a negative property of living and inanimate matter, capable of causing damage to the matter itself (people, environment, material values). There are hazards: natural, technogenic, anthropogenic. Natural: weather, atmospheric, natural phenomena. Technogenic: created by elements of the technosphere - machines, structures, waste, side effects of production, electrical and magnetic radiation. The worst dangers are natural disasters. Over the years, people have improved technology to protect themselves from natural hazards, and as a result, man-made hazards have greatly increased. Anthropogenic: the result of the manufacture of technical systems and projects that were created without calculations and reduced the task to the infringement of human life. They are growing very quickly in the social sphere (HIV, alcohol).

Harmful factor- negative impact on a person, which leads to deterioration of health and illness.

Traumatic factor- negative impact on a person that leads to injury or death.

The potential danger is a threat of a general nature, not related to space and time. The real danger is associated with a specific threat of impact on humans; it is coordinated in space and time. life activity technosphere danger

Hazard classification:

1) by type of source:




2) by types of life flows in space:




3) by the magnitude of flows:


Maximum permissible


Extremely dangerous

4) at the moment of danger occurrence:



5) according to the duration of exposure to the hazard:




6) for the object of negative impact:

Effective on humans

To the natural environment

For material resources

Complex impact

7) by the number of people exposed to hazardous effects:



by size of impact zones:





9) by type of impact zones:

In room

Operating in the territory

10) according to a person’s ability to identify danger with the senses:



11) by type of negative impact on a person:



Danger is characterized by intensity and duration: O (x, y, z)=f (I, t).

Sources of danger in the technosphere Current state of residential areas of the technosphere in Russia

Production environment: machines, technical devices, chemically and biologically active objects of labor, energy sources, unregulated actions of workers, violations of regimes and organization of activities, as well as deviations in the microclimate parameters of the working area.

Traumatic and harmful factors are divided into: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysical.

Incident- this is an event consisting of a negative impact causing damage to human, natural and mat. resources.

Emergency- an event that occurs short-term and has a high level of negative impact (major accidents, natural disasters).

Emergency- the state of a territory or water area, usually after an emergency, in which there is a threat to life and the natural environment.

Accident- an incident in a technical system that is not accompanied by loss of life, in which the restoration of technical means is impossible or economically infeasible.

Catastrophe- an incident in a technical system, accompanied by loss of life and missing persons.

Disaster- an incident associated with a natural phenomenon on earth and leading to the destruction of the biosphere, technosphere and death or loss of people.

Safety- the state of the object of protection, in which, when exposed to all flows of substances, energy and information, their values ​​within it do not exceed the maximum permissible values.

4. Criteria for comfort and safety of the technosphere

Safety criteria for the technosphere include limiting human exposure to harmful and dangerous negative factors:

1. Maximum permissible levels (MPL) of undesirable effects on humans of various types of energy flows (mechanical, electromagnetic, thermal, ionizing);

2. Limit doses (MD) of undesirable effects received by the human body during the active influence of negative technogenic factors (electromagnetic, ionizing);

3. Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of toxic and (or) pollutants undesirable for humans;

4. Maximum permissible emissions (MPE) into the atmosphere, as well as maximum permissible discharges (MPD) into the hydrosphere, volumes of toxic and (or) pollutants undesirable for humans and the natural environment;

5. Maximum permissible time for a person to be exposed to negative factors in the technosphere without a threat to his safety;

6. The maximum permissible risk of exposure to negative factors in the technosphere without compromising human safety and the state of the natural environment.

The main meaning of safety criteria is to preserve human health and life by protecting him from harmful and dangerous factors in the technosphere.

Comfort criteria are aimed at ensuring normal, comfortable well-being of a person, regardless of the nature of his activity. An important circumstance that serves as the basis for classifying a particular parameter as a comfort criterion is the fact that normal human life in the complete absence of this parameter is generally impossible, since this is the physiology and structure of the human body. The most important criteria for comfort for a person are the following parameters of his living environment:

1. The energy balance of a person with the environment, which includes energy costs for performing labor activities and thermal parameters determined by various types of heat exchange.

2. Parameters of the microclimate of the human environment, closely related to its energy balance. The comfortable state of the living space of premises and territories in terms of microclimate indicators is achieved by complying with regulatory requirements. As comfort criteria, the values ​​of indoor air temperature, humidity and mobility are set.

3. Lighting parameters of the human environment, including the level of illumination, the spectral composition and level of pulsation of lighting, the contrast of the object of observation, the spatial location and brightness of light sources, etc.

4. Ergonomic parameters of the living environment, characterizing the degree of adaptability of the shapes and sizes of surrounding objects in the technosphere to the size of the human body, the convenience of long-term use of the following objects: elements of urban infrastructure, buildings and structures, the interior of premises, furniture and utensils, production equipment, technological devices, working tools, vehicles, etc.

5. Parameters of human information processing, characterizing, first of all, the physiological capabilities of the human body to perceive and comprehend information signals coming from the external environment, as well as forming an adequate response to them. The determining factors are the volume and speed of information presented, the form and frequency of information signals, the complexity of human information processing, the required speed and form of response to external influences, etc.

6. Parameters of a person’s work and rest, ensuring the maintenance of his normal health, activity and long life expectancy, high efficiency of work activity. They include a person’s performance during the working day and working week, length of working hours, guaranteed rest periods during the working day and working week, duration of annual leave, etc.

The following states of interaction between man and the technosphere are possible:

Comfortable (optimal), when flows of matter, energy and information correspond to optimal conditions of interaction: create optimal conditions for activity and recreation, guarantee the preservation of human health and the integrity of the components of the living environment;

It is acceptable when flows, affecting humans and the environment, do not have a negative impact on health, but lead to discomfort, reducing the efficiency of human activity. Acceptable interaction guarantees the impossibility of the emergence and development of irreversible negative processes in humans and in the environment;

Dangerous when flows exceed permissible levels and have a negative impact on human health, causing disease during prolonged exposure, or lead to degradation of the natural environment;

It is extremely dangerous when flows of high levels in a short period of time can cause injury, lead to death, and cause destruction in the natural environment.

5. Fundamentals of labor physiology and comfortable living conditions in the technosphere

The nature and organization of work activity have a significant impact on changes in the functional state of the human body.

Physical labor is characterized primarily by an increased load on the musculoskeletal system and its functional systems (cardiovascular, neuromuscular, respiratory, etc.). Physical labor, while developing the muscular system and stimulating metabolic processes, at the same time has a number of negative consequences. First of all, this is the social ineffectiveness of physical labor associated with its low productivity, the need for high physical exertion and the need for long rest.

Mental work combines work related to the reception and processing of information, requiring primarily tension in the sensory apparatus, attention, memory, as well as activation of thinking processes and the emotional sphere. This type of work is characterized by hypokinesia, i.e. a significant decrease in a person’s motor activity, leading to a deterioration in the body’s reactivity and an increase in emotional stress. Hypokinesia is one of the conditions for the formation of cardiovascular pathology in people with mental work. Long-term mental stress has a depressing effect on mental activity: the functions of attention (volume, concentration, switching), memory (short-term and long-term), and perception deteriorate (a large number of errors appear).

In modern work activity, purely physical labor does not play a significant role.

In accordance with the existing physiological classification of labor activity, there are: forms of labor that require significant muscle activity; mechanized forms of labor; forms of labor associated with semi-automatic and automatic production; group forms of labor (conveyors); forms of labor associated with remote control, and forms of intellectual (mental) labor.

Physical severity of labor- this is a load on the body during labor, requiring predominantly muscular effort and appropriate energy supply. Classification of work by severity is made according to the level of energy consumption, taking into account the type of load (static or dynamic) and the muscles being loaded.

Dynamic operation- the process of muscle contraction, leading to the movement of a load, as well as the human body itself or its parts in space. In this case, energy is spent both on maintaining a certain tension in the muscles and on the mechanical effect. If the maximum weight of manually lifted loads does not exceed 5 kg for women and 15 kg for men, the work is characterized as light (energy consumption up to 172 J/s); 5...10 kg for women and 15...30 kg for men - medium weight; over 10 kg for women or 30 kg for men - heavy,

Comfort- the optimal combination of microclimate parameters, amenities, livability and comfort in areas of human activity and recreation. A comfortable state of living space in terms of microclimate and lighting of the working area of ​​production premises is achieved by complying with regulatory requirements.


In new technospheric conditions, biological interaction has increasingly begun to be replaced by processes of physical and chemical interaction, and the levels of physical and chemical factors of influence in the 20th century have continuously increased, often having a negative impact on humans and nature. The root cause of many negative processes in nature and society was the anthropogenic activity of society, which failed to create a technosphere of the required quality both in relation to man and in relation to nature. Currently, in order to solve emerging problems, a person must improve the technosphere, reducing its negative impact to acceptable levels.


1. “Life safety” P.P. Kukin, V.L. Lapin, Ponomarev N.L.

2. “Life safety” Belov S.V., Devisilov V.A., Kozakov A.F.

3. Labor protection. Devisilov V.A.

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The increase in the number and scale of consequences of accidents and disasters in the technosphere in recent years is due to:

Introduction into production of new technologies that require high energy costs and the use of substances hazardous to human life;

Violation of economic ties in technological chains in the context of unfavorable changes in the economy;

High level of depreciation of fixed production assets;

A decline in technological and production discipline, as well as in the qualifications of technical personnel;

Accumulation of production waste that poses a threat to the environment;

Reducing the demands and efficiency of supervisory authorities and government inspections;

high concentration of population living near potentially hazardous objects.

The priority scientific problems in the field of natural and technogenic security of Russia today can be called the following:

Identification and assessment of natural and man-made hazards of the territories of the Russian Federation and zoning of territories according to the degree of risk from natural and man-made emergencies;

Generalization and development of theoretical and practical foundations for the analysis and management of complex risk from natural and man-made emergencies;

Improvement and development of federal, regional and departmental systems for monitoring, forecasting and assessing the complex risk of emergency situations;

Creation of a unified state system of information support for risk management using new GIS technologies;

Development and implementation of a set of effective measures to prevent emergencies in regions of the Russian Federation that have high values ​​of complex risk indicators;

Improving the system of training specialists in risk management.

Main security issues. Security theory is a field of knowledge that synthesizes a number of scientific disciplines related to the natural and social sciences. The main goal in the field of safety is to ensure the protection of people and the environment from excessive danger. Based on the fact that a security measure can be considered average human life expectancy at birth, The goal of security is: maximizing the life expectancy of people under certain restrictions on changes in the state of the natural environment. To achieve this goal, it is accordingly necessary to reduce man-made, natural, socio-economic and military dangers.

The safety of any activity for each person and his environment, as well as for society as a whole, must be considered taking into account all economic, social, and environmental consequences. Accordingly, decisions made within the framework of this activity must be based on the relationship between the dangers and benefits of this activity, taking into account the social preferences of society, its economic capabilities and limitations of technogenic loads on the environment necessary for the purpose of its conservation for today and future generations . Insufficient understanding of the economic aspect of ensuring safety leads to the fact that decisions in this area will be determined more by ideas about the potential risk to humans and the environment from a particular activity than by a balanced assessment of the benefits and dangers of this activity. As a result, the negative factors of an activity, which can lead to damage to humans and the environment, are given much more attention than the positive ones that bring benefits to society. As a consequence, decisions made in this area will be much less effective than might be expected.

Quantifying hazards and safety. Currently for To quantify hazards, risk units are used. The term “risk” is understood as a value that includes the following quantitative indicators: damage from exposure to a particular hazardous factor; probability of occurrence (frequency) of the considered hazardous factor; uncertainty in the magnitude of damage and probability.

As units quantitative measurement of safety It is proposed to use two components:

The value of the average expected duration of the upcoming
human life at birth (HLL) as an indicator of health;

The degree of proximity of the state of ecosystems to the border of their sustainability or to the maximum permissible environmental loads (MPEL) corresponding to these borders as an indicator of the state of the natural environment.

Obviously, the extension of life support clearly indicates an increase in the level of safety in society. However, life expectancy will be a sufficiently adequate measure for measuring the level of safety only if longer life is accompanied by an increase in the well-being of society, i.e. growth in real income per capita, the level of education of society and the satisfaction of other needs that characterize the quality of life.

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